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Disney's Conversion Therapy {darkest_fate&Prince of Smut}

So they wanted her to cum out? Sabrina fought the urge to giggle at her own private wordplay going on there. She supposed she should be pissed: she'd been all but forced into this. But it felt pretty good, and what the hell: there were worse ways to experiment and figure out if you were at all interested. Plus, she was apparently going to learn more than a few things: at least masturbation techniques. Apparently Shyla was either dead serious about multiple orgasms or was determined to keep pulling the prank. Since Sabrina had all but ruined the latter, she wasn't all that concerned. Poor thing would find out in the best way possible that Shyla was, of course, quite right. Hopefully when the experienced porn star drove Sabrina through a multi-orgasmic chain.

But let's work up to that.

"I'm sure there will be more than a few things for the audience to like. Plus, I gotta make you work for it," insisted Sabrina, again sticking her tongue out. She was already sauntering toward the outfits, tugging the skirt down as low as it could, though the shirt almost covered enough.

The blonde couldn't hold in a giggle at the ears, looking them over. The selection of panties proved quite nice as well, with Sabrina flipping through. "Well, I guess I am a big girl now," she said, before turning to look at the camera. "How about the folks at home pick out my outfit again? I'm thinking full costume change, and we'll do the ears if you all want," she flipped through. "Is there seriously a schoolgirl uniform in here? Like, you guys are playing just a little obvious, aren't you?"

It was almost as if Sabrina knew that Shyla got that nice bonus only for full costume changes (though they'd probably make an exception for getting her into that daring little skirt while still all innocent).

She flipped through some more, noting that quite a few seemed to be almost erotic changes of her own costume. Toward the end, there were some sets of lingerie, which Sabrina held up against her own body for the audience to view. Why the hell not? They'd already seen her sex as this point, and the lingerie would probably offer more support for her chest than before. Some of them looked like straight up swimsuits too, which wouldn't be too bad, given that she would apparently be getting wet.

"You know, a lot of these aren't gonna cover everything," she said, gesturing toward her sex, "y'know, down there."
"First things first. Let's get you out of this t-shirt!" said Shyla as she reached over to grab Sabrina's Disney t-shirt at the waist and draw it up and over her torso. It was a quick pull after that to remove her unsnapped bra and the petite singer finally stood topless in front of Shyla in just her tiny skirt. Fuck, she was a little cutie. Those breasts were such perfect little handfuls, the nipples seemed to just beg to be suckled. The porn star couldn't help herself and licked her lips as she playfully rolled one between her thumb and finger. "Wow, I can't believe how good you look."

Megan urgently waved a phone with the livestream chat and Shyla reluctantly tore her eyes and fingers away from Sabrina to skim the comments.

"Yeah, our online viewers have some interesting suggestions already. 50k viewers btw," said Shyla, eyes widening. One thumb hooked on the string of her thong as she slowly began to work it off her hips with a little shimmy. After bending over to drop it to her ankles, she kicked the tiny bit of cloth off and luxuriated in standing naked next to the topless teen. "I could use a change as well. You'll need to come up for some ideas for me as well, babe."

There was too much to choose from, but the majority of the viewers seemed to just want Sabrina to dress as slutty as possible now that the fun had started. Ok, Shyla could do that. Definitely the mouse ears, those were too cute and ironic to not have in the scene. But, what else would work for this next segment...

"Hmm, ok, ears on girl," said Shyla settling the headband onto Sabrina's disheveled blonde locks. A quick scan and then the porn star tossed the girl a tiny wisp of white lace cloth. "And here, it looks like the viewers want to see you in a thong, because you know, dat ass. But take off that mini-skirt for now.

"We get a lot of fetish types, of course, but these thigh high stockings are also pretty requested," continued Shyla handing the girl the sheer silk garments. Her hands next pulled out a strapless lace bustier, also white and matching with her thong. It had small cups, sized for Sabrina's bust, and came down to just above her belly button. "And this on top. Oh by the way, that is all they want on you for this segment. Nothing else for now. Just you in some dirty lingerie looking your cutest... and sexiest."
Sabrina just rolled her eyes and raised her hands as Shyla went for the shirt. It lifted, taking the bra with it, for the most part. Sabrina's hands did reach for her chest, quite innocently putting a few fingers over her nipples. It wouldn't even take a whole handful to cover her admittedly small chest. Of course, she was mostly just doing it for fun, giving a little wiggle and a smile. The comment just had her giggling. The attempted grab had her swatting.

"No touching," she insisted. "We're supposed to work up to that or something," she flushed, having realized that yeah, she'd pretty much just agreed to that. This was supposed to be a twenty four hour stream... wow, twenty four hours? Sabrina probably wasn't going to end up walking straight, if at all, by the time she was done. The idea had her giggling, while Shyla and Megan tended to the viewers.

