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Stealing a stolen Heart (Persona 5 rp) [Applepoisoner&I]


Forgotten Dark Phantom Knight
Dec 21, 2016
Somewhere you can find me
((I'm placing things a year after the game if that's okay. That way we have a relatively clean slate to work with. I'd like the Phantom Thieves to meet up and go through a fragment of Ryoki Kazuhira's palace so that Shin is introduced to them since he's already in the palace.))

<Hello, Phantom Thieves. The sins of Pride and Wrath commited by a man named Ryoji Kazuhira must be brought to justice. His heart has become distorted and rotten by his actions of abusing that of his kin of blood. So, I, The dark Revenant Zero,
ask that his heart be taken. Consider this a challenge among thieves. Should You obtain his treasure before I, I would yield to you by offering my expertise. Should I obtain his treasure, his life will be extinguished by my own hands. I shall await you response atop Sky Tower. Ryoji Kazuhira's treasure is open for the taking. But to delay will result in it's lost. Act swiftly, as time is not on your or my side.

"Vanish!!" He shouted, hitting the shadows before him with a Megidolaon before finishing of the survivors with his two Desert Eagle handguns, "Not even worth my time."

His current persona, representing his bond with one Yu Narukami, let out a rumbling scoff before vanishing. He definitely understood the the persona's agitation, even though it technically was his own amplified, since none of the shadows he'd encountered really gave him much of a fight. No, not even a fight, it was more like smacking around someone whom had no real means of inflicting so much as a scratch on someone else. It was almost comical if not for the fact it was so depressing. At least he was getting some modest amounts of Yen from the shadows he was attacking.

His mind went back to that online calling card he left for the "Phantom Thieves of Hearts" he'd heard so much about. He felt kinda stupid calling them out like he had, but he'd grown tired of that monster's actions. It was high time their tune changed. It would make his life easier. There was still that monster's legacy to deal with. Not to mention the return of this Metaverse place. He needed help to get to the bottom of this.

"A Reaper among Thieves?" He pondered, turning to evade a shadow he was intimately familiar with by now, "I could get used to that.... But for right now. Rise, Izanagi!!"

It had been that online calling card to the Phantom Thieves that dragged him back to Tokyo after a year. He wondered how his friends were, having had Shojiro tell Fubata to have everyone whom could meet him at Cafe Lablanc. It had been a while since he'd seen them all. Yet, this wasn't the time for idle catching up. There was business to attend to.

"You sure about this, Akira?" The blue eyed cat in his bag asked as it sat on his shoulder, "I mean, I'm all for defending our honor as the Phantom Thieves but we aren't even sure this Zero person is telling the truth or if our friends are even able to help."

"I'm sure, Morgana." He said, opening the door to Café Lablanc to see just a few customers, "You saw it, it was a direct challange to us. Plus that Navigation App on my phone that disappeared a year ago when the Metaverse vanished is back again. We have to figure out why."

"True, but enough of that for now." Morgana said excitedly, almost hopping clean out of his bag as the cat saw their friend Futaba Sakura, "Look, there's Futaba!"
Futaba had grown a lot in the year prior, looking a little more like a woman and a little less like a girl every day. Not that anyone could tell under her sweatshirt and heavy jeans. The hood had been drawn up, and a pair of cat ears flopped about. As she raced down the alley toward them, it slipped off and her orange hair flew free. "Hey! I found my key item!" She sang out the little bar of music from Final Fantasy when something is unlocked and threw her thin arms around Akira. Burying her face in his side, she smiled up at him from beneath her thick glasses. "I know we're here on business, but I had to get that out of the way. I missed you."
"Missed you too, Futaba." He said, patting his fellow Phantom Thief and resident hacker on the head as Morgana let out a laugh, "Man, have you changed... I like it."

He wasn't kidding either, as he turned to give her an appreciative hug. Of all his friends, he cherished Futaba the most. She was like a younger sister to him, so he'd went out of his way to check on her the last time he was here. Although, his thoughts occasionally drifted elsewhere at times. Still, it lifted his spirits to see one of his friends again.

"Yo, Akira!" Another voice called, which he instantly recognized as Ryuji as he stepped back from Futaba, "It's great to see ya!"

