Dom male characters, various plot ideas, open to plot negotiation!


Dec 9, 2017
Southern US
Sup. :)

My name is Emmie, and while I am female IRL I am quite happy to play either male or female in an RP nor do I care what sex/gender/whatever my RP partner is. All my RP plots posted here are ones I would greatly prefer to play the male character in.

I am PM friendly and easy to talk to, but don’t be offended if I turn down an RP with you. I am picky about what RPs I take. I have been RPing for years, and haven’t had any complaints yet.

I don’t care what sex/gender/whatever YOU are – but I am very particular about our characters. For the purposes of this thread I play male characters (see my female thread here). My male characters will only play against female characters.

About my Characters:

About my kinks:
See here for more info -

About my RP and RP expectations:
RP Style: I write para-multipara, third person. I need a partner who is comfortable doing the same. I take pride in my posts, crafting each one carefully and then editing my post before I post it. I expect my partner to do the same. I am ok with the occasional typo. I am not a bitch. But you need to be able to capitalize and punctuate appropriately – even in RP discussion. I enjoy description, and enjoy my RP partner giving me enough plot to work with.

Where to RP: I prefer RP via threads. I am ok with discord. I will tolerate PMs.

Post Frequency: Because I do take time with my posts, and because I have a life outside of RP, I can promise several posts a week. I try to get in one a day but that doesn’t always happen. On days off you can get as much as several posts a day.
RP Communication: I am available to discuss RPs via PM or discord – PM for discord info. I am a big believer in pre-RP discussion. If I am more than 2-3 days responding, I will contact you and let you know what is up and when to expect a response. I would appreciate the same respect from you. I will usually wait at least a week for a response before contacting you and asking what’s up, but please don’t make me wait that long.

Fair warning: I am HIGHLY allergic to you manipulating my character. In certain conditions it is perfectly understandable that she needs to be physically manipulated by you/your character – examples being if he is unconscious, tied up, etc. But please do so with caution and care, and be aware I may ask for a rewrite. But if you start RPing what my character is saying or doing – my allergies are fatal. The RP will die. I have tried time and time and time again to get past this and I cannot. It will be the end of the RP no matter how much I am enjoying it, and likely the end of any future RPs.

Acceptable : “She ran over to where he lay unconscious on the rain speckled pavement.”
Unacceptable: “She ran over to where he lay unconscious on the rain speckled pavement, looking worriedly down as he moaned.” NO! I say whether my character moans or not. Not you.

RP Settings:
Pro: I like modern, Modern fantasy/supernatural, historical, historical fantasy
Proceed with caution:
Post apocalypse: I love these, when done right. Leave out the zombies and weird beasts and I am ok. Even so – I am very picky about these.
Fantasy genre: I love these too. But when including magic, the terms of that magic needs to be VERY clearly defined.
Negative: Sci fi, fandoms

Plot Ideas:

Demon Lover:
"Vuall is a great duke and a strong, he is seene as a great and terrible dromedarie. This man above all other procureth the especiall love of women, and knoweth things present, past, and to come, procuring the love of freends and foes, he was of the order of potestats, and governeth thirtie seven legions."

Vuall is a grand demon, master of legions of minor demons in Hell. He is also a sex addict, and he has tired of his most recent toy. It is time for a new one, and there is nothing Vuall loves more than seducing one from the enemy's camp. So he heads to to a Bible college to seek out his prey.

Looking for a nice sweet christian girl to be seduced in real life and her dreams. Expect complex mind games, lots of depravity, and the affection of a demon.


The Beast: Love Story, Medieval Style

Time Period: 1072

Place: England/Scotland

The Characters:
Durand de Vaux – 37 years old, a Knight in the service of King William of Normandy. He has a band of 30 warriors that fight for him – and he was notorious for brutal efficiency on the battlefield. Durand’s father was a baron in Normandy who has always been loyal to William and his father, and his elder brother now holds the lands and title and finances his brother. In 1069, he was guarding the King’s newly rising castle in Warwick, in addition to guarding the King’s current mistress and his one year old illegitimate daughter, Eleanor. When the wooden dwelling they were temporarily living in caught fire, it was Durand who ran into the flames and rescued the daughter of his King. On his way out, a wall collapsed, and he emerged with his left side on fire. He dropped the baby, who was unharmed, and fell to the ground – writhing in agony. Fortunately his pain-filled movements put the fire the fire on his body out. Unfortunately the scarring on the left side of his body was horrific.

