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The Musician's Overture [GGentleman x Soft Strokes]

From Vivian's exclamation through her steak, it was pretty obvious she hadn't enjoyed a meal like this in a while. Same went for Cecilia, so it surprised her a little. The big city had to have tons of places to eat, and surely most of them had steak available. Cecilia was oblivious to the fact, that Vivian probably didn't chose the majority of her lunching times anymore. That she went out with the group, or with her agent, them choosing the spots. In Cecilia's mind, wealth was being able to chose. Also in her mind, why would anyone chose anything but a good steak? What could possibly trump that? She'd had other things, certainly, her family quite happy to do culinary exploits, but she'd nothing had ever hit her, like steak had. She could enjoy a good, juicy piece of chicken, or a smoked salmon, but nothing ever trumped steak. Maybe a good pasta with a chicken carbonara, or beef sauce, but it had to be pristine to even come close to steak.

And so she devoured her selection with joy, sampling her cocktail from time, to time, the red of the wine making up the majority of the glass at this point, as it should. When she neared the end of the whiskey sour mix, she stirred the mix with her straw, making sure it mingled with the rest of the red, finishing off the cocktail. She didn't actually favor red wine, over wines or spirits. It was, however, the most tasty she could get, for the cheapest price. She could get other wines cheaper, but then they where either completely dry, or so fruity it made the toes curl. Drinking hadn't exactly become a problem for Cecilia, but it'd been a growing trend. Whenever things got too heavy, she used red wine to fall asleep. She wasn't delusional. She knew getting mindlessly drunk, didn't help sorrow one bit. Only made it worse. It did, however, making sleeping on a broken heart easier, and come quicker. Where she might've sat up all night, crying, instead she eventually passed out drunk, sleeping restlessly till the next day, a headache now pushing away the mental anguish. Unhealthy solution, but a solution none the less. One she wasn't proud of.
It had, however, given her quite a strong resistance to alcohol's effects, which only really made that solution more expensive, but it also made sure that when the second cocktail came, Cecilia's mind hadn't even been touched by a buzz, and she accepted it happily. The NYS cocktail was a hard hitter, but not nearly hard enough to hit Cecilia.

Cecilia listened intently, silently chewing and cutting her food as she did, grimacing lightly at what she heard. The idea of eating tentacles, sent a confused shiver down her spine. Now that she knew it was something people did, her mind wanted to try it. Her mouth, wasn't quite so sure, her stomach churning at the concept. And hearing it was at a sushi place, only made it sound weirder. She wasn't oblivious to fine dining. She knew what a sushi place was. And the idea of eating a tentacle raw, didn't exactly sit well with her palate. At least, so she didn't think in that moment, while her mind also played with the idea. She'd certainly try it, if she ever had the chance. She raised a brow lightly, looking down at her rare steak, looking a little doubtful as she cut into it again, watching a bit more red juices squirm out of it.
"Iii.. I don't know.. Seems to me like there is a long way from this, to a raw tentacle... Tentacles? Really? People eat that? Suckers, and everything? Eh.. Doesn't.. You say they've dried out, but.. Won't you still feel the.. Suckers.. Slide down your throat?" Cecilia questioned, lost to how anyone ever even considered -trying- raw tentacles in the first place. "Who.. Thought of that idea? Who looked at a squirming tentacle, and figured: 'Hey.. Ima dry that shit up, n' eat it raw..' I could list countless things I think I'd think before that.. Like.. Walking the other way from the octopus.." Cecilia giggled lightly, before taking another piece of her steak between her teeth, chewing it with the relief that it wasn't a raw tentacle.

When Vivian turned to her, Cecilia turned lightly herself, her leg meeting Vivian's knees on the soft cushions of the couch, as she listened intently. She still remained turned towards her plate with her body, but her face was directed towards Vivian, more then the lavish food on her plate. This wouldn't have happened, if she was out with friends. Family. Food meant a lot to Cecilia, even more so now when she could barely afford it, much less luxuries like decent steaks, and sushi. But nothing meant more to her, than Vivian.
Cecilia listened to Vivian's plight about high society. Her lips curled a gentle smile as Vivian spoke, her head tilting down towards her plate, in order to let some more potatoes inside her mouth, chewing it down slowly. Vivian lived for her art, Cecilia had always known this. She'd also made space for it, but had often had to drag her away from it. Drag her outside. Into things. She remembered more then a single argument between them in the past, flourishing from a disagreement about practice, and the time spent on it. Cecilia practiced as well, but she didn't forget to live outside her art. At least not in the past. This last year, her blood only really flowed when her fingers danced on keys or strings.

Cecilia cleaned her lips, smiling to Vivian as she rested her cutlery, nearly having finished her plate. She put a hand on Vivian's arm, gently stroking it with a thumb.
"That's because you live for your art, Vivy. You still have goals, and aspirations, but I think you forget to enjoy the moments you live in. You know? And I say that, not really having much interest high society dining, but I'm referring to other things. How much of the city, have you actually seen, in the year you've been there? Because I imagine.. It's a marginally small amount, considering how much you could've, right?" She suggested, still smiling softly. "Your goals drive you. That's a good thing, but you let it.. Drag you away. Away from.. Everything else in your life." Her smile shrunk a little bit, only then realizing where she ended up with that sentence. That those goals, and all that practice, had dragged her away from Cecilia. A person who'd understood, helped and joined her every chance she had. She cleared her throat, looking back down to her food, as she picked up her cutlery.
"I'm not saying you should let High society drag you around, but.. But don't let practice become something you do, for the sake of goals you don't really get to enjoy. What's the point of fame and success, if you can' enjoy it? The point of art, when the beauty you create, comes out of a small practice room, rather than experiences. Remember to.. Enjoy the world around you.. Like. You're doing right now." She spoke a little more careful then, treading uncertain waters. She'd never really uttered this opinion. She'd thought it, many times over. Cursed in, the last few years. The fact that Vivian aspired great goals of success and fame, but wouldn't know how to enjoy it when she reached it. She made great music, but the stories her bow told, was more often then not, build on other's experiences, not her own. She forgot to embrace life, instead only embracing practice, and bettering herself. Admirable, but it was a lonely road. A road, with little space for things and people like Cecilia.
Vivian wasn’t sure how to take the way that Cecilia responded to her words. She was… not enjoying life for what it was? Vivian hadn’t ever felt that before, nor had she even known that was possible for her to undergo. To her, everything that went into her music, was her own. She hadn’t realized it, and likely wouldn’t with others around her, but nothing that she wrote ever truly could reflect her own self. Vivian hadn’t gone through something like emotional turmoil -sans Cecilia, which still inspired her- nor had she the backing for her own ideas. Overture was her greatest work, but the generic title was symbolic of a deeper mechanic in her; her music was brilliant and beautiful, but it didn’t have the emotional connection something that, say, Cecilia’s performance at the bar had. Nothing about Overture would make someone feel they were hit in the gut, feel as though the music connected to them. Instead, all it could do was show off the brilliance of how she wrote her works, and conducted the people around her.

Despite that, Vivian didn’t feel Overture was flawed in many ways. It wasn’t from a sense of arrogance, though pride was partially a factor, but due to the overwhelming support she’d been given from her peers. The word ‘Overture’ was coined from the use of an instrumental at the beginning of an opera to establish a mood. The piece she wrote had stemmed from that idea, and had been inspired by the woman on the mountain picture she’d worked on. She’d weaved the concept of moving up and down, pushing forward and fighting one’s way to the top in a seemless fashion, and it’d been indicative of her own struggles. Of in the beginning starting out alone, without much hope, but joined by other instruments as time went on and pushed forward in her journey. Yet midway through it steeped off as she went silent, consumed by the voice of the orchestra and leaving her stranded. Yet when she came back, it was a slow build up but an explosive climax; all like her career.

Still, Vivian was confused by the way that Cecilia had framed everything, and her wording was slightly off as she tried to figure out what to say, “I… do enjoy my music, Cecilia. I’fe nefer not enjoyed it. The goals I set for myself are zere so I can improfe myself. I don’t, see zee goal as zee reward, I see it as a progression of vhat I’fe fought for. Zat’s vey I vas able to push forward and branch out from Musique, and vey the orchestra efentually added us to their roster. The goal vas to get to zat point, but zee pleasure vas in zee perfovmances. Efen Oferture vas a goal, but I get less out of zee composition and more from the perfovmance. Zat’s… how I’fe always been.”

