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Ansatsu Kyōshitsu: Bye Bye Yesterday (Athene & East)

Nagisa blinked as she pulled away and had to lean against the wall for a moment to think. It wasn't exactly sobering, only time would do that, but he did have to agree that he didn't exactly want to regret anything the next day.

Nagisa looked over himself for a moment, he was feeling braver than usual, and it wasn't just the fact that he had been drinking. It had honestly started earlier today when he had left the school.

Confidence was something a little more rare in Nagisa's life. It was something he had struggled with, and lost several tirmes but today was one of the rare moments where he seemed to have it in spades.

He looked at Megu, nodding slightly. "I had a crush on you, back then."

Maybe not the most obvious crush, or anything, but he had always liked the way she had taken charge over the others in their class as president. The job for 3-E must have seemed like a joke to anyone outside of the classroom, and yet she still managed to get things done, and she had been cute back then as well.

He looked into her yellow eyes and nodded. "I wouldn't regret this. I don't go around doing this type of thing at every opportunity. Since the day's in 3-E you are the first person I have kissed, and well... you would be the first if we went any farther. So I think you can take that as my assurance that I have no idea what I am doing."

"I don't know Koro~Sensei's sexual education program was very informative." There was a slight chuckle, their former teacher had been a romantic himself, but when it came to those matters they talked about in school he had been sheepish, if a little too thurough like any school program he had been told the basic's of condoms and such, though Koro~Sensei had even gone into what condoms were made of, and how they were produced on the market.

"Then again that may be the problem. Irina would probably have been the better teacher." As he got up to follow Rinka, Chiba couldn't exactly help but chuckle.

Honestly not much was known about the international assassin and what had happened to her after leaving Japan. At least Chiba had never managed to find her phone number, or any contact information. She was probably one of the professionals that they could use on a case like this.

Walking into their bosses office to present the paperwork their former PE teacher Tadaomi Karasuma looked at the two with his signature glare for a moment.

"In the future I expect you two to turn off your radio's before you plan your after work activities. If the new relationship gets in the way of your proffessional work ethic, than I will be forced to devide you and assign new partners." he held out his hands to take the paperwork reading over their accounts settling the matter of their plans after work. In truth it was fine that the two had a relationship, even an assassin wasn't disallowed a home life after all. But there was an issue to be had if they couldn't keep it in their pants at work.

Reading over the accounts he looked at Rinka for a moment. "You got lucky. In the future remember that you are a sniper, your job should be concluded at a minimum safe distance." He put the paperwork down, the mention of Megu's name was certainly interesting, and he would probably want to conduct that interview personally. Checking up on one of his old students wasn't exactly his usual plan, but it could do well to have her see someone friendly.

"I think you did the right thing." He said in regard to letting Megu go. "But next time do try to take more of a statement, It may be traumatic but by tomorrow her story may have changed slightly."

"For now.. you two clearly have other plans than sticking around here, so get out."

Good. At least he wasn't the kind of drunk that got easily offended or angry. Those were far too common nowadays. And in Nagisa's case, he would have been one of the more deadlier types, particularly with the skills he possessed. So it was definitely a relief to find he was still his calm and more rational self.

"Well, I .... wait, what? Really?"

Nagisa had ... had a crush on her? Seriously?

Maybe you should have asked Bitch-Sensei for more help with reading guys. Goddamn.

To say she was irked was an understatement. All at herself, but still. The fact was, she failed to pick up on any of these cues, and that in itself greatly annoyed her.

"I honestly thought it was Kaede. I know she definitely had a thing for you." Her head quickly shook; he just confessed he'd liked her. That should more than suffice.

"A-Anyway .... maybe other things I'd be fine experimenting with. Not sure about giving myself fully to you tonight, though. But umm ... " Peeking at the time on her cell phone, she noted how long it had been since she ordered food.

"Preferably with keeping most of my clothes on, if doable? I can't - shouldn't, rather - answer the door half or fully nude."

