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Disney's Conversion Therapy {darkest_fate&Prince of Smut}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Witness Disney’s first Queer Star Firsthand!
That’s right, livestreaming this weekend, Disney presents a 24 adult-oriented stream. Watch as one of our up and coming starlets goes full lesbian! Disney promises that one of our best and brightest will be queer by the end of the stream, and the choice was up to the public vote. The starlet of your choice, from our current roster, will be put through a 24 hour process where she is exposed repeatedly to lesbian situations. She will be kissed! She will be fondled! She will sleep with other women!

We have gotten two of the Adult Film Industry’s best stars to help usher our little favorite into the new world. Both are skilled at helping girls discover their true sexuality and help embrace their wilder side. They will be taking requests throughout the livestream, but our little starlet’s fate is ultimately up to them.
And, by popular vote, you picked…

Winning a whopping 46% of the popular vote, split amongst five candidates, this cute little blonde rocketed to fame playing Maya Heart on Girl Meets World. We watched our little rebel grow and mature into an impressive talent. Able to perform roles both dramatic and comedic, as well as sing, Sabrina is on the path to stardom. Up until now, Sabrina has claimed to be straight and has gone on record as never having a girlfriend. That hasn’t stopped her from giggling alongside her costar or from earning a high fanbase among our queer viewers.

Sabrina just turned eighteen the day before our stream begins; we gave her a day to celebrate with her friends and family, but her birthday weekend belongs to her fans!

And we can confirm: Sabrina is 100% a virgin! That’s right, watch her first time live, on camera! Be there
Dear Shyla

You have no doubt seen the above press release regarding the big event we have planned. As agreed, you will be livestreaming with Sabrina Carpenter (18) throughout the duration of 24 hours. You are instructed to use everything within your power to convert Sabrina. By the time this is done, we expect her to admit to being at least bisexual, ideally an outright lesbian. Should you achieve both a confession willingly given from Sabrina herself and offer proof of her new lesbian/bisexual lifestyle, you will be paid a total of $10,000 for the weekend.

In addition, the following bonuses will be applied based on the content of the stream:

$100 per outfit change, increases with sexuality of outfits

$250 to get Sabrina to admit to having a crush on another woman

$250 to get Sabrina to say, in some form or fashion “Girls are better at sex than boys”

$250 to get Sabrina to masturbate herself on camera

$500 for the first lesbian kiss

$500 for first fingering of Sabrina to orgasm

$500 to perform oral on Sabrina first

$500 to convince Sabrina to do oral

$500 to the recipient of Sabrina’s first oral

$1,000 paid to get Sabrina to climax on camera, $500 for each subsequent orgasm

$1,000 paid to make Sabrina squirt on camera (if Sabrina’s first orgasm results in her squirting, a sum of $3,000 will be paid), $250 for each subsequent

$1,000 for each fetish Sabrina either admits to or discovers while on camera

$2,000 for each lasting change Sabrina undergoes during the livestream (piercing, tattoos, markings, etc.)

$5,000 for Sabrina’s first penetration on camera

$7,500 for Sabrina’s anal virginity

$7,500 if Sabrina willingly engages in anal

$10,000 if double penetration occurs

Remember, the goal is to convert Sabrina into a queer lifestyle. Traumatizing her will result in a negative consequence and subsequent lawsuits. We’re quite confident we hired the right women for the job.

Sabrina doublechecked her phone, then the address. They’d sent her to one of the Disney owned apartment-esque studios on the edge of the city, far from prying eyes. She’d been under direct orders to make sure everyone knew exactly where she was (and to some extent what she was doing). According to Disney, Sabrina had won a recent fan poll asking for a new Disney starlet to do a livestream event for Queer awareness. From what Sabrina had gathered, she’d not only won, but she’d won by a large margin, beating the next by like 20% of the vote.

The cute little blonde didn’t know how to feel about that. At least Disney was giving her an opportunity, what with her show folding and all. She ran a hand through her golden hair, sighing. It could be worse: she still had a record deal, still had some prospects, and Disney promised that if she went through with this, she’d be on the books for at least a movie deal, if not another television show. Didn’t make her less nervous, particularly with the orders.

“Don’t dress up for it?” she asked as she knocked on the door, doublechecking. A pair of loose sweats covered her petite lower half, with a worn t-shirt covering her top. She’d been instructed to bring along materials for makeup and hair, though she’d also been told to arrive already with it styled after a popular shoot. Supposedly they’d have outfits on site for her? Sabrina had also been told she’d meet her costars soon enough. She also had all the required materials on her: her driver’s license, a record from her doctor proving her to not only be clean, but also a virgin, and some stuff for an overnight bag. Weird combo, and Sabrina was starting to suspect something sneaky, but, well…

She shrugged. Not like she had a choice. Her parents had signed the contract, seeming not to realize that it would affect Sabrina the moment she turned eighteen. She’d barely celebrated before finding out her birthday weekend had been planned for her already. She was just updating her presence on her phone, doublechecking and signing in to a few apps, when the door opened. “Hey,” she said, raising a hand and waving, “I guess the star is here or something?” she let out a wry laugh, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.
Shyla Jennings studied herself critically in the floor length mirror one last time. The petite, brunette porn star was dressed casually in a simple white tank top and a worn pair of jeans. It was the kind of not particularly revealing, everyday outfit that you wouldn't glance twice at on a regular girl. Shyla had picked the pieces carefully, however, and the thin shirt shamelessly highlighted her bra-less, but still perky, B cup breasts while the impossibly tight jeans wrapped the curves of her ass and legs like a pair of denim leggings. Instead of hiding, the clothes accentuated her tempting body and made it so you couldn't help but imagine what lay beneath. A decorative pair of black heels raised Shyla's 5'2 frame up a couple inches and served as a sexy exclamation point to the casual outfit. It was a classic demure-yet-dirty look for Shyla, known for her "too cute for porn" face that similarly hid a filthy and depraved mind that had won her two AVN Lesbian Performer of the Year awards.

"That's the one! In fact, you look so delicious I may have to strip you back down before she gets here!" purred the the tall blonde who had been unabashedly watching Shyla try on outfits for the last half hour. Megan Carter was the Disney exec that had hired Shyla and set up this unique and potentially lucrative opportunity.

And what an opportunity it was. Shyla still couldn't believe this was happening, let alone that she was getting paid for this "work". When she'd first received the email she had assumed it was a prank, but Megan's call later that day had made her want to pinch herself to make sure it wasn't a dream instead! Megan had explained that Disney needed a gay star for marketing purposes and that the young Sabrina Carpenter had been overwhelmingly picked as the fan favorite to fill the role. The only problem, of course, was that Sabrina wasn't gay. At least not yet. A big company like Disney gets what it wants and that is where Shyla came into the picture. Based on her impeccable girl-on-girl credentials in the adult film sector, Megan had championed Shyla internally at Disney to be the sexual preference conversion consultant they should hire to get Sabrina prepped for her new brand image.

In other words, Shyla was getting paid to turn Sabrina into a pussy devouring lesbian slut.

"I'm not getting paid to fuck you Megan, so don't you dare think of messing up this makeup before Sabrina gets here," Shyla said with a wink at Megan through the mirror. With a satisfied nod, the brunette spun and flashed Megan one of her brilliant smiles as she struck a mocking model pose with one hand on her cocked hip. "But don't worry, instead of my videos you'll have plenty of real memories for fingering material to get yourself off with when I'm through with her. Who knows, if you are a good girl I may even need your hands on help today..."