To some, this would seem logical, as Vivian was putting more emphasis on getting to that point. Yet in trying to defend herself, Vivian had only proved Cecilia’s point. She took no pleasure in the goals, and thus she put too much focus on her practices. Vivian practiced so much and wrote so long, that the touch that Cecilia’s performances had wasn’t present in Vivian’s. Vivian was a brilliant performer but her work and music lacked the passion most artists did, solely because she pushed herself to the point that she tuned out everything else. The joys of living a simple life where she worked and lived with others was lost on her, instead devoted to hours upon hours of drillings and practices. Vivian took 5 hours everyday, including days off or weekends, to drill on playing her Cello and perfecting pieces of her work and playing. If that wasn’t indicative of something with her, then it would be difficult to see anything else.

Once more, however, the two were still on a date, and talking about the underlying implications of Vivian’s drives and her desires wasn’t a place for that. So instead, Vivian decided to switch topics, trying to think of something that the two could talk about. Inevitably, this led to music, and Vivian smiled, “Cecilia… do you, erm…” She had to think of something related to music! “Erm… are you shtill, interested in learning other instruments?” Vivian turned, “I know seferal people who can teach you almost any instrument you vant to learn. I taught myself Cello but it vas some of zese people who actually got me playing to the point that I sounded like a provessional. I could probably sving zem for free as well, or at least, to do it as a fafor for me.”

Vivian smiled, “And, I could also get some discounts on instruments, buy you vatever you would want so you could hafe one for yourself. I could even get you a full piano if you vant one.” She was guessing form her financial situation that she wouldn’t have a personal piano.
Cecilia was sure plenty of Musicians had created their music, from inside ignorant walls. Crafted beautiful at, from other's experiences. Many great composers, and artists, had been loners or mentally challenged people, who wrote their pieces out of their souls, but rarely from experience. In truth, there was nothing wrong with this, but Cecilia didn't like how it sounded. Cecilia was a method actor, and her music had some of the same qualifications. Or suffered under the same curse. Her music bled her souls, and it made it painful at times. It made it, so she couldn't play music to brighten up, or warm herself on a cold day. Couldn't use it to just improve, or brighten up a dark day. She had to play from the heart, or it came out impure. False. This is how she did it, and it'd tainted her music, and Vivian didn't have the same crutch. In ways, Cecilia admired this. She could create music, purely for the sake of practice, or wanting to portray certain feelings, while Cecilia had a limiting perimiter to work within. And while Cecilia admired this, it also scared her a bit, because it could mean that Vivian could board herself in, but still create her music. Do what she loved. Isolate herself, and still write a love song. She didn't need Cecilia. Something she'd always feared would pull them apart. Always feared, was the barrier between them. Where the anxiety of their love stemmed from. Her insecurities. Something Vivian had removed in the past. Something she had to try and remove again.

Cecilia smiled gently when Vivian 'defended' herself, putting a hand on her lover's thigh, gently stroking it, and giving it a squeeze.
"Ik weet.. Ik weet, Vivy." She stated, after finishing a mouthful of meat. "And I've always loved that from you. The passion in what you do. It makes your art a masterpiece, every single time." She mused, but kept her true purpose aside. She wasn't sure now was the time to mention that. Because Vivian had just made that fear stronger. If it had not been these goals, that pulled them apart, then it had to be the passion itself. So what would stop her from doing so again? She had no reason, not to let practice, and getting better, get in the way of her love again. Not if what she just said, was really true. Which Cecilia knew it was. Vivian loved her music. And her anxiety made her feel, like that love trumped everything. Even the love that they shared, no matter how strong that love grew.

Cecilia let the conversation pull into a nother lap, smiling lightly as Vivian limped her way into another question, unseeingly trying to ignore a scary truth in what Cecilia had said. Instead, she'd brought up new instruments, and Cecilia had looked thoughtful for a moment, while silently and slowly chewing one of the last pieces of meat. Then, when Vivian suggested she could buy her a Piano, Cecilia's brows raised, her teeth pausing. Was Vivian really that successful? That she could just.. Buy. A full Piano, straight up. She knew how expensive these could be, having looked at one many times before, but obviously never bought one. The one she'd used in the bar, had been borrowed by the bar, from the small local college music hall. Her own keyboard was an expensive, and treasured thing, but it would never feel like a real Piano. She gotten it when she was younger, by her father, and was an expensive piece of equipment. But still, it effectively worked as a budget Piano. She'd never thought, she'd ever own a Piano. And, surely, she couldn't ask that of Vivian. That would be too much.
Cecilia was about to speak, but got a small piece of meat stuck in her throat, causing her to cough lightly, with a small snicker, putting a hand before her mouth. She took some time to loosen up her throat again, clearing it, before looking to Vivian with surprised eyes.
"Y.. You could? A Piano? N.. No, I couldn't accept that, that'd be.. Too much.. Besides, I d.. Don't really have the room for it, in.. In the apartment. And.. I think.. I'd feel bad for a Piano, to be.. Stuffed. Into a sad little thing, like my home." She giggled lightly, taking another sip from her cocktail, carefully stirring it again, before placing both her hands on Vivian's thigh again. "R.. Really. That would be too much. I really.. Appreciate the gesture, though. I've always dreamed of a Piano. M.. Maybe.. When I.. Move out, one day. When I.. Hopefully, get a more stable job. I'd feel a little less.. Bad. For accepting something like that, Vivy." She smiled again, leaning over to kiss Vivian's cheek.

She staid like this, her plate nearly finished at this point, just reaching out a hand, to catch the last piece of meat, that she'd already released from the meat, while she thought about her answer.
"Another instrument.. Hm. I haven't really thought of it, for a long time. But.. Yeah, I guess I wanted to once, but.. Note so sure, anymore. In most cases, when I practice, you know how it is. I walk into the same wall of challenges again, and again, until I break the wall down, and learn something new. I am.. Not sure, I could find the same passion, with another instrument. I think.. My instruments, are my Guitar, and my Piano." She thought, nodding a few times, as she picked up her last piece of meat, chewing on it slowly, and thoughtfully. She'd wondered which instruments she'd wanted to play, in the past. It was actually hard for her, to remember anything but Violin. Where Violin was something, she'd dropped completely. She'd found it practically impossible, for her to sing while playing Violin, and that just wouldn't do. Cecilia had to sing, while she played. Her songs, was her passion. Without her song, there was no act. Without her act, there was no music. She had thought of learning the Bass for a while, but wasn't really something she'd actually tried. Nor that she would, in truth. She'd found her heart in the instruments she needed. Any more, would just spread her too wide, she felt.
"No, I don't think I want to learn any more instruments, honestly. I think.. I'll stick to Piano and Guitar. These teachers, though.. I've always.. Wanted to try and learn more, about the Piano. In.. All honesty, I don't know. Anything. I've just.. Tried. Tried, failed, succeeded and then failed again." She giggled lightly, explaining her entire music career then. Cecilia always slammed her face against an obstacle, until a solution loosened it up and let her through. This wasn't to say, that she didn't learn from the mistakes that lead her to false or broken notes. But she always tried different solutions. Ways of making broken, or failed notes, work into a piece of music. Repair, and heal these fallen notes, that didn't deserve a place in beautiful music. These abominations of mishaps. The mistakes, no true Musician's would touch. Cecilia touched them. Hovered by them in her music, trying again, and again, to make them beautiful. The fact, that would make Cecilia a frustrating student, she was sure. She'd had to hit a missed note several times, before she would accept that it couldn't work in a piece of music.
"You.. Sure.. My ways.. Wouldn't just piss off, one of these people?" She giggled lightly, smiling as she remembered a memory. "Remember that broken note, I got obsessed with, on my guitar? That I just had to find a purpose for, because I liked the way my fingers felt when playing it? Think that frustrated you quite badly." She giggled again. It'd been Cecilia's crutch for quite a while, and it'd probably frustrated Vivian a bit. But, ultimately, Cecilia had found a piece of music, in which that certain note felt in. A chaotic piece of art, portraying the Musician's inner turmoil. Fight for air, in a choking world of product placement and misplaced trust in celebrities.