"Buncha pervs," she insisted, sticking out a tongue. "While Shyla's reading off mine, you guys better come up with some for her," she pointed to her, then kept going. Another giggle bubbled up at the mouse ears, which she adjusted, before running fingers through her hair. The thong was hardly surprising, though Sabrina flushed. "Okay, seriously, my butt is, like, not worth that much mentioning," she insisted, though she stepped in and shimmied the thing up ."Also this is not covering everything," she pointed out, flushing as she realized that bits of dirty blonde pubic hair were sticking out the sides. Yeah, that almost looked tacky, and she was sure they didn't want that.

Sabrina kept up the quick change: rolling up the stockings. The strapless lace bustier came next, and Sabrina got Megan's help to get that on. "Okay, buuut," she reached for a garter, hooking it around her waist, further emphasizing the flare there, before connecting it. "Okay, and for Shyla..." she leaned, trying to get a look, and Megan actually showed it.

"Oh, wow," She moved, coming up with a daring black and red leather set: thong, of course. Long leather boots with red laces, all crawling up to at least the thigh, and a top that actually put Shyla's breasts on display, spilling out from, you guessed it, a leather top with black laces. "Okay, so apparently you're gonna go full dominatrix, while I'm apparently a quivering---hey!" Sabrina protested, putting her hands on her hips and turning to the camera. "What's up with the stereotyping, guys? Seriously: hot porn star, dom. Cute Disney star, white virgin. That is just so overrated," but hot. Sabrina wasn't going to say that aloud, but she was definitely gonna think it.
"Haha, ok. You are just too adorable and it's hard to resist," said Shyla with a giggle as she let the smaller girl bat her hand away. Playing grab boob was a lot of fun, but she did realize the online audience probably wanted to get on with the show. Sabrina certainly seemed in a willing mood, or rather was just still so innocent she truly couldn't comprehend the depth of the depravities she was taunting the internet into suggesting with her sassy behavior.

Shyla nodded her head thoughtfully at the girl's grooming situation; nobody liked an unruly bush and picking hair out of your teeth definitely slowed down cunnilingus. Her fingers reached down and twisted a strand of the offending hair giving it a playful tug. "Yessir, we are going to have to clean you up. That is a Maya Hart bush right there, not a Sabrina Carpenter sexy smooth mound," answered Shyla with a wink at the camera. She had dropped into her native Texas twang and sounded like a rancher talking about some livestock. "Ok, now spin around and give us all a good look! That's it, now bend a bit and show the viewers that sweet ass. Damn girl, you got it going on back there!"

And then she got handed the ridiculous leather domme outfit. Fuck the internet, or did Sabrina choose this one herself? That was an interesting thought and caused Shyla to narrow her eyes and study the girl for a second. Could she want.... hmmm?

"Ugh, I'm feeling just as stereotyped as you right now. What do you expect though, we have fifty thousand horny perverts directing us! They aren’t thinking with their brains either," sighed Shyla as she took the leather garments from the blonde. Watching her reaction carefully, she added, "I guess I'll just have to play the part... for the audience of course. Think you can let little old me boss you around for the show?"

The thong went on first; she had to admit, leather undies did feel pretty good! Then came the boots and, no surprise, they were actually fairly sexy as well. Cinching up the laces was a bit of a bitch, but she knew Sabrina and Megan got a nice show of her jiggling breasts. There, the last lace was tied off and she stood experimentally on the extremely high heels. Sabrina was suddenly staring up at her and Megan almost level. Shyla couldn't help but smile as she savored the towering view she now had. As a short girl, she was definitely digging these boots. Pressing the leather top to her torso, her breasts hanging lewdly out, Shyla gave Sabrina an imperious stare and said, "I'm going to need you to lace up my top, pet."

Truth be told, Shyla was typically screencast as the innocent, teenage girl that got seduced by the dominating older MILF. That or a cute girlfriend in a lesbian romance lick-fest. She didn't blame the directors, she looked the part and played it well, but she'd always had a hankering to play a darker role. Maybe she could turn this show into a little screen test to show just how well she could play a cruel dominatrix, one with a stern hand and a penchant for debasing virgin girls perhaps?

At the very least, it would be fun trying. And poor innocent Sabrina, smiling and not realizing exactly how far things might go today. It was hard to feel sorry for her though, she just looked so ripe for the taking.