Megan had made it clear that her "researching" Shyla's credentials had really meant she was an avid fan that frequently masturbated to Shyla's videos. The older woman had barely been able to keep her hands off Shyla as she'd helped the porn starlet pick an appropriate outfit. Shyla had in turn been exceptionally cruel by teasing Megan with her almost naked body while trying on different clothing. Truth be told, the Disney exec was a striking woman and getting her involved and undressed was definitely something Shyla was hoping to orchestrate. Megan was 5'8" tall, blonde haired and blued eyed, and had a slender frame that still managed to carry what appeared to be impressive C cup breasts. Wearing a long, sleeveless and halter top dress that hugged her curves, she was definitely more dressed up than Shyla and had spent extra time on her hair and makeup in what was no doubt an effort to impress her favorite porn star.

"Of...of course, I didn't mean I expected you to... but if you need my help I'd love to... and yes, Sabrina is the priority for me as well," the normally eloquent Megan stammered, flushing slightly in a mix of enthusiasm and embarrassment as she tried to gauge if Shyla was teasing her or serious in her invitation to help.

Just then, there was a timid knock at the door that caused both women to grin eagerly at each other. Shyla motioned Megan to follow her and opened the front door with one of her trademark smiles as she turned on all her ample charm and cuteness.

"Oh my god, Sabrina fucking Carpenter!" Shyla exclaimed, her voice pitching high in excitement. It was always better to play to the celebrity's ego and appearing to be another awestruck fan, which in this case Shyla truly was, was a role designed to make Sabrina feel comfortable. Based what Megan had shared, Sabrina had no idea what was in store for her today, but had some inkling that this livestream "interview" might be a bit salacious and was likely nervous.

"I'm Shyla Jennings and I am a HUGE fan... and by the way, Happy BIRTHDAY!" Shyla continued, still all smiles as she reached out to give the petite singer a warm hug before inviting her inside. In person, Sabrina was even smaller than Shyla had imagined and she found herself in the rare situation of staring down at the 5' tall singer. The girl's hair and makeup were already done, and her face was as elfin and cute in person as it appeared on TV, but from the neck down Sabrina had arrived dressed super casually. As Megan stepped forward to greet Sabrina, Shyla let her eyes wander down the girl's body in a frustrated effort to get an inkling of the starlet's curves through the baggy t-shirt and sweat pants. Despite being petite, it did look like Sabrina had a nice bubble butt and Shyla wet her lips as she trying to size it up. Oops, did Sabrina just catch her staring at her ass?

"Well thanks SOOO much for agreeing to be on my show," Shyla said, reaching out to grab one of Sabrina's hands with both of hers. Leading the girl, she walked through the large, studio style apartment towards the clothes racks in the back corner. The one main room had a large sectional couch at one end with a camera mounted on a tripod before it, while the other end had a plush King sized bed. "It's called Celebrity Jack and Jill we are a very pro-LGBTQ+ program that I've been doing for a year now. I've had a number of celebrity guests, but honestly, I think our program today is going to be best one yet. We are going to have SOOO much fun!"

Shyla motioned towards the clothing rack which had a huge array of outfits, all supposedly sized for Sabrina's measurements already, ranging from full dresses, to tube tops, blouses, mini skirts, bikinis, leather pants, and even lingerie.

"One fun part of my show is we get to do a lot of outfit changes! Now, let's get something for you to slip into for the first segment, which is going to be the interview... nothing too crazy, maybe a cute little sun dress or something casual? What do you prefer Sabrina?"
The greeting had Sabrina laughing. It sort of burst out of the little blonde, nearly making her double over. "okay, yeah, thanks for that," she said as she finally got enough of her breath back to actually speak, "but there's no way that you're actually that excited to see me," she gave Shyla a quick smile before following the admittedly cute little thing in. Okay, yeah, there was a hug first, but Sabrina had all but grown up hugging people for a living. Truthfully she never minded all the touching and feeling part of the job, and you had to get used to that sort of thing in a hurry if you were going to be best friends with someone like Rowan.

The mention of her birthday did have Sabrina smiling. There had, once again, been too much enthusiasm there, but at least Shyla was trying to make it a bit better for the elfin blonde. She stepped in, seeing Megan, who she recognized from various meetings. She wiggled fingers in greeting of the taller blonde, and probably would've been just about fine hugging her as well.

Weird though, but for a moment, Sabrina could've sworn that Shyla had been checking out her ass. Then again, she was a cute little eighteen year old who'd volunteered to guest start on a LGBTQ+ friendly program and all, so she supposed she should just figure that. "oh yeah, it was totally an agreement on my part," she drawled, fighting back a smirk as Shyla led her inward. She probably would've researched, or asked one of her friends to research, the show beforehand if she'd any idea of the name. Something in the title sounded... suspicious? Still, Shyla's enthusiasm was infectious.

Man, did they have a lot of clothes. Sabrina scanned it, making note that a lot of them seemed suspiciously similar to what her characters would've worn on the shows. "A sun dress?" she repeated, laughing. "I thought you said you were a fan?" she ran her fingers through the offerings. "I'm kinda more of a jeans and t-shirt sorta girl, though I wouldn't say no to a skirt," she tried looking for anything like that among the suggestion, leaning slightly into the offerings while she fingered them, trying not to look slightly nervous about the incoming, well, event.
"However you wound up here, I know both our sets of fans are looking forward to the show," replied Shyla to Sabrina's thinly veiled hint that she was strong-armed into coming today.

When Sabrina made her pointed response to Shyla's suggestions on clothing, the porn star wanted to facepalm herself at her inadvertent gaff. Of course, she was only just eighteen years old and after years of Disney Kids brand management, Sabrina likely still identified her style and image more with high schooler Maya Hart in Girl Meets World than the newly fledged adult that Disney was now trying to create. Well today was the first step in helping her grow up, but Shyla reminded herself to slow things down and not let her own growing horniness make her push the pace too fast.

It was actually an unusual situation for Shyla. As an experienced porn star, used to fucking some of the hottest women in the world on a regular basis, she strangely found herself both starstruck and verging on being uncontrollably horny. The eighteen year old Disney starlet was even more bubbly fresh and adorable in person than Shyla had imagined and was wreaking havoc on the porn star's normally excellent self-restraint. The fact that Megan had given her an explicitly detailed list of financial incentives for increasingly dirty tasks was making the situation worse as Shyla found her mind drifting to all things she planned to do to the innocent girl instead of focusing on the task of getting Sabrina comfortable and in the mood to explore her new Disney mandated sexuality.

Cool it girl, you've got all day and all night to fuck her. Don't blow it by acting like an awkward fifteen year old boy trying to get his first blowjob!

"Of course, as a fan I only really know what Maya used to wear," replied Shyla agreeably as she glanced at the clothing rack again, then she turned to given Sabrina another lingering once over with her eyes before nodding firmly. "I just assumed, you know, with your new music career taking off that you might be changing your style a bit. If you want, this suspender dress and a tee would something more in Maya's style. There is always the classic jeans and tee. And if you are feeling sexier maybe a cute dress. Or anything else that you like. It's totally your call and we will change it up for the next segment. I actually do agree your fans would love to see you start out in an outfit that reminds them of Maya for the interview.

"So... go ahead and get changed... there isn't a changing room here, but don't worry, it's just us girls," said Shyla with a grin as she stepped back to let the girl make her choice. Giving her some options and bringing up the more childish style of Maya might challenge the obviously reserved starlet to be a little more adventurous. Shyla wasn't too concerned, however, as she was confident that there would be plenty of opportunity to get the Disney idol out of whatever she chose later in the morning. "I'm going to grab you some shoes... ankle boots perhaps? We need to go live in a couple minutes so I'm sorry to rush you."