Cecilia realized something in that moment, and looked up to Vivian again, eyes widened a little bit.
"Uh.. Have you gone to any.. Musicals? While in the big city?" Cecilia asked, somewhat eagerly. Musicals had always been the most beautiful kind of act to Cecilia, and Vivian would know this. This, is what Cecilia did. Told stories with her music, acting out the roles of her song. Actors, Musicians and vocalists, all working together, to create a masterpiece of both visible and audible calibers.
Cecilia was a little doubtful, that Vivian had gotten the time to watch a Musical. In truth, Cecilia wasn't entirely sure, that passion wasn't purely her's. But still, she had her hopes, wanting to hear how it felt. Watching something like that, live.
Vivian sighed as she thought about how Cecilia would fit into a musical group, or even fit into trying to learn how to learn a new instrument. Vivian had no teacher, and as such everything she knew had been self taught. Her method of self-teaching was also very harsh and often times could seem very abusive towards herself; more than once, she’d denied herself a meal or such until she finally got a particular note down, and that had worked wonders for her, but would seem almost brutal to other. It was simply something that she’d fallen into doing, and because of this, she’d been able to master something very quickly, though mastering and being proficient in something were two very different things.

By contrast, Vivian was so insanely self-focus and oriented that she would always get to that point. Part of the charm of playing with Cecilia was that that two of them never had anything they particularly focused on, and they more often than not simply played what they wanted to play. This had the effect of a few things; firstly being that Vivian was often the one who would correct poor decisions, or would rectify a mistake. She always was insanely flexible with Cecilia, her habit for bad notes having been a soft of crutch that she knew Cecilia would rely on. It was actually very fascinating to Vivian just how incredibly devoted her lover could get to working on a bad note or an awkward beat into a song, and Vivian had always worked to help prosper that. Yet if she were to go up with someone who didn’t know that about her, or who wasn’t as forgiving when it came to that as she was…

“Heh…” Vivian nodded her head, leaning forward, “Zee offer vill shtill be on zee table.. I can alvays arrange it for you if you vant, or help teach you mzself,” She pointed to her fingers, “Zough I guess you’re going to shtick vith your guitar and piano.” Mentioning the word ‘guitar’ made Vivian slightly tense, as she knew that the point of contention with their previous playing was still in the air, “I hafe to admit, vatching you play the piano vas… it vas incredible. You grew so much and zet, your music is shtill as lovely and amazing as it vas before… all of zis.” She gestured to them, “It’s just as beautiful as I remember it… vell, actually it’s a little more wonderful than I remember…so I can understand you not vanting to move away from it.”

Letting that bit of praise dangle in the air for Cecilia to bite at, Vivian decided it was finally time for her to get back into her food. Talking had taken up some time, and the meat was cooling down by the minute. So she quickly got back into her dishes, sighing heavily with delight as she savored every bite of her meal. Even compared to some of the more upscale resturants that had become commonplace with her, the food here was still amazing and was perhaps even slightly better. Cecilia seemed to more or less fantasize about how she ate and lived, and yet Vivian still found this steak just as amazing as something she could eat, almost anywhere else in the city.

As she was nearing the end of her steak, however, Vivian shook her head at the question, “I hafen’t gotten time to go and zee many musicals…” Vivian grinned, “I play for zem!” Vivian quickly perked up, “Let’s zee.. I’m sure you’re heard of Les Miserables. Before the orchestra hired me, the group I vas in got zee chance to go and play for zat musical. The music crew vas sick on the veekend zey opened and one of our members had connections. Vee ended up playing for the opening night, and it vas honestly an amazing experience. Zat’s part of the reason zat vee vere efen noticed by zee orchestra at all. Once vee got picked up by zee orchestra, Ve’ve played for a lot of zem. We tend to play a lot of classics; Ani, Vest Side Story, Vicked, stuff like zat.”

With that being said, Vivian had finally finished up with her meal, sighing before finishing her wine and turning back towards the desk. The waitress returned with the bill, something that Vivian immediately took so as not to let Cecilia freak out over the amount of money that she was about to spend. The orchestra paid her a base sum of money for being apart of it, and depending on the performance that they played at, she would get anywhere from nothing to almost triple a week’s work of pay per night. This mean that, by the standards of what Cecilia would likely consider… Vivian was rich. She was rich enough to pay for Cecilia’s apartment’s entire year’s rent… three times at the very least. So she didn’t want Cecilia to worry over the bill in the first place.

Once she’d sent her credit card off, Vivian smiled and gave Cecilia another look, “Are you ready to go, Cecilia?”
Cecilia smiled warmly, when Vivian put the offer on the table, and stuck it there. She might actually accept it once. There was a few things, she'd wanted to learn how to do properly, specifically about finger placement. Her wrists sometimes hurt, when she finished a performance, because she moved her hands a lot faster than she believed was necessary, when switching from light, to darker tones, or the other way around. She was certain there was a smarter way, but had never quite been able to figure that out on her own.
When Vivian complimented her so dearly, Cecilia's cheeks flushed lightly, and she giggled almost shyly. She bumped her side into Vivian, almost like a physical beg not to spoil her, wanting to stop herself from flushing.
"Thank you" She almost mumbled, with a happy little smile. She pulled the sleeves of her sweater a little down, hiding her hands inside of them, as she tugged and grabbed at the fiber. "I.. Really wish.. That you.. Hadn't showed up at that.. Particular. Performance. Wish that I.. Hadn't... Hadn't basically attacked you, the first time you heard me again." She apologized carefully, with a small smile on her lips. She wished she could've been playing a warmer song on it. Not one twisted with tragedy and loss. But something from her heart, as it felt now. Warm. Loved.
A thought popped up for Cecilia, and she looked thoughtful for a second, before also focusing on her food again. She was fairly sure, that she'd heard Harley speak with Jenny about when they where returning the Piano to the College. It was supposed to happen today, but they decided to shift it till tomorrow, because there where no music lessons on Mondays. Cecilia had to find out. She wanted another chance. She wanted to play something Vivian deserved now. Something.. Portraying their revived love. Their passion revitalized. Sundays where usually calm at the bar, so she was fairly certain she'd be able to catch Harley. She just needed a second's privacy to get it. She didn't want Vivian to know. She wanted to surprise her with it.

She snapped out of her thought, when Vivian replied to her question, tilting her head from side to side, somewhat unsurprised by the answer. But when she noticed Vivian's grin, her brows raised, almost giving an audible, though muffled by a mouthful of potatoes, squeak as a question, clearly wanting to hear more. She nodded eagerly when asked if she knew Les Miserables, finishing her food. Of course she knew it. She'd listened to that while working, more times then she could count. And Vivian had played at one? Cecilia's eyes almost turned dreamy at the thought, loosing interest in her food completely, instead dreaming of standing on stage, playing a part in one of the mentioned Musicals.
"Oho.. Y.. You have to tell me everything about it. I want to know.. Everything.." It probably shouldn't be a surprise to Vivian, how excited Cecilia got about the prospect. Singing at Musicals, had always been a massive ream of Cecilia's. She'd been singing Musicals since an early age, completely bitten by both classics, and many newer performances as well. When she felt moody, she'd do an entire play of Moulin Rouge, or Les Miserable. Feeling happy, she'd play and sing through 'The Sound of Music'.

But right about that time, the waitress returned with the bill, and she saved her questions for later. And there where a lot. She felt excited. Exalted! She couldn't exactly explain where this boost of confidence and joy had come from. Was it remembering an old flame? Was it.. Maybe. That Vivian, and her contacts, she might actually find a chance, to play at a Musical? Or. Maybe. Just, maybe, get the chance to show her personal piece, to someone who understood what it took, to make a successful Musical? She'd been working on her own since she was very young. The one thing, that she'd never shown Vivian. The one -big- secret, that she'd never really found the confidence, to show to Vivian. And right now, in that moment, she felt that she had that confidence. She felt that she could show it to Vivian, and not be ridiculed. But instead, constructively criticized, for any mistakes, and.. Praised. For the good parts.

