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Ansatsu Kyōshitsu: Bye Bye Yesterday (Athene & East)


May 12, 2015
West Coast, USA

It was hard some days to think that seven years had really passed. Some nights, it felt like just yesterday when Nagisa had been given the hardest graduation test; to kill their own teacher, Koro-Sensei. She didn't blame him for going through with the act. As far as Megu knew, no one did, nor should they have the right to try to make him feel more guilt than he was likely carrying.

The truth was, they had been told and warned from day one of meeting Koro-Sensei that they would have to kill him. Otherwise ... the world as they knew it would have vanished.

Still, Megu had been on the 'Save' team with her other classmates for a reason. They had all believed that maybe there was a chance, no matter how slim, that Koro could otherwise be saved. There was an alternative for everything. Surely, assassinations could have been included in that logic, right?

That wasn't how it ended up going with the class of 3-E. No one liked it ... but when the opportunity presented itself, they knew there was no choice. It had to be grasped.

Everything began to vividly haunt Megu's mind. From the silver moon beaming down on everyone to all the people sans Nagisa holding Koro-Sensei down, and even recalling Nagisa thrusting the knife down. It hadn't been a bloody assassination, thankfully. But that didn't make it any less sad.

All of the students - and even their other instructors - had cried with the 3-E pupils.


Megu panted heavily, eyes shooting open as she looked frantically around from side to side. On her bedside mantle was a digital clock, with the red digits reading 13:23 PM. Her normally neat, blonde locks had gotten slightly disheveled, her skin coated in a bit of a cold sweat.

But most of all, she glanced down and reminded herself she was no longer a teenager.

Finally, she was a woman. Twenty-one, to be exact.

"Crap!" Megu exclaimed, "You idiot! When'd you even fall asleep?! Ahhh, no matter! You have a flight in several hours! Need to get ready!"

Megu hastily slid out from under the covers and walked through her efficiency. A quick walk later, she found the room she had been seeking out; the bathroom.

Despite now being pressed for time, it'd be foolish of Megu to run and risk injuring herself. It was the only reason she wasn't running, even in her own residence. Furthermore, there was no point going in to work looking as if she'd seen a ghost; which, while it wasn't a completely incorrect excuse to say, still wasn't her style. She never half-assed anything; Megu wasn't about to begin including her appearance, particularly for her job, anytime soon.

Her hand briefly fumbled around. Once it found and activated the light switch, she stepped inside and began shedding her clothes. Her feet moved herself closer as she leaned forward and turned the water on. When she felt the temperature was perfect for her, Megu began quickly washing her body and hair.

... It didn't turn out to be a half-assed shower, but certainly quicker than usual. Unfortunately, it was one of those necessary evils.

Now that she was dressed and had everything she needed, however, Megu was definitely running. Every now and again, she pulled at her uniform, ensuring everything was still straight and tucked away in its proper place.

"Taxi!" She called out, holding her hand up high.

"Airport, please. As quickly as humanly possible, if you don't mind."

Hearing all the driver needed to, he nodded and pressed firmly down on the accelerator. He wasn't outright speeding, but definitely going faster than most other vehicles were. He'd obviously noted the urgency in her voice ... and secretly, Megu greatly appreciated that.

It wasn't what Nagisa had wanted too do, in the moment he could remember his hands trembling, his eyes watering as he had taken his first life. Killing Koro sensei had been one of the hardest things he could have done, but the truth was that it had to be done.

After what he had learned about the projects which had created and infused the god of death into becoming Koro Sensei and after learning that his body was unstable that the one year timeline wasn't so much a malicious act of destruction like they had first believed but rather his own natural passing which would just end in the worst explosion anyone had ever seen it had been a difficult choice, but one Nagisa had felt confident in making.

Confident, but regretful.

That was pretty much how the rest of his life had gone as well since the time of 3-E, walking out of his controlling mothers life, trying his best to get his own identity sorted out, and all the while quietly second guessing his life choices, and resenting the fact that no matter what he did since that day he had never grown a single inch.

Even now as he was working as a teacher trying to pass on the same type of lessions that he had been gifted at class 3-E he was starting to learn that his examples didn't really mesh well with students in a different situation.

Math was the first class for instance, and he was trying to explain triganomitry by talking about firing angles, motar fire and other basic lines, and he was getting a class full of vapid if curious looks.

It was like this in almost every class, in english for instance the phrases that Irine had left him and taught him with were all too vulgar to be used in public school.

In short... he was pretty sure he hated this job, and as much as he wanted to be the next Koro sensei he was starting to realize that the devide between teacher and student, was actually a lot different than it had seemed when he had been a student even a few years ago as he had trained to get his teaching degree.

"Thank you sooooo much. You actually did me a huuuuuge favor. Umm ... you take cards?"

When the driver gave an affirmative nod, Megu grinned, fishing her wallet out from her purse and handing her debit card over, allowing it to be scanned. "Awesome. Seriously, thank you again." Offering a bow of her head, the former representative for the females of 3-E slipped her wallet back into her purse, slinging the leather bag over her shoulders. She quickly pivoted on her feet, lamenting that in her pursuit of seeking out a feminine job, they all seemed to come with one major curse. The worst inventions ever known as high heels.

"Seriously, who was dumb enough to think these were a great idea?" she mumbled, hurrying through the airport.

Thankfully, the job had a considerable amount of perks to make up for her annoyance. One that was always helpful was being able to show her flight attendant badge and get through the crowds much easier than most other people.

Where is today's flight again? Megu inwardly mused, suddenly realizing her mind had seemed to recall everything but that. Her eyebrows furrowed as she pulled this time her phone out. After gracefully swiping it several times over, she found the agenda.

Right; to Bangkok, Thailand. Noted, okay.

Indeed, what she'd assumed rather fairly was correct. Upon arriving at the gate, she saw mostly Muslims waiting for the plane. There were some Asians, Japanese and other distinct heritages. There were even a small handful of Caucasians. All in all, however, it was mostly Muslims that would be boarding the plane.

Nothing wrong; far from it. Over the past several years Megu had been a flight attendant, however, she made it a note to keep track of things like this. It tended to help out with things such as being able to communicate. Or, in today's case, lack of. Arabic was one of the languages she hadn't taken in college.

Go figure now it bites you in the ass, she thought, barely fighting the urge to sigh out loud. Sure, her phone could be used. But not until the plane reached a certain height, and ...

"Megu-san! There you are! I was staring to wonder if you got lost!"

Her head turned to see another flight attendant that she tended to work with a lot. Megu flashed a smile to the other woman, moving her head from side to side, "Nonsense. I've yet to miss a light. I'm not gonna start now."

"Heh, yep. That's the Megu I know, alright. What did happen though? You've never gotten this close to being late."

Megu deftly wove a hand through the air, dismissing the matter. "Don't worry about it. I'm here; that's what matters, right? By the way, you good with Arabic? Because ... I'm not. Well, not without aid or assistance."

"Ohhh. I hear what you're asking. Don't worry. I got you covered."

Two life savers in one day; this had to be a record. Now hopefully Megu could make up for her own ... not quite errors, per se. But moments of weakness .. yeah. That sounded right.

Lifting her had, she looked up at a nearby clock, then behind her to the itinerary. It was now close enough. Pushing down on the button in front of her, the PA system turned on. "Flight number N103 from Japan to Bangkok, Thailand is ready to board people. Women, children, anyone with disorders, and first class ... please come up first. I repeat, we will begin with women, children, anyone with disorders, and first class. Thank you!"

Between her and Megu's companion, the two got everyone on board at a rather quick pace. And right on schedule, it seemed. Offering Emi a grin, Megu stepped on board the air craft,entering after her co-worker got inside. The doors shut and when the pilots were given the green light, the announcement about the plane departing was made official. It was only a mater of time before Megu found herself ascending high up into the air.

When Koro-Sensei had been teaching he had modified the individual class plan to each student so that he could teach everyone according to their strengths. Nagisa had been pretty sure that feat was super human because as he survied his class of thirty one students it was hard for him to keep track of names let alone each individual strengths. What was more this was just one of the classes he operated in across the school system.

3-E was non standard education, because it had been sequestered away in a mountain top the students had never rotated and everyone took the same classes together, it was a wonder how regular teachers managed with that system, but here in mainstream japanese highschool his students rotated almost eveyr single period. with five periods in a day that meant Nagisa oversaw one hundred and fifty five students each day.

It was impossible for the average teacher to keep up with marking a single exam in time to get feedback to their students, without a core focused group and near hypersonic speeds class adaptations like the ones Koro had made for Nagisa and the others in 3-E were completely impossible.

No matter how he looked at it there was simply no way Nagisa could match the legacy of Koro-Sensei and that was both alieviating and depressing when he thought about it.

"Hey Teach!" One of the back group yelled out and tossed a pellet of some sort up towards the front, the familiar tic of a bead object against wood sent a famiiar sensation up his spine as Nagisa turned, almost feeling like he should have a gun or knife in hand.

"Kurma-San we have spoken about this, my name is Shiota-Sensei." He got the familiar disinterested puff of air

"what-ever teach can i go to the bathroom?"

"I don't know can you?" Nagisa shot back with the oldest joke in the teacher lexicon, only to feel something whisk by his head as a book impacted against the chalkboard of his classroom.The student just got to his feet shrugged and walked off, Nagisa was left standing, rage boiling just under the surface of his skin, but unable to say a word about it.

He wanted to kill every single one of his students he was sure of it.

With the safety demonstrations having been finished in almost no time, it was now Megu and Emi's cue to begin walking own the aisles and offering food and drinks to the customers. This was where Megu's skill of mentally noting how many of each heritage had boarded the plane came into play. She noticed that most of the Muslims were near the middle, going a bit towards the back. Effectively, she could handle most of the first class and some of economy. After that though ... her head turned to Emi. "So, you gonna walk behind me to help out I'm assuming?"

