Bright Inspired Modern Day + Magic World - Seeking Players


Jul 7, 2017
Would love to play in the world of Bright (Orcs, Elves, Modern Day + Magic)

Elves are living large, Orcs are oppressed. Faeries and Magic exist.

Magic is extremely powerful and "controlled". Having access to magic is highly illegal.


We can still build the world together, and we can explore the race relations, the underworld and perhaps solving crimes?
I think I'll start the thread and we can jump right in. The world is not very defined in the movie, but we can co-create it as we go.

The story is about pretty much not epic level where we save the world, but rather the low level adventure of regular people.

Just join in.. open to all. We will figure out characters later.
Count me in!

Oh, i was SO in search for something like this!

*fangirl scream*

That movie was so cool i've immediately started to wonder about the life in a place like that! Wouldn't it be awesome?

...sorry if i'm speaking in Telegram-esque manners but... *shrug*
I watched it recently and really like the concept. I really like the idea of modern fantasy like that where orks and elves and magic is just a thing.
A similar concept was "already" used in a Book Saga of Artemis Fowl, where the concepts are, anyway, that added to magic the "magic" creatures also have an hyper-advanced technology. Literally OP :D
But yeah, i still don't understand why this movie got and is still getting terrible reviews :S
A good cast, epic effects, a more-than-original concept...
what else they want? >:C
So, I know Main wanted to jump right into things but I think we need to lay out something first because I'm looking at your opening post and with nothing else to go on I'm drawing a blank on how to write my first post.
Same here.

We don't have characters...background...lore...

I can write a post, sure, but might be Just a "mean while"...
Character profile here:

Thread is here:
Uh... Shall we have a little bit of worldbuilding or we Just "write by ear"? Or... Since Bob is experienced enough other cops shall follow his directions/ him?
I would say Bob is experienced, but not on the streets for several years, and there are complex race relations with more orcs on the street.

The initial plot I'd like to develop around is with a new drug which is harvesting the "souls" of the consumers. When the consumers die, they become literally zombies which will strangle or grab the nearest things.

As for the world, there is of course racism.

Most elves are rich and are in control of corporations.

Humans are the middle management and most people you see are humans.

Orcs are replacing many humans as the lowest paid blue collared workers for manual labor as they are big and strong. Because of relations in the past, orcs are hated and feared. (probably a societal way to control the class system)

We can focus around the low level crime / relations between races, etc.
Post up your characters and we will discuss more.

3 months ago, a new group which was distributing "zombie" decided to sell more of it to the orc community, and they were pushing it hard in the clubs and it was well accepted. Because of its low cost and lowered crash, many switched and they group dominated the market and the drug became popular.

The local gangs were not happy and there was a big firefight between the gangs and the drug wars started. The new group had a hit squad of elves which was silent, fast and deadly and the assassinations began and the gang wars were violent and brutal. The elven hit squad murdered a lot of gang members and the gangs killed the "zombie" drug pushers, and the killings continued. The elven hit squad was rather secretive and as a detective investigated, more information on the drug was uncovered and because of the widespread use and sale of the new drug, the case became watched by the media and law makers.

The cops managed to find a storage facility of "zombie" with the help of the other gangs and it was raided. The elf hit squad was called in but it was too late, and the police confiscated much of the drugs, but the elves arrived and killed the other gang members who were there to watch and some of the cops in their way. The detective who investigated the case also went missing.

There was a heightened violence on the streets, and the use of "zombie" was spreading.

frightorflight said:
can we introduce more races then just orks, elves, and humans?

Probably, the 3 races are major known races.
I think inspired by Bright, so we don't need to use any part of what happened into consideration.

May be the same world, but not same timeline?
Uh, i see.
Well even if it's "not bright" but "inspired by bright" i'm still as interested as i was before :D
And... of course, i had in mind to play as a Centaur (Jeez... even if they were in few fotograms, totally LOVED those centaur cops <3 <3 )
I was SOOOO wishing i had to see dwarves (as they speak of them in a scene or two)
JIMMIES! The scene where there's a dragon flying over the city? If it's not instant-love...

Oh, yeah, so... i'm okay with introducing this and that race.
Afterall... it's fantasy... who can say "NO?" ;)
I'm sure some of the elves are Drow.

In the future there is make up...

Lets write up the characters and start already!

Centaur sounds fun! (But can you enter elevators?)
We can explore the different races together, will PM each other if its too powerful, etc.

Don't worry, fill up a character sheet and join the game.
Maybe the drow could be a sort of middle race. Up there with the elves but mistrusted because maybe historically theu have always made their money selling to both sides. Or maybe because they were only on the winning side for changing sides.
I think Elves sell to both sides, and there is definitely a few versions of elves in the show. Drow is just a variant elf race.

Seems like there is magic using elves that is called "Bright" and other type of assassin elf.
Well bright was just a name for people who could use magic in general. I know how elves were in the show but we don't have to follow that exactly and I am trying to think of a way to distinguish drow from elves.
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