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A Young Witch's Lessons {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Her thighs pressed against his ears as an orgasm rocked her form. His arms wrapped around her thighs, her body tensed like a spring. Her hips bucked under him even as he continued his attention. He kept it up as she rode the waves of her first orgasm. He could taste her nectar in full even as she writhed uncontrollably on the mahogany desk, a tortured moan coming from her lips. His grip was strong, her legs still trapped over his shoulders as he ravaged her pussy. If only she could see herself now, laid on her back on her professor's desk, her hips raised off the desk and legs parted around her professor's head in a wanton display of carnality.

For a second, he was tempted to push her underwear to the side, to remove the barrier that was between them and drag her deeper into this taboo relationship. He groaned softly, his lips pursed against her as he felt the grip of his student's thighs loosen around him. He rose with a chuckle, her face beet red, still in the throes of recovering from what he assumed was her first orgasm. That was enough for one day, enough to reward her and enough to keep her wanting more.

He wiped his lips with a box of tissues, as his hand continued to knead a breast. "That's one lesson done for the day. Miss Granger. Might I remind you that these classes are optional, if you do not attend I will assume you are no longer interested in the subject and the house points." He paused to give her more time to recover, his hand leaving her, her blouse especially crumpled with the dark spots where tips of her nipples were. "Sixty points to Griffindor, you deserve every point you've earned."

It was definitely pleasing to know that the top students in the school has spent themselves in this very room. Pity there was no way to keep a trophy. He raised a hand to his chin, as though thinking, "I have another twenty five points for you to earn tomorrow. See me first thing in the morning during breakfast period. You still need to get acclimatized for a more social life." He helped her upright, his grip firm but gentle. Now that he stood between her thighs, the tent at the front of his pants was clearly visible, in close proximity to her soaked pussy. "For your first time, you did pretty well."
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

It just kept going. Hermione rode the waves of pleasure, letting Gawain guide her. Let? More like she didn't have a choice as he kept dragging her further and further into carnality that even her intelligent mind couldn't have fathomed. Suddenly Hermione was acutely aware of why everyone kept talking about sex like it was such a big thing. If it felt that good? Yeah, Hermione could understand it. Though she did feel like something was lacking. Penetration. No, emotions, all that good stuff.

The girl panted, body shivering with aftershocks as she forced in air. She could feel her sex still quivering, her cooling, wet panties still caked to her hot body. In fact, heat was leaving her lower half at an almost alarming rate, as she panted and felt herself coming down. A hand teased her breast again, making her moan and squirm, but almost like a memory of a squirm, more than anything else.

Sixty points. "Th--thank you, sir," she managed, her voice a little raw. She still laid there for a few more moments, gasping air. Her hand went to adjust herself, sliding a bra across girlish breasts. Pulling a skirt down as if she could hide the stain on her panties. She found herself going upright, helped aloft, still dizzy. Frizzed hair shot everywhere, some caked to her face and neck by sweat. She glanced down, noticing the tent, taking a moment to wonder why his wand had shifted before glowing.

"Ah, right, sir," she said, wobbling again. "Thank you," she managed again, not sure what else to do. She bobbed. Sixty was a start. "I--I'll see you in the morning," Hermione knew she would too, even as she staggered toward the door, her weak legs still not sure of it. Worse, the girl smelled like sex, though she didn't quite identify the scent. Getting back to her dorm was going to be fun for her, as was getting cleaned and sliding into bed. She'd be feeling tingles for most of the night, wondering if she'd just opened pandora's box. Well, you couldn't shove it back in after you let it out... right?
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"Good girl. Sleep well." And with that, he bade her good night. Gawain was sure she would still have lots to think about now that she had opened a whole new door in her life that was her sexuality. He drew a finger across his lips as she made her way out unsteadily. If she was already in such a state after cunnilingus, he was almost certain she would be unable to stand with what he had intended for her. "Oh dear." He chuckled to himself softly as he made his way over to a bookshelf behind his desk.

The tomes he took were for his research on glyphs, primarily dark glyphs, the dark wizard's version of such symbols. They were interesting to say the least and through his study in this field, he began to realize that there was little distinction between spells, only how they are used.

The night was still young and he was expecting another visitor later.