"Of course! I did promise you I'd help with that, didn't I?"

Megu nodded, bowing her head in appreciation. "Alright. Thank you again."

Emi moved aside, giving Megu the ability to squeeze by and grab a cart with her own complimentary food and drink items. Megu steeled herself. She didn't know why, but for some reason, this was always the most nerve-wracking part of the flight. Okay, maybe she sorta knew why. There had been a few incidents in the past. Nothing that couldn't be handled though; most were actually really pathetic. Immature displays of sexual assault. Most were attempts to grope her - or any of her co-worker's - rears, though a few had been dumb enough to try to grab a breast.

This ... this was different, though. She felt ... something more. Almost like she had a reason to fear for her life.

Don't be like that. Not before you have a reason to panic.

A deep breath would be exhaled and finally, Megu began to move. Sure enough, it was when she started strolling down the middle that things began getting ... complicated. She saw Emi out of the corner of her eyes, and even heard her beginning to speak in rather fluent Arabic. It wasn't perfect, but she managed to mimic the same phrase well enough to get replies back. And then it hit her ... not all of the replies back were matching what Emi received.

Thankfully, most were generous enough to help guide her by pointing or even speaking some broken English to better hint what they wanted. When she started to walk by, an arm shot up and grabbed her wrist.

Ugh, here we go ...

Mustering up the friendliest possible smile, Megu simply tried to pull her wrist free. When that failed, she looked down at the man. Megu then cleared her throat to get his attention. "Excuse me, but unless you need something, I have to move on."

... Nothing. Not even a verbal quip in Arabic.

Megu sighed. Already, this flight was getting rocky. But it was only just the beginning, and she was finding that out very quickly. "Oi, Emi? I need -- "


Megu whipped her head around, turning in time to see Emi get shot at point-blank range - right between the eyes - with a firearm.

Oh shit!

Her hand instinctively reached down. She was so used to a knife being on her, as that had been her specialty while in the 3-E class, that only when she failed to detect her weapon of choice did she remember she wasn't her younger self. Now Megu was panicking slightly. A pained hiss passed her lips as the man who had been holding her finally stood quickly up and jerked her arm behind her in a hammerlock. The tray was unceremoniously shoved aside by another sitting across from him. Soon, a good chunk of the Muslims were standing, all wielding firearms of some form or fashion.

Okay. They say negotiation isn't supposed to work, but maybe ... are there exceptions to that rule?

Megu grimaced, but forced her protests to stay to herelf, as she was being dragged through the aisles. Each tep greeted her with fearful screams and cries from everyone still sitting down. When her eyes caught sight of someone beginning to stir, she found enough courage to speak up finally, "No, no! Everyone, please calm down and stay -- !!"

Before she could finish and utter the last word 'seated', the individual she noticed beginning to get up did exactly that. And got a bullet lodged into his own head.

"Listen to the woman," her captor finally said aloud, in a very broken but understandable enough English accent. "No one move! No one try to be a hero, lest you want to join him!"

Okay ... at least communicating is doable.

With Emi now deceased, there wouldn't have been any way should her captor not know even basic English. This revelation, however, made her feel a bit better. It gave her some hope, even if not much. Now, Megu's mind was at the toughest parts. Now what should she attempt to say or do? They wouldn't be rash enough to kill the pilots ... right? Because unless they knew how to fly a plane, that'd be stupid. Some of the terrorists had been closer to Emi, it seemed, as she found a small handful of men arguing with the pilots. They looked confused, which implied they were having trouble understanding the Arabic as well.

"Demands!" one finally yelled impatiently. "Start relaying them over your radio!"

"To whom though? Japan?"

Megu squirmed, temporarily forgetting about her own safety as she watched a man begin to pull back on the trigger. "That's a fair question! Don't shoot him for that!" It wasn't working. He was still pulling back. Her teeth latched onto her lower lip as the most desperate thing coming to her mind was voiced, "Especially if you don't know how to fly, don't do it. We'll all die. And if you really have demands, that's not what you want."

"Hmph. She's correct. Still, watch your tongue, woman."

Megu whimpered as the butt of the gun smacked roughly against the side of her head.

How was this seriously happening? Granted, hijackings weren't necessarily uncommon. She'd known that even in when she was with her classmates in 3-E, but ... weren't the odds of this actually happening supposed to be really low? The fact they had guns on them... how had they gotten past the metal detectors? That didn't matter. Not right now. Diplomacy was helping enough. And until she could find an opening to use more orthodox means of disabling these men, she had to play along. Otherwise Megu would also end up dead; it was the simple, unfortunate truth.

Nagisa was trying to work, but the student who had thrown his book at him was starting to cross a line and make a disturbance. The probelm with his current class was that they were delinquint, japan had lax minor laws, and while these guys weren't nearly as bad as Karma Akabane, a student who had basically lived to destroy his teachers, Nagisa's patience was not nearly as strong as Koro-Sensie's had been.

"That is really enough." Nagisa said remaining polight and calm as he walked up to the student. The younger male actually eclipsed Nagisa in height which was another point against the man, though Nagisa had learned long ago that visibly showing ones anger was probably the worst thing that a person could do.

Still he was addressing the head of a pack, and just like back in Class 3-E this guy had his followers, two other students all stood up from their desk which emboldend the young student who was looming over Nagisa. Physically the three of them may have been taller and perhaps even stronger, but Nagisa could tell one thing about all of them.

None of these idiots have any idea what it takes to kill a person. Nagisa could see it there were slight tremblings of fear around the three kids, meanwhile Nagisa just casually strolled up to them with a smile on his face.

"If you would like too leave silently you can take your complaints up with the principal." He spoke softly kindly offering them a way out. Nagisa could see the boys hand move into his hoodie could hear the tell tail signs of a hand gripping something leather, definetly a knife considering it's location.

"Yeah and if we decide to get rid of you?"

Nagisa was actually kind of impressed at this point. The three of them hadn't backed down, and were pretty much all intent on doing him bodily harm. Knowing the lax minor laws they would probably just be sent to a juvie program as long as they didn't kill Nagisa, but then again with a knife in hand there was definetly more of a threat happening.

Nagisa had been the first in the class to hold a real knife. It was a grade A military class one too, the weight was different from the plastic cheap things that they had tried to kill sensei with.

He could remember holding it and at first trembling over the idea of taking a life, but quickly moving past it. Now that he had, he could see the slight shivers in the boys arm, and it was a boy, just a sixteen year old idiot who was about to get himself hurt by playing with a toy he could hardly understand.

"Well if you insist on trying you are certainly welcome to, but I would really recomend taking the principal and expulsion route." Because you are not going to enjoy what I do to you if you draw that knife

After that the kids mind was made up, he pulled out the knife a pocket blade compared to the ones that Nagisa had used it was wildly pathetic. The man stepped forward going for a full run.

Nagisa grabbed his wrist, that he wasn't holding the knife with, stepped to the side as his foot impacted against his shin knocking him to one knee, as he brought the hand he was holding behind his back, and in the same swift motion grabbed the hand that he had been holding the knife in, twisting it painfully until the knife clattered to the ground.

The two friends looked at one another, their courage failed them and they sat dwon as Nagisa held their leader in his grip. "And this is why you should have went to the office."

With that single sentence spoken Nagisa yanked on the arm he had been holding behind the mans back hard enough that it popped painfully out of his shoulder joint. The student screamed and Nagisa dropped him taking the knife. "I will be confiscating this. now go to the nurses office."

"You crazy asshole, do you have any idea who my father is?"

"Probably some ritch guy who's going to get me fired, do you know how typical that line is?" Nagisa said rolling his eyes, after the man was carted out of the room by one of his friends Nagisa looked over the rest of the class which were all stairing at him with eyes wide.

Nagisa felt his face boil slightly as he ran a hand behind his head to rub his hair. "Um right... so where we in our lession?"

Sensei Weakness number 01, when he tries to look cool he gets flustered*[ Maybe Nagisa did take after Koro-sensei after all?

Megu was silently, but very quickly, thinking. Trying her absolute best to conjure some idea of how to get out of this. Martial arts wasn't her number one forte; that went to knife-handling and using. However, push had most definitely come to shove. She'd likely need to use that. And with how things were going in the terrorist's attempts to have their demands answered, probably sooner than later.

The captors were getting impatient; she noted it in how their tone changed, as well as the fact they were openly becoming more and more aggressive. Even with her playing translator for them, they gave the side of her head a few more rough smacks with the butts of their guns. A small trickle helped her know they'd hit her enough to make her bleed. Not heavily, thankfully, but enough that the force in their attacks implied they had more physical strength than one would have immediately assumed.

That's okay. So do I.

"Let me ... speak with Japan. For you. The States aren't the only country who openly refuse to negotiate with terrorists. So let me ... do so on your behalf. The pilots need to focus on flying, so I'm one of your next best bets."

" .... Fine. But no funny business." Her arm was released from the hammerlock as Megu was thrust forward.

Pausing only to gather her proper train of thought, Megu nodded to herself and reached forward. She took hold of the radio one of the armed men had been using and began speaking into it, shifting to Japanese. When she felt a gun pressed against her head, she turned and looked with an irked glare. "They'll understand me faster this way; you want this to work or not?" When her assailant couldn't come up with an argument, the gun was ... at least moved. It wasn't immediately against the back of her head, but she could sense it was still relatively close.

Their concern had been right. It was a risky move ... but with the arrangements she finished making, she already figured a way to minimize the amount of casualties.

"They've agreed to your terms," Megu calmly lied, "But we need to alter our course and head back to Japan. They're waiting there."