With Ryuji came, Ann, Yusuke, Haru, and Makoto. Seeing each of his friend heartened him greatly. It had been only a year, but it felt a lot longer. They, in a way meant everything to him. Not a day went by that he didn't think of everything they went through last time they were together.

"Alright, now that everyone's here." He said, regarding everyone with a rebellious smirk before entering the Café with everyone following, "Onwards to business."
(OOC: I don't mind moving some of the others around so you don't have to work everyone.)

"Oh man, I have missed business." Makoto smiled, looking ready for battle again. The old spark filled her eyes, and she looked like a Queen once again.

"Indeed," Yusuke smiled politely. "Though of the many things I have missed about our little cabal, business is perhaps the least."

"Aw, Inari! I've missed you most of all." Futaba laughed, throwing an arm around Yusuke's shoulders, knocking him off guard and bringing a small bit of color to his cheek.
(OOC: Thanks, that would help me a lot. Oh, sorry if my posts are a touch lengthier than yours. I've gravitated into longer writing longer posts lastly.)

"Aw, for real?" Ryuji asked with a disappointed look, "What about me, Futaba?"

"You're too loud to miss." Said Morgana with a cheerful snort, "I bet people can hear you a block away."

"Shut it, Cat." Ryuji barked with annoyance, only for Ann to smack him in the back of his head, "Ow, what was that for?!"

"Geez, they're back not even a day and you and Mona are at it again." Ann said as she adjusted her purse on her shoulder, "It's almost like they never went away to you. Oh, Futaba, you look amazing."

"Yes, I barely recognized you." Haru added, smiling as Futaba as Akira found a place in the very back of the Café for them all to sit at, "It seems you've changed the most out of all of us."

"Alright." Akira said, sitting in one of the booths with Ann next to him, "Reacquainting with each other will have to be cut short. We'll need information on this Ryoji Kazuhira in the message to us..."

The Chat system on his phone pinged, and by how Ann, Ryuji, and Haru reacted, apparently it was sent to everyone. It alarmed him slightly, as it would mean that someone had to have hacked into their phones. Yet, it didn't seem that way. Whoever it was was quite bold in doing this.

"<So, if you all are taking this seriously, I imagine you have all gathered by now.>" He read off, looking about as he finished, "<The Keywords you'll need to get in Ryoji Kazuhira's are "Kazuhira Arms and Forge" and "Fortress". Consider it a gift of good will.>"

"Wait, who are you?" Ann sent from her phone, "Why should we trust you?"

"<Someone neither with or against you.>" The unknown person replied almost instantly, <What reason would you have not to trust me? Nothing I type could convince you to believe me completely. Besides the fact that those Keywords are how I reached Ryoji Kazuhira's palace, that is. Oh, I should also say if you really wanted to discover my identity, it would be rather easy to do. Right, Alibaba?>

This caused Ryuji and Ann to snort with surprise while Akira gave Futaba a questioning look of curiousity and worry. This was a new development that could be bad. He wasn't sure if it was good that the unknown person seemed to know Futaba somehow. They'd have to be careful.
Futaba shrank inwardly from the compliments, drawing her knees up and resting her chin on her knees. Suddenly, her phone emitted a tone that meant someone was trying to hack it. She made a few motions and allowed the message to come through. She lowered her knees and raised her eyes to look at the rest of the Phantom Thieves. The spark returned to her eyes as well upon hearing her old name. "If he's leaving himself open to it, then I can find them. But it could be a trap. If he makes it too easy...I don't know."
"Smells like a trap to me." Ryuji grunted, dropping his phone on the table, "I ain't buyin' it."

"Maybe, but I don't think it is." Akira said, still regarding Futaba as he thought things over, "The way they put's like they're making their identity out to be common knowledge."

'Shin Kazuhira, the son of international Business owner, Ryoji Kazuhira of Kazuhira's Arms & Forge, was listed as missing today after an anonymous group claimed responsibility for the massive influx of death threats against the young teen's Father. Shin is known as an avid spokesman against the business his father runs and has vehemently refused to take over despite being the only legitimate hair to the business empire. So far the only clue found in relation to the teen's disappearance were three Tarot cards, identified as the Fool, Death, and Forture tarot cards respectively......'

The news report on the television cause his attention due to the names that were said. A businessman meant some decent opportunities of money. Also, this Shin person sounded familiar to him somehow. It may have been in passing but he knew he'd heard it be before. It confused him as he thought about it.

