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Life Goes on


Jun 21, 2009
It was a sad day the rain seemed to sting even more then normal, at least mother would not be alone anymore. The day was so bad even Karin was wearing a dress that should have shocked Yuzu but she was already too torn up. Ichigo was playing it off like it did not bother him but there was not one wall in the house without a hole through it. The strange girl that had lived in his closet for 2 years had left. Since there father was a former officer there were things that had to be don't about his death.

"A loving husband and father he was too good for this world" The priest dropped a handful of dirt as did each member of the party. At least the men did each female including Karin and herself dropped a single red cherry blossom. The wake after the funeral was held at the house many soul reapers came. Even chad and the Quincy showed up no one knew what would happen to Karin and Yuzu with both parents dead. The twins dressed alike for the first time in there lives it was indeed a sad day.
Ichigo hadn't known how to act since it had happened.....nor did he have any idea what was going to happen with his father. Whenever anyone least he'd been secure in the knowledge that there was an afterlife for them to go to...but.....his father....he had already been dead...or maybe he wasn't actually alive in the first what would happen to him? Did the afterlife have an afterlife too? That much Ichigo wasn't sure about....and for the first time since his mother had died....he felt scared and alone.

Still, he couldn't show it, not when his sisters needed him. As the wake went on, and people began to leave, he was constantly watching Karin and Yuzu, trying to help them through this. They would be hit even harder by this...and he had to show strength for them.

After a few hours, the last of the guests left, leaving the three alone in the now empty feeling house. "Hey....why don' two go get some sleep ok...?" Ichigo put a hand on each of his sisters shoulders, rubbing gently. "You need some rest....." The rain was still pounding on the windows outside, but Ichigo was just trying to be there for his sisters. "Go on....go to bed, get some rest" He rubbed their heads, then moved them towards the stairs.

A little while later, Ichigo was laying awake in his own bed, staring upwards at the dark ceiling, his room in complete darkness, lit occasionally by the flashes of lightning outside. "Damnit old man....what do we do now....?"
The house seemed somehow empty without the goofball even the movie poster in there room did not fill the hole left behind. "You know he is going to take this as a chance to mope around" The family clinic was even more busy then normal. A lot of people got hurt every time the Hollows attacked most dies. The local cemetery was closed because so many people had died so suddenly that there was no longer any empty plots.

"Karin its storming pretty hard". She could see the entire street light up each time that the thunder echoed through the neighborhood. Yuzu had already crawled into bed with the braver of the two sisters. she was shaking like a leaf and Karin was in no mood to play the olderin sibling when they had a brother. Perhaps it would do some good for him to start doing his job again and stop playing a child.

Karin knocked on the door which flew open exposing her brother on the bed he was half naked on top of the sheets. "you know people still live here" she said covering her eyes there brother now looked like some kick boxer. His body made her face hot was that wrong to think about her brother in such a base way. "Yuzu wanted to make sure you were alright" the two walked closer each wearing one of fathers shirts.
Ichigo blinked as he heard the door to his room open, looking over as he watched his sisters enter the room. Normally he'd scold them for just bursting into his room like that, but tonight....tonight was definately different.

"Hey there.....I'm...alright. But what about you two....? Are you two alright...?" He slowly sat up, his muscled chest glistening slightly as the lightning flashed. "Let me guys wanted some company?" He smiled, shuffling over in his bed to make room for them. "Come on, you can stay in here for a while ok? I guess it's about time I started acting like more of a big brother after all"
Unlike there brother the two of them had not changed that much a small gain in the height and two the chest of the two of them. "Well maybe Yuzu" she pushed her sister forward who fell face forward into he brothers lap. She become a deep shade of red as she climbed up into his lap her head falling under his chin. Karin sat on the end of the bed she was far more independent then her sister. "Brother what will happen, i mean i don't want to go with any family". It was hard to believe they would give a high school student his two teen sisters. they did not want to be separated from there brother or each other.
Ichigo blinked, blushing slightly as Yuzu fell in his lap, though as she sat up he gently put an arm around her shoulders, holding her against him to try and comfort her. He could tell she was upset....he could tell Karin was upset too, even if she wasn't showing it so much. "Don't worry...." Ichigo rubbed Yuzu's shoulder with one hand, then reached out to put the other hand on Karin's shoulder.