Durand lived, but when his fiancé threw up at the sight of the scarred side of his face, he released her from the engagement. Instead he threw himself into battle, defending his King’s interests everywhere he was sent.

However William of Normandy was a King who valued loyalty, and he had compassion for Sir de Vaux. He waited until the perfect opportunity to reward the man came. A rebellious Saxon Lord popped his head up in 1072, and he was killed after a short siege by Norman soldiers. For months the keep was left guarded by a small military guard – William had other concerns even if it was a wealthy bit of land. The peasantry were left to tend to things on their own. But then William discovered the existence of an heir, the Lord’s younger sister. The discovery occurred when a nearby convent claimed the profits from the Keep, and when local authorities demanded to know their right of claim, the convent stated the heiress of the keep was being kept safe in their convent, though she had not yet taken the vows.

William of Normandy immediately declared the girl to be his ward. Then he summoned Sir Durand de Vaux. He ordered his knight to marry the girl, granted him the title of Duke, and gave him ownership of a large amount of land surrounding the keep. Overnight, Sir Durand de Vaux changed from a landless second son dependent on his elder brother’s affection to an immensely wealthy man in his own right. He needed only to fetch his bride, take control of his property, and defend both from those who would seek to take it. It was a challenge he looked forward to – except he dreaded the disgust in his bride’s eyes. Dreams of mutual respect and affection, perhaps love – had long ago died. He was not known as The Beast for nothing.

Looking for someone to play the girl – she has grown up in a convent since her mother died in childbirth, and has perhaps only met her brother and father a few times. She has, however, been raised to be a wife. So she should be able to take a keep in chaos and have it running well in short order.
I am looking for a love story here. There will be no roughness from my main character. There may be rape and hardcore stuff scattered throughout the RP – but not with our main characters.


The Fixer: Modern/Daddydom/slavery

Jack Reine is a fixer.

He has made a nice living fixing failing companies, bringing them back from the edge of disaster and turning them into thriving hubs of glorious capitalism. He has written best-selling books on effectively running both large and small businesses. And besides taking over as temporary CEO’s he also runs a small but obscenely priced consulting business. He has made such a nice living at fixing companies he is a multi-millionaire at the age of 43.

Jack fixes people too. He is a philanthropist who likes to get his hands dirty. He puts deserving poverty stricken kids through school, assists jobless young fathers and husbands get training and work, owns and pays for the full operation of non-profit children’s care centers for single mothers. He runs a horse ranch, and every year sends a couple dozen inner city kids to a two week summer program where they work with and learn to ride the horses, working in gardens and eating the healthy organic food, and getting lots of sunshine and play time.

Jack likes to control things too. He grew up in a tense and painful domestic environment in which he was denied any control, and no matter how much he wanted and tried to fix it, it could not be fixed. The result was shattered and broken lives. Jack is now compulsively controlling.

Especially when it comes to women. There is nothing Jack likes better than having a woman under his control – in and out of bed. It satisfies a deep need in him that cannot be satisfied with any other form of control. So of course Jack has, from his late teens, been a dominant. In his early 20s he trained under two dungeon masters, and has since opened up his own BDSM club. A private, invitation only club that is opened nightly from 6pm to 6am. All members must apply online, submit to extreme background investigations, submit to an interview with upper management or possibly the owner himself, submit to a complete medical examination, sign several NDA’s, and then fork over $1000 a month for the pleasure of being a member.

For that, they get access to a beautifully decorated and expensively furnished club with private valet parking, exceptional security, private rooms, private viewing rooms to watch exhibitionists, a dance floor with excellent live DJs, trained dungeon monitors, access to free classes and exhibitions, a free bar with a two drink limit when engaging in D/s play, and more. It is universally recognized across the world as one of the best BDSM clubs. Staff is careful to keep membership within a ratio of approximately 40% doms and 60% subs. Staff includes trained doms and subs who will willingly play with members, though actual penetration between them is forbidden without a written contract.

Interested in playing with Jack? He needs a lost, lonely, poor kitten to save and care for. Jack is part Daddy dom/part slaveowner. Jack will want – eventually – a 24/7 willing slave, an adorable sweet soft plaything who cuddles up in his lap and teases him to earn punishments.
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