"<'If you’re going to challenge. Even if it’s faint, there is light. Even if it’s an uncontrollable reality, there’s a chance so don’t miss it.'>" The person sent, catching his attention again as Morgana moved to Futaba's lap, "<color=#A9A9A9]That's a phrase someone told me once during my introvert phase a few years ago. One I live by, you could say. To me, it relates to challenging something seeming impossible to overcome. If there is a small chance to take one's own fate in their own hand, I'd do it without regret.[/color]>"

He didn't say anything, but as everyone regarded what the unknown person had sent, he started to suspect a personal stake was in play. The person seemed to know that they were together. It struck him as very odd. Plus it seemed the person was able to get into Ryoji's palace easily. Something didn't seem right with the picture.

"Let's see this new palace." He said as the unknown person's ID vanished, "Maybe we can find this Zero as well. Futaba, see what you can dig up in the meantime."
"I think I've already got the scent of someone..." Makoto thought aloud, resting her finger beneath her chin.

"If you're smellin' what I'm smellin', then I'm already on it." Futaba piped in, gazing into her phone screen at the new message she'd recieved.

Both she and Makoto seemed to be on the same page as far as clues were concerned;

-This person specifically called for Ryoji Kazuhira to be taken down.
-They seemed to rail especially hard against him, indicating that they have a personal stake in his dealings.
-And they have enough time and resources to have tracked down and contacted the Phantom Thieves outside the forum.

But why Zero? Did it have something to do with him personally? Or was it another clue placed there to guide the hand of the Phantom Thieves?

Futaba chose her words carefully as she typed her reply.

Are you within Arm's reach of Ryoji Kazuhira?
If you are asking if I can get close enough to personally poke him with something, the answer is no, I'm afraid. Ryoji Kazuhira is of a paranoid sort whom only relies on the counsel of his own mind. No one gets close to him unless he wants them there. I've heard of him only through his inner circle of business associates and have no desire to be acquainted with him personally. You could consider me something of a business competitor of sorts.

The response took a minute to pop up, but only on Futaba's phone. Akira noticed this but didn't say anything since he figured Futaba would say something if it was important. Still, he felt as though this person was being rather evasive. Just like Futaba had been before awakening her persona two years ago. Only, he seemed substantially better at it.

"I think this is a prank." Ryuji said, huffing as a serious look crossed his face, "But this guy did call us out...."

"I say we go." Morgana said, regarding everyone with a stern look, "We might figure out whom this Zero person is while securing an infiltration route to this Kazuhira person's treasure."

"I agree, but we should proceed with caution." Ann spoke up, shaking her head as she was on a similar wavelength to Makoto and Futaba, "We don't have a clear picture of what we're up against."

"It might be best if I went in alone with you supporting me." he said, adjusting his glasses as he looked at Futaba from under his frizzy bangs, "I can't shake the feeling that whomever this Zero is knows you somehow. If we all go, it just might cause undue friction."
"I don't like the idea of you going in without physical backup." Makoto cautioned.

"Well, we have the key words." Futaba countered. She too was unsure if it were such a wise idea, but hadn't known Akira to be wrong about much. "And I'll be monitoring him the whole time, so I can contact you guys if things really go south."

"I suppose it would be easier for just one of us to get in and learn the lay of the land. Perhaps even mapping out the best route to the treasure." Yusuke added.
(Ooc: Setting up for a reunion with Akira and Tae.)

"Yeah, one person going in can sneak through better than eight." He stated, acknowledging Yusuke's statement while interlocking his fingers with his elbows resting on the table, "Still, should I need support, Makoto, Yusuke, you're up along with Ann."

Ryuji, about to object, was smacked in the back of the head by Ann again as she nodded with a determined look. Haru, nodding too as he glanced her way, seemed distracted and worried about something. Making a mental note for later, he nodded to himself before regarding everyone. Once again, he marveled at how everyone had changed since he left last year. It was with great pleasure that he had them with him again. Things were as they ought to have been before.

"I'll make a quick stop to the Clinic not far from here for some medical supplies." He said, a clear indication that he was done discussing things as Morgana looked at him with amusement, "I'll be back as soon as I can."
(OOC: Yay!)