The next day, he attended breakfast as usual but instead of continuing the discussion with the headmaster on why dark spells are for the most part simply spells and why they should not be forbidden from use entirely. Instead, upon finishing his breakfast, he excused himself and returned to his office, sifting through the files for the various classes he had prepared for during the day. He expected Hermione to arrive shortly.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Hermione overslept, if only slightly. She'd had to throw on her uniform, tying the tie and adjusting everything as she walked. As she so frequently did, she dressed simply, according to the rules: blouse, tie, skirt, overrobe, and almost dirt standard undergarments, again simple grey (she had several essentially identical pairs on hand). She dashed through breakfast, stopping to grab a few pieces of toast and say hello to Harry, Ron, and Ginny before all but running toward Gawain's office.

it did occur to Hermione, partway to her destination, that she was all but running there. that she was agreeing to this, that she knew full well now what was likely to happen. This probably wouldn't be to test another device or help grade an assignment: he most likely intended to do something... sexual to her. before Hermione could fully process that, she realized she'd started walking just a bit faster. She stopped, took a breath, smoothed down her skirt, and calmly walked the rest of the way.

A few rapping knocks at his door, open or otherwise, and she'd be sliding in. "Good morning, Professor Gawain," she greeted cheerily enough. "You had said something about earning an additional twenty five points? Well," she fluttered her hand, "here I am?" and looking almost as eager as she would for a particularly challenging academic lesson ,really.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

A series of knocks heralded Hermoine's arrival before him and he set aside the files. "Good morning, Miss Granger. I hope you've rested well?" Gawain glanced over to the clock to find that they still have almost an hour before classes started. There would be no testing of device this time for their time was short, "Come over here." He gestured to the side of the desk. "You'll need to learn to free yourself, to unbind the way you have been brought to think of things. I'm sure you may have noticed your own hesitance yesterday. Today, I intend to begin to reduce that." The flames in the fireplace crackled warmly as its heat permeated through his office.

"For this lesson, you will undress until completely nude and remain here until the start of your classes." He began to explain. "For an extra forty points, you will straddle me while allowing me to touch you just like last night. Only without clothes. I want you to notice that this is forty points we are talking about, forty points only for today because I'm feeling generous after seeing how... keen your were yesterday." And to tide her over. She would be the one to choose how far she would go. "I will only be using my upper body to touch you for this agreement."

"I do have additional points on offer, but you'll need agree to the previous two before I reveal them. Your points will be paid at the end, when you leave this room." With that he turned his attention back to his class files. He would not have his eyes linger on her as she made her decision.
Hermione nodded at the first question ,which was only partially a lie. She'd sort of slept kind of well; she didn't feel dead on her feet or anything. In point of fact, she felt that strange combination between tired and excited, the sort she sometimes felt after a long night of studying and getting ready for a big exam. Easy enough to follow the first instruction, to walk over to the desk. Hermione could feel the fire's heat warming her side, seeping in slightly.

Completely nude? Hermione immediately flushed, wanting to blanch. She almost missed the moment of additional consequence, the bits where he said he'd touch her again. If he kept up like last time, that meant... that meant he wanted to perform oral on her, while she was completely naked. Hermione started fidgeting with her tie, not finding herself all that relieved by the news that "He'd only be using his upper body." And she had to wonder what sort of additional points he'd offer. Something told her that it would likely involve her touching some part of him.

Hermione glanced at the nearest time piece. an hour, just an hour. That wouldn't be too much time to really get anything done. She'd receive her points at the end, and at least forty just for, well, for undressing what she'd done last night. Hermione shifted, her hands still playing with her tie.

"Not completely naked," she said, meeting his gaze. She'd already started undoing the tie, loosening it. "Just down to my undergarments. Forty points is more than enough for me to get more nude than I've been for anyone in some time," she shed the outer clothing, laying it carefully the the side, before working the buttons off her shirt, fingers a lot more steady than she would have figured. Bits of her pale chest already started to show, as she alternated between looking to him and looking at the job at hand.

He hadn't mentioned undressing her himself. Hermione almost wondered if she should make the suggestion, see if she could earn some more points .Her shirt was already halfway undone ,but she hadn't touched anything below the waist.... yet.
The young dark haired professor said nothing when she made her own declaration of the terms. Instead he continued leafing through the various documents for a bit before stating with a hint of disapproval, "Miss Granger. The last time I checked, I was the one making the conditions and rewarding the points. And," He continued, "I don't agree to your terms. You may make suggestions, but it will come down to me if you wish to alter the conditions. It will earn you nothing until you are fully undressed. But since I'm feeling generous, let me explain instead of dismissing you where you stand."

