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Mx Female (Updated) Detailed, Cartoonish, Interracial Role-plays Inside. Very Experienced. (NSFW Pics)

Jul 14, 2016
Coxville County
Hey there, my pretend name is Chuck, and as the title of the thread indicates, I'm looking for partners to enjoy some extremely detailed RPs focused on an interracial or raceplay kink. I have over a decade of experience in online RP, and plan to build up even more. I love having an outlet to explore my wildest, darkest fantasies, things that I wouldn't even necessarily want to enjoy in the real world, but get me all hot and bothered thinking about in my head. And I'm looking for a like-minded girl to help relieve some of that bother.

I like very, very detailed and wordy RPs. Really, the sky is the limit in terms of word count. I've yet to meet someone who writes too much for me, and at this point I usually always give more than I receive. I like that aspect of RP, too. Where it feels like you and your partner are challenging each other, each of you trying to come up with the most descriptive and creative way to get the other one excited. On that rare occasion where you find a partner who writes so well that you think about the RP during your day, that you find yourself even hurrying home to read their next response, where if you get a response early you force yourself not to read it at that moment, as you want to wait for a better opportunity to properly enjoy their work... that's my ideal partner.

I like to think I'm very polite and respectful. If I'm not interested in a scene, or am no longer enjoying one, I'll communicate it to you. I'm not afraid of confrontation or hurting someone's feeling. I'm an adult now. This basic human interaction and respect is not a problem for me. I'll suggest things to change if I think it will help us enjoy a scene more, and happily accept feedback if it will make the scene more enjoyable to you. I'm patient for replies, and don't expect one every day or two, and often take a few days or more myself to make my own, especially since I like to write so much. If I'm going to take a while to post, I'll send you a polite note, and if I've been waiting say a week for a reply, I might send a polite question, and then leave it at that.

All right, I think that about covers the basics. Now, onto my plot ideas.

All of these are capable of being revised, none are set in stone. You can suggest your own RP idea to me, or, if you'd rather just come up with something original for the both of us, by all means. I love getting a list of kinks and desires and then crafting an idea around that. It's one of my fortes.

**NEW** Pull-Over, Pull-Down Your Trousers: A pretty simple smut story, straight to the point. An uber-sexy female cop pulls over a suspicious-looking vehicle, or breaks up a dice game in an alley, or even interrupts a robbery, whatever you'd like. Also up to you, is how many trouble-making black youths she is able to detain, and get them to spread their hands on the wall so she can pat them down. What isn't up to you is what she finds, which she questions the veracity of. They have to be hiding bats in their pants, don't they? Upon closer inspection, she realizes, and is quickly thrilled, that what these boys are packing is far more dangerous (and drool-worthy) than mere baseball bats.

Rap Video Rescue: A wealthy, married, privileged, gorgeous bombshell MILF races to the scene of a rap video shoot as she gets word that her daughter has taken a job there to be the starring "Hip Hop Honey" of the video. While Mom has always supported her daughter's aspirations to become a model, she never would have dreamed that the avenue she would choose to pursue this career would involve her being one of the scantily-clad pieces of eye-candy in one of those misogynistic rap videos. And she'll be damned if she's going to let her daughter be some piece of meat for some tattooed rhyming thugs.

Yet, as furious as Mom is as she comes clomping out of her screeching-to-a-halt $400,000 Bentley, things don't go quite as expected. It seems her white privilege doesn't take her as far as she thought. Her demands that her daughter be taken off the set immediately and the whole shoot shut down are met with a smirking lawyer and manager who explains plainly that a contract has been signed, the money exchanged, and the rent for the shoot in question — a luxurious penthouse on top of a skyscraper in LA, complete with outdoor pool over-looking the city — has already been paid for as well, which was no small fee. So, unless Mom and her husband are willing to reimburse the company for the estimate $2.5 million dollars in damages, she's going to have to back off and let her of-age-daughter make her own decision.

... Unless... Mom would like to take her place?

(( This is probably my favorite idea right now. And as with any scene, things can be amped up or down, depending on your own desires. Mom could be extremely racist, for example, which I would find very fun; having a sneering racist rich white woman being forced to essentially be a stripper for a bunch of black thugs for hours on end, before things get even more intense. Or, if you like playing multiple characters, you could play Mom and her daughter at the same time. And thus, become my favorite person in history. ))

Interviewing the Team: An up-and-coming sports reporter has been making her mark in the NBA for the last year, becoming one of the biggest names in the sport, even including the athletes. For good reason. She's charming, smart, witty, knowledgable, asks tough questions, and the most important, she's gorgeous. She's the talk of the internet, and the NBA has seen their ratings increase due to just her very presence at games. People are watching basketball who haven't in years simply to get a look at her.

Yet, even someone like her has a job to do at times. And when the NBA's best team goes on a terrible losing streak, her boss demands that she get the interview with the team's stars after the game. The team is upset, and are kicking all the reporters out of the locker room, but she's persistent. Too persistent. And when the players have had enough, and start being "inappropriate" in an effort to make her appalled and leave, what will their own reactions be when they notice she isn't appalled at all. Instead, she's quite interested.