When Vivian asked if Cecilia was ready to go, Cecilia nodded a few times, a wide smile on her lips, the excitement she felt quite evident in her face.
"Yes! Just gotta go to the bathroom real quick, first." She proclaimed, about to move out of the comfortable couch, when she looked back to Vivian. Her eyes made a somewhat quick scan of the room, seeing that the people still around, where all focused on their dinners, before she looked back to Vivian.
Cecilia didn't give her love much time to react, before their lips met in a passionate, heated kiss. The kiss was demanding. Hungry. Every inch of Cecilia's passion showing, through that kiss, and the dance of her tongue as she invaded Vivian's mouth. Cecilia crawled over her love, the predator taking a hold of her again, as she tried to push and pin Vivian down on the couch. She didn't let neither of them breathe in that moment, as she placed her hand on Vivian's stomach, keeping her down on the couch for a few moments. But before it got too risky, she finally let them both breathe, controling her own inhale to a muffled one, panting lightly as she grinned. She bit Vivian's lower lip gently, tugging at it before moving herself a little higher above the other woman, her body still lying on top of her, hands holding her torso raised just slightly with a push on the cushions and the back rest.
"When you get your card back.. You could always join me, my little Violin." Cecilia tested, with a soft wink. 'Little Violin' had been a naughty nickname, Cecilia had used quite a few times in the past. She'd only called Vivian this, when both of them where riled up, or after a hot night of sex. It was pretty obvious what it originated from. Their sex, had often felt like playing music, and they'd made that reference more then once. And Cecilia had joked around with the fact, that she'd never learn how to bring a Violin into the climax of a song, but at least she could get a Violinist into one in bed... Corny, but she seemed to remember, she'd made them both giggle.

Cecilia giggled playfully, an almost innocent smile on her face the second after the little challenge, as she leaned in to kiss the tip of Vivian's nose, before quickly getting off the couch, leaving the laying woman behind, as she rushed towards the bathrooms. She didn't run, but walked at a fast pace, as she fished out her phone from her pocket, quickly finding Haley's number. She dialed it in, as she entered the bathroom, figuring she'd have a few moments, if Vivian actually decided to bite.
"Haly? Hey, yeah it's me, Cecilia. Do y... Hehe, thank you. I'll.. Explain another time, and another day, if that's alright? Thanks. Actually, I called to hear, if you guys still have the Piano at the bar? Yeah!? Great! Could you ask your mom, if I can borrow it for a song tonight? And if so, could you prep it for me? Thank you so much, Haley.. Not sure when I'll show up, but I'll be there eventually. Yeah, talk to you later, Haly." Cecilia talked fast, and happily. Haley was surprised to hear Cecilia like this. She'd seemed so.. Broken, the other day at the bar. And at this point, Cecilia had turned around completely, her joy unmistakable. Intoxicating, in fact. And that is how Cecilia felt. Intoxicated. With excitement. With joy. With love.

Cecilia did actually have to go to the bathroom, and quickly did her thing. She did, however, take her time, washing her hands. She wasn't in a hurry at that point. She wanted to see, if Vivian was going to take on the playful challenge. If she was going to join her. She bit her lip gently, as the warm water rushed down her hands, mingling with the soap.
When Cecilia expressed her sheer and utter excitement towards the prospect of playing in a musical, for a moment Vivian had to question why in her head. To her, it was simply another job, one that she was asked to do and she played when she was told. As selfish as it sounded, Vivian only wanted to play truly when she could stand out or build upon someone else. When she was asked to play in an established musical set, her cello skills came in only sparingly, while the majority of the time she was stuck simply waiting for her cue or plucking a few notes to help fill the air. That wasn’t even to say that Vivian even disliked the concept of a musical, nor that she didn’t like musicals at all; it was simply that there was a difference in being sat in the background and asked to play, versus watching said players or being the main focus of said piece currently playing.

“Bathroom?” Vivian nodded, “Certainly, I’ll vait by zee door,” Vivian was about to say more, but that was when her lover attacked. In the instant that Cecilia’s form was on top of her own, Vivian went limp, collapsing down into the sheets and her eyes bulging at the sudden intrusion. Her fingers curled up as her lips were forcibly pried open, leaving her legs to quiver as Cecilia forced her tongue into her lover’s hot and waiting mouth. Vivian’s eyes fluttered as their tongues started to dance, spreading a warmth throughout her mouth and down towards her fingertips. Cecilia had a height advantage over her, leaving a slight shadow over her as her body was smooshed into the warm and comfy cushions. For a moment, Vivian felt a small spark down between her legs, feeling the entire weight of Cecilia on top of her…

That, however, was when Cecilia suddenly pulled away, leaving Vivian’s eyes to slowly open and her lips to quiver as she tried to get air into them. Feeling Cecilia’s warmth leaving only made her body shiver slightly. Yet the little insinuation that she was given quickly made her cheeks turn brilliant crimson, recalling just what that little nickname meant. The memories that it brought up just hearing that… she could remember all the times that Cecilia had tactfully used the word to either console or to excite her, all the times that came after that as well. Two little words were enough to make Vivian slightly quiver, her form slowly sitting back up as she darted her eyes around, before they focused on Cecilia’s disappearing form. Vivian couldn’t form the words to truly respond to her lover, and instead she was only able to stare at her as she walked away, leaving her sitting there like some young schoolgirl watching her crush walk on to the fields.

As Vivian quickly got herself composed, her eyes moved around to see if anyone else had seen them. As forceful as Cecilia had been, only one person had actually turned to look, and Vivian was already back upright. The idea of doing something like this in public… when the two had been together, the riskiest thing they’d ever done was Cecilia finger Vivian in the middle of an empty movie theater in the back row, and that’d been rather spontaneous back then. Something seemed to have changed in Cecilia… something that was more confident. Last night, Cecilia had walked in and taken what she wanted, and left Vivian a quivering and beaten mess. Now she was asking Vivian to go and fuck in a restroom in a semi-crowded restaurant, without even seeming to think about what that could mean for the two of them.

The risks were there, and they were great. So why was it that Vivian’s legs were already rubbing together at the thought of it? Her fingers gently curled up as she watched the waiter return with their check, to which Vivian quickly darted into her purse along with her card. Cecilia had been so… so utterly direct, so fast, leaving Vivian just aroused enough to consider the offer but tame enough not to be dripping already. It would be disastrous if they were seen tonight, and even worse if it was anyone that they knew. The two had only just been on their first date since they’d returned, and yet Cecilia was already offering public sex to her? Vivian should truly turn it down, she should truly tell Cecilia to wait and that perhaps they should take things slower so they could figure out where they stood…

Vivian was already walking towards the bathroom. The woman forced herself to walk slowly so as not to draw suspicion, even though she was certain that nobody in this place would care. It was just two women on a date going to the bathroom, nobody would even bat an eye at that… right? Vivian hoped so, for as the opened the bathroom door, her knees were starting to shiver as she thought about what she was going into, what it was that Cecilia was going to do to here once she got in there… and even her attemps to try and not think about that were just making her that much more horny.

Once inside, Vivian observed a lock on the door, one that she quickly popped. The bathroom was a one person with a stall, meant for an individual and the lock turning a symbol to say that it was ‘Occupied’ rather than ‘Available.’ Once inside, Vivian gently set her purse down by the door, looking at Cecilia as she washed her hands and still shaking as she thought about what they were doing. Gently, she opened her lips, calling upon another little nickname she’d thought up a long time ago, “I-I’m here, my Lead Guitalia.”
Cecilia's smile grew wide, when she heard the bathroom door open, past the rinsing water over her hands. Her tongue dragged the edge of her lower lip between her teeth, nibbling it gently as she turned her head towards the new arrival to the small room. The excitement was raging through her, at the prospect of what they where doing. It didn't mean much to her, if anyone saw her. It was -Vivian- on the spot. Vivian was the one with a career. A career that was weighed by a public image. She was the one taking all the risk. She was the victim, once again. Cecilia, was the instigator. The irresistible temptation, dragging Vivian into a dangerous, and deviously depraved situation.
-That- only got those devious cogs turning, Cecilia's mind aroused beyond anything before. The other night had been intense, but the risk had been tame, compared to the one tonight. But Vivian couldn't resist. Couldn't resist the lover, she'd left behind. This wasn't a misplaced feeling of -owing- Cecilia. Cecilia was certain she wasn't the only devious mind in that room. Vivian had always been submissive, and she was exploring new excitement now as well. Cecilia had said that Vivian forgot to enjoy the moments. Forgot to explore. She was certainly exploring new waters now. Vivian's goals could eat her up, and leave little place for anything else. Cecilia almost felt, like the two where meant for each other, in that sense. Without Vivian, Cecilia was depressed and anxious. Without Cecilia, Vivian forgot to live, beyond her art.