It wasn't a completely lie. It was more like the actual people who were waiting back at the airport were Public Security Intelligence Agency; the Japanese equivalent of the FBI in layman's terms.

Megu spent the next two hours mentally steeling herself. Thankfully, they hadn't gotten very far away from Japan, which made the trip much quicker than if they'd already been half-way to Bangkok. She was still heavily monitored, naturally. However, their aggressive nature seemed to lower, even if only just a bit. It was t least enough that no one else had been killed, and right now that was more than enough for Megu. Her head leaned against the wall as she went over the agreed plan in her head.

They would come out from hiding when she used a common phrase; Tadaima. It was often used when one returned from school, work, or any place outside of their home. In the best case scenario, she could get out of this completely unscathed ... though she honestly wasn't relying on it. Simultaneously, she wasn't envisioning it to turn into the worst case scenarios either. Something in the middle .... whatever that may or may not be.

And so it begins, she thought, finally feeling the plane descending, eventually coming to a complete stop. Her head turned as she did a quick headcount; six terrorists. Not the most, fortunately. But she would need a bit of help, even if only a little. That would come soon enough though.

"And the gate will be clear?"

Megu nodded. "I specifically requested it for you." When she noticed the men starting to drag the pilots along, her head quickly moved from side to side. "Only me. Only I'm to leave this plane. Everyone else stays until the exchange is complete." She noted the raised eyebrows, shrugged casually, and added, "It makes sense, doesn't it? It was me who spoke to them."

"... Fine."

It didn't overly amaze Megu to see one man stand back. Sure enough, as she began leaving the plane, it was obvious they had been smart enough to keep one man aboard the aircraft.

All more the reason this had to go smoothly. It may only be one man, but it was still one terrorist with a gun. One against many unarmed people ... too many would unnecessarily die if he got his way.

A small smile crept over Megu's face as she saw the gate was clear. Good. No point in putting anyone in unneeded danger.

"Where is everyone?!" the man who had been watching over her demanded.

"Soon," Megu replied, "They'll be here in due time. I have to call them out."

All but one of the five Muslims began to slowly saunter around. The same who'd held her before stayed close behind, gun at the ready. The others were, no doubt, looking to find the trap Megu was still keeping hidden. She waited .... and only when they were spread out in a V-like shape did she finally utter the single word.


It was quick. An eerie display of accuracy that Megu hadn't seen in years. In almost one second, all four of the remaining terrorists fell to the floor, dead. Sniped to death, in fact.

"You bitch!"

Megu chuckled as she was grabbed again, which made the man more on edge. "Even if this isn't who I think it is, you're not going to do yourself any favors by trying to make me a shield."

The man merely scoffed in response, and began to drag Megu back. That ... was the dumb thing to do; turn his back on where the snipers were. The moment he did, he, too, fell with his fallen comrades.

As Megu turned, there were indeed two familiar faces, each holding a sniper rifle firmly in their primary hands. "Ryūnosuke! Rinka!"

Rinka blinked, taking a few moments. When she recognized Megu, however, her own eyes widened as she happily ran forward. "Megu! It's been a while --"

"It has," Megu agreed, "But there's one last man on the plane. I don't know if he's killed anyone or not, but --- "

The sentence was interrupted by several consecutive events. First, an abrupt bang, followed quickly by Ryūnosuke tackling the two women to the floor. A glance to their right revealed the last man had come out, hoping to take out one of the three. But now that he saw he'd failed .... he turned his gun around, pointed it at himself.

One last BANG! rang out .... and all was finally silent.

Rinka sighed softly, getting off of Megu as Ryūnosuke also got to his feet. "I hate to cut this reunion short but, Megu-san, you're going to have to fill out some paperwork. Standard procedure and all. If it helps ... we're not gonna enjoy filling it out as much as you will doing it."

Megu nodded in understanding, then finally shifted her gaze to the plane. "Well then ... would one of you mind telling them the situation has been defused? Be cautious; there are two deceased aboard there. Hopefully only two."

Rinka ran ahead to help fulfill the request. Ryūnosuke, meanwhile, stayed close beside Megu.

There was an odd sense of joy in breaking the others expectations. When Nagisa had pulled the students arm from his socket it was enjoyable, it awoke a feeling he himself hadn't held for a number of years and kind of made him hungry. He looked around the class still in awe and fear of him, as he walked back up to the chalk board, the brat was limping away complaining about how their parents would ruin Nagisa's life.

He held the chalk in his hand for a moment trying to think of how to continue the math lession, before simply writing something out in big white lines.

He then put down the chalk, and left the classroom. The simple note being more than enough for him.

I quit ~Shiota Sensei

He dusted his hands as he walked out of trhe classroom, he wasn't content to be a teacher right now. There was an odd feeling going through him, like an awakening it felt like his heart started beating again after so many years of it being turned off, the thrill of an attack, the triggure to kill. "The classroom may have changed, but I guess I never really left 3-E."

He pulled out his phone, dialing a number he hadn't used but had always kept in his phone, when he pressed send, he waited for a moment as his phone went to a video call a small pink haired girl appearing on the screen. "Nagisa~Kun, haven't seen you for a while you haven't grown a bit."

Nagisa's eye twitched for a moment "Hey Ritsu~Chan, I kind of just walked out on my last job, was kind of wondering if you could point me towards, the Public Security Intelegence Agency, I am thinking it's time to hand in a resume."

"Oooh ominious sounding, uploading a map now. though really Nagisa~kun... stop trying to sound cool. It doesn't work your too short."

Nagisa tripped and his hand smacked against his face. "Thanks." He said hanging up the phone.

As Rinka ran to go check on the others, Ryunosuke actually called out to her, his Radio keying in for a moment giving him the heads up as he reached out and grabbed his blond haired partner. Taking Megu as well with his other arm and throwing the three of them to the ground.

A moment later there was a spark, and a deafening boom over the three of them, the walls shuddered, and the airport lights dimmed, as glass was blown out from the violent explosion.

Both Rinka, and Ryunosuke had ear plugs, they worked as snipers after all, and knew just how vital it was to protect someones hearing, the sound of a gun going off multiple times was easily crippling to ones hearing, class 3-E's pellet guns didn't really have the same kick or bang to them, which had helped back in the day but couldn't compare to an actual gun, or in this case a plane exploding.

As he pressed his body over the two women's his hands were cupped over Megu's ears trying to protect her hearing as best as he could.

When it was over, only the gate had really taken damage, the glass of an airport was shatter proof, and though it was certianly cracked and blown out in places planes are actually kept relitively distant from the actual port. The majority of the explosion was a fireball the moment the jetfuel went up the combustion was released as heat energy cooking anything on the plane alive, but not damaging nearly as much as it possibly could have.

When the reverb had faded and Chiba could hear everything again his radio was demanding him report. "We must have missed one who was blending in with the other passengers. When he realized his team was dead he detonated a small personal explosive, the plane's active engines did the rest of the job."

"I got a report of movement, and then tossed you two to the ground, sorry if I was a little rough." He told Megu as he checked her over. Doing small tests to make sure she wasn't concust like how many fingers am i holding up, and raise your hand to the sound of my voice.

"You." He pointed at Rinka. "You almost ran ahead of me, You know we are supposed to wait for the spot team to give the all clear." He said dressing down his partner. "You're okay right?"

Both women turned to look over at Ryunosuke. It would be Rinka, however, who gazed over first. "Hmm? What's up?"

Rather than speaking, he opted to show them. All by grabbing herself and one of Megu's arms. Before Rinka could ask, the answer came in a very loud, almost deafening set of explosions.

... No ....

Megu's heart sank, as she instinctively lifted her head, but at least stayed low against the floor. If the noise hadn't given it away, the glass shattering helped out. Tears formed in her eyes as she stared. A bit of smoke started to rise into the air. When it all seemed to calm down, she walked away from Ryunosuke. She had to see for herself. That .... that hadn't been what she thought? Was it?'

"... Oh my god ... "

It was all Megu could muster. The knowledge of what had just happened shattered her, as if she were the glass. Her legs trembled, and she damn well nearly fell to her knees.

"Hey, hey, hey! Careful!" Rinka moved again, this time catching Megu and pulling her away so she could at least collapse and not get any lingering glass shards embedded in her skin. "Megu ... this isn't your fault. Megu? Oh shit."

Nothing; that was exactly what Rinka and Ryunosuke would hear from Megu for the longest time. she hadn't felt this distraught in years; since all of 3-E had to klll Koro-Sensei, to be exact.

"I should have seen him," Megu finally whispered.

The words made Rinka grimace, her head moving from side to side, "Like Ryunosuke said, he purposely blended in. If anything, he made sure not to be seen. Megu, even we checked the plane first. We failed to miss him. This isn't -- "

"I --- I ---- " Every time Megu felt some sort of retort enter her head, the words got caught in her throat. Finally, her gaze moved from Rinka to the male sniper. "No. No, you weren't too rough. I ... I'm glad you both responded. But that's a bit of the problem. I called you all here. Those deaths ... they're all on me! I'm not going to be able to get this blood off my hands; not anytime soon, anyway. I ... god. I think I may be sick."

"Like .... puking sick or .... ??"

"I'm not sure," Megu weakly replied, continuing to sob softly.

Rinka sighed, staring at Megu for a few more moments before turning back to Ryunosuke. "Yeah. I'm fine. Far more worried about her."

"I''m right here, you know?" Megu quipped, managing to weakly grin. "I just ... this is gonna take some time and even something I seldom indulge in; sake. I think ... yeah. That's what I'm gonna do when I get home. Have been saving it for a shitty day anyway. You two wanna join me?"

Rinka looked over to Ryunosuke, already having a feeling on what the answer would be. "Unfortunately, we're gonna need to fill all this paperwork out. Unless ... someone will cover for us, but I doubt it. We were the main ones here that saw everything."