"Pet, do be a doll and fetch me my crop. It's over there on the floor, next to the cuffs and blindfold. In fact, why don't you just bring them all over to me. Oh, and I'd like you to crawl while you do it."
"Ugh, can we stop bringing up Maya?" asked the little blonde. She still turned, still dipped, but immediately sprang up as Shyla started teasing her, flushing and lowering her hands. "Stop," she actually sounded a bit hurt, pausing to almost bashfully push some dirty blonde away from her blue eyes, "I know I've got a big butt, and I really don't like you teasing me about it, okay? Isn't this supposed to be all body positive and shit?" The girl was really trying here, and she'd felt selfconscious about the damn hips and slightly large butt since they'd started being a thing. It didn't help that she was still as petite as ever, still short, still light. She hadn't exactly put on any weight: just her curves had started to develop and given her "birthing hips." It made things awkward enough for her without Shyla drawing near constant attention to it.

So a slightly hurt Sabrina was very nearly pouting while Shyla got dressed. She rolled her eyes outwardly as Shyla protested. "Like you aren't loving it," she pointed out. She was tempted to point out that Shyla had been pretty well bossing her around since this started. Oh, it hadn't been quite that direct, though it had certainly been direct enough. Subtle hints, gestures, not so subtle indications and kisses. It was all enough to make Sabrina flush just thinking about it.

The stare and the look had Sabrina looking back. Pet? She must just be playing it up, and it really was unprofessional for Sabrina to pout on camera. She moved forward, fingers deftly handling laces. This honestly wasn't that different from helping Rowan get into costume during the show, or aiding a backup dancer or whatever during a shoot or the sort. Plus, Shyla did look pretty hot, and there was something fun with playing a long.

Oh, look, there was the fun gone already. "Seriously?" she said, meeting Shyla's gaze and raising her brows. Feeling a little cheeky, she all but smirked. "And what are you going to do if I don't?" she asked, folding her arms over her chest. Just because Shyla felt like leaning into the stupid role didn't mean Sabrina intended to. Of course, of the two of them, Shyla had a much better idea of what that role would actually entail...
"Sweetie, I'm not teasing you... seriously. It's fucking sexy. And the sixty thousand viewers we have all agree," Shyla replied with sincerity and reaching out to catch the girl's hand for a brief second. Sabrina was definitely self-conscious about her developing figure, but Shyla was a lover of women in all shapes and sizes, including curvy girls. Good to know she was sensitive though, and maybe that would be a nice area for her to work on later... loving her own booty.

"It's true, they love it! Booty is in now!" chimed in Megan, nodding a bit too enthusiastically.

The young starlet clearly wanted to pout afterwards, but she was still a professional and soon forced a smile as she helped lace up Shyla's top. Snugged up, the porn star's smallish boobs were pushed up nicely, looking much larger than normal as they practically popped out of the top of the corset. A little jiggle for Sabrina's benefit emphasized their new appearance. "Oh my god, I have boobs now!"

And then Sabrina made her stand. Oh, so many delicious options came to Shyla's mind, but she figured since the girl was still smarting about her ass that she'd try and keep things light-hearted.

"PET!" exclaimed Shyla, balling her hands into fists and furrowing her brow in mock outrage. One booted foot stamped angrily, setting her breasts to swinging. "I"m in this ridiculous outfit for your benefit, so please show me some respect!

"Now if you are a GOOD girl, which I know you are, I'll give you a big reward for obeying your mistress," continued Shyla, voice changing into a soothing entreaty that pitched up for the last word. The eye hidden from Megan's camera gave the starlet a conspiratorial wink.

"And if you want to be BAD girl, I'm... well I'm just going to have to ask the viewers what to do with you!" finished Shyla, dropping her voice to try and sound a bit more ominous. With lips pursed slight, she raised a finger to scratch her cheek thoughtfully and looked at the camera as if seeking advice. "But I bet they can think of something..."
Not teasing? Sabrina still wasn't sure. It seemed like Shyla could go either way: either tease and unbalance the virginal teen. Or genuinely compliment her, see her flush and try to help her own her sexuality. The latter sounded more appealing, but unfortunately, months of self-doubt and creeping body image issues enforced by the current society left Sabrina still disbelieving. She wanted to think Shyla and the rest thought her sexy, but she couldn't quite believe it.

hence: pouting.

Albeit not a strong one: she giggled at the comment, and fought back more smiles as Shyla tried (poorly) to be commanding. "You look like a little girl who dropped her ice cream," Sabrina said after a bit. That outfit might have belonged to someone more commanding, but thus far? Sabrina wasn't sure that Shyla could fit the bill. The blonde didn't know the fire she played with: she'd only been blowing out birthday candles, and a flickering fuse for something much larger had just been lit.