"I'm sure you enjoyed your time yesterday. But would you wish to start classes with your soaked undergarments?" There was the faintest hint of a smile on his lips, "No, you don't. Which is why you are to undress fully. It is for your own benefit too. Now, what will it be? You can button up and leave, or earn your points." Gawain looked into her eyes, his gaze softening, "I'm sure your housemates must have been surprised and pleased that they had received a much needed boost to their hourglass. But I think we can agree that it is far from close to enough."

"Come to think of it. You've not verbally agreed to anything just yet. So why don't we take this from the top, state what you agree with and carry on." He wanted to hear it from her own lips, so that she would be forced to articulate trading herself for points. Even if she did not agree and left this moment, she would find that there was no conceivable way to catch up with the other houses and from what he knew, Slytherin would not be last for much longer either. Just the past few days were there substantial amounts of emeralds being added to their hourglass.

She looked as though she wanted to ask a question as she always did. Perhaps negotiate further? "Miss Granger, you look like you have something you want to ask. What is it?"
Hermione frowned, not liking that situation, at all. His logic did make sense... she supposed, but it also struck her as the sort of backwards logic that males often used when wanting to get one over on females. In point of fact, she had to wonder why he almost wouldn't want her to be sitting in class wearing wet undergarments and so forth, nor did she particularly like the implications that she had to do precisely what he said in order to earn the points. This should have been some sort of deal, right? Where she had at least some say in what she did?

Then again, he was letting her out if she wanted, though at this point... did she really have a choice?

"Twenty extra points for undressing," she said, trying to gain the confidence, "and you get to undress me yourself. Then forty points for straddling you and allowing you to touch me using only your upper body in sort of the same manner we did yesterday." there, that was her stating the terms and sort of sliding her question in there as well. It was something of a compromise but, again, she still wasn't completely on board with being utterly stripped (nor did she quite see a reason why she had to be, when to undergarments would be a step down and he had already proven quite well that he was able to stimulate her around that), plus she wanted some control. She was hoping, hedging her bets slightly, that he would be impressed by her backbone and at least willing to throw her a few extra points. And each batch of points she earned got her house that much closer to righting the balance.
He could practically hear the gears turning in her head at this point as she stood by his side, in a state of partial undress. "You drive a hard bargain, but let me state the terms which I hope you'd find more agreeable. Twenty-five points to let me undress you undress and start us off. Forty for you to straddle me and be touched by me using my hands and mouth. You may keep your undergarments on if you so wish." They were not particularly pleasing to look at, but since she had decided to take a stand and begin negotiations he would grant it. Next time he just would have to be stricter to the terms and perhaps even deduct points.

She was not the only one to negotiate her own terms but she was definitely one of those who would be willing to stick to it. Gawain looked at her for a long moment as though evaluating her, "I think the terms are much more closer aligned to what you had in mind now." In the end, he swapped out her removing her undergarments for him being able to undress her. It was to her benefit, but he had worded the terms carefully; He made no mention of touching her in the same way as he did they day before.

He would not have her climbing over his head and thinking she could get away with it. She would learn in time that her actions had consequences.
Hermione had to fight a grin at getting him to start setting terms. She knew she could gain some equal footing here, at least set the criteria for how she went about earning these points. Technically they weren't quite at an even keel: he still held all the cards determining whether or not she'd actually earned the points, but she felt a lot more in control of the situation than she had been a few moments ago. Plus, he had actually, for some reason, taken a step back: now she didn't even have to take off all her clothing.

"Yes, deal," she said almost immediately, not wanting to give him enough time to think too much about it. She'd get to keep her undergarments on, and he'd only be doing what he did yesterday. Hermione couldn't see any possible way for this to backfire on her, and she was feeling quite good about having managed to pull this off.

So Hermione moved toward his desk, arranging herself, not sure how precisely she should be getting together for what was to come. Just what sort of position did you get in for being stripped down anyway?
She snapped the deal up like a fish swallowing a barbed steel hook. She obviously thought he was taking a step back and focused on it. He could not help but arch an eyebrow in response to her enthusiasm. "Come closer, Miss Granger." An extended hand cupped her firm ass, urging her to his side. "You came pretty hard last night didn't you? Have you been wanting more?"

Gawain dragged the skirt down, allowing gravity to do most of the work, the skirt pooling around her ankles. There was a slight sigh of disappointment as he saw that she wore the same plain underwear. "We need to remedy this. You may be comfortable wearing this type of underwear, but it does not impress. I can get you something better to wear, if you'd like. Maybe you'll be able to negotiate more points just by looking more presentable?" He toyed with her hair while he spoke.