Megu nodded sorrowfully, understanding well enough. Standard procedure and all that jazz. She began to turn and leave before Rinka gently grabbed her shoulder. "Before you go, Megu ... for when you're feeling a bit better, perhaps? It was nice seeing you again, but ... I wish the circumstances were better."

In Rinka's hand was a card with her and Ryunosuke's numbers. "Maybe we can meet up again one of these days on a much better note?"

"I ... maybe. That would be nice."

"You don't drive, right?"

Megu shook her head, "Though even if I did, I'm not so pissed off nor stupid to drink and drive."

"Okay. Just ... wanted to check. Take care."

Now Rinka allowed Megu to leave, staying to help Ryunosuke deal with the aftermath and mess. Megu stormed through the halls -- and just in time, too. Reporters were beginning to storm in. Luckily, none tried to stop or ask her questions. They were going right for the gate where the two snipers were at. Megu weakly smiled, almost pitying them. Almost. Alas, she really didn't want to feel like dealing with them either. Before exiting the airport, however, she made one last stop. Her boss's room.

"Oh Megu, thank god! Glad you're safe!"

"I appreciate it but ... I can't do this." Reaching up, she removed her ID badge and set it down on the table. "I'll return the outfit later. I would now but .... I have nothing underneath. Nothing decent, anyway."

Her now ex-manager stared log and hard at Megu. Obviously wanting to convince her not to do this. But in the end ... it was her call. The best thing he could do was respect her verdict. "Very well. I know you're good on keeping your promises, so I'm not worried about you failing to give the uniform back. Do take care, Megu-san."

"I'll try," she whispered, pivoting once more and finally going back outside. Her hand rose as, for the second time that day, she hailed a taxi. This time, she relayed her home address and within mere seconds, was on her way back to her efficiency.

Despite Nagisa walking off school grounds with the intent to change his life he actually did not get very far in his walk. The idea seemed simple enough go to the headquarters of the Public Security Intelegence Agency and ask for a job. It was kind of foolish to think that was going to work however, and he quickly got a reality check in just how the outside worked.

He couldn't exactlys troll up too the building and ask for an interview, and he was pretty sure that his assualt on the student had been pretty well illegal, he probably should have waited for the cops or something before leaving.

So he found himself walking around the streets of Tokyo after having taken a train or two with no real goal in mind, while he had Ritsu set up the information he would need not only to prep a legal case if someone did decide to press charges, thank gods for schools having cameras and the kid drawing a knife first, but also needing to gather up information on contacts, he was pretty sure that Tadaomi still worked there, and he was pretty high level, if Ritsu could grab his phone number than Nagisa was pretty sure he had an in.

Walking down past one of the countless Electronic stores of Tokyo, he passed by a quick shot of the news showing reckage from a plane at the airport. He paused for a moment looking at it.

Megu was a flight attadendant these days wasn't she? that was what she had said back at the seven year reunion. Pulling out his phone he quickly dialed in the number, when it came to the students of 3-E they were a lot easier to get ahold of than the old teachers, he didn't even think Irine was still in the country.

She could have been on a different flight so he wasn't entirely sure that her phone would work, but at the same time he was worried enough that he would keep trying the phoneline till it picked up. The most re-assuring thing was that he didn't get a busy tone but rather a dialing sound.

If her phone had been exploded or smashed it wouldn't ring at all, but would have gone right to a messgae about how the caller was unavailable and the number can not be completed as dialed.

Who were the real vultures in this world? A sniper could spend days or even weeks camping at a location waiting for the perfect moment for their target to stray into the cross hairs. Ryunosuke had spent days in a dessert with a tent, canned food, and a few bottles of water waiting for that time when he could pull the trigger.

Despite people's outward perception that a sniper was some illustrious god of death it was usually drudge work, one had to be ready to wait out the passage of time, and have a body built with such patience that they often got called the vultures of the assassination world.

However compared to the press and how they could pic any situation clean in seconds, how they swarmed around you and tore anyone they talked too bits a snipers job almost seemed pleasant.

"PSIA has no comments at this time, an investigation is being set up as we speak. Video and radio recordings from the tower are being compiled, and official press releases are being prepared." How many times had he or Rinka said those lines? In a world with so many assassins just walking around in broad daylight why was it the paperwork and the paparazi that alwasy felt like they were going to kill him?

Chiba moved a little closer to his partner taking her hand as he tried to duck out of the way of the press. "Please let us do our jobs!"

Maybe it was just because today had been a shitty day, but this ride was even quicker than the earlier one. After getting her debit card back, Megu hurried back into her residence. She barely finished kicking one shoe off ... before groaning. Her phone was ringing, and the sound of it made her face palm. "God, fuck!" she hissed, "How could you have forgotten that of all things?! Shit, shit, coming!"

Today, fate seemed to do everything to slow her down. Because the second god-forsaken invention known as her other high heel seemed adamant on staying attached. By the time she got it flung off, however, her phone had stopped ringing ... but only for about ten seconds. It started up again, which made her sigh in relief. For once, she was glad that someone was being persistent on wanting to talk to her.

Now let's just pray it's not a bill or something ...

Her hand hovered over her phone ... and stopped. Rather than grabbing it, she had to do at least one more thing. "Sorry," she whispered, pivoting quickly into her room and slipping out of the uniform. In place of her more business-like attire now was a yukata draped very haphazardly over her body. Hell, it wasn't even tied closed, leaving a very easy view of her lingerie. Well, it would have if anyone peeked through her windows.

But fuck it. This was her place. If people wanted to complain, so be it. She'd come up with something to tell police.

The number looked familiar somehow. But when she couldn't place why or where she knew it from, she simply replied. "Hello? This is Megu Kataoka."

Her empty left hand covered her mouth as a smile crossed her lips. Her hand shakily moved away as Megu began to speak, "Nagisa-ku ... err ... san, I suppose now, huh? Bad habit, sorry. How ... how are you? How have you been?"

She had a hunch about the real reason he was calling. But she didn't wanna think about that. Because if it was true .... she grimaced. Poor Rinka and Ryunosuke were dealing with what she should have in the first place. Granted, it'd be really messy. But some sense of duty - or was it guilt? - made her feel like she should be there, helping out ... even if it'd drive her nuts to do so.

Rinka let out a loooooooong, annoyed sigh.

... Lucky bitch. She left at the best time.

Ah well. This would have happened sooner or later. Rinka had just highly preferred the latter. Unfortunately, it made sense as to how they'd arrived so fast. Someone probably saw - maybe even heard - the smoke and explosion respectively. Hell, someone may have tipped them about the incident. And they did what they do best; rushed over in hopes of getting even a small hint behind the recent tragedy. For Rinka, the press was worse than vultures.

At least vultures had a reason, a purpose for being deemed scavengers.

No. These were much worse. They - for her - were much more akin to watch dogs fueled on by gluttony rather than their obligations to help their owners.

While Ryunosuke spoke with the paparazzi, Rinka picked her radio up. She turned around, keeping one hand close to her mouth to muffle herself, and pushed down on the button. "This is Hayami-san, reporting in. Me and Chiba-san are still a the scene. The hostage situation is over, but ... well .... it's a mess. We're gonna need a coroner and some other teams. Most medical-based."

Even without seeing it, she could feel the grimace from the other officer.

"Very good. Were there any survivors, Hayami-san?"

"None, no sir."

"Excuse me."

Her eyes rolled as Rinka fought off the urge to scoff, "I said, sir, none. Please don't start going deaf on me now."

There was a pause and finally a chuckle. Good. That meant they heard the emphasis on the rest of the word save for the first 'n' to reveal the true answer.

"Okay, okay. I'll talk more. Sounds like you're busy. You'll have aid coming soon, including people to get the press out of your hair."

"Thank you," she muttered, shutting her radio off and attaching it back beside her hip. "Please - as my partner said - let us work! There's nothing to see! Shoo!"

Her hand intertwined with her lover's as she flashed him a knowing smirk. "A few more minutes," she whispered, "I just made the call. We'll get assistance soon. Hang in there." Her voice went from a soft tone to a louder one as she asked, "So ... where do we even start, anyway?"

The best answer was likely the most gruesome one. Still, standard procedure and all that jazz. Plus, she wasn't a mind reader. While she could usually guess what Chiba would say, Rinka had been wrong every now and again. Her head slowly moved over towards the gate, where the airplane was. They could likely get in; a lot of caution would simply need to be used. More so than usual, in fact.

Nagisa honestly didn't know how to answer the question of how he was, on the one hand he was probably in a lot of trouble, and out of a job, on the other hand he had never really felt better than he had when he realized that he was meant for something else. That teaching had been a mistake and that he was trying to go back into the field that 3-E had been trained for.

On the other hand he had no idea how Megu would react to that news. A lot of 3-E had just wanted to move on from their lives. Of course there was also no hiding why he had called her today. He just wanted to check to make sure she hadn't been on the plane that had exploded.

"No it's fine." He said in regards to her calling him Kun. "I guess I just wanted to check in with you, and make sure that you were okay."

He paused for a moment. "I saw the news, and I was a little worried, it's good to hear your voice." He said softly relaxing for a moment. "Hey um, I just kind of walked away from my last job, so I was wondering did you want to get a drink or something?" It was stilted, and awkward, but honestly he could use a friendly face at the moment.

Ryunosuke caught Rinka's hidden message, and nodded it was a good idea to keep the press away from the survivor. They knew where Megu lived and so could pretty easily catch her later.

When he could finally get away from the press he was relieved to be going over to work. In truth though there wasn't much they could do. "Clean up our side, and let CSI do their thing."

On an explosion like this there was a lot that would have to be done, but nothing that the two of them were qualified to do aside from set up the perimiter. They were experts at dealing with living targets, but once the target stopped living it was a little more tricky, and usually that was when the clean up crews took over.