"Aren't we trying to make me a bad girl?" Sabrina pointed out, cocking her head slightly. "So I think I'm gonna go with that," she took a step back, holding her arms out. "So what are you thinking you're going to do, huh? I'd just love to see what you guys think is so punishing."

Yeah, definitely biting off more than she could chew. By a wiiiiiiide margin.
Despite the heeled boots and leather outfit, Shyla knew that she wasn't a naturally intimidating domme. She was too petite, her face too cute, and in general she still had a lot of adorable mannerisms that screamed "wouldn't you like to fuck me?", not "I'm going to fuck YOU, bitch!" Her whole tantrum was done in jest, but she knew she likely looked like a chihuahua barking versus a snarling pit bull, cute and non-threatening instead of terrifying and deadly!

It was clearly time to work on unleashing her inner bitch. She'd have to overcompensate.

"A little girl? Ice cream?!" drawled Shyla, her smile fading as she rolled her eyes and tapped her booted toe again in pretend irritation. "Really, pet, you are incorrigible. I think I'm going to have to start at the beginning with you... learning respect for your Mistress."

And then Sabrina made her choice and Shyla's pulse quickened. She fought to not to show just how excited she was at the girl's decision! Good girls were boring.

"Bad girl it is. Tsk tsk tsk. That is exactly what I expected you would say, and everyone watching was hoping for," Shyla replied, grinning at the camera. "I think you'll be amazed by just how bad a girl you truly are when we are done."

"Megan - phone," barked Shyla as she turned and strutted past the blonde taking the device in a hand-off. Working the heeled boots, her hips swinging, Shyla turned the walk into a full-on swaggering display of attitude as she retrieved the belt and crop herself. Spinning, she reversed her path and walked back to Sabrina, heels clicking on the hardwood floor and tapping the leather switch loudly on her thigh. She didn't bother to look at Sabrina, practically ignoring the young girl, and instead just scrolled through the comments on her phone with a smirk on her face. "Hmmm. So many creative ideas in here... they get so carried away though. Just for the record folks, I don't do anal fisting, ok!"

The phone was tossed back to Megan and Shyla pivoted on a heel to face Sabrina, sizing up the suddenly much shorter girl anew and tapping her booted toe again.

"Hi, Sweetie," said Shyla abruptly, a syrupy smile blossoming on her face. Her free hand reached out, adjusting Sabrina's blonde hair, and then rested on the girl's neck lightly. A kiss followed, short and sweet with a lot of teasing from her tongue. The hand moved down, outlining one the singer's small breasts, finding a nipple to tug briefly, then finally slid down the girl's belly and over her mound. Expert fingers found her clit through the lace of her underwear and rubbed it softly. "Feel that? Your body wants more. We are going to have some fun..."

The crop at her side whipped out as she reached around and tapped the girl on one of her full ass cheeks. It wasn't a particularly hard blow, but enough to sting and likely leave a red splotch. A reminder to Sabrina that she may look like an angry chihuahua, but she had a bite.

"But first, you need to learn some respect. Then, I'll blow your mind with pleasure," Shyla purred, fingers still rubbing between Sabrina's thighs, tempting her with pleasure to offset the fading shock of pain. In a casual tone, but firm, as if expecting obedience and brooking no argument.

"Now, get down on your knees, pet."
Sabrina played into Shyla's hands? Well, maybe, but she didn't see any reason to act that way. Plus, part of her still wasn't completely sold on this whole act thing they were trying out here. She folded her arms across her chest, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. The gesture actually helped push her modest chest upward a little, helping to create just a bit more cleavage than she probably would've had otherwise. It was a nice look for the little blonde, when you got right down to it.

The phone exchanged, and Sabrina watched Shyla carefully. the tools made her slightly nervous: Sabrina had been raised in a progressive family. No spanking or anything of the sort done there. Which had her wondering just what Shyla had in mind. "Seriously?" she asked as Shyla tossed aside a suggestion. "Buncha pervs," she said, snorting. Like she'd agree to something like that. Butt stuff... okay, it sounded kinda kinky, and now Sabrina was a lot more open to kinda kinky than she'd been a few hours ago, but...

"Hi yourself," Sabrina cooed back, wiggling some fingers. A kiss came, and Sabrina let it, her mouth even opening slightly. Hands trailed electricity down her body, teasing her breast, then her tummy, then against her mound. Sabrina's lips slipped as she gasped, feeling that sharp bolt of pleasure that came from the rubbing. "Shit, you weren't kidding," she breathed in disbelief, looking down. Her body was definitely revving up for another go.

A tap made her yelp, hand going down to cover her butt. She glared daggers at the other woman. "Or you could just move on to the pleasure part," replied Sabrina, frowning slightly. Still, there was something in the play that was... starting to appeal to her. A bit. Not a lot. Just a bit.