There were a number of metal trunks scattered around the studio and Shyla opened one at random. To her surprise, it was filled to overflowing with dildos, strap on harnesses, plugs, vibrators and sexual toys of every shape and size imaginable! She hastily shut it, hoping Sabrina hadn't seen the contents, before eventually finding a trunk with footwear that she started sifting through. Taking care to keep Sabrina in the corner of her eyes, Shyla kept up small talk with the changing girl.

"Don't worry at all about this interview... I'm going to take it easy on you and will make sure you come across well. It's going to be mostly women watching, and who doesn't love women, right? We'll get a little personal, but I think it's time to take some risks and show who you truly are, right? You no longer need to worry about Disney Kids freaking out about your brand image now that Megan is managing your career. Right?"
It did occur to Sabrina as Shyla responded that she was just so used to having other people select her wardrobe for her that she'd just sort of assumed that would be the case here. The gaff felt almost silly to Sabrina now, as she stared down the multitude of clothes available to her. Jeans and tee, suspender dresses, not to mention the various miniskirts and whatnot. Sabrina thought she recognized one or two outfits from her more recent interviews.

"Believe it or not, Maya's style isn't far off from Sabrina's," she drawled all the same. "They actually dressed that character pretty cool," she studied the various options, vaguely recalling them as similar. It did make sense to at least dress partially like her most popular role though. As Shyla said, it would get her fans excited. And apparently a popular vote had overwhelmingly put her in here, so...

Oh, okay, so Sabrina had to get dressed here and now. "What, is this hazing?" she asked jokingly, adding a laugh. "oh, this one's just," she picked out a shirt that would surely make a statement to most viewers. She gave it a wiggle to Shyla, before setting it up. "Yeah, sure, ankle boots work," Sabrina called as she stripped her current shirt over her head. There wasn't a lot of shyness or real hesitation there: the shirt just went up and over. The girl was wearing a bra: a pretty simple gray number, decent brand, that held her relatively small (in the A size range) breasts. She slid the Mickey grey shirt over it, before moving down to chuck the sweat pants down her petite body.

SO yeah, definitely not noticing the chest. She looked over to Megan as Shyla spoke, since the blonde got mentioned. "Uh, yeah, Megan's... okay, gonna be honest, we just met, but she seems pretty cool," Sabrina shrugged as she set the pants aside, picking out a pair of charcoal colored jeans. Those took a lot of wiggling to get up her body, and when they were on, the fit just a bit snugly. A loose jacket worked atop, and Sabrina gave her hair a fluff.

"There," she said, turning to the two older women, "now I kinda look like Maya, kinda look like a Disney girl, and kinda look like a girl who's about to get interviewed on a LGBTQ+ webstream," she gave them a confident smirk, before walking over to try and get those ankle boots. They did only have minutes till the start of the show, after all.
You'll soon know what real hazing feels like you little tart.

Shyla kept the thought to herself and just gave Sabrina a slight chuckle as the girl picked out her outfit. The mouse shirt was a nice, ironic touch and Shyla's grin widened at the thought of Sabrina wearing that shirt and nothing else while being pounded by an extra large strap-on later in the day. Megan frowned a bit and seemed like she was about to speak out on behalf of Disney's corporate image, but changed her mind with a mischievous shake of her head.

"You're eighteen now, an adult. I think it's good to give a nod to Maya, but this is your first chance to show everyone who you truly are and that you've grown up," agreed Shyla as she gave a smile of approval to the outfit Sabrina was putting together.

Watching the young starlet change was a nice thrill and finally getting a glimpse of the petite body Sabrina was hiding under her clothes made Shyla's pulse quicken. The girl's breasts, still hidden under that expectedly boring bra, looking like delicious handfuls that would be fun to suckle. But her bottom half was even more tempting and Shyla abandoned any pretense of not ogling the girl as she bent over to remove her baggy sweats. Shyla, skinny and petite herself, really liked curves and Sabrina had developed a nicely sized and shaped bootie that she seemingly tried to downplay in her typical waist up photo shots and clothing choices. That asset was nothing to be ashamed of aand Shyla knew her viewers would be thrilled to see that less exposed side of the innocent singer in full glory.

"Lovely, just perfectly grown up now... you agree Megan?" said Shyla with an appreciative clap. The porn star didn't wait for a reply from Megan, but instead walked over to grab Sabrina's hand again and lead her towards the couch. Her eyes were locked on the innocent girl, drinking in her curves and admiring her cute face as she sat down and patted a spot on the couch right next to her for Sabrina to join. "Megan... the camera if you would."

"Welcome to Shyla's Celebrity Jack and Jill, the show that lets celebrities come together with their fans!" Shyla said excitedly, snapping into host mode and winking at the word come. "This morning is a special show that I know all of you have been eagerly waiting for as I have little and adorable Sabrina Carpenter with me as my guest! She just turned eighteen yesterday and you'll get the first chance to see how she's grown up. Many of you know her as Maya Hart, a Disney Kids star, others may love her music and are listening to her new album right now. After today's show, I know you'll see a new side of her that you never would have imagined!"

Shyla turned and faced Sabrina, reaching out to rest a hand on the girl's thigh as she sized her up with a coy smile.

"I know you don't know too much about my show, maybe not even who I am, but I'm an adult entertainer and this live show gets thousands of viewers, although we are expecting tens of thousands today. Bet you didn't think you'd be getting interviewed by a porn star, huh?

"Now let's get to the interview and I'm sorry if this may be a bit direct, but I'll just dive right in. You've had such a squeaky clean image as teenager, with rumors that you are still a virgin even. I can say to our audience that I was shown a doctor signed document just this morning that confirmed that you were in fact still a virgin, at least as of yesterday. So tell us, did you have a crazy night last night or are you still as pure as people think?"
Eighteen, an adult. Sabrina fought the urge to snort or roll her eyes. Yeah, she'd been working for several years now, so now, she could just get naked in front of a camera if she wanted or vote, she guessed. Well, at least Shyla agreed to the outfit, and she seemed pretty cool. It was weird though, but Sabrina would've sworn that the jeans clung a little tighter in the waist region than she normally wore. Disney often put her in shredded jeans, which she wasn't about to complain about. These clung well to her hips, emphasizing bits that she sort of ignored or just flat out didn't pay attention to. What teenage girl wanted attention drawn to hips and ass, even if both were admittedly developing quite nicely?

Agreements, claps, and Sabrina bowed quickly. "I try," she said, rising up and taking the offered hand. Sabrina very nearly skipped toward the couch, clearly catching some of Shyla's enthusiasm. Nerves did flutter in her stomach, since she still only had a vague idea what the expectations for this thing were. But, again, she'd been performing for a few years now, and she knew she was pretty good at it. Good enough that the moment Megan readied a camera, Sabrina's big blue eyes were locked on it, and her lush pink lips had twisted into an easy, almost cocksure, grin.

While Shyla greeted, Sabrina wiggled a few fingers at the camera. Her name had her gesturing with both hands, a little subtle 'ta-da" downplaying her importance. When Shyla turned to Sabrina, Sabrina turned back to her. She noted the touch of the thigh but, well, Sabrina was used to working with hands-on performers.

She shook her head at the mention of porn star, lips slightly pursed. Those jerks at Disney had definitely set that up on purpose. Then again, how much more adult could you get? oh, and the questions were just diving right into it, weren't they? Sabrina actually bust out with a laugh. "Wow, you are not holding back, are you Shyla?" Sabrina asked, righting herself and brushing back some hair. "First, hi, I'm Sabrina, great to be here," she said, waving at the camera. She wrapped her hands around a knee. "Also that doctor? Kinda creepy, not gonna lie. Nothing like having an older guy ask you about your sexual activity. So you know I totally just spent my b-day wrapped in a big ole orgy with a bunch of Mouseketeers. Y'know, just as prep for today."

