Naruto: Shogunate (character thread)

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Dec 15, 2015
So here is where your character will go of course. If you have any questions about the limits of your chosen class or anything at all please ask. Here is an example but feel to add or subtract info you thing isn't necessary.


Name: Kawasawa Gira (required)
Class: Samurai, Ronin (required)
Age: 32
Height: 5'9
Weight: 150lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Distinctive Features: scar along the back of his head.
Weapons: Katakana, Wakzashi (required)
Skills: exspert swordsmen, chakra control, chakra focus (into blade), chakra stamina boost, horseback riding. (required)
Bio: once a samurai for lord Tanagai, he served him faithfully until his lords death in battle. His son blamed Gira and banished him and the man became first a farmer, then a wondering mercenary and a badit, ofgeribg his seord in exchange for gold.
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