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Stealing a stolen Heart (Persona 5 rp) [Applepoisoner&I]

"Okay, Makoto, I'm counting on you." Akira said, nodding as he turned to Tae, "Tae, let's hurry, I don't think Sojiro will take kindly to having a bleeding guy in his café without an augument."

"Really bad biking crash, said he couldn't risk going to hospital." Ryuji said, overdoing it quite a bit on trying to be convincing, "Something about not wanting too much publicity...."

Ann could tell that Sojiro wasn't buying Ryuji's hasty explaination, and was about to jump in when Sojiro huffed and waved them up the stairs with a curt, "Well, get him upstairs before he bleeds all over my floor.". For a brief moment, Ann thought she heard Zero snort faintly with amusement even though he was unconscious. Which she found kinda spooky. Still, she was reeling from what happened today. Watching someone almost die before her eyes definitely shook her.

"Thanks, boss." Ann called, ushering everyone whom stayed with Futaba and Makoto up the stairs to attic, "And we're sorry about this!!"
Makoto hadn't been sure if too much explanation would seem suspicious, and thus let Ryuji and Ann handle it. She and Futaba helped Zero up the stairs and laid him on the old bed Akira had used ages ago. Makoto rolled up the blanket and propped Zero up under it as per instruction. Meanwhile, Futaba kept pressure on the wound. The younger girl sat rigidly and stared from the wondow to the rest of the group.

"I hope they get back here soon. I don't know how much blood he's lost already."

"More than he should have." Makoto admitted apprehensively. "But the clinic isn't far, if I remember correctly. I'll stay until the others get back.

This made Fataba smile, but she kept a firm grip on the wound.

Tae quickly unlocked her clinic to find her phone already ringing off the hook. Instinctively, she went to reach for it, but remembered what a hurry they were in and decided the machine could get it. She packed a few more things into a black bag, as well as stowing the entire first aid kit in it and headed back toward the door. The whole process took her less than five minutes. "I hope your firends didn't try scrubbing at the wound." She told Akira. "Not that I don't trust them, it's just a thing people do that tends to open them more." She and he headed back toward Lablanc at a brisk trot.
Ann kept the guys downstairs as Haru came back with snacks and water. Neither understood why thinfs had happened the way they had, but they knew that they couldn't stand by while someone needed help. However, Haru had this weird certainty within her heart that Zero would not only survive this, but come back much stronger. It alarmed her but belayed panic she felt.

"I'm certain he'll be okay." Haru spoke up with a certainty she didn't feel as she set the supplies she'd gotten by Makoto, "He must be stronger than we know since it seems he has extensive knowledge about that Limbo place."

A thought occured to Haru after that statement.

"Knowledge that he gathered while fighting all alone there....."

Her hand found itself on Futaba's shoulder, squeezing slightly as she looked at Zero. The thought of fighting anything alone scared her, but knowing he must have fought tooth and nail to survive on his own gathering the info he'd shared with them put things in a whole new light. They owed him for helping them in more ways than they knew. They couldn't just leave him to fight alone now.

"I'm unsure how...." Haru spoke, giving both Makoto and Futaba a worried smile, "But I have the feeling he's gonna need our help and friendship in the future."

"Hopefully, only the girls are involved." Akira replied, his voice abnormally tense as he led the way, "I trust my friends but we've never dealt with something this serious before. We need to hurry if we're gonna save him."

His mind kept going back to Akechi's sacrifice. Something about the situation with Zero made his skin crawl with how much it paralleled. Something about it felt all wrong, but he wasn't sure why. Still, he intended to save Zero, no matter what. They would all save him.

"You already have, dear Trickster...."

He skid to an abrupt stop as he found Lavenza waiting for them. He wasn't expecting to see her again, but now that he had, he knew something was up. Shock asode, he was glad to see her again. Now wasn't the time to stall, so he forced himself to move again while subconsciously taking Tae's free hand.