"Right." Makoto nodded. We'll be on standby. Futaba, let us know if we're needed and we'll use the keywords wherever we are and meet out front of the palace."

Yusuke nodded. "Right. I'll be ready when the time comes." He stood and straightened his clothes. "But for now, I should go and prepare my portfolio. The gallery I'm submitting to is expecting my new work soon.

"I should go too." Makoto added. "I've got some homework to take care of."
After everyone left, Ryuji and Haru going off together which he found interesting, he ran right to the clinic nearby. Morgana, thankfully, had opted to stay with Futaba for reasons he didn't care to devulge. Which was fine, since he wasn't too keen on seeing someone with a mouthy second conscious. It was better for him, in a sense, as it would make things easier for him.

Not that what he was doing was easy. Seeing someone he'd been been intimate with again after a year apart was scary. Still, compared to some of the other things he'd done, this was arguably a piece of cake. Regardless, he was nervous and it showed. His palms were sweaty.

"Hello?" He called after he entered, looking about cautiously as he took in the familiar layout of the clinic, "Dr. Takemi?"

"Hey, Futaba?" Morgana said as he rubbed at one of his ears, "Do you know this Zero somehow? You seem distracted and worried."
Tae Takemi had been entering data into her computer behind closed doors, muffling the voice from the front. She stood with a sigh, her heels clicking across the tiled floor as she went to answer.

"Yes, can I-" She began before answering the door. When she saw who it was on the other side, she was stunned. When the shock of seeing him again had faded, she smiled. "Well, if it isn't my little Guinea pig. It's wonderful to see you again. How have you been? No long-term side effects from the testing, I hope."

She stepped toward him, trying to determine how she was feeling. On the one hand, they had been apart for a year, and in addition, he was so much younger than she was. And on the other, he had beaten all the odds and had made her like him in a way she wasn't sure she could like anyone again. She deemed it wise to play things easily, rather than whip up drama. For all she knew, he could've met someone by now. But if so, why come back to her?

"I don't know exactly." Futaba admitted, stroking Morgana's back. "But I had a suspicion that it was... Well, that it was Shin Kazuhira. But it doesn't seem to be coming together the way I'd thought. Maybe I just didn't ask the right questions." The young hacker looked pensive and tried to muster some confidence, but her supply seemed rather low.
"None whatsoever." He said with a smile, showing her the dog tag she'd given him before he'd left that he kept on a necklace he started wearing, "If anything, I feel healthier and more energized than before."

It was a bit of a white lie, but nonetheless true. Since the tests she'd done on him, he had noticed he'd felt better than he had before. Morgana had noted the change too but had stayed quiet about it. Which was good, as he didn't want another button mashing incident to happen again.

"Sorry for my bluntness but I'm wondering if you were still willing to sell some medicine to me." He said, a slight frown distorting the smile on his face, "Also, I was wondering if you'd want to go somewhere and catch up on things sometime."

"Oh?" Morgana perked up as he arched his spine into her strokes, "Was this Shin important to you? You never mentioned him before."
"Go somewhere sometime and do something?" She smiled. "Gee, you know just what to say to a girl. Alright, I'll sell you the medicine. But I thought you and your friends, well, took care of the problem as a whole. Have things picked up again?" Her face grew darker with concern as she stepped toward him and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack the last time around. Tae cautioned, and embraced him. "Try not to get in over your head."

"I don't really know him." Futaba admitted, stopping her strokes for a moment and resting her head in one hand to think. "Or, at least I don't think I do. He seems kind of familiar, but I don't think he's a cracker I've met before..."
"Wasn't intentional." He affirmed, embracing her in return as a weight seemed to lift from his shoulders, "And I thought we had, but it appears things weren't as they appeared."

He'd been thinking about it too. After he left with Morgana, everything had been fine. The Metaverse had disappeared, he had his freedom back, friends whom he knew he could count on, a chance at a new life. Yet, nothing had prepared him for that calling card for the Phantom Thieves. Nothing had given him warning that that which he thought had ended would return.

"Don't worry, I'm not that reckless." He stated, not caring to tell her about that one time he took a swan dive through a stained glass window located in Sae Niijima's Casino Palace before he was arrested, "I'll be careful not to take any unnecessary risks."

