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Affections Touching Across Time ((LadydarkxAkiravadel))


Nov 12, 2017
Kagome had been living with Inuyasha in the village for a while now. She'd come back for him and was learning about how to be a Miko in that time. She'd started wearing the red and white kimono every day and collecting herbs to help heal people. Every week Sesshomaru would stop by to bring Rin something nice he'd find which was truly adorable to her. She'd adopted Shippo as her own son in a way and he traveled to his demon training a couple times a month giving them some alone time.

Sango and Miroku's kids were growing and it was great to see them living the life they always wanted. One thing Kagome wondered about was where they were going. They'd kissed and spent most of their nights together but where was their relationship going? She wanted him to share with her everything. She loved him for the hanyou he was and didn't fear him but she wondered if he was holding back because he was scared of hurting her or maybe he didn't really feel that way. Some days her heart hurt as she thought about it. Coming back from her bath she soaked with some oils and wondered if him and Miroku would be back yet. Stepping inside her hut she was happy to see the pot of soup was finally boiling and would be ready to eat for dinner soon.

Placing her things down she had on her night kimono with her hair wet and drying around her shoulders. Her mind had been filled with him since her return. She wanted him badly but how could she tell him?
After making sure the monk got home alright, having had a few cups of sake with the headman of the village they saved. “Letcher’s in for a hell of a wake up call in the morning...” He himself didn’t drink much if any, not since the time with the sake maker and his fucking magic barrels. He shook his head as he headed towards his own home, he folded his hands in his sleeves and let a small smile show. Home. Something he never thought he’d have again after his mother died, but Kagome changed all that, she changed so much in his life, and all for the better. He nears their hut and slows, he takes in a deep breath and smiles wider, she had just come from a bath and dinner smelled almost done. He used to complain about her bathing habits, but since she came back and didn’t have her fancy soaps from the future, he rather enjoyed smelling her fresh scent.

He stood back, just watching his home for a few minutes, knowing Kagome was inside, he pulls a small box from his sleeve. He had gotten her a gift this time, he had seen it at a vender’s cart in the village, a lovely hair comb, he was even prepared to pay for it with his share. But the vender had given it to him in thanks and told him to give it to his special girl. He closes it and puts it back in his sleeve, then looks towards the hut once more, he just didn’t know how to tell her.

He finally steps closer to the hut and lifts the flap over the door, and it hit him, the heat in the room had helped it stay inside. He froze for a moment before she looked up, a slight blush on his cheeks, he couldn’t really be smelling that right. “H-Hey...” He clears his throat and steps inside “Hey... Just get back from the bath?” He looks at her as he takes a seat against the wall as usual, sword laying at his side and one leg bent up.
Kagome was in a white kimono she got from Kaede. She only had a couple outfits at the moment since she just came back recently and honestly had thought about it. She looked over at him standing in the doorway and didn't notice his blush, "welcome home. Yeah. It was a nice soak. How did the demon hunting go with Miroku?"

She blushed a little as she looked over at him. He was handsome as always. Maybe it was because she couldn't hide her desires from him anymore. She'd touched herself a few times back home thinking about him but now they lived together and those urges were getting stronger. Another little wave of desire rushed through her heating her sex between her legs. "It looks like you guys are alright."
He looks over at her, trying to ignore the scent in the air, wondering why she was aroused, maybe she had someone in the village. But that thought was blown away when she looked at him and the scent spiked, he bit his lip a moment. “The mission... It’s was fine... Turned out to be a group of kitsunes... But not the trickster type...” He glances around the hut, just noticing that Shippo wasn’t there, he looks to her. “Where is the runt anyway... He spending the night with my brothers brat again...” He crosses his arms slightly “Fluff butt won’t take too kindly to that...” He leans his head back and shifts slightly, the scent starting to affect him, he slowed his breathing slightly.
Kagome had no idea he could smell her. He'd mentioned smelling fear in the past but she didn't know just how good his nose was, "Shippo? Yeah, Kaede offered to make him dinner and they're wanting to draw some more pictures together." She giggled a little at his comment about his brother. She knew they didn't get along but at the moment at least the air wasn't so tense around them anymore. It seemed Rin had calmed the cold hearted youkai.

"So yeah... it's just us tonight," Kagome felt her heart start to race a little. She was nervous being really alone with him. The last time they thought they were alone they had a nice moment in her room. Then their kiss in the Shikon no tama. Now they lived together and she wondered if he wanted this relationship with her. Leaning forward she stirred the soup then poured him a bowl along with some rice on the side. "I'm sure you're hungry." Her damp hair fell over her shoulders while she set the bowl down hoping he'd come closer.
His ear twitched slightly as her heart sped up, did she want to be alone with him? He saw her set his brown down next to her a through a moment, they had been close a few times in the past, but someone always got in their way. He smiles slightly, except for the last time they saw each other before their 3 year separation, the kiss they finally shared. He moves from the wall and picks up his bowl, sitting next to her, just enough so their arms were touching. He take a slow sip and smiles “It’s good... Thank you...” He eats slowly for a bit in silence “I guess it would be nice to not have the brat running around or snoring in the middle of the night...”