"You and the Phantom Thieves have given Shinn a gift that has greatly changed his Heart." Lavenza said seriously, falling in step with him and Tae, "Plus, his journey has changed, becoming intricately connected with one of the Phantom Thieves. To lose one would mean possibly losing both."
Futaba tried to smile as well, still remaining at Zero's side. She took the canned juice Makoto offered her and hesitated for a moment before cracking the pop tab. "He fought all by himself for who knows how long...But he knew me the whole time, I think. I wish he had known about my role in the Phantom Thieves earlier..." She shook her head and raised a few fingers to her face. "It's kind of a double edged sword."

"You mustn't think about that now." Makoto urged. "The point is, he figured out you had a hand in the Thieves, and trusted you enough to contact you about it. How did you know him?"

Futaba explained just a little about how he had contacted her, leaving out a few major details. She didn't like omitting things from Makoto, but she wasn't sure if Shinn would want her to reveal everything just yet.

Tae slackened her pace when Joker had, but didn't see anything. Something certainly seemed to catch his attention and he caught her hand up in response to it. "Uh...Are you alright, Akira?" She hoped all the stress and exhaustion wasn't starting to get to him. The other kid would take enough time, and she barely knew him.
Maybe it was because Futaba talking about him, but Zero stirred a bit. However, it was just long enough to where his head rested in Futaba's lap after some struggling and a bit of colorful if not incoherent swearing on his part. The swearing wasn't aimed at anyone in the attic and seemed innocent enough. Yet one thing he had said had been coupled with a pained wince. It was only a question, but one only Futaba might have understood.

"Why did she leave me behind after I promised to protect her?"

"Huh?" Ann said as she joined the rest of the girls, a can of juice in her hand too as she tilted her head, "Who's he talking about? And who's this "she" he's referring to?"

"I will be once He's okay." Akira said, barely giving Sojiro time to move clear of the door of Lablanc's before he went busting in with Tae and Lavenza behind him, "The longer we wait, the more likely we are to lose him."

The depth of concern he had for Zero was totally unexpected and uncalled for. He hardly knew him at all. Yet, it felt like he was moments away from losing a brother he just met. That was something he wasn't having. He did not want another death resting on his conscious. Akechi's death was hard enough to accept.

"Looks as if the girls took control of things." He said with slight relief, Lavenza leaving his and Tae's side as the rest of the guys grimbled amongst themselves, "Kinda glad for that. I was worried Ryuji might put salt in His wound."

"I shall go and attend to the deeper part of Shinn's wound as best I can." Lavenza spoke, her long hair flying behind her as Morgana's wide eyed stared followed the Velvet Room attendant for Akira as she dashed up the stair, "Shinn's time runs thin.... We must not delay if we are to save him."

"Yo, Akira..... Wasn't that......?" Ryuji started to ask, his left thumb pointed in the direction Lavenza went before noticing the stormy expression on Akira's face, "Neeeeevermind, I'll ask later...."

"Its your show now." Akira spoke, letting go of Tae's hand as he gently pushed her in the direction of the stairs in the back while wanting to do something to keep himself from screaming bloody murder, "Make it a good one..... Phage."
Futaba stroked the hair of the head in her lap, hanging on just about every word she could make out. Her teeth were on edge waiting for confirmation one way or another. It took her a moment to respond to Ann's question. "I...I'm not entirely sure...I think, maybe..."

Akira and Tae bustled in, and she thought to move, but Tae held her hand out to stop her. "Just scoot your legs over a bit, and we'll get started." Tae couldn't help a half-smile when Akira used her new code name. She lifted his blood-plastered shirt clear of the wound and took a few things from her bag. She handed Futaba two pills and instructed her to give them to Shinn. When Futaba looked confused, she just told her. "Just put them in his mouth and rub his throat, sweetie." She didn't even turn her head to look at the young girl as she spoke.