"Maybe so, but we'll need to be conscious of the fact he somehow knows you." Morgana said, looking at her as he stretched, "If possible, we need to draw him out to learn more about him."
"Excellent," She smiled and stepped back. "then we'll get you set up with everything that you need." She stopped just outside her office door. Her grin grew wider and she winked. "And then we can figure out the something to do somewhere."

"You're right." Futaba admitted firmly. "He may have just figured out a lot through my reputation, but he got my contact information from linkage with my phone. Which means he could know practically everything about me...about us."
The smile he had turned into a pained wince for the briefest of moment as he followed her but he expertly hid it. He honestly wasn't sure how long he was gonna be staying. Realistically, he planned on staying until the business with this Zero character was done. However, the more he thought about it, the more he started to think there was more going on than he knew. That brought out the rebellious side of him that wanted to discover what was happening.

"Yeah, would you care for Sushi when we're done here?" He asked, his hands going into the pockets of the jacket he wore.

"True, but didn't he link with everyone's phone?" Morgana asked, concern and shock coloring his voice as he recalled this Zero person talking to everyone, "He would know everything about everyone."
Takemi offered a tiny smile. "Well, I don't have any appointments this afternoon. I suppose I could be convinced to close up for a while and take a lunch break, for once." She laughed and pulled a key from her lab coat pocket. She unlocked a refrigerator lined with racks holding viles and containers of powder. "Give me just a sec."

She took a few scoops of the powder, sifted it into pill-shaped molds and added a couple of drops of water to each. "I haven't had to make these in a while. It'll only take a minute." She took the mold back to a little box that looked like an E-Z Bake Oven on steroids. Sliding the entire thing in, she waited. "There'll be about twelve in this batch, but if you think you'll need more, you can come back and I'll have them set up for you."

After about three minutes, the little oven dinged and she used tongs to remove the mold. The pills popped out easily and she tumbled them into a plastic bottle. "Okay, here you go. The usual."

"It's worse than you might think." Futaba admited, having stopped petting Morgana all together. "If he was able to get into my computer, which I don't know if he was, I have files on everyone. They're encrypted, but a good cracker could untangle them."
(OOC: Okay, Action time. Basically, we're gonna have three areas to work with. The Real World, the reconstituted Metaverse, and the place Shin/Zero dubs Limbo. Limbo is where the real world and the Metaverse essentially are the same. Shadows, if enough strength is gathered, can attack anyone they encounter regardless of whether they can fight back or not. It's like a middle ground where Reality and desires are blended until they are unrecognizable. Also, sorry for dropping this on you.

While in Limbo, Persona-users will attract Shadows like someone ringing a dinner bell. This means that Tae being around Akira has endangered her as she was dragged into Limbo with him. Flip side is she'll have the chance to manifest a Persona if you want her to. Plus, Shin/Zero is speaking to Akira as Futaba would if she was using her Persona.

Thinking all the group ends up in their Metaverse outfit/forms and immediately decide to find Akira. This could lead to a confrontation with Shin's Shadow if you want to play it that way. Sorry for the length too.)

He took the bottle of medicine thankfully moments before he staggered from a sudden headache. He caught himself on a chair, sitting down abruptly as he felt something in him and around him shift drastically. He wasn't sure why, but he felt a heightened sense of danger around him. Just on the fringe, but slowly growing in strength like a heartbeat. It worried him to a great extent. Plus his stomach turned over, threatening to make him sick.

"Just give me a second." He said, Resting his head on one of his arms as he felt Satanael defending him against something he couldn't quite understand or make out in his mind, "Started feeling queasy all of a sudden."

Shit, You gotta move, Now. You and the person with you just got dragged into Limbo. If you must know, that's the cognitive place between the Real world and the new Metaverse. You don't have time to ask questions, move now. If you have anyone with a Support type Persona, now would be the time best time to contact them and have them link to you and me. They'll be able to summon their Persona now.

Wait, how.....?

If you'd get your ass moving and actually survive this, I'll tell you what I know after I come to you. Until then, Motherfucking move. You don't want to get stuck in that enclosed space with the Personification of Death itself.

Fine, but I'm holding you to your word.

Curse me after you survive. Electronics will be sporadic in their operativeness.You're in a weak area of limbo at the moment so any electronics should work regardless.
Make any prep you need to make but don't take too long. The shadows are gathering for a rush of your position. I'm thin them out if I feel you're taking too long.

