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Forgotten Realms Pathfinder: Seeds of Evil (Interest Check)


Jan 30, 2010
In the Moonwood, chasing unicorns.
Not an uncommon tale, told as oft as not by winsome maids to give their friends--man and maid alike--a silicious thrill.

A virgin girl or three out to see the world with their family's sword, a goddess's blessing, or a little hard won Arate to guard them on their travels. Out on the road after dark on a savage frontier, with wolves and worse howling in the dark, they come to a walled town. Short on coin, and trapped in the dangerous night, the guardsmen at the gate demanded a higher toll than mere silver to let them in in the moonlight...

What should happen next? Our heroine's virtue in certain peril? Do other heroes reach the gate later and--haring the girls cries of impassioned distress from just inside the walls--do they arrive in time to save the maidens' virtue? Does that virtue even become the second come heroes' reward for the girls' salvation?

And yet... This is not exactly that story. These girls are no simple aspirant adventurers. Not a maiden with her father's sword, but a proven paladin perhaps? Not an apprentice mage with a few simple cantrips, but a wizard with several spells of the second circle confidently inscribed in her grimoire.

Can normal country guardsmen enforce their lecherous will upon maids such as these? Or is there something stronger and darker than mere human lust and corruption here? What seeds of evil have taken root in this small village down the Trade Way from Waterdeep? How far have these seeds of evil spread? Through the entire Western Heartlands? Even beyond?

Will the goodly folk of the Realms even discover their existence before it's too late?

A story of high adventure set in the Forgotten Realms, and using the Pathfinder system, for a band of 4-8 characters of 4th level.

Characters are of heroic alingment--or at least scoundrels. Princess Leia and Han--the one who shot first--alike are welcome. Lord Vader is not.

Men and maids alike are welcome. Molestable virgins will make your GM squeel with delight.
I'm actually wondering... your stance on heroic, or semi-heroic necromancers? I have been feeling the urge to try one of those... or a Summoner of late :D
Bah, old school necromancy? That included all the healing/positive energy as well as the negative energy/undead spells. Would want to use a Life Force based necromancer, maybe some 'deathless' or positive energy powered undead, but for the most part? It's the thought of most people assuming she's a cleric... and then the detect magic spell just radiates necromancy :p
:) That is an interesting idea, RPG-Girl. False life is quite a benevolat spell, and in battle wiht the undead necromantic spells are some of the strongest in your arsenal. In another level, Vampiric Touch will allow you to harm your foes and heal your own wounds with a single touch. :)

And I do quite well recall editions in which necromancy was the school of magic used to cure diseases and regenreate lost organs and return the dead to life.
Thinking either summoner, bloodrager, or maybe an inquisitor.
Yup... plus, for the most part? I'd want to work on the Positive Energy Overload part :Evil Smirk: Sure, for a few moments, the living foes would have a lot of temporary HP.... and then, as the raw forces of life ravage them, they would explode into brilliant supernovas of pure radiant life.... or their bodies explode into a slurry of cancerous and/or mutated flesh as raw positive energy wrecks havoc on them.

Why go negative, when you can unleash the just as terrifying powers of life and healing on them?
*Raises hand* Possible interest here. Considering an arcane class since I usually play more physical ones.
So, permission to do a Positive Energy Wizard? Would be making use of the Wizard ability to research new spells, but essentially, will be looking to be the team healer/support caster... that also gets up to questionable experiments.
I'm loving the idea of this - a naive but serious virginal paladin sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm quite sure she'd have a lot to learn for many different reasons. Hoping to play!
Davian, that sounds like an awesome idea.

* * *

RPG-Girl, you're seriously wanting to make a wizard who can out and out heal? I'm sorry, but that's incredibly lore breaking. I thought you were talking about things like False Life, Vampiric Touch, and maybe researching a third level false life you could give to somebody else, or a variant vampiric touch where you sacrifice your own life force to heal someone else.

Closest thing I can think of to that without breaking the lore to flinders would be a Cleric/Wizard of Mystra--workign towards the Mystic Theurge prestige class--who's epic driving goal is to develop ways for wizards and sorcerers to heal.

(That or a witch who doens't entirely understand how she does what she does, just that some mysterious being has sent a familiar to her to teach her how to do it.)

Edit: (And I allready have a Witch submison.)
RPG Girl, if you really like that concept, Lilith's Boy just reminded me of the Samsaran race, who can potentialy tap itno past lives to mix up spell lists. For example, you might play a wizard who--throuhg some incling of a previous incarnation when she was a bard or witch--learned arcane healing not normaly available to sorcerer/wizard/magus types.

This could also avoid some of the lore-breaking issues because other wizards who tried to discern how this healing was done wouldn't have that past life insight and wouldn't be able to discern the spell. :)

They could, of course, try, which might have it's own drama. :)
Eh, might just go for the summoner one instead then. Really, would not have minded researching positive energy based versions of necromancy spells, maybe with the cravat that they cannot be used to heal the living, possibly as a sort of divine sanction? Sure, she can mess around with positive/life energy... but because she does not have divine backing, it would only scar and damage instead of heal?

Edit; Might actually just choose the Life option for the Necromancy school actually, and again, have research that focuses on positive energy versions of common necromancy spells, though I will stay away from healing... though would only being able to grant Temporary HP work? Asking, as thinking of Slay Living and Finger of Death.... pretty much their positive energy version would stuff them so full of positive energy they would explode :p

That, or I could go Cleric :Rolls Eyes:
RPG Girl, though it looks like we've got a good bit of healing/dvine power lining up, the Life Necromancer abilties are fine. Just don't expect to (easily) research arcane cure spells.

Davian, maybe I could see your paladin concept?

Dancrilis, I'd love to have you. Do you have some familiarity with the Forgotten Realms pantheon? :)

Aplications beyond this point go onto the waiting list, but the first spot on the waiting list is a a pretty good bet. Not only is there usualy some dop out early on, Khan is sitll a bit unsure if she can make it or not.
Eh, Temp HP with chance of overload is what I'd be after at most really :) That, or a sudden surge of positive energy creating some kind of mutant cancer... or other strange and horrible uses of positive energy. Healing... not strictly required.
Yes... would likely try and steal some spells from other lists, likely at a spell level higher, or with some... lack of versatility/control. Animate Object, Plant based spells... granted, not looking for fine control. If plants shoot up and grow wildly? Natural consequence of pumping them full of positive energy... with chance of exploding plant.
:) Makes sense. We can work with that.

Most of that would be a long term goal given the cost of spell research and that we're starting at level four, though.

I guess I need to start the other forums for this game and record formal character creaiton rules!
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