She cleaned the wound with alcohol wipes and took a sterilized needle from its case. The doctor had counted her lucky stars that she'd invested in natural thread that wouldn't need to be replaced. She stitched the wound as quickly as possible; 1, 2, 3, eventually it amounted up to 11 stitches. She used another swab to clean them and wrapped a cotton pad in gauze and secured it around his waist. The whole thing looked a little awkward, as Shinn hadn't set up, but it looked clean enough.

"Normally, I might suggest the reintroduction of blood, but we don't have the equipment here." Tae sighed. "He might be a little anemic for a while. I've got some iron supplements I can give him until he can produce more of his own."

"So...He'll be okay?" Futaba asked, still holding his head.

"He should be." Tae nodded and tried to give her a reassuring smile.
"At this point.... It's a wonder I'm not permanently anemic...."

That was Zero regaining somewhat full consciousness at a completely unexpected time. His right hand automatically, not to mention slowly and shakily, shot up to his face only to land on one of Futaba's hands. It was an accidental thing, but he didn't bother moving his hand away. Probably was because he didn't have the strength to. Besides, something in him wanted the connection and hoped Futaba wouldn't object too much to it.

"I understand the sense of unease in the air...." He continued as Akira looked on slightly bemused, "But why does it smell like wet cat in here?"

"That's mainly because Ryuji dumped a pitcher of ice water on me just for fun." Morgana griped, shaking himself and spraying all the girls and Zero with water droplets from his fur after hsaping on the bed on front of Ann whom sat with her back to the window, "Anyhow, i have some questions I'd like answered...."

"Mona!!" Ann cried indignantly, shielding her face with her arms as the droplets hit her, "Don't do that!!"
"Well, it was funny." Futaba laughed quietly, allowing Zero's hand to rest on hers, and even entwining their fingers just a little. "I've got to give Ryuji that much credit."

Tae's expression remained surprisingly deadpan as she wiped her face with her sleeve. "Hilarious. But the questions will have to wait. Right now, you should drink some broth and try to get some actual sleep. You'll need to build your strength back up. The tablets Futaba had you swallow were for the pain, but if you try and fight again too soon, you could risk tearing your stitches out."
"Yes, Mistress...." Zero replied, making himself sound like a smartass even though his eyes said he was taking Tae very seriously, "I shall do as you command."

It was worth it though, as he saw Akira's eyebrows figuratively ricochet off the rafters with how high he raised them. He had to make an effort not to laugh, which hurt as he felt the stitches pulling. That actually wasn't a bad thing, since it killed his desire to laugh at Akira's reaction. Thank fate for small favors.

The funny thing was, Akira was focused on Zero's and Futaba's hands. If he hadn't known better, he'd think they were a couple whom had barely survived a mugging turned stabbing. His thoughts turned to what Lavenza had said, and some of it suddenly made sense. He was left wondering just how much of what he was seeing was genuine.

"Oh!" Haru said, pulling out a thermos she'd brought with broth in it and offering it to Tae, "I brought this just in case we needed to give him something when he came to. I hope that's okay."

"I've got to run." Ann said, looking at her phone as she read an email that she just received, "My manager has a Photo shoot lined up that I've gotta clean up for. Keep me updated, okay?"

"Will do." Akira said as Zero seemed to take realizing Futaba's entwining of her hand in his in stride after noticing it, going so far as to lightly kiss the back of her hand as if he hadn't been taken completely by surprise, "I'll message yoy if something changes."

He had to give Zero some, but not that much, props for playing his surprise and subsequent embarrassment off so calmly. Although, something in Zero's expression had softened as he kissed Futaba's hand. It almost seemed like Futaba had a calming effect on him.
Although Tad was a bit taken aback by Zero's answer, she wouldn't allow herself to telegraph it She smirked knowingly and rested her hand on her hip. "Now that's what I like to hear." She turned to face Haru when she offered up the thermos. "That's such a thoughtful thing to think of. It's just what he needs."

If one were watching carefully, they would notice Futaba's face gradually blush deeper and deeper. But she didn't pull her hand away.