It really was pretty greedy in its own rights. But Megu hoped that if he had reacted well enough with her pulling away from the kiss, Nagisa could do so with her 'conditions', as they were.

"Maybe too good," Rinka quickly quipped, chuckling at the thought of Irina teaching sex ed. It was both arousing and just a bit unnerving. That had been her expertise, after all; to use the simplest of things as an assassination technique. From simply playing the piano to simply speaking with people. Of course, different tones and tons of innuendo had been used from when she saw her last.

Some of the other girls had picked up on those talents.

Not Rinka. She'd stayed with her sniper side .. and honestly preferred using those methods more than seduction.

Funny how some things never changed. Even someone like Hayami still froze up slightly as she found herself staring at Karasuma's stern expression. And that was before giving him the papers.

It wasn't simply because he was their boss, nor that he used to teach him, though both of those certainly made it easier to have such an effect on the female sniper.

No. He'd always had a commanding presence and high amount of charisma. Both of those helped him be one of the best teachers Rinka - and likely Chiba - had been instructed by in all of their school years.

"Sorry, sir," she replied, holding her wrists behind her back after somewhat unhappily giving the papers over.

... Well, the part about her being too quick to move went far smoother than she'd expected.

And just like that, they were dismissed. Far faster than she'd thought. But hey, Hayami would eagerly take that while he gave the green light to them.

"Yes, sir. Night!"

It took every ounce of willpower for Rinka to not giggle in front of her boss. Even though he'd bee very serious, something about the way he worded knowing they had made plans to go out had been amusing .... at least a little bit. That may very well just be her own slightly warped humor.

It was just now a new part of whom Rinka was. She'd keep quiet, only speaking once the elevator doors closed.

"That .... went way better than I feared. Whew."

Nagisa nodded slightly when she asked him if he was being serious about his crush on her. When she mentioned Kaede having a thing for him he was slightly taken aback even stepping away from Megu for a moment.

"She never told me anything." He said shaking his head in disbelief for a moment. It wasn't that Kaede hadn't been an option, the game kiss marry kill came up once or twice in the class, and he was always between the two girls, but not once did he really think that either would take him seriously considering he was short.

He shook it off. "It doesn't matter if she did, we ended up just being friends." He said nodding slightly.

As for experimenting and what that would look like Nagisa was starting to get a little lost. He almost asked her why she wanted to keep her clothes on, but when she mentioned food he nodded, even he wasn't drunk enough to dare her to answer the door in such a revealing position.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I really want to do something. So i guess for right now... you get to take the lead on what you want to do. I don't really have any experience at this point." He wasn't entirely sure what she was implying, but he knew full well that she seemed into this idea. His own experiences came more from mandatory text books than anything else. He didn't even really masturbate all that often.

Chiba was pretty sure it had something to do with the time, and when the two of them stepped out of Tadaomi's office he was quick to pick up the phone and get to work. If he had to guess the two of them had gotten lucky and this attack was causing their boss a few additional nightmares.

Though the way he spoke Chiba was definetly able to relax, though not completely under the mans gaze, he doubted there was anyone alive who could relax when Tadaomi's glare was upon them.

Walking back to the elevator Chiba pulled out his phone to help google a few things. In particular love hotels in their area. Japan was pretty well loaded with them, and only a handful were actually sleazy back rooms like the name 'love motel' implied.

Though the whole theme thing could often be a little chuckleworthy. A lot of these places had various themes like dungeons or aquarium, but the ones he was looking at were a little more natural.

He paused finding one and showed his phone to Rinka. The room he was showing her was marked avialable in the app on his phone, it was one themed to be more outdoors with a set up of glass lined displays that were either like a zoo or something in an eccentric collectors.

"It's close, like within walking distance. I figured if we picked one that we can walk too, than tomorrow we don't really have to rush to come into work cause we would already be in the area." It also meant that they could spend the entire night together even though it would be more expensive.