And not enough for what Shyla was asking. "Yeah, I'm still thinking no," she replied. but she rocked back and forth as she finished. "Whatcha gonna do about it?"
Shyla could feel that Sabrina truly was horny, hungry for more pleasure and squirming as her fingers teased her slit, but the girl was acting like a spoiled brat. She wanted her dessert, but wasn't wiling to finish her vegetables. Deep down, Shyla still feared the starlet's insolence was mostly because the brunette wasn't a very intimidating Domme. Did Sabrina think she was too petite and cute to really pull off the scary bitch act? Was she goading her on because she didn't think there would be any repercussions?

I bet if I were Bobbie Starr or Kimberly Kane she'd be jumping at my every word.

The porn star's blue eyes narrowed and her jaw set as she glared at Sabrina, annoyance building into some real anger. Well, she'd show this silly girl, and everyone watching, that she wasn't just the lesbian teen cutie she played on camera! She'd done enough private bondage play with her girlfriends that she knew how to handle a crop and use her limited mass in the right way.

"What am I going to do? I'm going to do.... this," said Shyla as her hand lifted from the girl's mound and rose to caress the back of the girl's neck. When she said the last word, her fingers closed around a fistful of the girl's blonde hair, close to her scalp. She wasn't that much bigger than the teenager, but she took a step forward and used surprise and leverage to pull the girl slightly backwards, forcing her off balance, and then spun her around to face away from her.

"Naughty! Little! Girl!" shouted Shyla, driving her forward using that firm grip of her hair. She punctuated each word with a swat from her crop on Sabrina's juicy, round ass. Since the girl was already sensitive about it's size, that rump would be a nice focal point for this next scene. It was practically begging to spanked! "You little brat! You need to earn your reward! On to the couch!"

Shyla rained blows as she herded the girl towards the couch, trying to anticipate Sabrina's natural defensive motions and aiming to strike around any hands the girl might raise blindly behind her to try and block the crop. The heeled boots made Shyla a bit wobbly, but surprise and better body positioning were on her side as they both kind of stumbled and crashed into the couch. Sabrina went down face first with her ass bent over the side, while Shyla landed on top of her.

"Stay down," Shyla growled in the girl's ear, her hand still keeping a firm grip in singer's hair and forcing her face down. Shocking her and getting some respect were Shyla's main goal, but the porn star found the whole "girl"-handling of the Starlet a lot more thrilling, and arousing, than she had imagined. Her mound ground against Sabrina's ass as she pushed herself up, and she experimentally rubbed against the girl again. Fuck she was so turned on already! This was going to be fun. "Now, I'm going to spank you until you apologize. Then you get your reward. Do you understand?"
Sabrina hadn't expected this... well, that wasn't strictly true. She'd expected a reaction, anticipated it, almost craved it to some degree. But she hadn't quite expected Shyla to get so physical so quickly. Hands gripped her hair, and she yelped at the pull. Her hands flew up to intercept, the motion starting to get her off balance. It made her all the easier to spin and move. Soon Sabrina found herself staggering toward the couch, herded onward by slaps of the ass.


The burning had started upon her rear, where red had started to blossom on the peach. She bit her lip after the first few, not wanting to cry out... though she wasn't sure whether pain or pleasure helped. Pleasure? Yes, there was something decadently, wrong about what Shyla did. Hearing the names wasn't all that helpful, but the spanking... felt weirdly nice. The burning cooked her loins, made her want to start squirming, though she didn't think she liked it nearly as much as she had the earlier work.

So her hands had been a bit delayed attempting to intercept. They flailed wildly, just barely managing to catch against the incoming crop. Sabrina still ended up face-down in the couch, almost smothered, the other woman over her. She turned, ending up with a mouthful of dirty blonde hair. Her eyes sparked with a defiant, almost gleeful, light. She tried to push even as she felt Shyla pushing back. The result was a grind: ass to sex.

"You're gonna be spanking an awful long time," Sabrina shot back, before trying to lift again. She wasn't, perhaps, using quite her full strength. Already her body had started to tremble with a sensation she was beginning to recognize all too well. Her burning rear felt almost deliciously sinful, and she found a hand sort of wandering that way...
"A long time, really? You think you are so fucking naughty, don't you?" chuckled Shyla, keeping a firm grip on the struggling blonde's hair to keep her head down. Straddling the girl's ass, she used her body weight to pin her torso in place. It was a bit like riding an unbroken filly, Sabrina was bucking and struggling, but Shyla could tell she was already getting used to the feeling of letting the porn star take control. Eager to start the punishment, Shyla dropped the crop and the belt she carried onto the couch next to Sabrina. Reaching back with that now free hand, she gave the girl a couple hard barehanded spanks on the luscious globes of her big ass to get her attention. Yee-haw, she really felt like a cowgirl now! "Good thing I love to spank!"