"I've got to get going too." Makoto resigned herself reluctantly. "I'll start looking through those files and report back. Take care everyone." With that, she departs.
Zero's hand tightened slightly in Futaba's, his face contorting for a second in pain as he felt a spasm go through him. Whatever had been given to him apparently hadn't been as effective as anticipated now that Zero was conscious again. Still, it knocked the sharpest parts of the pain out. Which was something Zero could live with.

"I don't think it's safe to leave me alone....." Zero said, looking around as Morgana left behind Makoto, "No telling what may happen. Plus I think the guy operating this place hates me already....."

"He's right." Akira spoke up, adjusting his glasses as he tried without much success to ignore how red Futaba's face had gotten, "Leaving him alone would be bad, plus I don't want to give Sojiro a reason to boot him out on the street."

"I'll work once I'm recovered enough to...." Zero said adamantly, making Haru jump a bit with how forceful his conviction was, "I've nowhere to go anyway besides to Ryoji Kazuhira's place and I'd sooner burn it completely to the ground....."
The color left Futaba's cheeks, and determination filled her sparkling eyes. "Sojiro is a lot of things, but he would never abandon someone who needed help." Her words were heavy with experience, and she looked to Akira to confirm. "That being said, leaving you alone would definitely be a bad idea. Who knows what could happen. So, I'll stay here."

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Tae asked gently, looking the skinny girl from her head to her sneakers. "He's going to need a lot of help doing pretty much everything for about a week. And that's less time than most people would need."

"I don't exactly have a lot going on." She admitted.

"Well, okay. But you know where the clinic is if there's an emergency, and Akira has my number. Okay?"

"Okay. And thanks."
"Careful....." Zero warned, his tone catching Akira's attention as he gave Futaba's hand a squeeze, "There isn't a location barrier to prevent you from calling forth your Persona. If you feel an emotion strongly enough, your Persona is gonna start responding to it."

Akira nodded in affirmation to Futaba's words but looked at him sharply with surprise. He wasn't joking, his expression was about as serious as one could get and not have it start looking evil. That tidbit made Akira start wondering just what had happened to them in Limbo.

"What would happen if a persona did appear?" Akira asked, to which Zero shrugged.

"Depends on how strong and developed the Persona is." Zero replied, managing with difficulty to sit up slightly, "Anything tier I wouldn't do much. Tier II would result in something like a low grade earthquake with no significant structural damage. Tier III or IV...... Goodbye city block."

"Satanael...?" Akira started to say.

"Tier IV.... Even with you restricting it. Look, I'll explain all this later when I don't feel like I'm gonna hurl." Zero sa

"Alright, but I'm holding you to that." Akira stated as he took Tae's hand, "Let's get going, Tae, we can come back tomorrow and check on him."
"Uh, yeah...sure." Tae muttered, grasping his hand. She seemed immensely uncertain about all of this; How could you tell what level a persona was? What level was hers? How could something manifest from emotion and cause physical damage? All these questions and more weighed on her mind as she walked alongside Akira.

Futaba had finally let go of Zero's hand and taken the thermos Haru had brought. "I'll go make you some broth, and maybe some tea. You should try and relax." Despite her reassurances, Futaba clearly had a lot on her mind as well. The thought of Persona in the real world really frightened her, even if she didn't want to say it aloud.
"Lets head to your place." Akira spoke after seeing Ryuko, Yusuke, and Haru(leaving just before he and Tae) had left as well while Morgana patted back up the stairs, "I really didn't think about where I would stay before coming back."

As he walked with Tae across the café, he could feel the residual energy from one of Zero's Persona. It just took a brush of his mind to discover it was Kaguya, but a much stronger and different one that his Kaguya Picaro. It was then he realized why he saw no blood on the floor when he and Tae got there. Zero's Kaguya had completely haltes the bleeding even though Zero was unconscious. Thus, proving what Zero had said about Persona.