He soon finished his bowl and set it down, but didn’t return to the wall, instead sitting there with his arms in his sleeves. What she didn’t know was that he was holding his gift for her, working up the courage to give it to her. It was easier now with no one around, he didn’t have to act tough, because Kagome knew him, he didn’t have to pretend with her. His nose twitched again, her scent was starting to get to him slightly, but he didn’t want to scare her. He slowly pulls his hand from his sleeve and holds the box out to her “I uh... I got this for you... In the village market today...”
Kagome ate beside him. She found it was a little hard to eat it all this time since her mind was filled with him that day. She'd talk to Sango about marriage and she told her she did want to marry Inuyasha which prompted a a whole afternoon of Sango wanting to plan it with her. She knew Miroku would find out and soon Inuyasha would. It scared her a little but at the same time she wanted that with him. The gentle feel of his arm against hers did soothe her a little. She liked being close to him.

It wasn't until he suddenly gave her the present that it surprised her. What she didn't know was the last gift he gave was to Kikyou. Blinking in surprise she took the box, "really? Thank you!" Whatever it was she didn't care he got her a gift that wasn't meat from the forest. Opening the box she pulled out the comb and held it close. "Thank you so much!" Kneeling up she leaned in kissing his cheek. "Y-You know..." her heart started to pound away again. "I couldn't wait for you to get home."
Inuyasha was bright red after she kissed his cheek, he hadn’t expected her to like the gift that much, he smiles slightly and shifts a bit. Her scent had gotten stronger when she got up, he looks at her at her statement. “It’s just a simple comb...” He looks at her again “Really?” He looks at the fire “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a home... And even longer since I’ve had someone actually waiting on me...” He smiles softly “Mother was the last person that cared about me... Ki... Kikyou meant well... But we didn’t really know what we were doing...” He looks down, he had thought a lot about Kikyou and Kagome in the three years she was gone, finally letting him put Kikyou a memory to rest. He looks back at her and smiles, a smile he only lets her see, letting the real him shine through. “I couldn’t wait to get home either... I miss having you on missions...” He blushes again.
Maybe it was because she was finally gone but hearing her name didn't hurt her heart as much anymore. She smiled softly at him admitting he missed her, "I can go with you guys sometimes. I still have my powers."

She sat back down as she looked at him, "I care about you Inuyasha." She blushed hard this time and bit her bottom lip. "I told you years ago I wanted to stay by your side and I meant it." She loved him as the hanyou he was.
“Maybe... Maybe you and I can take the next few... Give the monk a break...” He looked back to the fire a moment before her next words had him looking at her once more. “I-I know you do... I don’t understand why... But I know you care Kagome...” He turns slightly and lifts his hand up, gently cupping her face, his cheeks a little red again. “After all you’ve done for me... Cried for me... I’d be a bigger idiot them people think I am if I didn’t know...” He closes his eyes “I just... Back then with Kikyou... And the hunt... I didn’t want... I still don’t want...” He pulls his hand away and makes a soft fist “I don’t want to hurt you...” He slowly opens his eyes to look down at his claws, deadly weapons that had killed hundreds, humans included.
Kagome then realized what was holding him back. He'd agreed to become human for Kikyo and maybe that was one big reason why. Kagome trusted him and loved him even his dangerous parts, "Inuyasha." She reached out and took his hand her fingers sliding along his fingers to his claws. "I know you don't mean to hurt me. You've carried me so many times with care. Held me and never cut me." She pulled his hand back up to cup her cheek and kissed his palm. "I love even your demon parts Inuyasha. Honestly it's okay."
He watched her hand slowly move over his, touching his claws without fear, even bringing them back up to her face. He closes his eyes as she kisses his palm and bites his lip slightly when she said she loved him. He knew, deep down he knew, but hearing her say it, he takes a deep breath and looks at her once more. “I love you Kagome... I have for a long time...” His thumb slips over her lips as she tied to say something, silently asking her to wait. “Kikyou... When she died... It hurt... I may not have been in love with her anymore... But I still loved her...” He closes his eyes a moment, remembering that night “But... It made me think... Everyone I love... They all die...” He tilts his head a bit “But losing them... Mother, Kikyou... Would be nothing compared to losing you... A-And if I was somehow the cause...” He pulls his hand away again “There are some sides of me you haven’t seen before... Sides I haven’t seen...” He could feel his demon stirring inside him, her scent calling to it, but he didn’t know what it would do if let out.
Kagome listened to him and tried to sort out his worries for her. She really meant a lot to him. They'd been through so much together and helped each other for so long, "Sango mentioned some demons bond while mating. Is that something you can do?"