"But I can't have you squirming, you need to take your punishment and focus on how it feels," cooed Shyla as she reached forward and grabbed one of Sabrina's flailing hands... wait, was the girl reaching under herself to touch herself?! What a little slut! Pulling Sabrina's forearm up behind her back, Shyla held it in place with her knee and looped the belt around one wrist. A quick tug of the other wrist slipped that into the belt, followed by a one-handed cinch, and voila, she had the girl's hands lassoed behind her back! It wasn't a particularly strong restraint, Sabrina could wriggle out of it if she really wanted, but Shyla knew that psychologically it would do the trick and make the girl feel bound.

"There, no need to struggle. Now you are mine, just relax," Shyla said as she dismounted and released her hold on Sabrina's hair. She let that hand trail down the petite blonde's back to come to rest on the small of her back, just above her round ass. A steady pressure there reminded the girl to stay in place. The other hand moved to the girl's ass. "And this... wow, this is mine too."

Megan was kneeling with the camera close, the singer's thong clad ass no doubt filling the frame. The porn star let her hand rub around Sabrina's globes, kneading and squeezing them possessively. A colorful array red and pink splotches were sprinkled on her cheeks from her earlier spanking and switching. Without warning, Shyla gave the girl another spank, angled upward to make her butt jiggle.

"Now, I want you to count.. wait, are you fucking WET?" asked Shyla in feigned disgust. Her hand hand had momentarily dipped between Sabrina's thighs and lingered on her sex now, feeling her folds through the damp fabric of the girl's thong. "What a little slut we have here, huh guys? Already turned on and we haven't even started to really spank her yet! Ok, you really are REALLY going to get it now. I want you to count every spank. Got it? Don't miss one."

Shyla brought her hand back and started to smack her, a lewd grin on her face.
Naughty? Sabrina fought a nervous giggle fluttering up, just barely managing to swallow. Already she started writhing against the other woman. The porn starlet somehow managed to keep her Disney counterpart in control. The lack of wiggleroom made Sabrina groan, her muscles tensing against the other woman. It drew everything taut just in time for the crop to return.


God, she was getting wet. There was no denying it, and Sabrina kept finding her hands trying to drift between her legs. Apparently Shyla caught her, and soon the little blonde found herself twisting. "Yeow!" she yelped, feeling the jerking pain. Soon both hands were pinned. She tugged, and even Sabrina knew she could've broken free... but part of her didn't want to. She kind of wanted to keep stuck, to feel what was going on, to squirm against the bindings holding her in place.

But her hips were still grinding down. She was desperately trying to get attention. The burning of her ass seeped toward her front, pulled by gravity, blood, and desire. Sabrina felt it pooling. It began opening her sex, creating more and more moisture. A hand squeezed, and Sabrina couldn't hold back a low groan. she bit her lip, swallowing it down. Her hips jerked, ass jiggling. Muscles flexed and released. The thong started to shift, showing just a bit of lip.

"No," lied Sabrina, no, she wasn't wet. She was drenched. Her sex hadn't been this wet since, well, technically since Shyla had caused her to squirt. Moisture quickly greeted any fingers that went to seek. "Why would I get turned on by this?" Sabrina asked, her voice going high as she felt Shyla working her over. "That would be super kinky, right?"

Smack! As if to counter her.

"owwwww," whined Sabrina again, playing it up. She rolled her hips again. "Right, right, count it, i get it. How many am I supposed to get any--ONE!" she swore that Shyla had hit it even harder... apparently talking back... might have been a great move.

"This is what a naughty little slut looks like," Shyla explained matter of factly to the camera. The online audience was getting a perspective on the Disney Starlet they would never have imagined. Bent over the couch, Sabrina's surprisingly large and round ass wriggled in the air. Only a tiny thong split her pale cheeks, those jiggling melons now splotched with pink circles from spanking and switching. A sexy set of garters framed that luscious ass, connecting to stockings already showing signs of stretching and ripping from the abuse inflicted on them from Shyla wrestling her to the couch.