"This is beyond what I was expecting...." He breathed, squeezing Tae's hand tighter.

Relaxing wasn't something he usually did, but he understood the necessity of it now. He couldn't do much without risking the stitches on his chest breaking. Plus, he hated sitting about on his butt. Made him feel as though his senses were clogged. Sitting about usually got him thinking about the friend that vanished a few years ago.

"Why do I feel like I'm in a maze without an exit?" He asked, a wave of hopelessness hitting him as he lay down again.

<New destination added> Beeped the Nav app on Akira's phone, which made him look at his phonr with alarm.

"Wait... What new destination?" He asked aloud, but somehow knowing with absolute certainty and dread it was related to Zero.
(OOC: It's been way too long, I'm sorry.)

"This has all been beyond what I was expecting" Tae sighed, squeezing Akira's hand in response. "I know what I saw when you brought down the metaverse.." She walked a little more leisurely, just enjoying the physical break. Everything had been all running today, and she hadn't worn the right shoes for it. Just then, the alarm on Akira's phone went off, and she stopped as he checked it. "What kind of catastrophe are we dealing with now?" Her sigh was already heavy with exasperation.

Futaba closed her eyes and continued to brush her fingers over Zero's hair. "It doesn't have to be so overwhelming now. You don't have to do it alone anymore. Akira's a really great leader and a great guy, and all the others know how to stick together too. And...And you've got me."
((No worries, I didn't mind waiting.))

"I have no idea.... But It's bigger than we realize..." Akira replied solemnly, feeling like everything was against him and his friends again, "I'm not sure how this will end or if it will, but we gotta get ahead of this somehow."

It was rare for him to seem down, but he was. Yet, he put it behind a mask. A grin came onto his face, which blossomed further into a genuine devil-may-care smile that he knew she'd recognize. He had an idea but it could wait. Right now, he wanted to ensure she was okay.

"Lets hurry, looks like it could storm soon." He said, nodding in the direction they were headed before looking at her, "I'm happy I came back to see you and everyone."

<Shinn's pov>

"Maybe, but I can't bring myself to trust what you say...." He said, torn between leaning into her stroking his hair and recoiling, "How do I know anyone will be there or even care when I need them the most?"

"You don't." Morgana said as he hoped up on the bed and curled into a ball by his head, "If people care enough, you won't have to worry about if they will be there for you, they will be. Akira taught that to me."

It was hard for him to imagine anyone wanting to help him, since he'd had to help himself for so long. The concept was almost alien to him. But he couldn't deny the fact he was tired of fighting alone. He wanted someone, anyone, next to him. Even an annoying talking cat would be fine.

"I've been Zero for so long I've forgotten how to be Shinn Kazuhira." He grumbled, raising a hand as if to brush away Futaba's hand but stopped himself, "As Zero, I didn't care what someone did with my hair but as Shinn, anyone touching my hair was liable to be hit with whatever I got my hands on. I'm not even sure which personality is my original personality, the one the introverted son of a lunatic or the extroverted combatant who seeks to destroy everything that same lunatic has built...."
His grin was infectious, and Tae knew there was nothing in her cabinet that could inoculate against it. Her lips curled into a matching grin, and she shut her eyes. "I don't know how you manage to smile during stuff like this. And more impressively, how you manage to get others to smile along with you. I don't have a clue what's going on, and I should be terrified. But, it's hard to be afraid, seeing you look so cavalier about it."

She stopped in mid-stride and pressed her soft, painted lips to his cheek.