"Besides the glass is kinda neat, reminds me of the times we had to camp out in the country side to set up a sniper position." As the two stepped outside of the building his arm wrapped lightly around Rinka's waist pulling her into a couples embrace and walk.

Megu couldn't help herself. The moment she heard Nagisa's answer, she giggled. "Tell you? Why does it have to be a verbal thing she has to give you? Remember when she finally gave you the chocolates on Valentine's Day?"

She'd give him a moment, feeling confident that even with how long it'd been, he hadn't forgotten.

"She didn't do it simply out of obligation. Almost everyone knew she had a thing for you. Anyway ... "

It now came down to whether she wanted to try whatever had come to his mind first .... or her own. She actually had come up with a specific task she wished to try out. "Just ... no hitting home and I'm up for pretty much anything else. So, what is it you wanna try out so badly?" Megu quickly moved her head from side to side, "I'm not nervous or uncomfortable. This is just my way of making sure I - we, technically - take things at a good enough pace. I don't ... want to go too fast, you know? So ... go on."

With the green light officially given, she watched closely, curious to see what Nagisa had in store. Would he even do whatever he wished to try whilst still pinning her? Or would this happen elsewhere? Each rhetorical qusetion made her pulse quicken, filled with intrigue and anticipation.

" ... Huh. That is an interesting choice."

The distance was but a bonus. With herself and Ryunosuke having opted to become professionals, there had been certain 'givens' that came with that choice. One of which was the two of them kept in really good shape. Training had helped with that, though both worked out on their own every now and again ... well, Hayami assumed he did. She knew for a fact she hit the gym every now and again.

"Ugh. That particular day was horrid. Trust me, I haven't forgotten it. Country's not an ideal place for sniping. It doesn't have nearly enough hiding places nor decent vantage points."

A sly smile crossed her face as she wrapped her own arm around his waist, gently resting her head against one of his shoulders. "So, I'm assuming since we're going to the hotel first we're gonna have dinner there also?" It had originally sounded like they'd go out to eat first. But whatever. This was a special night; she wasn't going to be picky about the order in which things happen. Rinka did, however, want to make sure she knew what was happening. It was but one of the many curses that came with her profession; she always heavily preferred knowing every step of certain plans. There were few times she liked surprises.

Tonight would be one of the few exceptions she could even consider making.

The walk was brief, lasting only five to seven minutes. A few more ticked away due to checking in and officially booking the room.

All the while, Hayami felt her face burning. For all the things she had done, there were a good number of experiences she'd never had. Being in these love hotels was one that fell under the latter. So, even though the receptionist didn't care nor try to judge them, it was still a bit embarrassing to let themselves be seen in a public place and admit they wanted such an intimate room. Poor Rinka barely kept herself from almost literally yanking Chiba away and into their room.

Only after the door shut did she allow herself to exhale. She'd subconsciously held her breath. Apparently, she had gotten that nervous, it seemed.

"Whew. I never thought I'd get an adrenaline rush aside from sniping someone. That was ... different. So .... what'd you wanna do first, exactly? Any preferences?"

Nagisa closed his eyes and breathed out his nose, well that was a missed oppertunity, however the woman standing in front of him may have not been Kaeda but was also beautiful, and interested, and saying that they could do anything aside from penitration. It made his head spin for a moment, though he was still holding her for support, the question of where did he even start came to mind.

She seemed to be eager to follow his lead. It made his heart beat as he honestly didn't know too much about what they were going to end up doing tonight to be honest. He had never really been in this position before.

Settling on a course of action that seemed like he at least wasn't completely out of his league he pulled Megu in closer his lips tracking and finding hers in a closed embrase as he kissed her and held her against the wall. His heart was pounding in his chest, at the same time his fingers traced under the skirt Megu was wearing, and found her panties pulling them down.

As he broke the kiss, he looked at Megu. "I've never done this before. So..."