"What are we up to now?" asked Shyla as her fingers moved, spreading the girl's cheeks slightly and exposing the gusset of her thong clearly to the camera. The tiny undergarment had come askew, one of the girl's pink lips hanging out and glistening wetly. Above it, the girl's pink pucker was visible beneath the string of the thong. Shyla's fingers moved in the girl's crotch again, a fingernail running through her engorged slit and pushing the soaked fabric through her sensitive folds. Grabbing the wet cloth in her fingers, her knuckles now pushing into Sabrina's sopping sex, Shyla slid the thong down so its string bisected the girl's lips and the front of the thong hung loosely below. Using the string like a floss, Shyla moved it in her puffy lips and teased the girl's throbbing clit, flicking it over and over again. "Look how wet you are. You are dripping. Someone likes being a naughty little fuck pet, don't they?"


"Now. Have you learned your lesson... is it time for your reward?" cooed Shyla, her finger teasing the girl's tight entrance again. Her other hand moved to the girl's ass and a fingertip began to slowly circle her pucker, rubbing the skin around it before finally slipping under the string of the thong and resting on that sensitive and equally virgin hole. A slight push there, fingertip teasing with little pulses and threatening to plunge inside. "Ask me nicely to give you your reward, pet."
The blows kept raining heat down. The heat kept seeping into her sex. Sabrina could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment, with arousal? Each slap felt... well, it hurt a bit, sure, but it also felt... good. Like the burning spread itself throughout her lower half, cooked everything below the waist. And, again, just the whole taboo nature of it. Getting spanked by another woman. God, getting spanked for an audience. Sabrina was an actress: she loved performing.

The thought made her shudder, and she just realized that she'd forgotten to count for the last several smacks. How many were there? "Um..." she said, biting her lip for a moment. Shit, she couldn't remember precisely. She could feel the thong moving, teasing her lips. Moisture drizzled out of her, the wet heat clearly indicating an aroused girl beneath. Sabrina shifted, mind racing, trying to think. There had been that first she'd counted, then another, then... two? Three?

"Four?" she almost guessed, the word jumping up toward the end as a knuckle grazed her. Fingers touched a button, sending a quick shock of pleasure up into the girl. It made Sabrina jerk, yelp. A pet? The idea made her flush, bite her lip. "Five,"


Still not sure, but her rear burned. She could feel fingers teasing, and she groaned. "I don't know," she said, "was my count even right?" She looked to Megan, but there was something in the executive's smile that made Sabrina more than a little nervous...
...and maybe more than a little excited.
"Hmmm. Close pet, but the right number is eight," answered Shyla as she let her fingers tease the starlet's slit. The poor girl's brain was barely functioning again, struggling to count and unable to pay attention with the mix of plain and pleasure that was battling in her body and mixing confusingly. Letting go of the thong, she seized the girl's throbbing clit and gave it a hard pinch. "I'm really disappointed that you couldn't keep track of such a simple thing."

"Megan, get us some toys, you know what I want," ordered Shyla to the blonde exec who was practically kneeling next to the brunette with the camera zoomed in on the wet, pink and sopping mess that was Sabrina's teased pussy. Shyla's finger pushed into the girl's tight, virgin entrance again as the finger on her pucker slid inside to the first knuckle. "I'm going to give you a reward, anyway, but it's going to be a bit of a reward for me too. And Megan. And our viewers."

"But first, I'm going to get you all ready," cooed Shyla as she pulled the girl's thong down and lowered her face to Sabrina's dripping sex. Shyla was good with her fingers, but as a lesbian porn star she earned her money with her tongue. The agile, slippery appendage could tease and give pleasure to a pussy in ways a cock or fingers could never imitate and she unleashed all of her skill. First some light, fluttering licks to tease Sabrina's puffy lips and hard clit, then a slow, powerful circling of her virgin hole, followed by a deep flat-tongued series of licks through her whole crevice that flattened her folds and scooped up delicious tonguefuls of Sabrina's sweet juices, and finally hard sucking on her clit that ended with her holding that nub between her teeth and nibbling it softly.

"And I mean all of you," continued Shyla and her tongue licked upwards with enthusiasm, cleaning juices up from the girls' inner thighs and scooping them higher to land on her virgin pucker. That other, taboo hole became her tongue's target and Shyla covered it with Sabrina's pussy juices and her saliva until a puddle of sex and spit coated it. Only then did Shyla's tongue start to circle and tease her ass, exploring its crinkled folds and circling harder and deeper with every orbit until the tip was pushing against the pucker itself, darting inside with ever revolution. Not to be forgotten, Shyla kept pumping a finger into the girl's pussy while her thumb rubbed her clit. "Mhmm... so many virgin holes for me."

"Here you go," said Megan, handing Shyla a dildo already strapped into a harness. The blonde had chosen well, the fake cock was reasonably small and the perfect tool to use on Sabrina's tight pussy. Megan herself was already wearing her own strap-on and was flushed with arousal and licking her lips hungrily.