Futaba scoffed and stopped brushing her fingers through his hair. She couldn't help but be a little off-put by his words, even if she understood where he was coming from. She had tried to be there for him as Shinc, despite her own hardships. And she was trying to be here for him as Zero. Finally, she calmed her mind and could speak from experience. "You're both, at the same time. You don't have to choose. Under the...uh, persona, of Zero, you can do the things Shinn has wanted to do all along. But Shinn doesn't have to just go away so that Zero can exist. They're a part of each other. Even if they feel like two different lives."
Akira returned Tae's show of affection with one of his own, right before he playfully popped her on the nose with the pen he knew she carried on her that he'd lifted off her as she kissed his cheek. It showed he'd honed his skills as a thief further while he was away. Just as a hobby, he wasn’t one to do it for any self-profit. Besides, he often was teaching people about how to avoid it. Which was a huge benefit to how he handled his mild PTSD from.

“I love you too.” He said grinning, eyes gleaming with mischief as he held her pen out to her, “But lets try to be more discreet with public displays of affection, okay? Dunno whom may be watching.”

He’d slipped into his Joker persona for a second, head on a swivel looking for anything out of place as he let the smile he had drop a little. He was very on edge, even moree than when he and his friends defeated the that mad god. Something was bothering him about this. Whatever it was, it was making his skin crawl. Which meant he really wished that Tae wasn't involved in in now.

“What do you think his chances are of not being permanently crippled?” He asked, looking at her as they approached her clinic.

//Shinn’s POV//

“Even if one would willingly kill someone else on the belief that it would save others.” He said, making the implied question in his words into a statement as he closed his eyes.

His head was spinning, feeling as if he would be sick if he didn't wrangle himself in. Part of him wanted to run, but he had nowhere to go. Nothing to hide behind to hide the fissures opening within him. Falling apart seemed like a distinct possibility. Yet, he refused to break into pieces.

“Every so often, my ears will start ringing and my heart starts to pound.” He sighed, suddenly feeling the weariness his body held in it as well as the fever that was slowly building, “That worries me a bit….”
All the warmth in Tae's body left her at his suggestion they keep things on the lown low. She got chills thinking that someone might be watching them in real life, outside of Limbo. The smile dropped from her face, and she clutched his hand. "Well, if he doesn't run off and do something stupidly strenuous right away, I'd say pretty good. But if he over experts himself, his stitches could tear and become infected, or worse. So, I guess it's up to him." Something about that assessment didn't seem fair, but it was all she could say. She took the pen and slipped it back int o the pocket of her lab coat, relinquishing his hand reluctantly.

"They're natural reactions." Futaba whispered like a rustle of leaves. "When you're well again, you can sort through them. In the meantime, just rest. You have friends to watch over you." She raised her hand to continue stroking his hair, but thought better of it and let it drop like a lead weight at her side. She wasn't so good at comforting. Or at least, she didn't think so. It had come easily with Akira, because he'd comforted her first. And they had Sojiro between them. It was all just easier, but she couldn't let Shinn just drift like this.
"That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" Akira asked, his expression thoughtful and almost unreadable as he tucked his hands in his pockets, "Although, He doesn't seem like the type to go out on a limb for anyone without being somewhat suicidal about it."

His own words were admittedly cruel and judgemental, but he meant them in a matter of fact way. Zero hadn't given much for them to consider him trustworthy. On the other hand, they owed him for getting them out of Limbo, plus protecting Futaba. Zero was, as he had to admit, a enigmatic cipher that was hard as hell to crack. He needed more than what he knew to figure him out.

"One thing I find I do know is that He needs us in ways we don't know yet." He stated, nodding as he gave Tae that devil-may-care grin again, "I intend to be there when he's ready. And I fullu intend on catching up on the time I gave up not spent being with you when I left a year ago."

//Shinn's POV///

"I never wanted to have friends....."

His words, though blunt and tinted with humor, were kinda bitter. Not really self-pitying but definitely self-depreciating. Which was clear-cut Shinn no matter how one shattered the mold. As Zero, his actions weren't weighted down by morality. As Shinn, his actions felt like weights on his conscious. Two sides of the same coin.

"I wanted to have family."

Despite knowing better, he leaned up and kissed her for the briefest of moments. Right on the mouth and without warning.