He kept Megu against the wall as he bent down taking a moment to kiss her midrift, before he pulled her skirt up, and paused as he looked at her pussy. He had seen text book depictions, watched a bit of porn, but seeing the actual thing in front of him made his mind pause for a moment. After that and with red cheeks Nagisa pulled himself closer, and pressed his lips to her womanhood. His tongue flicking against the soft pink flesh.

"I don't know if we live to an old age, I think retiring to the countryside would be lovely." Of course given their career choice it wasn't a matter of being able to afford such a place, it was the question of would they actually live long enough to retire in the first place.

Walking with her Chiba was glad that his eyes were mostly hidden from view by everything else. They kept straying towards Rinka, and he felt his cheeks heat up along with hers. He didn't exactly know what to say.

When she mentioned dinner he practically cuffed himself, but stopped. "Most of these places have kitchens attatched."

He quickly went back to the App, and checked over the place they had signed off on, his phone pinged with a notification from Ritsu 'congrats!'

"Don't forget to turn off your phone when we get there." He said stuffing Ritsu into his pocket before she could say anything too embarrassing. When they got to the room he didn't realize just how quickly his heart was beating. there were a few options to help them relax, things like music, but honestly the thing that would probably help the most. "Why don't you order us food, and I'll take a shower, than you can have a shower after me."

Girls took longer to get ready for this kind of thing right? He quickly stepped into the bathroom only to realize that there was no door, and the glass between the living room area, and the bathroom, was completely transparent. Why wouldn't it be? couples that stayed here weren't exactly expecting privacy.

With his face bright red, he started to strip, and run a bath. Originally he had just intended to shower, but it seemed this place was more like a bath house, with the tub being large enough for three maybe even four people.

So after he had stripped he decided to treat it like a bath house, and scrub himself down with soap before getting into the tub, which even had jets, this thing was basically a hot tub!

"Mmmh .... "

Megu moaned, leaning into the kiss. Even if that wasn't what he hinted wanting to try, it was helping her relax. She wasn't scared. Nervous, but in more of a good than bad way. Still, her heart was pounding as quickly as Nagisa's, and she knew there was such thing as too much of a good thing.

Megu barely managed to calm her heart before Nagisa slowly moved down.

W-What is he ... ??

When he reminded her he was about to do something he'd never tried before, Megu softly smiled. "You're not alone with that. So don't worryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Oh god!"

Her head threw back as she let out a loud, long groan.

"Oh fuck, that's so good! Ohhhhhhhhhh!"

Coos and moans began to mingle in with her noises, her body shuddering as she lightly rocked against Nagisa's tongue. All her sensitive spots were getting erect, far faster than she'd expected.

Then again, she was overdue for some decent alone time. Her job - former job now - hadn't exactly given Megu any chances. So this was quickly making up for all the missed opportunities.

"L-Lie down. Please. I ... this works perfectly with what I wanted to try anyway."

Waiting for Nagisa to get on his back, Megu would kneel down, keeping her moist slit within reach of his mouth. Meanwhile, her hands went to work on undoing Nagisa's pants, damn well nearly ripping them off. The feeling of his tongue lit up a fire inside her. Almost literally. Even during her best masturbation sessions, there had been a very small handful that got her this aroused, let alone so quickly.

But right now, she was feeling as certain an confident as Nagisa.

"I haven't done this either," she reassured him, hoping to remove any lingering anxiety. Slowly, she moved her head down, removing the last bits of boxers and pants, blushing as his cock came into view. Megu took a few moments to simply admire the shaft before opening her mouth and slowly licking at Nagisa's length.

Hayami smirked at her lover's quip. "Retiring is one thing. Sniping in said location is a completely different story. Maybe. I'll definitely consider it ... though we've got a hell of a while before that milestone rolls around."

She knew, too, the keyword wasn't so much 'when', but 'if'.

Still, no point in bringing that up. They were here to enjoy themselves.

Well ... that was the original goal. It was a bit of a relief to see Chiba's face had turned red with her. His calm nature was great, especially when they were on jobs together. But for times like now?