She gave Shyla a smile and a wink, before rolling her eyes. "Okay, yeah, I'm still a virgin. Bit whoop, right? That's what happens when you're like 'oh, sex is a thing' while you're also playing a starring role in a pretty big TV show and working on a few record deals. But hey, if you've got a cute guy hiding in back, we could always fix that,' she said jokingly, twisting to look over the couch. This did, of course give Shyla, Megan, and the viewing audience a nice look at a round girl butt cupped in charcoal denim jeans.

Shyla couldn't resist a good target and Sabrina's round ass wiggling slightly as she pantomimed looking behind the couch was just too damn tempting. It was a meaty slap, playful but with enough heft to sting, and Shyla immediately brought the hand to her mouth and glanced at the camera in a conspiratorial look of surprise that erupted into full laughter.

"Oops, but that's what you get for bringing up heteronormative couplings when we're catering to the LGBTQ+ crowd, girl!" joked Shyla, giving Sabrina a little nudge that she transformed into a quick apologetic hug. It was just a ruse to give her the chance to press her breasts against the younger girl's own small pair, and Shyla twisted her head to smile at the camera and give the viewers a wink. In a stage whisper she added, "I'll knock some sense into her by the end of the day!"

Sabrina had come alive when the camera switched on, showing the expert skill acquired from years of on camera and entertainment experience. She was still an innocent teenager, but now one that was playing a comfortable public role and much more confident than she had been seconds earlier. Even Shyla going right to the jugular with the virginity question plus the news that Shyla was a porn star hadn't seemed to faze her, though she had hastily deflected with laughter and a joke. The girl was good, but Shyla knew half the fun for the audience was going to see her get increasingly put on the spot as the interview progressed.

Shyla relaxed the hug but still kept a hand around Sabrina's waist, snugging her a little closer as she turned back to the camera.

"Well, I think we'd all like to hear about the Mouseketeer orgy, if it had happened, but maybe we'll come back to who you would have liked to be in there with you if we set one up for the future," joked Shyla. "But first, I love to let our audience ask questions... and trust me they are even more direct than I am!"

Shyla reached behind her for the phone in her back pocket, leaning forward and swinging her jiggling breasts into Sabrina's arm as she pulled the device out and opened the livestream app. Direct was an understatement as most of the chat was vulgar requests centered around deflowering the virgin girl next to her right then and there! Without letting Sabrina see the screen, Shyla studied it while suppressing some chuckles.

"Five thousand viewers already, WOW! Ok.. ok... enough with the dirty comments, you people are crazy! This is a good one... Sabrina, so we've established you are a virgin and have Mouseketeer orgy fantasies. The viewers want to hear more about what you have done from a sexual experience standpoint. Remember, everyone on my show is very honest and we are non-judgmental. So let's hear it? When was your first kiss? How far have you gone? Sucked a dick before? Been fingered? And, of course, from our large lesbian audience, what do you think about girls? Ever kissed a chick before, or fantasized about it? The internet wants to know!"
The slap made Sabrina let out a yelp, one that was at least a little put on for the show. The hand on her rump definitely was, as she plopped back onto the couch, facing the audience. She leaned into the hug though, reading the gesture as mostly just their playing around in front of the camera. This part, this she could do, and do quite well. She just had to act like Shyla was a normal person and not a pariah just because of her job and her sexuality.

"Sorry guys,' she said to the camera, shrugging, "that's just where my mind goes?" It was true: Sabrina focused on boys, even if they were mostly disappointing. She knew the fans desperately wished otherwise: she'd gotten the letters. But she'd been mostly evasive, partially because she'd been underaged until, well, yesterday. It did feel like a bit of a jump, but hey, if they wanted to make it.

"Bring it on!" said Sabrina, grinning at the camera. She shifted to let Shyla get access, noting the older woman's brush against her arm. Nearly everyone had bigger breasts than Sabrina though, so she didn't worry about it. her mouth did widen with shock at the number of viewers. Then it was giggles at the dirty comments. But right back to hands wrapped around knee while she nodded along.

"Wow, you guys are just---really jumping into it," she said, bobbing her head. she reached up, brushing back hair. "Let's see... first kiss was a few years ago. To a costar, a male one," she held up her hands, "hey, don't shoot me! You guys were the ones asking for the truth. If it's any consolation, he kinda sucked," she shrugged. "As far as how far..." she tilted her head. "Let's see, definitely touched a guy before. I mean, like, his dick, not just someplace else." She looked to Megan. "If I'm not allowed to say that, now's the time to tell me," she waited just a second before continuing. "But yeah, nobody but me and some doctor's have gotten up in my junk. Aaaand..."

She paused, leaning back. "Well, Rowan and I have done, like, silly girl kisses before. She thinks she's bi or something," Sabrina shrugged. "Girls are definitely super pretty though. You guys can't see her, but my agent Megan is like," she gestured, "right there, and she looks pretty sexy for an older gal. Oh," she looked to Shyla, smiling, "and I guess you're pretty cute too. I totally have a girl crush on Miley Cyrus though. I did a show with her once," she bobbed her head, reaching to brush back hair. "And I'm pretty sure she's way out there with her sexuality. Gotta dig that, right?"

not that Sabrina was like that or anything though. But hey, she could admire it, right?
Shyla let Sabrina talk, seeing her get a little nervous and defensively wrap up her knees again. Perhaps the first cracks were appearing in her public personality? The young starlet seemed so adorable now as she handled unfamiliarly personal topics, clearly feeling awkward pressure and fumbling a bit with her answers and whether she was crossing the line. These were the kind of questions that didn't fit into any canned sound bite she had previously rehearsed!

"So let's summarize, you got to first base, technically with a girl and a guy, and second base in terms of touching a guy, but no one's gotten past first base with you, excluding your pervert doctor, right?' questioned Shyla. She shook her head in amazement and glanced at the camera in unfeigned shock. "Wow, you are like an unwrapped present!"

She glanced at her phone again and smirked before turning back to Sabrina.

"Now, there are some activities that don't require other people to explore your sexuality, if you get my drift," continued Shyla as she rubbed the small of Sabrina's back lightly with the hand that still rested there. "This show is called Jack and Jill for a reason. Let's talk about masturbation, which is nothing to be embarrassed about. I do it. Everyone watching does it, perhaps some with you in mind. How about you? What turns you on when you masturbate? What do you like to do with yourself? Erogenous zones?"
Summary time: Sabrina nodded to each, counting off with her fingers as she went. The last comment had her lightly pushing against Shyla. "Hey! I thought we were beyond the whole shaming people for their sexuality thing!" she insisted. "And it's my birthday, so shouldn't I get to do the unwrapping?"

Though Sabrina had noticed the way Shyla had said that. Present. Unwrapped. Was Disney giving her to Shyla or something? Nah, Sabrina was just reading too much into it. This was a fun, loose podcast, get her image to shake up, get some good PR for Disney on the whole LGBTQ thing.

And they were heading right to masturbation. That was a thing that was happening. "oh, Jack and Jill, I get it now," she said, nodding. She actually did: she wasn't completely innocent. She shifted. Well, they were supposed to be open, right? Still, for the first time Sabrina found herself blushing a little. She may have been open and outgoing and all that, but, well, they were entering really sexy territory here.