The nickname almost worked as a queue, causing Cecilia to take a step towards her lover, grabbing at Vivian's dress by her stomach, pulling her over for a warm embrace, and another heated kiss. She pressed their bodies together in the embrace, becoming one once again, resting her own rear against the small table by the sink. Her tongue invaded Vivian's mouth, as her hands violated her body. A hand stroked down, squeezing her rear firmly. The other stroked up her side, and up to her shoulder, keeping them tightly pressed together, leaving no escape for the other woman. Breathing wasn't a priority in the kiss, her lips and tongue making sure of that, as she plunged passion and lust into it with the fury of someone starved of it. The fire from the night before, had only changed it's focus. There was no hate now, but an intensely burning love, and the passion of lust. She knew Vivian loved being treated roughly. Loved being a slut, for Cecilia's lust. Cecilia was almost entirely certain of this, and her dominant and predatory lust was thankful for this. She could dial it down, if she felt that it was necessary, but she'd never exceeded a border, Vivian didn't approve of. At least not yet. There had been the small remark at the bruise on her neck, but she was fairly certain that came from a 'practical' part of Vivian. Not the heart.

After practically kissing them both out of breath, she finally let them both breath, reaching up to grab Vivian's hair, just firmly enough to make it sting, and only for a few seconds. She panted under her breath, still remaining silent, knowing there wasn't far from the door, to the nearest table with people seated at it.
She spun around Vivian quickly, pressing the bulge in her pants against Vivian's rear, forcefully pushing her against the hip high table sink, pinning her once again. She reached both arms around Vivian, grabbing her right breast firmly with one, placing the other over her stomach. In front of them now, was a full body mirror on the wall, showing Vivian from the hip up, with Cecilia pressed against her back. Cecilia grinned into the reflection, her eyes focused on Vivian's in it, as she pulled her just slightly back, allowing her to rest her hands on it, should she want, while the hand on her stomach stroked down the dress. She'd moved Vivian, so her waist and just bellow was visible, letting her see when the demanding digits reached between her legs. Cecilia pressed her finger's against her sex, letting her feel their force through the cloth, as it was squeezed against her sex. There was little Vivian could do about this demand, the strong fingers making sure she couldn't press her legs together enough, to even stop the fingers should she tease.

Cecilia's other hand reached up, grabbing Vivian's hair, pulling it to force her to face forward. Into the mirror. Cecilia's lips where grinning wide now, as she watched her lover's front, feeling her back, lips reaching to kiss her neck.
"Look, Vivy.. My little Violin. Playing to my finger's delight. Look how filthy you are.. Allowing me to take you.. In a public bathroom. In a restaurant. There could be ten people out there, who knew Vivian Kaiser. The Cellist. People, who'd love to block and tweet about the great Cellist. About how, she got taken in a public bathroom, like a common slut." Cecilia whispered in Vivian's ear, her green eyes deviously looking for Vivian's reaching, while her finger's kept feeling the cloth between them and Vivian's sex. The fingers started stroking down her leg then, Cecilia's body kneeling down slightly, her lips biting at Vivian's back in the process. The bite was hard, but not as ruthless as the night before.
Her fingers rolled around the hem of Vivian's dress, pulling up slightly, only to plant the tips on her inner thigh. Clawing, her fine nails started scratching up the sensitive skin of those warm, shapely thighs. The finger's scratched upwards, pulling the dress up in the process, until the finger's reached between her lover's legs, where they flattened out into fingertips instead, now stroking two tips over the other's sex.

Still, Cecilia's hold, made sure Vivian had faced the mirror, as she stood once again, now kissing her ear, before biting the earlobe gently, tugging at it. There was still a deviousness to her lust. It wasn't as brutal as the night before, but it was teasing. Humiliating, even. Forcing Vivian to look, as Cecilia turned her body into a temple for Cecilia's lust, rather than the stately woman who'd walked into the public bathroom. Into the slut, she knew, and Cecilia suspected she was.
As Vivian made contact with Cecilia’s own eyes, everything around her seemed to swirl together. The fears that had been festering in her head faded away instantly, replaced with a burning lust that began to flicker again. Just like the flame from the previous night. The flame started up once again in the pit of her chest as she placed her hands on the door behind her, panting heavily and letting her breath pick up the longer that she stood ther.e Waiting for Cecilia to move forward. Waiting for her to push forward and claim her prize. Her eyes darted around the room. No cameras were in the bathroom, nobody could see them. The door was locked, and they were all alone. Vivian’s lower lips moistened at the very prospect of what they were going to… no, what they were doing right here, right now. And as such as Cecilia moved forward, Vivian took her hands off the door and let their bodies meet.

Their lips crashed together again as Cecilia’s hands freely roamed all over Vivian’s form, leaving her panting and almost breathless. The woman shivered hard as she leaned forward, letting hteir lips press together further and their tongues entwine. Breath was still a sort of want rather than need as they continued to kiss, leaving the tow of them to moan and shiver against each other as their faces seemed inseperable. Yet likewise, Vivian’s knees started to shake as she felt the rush of heat, the rush of emotion through hher as he knew that less than fifty feet from the door they were pressed up against, someone was eating, someone could very well be waiting outside said door to get inside and suddenly overhear them without either of them knowing. And likewise, that prospect only made Vivian’s body quiver with anticipation.

As their tongues continued to dance, Vivian finally felt the tug on her hair, causing her to gasp and her toes to curl up. Masocism… so many people would thing she was insane, crazy even to get off to this. Yet to her, it was simply an extension of controlling her body, of making Vivian do whatever it was that Cecilia did. That surrender, that acceptance of her fate, it was the opposite of what she had to do in her profession every day. She had to always be on top of things, always had to be the one writing, the one directing, the one to train and push herself. She forced her body forward up against Cecilia’s, only to feel her torso meet the small table in front of the mirror. Vivian had to plan for everything in her life, had to control everything. Cecilia’s breath was suddenly on top of her as she felt their bodies mingling together again. Vivian had to make sure her image was perfect, make sure her life was always what the press wanted. Cecilia’s warm body was rubbing all over her own while fingers were suddenly at the hem of her dress. Vivina had to know anything and everything.

With Cecilia, she was her slut, and nothing more.

Vivian’s fingers curled hard into the table as she heard Cecilia’s dirty, vile words, singing to her almost like the words of a sireness. The feeling of those hands moving in tandem with her own, moving to emphasize just what Cecilia meant by all of this. That there were so many people outside, who could very well take this and ruin her with it. That as those fingers were dancing, plresisng hard into her sex and yet still not going inside, how she was wetting her undergarments with her own dirtiness, everything about it was just making her all the more aroused, all the more… all the more wanton for this. The flame, it was growing as those hands came up to grip her breasts, came to slam her down against the table but likewise make eye contract through the reflective mirror. How Cecilia was making Vivian see and know everything happening to her…

“Y…Yes…” Vivian couldn’t make out much more as she let out a long and hot groan, her legs trembling as a massive spurt of her arousal finally emerged. She was already horny, and this was just the foreplay. Cecilia’s fingers became heavily dampened to the touch as she kept rubbing, and Vivian was going to get to orgasm soon if that was the case. Her dress was already up, and those teeth sinking down into her back made her gasp and hiss in pain, trying to keep her voice down. The woman made their eyes meet in the mirror again, this time trying to convey her feelings, her lust through just gaze alone. Her moans were making the music but Cecilia was still the conductor. Vivian had to hold on, had to do something, but her body was already so… so hopelessly horny she didn’t know if she could. And so Vivian groaned heavily and leaned back, panting now like a whore, a harlot, a pet. A slut. Cecilia’s slut.
Vivian's moans, groans and pants, sent Cecilia into a rage. Seeing the trembling lips, as their bodies tangled, riled her up. She was just the right Musician, to the instrument. The conductor, setting it up. The Musician, stringing notes through Vivan's body, crafting the song they both silently sang for each other. In private, but so nearly revealing it. Like shy musicians, hiding their talents in private. And no one, could play their music like they did. No instrument would fit Cecilia's fingers so perfectly, with notes so sweet. No Musician could play Vivian’s lust so gracefully. A Sadist, to her masochist. A slut, for her woman. But it wasn’t only Vivian, showing her true colours. Cecilia was the careful, anxious girl in public, no one suspected. No one would see, the whore in this room. The depraved whore, hired by Vivian’s lust, to loosen her. To release her. Allow her the pleasures, no one else could see. And it felt amazing. Being the only Musician for the instrument between Vivian’s legs.

