Bright Inspired Modern Day + Magic World - Seeking Players


Jul 7, 2017
Would love to play in the world of Bright (Orcs, Elves, Modern Day + Magic)

Elves are living large, Orcs are oppressed. Faeries and Magic exist.

Magic is extremely powerful and "controlled". Having access to magic is highly illegal.


We can still build the world together, and we can explore the race relations, the underworld and perhaps solving crimes?
I mean, do you want to see better in the dark and be blind in the day?

Do you want to have white hair and dark skin?
Thread is up, Bob went to chat with various non-humans in the department. Please join in .
....i really am having serious troubles for just understanding what's going on in the thread... :(
There are orcs protesting outside a police station, and some drugs are sprayed on them, making them aggressive and dangerous.

There are orcs that managed to break through and one of the larger orc is a trained mob enforcer, and he is very dangerous.

The drugs not only make the people aggressive, when they "die" they become "zombies" and attack the closest thing.
We are now in the police station, with orcs over run the police line, and some entered the police station. If only there are some large strong centaurs to help out in the station with the large orcs.
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