"Uh, well, I usually think about---" she paused, giving Shyla a tight look narrowed eyes, "you're not gonna punch me if I say 'cute guys' again, are you? I guess I could think about girls? That's just---not really my thing?" She shrugged. "I don't exactly have a lot of time to Jill around, y'know, between rehearsing and school and PR work and singing and life," she shrugged. "So, I mostly just," she gestured at herself, "stick the hand in the area and kind of go to town? I mean, is there some kind of secret trick to it or something?"

She let out a laugh, pausing only to realize that if there was a secret trick, a lesbian adult film star probably knew it all too well. Great, they were probably going to talk about that next. Sabrina already started bracing herself, trying to figure out how exactly to work around that without getting too horribly awkward.
"Boys are fine, no shaming from me. Just remember, there could be something even better though..."

The sight of the petite starlet blushing and stumbling through the masturbation question was too much for Shyla and she shifted, suddenly realizing she was getting highly aroused from seeing how innocent and unspoiled this girl truly was! The temptation to be her first, well first everything really, was almost unbearable now. She shifted her legs, folding them up under her and leaned forward in rapt attention as Sabrina finished her half apologetic masturbation habits monologue.

"Hmm, well what do our viewers think? Are there some tricks out there besides just sticking your hand down there and going to town? I bet we can give you some technique advice. Not to mention, there are a whole range of devices beyond your fingers that could rock your world!" said Shyla. She mouthed a silent "thank you" and gave the blushing singer a reassuring pat on the back before glancing at her phone again. "And now is a perfect segue into the viewer request part of the show... the sexual history interview went a lot quicker than I expected! Oh, this is a good one."

Shyla put down the phone and turned back to Sabrina with a coy and purposely cute smile.

"Since you've kissed a boy, but only had some play kisses with your co-star, someone requested I give you your first real kiss from a woman," Shyla said, speaking slowly and in a slightly huskier tone while keeping her eyes locked on the cute singer. "This is a LGBTQ+ awareness show, of course, and you said you have an open mind. Maybe I can show you what you have been missing? You can tell your admiring fans how it felt. What do you say?"
So that was another hint that she should consider girls, huh? It all felt like playful banter and flirting, which, again, Sabrina had some experience with. That and she did know how to act in front of a camera, even if they were venturing into uncharted territory. Apparently not so uncharted for the various viewers. She saw the thanks, felt the pat, shrugged, and leaned forward.

"Already?" she asked, letting out a slightly nervous laugh. "nothing about weird spots I've been kissed or--" she saw the coy smile, and turned to meet Shyla, giving her one of her own. Yes, she'd kissed a boy and...

...ooooooh. Sabrina flushed, a hand going up to twirl her hair for a few moments. She bit her lip, considering. It was to raise awareness, and Shyla was super cool, and just about every starlet who blossomed into adulthood at least tried the whole kissing girls in front of a camera thing. Plus it would give her something to talk about, right? What was the harm in a little kissing?

"Wellll," Sabrina said, hemming and hawing, well, acting, since she'd already decided. "I guess it does make some sense," she shrugged, "plus you're pretty cool, Shyla, so I guess if I'm gonna go all Britney or Miley or whatever, I couldn't ask for a better partner. Just, like, give me a signal if you're gonna go all tongue crazy or something, alright?"

Sabrina laughed, a little nerves leaking into the noise. Surely they wouldn't---no, no, Shyla totally would. She ran her tongue against the back of her teeth, hoping that her breath wasn't too bad, and trying to remember the techniques she'd picked up from listening to older girls and all.
Shyla kept her gaze on Sabrina, eyebrows lifting slightly in invitation as she watched the girl blush deeply again and struggle to give her answer. The young starlet's anguish and embarrassment at this public proposition was so painfully obvious that Shyla almost wanted to give her a soothing hug just to calm her down. Ultimately, whether from pressure to not be homophobic in front of an audience or some latent bi-curiosity surfacing, the innocent girl overcame her shyness and agreed. She was clearly nervous despite desperately trying to play it off as not a big deal in front of the camera.

Shyla just wanted to eat her up!

"Awesome! YAY! I'm so excited to be your first real kiss then," exclaimed Shyla, pitching her voice high, bringing her hands up to applaud, and bouncing on the couch in excitement. The bouncing made her breasts jiggle in the thin tank top, which she doubted Sabrina, already nervous, even noticed. The goal of this kiss was to calm her down, first of all, and get her intrigued, secondly. Shyla was going to make her bi-sexual, or fully lesbian, no matter what, but it's easier to get a fire going when there are embers to fan! "Just to be clear, the viewers want a REAL kiss. This isn't going to be a playful smooch. They want me to give you a mind blowing, toe curling and spine tingling kiss that'll make you realize boys are like bulls in a china shop! There may be some tongue, but don't worry, I'm an expert at using it with style."

Megan was moving in Shyla's peripheral vision, picking the camera up from the tripod and walking closer for tight shot of this first time moment. Shyla didn't wait for Sabrina to agree to the new expanded terms, but just gave her another nod and a reassuring smile.

Shifting closer, the slender brunette reached out and wrapped her arms around the even smaller starlet lightly, one hand resting on her waist as the other curled around the back of Sabrina's neck. Leaning her head forward and pulling the girl closer at the same time, Shyla closed her eyes and appeared to lean in for a kiss. But, just as their lips were so close she could almost feel the warmth of Sabrina's breath, Shyla expertly shifted her face to nuzzle her lips along the singer's cheek until they reached the young girl's ear instead. Here, out of sight of the camera, she seized the girl's ear lobe playfully with her teeth and breathed huskily. Her tongue explored Sabrina's ear lightly as she rubbed her face softly in the girl's hair. She whispered, for Sabrina's ears alone, "mhmm... let's see how well you can act to give them a good show. And if you can't act well enough, I may have to to try to really make you feel what those naughty viewers want."

Words of encouragement done, Shyla slid her face back, tongue teasing the girl's cheek and finally let her lips brush against Sabrina's pink ones. She wasn't really kissing yet, just letting the inexperienced girl feel the heat of their breath mingling, the delicate touch of their sensitive lips against each other, and their bodies getting closer.

"Just relax and enjoy.... concentrate on how this feels."

Shyla gave her one last whisper of warning, before the fingers at the back of the girl's neck tightened to lightly grab Sabrina's hair. He mouth opened and she started to kiss the girl earnest.
Hey, it wasn't her first real kiss! Sabrina was tempted to protest, but, well, Shyla looked so excited and it wasn't like it wouldn't be her first real girl kiss or her first kiss like this in front of a camera, or her first kiss on several other fronts. She found herself licking her lips a little bit. Blue eyes skimmed the porn starlet for a moment: hard to miss the jiggling breasts and all that. No wonder Shyla had some viewers and fans and all that.

Sabrina's gaze snapped back to Shyla as the girl continued. Mind-blowing-- Sabrina's eyes widened for a moment. Real nerves jumped forward for the poor "straight" girl at the promise in each of those words. Tongue, toe-curling. "Well, that would be a first then," offered Sabrina, laughing nervously as she saw the brunette leaning closer. Those butterflies in Sabrina's belly started to do aerial tricks, swirling and kicking up a storm. It got her heart pounding nearly loud enough to resound into her ears, probably enough for the camera to nearly pick up on it. Of course, the camera would see a clearly nervous teenager looking slightly up at a beaming lesbian starlet, with something that looked a bit like nervous excitement.

What? Shyla had promised toe-curling, who wouldn't be a little excited to see what that felt like?