Vivian’s word caused a smile on Cecilia’s lips, bleeding the lust they both felt. It was short minded. Didn’t explain much. But it told everything between the two. She didn’t need to say more. She sang what Cecilia needed to hear. Vivian’s confession, telling what her body had already spoiled. That she was Cecilia’s. Truly, the masochist to the sadist in Cecilia. Her body trembled, as a finger pushed the cloth of Vivian’s panties a bit further inside her wanton lips, the juices of her lust moustioning the cloth so hungrily.

The grip of Vivian’s hair loosened, the finger’s stroking down the back of her neck, tangling with the scarf to pull it away, and drop it by their sides, revealing the former night’s painting. So perfectly clear, on the canvas of Vivian’s skin. So obvious to anyone, that Vivian was abused. Used. Only they, would know how it was consensual. Which only made the thrill of it even better. Cecilias fingers tangled with the neck of Vivian’s dress, pulling it down slightly to view more of the bruise, as her eyes darted back to the mirror.
”See how you let me use you.. Abuse you. Pain my mark on you. Giving yourself to me. Such a good girl you where..” Her voice whispered teasingly, reminding Vivian, once again, how naughty she was. Cecilia’s lips lowered, kissing the bruise softly, looking into the mirror to see Vivian’s face when her lips nipped a little harder at the sensitive, bruised skin. Her finger nudged deeper against the wet cloth of panties, another finger now stroking the cloth over her clitoris as well.
”I think.. The little slut deserves a treat. But don’t you cum to my fingers, you horny little whore.. I can feel you tremble already. No, you’re not allowed that..” Cecilia whispered her demand, a grin on her lips, as she reached up to kiss Vivian’s ear, before licking the tip over her earlobe, probably unknowingly giving her a taste, of what treat was in question.

Her fingers didn’t stop immediately, after placing her demand, instead stroking along the panties, teasing the folds, before finally letting go, instead stroking up to pull the dress a little further. She pulled it just to her waist, to reveal the panties completely in the mirror. Both her hands then moved to Vivian’s sides, grabbing her to spin her around, only to reach down and grab her rear firmly, lifting her up to Cecilia’s hip. Their lips met again in a deep, passionate kiss, as Cecilia placed her lover’s rear on the small table, keeping her warm legs wrapped around her.
Cecilia broke the kiss, looking up to her lover, as she started crouching down.
”But, you know me.. I’m greedy.. And I want a treat first…” She demanded with a cheeky grin, before her teeth bit down on Vivian’s right breast through her dress. The bite was hard enough to force the sting through the cloth of the dress, while finger’s scratch down the outside of both her thighs, just far enough to be coverable by the tight dress when pulled back down again.

Cecilia kept crouching down, until her lips was aligned with Vivian’s leaking sex, her fingers now reaching up to grab the cloth of her panties, starting to tug down impatiently. If Vivian didn’t lift herself up a bit, help her, Cecilia would nearly pull the girl off of the table again. But even if Vivian didn’t help, Cecilia would make sure she stayed back up, as she pulled those panties down, and off. She tossed the panties aside, as she grabbed Vivian’s thighs, keeping her legs spread as she looked up with a lustful, hungry expression. She moved closer, as her hands made sure to shuffle Vivian’s position to right on the edge of the table. Vivian was forced to use her hands again, to keep herself up on the table, and not to fall down into Cecilia’s hands. Cecilia was ready for this, but didn’t want this. Wanted her right there, presented to her lips as they approached.

Cecilia’s lips kissed the wet, wanting sex, before her tongue parted from them and licked along the wet folds. She prepared Vivian for the pleasure, before she offered it, her tongue pressing inside her sex, lapping up the sweet juices of her lust, digging in as deeply as she could, her face pressing between those ample, soft thighs. She reached a hand up, caressing and squeezing Vivian’s breast once again, as her tongue took the lovely taste it wanted. It longed for. It needed.
Vivian didn’t speak as Cecilia whispered into her ear. It wasn’t’ that she had nothing to say, ans she could very well add any amount of lewdness to the situation, or even affirm that the words given to her were correct. Yet as it stood, Vivian didn’t need to speak to do any of those things. The submissive nature of her muscles, her heavy breathing and panting, the way that she bent forward into her lover’s embrace rather than shirking away from the imminent pain, everything about it gave Cecilia all that she needed to press forward. Vivian was an instrument, and the instrument didn’t move away from the musician unless they willed it. Vivian wasn’t one to normally do this, and she normally would move far away, even from Cecilia. If this had happened before she’d left, she’d likely have said something to her lover, told Cecilia to leave her alone, told her this was idiotic and risky beyond nature.

The woman on the table, panting and groaning as those fingers continued to play and tease with her panties, however, wasn’t the Vivian that left. The Vivian that left had been filled with despair and a self-doubt, but fueled by her passion and had shirked everything that she’d had and moved forward. This Vivian was someone new, someone who had changed radically, and altered the person that they once were. This Vivian was self-driven, self motivated, and yet that pushed so far that something was lacking. Something was different inside of her, something that some would find and simply write off as lingering on the past. But to Vivian it was the past clawing ata her, moving her back down, and wanting her to react to it. IT was the same feeling of sadness and guilt she’d felt when she heard her lover play. The same feeling when she’d shrunken away in shame as she’d been scolded in the apartment. The same feeling now, as Cecilia was bending her lover over and whispering filthy things to her. Vivian wasn’t the same Vivian that left, and now Cecilia was going to show her what that meant.

As Cecilia revealed her bruises from the previous night, for a brief moment Vivian tensed, her body shaking as she felt lips moving down to nibble at the skin. The pain of having such tender and vulnerable areas teased made her whimper, and her moans quickly turned to groans of pain as she gripped hard onto the small table, quickly finding that it was far, far too small for her body. Her legs quivered as tears started to form in her eyes the more attention the little bruises were given, making her start to almost want to tell Cecilia to stop….

No… she wouldn’t tell her to stop. Vivian didn’tk now if she even deserved to be allowed to tell someone to stop, let alone tell Cecilia. Instead, the woman simply grunted and shook, letting the pain roll over her as she tried to focus on something else, something more positive or anything. Such as the feeling of Cecilia’s hand suddenly moving her body again, causing Vivian to gasp as her she was flipped around, now with her back on the small table and her weight pulled forward so that she’d easily slip off. Quickly darting out her hands, Vivian gripped the sides of the table, shaking slightly as she felt Cecilia shoved her hips up against her groin, letting her feel the growing arousal that Cecilia was getting. If that wasn’t enough to convinece her, feeling those passionate and hot lips suddenly crashing into her own again let her feel the burning arousal that Cecilia was pushing onto her, and let Vivian gasp as she felt the arousal deflect onto her own body.

Treat, that was what Cecilia wanted. Vivian was willing to give to her. As those lips trailed down, the arousal that was building, writhing inside of her was getting hotter matching the flame kindling again in her chest. It was dull roar now as she felt those lips pressing up hard to her skin, and as she felt them on her groin, Vivian’s lust could hardly take it. Those dripping panties were torn off as Vivian was forced to support her weight, setting a clear hampering on her arousal as she tried to hold herself up. Hands coming up to cup her rear were a welcomed addition, yet when those lips pressed onto her own, Vivian bit her lip hard as she nearly came on the spot.

Whether or not Cecilia was looking for a drawn out orgasm or not, Vivian wasn’t going to give it. Her body was clearly already on razor’s edge, and the tongue entering her made her yelp out. The sound was enough to make her tense, but thankfully, though she ahd no way of knowing, nobody could even hear them over the music playing in the air and the clanking of silverware. The girl, however, bit down on her lip harder as her arousal began to paint Cecilia’s face, dousing it with her love juices and causing Vivian’s hips to quiver. The feeling of having to support her weight now fully came into effect as she shook, her body racing to orgasm while she felt as though she was running out of support. She let out a tiny groan before squeaking, the sensation of a finger on her clit doing her in.