He turned in his cushioned swivel chair and pulled her even closer, forcing her to climb up to straddle him. He pushed her shoes off before working on the remaining buttons on her shirt with a single hand while another kneaded her panty-clad buttocks. Under her, his member surged beneath his pants, straining to reach the female who had her creamy thighs spread, her pussy in prime position to accept him.
Already his hand caressed her flesh. Hermione tried not to notice the touch or, well, to notice it to the extent of letting it affect her. But just feeling him grasping her, his grip hard, his touch insistent, brought back flesh memories. Her body could remember all too clearly what it had experienced only the night before. Nipples already began to throb in memory, her sex quivering ever so slightly. The touch itself didn't hurt either: fingers digging into her round schoolgirl ass.

"I don't know if I'd phrase it quite that way, sir," she offered, flushing slightly. The pink showed oh so clearly on her pale skin, already crawling up her neck. Hermione didn't know whether she should be leaning into his suggestions and words or resisting, so she opted for her most natural path. That also meant mostly just holding still for the moment, while his hands expertly worked over her skirt. The garment fell almost as if it were eager, pooling about her feet. Hermione lifted her feet carefully: she did have to get to class and wear that in an hour or so, after all.

Though Gawain's comment regarding her undergarments had Hermione looking down, then back up at him. "For more points, certainly," she replied, giving him a slight smile. "I'd think that dictating an additional uniform would be at least another twenty points, perhaps more, depending on what precisely you'd have me wear, sir," she pointed out, trying not to sound too pleased at the idea. Twenty points just to wear different clothing? Clothing that nobody was going to see save for her, likely the professor, and perhaps a roommate or two? Hermione felt practically giddy at the prospect, enough to overlook the mention of presentability.

She climbed up onto the chair, though the position proved quite awkward. She had agreed to mount, though spreading her legs felt strange. his hands contorted her panties too, dragging them across her. Hermione had to reach up, placing her hands on his shoulders to balance. Something brushed against her thigh, and she flicked her gaze down. It took a few seconds for Hermione to realize what that was, and when she did, she flushed once more, bringing her gaze back up to her professor.

Well, if he was feeling aroused, maybe that was something Hermione could use for yet more points? She contemplated that, almost abstractly, while he worked off the last few buttons of her shirt. She'd help him get rid of that in time, though it may leave her still wearing her Gryffindor tie over the rather plain bra and panties beneath.
"I was thinking twenty points would only be worth it if you were the one who was buying the apparel. But since I'm making things easier for you and buying them for you, in addition when you take into account only you and I will be looking at this, I think ten points is very generous. This will of course will be given as a bonus for each session you wear the given attire." Gawain felt a smirk curve his lips. "In the end it is mainly for your benefit. You can't go showing up to you lover wearing such plain clothes can you?"

"It would be too irresponsible for me to give you so many points so easily. What matters most is what happens between us, the clothes you put on don't contribute much to your education and such should not reward as much. Only as a bonus." He slapped her rear, his hands gripping her tight as he forced her down, to sit flush against his lap. "Go on, remove your shirt." He coaxed, his hands dragging her hips back and forth, having her pussy drag against his clothed cock. "You should first learn to get comfortable in this position. As with everything that this lesson would teach, the more comfortable you are with the action, the better you'll... perform."

He kept her rocking her hips against him. Once she had removed her shirt, he leaned in, his lips found her neck and slipped down towards her breasts. He found her nipple easily, his hands still gripping her ass even as he leaned forward, forcing her back to arch even as he sucked and tugged on her nipples.
Ten points was more than enough. Ten points for wearing underwear? For wearing whatever he picked out to her? In addition to whatever she earned at the time? Hermione nearly felt like doing another wiggle or dance of victory at that. No wonder the other houses were having such leads if you could get points like this. Okay, yes, technically it was bending the rules. But Hermione was learning: how to dress, how to be touched, how to touch in return. It was all... educational.

"Of course sir," she agreed readily enough, nodding. "It's all part of what you're teaching me, and I wholeheartedly agree: ten points is more than fair," she added another decisive nod. "Ten points in addition to whatever I would earn for being there, of course."

Because it would be irresponsible for giving her much more. A bonus. She nearly shivered just hearing the word, a shiver that happened to be timed very close to his hand sliding against her barely clad bottom. The little bit of plump flesh gave way before his touch, and Hermione found herself scooting forward. Only without much room to go, scooting meant essentially brushing against his crotch. Hermione tried leaning back slightly: which only meant she dragged further. his motions meant they were essentially grinding upon one another but, well, accidentally, of course. Plus they still had cloth in the way.