The hand curled against her neck, and Sabrina's blue eyes fluttered closed. He face tilted, her mouth moved up, lips parting just a little. Only to stop, eyes shooting open as teeth grazed her ear. Jeez, but that felt good; Sabrina could feel Shyla nuzzling, whispering. A good---more promise, and Sabrina had to wonder: could she even---

--well, no time for wondering. Lips brushed hers. Sabrina knew how to kiss. Her lips moved back, brushed against Shyla's. But the porn starlet played the moment perfectly: Sabrina ended up looking like she had all but initiated, her lips kissing the air between them. Her eyelids fluttered open again, just in time for Shyla's latest promise.

"Are you actually going to kiss me or--" began Sabrina, only to find her open lips seized. She let out a girlish squeal of surprise, hands fluttering at her sides for a moment. Her first kiss hadn't caught her this flatfooted, and she found her lips plaint, agreeing to the invader. Her mouth slid open, her tongue an easy target for any invasion. Softness pressed against Sabrina's and the teenager found herself giving way, found herself... well, enjoying the moment, for what it was. Toe-curling, maybe?
Shyla took real pride in her skill at kissing women. Of course, she was expected to be good given that lesbians generally know how to use their tongue, women tend to be more empathetic and sensitive, and she was a fucking award winning porn star! But, even with that high standard she knew she could deliver a mind blowing experience like no other given the right variables. It helped that as a cute, girl next door style porn actress, she tended to shoot more romantic and sensual scenes. Not that she couldn’t handle a strap-on like an artist and pound with the best, but kissing, seduction and showing real passion were her specialities. A nervous, virginal and presumably straight girl being filmed live in front of thousands was not the easiest subject, but Shyla felt she, if anyone, could rise to the challenge.

Fortunately, Shyla could sense that Sabrina clearly was nervously excited, not just nervous. Whether the younger girl realized it or not, there was some real curiosity and yearning in her body as Shyla teased her. Shyla had fucked enough straight porn actresses getting paid to do a lesbian scene to know an authentic response from pro level porn acting. How they kissed, or responded to a kiss, was the clearest signal as to whether they were really into the scene and truly into women. She'd done scenes with women when the chemistry magically clicked and she was surprised the sparks flying between them weren't visible on camera afterwards. And Sabrina, well, Shyla could see her body lighting up in eager anticipation, trembling with excitement, and filling the young, obviously repressed girl, with hormones, desires and feelings she probably had never let out before.

Got you.

Megan was in the right spot to catch that moment on camera when the young starlet leaned forward, lips questing for Shyla's teasing mouth. Thousands of viewers would see that proof of the young girl's real desire and Shyla dove in gently, but exuberantly, finding Sabrina's mouth surprisingly open and readily yielding to her expert touches.

Maybe the teenager had made out with a couple ham fisted boys before, but Shyla was serious when she had said this was going to be Sabrina's first REAL kiss. The experienced porn star took her time, teasing and exploring her surprisingly eager pupil, starting with Sabrina's pink lips. Shyla used her own lips, teeth, warm breath, and sultry voice giving whispered encouragement to stoke Sabrina's fires.

"Mhmm.. so soft... feel my lips on yours.. my breasts against yours... mhmm.. taste me... smell me... this what a woman is like... are you getting wet like me?"

Shyla's arms slowly pulled the teenager closer to her, one hand rubbing slow circles on the girl's lower back and the other lightly scratching her scalp through her tousled dirty blonde locks. As she tightened the embrace, she probed deeper, first gently exploring the girl's mouth and then teasing her inexperienced and sensitive tongue, letting the teen enjoy the slow slippery, intimate mutual writhing as they swirled together. Her intensity notched up and she built the kiss into a crescendo, her mouth and tongue moving with urgency and purpose now. Shyla was hungry, devouring her smaller prey with a fierce appetite and letting their kiss build in a frenzy as if approaching something, anything...

Until Shyla suddenly stopped and abruptly pulled her face away.

It had been way harder than Shyla had expected to break the kiss, her body was so primed for more fun. The porn star exhaled deeply and flashed a crooked, conspiratorial grin that turned into a giddy chuckle as she studied Sabrina and basked in the afterglow of their moment. Wow, that had been really fun. Had she really just made out passionately with Sabrina Carpenter for who knows how long?! Shyla knew she must look in complete disarray to Sabrina, lipstick smudged, her face and neck flushed with passion, hardened nipples poking through her shirt, and her breathing heavy, but damned if she didn't know from all her porn videos that she looked sexy as fuck in this state and she wanted Sabrina to drink it all in and see what she had started. Shyla reluctantly slid her arms off the young girl and cleared her throat.

"So.... whadja think, girl?"
Sabrina had not been ready for that kiss. Her experience with fumbling boys, boys her age, boys who had been almost too thankful to be kissing Sabrina Carpenter, a pretty girl of modest fame, to be anything but nervous, seemed to be wholly lacking. She found herself struggling to even trying to keep up, failing miserably, and enjoying every second of that failure. Just as she thought she'd caught up and could match whatever Shyla did, the other woman shifted. Lips pressed and took, no, they broke and did a little nibbling, no, they breathed hot fire against one another, no, they paused to whisper sweet nothings.

Soft, almost panting, breaths left Sabrina as Shyla teased her mid kiss. Her hands rose up of their own according, landing lightly on Shyla's shoulders, like a bird about to take off. The blonde's head tilted with a touch, willing muscles moving forward. Why the hell not? This felt good. It tingled Sabrina's insides in a way she could at least recognize as arousal. It made her blood pump and her stomach twist. Her tongue moved, wrapped, spittle and desire swapping more and more. Sabrina found herself leaning forward, getting into it a bit more, letting herself be devoured and perhaps just starting to devour in---

---part? A nearly panting, disheveled, Sabrina opened her eyes, confusion immediately taking hold. What happened there? Their lips weren't touching any more. Sabrina's own looked slightly puffed, as if, well, as if she'd just had the hell kissed out of her. A slight smidge of pink showed where they'd just slid a bit off contact. And Shyla was not the only one who looked flushed and out of sorts, if anything, Sabrina looked worse. After all, her hands had only gripped Shyla's shoulders, whereas the older woman had teased Sabrina's hair, very nearly giving her fuck hair already.

"Oh, right, honest answer," said Sabrina, pausing to lick her lips. "Soo.... apparently girls kiss better than boys?" she waited a beat, as if expecting people to laugh at that. She added a slight, light laugh of her own, a hand moving to brush back and try to smooth down her hair. "I totally know what you meant when you were all 'toe-curling,' sort of kiss," she pointed at her partner, looking to the camera, "that's what she was doing right before, when she leaned in. Teasing me with stuff like that," Sabrina let out another laugh, once more moving back her hair. She still felt flushed, her chest just a little tight, the area between her legs just a bit tingling.

"You're gonna have a hard time building off that though, Shyla," said Sabrina, offering the older woman a slightly taunting smile, nearly a smirk. Oh yeah, Sabrina was totally ready now, had an idea of what was coming for sure.
"There is a lot we do better than boys... much, much better, but you'll find out first hand soon enough," replied Shyla, nodding with an I-told-you-so expression on her face. She grabbed the younger girl's hand in one of her own, pulling her slightly closer so they leaned against each other. Sabrina was still recovering, flushed and as passionately disheveled as Shyla, and laughing nervously as she tried to describe how it felt. Whatever, the girl clearly liked it and the challenge in her last statement was a clear invitation to the horny porn star that it was now time to step up the conversion.

"If you get this worked up from a little kiss, I have no doubt you'll be a quivering mess by the end of the show after what else I have planned," answered Shyla, giving Sabrina's hand a squeeze. Glancing at her phone, she let her eyes widen and jaw drop in exaggerated surprise. "Wow... fifteen THOUSAND viewers now! That's a record for me! Looks like everyone loved the kiss... and our little stream must be going viral. Plenty of women thanking you for your... uh... support of lesbian awareness!