"There's no real way of hiding that this was a terrorist action, so we need to figure out who these were, where they were originally from, and if they had the backing of any foriegn governments. If this was three guys in a basement that's one thing if they were under the employ of another government than we could have an international or political attack."

Chiba rubbed his head for a moment really hoping that this was nothing more than a few idiots in a basement planning to go down for some imagined cause. In the mean time he dug around in his bag, and pulled out the yellow tape and started to quarter off the scene. "The worst thing we could do would be let these idiots." He motioned to the press. "Go on a wilde speculation spreee."

Megu nodded as Nagisa got pretty quickly to his point. It wasn't amazing and, in all honesty, she figured that had been partly why he called. She thought quietly about it ... and decided that if only because she'd avoided the press, it wasn't yet one of those topics she didn't want to talk about. True, it wasn't at the top of her list. But compared to if she had been identified as the sols survivor and being forced to answer far too many chances, it was the difference in how fine she'd be answering a relatively simple question asked by her own friend and former classmate.

"Well ... " she began to answer, fighting to keep her voice stable, "I'm still shaken up. Everyone else died. Everyone ... co-workers, whoever the culprits were ... everyone. I don't know if it was dumb luck or what that I got out alive and ... I'm torn. Grateful on one hand but ... "

... So much for succeeding in that endeavor. Megu raised an arm, trying tot wipe away the silent tears rapidly streaming down her face.

"I feel like an idiot, Nagisa. How in the hell was that something more feminine? I just should have tried something that actually is .... modeling or something. Now? I don't even know what to do. I ... I quit also. Those lives ... I can practically feel their blood on my hands. It's not going to leave, either; like the worst, most stubborn stain ever. It was me that called for the government to help. I thought I decreased the death toll ... I .... "

The attempts to hide she was crying vanished as her sobs got louder and much more obvious over the phone. A few moments of silence would linger while Megu worked on calming herself enough so she could be understood.

" ... I do wanna take up your offer, but I don't know about going out in a public place. I'm a wreck. So ... I actually was about to indulge in some sake. You could ... come to my place if you wanted. Or vice versa, while I'm still sober and able to walk around."

Either way, she'd need to be in something much more appropriate than simply a sprawled open yukata. So, while waiting for Nagisa's answer, Megu got off her couch and started browsing around through her wardrobe.

Rinka sighed, looking less than pleased at Chiba's answer. Unfortunately ... she knew he was right. The best thing they could do, right now, was indeed clean up. They were snipers, after all. As such, it was fair enough to assume her specialty didn't lie in topics such as forensics or anything to help with identifying whom the terrorists had been.

"I'd rather be doing the paperwork," she finally replied with a soft chuckle and smirk. "At least I'd be feeling more productive than now. But ... alright, alright. It'll make up for me being hasty earlier, I suppose."

It was very limited and even more tedious. But, at least while the opportunity remained, Rinka carefully leaned down and examined each firearm; all while wearing gloves and even using a handkerchief as an extra precaution to prevent getting her own prints on the guns. Most were the usual suspect for such acts, AK-47s. But there were a select few rifles and even magnums or guns for more close-up purposes, such as a pistol of some sort.

Jotting down all she found, Rinka would walk back to her partner and show her findings to him on the very small piece of parchment she'd used to take notes.

"With none of the culprits alive ... I'm not sure how easy getting a lead will be," she stated in a hushed but very matter-of-fact tone to Ryunosuke. "The most definite thing we have is what you said; this was indeed a terrorist attack. Until we find a new lead and much stronger lead, it's very likely that 'those idiots', sadly, will do exactly what you're hoping to avoid; a speculation spree. That being said ... our best chance of even maybe shedding light on this incident ... left recently."

Common sense would reveal she was talking about Megu.

... But at the same time, the weary expression in Rinka's eyes hinted a few things; she didn't want to pester Megu just yet. And, more than anything, she really was ready to leave this airport and just go to the office. She hadn't been joking about being more eager to do paperwork, for once.

Nagisa could hear the strain in her voice. He had assumed that because she was still alive that she had been on another plane, after all the media was reporting that there had been zero survivors but the picture her voice painted along with her words about grief made it very clear that ther was more to that story.

"Tell me where you are, and I will come to your place." His voice was a little hesitant, both because he had never been to her place before, and because she was so distressed he didn't want to take advantage of her in a time of need, but at the same time he didn't want to leave a friend alone with her thoughts.

Once he had the address he said he would be there soon, and quickly nodded as he hung up the phone. The questions he had after that were stuff he could figure out later.

It did take him a bit as he relied more on the trains than he did taxi's since he was in the middle of tokyo the traffic was much slower than the train system which while packed was often faster. While she had said that she had some sake, he still stopped by a liqure store and quickly baught a second bottle as a welcoming gift.

Arriving at her apartment he was at least slightly more comfortable as he took off his shoes and waited to be welcomed inside.

Knowing how these attacks went on, once they were able to identify these guys be it through dental records or some other method they would be able to raid their houses, and once they did they would have some idea of who they were. People like this tended to leave some sort of maniphesto or paper trail behind to figure out exactly why they did this.

Often times terrorists just wanted to go down in history books, in all honesty Ryonosuke kind of wished they couldn't identify them, that way no one could claim them to be some sort of martyr.

He found himself agreeing with Rinka as he cleaned up his own equipment and went over what he could. By the time they were done with their staging areas and the guns on hand he was all too happy to be dismissed by CSi.

"Oh careful what you wish for, because that's the next step in all this, we get to go to home base and start working on our legal work." He picked up his guns case, and started walking towards the black van.

As soon as they were in the car they could talk about the elephant in the room that they had been trying to address subtly.

"Let Megu sleep this off, she's too traumatized to really be of use to us right now. Give her a day and we can swing by her appartment in the morning. We know where she lives after all."

Though he doubted that she would be of much use after even a day's rest they would still need to pry out her testimony one way or another. "You ever think we should have kept our part of the ten billion?"

"Just retire off in the caribeon islands where we could have been set for life and not have to deal with all... of that?" He paused for a moment thinking it came out kind of selfishly, no one else in the class had kept any portion of the money aside from what they had all pooled together to buy the class for their reunion. So the idea of going back and keeping some of it seemed kind of selfish.

Megu's heart couldn't help but pound quickly. Ever since graduating from class 3-E, she hadn't really spoken, let alone invited, anyone over to her place. Then again, today was proving o be a day of firsts. Despite being hit really hard with a horrible case of PTSD from the incident at work, he had managed to meet Chiba and Rinka again. It actually was nice to see them; it just would have been much better sans the explosion. And now ... Nagisa was on his way.

Crap, crap, crap! Come on, gotta be something you can wear!

A lot of her other outfits were looking just a bit too bold, particularly for a reunion with a classmate and friend of hers. As she began relaying her address, something finally came into view.

Perfect! she thought, internally sighing in relief.

"See you soon, Nagisa!"

Megu deftly shrugged the yukata off, replacing it with a new skirt and blouse combination. She spent the next five or so minutes playing the waiting game. Would he really show up? Megu was actually hoping so; tonight would likely be one of the few nights she didn't want to be alone. Not for all of the evening, anyway. Her head whipped around as she pushed herself off the couch upon hearing a light but audible knock. She first snuck a peek through her peep hole, ensuring it was the guest she invited.

After seeing a confirmed 'yes', Megu opened her door, revealing herself in the new outfit she got clad in. "Hey. Thanks for coming over. Please, come in."

The apartment itself was a rather simple one bedroom residence; nothing overly fancy, but it still had all the essential rooms for a person to live.

Megu would close the door behind Nagisa after he entered. The first thing she couldn't help but notice was the poor guy still hadn't grown much ... if at all. The second was the extra sake bottle in his hand. " ... I told you I had one already, silly. But ... thanks anyway. Well ... let's get to work I suppose, huh?" Turning on her feet, the ex-flight attendant grabbed two sake cups from a nearby cupboard. Keeping one held in each hand, she led Nagisa into her living room, sitting down in front of a modest wooden table.

"So ummm ... it didn't click until after I hung up but .... you said you quit? Why? What happened?"

While waiting for an answer of some kind, she placed one of the cups nearby herself while the other was set close to Nagisa.

"I know. I meant it though; for once, I'm legitimately happy to be at the office doing paper work. This was .... probably one of the worst messes we've seen."

Rinka turned, taking one last look around. She wanted to ensure before departing she hadn't forgotten to do anything. When it appeared the answer was no, she put her handkerchief away and threw the gloves into a nearby trash can.

"Oh don't worry," she quickly reassured her partner, "I didn't intend to visit her tonight. She already ... endured more than enough. I'm far more than fine allowing her some reprieve."

Oddly, her own train of thought was similar to Megu's; she was happy to see another familiar face. The circumstances just had been very unfortunate. The two would soon enter their van. Rinka would happily pull her rifle off from her back and set it down on the floor. A low groan resounded as she leaned back, cracking her back while buckling herself in. Her head plopped against the headrest as she relaxed. This would be one of the few times she could have a chance to do just that, after all.

However, when Ryunosuke spoke and broke the silence, her head turned to look right at him. The question caused her to raise an eyebrow .... and lightly snickered.

"Who do you think you're asking that question to, huh? Goddamn, Chiba, we're barely in our twenties. Hell no! It'd get too boring to just live on an island after a bit."

Her head shook from side to side as she playfully shoved his shoulders.

" ... But with that being said and done, I am glad you ended up joining me and becoming a professional assassin, also. This job definitely wouldn't be half as interesting if you weren't around. Nor as reliable, I doubt. You were one of the next best gun users in 3-E so ... thanks for continuing to endure being beside me. It means quite a bit, actually."