"Go ahead, have a lick while I put this on," said Shyla, pulling away from Sabrina to give Megan access. "I bet you've wanted to taste this pussy for a while."
Toys? Toys? They were going to play games---ooooh, those sort of toys. Sabrina's eyes widened with that realization, and she almost whimpered. Already everything felt hot, not just her sex, not just her chest, but literally everything felt like she'd been running in the hot sun for a few hours. It didn't help that Shyla now teased her sex directly. Blazing heat surrounded an inserted finger, Sabrina letting out another low, almost guttural whimper at the insertion. Her sex danced with glee just at that slight sensation. Little shots of pleasure fired up, mixed with heat, boiled her insides. Everything started to throb and tense.

"What--what are you--" stammered Sabrina as Shyla ducked down out of view. Something touched her sex, sending a burst of electric spark into Sabrina. "holy shit!" she cursed, snapping and jerking. Dashes and bursts of pleasure ignited all over Sabrina's sex. She didn't know what Shyla was doing. Something with her tongue, obviously. That first flick had tightened the coils. The languid, long ones had wound them tight. Then a burst straight on her clit had---

"AHAAAA!' Sabrina shouted as the tongue continued moving. She came even as Shyla started almost experimenting around her lower half. The spanking hadn't just turned Sabrina on: it had gotten her soaked, gotten her ready, and it showed now as she shuddered through a quick, powerful orgasm. Pleasure fired throughout nerves, zapping muscles and making her tense. AS a tongue teased her ass, the muscles pulled and contracted. Everything rippled, Sabrina literally cumming from what should've just been an exploratory pucker.

"Shyla! Slow down! I'm cum--I'm Cumming! I'm cumming!" Sabrina tried to beg, but Shyla was too busy teasing and curling. Sabrina only got relief when Shyla finally pulled off, and she lay there panting. Fuck, she never thought sex would feel this good. Maybe because boys sucked at kissing and touching? Shyla definitely didn't suck, well, not in the bad way. Fuck, but everything in Sabrina started to all but thrum already, and they were just---

"Wait, Megan?" asked the nearly breathless starlet, twisting to get a look at her handler. The other woman seemed to be wearing a dildo, and it made Sabrina's blue-grey eyes widen. "You've got to be kidding..."
Did this little Disney slut just cum from having her ass tongued!? Shyla had fucked a lot of kinky women, but the toe curling and body quivering anal orgasm that had rocked Sabrina while the porn star's tongue was buried in her pucker was so filthy hot that Shyla felt her own sex grow damp. Wow, this girl truly was a bundle of virgin nerves that had never been stimulated. What else could make her cum, having her puffy nipples played with? Perhaps she'd have to test every possibility tonight...

"Oh my god, did you all just see that?" Shyla gushed to the camera. "I know celebrity's love having their asses kissed, but I think Sabrina takes it to another level. I think we've found her magic button."

"But don't worry pet, I did tell the truth that girls can have multiple orgasms. There will be more where that came from," said Shyla with a sharp spank on the frazzled girl's pink ass to emphasize that her butt would be in play again later.

Megan was all to happy to have a lick to keep Sabrina in a heightened state of arousal, while Shyla stepped into the strap-on and tightened the harness with a couple experienced tugs. Having a fake cock was always a nice little power trip and the brunette gave the rubber shaft a couple pumps with her hand as she sized it up. It should be manageable for the virgin girl, but you never quite know until you try to stick it.

"Ok, Megan... Enough! You look like a pig in a feeding trough! She just came, let her recover," shouted Shyla as she yanked Megan away from Sabrina's twat by the exec's long blonde hair. She didn't want the greedy exec sending Sabrina into another orgasm or overstimulating the poor girl's pussy just yet.

"Now, here is the moment our viewers have been waiting for," said Shyla as she pulled Sabrina up and sat her on the couch next to her. The Disney mouse ears had come askew a while back and hung crookedly on her tousled blonde locks. With her wrists still behind her back and looped in the belt, the girl's small breasts were pushed forward and one hung half-out from her rumpled top. She had no underwear anymore, just a patch of curly light hair between her thighs shielding her slit, and both her stockings were barely hanging on to their garters and looked on the verge of ripping. Megan had recovered enough to pan the camera slowly across the disheveled half-naked girl, who was still breathing hard and likely starting to realize what was coming next. "Eighty thousand very excited viewers now in fact."

"So... are you ready to be fucked for the very first time?" asked Shyla, her voice breaking high with excitement. The porn star was truly excited and bounced slightly as she asked the question, causing the fake cock sticking out of her lap to wag in the air. "Can I take your virginity, Sabrina Carpenter?"
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