Fumbling fingers rid the girl of her shirt, though she'd barely removed it when his lips descended. Hermione let out a gasp, hands flying to grip onto his shoulders, as his lips descended. They trailed heat down to her breasts, which instantly leapt to attention. Memory drew the pinks into bullet points, tenting out the fabric and offering easy targets for the incoming mouth.

"Professor," breathed Hermione. "You're moving... quite quickly... aren't you?" As if her words could actually slow him down. She felt her fingers curling against his shoulders, digging in slightly, mostly bunching fabric. Her body shivered, motions disturbing her wild hair, motions working her hips to vibrate ever so slightly. She could feel him pulsing, his thick wand pressed against her sex. Hermione seemed to just realize how... how lewd this all was, the realization crawling crimson up her face and neck once again.
Gawain's lips left her breast temporarily as she commented on how impatient he was. "We don't exactly have all day. If you still want to arrive to class on time." Her skin was flushed heated red as her hips were forced to undulate against him. Surely, she would have realized the situation she was in, dragging her hips provocatively against her Professor in a state of undress. He began to suck on her pebble-hard nipples once more, canting her body back such that her shoulders rested against the desk.

After a minute of teasing a nipple, he shifted his attention to its sister all while his hands slid down, meeting directly between her thighs and began to stroke her there. His teeth dug into her nipple as the young witch gasped. He continued urging her hips back and forth, and in turn, her pussy grinding on his cock the whole time like a whore she was. His cock had begun to strain, pressing up into her even as she ran along the length of his thick shaft. "What you are doing now is grinding your pussy against my cock. And as you can see, you don't need to use your hands while pleasing yourself and your partner. Try doing it yourself."

Even as he spoke, his fingers slipped under her grey panties, his digits searching for that tight entrance. He found it easily, running the pad of his fingers against the unblemished rosebud, oiling it with the nectar of her arousal. His fingers dipped into her sex, drawing forth the moisture which had seeped down into her panties already before applying it to her tightened rear entrance. He hushed her, knowing protests would come, "Only a bit. You'll enjoy it, promise."
There went her reasoning thrown right back at her. Hermione wasn't at all surprised, and she did realize precisely what was happening. The warm wet circling her breast felt far better than she'd have liked. The girl leaned back, supported herself on the desk. Circles of wet surrounded each nipple, sticking out through the clinging fabric. Twin peaks showed quite clearly showing arousal and offering quite the easy target.

Making them all the easier for teeth. She let out a gasp as she felt it, shivering against him. Her arms and legs were struggling to keep herself upright. Each slip, each touch, nearly placing her sex against him. Hard, hard flesh pushed just against hers. Gravity and pressure put their sexes together. Hermione couldn't deny precisely what Gawain said.

"As you say, sir,' she said, looking up at him, her brown eyes expressive. She tried rolling her hips, feeling the cock shifting beneath her. It felt big, too big. Hermione wasn't dim: she knew that females were flexible and that large things could slide into the narrow passage. She also knew it would hurt, assuming they ever got that far. Of course, Hermione didn't intend for it to get quite that far. Just a little grinding.

Fingers graced her virginal sex. Nectar leaked onto them, and Hermione let out a shuddering gasp. She rose up, feeling her moisture sliding. When it went further, teased, she felt her muscles tensing. "Sir, you don't---" she began, only to be interrupted, as if Gawain anticipated. She bit the comment back, giving him another doubtful look. She looked down at her own lewd body: nipples poking through top, wet seeping into her bottoms, spreading down her upper thighs. Everything about her looked lewd, debauched.

Worth every bit of the points, in her estimation. She took a shuddering breath, feeling everything shiver. Her hips moved slightly, pressing a little further down, adding just a little more there, trying to show her willingness to earn points... and maybe just a bit of other eagerness.
"Don't stop moving your hips." Gawain instructed, his hands no longer aiding her movements, but instead poised the tip of his finger against her tightened ring of muscle, applying gentle pressure with his finger. Even with her entrance lubricated, he could barely make any progress, coating his fingers with her oils before returning to stretch her with a single finger. It took minutes of further lubrication and coaxing for her to relax before finally successfully stretching her around his digit, sinking the third knuckle of his middle finger into her, the pressure not entirely gone as he continued to stretch her, not immediately obvious to an observer, but enough for her to feel him slipping deeper with every passing minute.