"Of course Megu~san, thank you for having me in your home tonight." Nagisa gave a quick polite bow as he presented his gift towards her, he had already taken off his shoes and was holding them as he walked in placing them on the rack near the front.

He quickly took note of what she was wearing, and immediately felt some sembalence of being overdressed for the occasion. A teachers uniform was normally a suit and tie, which made what Megu was wearing look practically scandalous by comparason.

Taking off his jacket and hanging it up he walked to the table and sat on his knees. Nodding when she asked why he had walked away from what most would have assumed to be a promising teaching career.

"I wasn't really fit for it to tell the truth." He poured the two a glasses as he spoke before lifting his his towards her "Kanpai"

He took his first sip of his glass feeling the light but pleasant burn of the drink. "I guess part of me wanted to be the next Koro-sensei, pass on what he taught us, but my skills never really meshed with the students I was teaching. And then today a kid tried to draw a knife on me. Koro sensei would have rather sacrificed one of his tenticals than hurt a student... but I just went a tad overbaord. I dislocated his shoulder."

He shrugged. "With that I came to the realization that I am not gonna be the next Koro-Sensei, and well here I am." He shrugged thankful for the drinks.

"I guess I already know why you quit your job."

"A snipers life is seen through the eyes of a scope right a narrow field that only puts what you want too see in our cone of vision." Ryunosuke said looking right at Rinka.

"I think I have known what I wanted since we went on the island vacation way back than." He gave her a smile but honestly it sounded muddled when he said it out loud, sweet but still very cheesy.

"It was a little odd that you suggested it, but honestly I'm surprised none of the other class ever stepped up to the plate. I mean we all had graduating refrences that put us far ahead of the academy class. I at least thought that Karma would have picked this up."

He started to drive relaxing as he did he held out one hand towards Rinka as he drove through Tokyo traffic which basically meant that he was pretty sure they would be in the car for a few hours. Which of course meant that it gave them time to think. "It's pretty bad, but honestly this is the first major incident in Japan for almost twenty years, and it could have been a lot worse, had they decided to crash the plane into a heavily populated area or gotten off with whatever they were going to demand it is likely that the death toll would have been much higher. Megu probably saved lives today even if she doesn't realize it this minute."

It'd probably be a mistake ... but Megu had already made a major one that resulted in many lives being lost. What was the trouble in performing another that would simply help her get a very justified crying fit out of the way tonight? While Nagisa poured the sake into the cups, she stood up and calmly walked over to a CD player. A burned one, to be precise, with very specific songs. It was the easiest way for her to create a playlist, and then adapt them to whatever mood she felt appropriate for her. There was a very good chance she'd hate herself in the morning.

Until then? She'd endure. It was just music, after all.

As the opening began, she sat down again across from Nagisa, lifting her own cup. "I wish the circumstances had been better, but ... Kanpai!"

Whilst she heard Nagisa's explanation on why he quit, Megu hastily downed her first cup; another error, more likely than not. Sake was meant to be savored, after all. Right now ... she was doing a lot of stupid things. She knew that, somewhere in the back of her mind. But she was beyond caring; and that was partly why she asked for Nagisa to come to her. Just to ensure it didn't reach any dire extreme measures. "Well ... " she replied, unable to help but chuckle softly. "I do get your point .... but you did a justified action. And ... while it's also true teachers don't usually dislocate joints at all, at least that was it. Compared to how far you could have gone, it's not the absolute worst. Still, I can see your problems and troubles."

Taking a moment, Megu began attempting to refill her cup. It worked well enough, though by the time she finished, her hand was shaking.

" ... Nagisa? How'd you get past your first assassination? Namely the pain that came with it? Because .... that pretty much is what happened today. Not intentionally, no. But that doesn't matter, really. Results do. I'm never going to be able to forget that; everyone else on that plane ... died. And I likely would have also ... if Chiba and Rinka hadn't sniped the people keeping me hostage. Yet, that's exactly why it's all on me. I called them over. Should I have just complied with their actual demands? At least the death toll would be lower .... wouldn't it?"

Whereas Nagisa had simply heard Megu on the verge of tears, he now saw it. Each rhetorical question made them fall faster too, with no hope nor effort of even trying to stop them from streaming down.

"I don't know what to do," she weakly whispered. "Seeing two of our classmates and noting they became professional assassins .... that felt like a sign. But am I really fit to wield a knife again? Especially when I'm feeling this horrible over something that I know wasn't completely my fault? I feel so lost. How'd you get past this agony and despair? Please ... tell me, Nagisa. "

"Ohhh? Don't be vague with me. Just say it. Are you referring to wanting to be a professional sniper? Or something else as the thing you wanted?"

Rinka had guesses, of course. But this job didn't really leave them with many options or time to act on such feelings. And in all honest to gods truth? Having a relationship could be very dangerous, particularly in a line of work such as assassination. They got through all of their training - including the interrogation portions - because they vowed to pull through as comrades together.

But if that had been a very real scenario and the enemy found out they were an actual couple?

That no doubt could - and probably would - have taken a very ugly turn. Not to say the fact they were dating wasn't nice. But there were some days Rinka found herself wondering if it was horrible of her to hope for more. Hell, did Chiba even feel that strongly for her?

She'd kept quiet more out of fear of ..... no, not rejection. Risk of ruining what partnership they did have as by far one of the best sniper teams the PSIA had seen in years.

"Heh, yeah. Him or Nagisa ... well, maybe not so much Nagisa. I can understand him not immediately joining up. I hope ... he doesn't think any of us hate him for having to go through with killing Koro-Sensei."

It had kind of been an unspoken given - or at least, hopefully that was how it was. More likely than not, everyone in 3-E had needed therapy for a few years. But poor Nagisa likely needed it the most, and for the longest. Even Rinka had taken some session herself ... and, for the most part, they'd worked their magic.

"Although, according to this, we may see him soon enough."

She held her phone up, which had been left in the van. On her screen was a message from Ritsu relaying Nagisa had contacted her earlier and mentioned considering sending his resume in to the PSIA. She'd keep it held up until Ryunosuke had the proper chance to read it ... which would likely be easiest at the first red light.

"I'm not sure if it's because we met up with Megu again or something else, but I kinda hope he follows through with forwarding his resume over."

Putting her phone away, Hayami finally reached over and intertwined her hand with her partner's. "Poor Megu probably feels the exact opposite though." A grimace spread over her face as she peeked past her lover and through Chiba's window. "I really hope she isn't alone tonight. The blame really shouldn't be on her. But .. well, she was the female student representative. She took too many burdens upon herself, especially during her days in the 3-E class. I hope .... she can begin to heal soon enough from this incident. She deserves it."

Not that anyone else wouldn't. But Megu had been the lone survivor today. It was the only person Rinka could immediately view as being an individual who needed to get help in getting past such a major, unfortunate tragedy.

Nagisa gave a deep sigh he could tell that they weren't gonna move to more cheerful topics any time soon and that was probably for the best things that had remained unspoken for a long time needed to be addressed.

He mulled over the question and took another long drink of the Sake savoring the taste and the burn as he put the cup down. How did he deal with the death of Koro~sensei? Well in truth he really hadn't but that wasn't the answer that Megu needed to hear.

"I can't say I'm an expert on the subject, and i'm not too sure that it's all that applicaple in the given situation." Nagisa said trying to figure out how he was going to talk about it.

"I accepted that i made the right choice, that if I was put back in time and forced to attend 3-E again I would make the same choices knowing now what I do. A lot of it is coming to terms with myself and realizing that in the situation I did the best I could and that the factors outside of my control are just that things outside of my control."

"Knowing the difference between what I could affect, and what I couldn't in my life helped me to further myself, it helped me to walk away from my mother, and give me closure. It took time but the first thing I had to say to myself was that in killing Koro-Sensei i did nothing wrong."

"and that... was probably the hardest part. For you I imagine it will actually be a bit easier, whatever you did you can say to yourself that you survived because of it." he tried to offer her a smile, but ended up just taking another drink and refilling his glass.

Ryunosuke didn't have to wait long to get a chance to read the cellphone message and quickly chuckled. "No shit Nagisa going to join us? well it's about time."

He silently wondered if Megu would end up with them as well after everything that she had gone through there was a chance after all she had just quit her job. He shook off the thought he had given her their business card and phone number so that she could reach them as a friend.

His attention shifted back to the things that hadn't been said in the years since they left class 3-E.

Chiba let out a huff of imagined annoyance for a moment. "Fiiiine i will be less vague."

He looked at Chiba for a moment trying to think and anticipate her thoughts, but really the two had been partners for so long that it wasn't too hard to read her mind. "I wanted you."

He said it, and in doing so was taking another step towards what he wanted, there was no fear of rejection, he had her in his sights and it was time to remain calm and collected no matter what her answer to that statement was. "I still want you, if you would have me."

"We can't do much more for Megu than hope, but um... would you accompany me for the night?"

Megu wasted little time in refilling her cup back up whilst Nagsia gave his answers. Oddly ... it seemed very applicable. In fact, it made quite a bit of sense. The harsh truth was ... he was right. The hidden bomb had been something that not only she couldn't control, but even Chiba and Rinka had failed to detect. Her head throbbed slightly, a clear sign the sake was beginning to work its magic on her. Still, she forced her memory to work, much to the annoyance of her body.

... They wanted .... diplomatic immunity or some shit like that?

Of course, it would have been impossible. That possibility went out the window the moment they killed her friend and a passenger on the plane. The fact these terrorists were trying to demand it from Japan though ... why?

"It doesn't feel that simple. Not yet but ... maybe. Hopefully."