"Dad made sure we'd be taken care of....I think he was worried about something like this.....he left us money to take care of us....made sure we'd stay together here.....I'll take care of you both....I promise....I'll do whatever I have to in order to take care of the two of you...."
"I know" Yuzu leaned up to kiss him on the cheep the two did not have bras yet and despite there age it showed. Karin was still acting tough but she lay down her shirt rolling up to show of her small stomach and belly button. She did not ask about his duty as a soul reaper they where not even supposed to know about it. "Have you made it with the closet girl, or the big chested one" asked Karin. she was not jealous she just knew when boys got girlfriends to do that stuff they became self absorbed. She watched Yuzu comfy herself up to him the plan would never work even closet had a bigger chest.
Ichigo watched Karin as she lay down, staring for a moment as her shirt rolled up over her stomach for a few moments, before he quickly looked away, looking back out of the window, trying to ignore the odd thoughts running through his head. He was so engrossed in thought that Karin's question caught him even more by surprise than it normally would have.

"Ah...I..." His cheeks flushed. "No.....Rukia....she had someone else I guess....and Orihime....well I really don't think she's my type....she's just....too scatterbrained I guess...." He was looking away to try and hide the slight blush on his cheeks, though in the dark room it didn't matter too much.
"yes but her, zambas, hoo ho's" she made a motion over her small chest which was smaller then her brothers clenched hand. She was not big or small for a girl her age but with orihime a few years older when she grew it was humiliating. "well i hear that a lot of men like then" Karin rolled over on her ass. It was hard to think about sex with there brother in the room she could no more think that, well maybe before dad. "Anyways if you don't want them then who do you want, i mean men need sex right" at 17 he was a man.
"Uhhhh......" Ichigo wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. He hadn't expected questions like that, not from Karin and especially not right now. Then again, perhaps right now was why she was asking. Ichigo figured maybe Karin was just worried he was going to spend all his time with some girl rather than them...

"Karin....I...yes I'm a guy, so yes I like that kinda stuff and Yuzu are all that's important to me right now". He tried to smile slightly to them both. "Besides....maybe I don't know what kinda girl I want isn't exactly the time to think about it after all..."
Karin was not ready to believe him it was like a fish jumping into you're boat to hard to believe. "What about being a soul hunter" Yuzu asked blurting it out before her sister could stop her, they were not supposed to know that. They had only seen there brother when he came to eat or sleep at home. "Yes you were almost never here" She looked up at him they had once been so close that it was hard to tell where they started and there brother started. "yes we need you here without dad" Yuzu begged tugging on his shirt.
Ichigo was silent for a moment, looking down at Yuzu. So....they knew. It was obvious that if Yuzu knew, Karin would know too. " behind me now. I was but not anymore, that's something I'd rather give up on if it would hurt you. Right now you two need someone..." He gently hugged at Yuzu as she clung to his shirt. "I can wait before I start looking for a girlfriend, there's no rush right?"
They were not sure how much they trusted him he had never lied to them but he was a boy after all and they had two brains. "Ok Ichigo what should we do" Karin was into sports so they could share that but Yuzu was more into the tea party dress doll kind of thing. which had been fun until she found out ko was not a doll. The perverted doll had even started looking up her skirt she was mad at him still. "So you are really done" she asked wondering when the next evil would rise.
"Well....." Ichigo glanced between the two, not quite sure how to answer. These past 2 years he'd grown a little distant from his sisters....he hadn't meant to, things had just turned out that way. Their father had always been there to bridge that gap before, but it was just the three of them. "We'll figure it out....we can do anything the two of you want that makes you happy" He smiled, looking at Yuzu, then at Karin. "And I promise, I really am done. It really wasn't supposed to be my job to do that stuff anyway so....from now on I'll leave it to the ones who are supposed to be dealing with it"
"Well maybe you could teach us how to kiss" she asked looking up at her big brother Yuzu had never been the brave one. She did not like the boys in her grade they were not interested enough in girls yet. She had cornered and kissed one only to have him run away on her she smiled feeling his chest on her back. "You know i like it when you are close brother" Karin was not looking at either of them. She had seen all the girls her brother hung out with it was like a harem of young women and one horny teen male. "I am serious Oni chan i need to know how to do it right"
To say he didn't know how to respond to that request would be an understatement. Did they really understand what they were asking him exactly? Did they actually comprehend that they were asking him to really kiss them? "I....well I don't think....that's something I can really teach you girls....I mean....I am your brother and.....brothers and sisters aren't really supposed to do that kind of stuff...." As well as that, Ichigo was trying to avoid mentioning that he wasn't exactly an expert on the matter. The only girl he'd kissed had been Rukia when they had tried going out about a year ago, but things hadn't worked out. If anything, the attempt had just soured things between them, ruining a friendship.
Yuzu was not about to jump her older brother, for one she was much to shy for another he was a billion times as strong as her. "Oh well thats OK maybe you could just tell us how" kissing seemed to be important. They did not want to be left behind when all there classmates started in a few months or a year. "I mean we really need to know how" she was blushing heavily as she looked into her brother eyes. she could see that he was very shy about it despite being four whole years older then either of the, "Please oni san" she begged him.
"I....well...." Ichigo rubbed his head, looking back out of the window and sighing. Why wasn't Karin saying anything? Why wasn't she trying to put a stop to this too? Was she just wanting to make him squirm? Maybe that was her way of dealing with the grief.....perhap's Yuzu's way was to try and find anything else to think about, no matter what it was.