"You're quite the tight little minx, aren't you? Whoever your first lover is, is definitely going to thoroughly enjoy your body. But I think we can agree you still need to be stretched a little, hm? All that rigid student life has done your body no favours at all." He chided, but knowing by the time he was done, she would be his and what a prize her body was! The work which would be needed to prepare her for his use, and the magics he would need to make sure she healed and retained every bit of tightness such that each time he filled her, she would struggle as she stretched around him. His digit probed her further, halfway towards reaching the second knuckle before returning to coat his fingers in her arousal to oil her passage further.

He exhaled audibly as she raked herself over the full length of the shaft. To him it was torment, one that he would have to endure for now before he could taste the fruits of his labour. Even still he was reminded of how easy it would be to take her right here, right now. But that wasn't right, she would not come back for more. She needed to learn to crave sex before she even got a sip of what if felt like to take a man inside of her.

His lips tightened around her nipple, tugging at it as he spanked her rear again. His finger slid into her, this time the ring of muscle giving way as he began pushing in and out of her, matching her hip's tempo perfectly. "You like this, don't you?" He taunted.
Another instruction. So many years of following them, of not asking how high to jump when a professor said it, but already being in the air, showing off skills at jumping the professor didn't even realize. Her hips had already started moving, started grinding back and down against the professor. Not because she wanted to, of course. Not because her sex had started to leak, juices starting to soak against her gray panties. Not because the friction of gliding against him sent little shivers down Hermione's spine. No, because of points, of course.

And she felt him continuing to prod with his finger. Muscles insisted upon tightening, particularly as his hand kept teasing holes that had seen so little touching. Hermione was thin: her body would always, well, almost always be a snug fit for any invading... part. But given her inexperience, given her nerves, everything would feel like a vice, would clamp down with smooth insistence. Tight little minx indeed.

Hermione almost had to bite back a giggle, almost hearing the you're a little tightass in Gawain's comment. "That is what you are supposed to be helping me with," she pointed out, feeling perhaps a little flirtatious, given the rising friction and her continued pressure upon his member. She shivered as her lower body tightened. Orgasming was coming easier and easier, and now Hermione was effectively in control. She knew how to shift herself, to angle. Her hands went up to brace against Gawain, her brown eyes looking down. The angle let her see his head descending, just before heat returned to her nipple.

A moan rose up, Hermione managing to catch it, to swallow just as it threatened to slip out. She flushed dark, felt herself grinding down, feeling the motions. Tightening, so much tightening, winding a spring within her innards. Should she aim for release? They had... how long now? If she came, was that the end of this little lesson? Or would there be more?

The question drew Hermione's attention away from herself, up to him. "Ye---you mean do I like earning points for my house?" she asked, her voice slightly strained. "Of course, who--who wouldn't?" her hips ground down a little more, her breath catching. Hands moved to almost encircle his neck, her gaze shifting, seeing her sex pressing against him, rubbing, smearing her arousal across his crotch as if marking territory.
"I think you enjoy the process of learning as well." Gawain said, impressed enough on the amount of mental trickery she used on herself to let things be for now. He would have her admit she craved sexual actions as her sexuality became more fully developed, past the point where she could simply just plant a foot down and say no. Instead, he grinned as she ground herself against him. He could see the confusion in her eyes as he continued fingering her. The tightening of her muscles as well as the cadence of her panted breaths indicated that she was close to her own release.

His lips nipped and tugged, the fabric of her bra pulled up such that her underboob was revealed beneath the grey fabric. "You're doing very good," He coaxed her further with sweetened words, enticing her to succumb to her own lust. "Let your own body tell you what it wants. Listen to it. Learn where you like to be touched." By now even he was occupied sufficiently to no longer pay attention to the entrance to his office, thoroughly engrossed with the aroused female on his lap. More than half an hour had passed as he finally spared the clock a glance. Time passes fast when you were enjoying yourself indeed.

While it was indeed enjoyable to have a teen witch gyrate against him, his hands seized her hips, stopping her. "I think that will be all for now, Miss Granger. You get your points as promised." His breathing was deep, controlled. "Anymore and I'm afraid we'd have to enter into advanced lessons. One which will almost guarantee you will be late for class." His first period was free, so this would be her choice, "Unless of course you'd like to continue?" He purred lowly. "There won't be points, but you'd like to cum, would you not?" Now he placed a choice before her. Either she admit she wants to cum, and by doing so relaxing her own standards, or she could resist it only to regret it and anticipate this evening's session. By picking the latter she would also be ensuring the increased likelyhood of her agreements for points are skewed against her. Of course, she knew none of his deeper intentions for certain, only the ones he had verbally stated to her.
"I always enjoy learning new things, professor," insisted Hermione. She could hear the breathiness of her own voice, how strained she sounded, felt. Her lower abdomen twisted and turned, not simply in the physical movements of her gyrations. Hermione's shifting had gone, at some point, from simply teasing to actively trying to achieve climax. The hips stopped swaying, started grinding. She altered her angle so that his thick cock pushed against her most sensitive areas. Pushed along, finding her own position, her own pleasures. Already she could feel it cumming, pushing, so very nearly there.