As he stood up again, his casual clothes changed. It didn't take him but a second to recognize his outfit as his Phantom Theif outfit. His weapons, the knife Paradise Lost and the pistol Nataraja, were tucked in their familiar places on his person. It was as if he had come back to something he missed. The thing he realized he was missing was his mask.

"Tae, You'll gonna have to trust me. Get what you can and stay close to me." He said, a surprisingly serious tone in his voice that belayed how worried he was for her safety, "Something is happening that I can't explain."

He managed to send Futaba one message before his phone unexpectedly shut off.

Look for this Zero guy. I believe we're gonna need his help.

Morgana let out a yowl of surprise as he changed from his cat form into the form he had in the Metaverse right in Futaba's lap. It was surprising, and as he looked at Futaba, he realized that they had to help Akira. He knew where the clinic was, so he could lead the way there. However, the Nav app on Futaba's phone beeped with directions to the school. What the world was happening?

"I'm not sure about what is happening but we gotta find Akira." He said, clearly shaken about what was happening.
Takemi started to feel off-balance as well, as though she had an inner-ear infection of some kind. She grasped the side of her head and braced herself. The last instance of the metaverse had brought everyone in for a few minutes, but it hadn't felt anything like this. Last time, Tae wasn't even aware of the change until she'd looked at others.

Even if that had been the case now, she would have seen Akira's clothing change before her very eyes. She looked down at her own clothing, which had not changed. She listened to what Akira had been saying, trying her best to retain it all through her panic. From the fridge, she took a few vials and the container of powder and placed them delicately into a first aid box containing a few other things she thought she might need.

"I still have no clue what's going on," She told him solemnly. "but I have a feeling we'll need some of this." A knot started to form in her stomach, but she pushed it down, knowing she was in a world that didn't follow the rules she was unfamiliar with.

Futaba looked down as Morgana changed right in her lap and felt the familiar formation of her meta-gear around her, including the goggles strapped to her head. Panic jangled her nerves, but was overpowered by her need to protects those involved. She stood, allowing Morgana to jump off her lap first. She brought up the conversation with Zero, who had been confirmed.

"Do you know what's going on with the metaverse and reality? Our team needs more support. I'm on my way now."
[Zero's POV]

"In shorthand speak, yeah...." His voice came from behind Futaba, masked by a voice distorter in his helmet as he pocketed his phone which had beeped with her message, "Putting it shortly, we aren't completely in the Metaverse. We're in what I call limbo."

He couldn't help but feel like some self-absorbed person with his metaverse outfit. It set a bad taste in his mouth since, to him, it reeked of royalty and hypocrisy for what he fought for and against. If he could change it, he would do so without hesitation. Still, he knew it spoke of his character. There was a nobility to him that the outfit embodied.

"Like I told what'shisname, survival will get you your answers." He stated, a nervous edge in his voice as Morgana readied a curved sword, "Right now, being on the move is the best bet. Also, if I intended to attack, I wouldn't have opened my mouth, Cat."

"And how are we to know if you are really Zero and don't intend to attack us later?" Morgana demanded, standing between him and Futaba.

"I may have hacked your shit but I didn't touch anything I didn't have any real reason to." He said cutting, waving the tone Morgana had off as he regarded Futaba, "I may be a thief and hacker by trade and hobby, but I do have a sense of honor and pride. I only steal from those who gained their positions and wealth by ill mean. If that sentiment makes me a crook then I'm no better than that Shido asshole from a year ago."

[Akira's POV]

"Good thinking. We'll definitely need that stuff." He said, nodding in approval as he held his hand out to her, "Let's get going before something turns up."

He looked around, unsure what to do but not willing to leave Tae alone. The notion of getting to the school popped to the front of his mind. It was a start, but they had to find a way out of this "Limbo" the Zero person had mentoned. Plus, he wasn't sure if he could summon a persona without his mask. His third eye was as sharp as ever though, so he started making good use of it.

"I sense something coming..." He said, eyes narrowed slightly as he moved to what by the exit, "It doesn't seem that strong.... Geez I wish Oracle was here....."