"I suppose....I can try to explain it but.....I's not something that you can easily explain..." He glanced back at Yuzu, then looked over at Karin. "You just sort of....put your lips against the other persons....maybe with your mouth open....and then...well...I guess you each extend your tongues if you wanna make it a deep kiss...."
Karin placed her hands on Ichigo shoulder he was worse at this then when dad tried to explain the bra and its use. "Great maybe if we find a dummy that will work" she looked into his eyes she was sure he knew more then he was saying. Ichigo had to have kissed someone with all those girls around him he had to have. "come on you know more then that" she kissed him on the cheek to break the ice. Yuzu then kissed her sister on the cheek as they had done when they were younger before they knew about boys.
Ichigo shifted slightly as Karin got up off the bed and moved closer to him, now moving to seemingly sit beside Yuzu right infront of him, her hands on his shoulders as she pecked him on the cheek. "I....well I just don't know how to explain it I's something have to do rather than be told with someone special that you care about...."
Yuzu turned her head he had said one thing and the another "What like on each other" aske Karin looking at her sister. She was cut but it would be like kissing herself and unlike many porn's they stole she was not turned on by that. "I don't think that would help Karin i know even less about kissing then you " as if that was actually possible.
"That's....not quite what I meant...." For a few moments, the image of Yuzu and Karin kissing flashed into Ichigo's mind, and for some reason....he liked it. But he quickly pushed those thoughts from his head. He couldn't afford to start getting aroused right now, not with Yuzu sat right on his lap whilst he was just in his boxer shorts.

"I meant....on another boy....someone you really like, someone that you want to kiss and want to be with.....y'know? It's a sort of....learn by doing thing really..."
Karin shook her head. "there all idiots even worse then you were back then" she smiled rubbing her ass over her lap. She could see that she was excited by what she was doing even if he would not admit it. "you know i could close my eyes and if someone kissed me i would not know who it is" she closed her eyes and waited for him to kiss her. she wanted to kiss him to make both of them feel better.
Ichigo shivered slightly as he felt Karin's tight ass rubbing against his bare leg, the fabric of her panties rubbing against him. Was she doing that on purpose? Was it just an accident? God he didn't know....he was so confused....with everything that had happened today he just didn't know anything anymore. Before he could really think, he was staring at Karin with her eyes closed, mouth slightly open.

For a moment, he forgot about Yuzu, forgot that Karin was his sister, and suddenly, Ichigo leaned forwards, suddenly pressing his lips against Karin's, practically thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Between his legs, something was also stirring, and Yuzu would be able to feel the movement beneath her, something starting to move and rub against her ass.
She felt the lips on hers but was too shy to open her eyes the pinch on her arm told her it was Ichigo and not Karin. She continued to kiss her brother knowing that he had done it first and that she had not had to. "That feels good, lover" she said with a giggle not using names even if she knew who it was. She did not open her eyes until the lips had left hers she then licked her lips clean of the wonderful taste. "May i have another" she asked right away.
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