Lovely Ladies Locked In... Um... Combat? DAMNIT. (FxF Catfights and Brawls!)


May 8, 2011
As the thread title might suggest, looking for scenes and settings that feature two or more lovely lasses locked in some form of competition or conflict, with optional smut mixed in. This could range from professional and scheduled matches to off-the-cuff results of flared tempers and overweening pride. I have little to no limit in terms of how far things may go, (though bathroom play doesn't interest me,) so when it comes to just how violent things might become, it'll probably be your limits we use as a template. There could be no blood at all, or blood and broken bones aplenty as the combatants wage a war of attrition against one another.

Alhough I generally play more dominant characters, the setting wouldn't be quite as fun if both, er, combatants weren't able to give as good as they got. So while I won't turn away a masochist who mostly wants to get beat up without putting up an effective struggle, I would be much happier facing a fellow scrapper. >:3 Sex can be included, but I'm very specifically looking for more violence-heavy plays.

Here's a few loose scenarios to keep in mind!

-The old, the reliable, the staple; a catfight. Characterized in this case by the fact that it's neither a sanctioned match, nor even a planned clash, but instead an explosive escalation between two people who might have little to no real experience in fighting. Whether it's two ever-head-butting rivals finally carrying their feud far enough to turn into a slugging match, to a drunken encounter in a bar, if there isn't broken furniture by the time one of these two women finally come out on top, it's going to be a missed opportunity. Beyond some post-fighting humiliation, actual sex will likely be pretty light in this setting.

-Ahhhh, the world of 'real' Pro Wrestling! This is a pretty open-ended setting that is intended to capitalize on all the high-flying theatrics found in professional wrestling, except with the idea that instead of these being highly choreographed encounters with a pre-determined outcome, the fighting is indeed real. Sexual humiliation, forced exhibitionism and other kinks can, of course, come into play, as the wrestlers both use sexual contact to distract their opponent, and 'celebrate' their victory right there in the middle of the ring. Rather than having a specific character or plotline in mind for this, I see the setting as an opportunity to experiment with different characters and scenarios, from locker room ambushes to tag team battles to other fun elements. I don't really have any intention of sticking to any canon wrestling league, but if you have a real wrestler you want to play as, that's perfectly fine.

-Superheroines and villainesses are, of course, a welcome scenario, especially when both people possess some form of superhuman resilience and strength. To have concrete crack, steel buckle and walls shatter in the midst of a titanic struggle would give the setting a flavor and over-the-top energy quite unlike the others. I would just ask that if a heroine scenario is pursued, there's some point to it; if the setting is 'Well, it's Supergirl, but she's forced to wear gold kryptonite so she doesn't have any powers at all,' there's really not much point to having it be Supergirl in the first place.

-'Group' play, and this can really fit in any of the settings, but the key difference here would be that each of us play multiple characters, perhaps sometimes even at once, turning what would normally be a one-on-one scenario into small wars between a cluster of aggressive ladies. I do require tit for tat here, however, meaning I'm only willing to play a group of ladies if my partner is willing to do likewise; anyone who only wants to have a single character for themself shouldn't expect me to throw three or four women at them. With one exception...

Anyone interested, feel free to PM me, ideally with any pertinent details that you might have in mind! (Type of encounter you're seeking, limits on violence or other content, particular kinks you would REALLY like to try and incorporate, etc.)
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