Intriguing Cravings


Dec 9, 2017
Southern US
Sup. :)

My name is Emmie, and while I am female IRL I am quite happy to play either male or female in an RP nor do I care what sex/gender/whatever my RP partner is. All my RP plots posted here are ones I would greatly prefer to play the female character in. But I am always open to negotiation.

I am PM friendly and easy to talk to, but don’t be offended if I turn down an RP with you. I am picky about what RPs I take. I have been RPing for years, and haven’t had any complaints yet. I have had quite a few RP partners either disappear or stop responding. We are all adults here (or should be). Please don’t hesitate to talk to me, even if it just to say “My muse hates this RP now, sorry”. I get it. I’ve been there. But at least talk to me.

I don’t care what sex/gender/whatever YOU are – but I am very particular about our characters. For the purposes of this thread I play female characters (see my male thread here ). My female characters will only play against male characters.

About my Characters:
Sweet-natured (they can be jaded, feisty, angry, hostile, any number of things….but peel back the layers and they are sweet hearts)
Pretty, slender
No body hair (there may be few exceptions where they start out with hair, but it will be disposed of in the RP. I know this may at times not be correct for the time period – we will need to work it out, it’s non-negotiable)

About my kinks:
See here for more info -

About my RP and RP expectations:

RP Style: I write para-multipara, third person. I need a partner who is comfortable doing the same. I take pride in my posts, crafting each one carefully and then editing my post before I post it. I expect my partner to do the same. I am ok with the occasional typo. I am not a bitch. But you need to be able to capitalize and punctuate appropriately – even in RP discussion. I enjoy description, and enjoy my RP partner giving me enough plot to work with.

Where to RP: I prefer RP via threads. I am ok with discord. I will tolerate PMs.

Post Frequency: Because I do take time with my posts, and because I have a life outside of RP, I can promise several posts a week. I try to get in one a day but that doesn’t always happen. On days off you can get as much as several posts a day.

RP Communication: I am available to discuss RPs via PM or discord – PM for discord info. I am a big believer in pre-RP discussion. If I am more than 2-3 days responding, I will contact you and let you know what is up and when to expect a response. I would appreciate the same respect from you. I will usually wait at least a week for a response before contacting you and asking what’s up, but please don’t make me wait that long.

Fair warning: I am HIGHLY allergic to you manipulating my character. In certain conditions it is perfectly understandable that she needs to be physically manipulated by you/your character – examples being if she is unconscious, tied up, etc. But please do so with caution and care, and be aware I may ask for a rewrite. But if you start RPing what my character is saying or doing – my allergies are fatal. The RP will die. I have tried time and time and time again to get past this and I cannot. It will be the end of the RP no matter how much I am enjoying it, and likely the end of any future RPs.

Acceptable : “He ran over to where she lay unconscious on the rain speckled pavement.”
Unacceptable: “He ran over to where she lay unconscious on the rain speckled pavement, looking worriedly down as she moaned.” NO! I say whether my character moans or not. Not you.

*Plots Below*
Alternate Reality: The New Queen (romance/alpha male/violence and battle/pregnancy)

This is a world similar to the 16th century in technology (for the most part). Fighting is done by swords and hand weapons, though there are siege weapons that do not use gunpowder. The world is divided into city-states, of which three are of particular interest to the RP. Medical care is a touch and go thing….except for one thing.


Most women of the world are NOT fertile. This has led to a stunning scientific achievement – literal test tube babies created by the state. Most middle class families get these babies, paying an expensive but not devastating amount for babies born in government clinics. Girls cost more than boys because of the possibility they will be fertile. For government babies it is an unlikely event, but it happens from time to time.

All city-states – ALL OF THEM – require their females to be tested for fertility between the ages of 14 and 16. The tests are 98% accurate. Some states seize any fertile female. Most states notify their families and publish the findings. The families are quickly contacted by wealthy and powerful families interested in continuing their line. Fertile girls are usually sold to these families for large sums of money. Families usually sell/marry off fertile girls quickly, because otherwise they are sure to be stolen by black market slavers. Even fertile girls who are married with children are not safe from the predators, they must always be carefully guarded.

Sartan – a poor city-state constantly struggling to maintain it’s borders against predatory neighbors. There is a wealthy upper class crust, but most of Sartan’s people are desperately poor. It is in Sarta that Leah is born, her mother an extremely rare female who tested negative for fertility, but then proceeded to belt out three children before dying of childbirth. She left behind a two year old girl (Leah) and a pair of twin boys.

Leah’s father was a drunkard who regularly abused his children. Almost as soon as Leah could walk and talk she was working on the little homestead, cooking and cleaning. Her brothers were no different, sent to nearby farms to work from the tender age of five. Leah learned from pitying neighbors how to care for her home and her brothers, and she did it with little to no help from her father. Keeping them fed with her garden, the foodstuffs her brothers brought home as payment, and the little bit of cornmeal and wheat her father reluctantly provided them.

Her father waited till she was 16 before he reluctantly paid the 10 deter fee to have her tested, but when she never heard from them she decided she wasn’t fertile. The testing clinics rarely notified families of girls not fertile.