"You have no idea what just one act of kindness can mean to a broken soul like me." He finished as he settled again, noticing Morgana gawking at him with his jaw seemingly bouncing on the mattress in shock, "And you've done more for me than you know."
"That's what I think I fell in love with." Tae admitted, something a little sad in her own smile as they walked. "I knew it was stupid, with you being so much younger than I. I even felt a little guilty about it. But then you could do things a guy your age couldn't normally do. You'd say something, and it would happen. I know adults who aren't even that reliable. we are." She gestured to the front doors of her clinic. "I can still come back here, thanks to you."

Futaba couldn't move or speak after he'd kissed her. She'd had a response prepared, but she'd forgotten it as soon as their lips made contact. Something about family... And then he'd continued.

"But you're wrong again." Futaba whispered. "I do know. I might not be here if someone hadn't reached out the first time. It's like, I've needed a chain of kindness to pull me out of a dark well. And now, I think I'm kind of a link too. We...I won't let you down."
“I couldn't have done it without you.” Akira said with total conviction as he followed her, shrugging nonchalantly as he grinned, “Your medicine saved the lives of myself and my friends more times than I can adequately express.”

He was right too, since her medicine had saved Ann from being killed by Shido’s Shadow. It had been close, and Ann and Yusuke had been taken completely out of that fight due to Ann’s heart needing to be restarted but Tae had helped to save Ann's life. He was grateful for it every day since. That moment had scared him worse than any other moments he’d had until then. He relived it on occasion when things really got tough.

“Most adults aren't able to see past their own faults.” He added as he held his hand out to her as he walked up to and opened the door to her clinic, “Their unreliability lies in the lies and the fantasies that they surround themselves in. Sometimes they just are too wrapped up in themselves to do much good.

Anyway, come on, we have some catching up to do, Doc.”


“Show me…..” He whispered, his body finally ejecting his consciousness from the waking plain as he took her hand.


With him asleep, Morgana shook himself out of his shocked expression. The cat was still trying to recover from watching the sleeping person kiss her but he knew he didn't trust him yet. There was too much not known about him to really trust him. He’d watch him and make sure he didn't take any more liberties going forward. The guy wouldn't get away with what he did again.

“You want to spend the night, Futaba?” The Cat asked as he noticed Shinn had left Futaba room to lay down as well, “I can watch him for the night if you want to head home.”
Enchanted, Tae took his hand and followed him into her building. "All that time spent inside people's hearts has made you very insightful." Sometimes, it seemed that the things he was saying ought to be the drifting thoughts of someone much older, over a glass of whiskey and water. She was glad he could see them now. It only meant there was room for growth beyond anyone's expectation.

Futaba sat and pondered it for a moment. "I think I should stay, just in case he needs something that requires thumbs. I'll just..." She looked around and spied the sofa. "I can just crash on the sofa. It should be okay." She wriggled free and stood alongside the bed, looking down at the sleeping young man. "He does look cozy."
“It helps when you can empathize with others easily.” Akira said as he kissed her to cut off any response she may have had, shutting the door behind her as he took her in his arms.

He wanted to make sure he made up for the long separation he put them both through. She deserved as much from him. Especially since he had missed her terribly during the whole time he was away. Every part of him wanted her to know how much he missed her. Now he finally could show her.

“I wouldn’t say no to another through examination.” He said as he pulled back, flashing that devil may care grin again as he touched her cheek.


“I’m sure he is.” The cat said stretching before batting a paw at Shinn’s face tentatively, “But I’m still on the fence about trusting him. I’m almost willing to bet things will turn out like…..”

Morgana cut himself off, almost saying that he expected Shinn to pull the same things that Akechi did. Not that he meant it. It just struck the cat that Shinn could be leading them on. The wound he gained a ploy to gain sympathy before tearing them apart. He wouldn't stand for it.

“Go ahead and lay down.” The Cat yawned as he looked as his fellow Phantom Thief, “I’ll make sure he regrets it if he tries anything on you.”
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