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Affections Touching Across Time ((LadydarkxAkiravadel))

He pulls his eyes from her figure and stares at her a moment before blushing himself, then closing his eyes as her scent spiked again. “Mmm...” When he opens his eyes they are ringed with a deeper red and he was panting slightly. “R-Roll our the futon...” He sets her beside him gently and slowly stands up, carefully taking his pants off, then his outer robe, setting them aside.
Kagome was nervous but she rolled out the futon on the for them laid out the blankets. She was trembling with nervous jitters but she was also super excited. They would finally be doing this, even though Inuyasha was worried about hurting her, she hated to admit that she was a little concerned too but the last couple of times he looked demon his mind was still there. The other times he did go demon she held him and it kept that piece of him at bay. Tucking under the sheets her robe was mostly open but she was a little scared to take it off and be naked before him for the first time. She watched him place down the fire rat fur and looked up at him. She was eager to see him too, so much so she was already very wet, "do you want me to um... Do anything?"
Inuyasha used those few minutes to try and calm himself, he glances at her as she rolled out their bed, he could smell her nervousness, he was nervous too. He kept his under coat on, not quite ready to show himself just yet. He makes his way to the bed and kneels by the end of it, facing her “Just um... Lay back...” He looks at her “I know your nervous... I-I am too... This is my first time...” He starts to remove his robe slowly, nervous of her reaction to him, he was also fighting back the low growl in his head, something telling him to just take her.
200 year old virgin. Who would have known? Kagome blushed at that and felt really honored that he waited until her. Well not so much waited but no one had really taken the time to learn about him until now, "it's crazy how you can smell all that on me." She slowly laid back the untied robes opening over her chest exposing her breasts again. Now that he admitted he was nervous too and his first time she felt much bolder than before.
He blushed a bit more “It’s just... Changes in your scent that I’ve um... Learned to tag them to emotions...” He reaches up and rubs the back of his neck, not totally sure what to do next, then closes his eyes to think. When he did, his nose twitched, there was one scent he wanted to get much closer to. He opens his red rimmed eyes and looks down at her, then slowly pulls the cover back, his slightly longer claws slowly run over and up her legs. He was silent, letting his instincts guide him, he leans closer, slowly opening her legs, the smell getting stronger. He starts by kissing at her knees, then licks at her inner thighs, a soft pleaser growl starting as the taste his his tongue.
Kagome went beat red. Even in the darkness she knew he had excellent eye sight so now I their home with the light of the fire she was sure he'd see everything! Covering her face with her hands she trembled more. The kind of nervous tremble a person has when they're first having sex with someone. Just jitters but she was extremely excited that he was touching her. Slowly her hands moved further down to look at him. The marks and nails made him look feral, which was incredibly sexy to her.
She smelled amazing, what he could taste on her thigh was beyond that, he slowly inches up towards the source of the smell. He glances up at her before moving closer and taking a deep breath, a long low growl followed. He brings his hands up and gently parts her lower lips, glancing at her again as he takes his first slow lick. His eyes soon close and he moans, his tongue now lapping at her at a slow but steady pace, one hand shifting to hold her hip, keeping her from moving.
Kagome watched him but once that hot tongue moved over her she trembled and arched up. This was better than she could ever imagine! Holding the back of her hand against her mouth she gripped the sheets while her legs shook. It was clear how much she enjoyed this as it leaked from her sex. Yeah, she was really in love with him, the body couldn't lie. When his tongue hit her clit she would gasp and tremble more, "Mnn... Inu... yasha!"
Inuyasha groans against her and even growls lightly, he noticed her gasps as he would hit that bump, so he decided to focus on it. “Mmm...” He sucks on it for a few minutes, then rubs it with thumb, careful of his claws, as he laps at the nectar further down. She smelled and tasted amazing, he had never had anything so good, and she was going to be his.
Moaning softly against the back of her hand she shuddered under his touches. This felt better than she could have imagined but she was also embarrassed by it. It made sense with his demon side he'd want to taste her. Feeling that rough pad of his thumb thigh was what helped send her over the edge. She arched and let out a little yell behind her hands as her orgasm wracked her body. Oh yeah she could see where his traits could make for an interesting sex life for them
“Mmmm...” He growls softly as she hit her peak, holding her closer to him as she came, he slowly licked her clean before sitting up again. His almost red eyes watched her as she slowly came down from her high, then grins and moves over her slowly. He tips her chin up and kisses her, his slightly longer fangs brush against her lips. He then starts to rock against her slowly “Mmm... Last chance to turn back...” His voice was rough, his demon coming to the surface to guide him, he looks her in the eyes, wanting her to be sure.
Kagome moaned softly as she laid under him feeling his body rock against hers. Unconsciously her legs lifted and wrapped around his waist of those very strong hips. The same hips that easily carried them both. Reaching her soft hand up to stroke his cheek she smiled softly, "I want all of you... Inuyasha. My hanyo. My mate." She smiled knowing what they would be soon. She could see his demon features but they didn't bother him, they were actually rather sexy right now.
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