She didn't need much more instruction on listening to her body, oh no, she knew, knew what she was aiming for. Hermione Granger was, after all, a quick learner, and she had quickly learned that this part, this she enjoyed. She bit her lip, shuddering as pleasure wound tighter and tighter, that sweet release---

---just denied her.

"What?" she sputtered, not quite believing what she'd heard. Advanced... lessons? "Don't you think I'm perhaps---" she began, eyes flicking about, finding a clock. Merlin's Beard, she'd forgotten about the time. Hermione flushed, skin turning pink once more. She wanted to cum, was dangerously close to it, actually. Her lower half hummed, her nipples were bullet-points in the list of reasons why she should keep going. But... for no points?

"I guess we're done then," she said. With some reluctance, which she hopefully didn't show, Hermione unwound her body. She reached up, pulling back down her bra first, somehow managing not to wince as the cloth covered her sex. When she reached down, she found that there wasn't a whole lot she could do to her panties. So the girl walked over to her robes, starting to dig around in her pockets. She knew a spell or two for freshening up: literally every girl did. They weren't full proof, but they were better than sitting through class with wet panties. She needed to get dressed anyway...
"Advanced lessons are there only once you have learned the intermediate and basic skills." Gawain elaborated as she climbed off his lap. "You have already proven to have a talent for this line of studies to the point where you would be a natural with most intermediate lessons, some of which I had integrated to some degree into your basic lessons from yesterday and just now." His eyes watched her as she stepped away, darkened spots marking her arousal between her thighs, her nipples poking into the grey fabric of her bra.

"Miss Granger, I'd like you to leave your panties here. This is a... test for intermediate learners, which I predict should seem simple for yourself. All you need to do to pass will be to spend the entire day without your panties. Once the dinner starts, you will have passed the test. You may the come and collect it when you visit for the evening." He straightened up and rearranged any of his files which may have been displaced. "Since this should be what is a simple task for you now, you will only get fifteen points for it and every subsequent time you perform this. All other arrangements we had made prior will also be undergoing adjustments to their rewards which can be discussed after dinner."

"Now," He gestured for her to set her panties on his table. What he had been doing up to now is continuously training her to say yes or at the very worst, when things would normally would result in a rejection, a negotiation for points at each of his 'requests'. Of course she would not be too pleased to learn that her actions were losing their value but it was a perfectly valid reason that they no longer held as much value to her as before due to her own growing confidence, and as such, required adjustments.
Hermione wanted advanced lessons. She knew that want was stupid, probably almost certainly to her detriment, but that didn't stop the want all the same. It was that same drive that made her one of, if not the, top students at Hogwarts. She knew that she could master this just as easily as anything else. It was... it was a challenge, and Hermione loved to rise to those. So even though she knew full well that she was, to some degree, being played, she didn't see any reason not to play along with it. Well, she saw several, but the desire to meet, nay, exceed his expectations outweighed that.

So he barely had to say the statement when she reached down. As he finished outlining the terms, Hermione shucked the panties from her body. They stuck for a moment, but only a moment. Soon she had them in hand, looking up at him as he explained the points. "Fifteen should be enough," she agreed. This was almost too easy to do: her skirt was relatively long, no one ever looked under there anyway. Yes, it felt a bit strange not having the undergarment there, but given that it was nearly ruined in the first place, this was almost a relief.

He gestured, and she set the panties down, before smoothing herself over. Hermione drew a wand, muttered a quick charm, and soon hair and robe were smoothing over quite nicely, even her blouse seeming to get together. "Will there perhaps be opportunities for me to earn even more points, professor?" she asked. "If, say, I engage in activities on my own. And I feel I should point out that you already agreed to purchase me new undergarments, so the wearing of those should probably take precedence over going bare underneath." Really, being forced to wear something sounded far more... troubling than simply going free underneath. It felt like playing into Fate's hands, or perhaps doing as Fate willed or something along those lines.