"Ok, there are a lot of other requests, and trust me, we will get to every single one of them at some point, but it's time to do a bit of a segment change, and that means an outfit change," continued Shyla, smiling knowingly at the camera. "We'll start with a game of heads or tails. So, Sabrina, you choose. Heads or tails?"

Shyla smiled innocently at the Disney starlet, giving no clue what might be next.
Sabrina outright giggled at Shyla's comment. She had some suspicions, again, she quickly figured out that Shyla was a lesbian starlet and very affectionate. Feeling that hand taking hers just made her flush a little more, but she wiggled close easily enough. Again: physical affection was pretty much standard for the young girl. She let out a light laugh at the mention of her getting worked up.

"you're making me all curious now," replied Sabrina. She leaned to try and look at the phone ,letting out a whistle. "Guess a lot of people wanted to see me kiss a girl, huh?" She giggled again. She was already willing to admit that she might just be a bit bicurious. If girls kissed that good, and if girls were fairly pretty, and if girls were any good at the whole sex thing... Sabrina chewed her lip while Shyla kept going.

An outfit change, already? Sabrina giggled again, rolling her eyes. She leaned back, as if not to look at the coin and consider. "Hmm, heads or tails..." she said, wiggling again, clearly showing some agony about it. "I'm gonna with---tails," She giggled, then looked around. "Does that mean I'm changing pants or something? Or do you have some sort of tail I'm supposed to be wearing somehow?"

Smart, yes. Open, yes. Aware of sexual kinks.... not so much.
Although it was a bit hard to figure out what was an act and what was real with the Disney actress now that the kiss had ended and Shyla couldn't feel the girl's physical response, the porn star still got the sense that the innocent girl was legitimately open for more exploration. She did seem to have an awfully lot of bi-curious bravado for a straight virgin who'd never let anyone get beyond second base, and Shyla's growing theory, or maybe fantasy, was that Sabrina's excuse of being too busy and career focused to have a boyfriend was just a cover story hiding a deeply repressed and latent interest in girls. Whatever the reason, Shyla was loving both how eagerly Sabrina was snuggling in next to her and the young girl's seeming willingness to play along with an increasingly popular livestream that was definitely heading in an even raunchier direction!

"Babe, I don't have an actual coin," said Shyla, shaking her head after she caught Sabrina glancing around to see what was going to be flipped. The girl's slightly apprehensive confusion about what might happen next was simply adorable. "Tails it is! Everyone loves tails. And what I meant is that in this game, we are the coin... so to speak. So you are tails and I'm heads... and you are right, this is how we choose what piece of clothing we are going to switch up!"

To make sure the girl understood, Shyla released her hand and sat up straight. Swinging her legs underneath her on the couch, the slender brunette rose up onto her knees and turned to partially face Sabrina. Giving the singer a wink and maintaining steady eye contact, Shyla grabbed the bottom of her tight tank top with crossed hands and slowly started to pull it up and off her torso. Her slim hips swayed in a lazy orbit and her back arched as the shirt lifted, letting the smooth, creamy skin of her flat belly inch into view. A bit of jewelry flashed when her pierced belly button popped into view and there was only a pause when the fabric reached the bottom of her breasts, giving the young singer a lingering peek at Shyla's modest cleavage from below.

"I take off my top, and you take off your bottom," said Shyla as she swayed above the petite starlet. With a final, smooth pull, she removed her shirt and let her breasts bounce into view, the two mounds jiggling slightly as she tossed the garment to the floor

Now clad in just her skintight jeans and black heels, Shyla had transformed from being a pretty girl in a seemingly casual outfit to oozing sex in seconds. The porn star had always loved the naughty feeling of being half-dressed, enough so that she'd consider it one of her favorite kinks. Rarely did she have a porn scene during which there wasn't some shred of mostly askew clothing still left on her body. For whatever reason, she'd also done a number of erotic shoots in which she'd wound up in a topless with jeans on state and she figured it must be a good look for her if photographers kept suggesting it. Settling back down with her legs folded under her again, Shyla nonchalantly rested her elbow on the back of the couch and leaned towards Sabrina to make sure the girl got a good eyeful of her bare breasts. They might be a little small, but they had enough heft to jiggle and swing nicely when she moved.

"Ok mouse girl, your turn!"
Aww, no coin? Sabrina almost wanted to pout, even stuck her lips out slightly. Except that she soon found herself grossly underestimating what Shyla would do next. Sabrina's big blue eyes got even bigger (and perhaps a little bluer?) as Shyla shifted. Her mouth fell open as the girl shucked her shirt with an expert's skill and aplomb. The teenager found herself staring, eyes traveling up. They locked on the belly piercing for a moment, her lips going into a chewing motion. Sabrina had always wanted something like that but, well, Disney image and all. It was as her gaze drifted further up, however, that Sabrina realized something else:

Shyla wasn't wearing a bra.

"Omigod!" blurted the little blonde, her hands shooting to cover her mouth as she ducked back. There sat the admittedly beautiful porn star, topless, chest out, nipples fully erect. The raw sex appeal coming from the vivacious woman threatened to make Sabrina faint. It certainly made her feel suddenly young, too young and immature for whatever this was quickly becoming. Sabrina's gaze locked on those two nipples for a moment, mouth working as if she could somehow form words with enough of a try.

Her turn? "Um, yeah, I'm not gonna take everything off," she said, though she reached down all the same. Instead of standing up, Sabrina simply leaned back. She wiggled her feet, noting the boots that she still had on. It would be tricky, but not impossible to remove her pants without taking them off. She unbuttoned easily enough, and started wiggling, taking a bit of an effort and a hop to get them over her rounded rear. She squirmed them down, slightly pulling at the rather blase cotton gray pantie she wore beneath (Tommy Hilfiger, with the label and everything). The jeans bunched around her knees, and Sabrina turned, throwing her legs up onto Shyla's lap.

"Give a girl a hand?" she asked, trying to lean down and pull them. Between the shoes and the awkwardness, however, nothing was moving in a hurry. And if Sabrina seemed bashful over baring her legs, she didn't show it. Wasn't like she was wearing anything less than she'd be wearing to the beach.
All performers love a good reaction from their audience and Sabrina's mix of surprise, amazement and finally speechless desire during Shyla's mini strip tease made the older woman tingle. No one was a good enough actor to fake those reactions. Yup, there was definitely no doubt that the former Disney cuite was unabashedly ogling a half-naked lesbian porn star! Shyla idly wondered if she just jumped the poor girl and had her way with her right now, would she even resist? No, she had all day... and maybe even night. No need to rush things when Sabrina was acting like a lamb being led to slaughter.

"What's a matter, cat got your tongue?" joked Shyla to snap the poor girl out of the trance that the slender brunette's perky, bare breasts had evidently induced. Sabrina's failed attempts at uttering a word made her look like she was trying to suckle the tempting mounds that jiggled just in front of her face, which was actually a really nice image for Shyla to contemplate.

When it was Sabrina's turn to undress, Shyla didn't push her on the underwear. Those would be off, or pulled aside, soon enough. There was still a nice erotic thrill in watching someone undress even wearing such a tame set of panties, especially when Sabrina had to wiggle and squirm a bit to get the jeans down past her big round booty. Shyla was only too happy to help, pulling the girl's feet into the middle of her lap while she worked on unbuckling her ankle boots.