Kyrendel is a mountainous city-state of fierce warriors – infamous for their cruel efficiency on the battlefield and their habit of enslaving women. Theirs is a wealthy kingdom, made wealthy by battle loot and mercenary pay. Kyrend’s king is old tired, ready to step down and give place to his warrior son. But in order to do that he must find the man a fertile bride.

Gorend is a neighboring city-state to Kyrend – the two nations are deadly enemies of each other.

Looking for a dom who can play Kyrend’s future King (as well as, temporarily, the current one). Feel free to chat and add/twist/whatever :)

Modern Fantasy: New Vampire Queen (Vampires/Violence and Battle/Romance)

Penelope was special. And it wasn’t just because of her weird, gothic-novel sounding name. She knew she was special, because everyone in her life told her so. Her mother, her aunties, her cousins…everyone. She was also sweet and pretty according to the boys in her school, and – according to her best friend Lynne, very fun to be around. All that made for a healthy self-esteem and a pleasant childhood and adolescence – well, as pleasant as adolescence can be.

She grew up in a two bedroom duplex on a sunny street in a decent area of town. After elementary school, her mother sent her to a private girls school that was only twenty minutes from her home. They were never hungry, and Pennie always had nice, cute clothes. There was enough money for both her and her mother to go with her aunties to get manis and pedis together while her mom and aunts drank martinis.
Her mother didn’t work, and the few times Pennie had bothered to ask where the money came from there was a vague response of investments and inheritances, and that was enough to make Pennie happy.

All in all, Pennie had a nice, pleasant, average life. And she had always been told she was special.

She didn’t learn how she was special till two days before her eighteenth birthday.

Penny was being lazy ON the front porch as a sultry southern summer day turned into a warm summer night. One small bare foot propped up on one end of the porch swing, the other bare leg dangling off the side of the swing. She was wearing jean shorts and a red and gray tank top paying homage to a local band, her long brown hair pulled up in a casual knot on the back of her head.

“NO WAY!” She laughed into the phone, her milk chocolate eyes dancing. “She did not! And right in front of Dennis?”

A bubbling chattering sound came from the phone as she idly scratched the peeling white paint off the back of the swing with one perfectly manicured glittery pale blue nail. Then a fresh peal of laughter from the pretty teenager in the porch swing.
“Oh Lord, Dennis must have had a cow right then and there! She is NEVER gonna live this down! Did she get suspended?”

Two houses down, a cable repair van pulled up in front of the Edmond’s house and stopped. Penny noticed it, but paid no attention. She did, however, wave at the nice Ms. Fairley who drove up the street, turning into the garage of the house across from her own. The Fairley’s were a sweet middle aged couple who had lived there ever since Penny remembered.

“Penny, fifteen minutes till dinner is ready!” Her mother called through the open living room window from the kitchen, and Penny waved her hand in an acknowledgement her mother couldn’t see.

“A week? Her mama is gonna be sooooo pissed!” Girlish laughter was heard on both sides of the phone now. Two shadows crept around the backside of the house. Across the street in the Fairley’s home, another shadow stirred an upstairs window. Penny was oblivious to all. “Dennis is gonna be moping all next week cause he doesn’t have her to argue with.” Penny giggled into the phone just as both shadows separated from the house behind her, the fading sunlight illuminating two hard, lean men who leapt over the porch railing with complete ease, landing behind her soundlessly. Upstairs in the Fairley house, the shadow vanished from the window.

Penny screamed when she found herself plucked effortlessly out of the porch swing and flung over a hard shoulder as easily as a ragdoll. Her phone flung out of her hand, smashing against the front of the house and cutting off an excited sounding query. Her mother’s scream echoed her own, but the man carrying Penny was already halfway down the block. He was moving so fast Penny couldn’t catch her breath enough to scream again, and she was so disoriented she never saw Mr. Fairley running from the Fairley house at the same speed as the men carrying her, trying to catch her.

He failed. Penny was thrown into the empty back of the van, and it sped off down the street as Mr. Fairley grabbed for his phone, dialing frantically as he turned back to his house. When someone answered on the other line, Fairley reported in a voice filled with shame,

“I have failed you, Your Majesty. The Queen has been taken.”

Penny is, unbeknownst to her, the Life Mate of the Vampire King. Her family are all Vampire Attendant’s, willingly giving their blood to hungry vampires. As soon as Penny was born, the King proclaimed her as his and handed her over to her family to be brought up as a normal child, watched over carefully by two of his most trusted warriors who posed as Mr. and Mrs. Fairley. It was the King who supported her mother for Penny’s entire life. The King planned on letting her go to college and live a normal life until approximately thirty, when he would claim her as his bride and turn her.

But there has been a rebellion brewing for years now, a growing army of vampires who believe all humans should be subjected to vampire rule. They must destroy the Vampire King before they can make their move on the humans though, and only recently have they discovered the existence of the young Queen.
So they take her, planning on forcing the King to step down, or if he refuses kill her. Everyone knows that if the life mate of a vampire is killed, the vampire goes insane. And humans are oh so fragile.

Looking for a romance involving Penny being rescued and protected. We can RP out the rebellion to add spice to our romance? I have a lot of fun things to throw in this regarding Penny. And no, I won’t tell you. You can learn in the RP lol.
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