It made her feel much more normal.

"Umm .... okay. Any preferences for food?"

Pulling her own phone out, she quickly saw why he'd recommended turning it off. Her first thoughts had been to ignore any calls they may get. Whether the revelation was better or worse? Well, that depended on one's point of view.

"Damnit, Ritsu. Don't be so nosy," she muttered, putting her now shut-off phone on the bedside mantle.

While waiting to hear Chiba's response, she grabbed the hotel's menu and began flipping through it, looking at the various meals that were available to be brought up via room service.

Hearing Megu's cries of pleasure left Nagisa knowing he was doing something right. He was surprised that she was so vocal when he had barely begun anything. It wasn't bad, far from it he was probably going to enjoy this a lot more if she was this vocal he honestly couldn't wait to see what would happen once he actually got going.

At her instruction to lay down he looked around, they were in the middle of her apartment. However he didn't hesitate more than a couple of seconds before he was laying down on his back.

When she moved so that she was still over top of him he wondered what she was planning and as such he didn't resume eating her out immediately, rather he lifted her skirt so that he could watch her as she started to take off his pants. Her reassurances made him feel good about what he was doing so far.

When she pulled out his cock and licked it he gasped in his own pleasure, his hands digging into her hips for a moment. "Oh, that's new."

Nagisa attempted to resume his job, and started to kiss and lick her pussy yet again. As he drank in her taste he couldn't stop himself from shivering every time she touched his cock. Small moans escaped his lips every single time, which caused hot breaths to brush her sensitive skin.

"You taste delicious by the way." He couldn't exactly define it, but it was welcome. She was slightly salty, but not unpleasant and to bring his point home he made sure to find her clit with his tongue and gently suck on the sensitive nerve.

"I say we go big, or go home, get the steak dinner." They were already spending the full night here, which was already a luxury, so Chiba at this point was just like 'fuck it' we will put it all on a credit card, and sort it out later.

It wasn't exactly like either of them were hurting for cash, their profession tended to pay very well. He sighed as he scrubbed himself already feeling the day ease slightly from the pressures that they had been dealing with prior too today. He was even pulling out small bits of glass from his hair that he didn't even know were on him.

Suddenly the weight of everything they had gone through today was just hitting him, they had just survived a terrorist attack. It was one of those holy shit moments, and as he sank into the tub he felt some of his muscles relax against the hot water.

"Hey once you have put in an order, you should come join me. I know we said take turns, but the water is really good, and this tub has Jets."

It meant they wouldn't have clothing on when room service knocked on the door, but this was one of the few places where answering a door in a bathrobe was expected, there were two right next to the door for a reason.

"The good kind of new, I'm hoping?" she asked, smiling rather proudly as she got her own erotic noise from Nagisa.

More moans would pass from Megu as her virgin entrance continued getting licked and teased by the blue-haired male under her. Her own head bobbed eagerly up and down, slowly beginning to test herself. See how far down she could go without choking on Nagisa's shaft.

"Mmm .... mhmmm ... "

Juices began to leak down her thighs, steadily working their way to Nagisa's lips and mouth. The scent of her arousal started to fill her apartment. Gods, Megu was getting so soaked! Never in her wildest dreams did she think doing these types of intimate things with another person would feel this amazing.

Slowly, her hands moved forward. With his lower body now exposed, she found a curious area ... and wondered if it was as sensitive as her clit. So, sh reached down and began gently fondling Nagisa's testicles, rolling one in each hand. Megu would use a slow, gentle pace ... gradually increasing when she felt or heard a reaction that all but pleaded for her to do just that. Her own body, meanwhile, was shuddering hard. She wasn't too far off from cumming. But she was trying to wait. Even if they couldn't simultaneously climax, she at least wanted to not give in this fast.

Hayami smirked as she heard Ryunosuke reply with 'go big or go home'. "Nah. If I wanted to go home, I would have declined this date. Thanks, but no thanks. Actually, that sounds amazing. Sure."