"You look pretty helpless right now. Not worried I'm going to take advantage of you?" joked Shyla, winking at the camera. With the jeans a bunched mess just below Sabrina's knees and her feet in her hands, Shyla did feel like she had the girl at her complete disposal and that was a nice thought. What was she going to do, hop away with her jeans around her ankles? After she pulled off the first boot, Shyla teasingly ran her fingertips up one of Sabrina's legs, going from her knee to the girl's upper thigh, stopping right before she would have hit her panties. And speaking of panties, Shyla let her gaze linger at the triangle of fabric between Sabrina's thighs. Was it her imagination, or was the cloth a bit darker with wetness there? "Easy girl, I'm not going to torture you... yet. Here's you other boot, but don't get up yet. I'll help you with the jeans... just lie back."

Shyla tossed the second boot down and lifted Sabrina's feet to slip out from under her. Spinning around, she reversed herself and climbed back onto the couch to straddle the still helpless singer's torso, her denim clad knees placed carefully on either side of Sabrina's petite frame and effectively trapping her arms in place. The position, of course, left her ass wagging in the air above Sabrina's face as the only object filling the young girl's field of vision.

"Relax, we'll have these off in no time!" cooed Shyla as she bent forward at the waist and stretched to reach down the girl's body and seize the tops of her jeans at her knees. Of course, no time meant a lot of extra and unnecessary time as she pushed and prodded on the stuck fabric with planned incompetence. All the while, her naked breasts had ample opportunities to press against the Disney starlet's body, both against her t-shirt covered belly as well as the bare flesh of her thighs. As she worked on the jeans, Shyla gave a few gratuitous gasps and moans as the hardened nubs of her nipples grazed against fabric or exposed skin, and she perhaps hovered her face above the smaller girl's waist, inches above her panties, a bit long at times. By the end, she was clearly putting on a show for the audience, vamping her actions up and getting them nice and teased for more action later in the show.

"There we go.... all off now!" exhaled Shyla as she collapsed her upper half down onto Sabrina's body in mock exhaustion. Resting her cheek on one of the starlet's bare legs, she gave the camera a thumbs up and a wink, before springing up and reaching down to give the now jeans free girl a hand. "No lollygagging mouse girl, let's pick out your new skirt!"
"Aww, you wouldn't take advantage of a girl, wouldcha?" asked Sabrina, keeping her tone light, teasing. She hadn't even thought of that when she'd thrown her feet up there. They wiggled slightly now, as the realization of her position started to sink in just a little for the petite blonde. Technically she was completely at Shyla's mercy, at the mercy of a vivacious, outright, teasing lesbian porn star. Shyla could have taken full advantage of Sabrina then and there, and really, would Sabrina have been able to fight?

Okay, that should not have been as exciting to think about as it was. Sabrina offered up a giggle, a lot more nerves sliding in, as fingers ran up her legs. "Careful, I'm ticklish," she said, which actually wasn't too far from the truth. Rowan had figured that out and teased her on set a few times. Though Sabrina ended up giggling a bit more as the fingers drew near her pantie, giggles that didn't have so much to do with tickling as they did with nerves and so forth. Sabrina added a little wiggle, which probably made about half the viewing audience bite their lips in anticipation. After all, they hadn't gotten Shyla's Disney memo ($1,100 in bonuses already, and just a few moments in); they had no way of knowing what lay in store for the cute little blonde.

A butt filled Sabrina's face and she let out another giggle. She gave Shyla's rear a few quick pats, sort of drumming it for a few moments. It had a fair amount of give, making Sabrina flush as she saw it jiggle. Boots dropped, leaving Sabrina to wiggle her sock-clad feet. Soon she was arching slightly, effectively humping as she helped Shyla finish tugging the jeans. Boy, it took a while, and Sabrina swore that Shyla really got into it for some reason. Probably just playing it up for the audience. Though it was weird, Sabrina felt boobs, but she almost thought she felt nipples dragging too. Was... was Shyla turned on? Did Sabrina actually turn her on? The thought made Sabrina pause for a moment, wondering what that meant.

Oh wait, pantless! "Ta-da!" said Sabrina, raising a hand out. She jiggled the leg Shyla sat on, nerves giving her fidgets, before popping up. "Okay, so," she looked to the camera, "Since we've got a viewing audience and all, how about you guys pick out my skirt for me? Shyla can show you some of the cool options they've got, and trust me, there's a lot, and you all can vote. Highest vote gets worn!" And, of course, what Sabrina didn't realize was that highest vote was what she was going to wear for her first on camera orgasm, to be sure, and possibly more...
"Let's see... here are the skirts. Megan, pan the camera through this rack, I'll flip through them one at a time," Shyla said as she was directing the tall blonde who had followed the two girls to the rack, camera focused on Sabrina's full, round ass which evidently was a titillating and popular feature of the still developing teenager that the viewing audience couldn't get enough of. Glancing at her phone as she flipped through some skirts, Shyla could barely stifle her laughter.

"No, this is not a skirt, you can't vote for it! Yes, it's not a skirt you people... it's like a tube top. Or something, wait, maybe it's a fucking headband!" exclaimed Shyla pausing at a six inch wide strip of elastic cloth. Shaking her head, and knowing it couldn't possibly fit Sabrina's hips, she flicked forward through the rack. "Clearly, Sabrina, the internet people are going in one direction.... which is teeny, tiny and short. I think we have a clear indication they want a big departure from your Maya Hart wardrobe!"

Finally she paused at a ridiculously short micro mini. It was more like a Halloween costume than a functional dress, a mockery of a blue plaid schoolgirl uniform with matching suspenders. It was a the sleazy version of something Maya Hart might once have worn had it been knee length, the kind of thing a porn star might wear in a spoof of the show itself! Shyla eyed it thoughtfully as her phone seemed to blow up with comments and she gave an approving nod. Yes, this would do. Short, easy to get out of the way, and a nice ornament for her to wear that wouldn't obstruct the view of the camera later on.

"Ding ding! We have a winner!" said Shyla as she pulled it off the hanger and gave it to the teenage starlet to put on.
Sabrina waved for the camera to go through the skirts, turning slightly as she did. If she was aware of her rear being checked out, she didn't show it. If anything, the whole wardrobe thing let her slide back into that kind of quirky Disney girl role that she had clearly grown more than comfortable with. She did try to crowd up and look at the phone as Shyla spoke, curious to see the comments and all.

"Wow, you guys are really horny," she said, giggling again. "I mean, it's totally flattering and all, but you act like you've never seen an eighteen year old girl before," she looked at the various outfits, following along. Of course the perverts on the internet wanted her to go skimpy, teasing, and scandalous. They were the internet. Even if they had been devout fans, there would be enough perverts to slide the rule.

What came out had Sabrina giggling again. "Seriously?" she asked, looking it over. "Did costuming forget the rest of it?" she moved so that Shyla would be holding it in front of her, noting that it would barely, barely cover her below the waist. They'd already seen her panties, so Sabrina supposed it wouldn't be that big of a deal. She rolled her eyes and took it all the same.

It took mere seconds for the teenager to step into it. The hardest part was wiggling it up her hips: the thing hadn't seemed quite ready for a girl with broader hips, which was weird as the entire wardrobe had clearly been selected for Sabrina's size. She smoothed out the fabric, noting that the bottom of her panties were clearly showing. Then it was a matter of sliding the suspenders up, pinning down her Mickey shirt and contorting it (the jacket having been left at some point between couch and there). Sabrina held up her arms, showing off the outfit.

And of course she gave a girlish little twirl, careful to move slowly so the already drastically short skirt didn't flip up and start showing more. even then, peeks of the round booty had started to show, and the internet was starting to blow up with anticipation and lewd comments.
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