Rewarding A Kind Heart: YC is a saint. No, not literally, but she might as well be. Her husband and her family before him have provided her with a life few people can even dream of. She has not a care in the world, everything is provided for her, and to her credit she has used her freedom to help the less fortunate. Well, after a weekly visit to the spa, daily shopping trips, and the most intense workout regiment any person has ever seen, obviously.

Regardless, once she's done spoiling herself, she spoils the less fortunate. She raises money for the firemen, donates a ton of money to the hospital, delivers toys to orphans, and even spends a night a week at the homeless shelter making food for the poor homeless population. This used to be her least favorite charitable activity, if she were honest, but these days it's the highlight of her week. She's grown to know and become comfortable around the men and women here, and they shattered her expectations. Most of them seem like just people who made some bad decisions or even had bad luck.

So when the shelter announces it has to close for the next week due to a building code violation they need to fix, our saintly white woman is distraught. She works hard to make sure these men and women have a place to stay, and thankfully most of them say they can find a place, save one or a few. Knowing it would infuriate her husband, and he would put his foot down if he weren't out of town on business, she bites her lip and offers to take him/them in for a few days, as they figure something out. She's not really nervous about it, just about her husband finding out. And that's before she walks in on the man changing into the clothes she's laid out for him, getting a gander of the behemoth swinging between his legs. Inspirational Pic (I'm so sad this comic never got finished.)

(( Again, this one can be a group scene from the jump, if you'd prefer. I love playing multiple characters. ))

Political Downfall: The Democratic Senator from the South is a shoe-in for President in eight years. All he need do, is by his time. He's smart, charming, attractive, has no skeletons in his closet, and his family, particularly his wife, is his best asset. For everything one could say about him, they could say even more about her. Charming, witty, dedicated to helping the community, and beyond gorgeous. She's been the most talked-about person in the country for three years running, and everyone can't wait for her to be their first lady.

Yet, the family keeps the worst secret someone can have if they have political aspirations: they are extremely racist. It has never been something that's come up though, as they keep their gross remarks and comments to themselves inside their home, or at worst at an all-white rich fundraiser with no cameras.

So when the stunning trophy wife walks to her car one evening after a fundraiser while her husband is in DC, she slumps in the expensive luxury sedan and exhales, exhausted, making a call to her best friend. She begins to go on a bit of a rant about "those people," and worse, making all the kinds of remarks that could end her husband's career, and her privileged life. Luckily, this is in private. Or so she thinks, as she ends the call and looks over her shoulder to back up, only to see one of the black men from inside at the meeting standing there at the rear passenger window, which she had forgotten she left open. He is holding his smartphone, recording everything that just happened, including the look on her face as she sees him. It is the exact opposite look that is on his own smug, triumphant face. She's going to have a lot of work to do to keep that black vote.

More to come!


- Cartoonish sizes and shapes, for both a woman's body, and my men's appendages. Boobs, butts, and dicks, all slightly bigger or just plain ol' bigger than you would see in real life.
- Hard bodies, muscles, abs, biceps, thighs that look like they could crush an oil drum, the whole nine yards.
- Cartoonish amounts of cum. Both male and female, if you would be so kind.
- Anal. A2M. A fat ass is the key to a black man's heart, after all.
- Blowjobs. Lemme see your white princess properly worship the BBC she's come to adore. Be messy and nasty with it. Slobber and spit aren't just welcomed; they're required.
- Onomatopoeia. Is this a strange kink? It shouldn't be. If there's going to be lots of sloppy, messy dick-sucking, I want to savor all the lovely sounds of it. SLURP, POP, and P-TEW all over those black monoliths. Make the windows rattle.
- Groups. I will definitely be playing multiple men if any scene goes on long enough. If you would want to play two or three women, I wouldn't object.
- Gangbangs. Double/Triple Penetration. All these guys have to find something to do, right?
- Adultery. Love to revel in just how depraved our main girl has become, how far things have gone that she's betrayed everything she once loved.
- Dirty Talk. I love dialogue, and especially love the nasty stuff. Be filthy, this is a place to really let loose.
- Abusive Talk. Same as above. My men towards your women, but even your girls towards me. I'd totally be into a scene where the girl is demanding more, spurring the boys on, goading them until she regrets it.
- Rough Sex. Maybe this went without saying, but just to make sure. Slapping, spanking, hair-pulling, forcing into positions that aren't exactly comfortable, and more. Hell, just a girl deepthroating one of my boy's massive pythons would be considered "rough" by any sane person.
- Humiliation, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, etc. Love for a scene to go on so long it denigrates into a world where the formerly spoiled rich princess is now nothing more than a ghetto whore, happily doing anything her black stud masters demand of her without any objection. Willfully being filmed so that her performance can be distributed to all the black men she hasn't yet been able to satisfy personally.
- Lots More, I'm Sure.

PM me. Let's get started!
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