The call would only take a bit over five minutes, and that was mainly to ensure she gave the right room number more than anything. There were a few other factors, like including a few sides and some drinks, both alcoholic and non. If he was gonna use that policy, then indeed, why the fuck not? They hadn't splurged in a hell of a long time anyway. As far as Rinka was concerned, they were very overdue for this. Not just bcause of what they survived today, though that easily played into the equation.

Thinking back on it .... they hadn't ever had a vacation. A real one, not the kind that was work-related.

Or .... if they had, she wasn't able to remember one anytime soon. Certainly not since their days in 3-E.

"Well, I'm glad you're deciding it's fine if I join you," she started to say after finishing ordering dinner. "But I'm sure you're smart enough to understand the problem with it. So .... unless you'll be fine with me leaving or you getting out, it may be best for me to wait, then join you after food arrives. Otherwise ... I'll be in soon. Honestly though? I may just .... you know what? Ignore that issue, I suppose."

The glass would confirm the very conclusion Chiba may have come up with. With deft, graceful movements, he'd see Hayami all but pulling her suit off, sighing audibly as the overcoat first came undone. Next was the tie, then the blouse, and finally her bra. Each article would be tossed onto a nearby chair before her skirt and panties were next. Within a few more moments, Rinka walked in .... feeling much more bold than even she expected.

"Anyway, I was gonna come in and suggest to think of this as training. But easier than usual. If we're gonna keep being snipers, we need to be ready for almost anything. It'd be bad to be taken off-guard ... "

Of course, she was finding even her own advice a bit easier said than done to heed, more so now that she was mere inches away from Ryunosuke's own body brushing against hers as she sat down in the tub.

" ... Okay. Fine. Seeing as I'm sorta struggling with the training idea, we just may as well get used to ourselves like this, period. Kinda makes the point of agreeing to be lovers redundant otherwise if we can't ... adjust to moments like now."

Nagisa nodded when she asked if it was good, it was very good, and as she started to take his cock into her mouth his entire body twitched. He could see that his touches was having a profound effect on Megu's body, but never in his life had he thought that a woman's mouth would feel so good on his cock.

When Megu took Nagisa's balls into her hand his entire body shifted under him for a moment, they weren't something Nagisa had ever really played with, but as it turns out they were extremely sensitive. His mind flashed white for a moment and Nagisa fell back to let out a moan as she rolled his balls in her hand.

"Careful... With those." Nagisa muttered for a moment trying to maintain his breath as he attempted to return his attention to the females body. His fingers spread Megu's pussy, and even invaded her entrance, putting one finger inside of her, he was careful not to stretch out the entrance however as he didn't know if that would be painful.

At the same time his mouth returned to it's service. Licking her clit trying to make her climax first while she resisted it. Though honestly with her fondeling his balls, his cock was starting to get rather hot against her mouth. He probably wasn't that far off from climaxing.

With his hat and hood off, and Chiba's hair wet, his eyes were for once actually visible, which meant his reaction to Rinka as she walked into the room naked and bold was very visible. His eyes widened slightly taking in all that Rinka was, tracing over things like her breasts, her legs, and everything in between.

He shivered, despite the heat of the water, and blushed like a school boy trying to figure out what would happen next though he already knew part of it. As she walked into the tub he smiled, and then when she mentioned it as training he actually broke his usual mysterious act and chuckled.

while his guard wasn't exactly down, he was sitting in a bath tub with a woman he adored, he wasn't exactly thinking about work. He moved a little closer to Rinka, pressing his lips to hers so that he could shut her up, his hand pressing lightly on her shoulder to push her back against the tub.

As the kiss broke he rolled his eyes. "This isn't about work. It's about us."

He had to admit that this was a change in their relationship, not an unwelcome one, or a natural one but a happy one to be sure. "I'm nervous too." HE said still blushing as he reached out and took one of her hands.
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