In a massive gush, Vivian came into Cecilia’s mouth, her body shaking and tensing up before all at once she relaxed, her hands nearly loosing grip on the table. The woman shook for a long while, letting Cecilia taste the full rush of love fluid that she was giving her. By the time her orgasm faded, Vivian was already in afterglow. The girl panted hard as she looked down towards Cecilia, groaning slightly as she tried to put words to her thoughts, but instead only moaned all the more.
Cecilia felt Vivian's struggle to stay up, and she wasn't going to let her fall. One of Cecilia's hands worked as light support to one thigh, letting the other get a little more support from her shoulder. She wanted Vivian to feel the pleasure. Feel the entire rush, and not lose it all to the struggle of staying up. But she still made sure that Vivian could, and probably would, feel like she was about to fall. Fall down, into her lover's arms, who was pleasing her so perfectly. She buried her face between Vivian's legs, as she greedily and hungrily demanded her desert. Her tongue lapped deeper, and reached as far as it possibly could, twirling and twisting inside of those wet, contracting walls. She could physically feel her lover's orgasm creeping up on her, and her inability to stall it, even if she tried. Cecilia's nails dug gently into Vivian's skin again, as the orgasm nearly erupted, her finger dancing around her clit with excitement, egging the orgasm on.
Cecilia prepared throat for the rush, not wanting to swallow the gush wrong, start coughing and recoil. Instead, when it came, Cecilia lapped it all down, her tongue working to run it smoother down her throat as she swallowed it. Her eyes shivered lightly, as she groaned against Vivian's sex, her head twisting lightly, without moving away, savoring every bit of Vivian's taste. A soft moan escaped her lips as well, as her finger's stopped clawing at Vivian's skin, instead stroking it lovingly, as the orgasm riled down, and she could recoil slightly from the wet sex. Her tongue lapped over the folds again, her eyes looking up with a smirk, the glistening of Vivian's juices clear on her lips. Her lips kissed Vivian's clit, the tongue twirling around it, before letting go of her leg.

Cecilia got up, letting Vivian drop down and stand on the ground once again, as her lover pulled her close again. Cecilia's green eyes looked down to Vivian's, before their lips met in a passionate, loving kiss, moaning softly against her lover. She parted Vivian's lips, making sure Vivian's tongue would taste the juices she was still covered it, cleaning her palet off with Vivian's. Now they could both savor that taste, as they kissed with their love's passion, as Cecilia's hands stroked down her lover's sides, squeezing her rear firmly, raising her just lightly to make her tiptoe. As their lips parted again, Cecilia moaned softly with a smirk.
"Such a sweet taste.. All for me? Well, you really deserve your treat now." Cecilia grinned, pulling Vivian’s body tightly against her own, making sure she felt the aroused bulge in her lover’s pants, still twitching within its confines.

Cecilia took a step back then, her hands stroking off of Vivian’s body, as she started turning around towards the toilet. As she did, she reached down, unzipping her jeans, grabbing on to the hem of them to start pushing down. Half walking, half undressing her jeans, she made her way to the toilet, turning around to sit down on it as she kicked the pants off entirely, her member erect and twitching. The toilet was small enough, and it hadn’t taken more than a few steps to get to the toilet.
Her green eyes looked wickedly up to Vivian’s, as she pointed towards the ground, before hinting for Vivian to join her. But on her knees.
”Come now, then. My little Violin.My kitten. Crawl over here, and have your treat as well. Let your Musician feel your lips as well.” She demanded, her voice still low enough to not disturb, or call attention, from anyone outside. Her voice was dominant, bleeding a confidence the woman hadn’t shown since the night before. Not even then. This was a confidence, that told Cecilia that Vivian would obey. The confidence, that Vivian was hers. And hers alone.
Cecilia’s legs spread lightly, finger’s nudging her member to make it point upwards, presenting herself for Vivian’s viewing pleasure. Preparing herself, for those soft lips.
Vivian’s body quivered as she felt her rear finally hitting the floor, giving her much needed time to breathe. That time, however, was once more cut short as instead she was yanked upwards to her feet again, but this time she was thankfully supported by her lover. Cecilia seemed to want to truly play into Vivian’s height disadvantage, as she quickly found her toes were barely gracing the floor as the two of them began to passionately kiss. Vivian let out a soft groan before their lips met again, and this time it was without any sort of tact or the feeling to try and make Vivian ready for what was to come next. This was another kiss that was only of lust, of dominance, to press upon Vivian what it was that she needed to know at the moment, and to tell her that she was going to be the one to serve her lover once more. That she was a slut who was going to taste her own arousal, to remind herself of what she’d just done. And better yet, that Cecilia wasn’t finished, and that she was still ready for something to happen.

When the two pulled apart, Vivian was again silent through her mounting moans. Cecilia’s words again were only there to wrap around her like some sort of bondage collar, choking her and making her remember that this was her own doing, that she was the one who had agreed to this. Not that Vivian was regretting any of this; she had already gotten to one orgasm herself, and Cecilia was still taking control and making sure that Vivian wasn’t going to be left high and dry anytime soon. Yet instead she felt the lover’s words dragging her forward, just like a leash that was making her all the more susceptible to doing whatever it was she wanted. And as Cecilia pulled away, Vivian stumbled slightly as she moved backwards, her feet quivering as she tried to hold herself up, staring at her lover as she started to dismount from her clothing once more.

Watching her lover strip in front of her was arousing, but in a different sense than simply seeing her naked. Her arousal was only heightened as she watched her lover swing around and take a stea, showing off her pride and wordlessly beckoning Vivian forward. It was clear that Vivian was to go over, to show her lover the good time that she so deserved, and to do so with impunity and to work her lover’s shaft like it was the only thing to truly matter. That along made Vivian groan in delight, but furthermore the sight of her lover flicking the erect tip, of holding it upwards, it was almost more like she wanted Vivian to suddenly jump on and ride her, to show once again why she was going through with this in the first place. Vivian’s body quivered as she tried to think about what she should do, what she was supposed to do in this situation, and instead all she could feel was her lust dripping down her thigh once more.

Wordlessly again, Vivian got down onto her knees, crawling over towards her lover. Crawling, just like some sort of animal. The confidence that Cecilia was emitting, it was almost intoxicating, making Vivian all the more wanton to obey her. The door was locked behind them, yet the fact Cecilia was willing to do this at all, to make Vivian crawl in an expensive dress rolled halfway up her body, over towards a woman who was showing her cock off and simply ordering her to suck… Vivian had to press her knees together so she didn’t stain the floor with her arousal. And when she finally arrived over at the shaft, it towered over her from her more prone perspective, letting Cecilia see just how slutty Vivian looked while like this. To confirm how much of a whore her lover was. That wasn’t to say that Vivian was any confident in this; oral had never, ever been her strongsuit, and she hadn’t ever figured out how to deepthroat, but she was willing to show Cecilia a good time regardless.

And so, with a small shivering gasp, Vivian brought her lips close to the massive shaft, giving it a long and hard lick to let Cecilia feel it as she licked from the base of the shaft upwards until she hit the tip of the rod. Once there, Vivian pulled her mouth back down, tracing herself back as she lubed it with her saliva. Her eyes remained fixated on the shaft, starting at it intently as she seemed to be thinking on how to approach this, how she should suck and kiss the tip like it was some sort of godsent for her. Vivian’s tongue wrapped around it in a serpentine fashion, now moving up and down as she continued to ready and pleasure the shaft. She was sloppy and her movements jerky and erratic; but likewise, she was still pushing forward with her ministrations, giving Cecilia just what she wanted; a slut to suck her off.

That, however, wasn’t the case at the moment, something Vivian needed to rectify. With a small gulp, Vivian moved up once more before taking the tip into her lips, giving it a long kiss and a slight suck to get any precum dribbling from it into her mouth. Once done, she slowly pushed her mouth downwards in a swift motion, taking it down into her mouth as she slowly suckled around it. Thankfully years of sucking hadn’t done anything to diminish her reflexes, and even now the cock disappeared into the back of her throat. She didn’t push inside of it, however; that was the part she couldn’t’ take. Yet her lips still moved around the shaft, giving it a light and quick suck every few seconds as she moved her mouth back and forth, letting her feel every inch as it pulsed in her mouth. Let Cecilia feel it. Let them both feel it.
Cecilia's heart was racing. Pulsing and pumping with the excitement and adrenaline of the moment, even though she was just sitting there. Watching Vivian. But watching her lover in that moment, just silently enjoying that look on her face, aroused her enough to make the precursor of an ejaculation, start trickling down her shaft. She remembered, that Vivian had never been very good at oral sex. Was always careful. In the past, that meant that they hadn't done it a lot. Strayed away from it, because Cecilia could get too rough with Vivian in those moments, and was afraid to hurt her. But that fear wasn't overly dominant in her, anymore. She wanted to teach Vivian. Wanted to train her, in how to please her lover with her lips. With her mouth. With her throat. Vivian had learned to nearly master a new instrument, to perfection, in a small amount of time. She would be able to learn this as well. Cecilia was going to make sure of that, because the thought of Vivian's lips on her member, was intoxicating. The idea of getting pleasure, with Vivian getting little pleasure in return, except for the knowledge that she pleased. It scent Cecilia's body into a twitch of excitement, as she watched her lover go down.