She stayed close to him, it felt good to finally be talking about this, "she said humans could be linked to the youkai of their mate." She didn't want him to push her away from fear of her dying or hurting her. "Can we ask your brother?"
Inu sighs slightly and smirks a bit “Of course Sango would know about that...” He looks at her and rubs her cheek gently, she was so beautiful, what had he done to deserve her. “I uh... I already...” He was blushing deep again, he had made good use of his three years alone, but it wasn’t with Sesshomaru. “I tracked down the old flea... I-In case you ever came back...” He sits up and turns to face her, he takes her hands “But it’s dangerous... I have to b-bite you... While we a-are... uuhm...” He holds her hands tighter, careful of his claws.
Kagome looked at him as she gently held his hands. Her thumbs rubbed against his fingers. She was watching him then smiled softly, "bite me? You sure it wasn't Miroku you spoke to?" She teased softly but shifted closer to him. "Whatever it is I want to be with you. If this is what we need to do to make this work them I'm willing to do it."
He shakes his head “No Kagome... I have to bite you... On your shoulder... Or the back of your neck...” He holds her hands and closes his eyes, trying for to remember everything the flea said “I-I have to use my fangs... And break the skin... So I can mix my blood with yours...” He looks at her again “But it could also kill you... If I bite the wrong place...” Mating was serious business, there was no going back, he cups her cheek again with their hands. “And if it works... You’ll have to watch everyone around you die...” He looks down, she’d have to watch her dearest friends grow old and die while she barely aged, could she handle that.
Kagome took in everything that needed to be done, the process didn't sound pleasant and she'd miss her friends. She mulled it over for a moment but then her mind came to the one conclusion that mattered most in her heart. Her hand gently gripped his as she looked up at him, "but that would mean you'd never be alone again. I would stay with you."

Smiling softly at him she looked down at his hands, "it'll be sad to watch them go but I'd be devastated if I let you live alone. When I said I wanted to stay by your side I meant it."
His eyes widen and he quickly but gently pulls her closer into a hug “K-Kagome...” He whispers and burrows his head in the side of her neck, his arms around her and hands on her back. Her scent again hit him harder and he growls slightly, he couldn’t hold back locking her neck. “God you smell good...” He mumbles into her neck, he finally decides to ask as her scent only continues to spike and drive him wild, he nibbles gently. “Mmm...” He pulls back to face her, his eyes hooded “I-Is all that excitement... Becasue of me...” He stares at her lips, almost groaning as she licks them like she always does, he wanted to taste them too, 3 years was far too long.
Gasping from being pulled to him she leaned into his hold and wrapped her arms around him too, "...." She then turned beat red realizing he could smell her arousal towards him. Biting her bottom lip she shifted closer to him then nodded her head. "I... Want you."
That was all he needed to hear, he leans in and captures her lips with his own, kissing her deeply and groaning softly. She tasted just as sweet as he remembered, he licks at her lips gently, letting his instincts guide him slightly. His hand moves up into her damp hair and his claws softly scratch her scalp, his other slipped down to cup her ass, rubbing it gently. He pulls back with a slight smirk “I think I understand Miroku a bit more now...” Then goes back to her neck, kissing and licking, even lightly dragging his fangs over her skin. “Nnn... Your scent is driving me wild...” His voice was a bit deeper there, with a soft growl added in, if he was to pulls back, his eyes would be slightly red.
Kagome blushed more but leaned into the kiss. She couldn't believe how hot his lips felt. Moaning softly she moved herself onto his lap wrapping her arms around his shoulders, "don't learn bad things from him." She pulled back slightly and looked at him. "Oh um..." She giggled. "Your demon side is showing." Her hands reached up cupping his cheek then gently kissed his forehead.
Inu was enjoying their little make out session, until Kagome stair his demon was showing, his eyes widened and he held her back. “W-What...” He pulls his hands away and looks at his claws, they were slightly longer, he licked his fangs, and found them longer too. “Why...” He was afraid he might hurt her normally, but if his demon took over, what then, he’d have no control. He looks at her “Promise me... That you’ll stop me if I go too far... Don’t let me hurt you...” He cups her cheek again and leans in to kiss her forehead, he was sure she could feel him by this point. He would give her what she wanted, what he wanted, but not if it meant hurting her. “Promise me... Please...”
Kagome had a feeling that maybe this had something to do with their mating. Maybe that side was channeling it in order to properly do their bond? She wasn't sure but she loved him and trusted him, even in a way in his demon form. Maybe he'd recognize her easier if they were bonded and he was running on those demon instincts. Maybe she wouldn't have to sit him? Either way she accepted him, "I promise." She reached down to the front of his waist and pulled the tie. It was a bold move for her but she felt a little more bold at the moment. They were about to be bonded for life, this was a big thing.
Inuyasha gasps softly and looks down as she unties his pants, he trails his hands down slowly to her own ties, he starts to open them as well. “What... What were you thinking about...” He looks at her “You said you were thinking about me...” He slowly slips his hands undernher top and starts to push it open, his hands shaking slightly and his eyes at her chest. Sure he’d seen her before, but that was years ago and mostly from afar.
Kagome blushed as he exposed her nice decent sized breasts on her hourglass body. She couldn't believe her was asking her that! Her hands went to her own face covering her blushing cheeks, "w-w-well... I would um... you know... think of um..." She turned her face away. "I knew... your claws and such and um... I thought of you using your mouth...." Her scent spiked a bit more then as she remembered the fantasies she'd have of him.
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