"Is it alright if I go, professor?" asked Hermione after a bit, looking around. She had class to get to, though she could easily beg off seeing as she'd been working with another professor. But it would be a simple enough matter to simply go to class and engage in her normal day; she was quite sure of it. Losing her panties and cumming under her professor's hand seemed to have almost given Hermione more confidence, instead of leaving her meek or defeated.
"There will always be more provided you perform tasks which are suitable or above your level." Gawain responded simply as she questioned the likelihood of earning points. "It really depends. I'm up for negotiation if you think there is an issue with how the points are rewarded. But I think I've been very fair up to now." His eyes lingered on her as she muttered a spell which sorted her bearings, hiding any trace that she may have been rubbing herself up against her professor half-naked.

"There are artifacts which you can test in the evening, ones which I'm more certain about your handling after today's performance. But yes, you may leave. Goodbye, until class." He waved a hand, dismissing her. His fingers drummed against the edge of the table, his gaze lingering on the grey fabric she had deposited on the surface. Good, she was beginning to naturally agree to his demands without hesitation to think. All he needed to do now was ensure that each notch he brought her up was gradual enough.


The Artificer's Lab was clean and well lit, unlike the other classrooms. Multiple chandelier's with glowing crystals were mounted on the ceiling as opposed to candles. They needed the light to be able to read and imprint the glyphs onto the various artifacts. The air smelled metallic from the various fumes made from the imprint spells from the class before.

Today, on the board were bold letters 'Sequencing Glyphs'. "Hurry up, hurry up." He hastened the students as they began filing into the classroom. Once everyone was in, the doors swung closed and he began the lesson with a brief recap of what they learned before explaining how it would relate to the lesson today.
Hmm, negotiation. Hermione logged that away for later. She was rather certain that she could figure out ways of earning new points, even now her mind was whirring with different ideas to figure it out. How to earn points in sexual education without embarrassing herself overmuch? Her brow wrinkled in thought as she considered.

Artifacts, there was a potential answer. Hermione could easily test something throughout the school day. She almost thought about offering now, but her twinging sex told her that it would be a bad idea to try and do that right now. She'd already cum rather hard, and she wasn't sure she wanted to end up cumming during a class; she didn't quite have the experience to handle that. Instead she merely nodded at his dismissal, moving along to her class.

During which Hermione performed perhaps a little less than at her optimal. She still answered questions, still outperformed most of the other students, but she wasn't coming up with many ideas that could help her deduce how to get more points. Perhaps she'd ask Ginny about it later; her Gryffindor friend could probably figure something out. At any rate, the time to head to Gawain was quickly coming.

When Hermione caught Gawain looking her way during class, inspiration struck. She carefully spread her legs, just enough so that he could get a quick look up her skirt. He'd see her still bared sex, decidedly less aroused than last he beheld it, but most definitely not covered by anything that would obscure the sight of the still virginal land. Only the once, however: she still didn't want to get caught.

Then to wait. Hermione didn't wait for the explanation: she lifted her skirt. "I want those fifteen points, please sir," she said, holding the skirt up just long enough to confirm that she was, in fact, still missing panties. She waited a moment. "And I think I earned at least that many during class," she added, before looking toward the board, considering. "Are you going to attempt a series of glyphs that will result in escalating results upon a person?" Her brow crinkled, and she looked to Gawain cautiously. "That sounds dangerously close to dark magic..."
Lesson began as usual with him explaining that they would need to chain multiple glyphs in sequence to have the artifact take on the desired traits. He also noted that Hermione took her usual seat at the front, only this time, she had raised her skirt from under the table, revealing her pussy, bare of any trace of fabric or hair. He made no reaction to it but continued his lesson. Once the theory fully articulated, he had the students begin their practical and moved over to Hermione under the guise of checking on her progress.

"Those points we had agreed on will be given only when we meet again after dinner. You have not forgotten about the conditions, have you?" He raised an eyebrow. "But if you so wish, you can speak to me after class." There was usually a window period after the last class for students and staff alike to refresh themselves before dinner and that was what came exactly after this. "Dark magic for glyphs has not been fully defined yet, they are still ruling the boundaries down. You won't need to tattoo glyphs on yourself for this class."

He turned to check on the other students to see how they all were doing. Seeing that this was mostly a logic based subject, there was always going to be problems for those who failed to fully grasp the concepts, which he carefully explained to them once more.

The bell for the end of class rung and he dismissed them with the usual wave of a hand, "For those who still have issues grasping sequencing, make sure to read your textbooks! We will be continuing sequencing again and it is very important!"
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