It was a while since he'd said the code name for any of his friends. Right now, he was wishing that he'd brought Futaba with him. It would have made determining enemy positions a cinch. It also brought to his attention the growing dependency he'd developed on her support. It was disconcerting to him even with how level headed he was.
Despite their size difference, Futaba felt much safer with Morgana standing between them. This guy looked and sounded like a villain from an anime, and she wasn't sure if she was completely willing to trust him just yet.

"But for the time being, we have no choice." She spoke aloud, half answering Morgana and half finishing an internal argument she was having with herself. "You know where... Where Joker is going, and you've got to get us there." Determination flashed in her eyes. "I'll provide support as best I can. Let's get going!"

Tae was lost. All of this was going way out of her league. She wished she knew what action to take from here. If there was one thing she hated more than anything, it was losing control of a situation and feeling helpless. But for the time being, she would have to rely on this young man, Akira, to know what was best for both of them.

"Where should we go?" She asked quietly and as calmly as she could manage.
[Zero's POV]

He nodded, turning and walking away out of the Café. He wasn't expecting them to trust him. In truth, he wasn't sure he wanted them to. They had to believe him though, at least partially, if they wanted to know what was going on. It wasn't easy to explain and would take time. Time that for some reason he knew he didn't have.

It was tough, due to having to double back a couple dozen times to avoid fights, but eventually he was forced to rip the mask off a shadow they'd snuck up on and ambushed in the subway station of Shibuya. It took the form of Oberon, which didn't seem too happy. He didn't care either way. It was going down regardless.

"Witness my resolve!!" Morgana shouted, calling Mercurius with a flourish as he used Garudyne the shadow, "Take this!!"

"You missed!" He called, using his own persona, Alexander, to use Heat Riser on Morgana, "Still cool and go at him again!!"

[Mona's Atk/Def/Hit/Eva up]

His call of encouragement distracted Mona, whom was downed consequentially by a Maziodyne from the Shadow. He knew he'd be blamed for it but he would deal with that later. The shadow, he noticed, used Matarukaja on it self to increase its Atk instead of capitalizing on the opening. Something he inwardly huffed about as he shrugged off the Maziodyne without much of a scratch.

"Alright, Kaguya!!" He called, raking his left hand over the visor of his helmet as Alexander changed into another Persona, "Don't worry, I got your back!"

"meeroew, Thanks...." Morgana grunted, getting back up as he begrudgingly had to concede that He wasn't some wimp whom would cut and run at earliest convenience and instantly concerned by him displaying a similar power to Joker, "Hey, we could use a weakness analysis, Oracle!"

[Akira's POV]

"Lets get to the Shopping district. I'll feel better once we're there..." He said, taking one of her hands in one of his gloved ones and squeezing it, "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

There was a part of him that was hesitant, as if he knew it was a promise he wouldn't be able to keep for long. Still, he would do his best to protect her. He couldn't fathom what would happen if something were to happen to her. His mind wouldn't consider the possibility. He cared too strongly to think about it.

~Slight time skip~

He heard the start of a fight in the Shibuya Station and saw what he thought may have been the rest of the Phantom Thieves run down the inoperative escalators towards the sounds on the opposite side of the area he and Tae were in. Initially, he was gonna avoid the Subways due to the tight confines but something was making the nape of his neck prickle while drawing him there. Just like the time Akechi made himself go psychotic in an attempt to kill him. It made him feel nauseous to think about.

"That's convenient.... I was looking for someone to fight."

He whirled around with Paradise Lost in his right hand but couldn't do much beyond defend as he was kicked down the stairs of the subway entrance Tae and he were next to. He flipped in midair, landing on his feet on a railing and sliding all the way down to the platform below as a young guy whom seemed a few years older than him followed after gesturing for Tae to go to him. It wasn't a positive confirmation, but as he was kicked, he thought he saw that the guys eyes were golden-yellow like a person's shadow. If it was a shadow, he was in trouble.

"What's the matter?" The persona asked, glaring coldly at him as the person held an iridescent purple hand and a half sword in his right hand and what he, Akira, could tell was a replica of a FN Five seveN, "Summon up your demon. I can sense the limitless potential in you. Don't keep me waiting....."

"Tae... Run... Now!!" He said, pointing to the platform on the other side of the tracks not knowing there was a fight going on on that side as well, "Don't wait for me!! Just go!!"
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