Raising her glass once more, Megu took another sip. Finally, her tears had at least slowed as she solemnly thought about her school days in 3-E. She had been trained to fight. To kill. And while some could say the life of an assassin wasn't a pretty nor honorable one, at least the targets were justified. Considering she was starting to question if she had somehow gotten out of a very political - and maybe even religious - crisis, was that another sign? Granted, not everyone who perished would likely want to be avenged.

But she at least wanted to help Emi rest in her afterlife. She deserved it, and dying in such a violent way wouldn't allow her to find peace or serenity.

"At this rate, it's becoming obvious I did more than survive. I got ridiculously lucky and avoided .... something. This wasn't a mere hijacking. Not sure what it was, but even the government workers got that impression. I heard that much before leaving." Sniffling softly, Megu rose her arm and wiped any tears remaining on her face off.

"That ... actually made perfect sense. I'm not completely done coping with this, but compared to a few hours ago, I'm definitely better. So .... thanks."

Finishing her second - or was it third already? - cup of sake, Megu would refill it before smiling softly at Nagisa. "So ... what are you going to do then since you've decided teaching isn't your calling. I still don't know for myself. Not sure if I'll stay with anything feminine; that seems to be a cursed request with me."

It wasn't the best joke; then again, humor had never been her strong suit. Still, it was enough to make her chuckle softly. And even if it may not seem like much, it actually was quite the start toward treading down the right path.

"Oho? Am I rubbing off on you, Ryunosuke?" Hayami mused with a sly smirk. "You don't usually curse, Mr. By-The-Book and all that shit. True though; it definitely is time he turned around and joined us. Not that I think he was a horrible teacher but .... he did graduate as our valedictorian for a damn good reason." A soft sigh passed her lips as she leaned back and rested her head against the headboard. Already, she was making a mental to-do list ... well, trying to. The main thing she continued to come up with - annoyingly enough - was all of that goddamned paperwork.

"About time," she teased, "Something has gotta give. You've still kept your face and eyes hidden, so .... reveal something else to me."

And boy did she get quite the revelation. He ... did want her as much as she'd wanted him?

" ... Chiba-san ... " Her face flushed, turning quickly red within mere seconds of hearing his confession. Her heart was beating wildly ... and after at least twenty seconds passed, she pinched herself with her empty hand. Just to be damn sure she wasn't dreaming. Alternatively, if Rinka was, she hoped to fall back asleep so this could never end.

They were paired up for a damn good reason. While sniping was their forte, they could use any type of firearm if push came to shove. And right now, she felt as if he'd shot her at point blank range. But rather than being hurt by the bullet, she was fueled on. Inspired, and even more determined than before. "If you think you can keep handling my flaws for another long while, then yes. I'll definitely have you, Ryunosuke Chiba." Turning in her seat so she was siting sideways, Rinka rose the hand she was still holding and lightly pressed her lips against Ryunosuke's hand.

"I'd do that on your lips ... but you're driving. Best to avoid crashing the company van and all. That being said ... you sound like you have something in mind? Feel free to fill me in. Just don't forget that we still have that nuisance known as paperwork to deal with ... eventually. We can't hide from that forever, unfortunately."

They were both similar in that regard; both were people of action ad thus plans. Unfortunately, this hadn't been something she could admit to expecting to hear. Not now ... maybe not ever. So, she didn't have any immediate plans on how to help accompany her partner. However, he seemed like he had some thoughts, so Hayami would gladly hear them out. There were few things that could even make Rinka uneasy or deny anything, more so if it was applied to Chiba. So there were more chances she'd agree than disagree to whatever he had going through his mind.

Nagisa drank down his glass. He was also starting to loose track as he refilled the small bowl. He gave Megu the time she needed to think over what she was saying, and while he was listening to her, he had no real insight he could offer to her about what the heck had gone down on that plane.

He wished he did, he wished he had something that could otherwise make her feel better, he reached over and gently took one of her hands with his own, before taking another drink, and when she spoke about what he would do next, that was actually something really easy to talk about.

"Well in truth today kind of showed me that I miss the field." He didn't want to make himself sound weird by admitting that he had gotten a thrill off of hurting the student. But it was the truth. With all the professional assassin's that class 3-E had worked alongside he had to admit that it was kind of obvious and he was surprised he hadn't thought of the job sooner. "I'm going to join up with PSIA and take work as a professional assassin again."

Nagisa actually spoke with confidence for the first time in a long time, his eyes closing as he gave Megu a smile. It was an odd thing to say and be happy about, but for Nagisa it was like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

"If your giving up on something feminine why not come with me? You could go full on Femme-Fatale, like Irine~sensei, you totally have the body for it." Now he was sure that last part was tacked on by the alcohol considering how quickly it slipped out.

Chiba smiled, and was able to relax in his seat. Hearing her voice go from her usual demanding if haughty tone, to something more demure and whistful. He enjoyed it, and knew that she wouldn't reject him the moment she said his name thinking that such a forward advance would have offended her if she hadn't been interested.

The kiss on his cheek confirmed that he was in deed correct, as well as everything else that followed. She was right he did have things on his mind. Her body mostly. The smaller blond girl was a fascination to him, and if he could have taken his eyes off the road for more than a few seconds at a time he probably would have been staring at her the entire time.

Instead she would just have to watch as he smiled non-stopped on their drive. A large goofy day dream smile as his eyes glanced towards her every now and then not that she would be able to actually see that under the forest of hair.

"I know we have to finish our work for the night, but now I'm looking forward too after that." Ryunosuke couldn't help it.

"I was thinking after work, we could go out for some food, and then maybe use one of the hotels?" He wasn't exactly talking about the places you would stay for an entire night, though with the amount of money they made, and the amount of time they actually had to spend that money it wasn't impossible. They were basically rich and never had a reason to go extravagant, because that was how you got sniffed out. Live a life style too lavish as an assassin and it raises eyebrows.

As he finished talking they also finally arrived at their destination, the underground parking lot. "Of course this car is also kind of nice." He said turning off the engine, and immediately moving to steal Rinka's lips with his own, undoing his seat belt only so that he could get a good angle, he was mostly joking about the car comment, after all she was right.

They had paper work, and he had waited this long he could wait a few more hours.

... The field? Does he mean ... ??

When he revealed, yes, it had referred to assassination, she chuckled softly. "Sorry, sorry. It's not at your reply. Just hearing you refer to it in such a subtle tone ... it's different. You're more direct usually." Then again, there was a place and time for everything. The ability to be discreet was one of those things, particularly when it was linked to a job such as assassination. She had definitely lost track by now and, against her better judgement, refilled her cup.

"Hehehehe~ Maybe it's for the best you brought that extra bottle. We're gonna go through this waaaaaaaay faster than I thought."

Forcing herself to only sip half of the refilled cup, she went silent to think on his offer. Knowing Chiba and Rinka were there was a nice form of reassurance. If Nagisa went also .... well, there would be another friendly face to be around. It would have otherwise been much more awkward if she went without a decent friend, or at least someone she knew.

Thankfully, she had finished swallowing the sake. Otherwise, she would have choked on it upon hearing Nagisa's comment - compliment, maybe? - about her having a good body for assassination. "I ... do't know about that part. I know I have the knife skills still. But ummm ... "

She flashed a teasing smirk as Nagisa relayed their sensei's name ... but did so incorrectly.

"Irina-sensei. Man. She'd chew you out if she heard that. Irine ... hehe! Good one. Hmmm .... I think I may. I'll probably sleep on it. Speaking of sleep ... are you even tired? Hungry? Anything? I don't trust myself to cook like this, so I can order something if you want. We still have some time before everywhere closes."

Swiping her phone and deactivating sleep mode, she literally went to her calendar and marked the day. Today truly was a day to remember, and very significant in so many ways. Agreeing to be an official lover to anyone was a big deal. But the fact it had been with another assassin? Her job would soon get more risky, more dangerous. Despite knowing this ... she felt oddly confident. A bit nervous, definitely, but not enough to change her mind.

"Oh, definitely. Paperwork is never fun, anyway. This is just a more fun incentive to get it out of the way."

Peeking over at the time, she began trying to calculate how long it'd take them to finish everything up ... and then determine if at least the first part of Chiba's suggestion would be doable. "Alright. We'll have to be quick but efficient -- more so than usual. But sure. Sounds great." Her stomach growled, reminding her it hadn't had much of anything all day. Her face turned away as she blushed, very much embarrassed. "Okay. I guess 'great' isn't the right word. Sounds perfect, apparently."

She took a few breaths, turning back to face her partner once again as the car came to a halt.

"Alright, let's get this --- "

Before she could finish, Ryunosuke leaned forward and gave her lips a deep, passionate kiss.

.... Idiot. There's cameras everywhere!

Her face turned a bit more crimson as she leaned forward, moaning and enjoying the kiss. Tempting as it was to take up the car offer ... she hadn't been simply agreeing to his dinner plans just for the hell of it. Something that would be obvious as she forced herself to pull away, and gave Chiba's lower lip a slight, gentle tug with her teeth. "Careful. Just be glad I've got much better self-control than others. Now ... let's hurry up so we can have dinner ... and time away from work."

Opening her door, Rinka carefully stepped out after unbuckling herself. As she began to walk inside ... she purposely swayed her hips. If Chiba had needed anymore incentive ... well, there it was. The subtle but very strong 'Come and get me. I dare you.' message.

Nagisa could chalk it up to the fact that he was inebriated that he got Irina's name wrong, but at the same time he was more focused on Megu and the fact that she laughed. Considering how she was when he had first came into her home it was a welcomed improvement to see, and also kind of cute.

He couldn't exactly recall too many moments of her letting down her hair in 3-E, back when she was their class rep, and just kind of scary when it came to the other girls. But looking at her now she was cute.

Nagisa shrugged as he took another drink, and finished his current glass. "I doubt I'd make it home at this rate."