Cecilia's eyes watched Vivan approached, with a predatory glance. The predator, watching it's prey squirm. Ready to pounce. The patient buyer, waiting for her whore to approach. Ready to be pleased, with little reward in return. Cecilia's teeth pulled her lower lip between them, biting it gently as she inhaled sharply, her member dangling a little from side, to side, as ordered by the two finger's keeping it pointed towards the ceiling. Her toes curled lightly at the sight, the anticipation of the pleasure Vivian was crawling towards her to grant, sending pangs of contractions through her body. It felt like there where so many things in her life, that she could not control. Contractions of excitement and pleasure in the body. Her anxiety of failure, and more dominantly; neglect. But one thing she could control, and more willingly than her own body, was Vivian. Vivian did as she was ordered. Approached like the slut she was, in this moment. Cecilia would swore, if asked, that her member grew in size, due to the arousal of simply thinking that.

The little gasp from Vivian, spelling the imminent pleasure she was going to give, sent Cecilia's shoulders into a gentle shiver. And when the tongue finally hit her erect shaft, a soft groan escaped her lips, as she tilted her head back slightly. But her green eyes, remained fixed on Vivian. Watching her. Watching her stare so intently, and focused, on the member. Watching her praise it, and shower it with her attention. She worshiped the erect member, like a wiling, wanton slut, and it was driving Cecilia crazy. Her fingers remained where they where, keeping the member up, for her lovers attention. Keeping it prepared, for her sluts worship. For her own pleasure. And pleasure, she was served. The wet tongue, slipping slowly up and down the shaft, was causing the member to twitch with delight. Cecilia's eyes shimmered lightly, as Vivian's tongue wrapped around her, making her almost forget that she remembered her being unskilled in this. Forget, that this was the thing her lover had done the least, when it came to sexual endeavors and exploration. But this natural exploration of the member, was exactly how it worked best for Cecilia. Getting the member ready, for the warm mouth.

Cecilia shivered into a soft gasp, when Vivian's lips kissed the tip of her member, feeling the light suckle taking in the pre cum, that she hadn't already licked away. Cleaning the member. Preparing it for pleasure. Her eyes finally closed, the fingers of her free hand curling lightly in delight. Her feet stood slightly on their toes, her legs spreading slightly more with the pleasure, as her tip was invited into the warm mouth of her lover. Embraced by the saliva of Vivian's worship, as she suckled the sensitive tip. Cecilia licked her lips, as she felt her lover taking it deeper, until her mouth was full of it, and the tip was hitting the back of her throat. Cecilia had to control herself, in that moment. Her instincts wanted her, so badly, to grab the back of Vivian's head, and force her way down her throat. Skip the teaching part, and just go straight for that selfish pleasure of her's.

But she did control herself, instead reaching out her free hand, stroking it along Vivian's ear, pushing a bit of hair behind it, as her green eyes focused down on her lover. Her body shivered again, a pleased, controlled and silent moan escaping her lips.
"Nngh.. That's it.. That's a good girl. Such a good little slut, pleasing her Mistress with her mouth, so selflessly." Using that word made her spine shiver slightly. The thought of owning Vivian, was rather accelerating. Her member twitched delightedly inside Vivian's mouth, as she continued to work please her lover. Her hand reached back, stroking her finger's into Vivian's hair, as her other hand left her member, reaching up to stroke her cheek.
"Mmh.. Juust like that. I think.. You can take it deeper for your girl tonight. Don't worry.. I'll be gentle, and you'll do great." She mused, her head tilting slightly, as the hand in Vivian's hair, and the one on her cheek, started slowly controlling the bobbing of the woman's head. And with that control, she pulled Vivian's head, very gently, further down over the shaft. Breaking that barrier of the back of her throat, but slowly and carefully, making the tip bop inside her throat. Should she gag, or convulse, Cecilia was indeed gentle, pulling Vivian's head back to let it pass, but never allowing Vivian's head to pull back entirely, making sure the mouth stayed on the member.
"You can open up to your Musician. I know you can. Just relax." She mused and ensured once again, continuing to try and push deeper, testing the boundaries, but never straining them for too long.
Taking in air through her nose, Vivian closed her eyes, letting her body begin to work more on autopilot than thought. Her head bobbed back and forth around the shaft, working it slowly and surely, as though she was trying to hoist the orgasm up from her body but wasn’t sure the rope would hold. Her warm and slightly dry lips sucked small rings around the large girth, wetting them slowly over time, whilst her fingers came up to slowly curl about Cecilia’s ankles. Vivian’s body began to slowly quiver as her breathing slowly picked up speed, her fingers trembling as she continued to work about her womanhood. Her warm saliva encircled the now throbbing dick, whilst her tongue worked to spread her warmth about the dick to elict even more of a response from her lover. Vivian was occasionally pull her head backwards, letting only the head remain in her mouth before she felt a hand in her hair, pushing her back down on the shaft before she was able to make a decision herself.

Vivian worked diligently around her, each thrust of her face calculated and steady, all while keeping her breathing calm. The tip continually would press against the back of her throat, seemingly demanding entry into it, and each time Vivian would pull away from it. Cecilia’s hands, however, didn’t agree with her course of action, and each time that she would try to pull off, said hand would force the cock back into her mouth. Never before had Cecilia actually tried to push Vivian down, or even asked her for some sexual favor so blatently like that; normally, Cecillia would gently moan an order or question, and Vivian could respond in kind. But this time, Cecilia was pushing, moving her back and forth, while Vivian was far more of simply a toy that was being used, rather than giving her lover the orgasms that she though she deserved.

As time went on for her, sucking over Cecilia’s shaft was something Vivian found herself… unsure of. Even as her lips worked as quickly and diligently as they could around the throbbing pillar, even as her tongue wrapped around the girth to tease and tickle the flesh, and as her throat embraced the burning head of the entire column, Vivian’s hands were trembling. Oral sex was never something she truly felt comfortable with, mainly due to her own ineptitude. Foreplay between them was more hands-on and meant to arouse each other, rather than getting them to orgasm. Many couples would find it odd that a young girl was sucking off another’s shaft in the first place, yet to Vivian it was simply not something she preferred to do. And yet, as Cecilia pushed forward, her words to her began to tingle inside of her.

Mistress? Cecilia had never before called herself this, nor had she ever been the type to demand such a presence in sex. Whilst Cecilia had always been a predator, and Vivian her meek prey, their sex never had that sort of dynamic to it. It was far more of a passionate and heated affair, the thrill in the buildup and the chase before the rough and explosive orgasms. As Cecilia curled her fingers harder into Vivian’s hair, Vivian’s body started to quiver harder as Cecilia’s hand started to force her down past the limit that she wanted to, the tip of the cock pressing hard on the ring into her throat and cuasing Vivian to let out a massive cough and gag into the stall. Her face went red as the uncomfortable sensation of the large shaft starting to slide into her gullet filled her head.

The sensation… it felt, wrong, and one that Vivian didn’t like. She didn’t like the feleing of it, trying to press it’s way into her throat. Even with the encouragement given by her partner, Vivian wasn’t confident in it. Her hands reached up to grip Cecilia’s legs, holding onto them and holding her head still in a show of passive resistance. Only half the head of the massive shaft was inside of her throat, and evne with Cecilia’s small nods and pushes of encouragement, Vivian held herself firm. It was odd, given the fact they were already doing something unbelievably kinky, but Vivian was likewise firm in what exactly she’d wanted to do with Cecilia, and at the moment, deepthroating wasn’t it. When Cecilia let her hands up for a moment for Vivian to breathe, she’d begin to suck once more, giving Cecilia the stimulation she needed. Yet she wans’t letting it into her throat, by her own stubbornness at that. It was one instrument that Vivian didn’t want to master.
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