He gave a soft shrug, it was one of the risks of drinking after all, it would be difficult to stumble home and take the trains after being drunk, and something Nagisa wouldn't exactly say he was looking forward too. "I could do with something like Gyoza, probably wouldn't hurt to get some food in me that's for sure."

"As for sleep, No, i'm not tired." He filled up his cup again and took another drink. "But I did mean what I said. I mean just look at what your wearing right now, you look very cute."

Wait am I trying to flirt? I never flirt?

Yet he could feel his face burning slightly as he smiled at Megu. He was very happy to see her.

It was an odd moment of role reversal for Ryunosuke, he had never really done anything like that and normally was the more guarded of the two, but the kiss oh that kiss was going to be in the top five moments of his life. Even as it broke and she told him that he needed to be careful.

He actually chuckled when she said that she had more self control than him.

Since when?

Sure he had let himself have a moment of weakness for a short kiss, but he was still the pragmatic one of the two of them. He climbed out of the car and followed her, his eyes under his mask of hair watching the sway of her ass.

He caught up to her in the elevator, and felt a moment of awkward silence as he tried to think of what to say. They were now lovers, right? but they had been friends and partners for years now ever since highschool. She was easily his best friend, why was he suddenly struggling to talk to her? why was he suddenly nervous.

It wasn't really the danger part that bugged him. They were in a company that dealt with murder. If their names ever got out publicly they would have had targets on their back anyway. And them dating was practically an expected joke around the office considering how often they were together.

So why would he feel nervous now?

As they made their way back to their desks he was oddly reflective and silent, giddy but nervous and completely unable to talk.

"Nope," Megu quickly replied, "I can tell you wouldn't. Capable as you usually are, I think we found one weakness you'll need to be cautious of when you become an assassin again; sake. It's okay though; I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't get effected by this in some form or fashion. Anyway, point is, I was gonna offer - and highly recommend - you stay the night here. The ... extra company would be nice and you would not be a hindrance or anything. I don't wanna hear that."

With how quick those last few sentences easily sounded very defensive, it was like she'd planned that ahead. Of course, it wasn't the actual case. Not consciously, at any rate.

"Gyoza .... alright."

Very slowly, Megu pushed herself up ... stopping about halfway. Not intentionally - at least not on a conscious note - but she was bent so her chest was mere inches away from Nagisa's face. "You umm ... you've become quite the charmer, haven't you?" Okay. He wanted to tease? She could also. "Ever used that technique again? The one Irina-sensei taught you specifically?"

Megu had never really put herself in Kaede's spot that day ... but now even she found herself slightly envious of her classmate. How did it feel?

Don't be stupid. It's not like he does that randomly ...

"I'm so sorry!" she stammered, turning to hide her blushing face, "That ... that was inappropriate of me, huh? Umm ... maybe we leave the second bottle alone, haha. Okay ... I'll go order." She left the living room, but would also always hold onto something. Obviously her precaution in ensuring she didn't trip and wound herself due to being too buzzed. Upon reaching her phone, she leaned over slightly again, causing her skirt to raise slightly in the process and reveal the bare minimum of her panties, as well as what color they were.

The silence was definitely slightly unexpected .... and at the same, it wasn't. Words were likely hard to conjure. But with her being the quicker of the two - at least with certain tasks such as talking - she seemed to have a reply for her new lover. While they were still in the elevator .... best to take advantage. First thing was first ... and this was something she internally cursed for not doing way sooner. Reaching up to her right ear, she deactivated her own ear piece, lowing her voice to a whisper.

"It's okay. The first day's always the hardest and most awkward. It'll probably be easier after tonight ... or even after we leave the office."

And before he could ask how, she flashed a sly smirk.

"You'd be amazed what novels have these sorts of tips. But you're probably too scared to pick one up, huh?"

And that would be when the elevator doors opened. Hayami would lead the two over, waving every now and again to any poor, unfortunate co-workers still stuck there. She'd then sit in one of the chairs, set her ear piece down, and remove any other government gear that wasn't needed at the moment. Everything would go in a desk drawer. Finally, she stared at her laptop .... and sighed. "Alright, alright. It's not gonna print itself, I suppose," she teasingly mused, beginning to pull all the respective paperwork up. Two copies of each sheet would be printed out.

By the time Rinka separated and stapled them together, it was at least a good seven to ten pages long.

"Alright. Well .... shorter than usual. Let's be glad for that."

Likely because forensics had appeared on the scene, and they hadn't done as much as they normally would at a crime scene.

Just in case .... Rinka would pull two pens out, leaving one for Chiba should he need it. She then wordlessly began working on filling the papers out ... but had her own noticeable smile on her face all the while.

"I'm only a light weight because I'm short." Nagisa commented though she was right he would probably have to be wary of alcohol in the field. He had never really taken to drinking that much, and this was a bit of a new situation for him. In all honesty he can't say he cared for it all that much for the stuff, but in a setting like this he could have a few drinks.

When she mentioned the kiss combo that Irina sensei had taught him, he blushed slightly.

"I haven't done anything like that in years." He admitted basically that had been a one and done experience.

Though as he watched Megu go to the phone he was enamored by her, and in truth maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to try that kind of stuff again? He got up from his seat, but stumbled slightly. Watching her as he saw what panties she was wearing, he waited till she had ordered food, catching her on her way back to the two of them. He stumbled slightly which put his arms around Megu to help catch his weight, which also pushed Megu up against the wall.

Though he was shorter than her it was only by a small amount. He moved slightly to catch his breath, and then without thinking or asking permission, he pressed his lips against Kataoka's, engaging her in a deep kiss, it wasn't really the technique he had learned all that time ago, that was a lot more difficult for him to do drunk, this was just hungry and passionate.

When Rinka Deactivated her ear peace he could just imagine whoever was over the radio likely their boss having a good laugh. Fraternization wasn't really against the rules inside of the building, but it was still unprofessional, and he didn't want to get in trouble for this kind of thing.

He muttered a few curses under his breath as he checked that his own was off.

When she mentioned the novels he made a comical gaging noise. "Oh come on those romance novels are awful most of the time."

Chiba took the pen he was offered and sat down silently working over the paperwork making sure to record all the details he could recall since it was all fresh in his memory. Thankfully CSI would have the harder job, he only really had to acknoledge how many people he shot, which wasn't many in the long run of things.

He paused when he got to one part in the report. The part where Rinka had nearly ran ahead of them. It was a breach in protical if he covered it up for her than he would get in trouble if anyone found out, if he didn't she could be mad at him in the long run.

Which was worse the wrath of his job? or the wrath of his girlfriend?

The job

"Sorry Rinka." He said as he started writing down the incident report, it would likely get her a slap on the wrists, but it wasn't worth covering for her, it was unlikely to get her fired as it was more of a safety concern.

Well, at least he said it and not you, Megu thought, grinning at the half-drunk confession. It was true though. Compared to others - particularly Karma - poor Nagisa was rather short. Somehow, he failed to grow even one inch since graduating from 3-E. An odd thought .... but ah well. He also graduated as the valedictorian, and that was an honor earned for a damn good reason. A s far as Megu - and most of the others were concerned - what he lacked vertically was easily made up for in all of his assassination skills.

... What is he doing?!

Seeing poor Nagisa stumble around - very much tipsy if not full-fledged drunk - made Megu worry. It'd be easy for him to get hurt in this state and ... well, that could make things turn ugly for her. Even if he didn't blame her, it'd be another thing on her conscience.

When she finished ordering, Kataoka quickly but carefully moved up to meet up with Shiota. They literally rendezvoused half-way, with the bluenette lightly pinning her to the wall.

"Geez. You worried me there, you o --- ??"


Her eyes widened as she blushed, her own face turning a bit red. Yet, compared to what Nagisa may have assumed to happen, she didn't slap him. Nor make him immediately stop. A good forty-five seconds would pass before she pulled away; partly ot catch her breath and now to voice the main concern that had entered her mind.

"I ... this is selfish. And I'm sorry. But ... I don't wanna do this just once as a fling or anything. Plus ... if we're both gonna join up and become professional assassins soon ... I just .... "

Megu paused, making sure she had the right words before finishing her thought, "I'm trying to make sure whatever we do, it's without regrets. And what we really want."

"Most," Rinka agreed. "Most does not equal all. I have found some decent ones. And hey, if nothing else ... they taught me ... well .... everything we didn't learn in school. Sex ed, or lack of, really."

Even though the words came out relatively smoothly, they still made her blush a bit. Kunugigaoka Junior High School had been an overall decent experience. But even their high school and college had been by no means perfect.

Every few moments, Hayami would look up and see where Chiba was; partly in hopes of getting to their date sooner, and also to make sure her copy matched his. Of course, with her name, actions, and so on. Otherwise, it was a habit she and Ryunosuke had made a habit of following through with together; ensuring their paperwork matched. It made things much smoother for their boss, for one. Two, they were always partnered with one another. Unless there was a damn good reason, it made sense for anything Hayami wrote to match Chiba's reports, and vice versa.

Thus, when he apologized, her head lifted. An eyebrow had been raised .... and then she sighed as she saw what he meant. " ... No, no. It's fine. May as well get this out of the way."

Flashing him a small smile, Rinka ensured her set of papers mirrored her partner's.

It'd take about fifteen more minutes before, finally, the two were done. Rinka let out a small groan as she finished. Unfortunately, with them being done, there now came the most unpleasant part ... and that therefore meant heading straight to Karasuma-san's office.

"Okay. Well ... let's get this done, shall we?"

That was definitely one of the best perks about having an ex-teacher as a boss. He was much more understanding than anyone else who could have been assigned as their superior officer. So they certainly got more lenience than usual. Still, that didn't deem either of them completely excused from their actions, including what Hayami was about to endure hearing soon enough.
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