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A Young Witch's Lessons {darkest_fate&Zprimal}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Gryffindor was losing.

And not by a small margin. Several hundred points separated Gryffindor from the next highest: Ravenclaw. Odder still was the current champion: Hufflepuff. In all Hermione Granger's years at Hogwarts, she'd never seen Hufflepuff come even close. But there they were, beating even Slytherin rather roundly. The hourglasses did not lie, and Hermione was not the only one who'd beheld them. She could remember seeing the jewels quite well, as she stood outside his office.

He was new. They always seemed to get new professors at Hogwarts; a few positions were revolving doors. But Hermione had been interested in him regardless of the newness. See, he taught a new course, a unique take on magic. The magical world had started catching up, sprang forward magnificently into what amounted to a Steam age. Thus Hogwarts had managed to snag one of the premier Magical Engineers in existence. Hermione had immediately signed up for the course, and, as per usual, excelled magnificently. She'd even managed to put together a working magical gauntlet, though her wand still worked better for her at the moment.

Hermione frowned as she smoothed her uniform skirt down. She'd already been working with him for a while now, earning extra points. Hermione's knack for devices had allowed her to be an assistant. She'd tried device after device, sometimes exhausting herself late into the night. Then she'd risen, her hair a mess (who could spend time on that?), often wearing the same clothes as last night, only to find that her fifty points, a large chunk by most standards, had been beaten by a few hundred.

So here she was, standing outside the door. Hermione still wore her uniform, of course: regulation vest, blouse, Gryffindor tie, cloak, skirt, stockings, everything in its place. Her frizzled hair stuck out at near random directions, and she couldn't quite recall the last time she'd bothered with makeup charms and the like. Still, he didn't care about looks anyway. He wanted results.

Hermione knocked.

"Professor?" she called. "I'm here for, uh, testing again?" she chewed her cheek, trying to think if there was some way she could admit that she thought maybe she should try something that would earn more points? She'd wait for him to start asking, bring it up naturally. Maybe work it into the conversation proper...
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Gawain Ross had been contracted to Hogwarts, from a researcher of the relatively new Arcane Engines field to a professor in the field he was proficient in. Tall, dark haired, of germanic descent. Not that he particularly minded coming back to Hogwarts as a professor. It has been five years since he had graduated here. Interesting times to be completely wrapped in the cocoon which was the wizarding world. But every time he returned home, to his Muggle parents, he could not help but envy the Muggles and what was normal for them. Further searches found the Ministry's research committee, where he got hired shortly after graduating.

His time there was eventful. After all, he considered hiding from Muggles to be pointless. In the end, this point of view was not shared with his collegues, and he reasoned that if he could not bring the wizarding world towards the Muggles, he would at the very least bring thir magic closer to that. He became heavily invested in a research regarding Arcane wells, which were amplified, compact versions of wands, shaped like small disks, set into the palm of magic users. Once the research had begun showing signs of progress and moved closer towards what they could call a completed research, research in the Arcane engineering field too accelerated, with increased funds and enthused wizards and witches joining the cause.

Now with the Arcane wells completed, he was free to do further research at hogwarts as a professor. He was skeptical when the headmaster presented to him the idea of a new subject, Arcane Engineering. How would the students react to such a radical shift in tone? At first he decided to sit back and see what happened. But the results were positive, generally from Muggle-born students. This one student, had taken it upon herself to aid him for extra points, ten points per hour rounded up. He was not sure if she was there for the points or for the knowledge but either ways, it helped to have an aide in the lab.

There was a muted knocking on the door, which he could hear while the artefacts were not roaring with life. "Enter." In the lab, his office, were two large, heavy wooden tables which occupied the middle, placed parallel to each other. The first, furthest from the door was cluttered with all sorts of equipment, from handwritten tomes and notes to paused works. The air smelled faintly of burning due to the etching process used in this field. For now, he was working on some sort of vest, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. "Granger. Good, you are here." He pulled of his glove, relishing the short break this allowed him, "I have not been asking this recently, but you know you should make sure that your work is done before helping here. This should be considered extra-curricular."

"Here, put this on." He set down the vest, wool with interlocking metallic bits, before her, still gripping it for a second longer, "This vest is meant for Aurors, it is supposed to fit them through magic means and protect against the unforgivable curses. Do note that it does not do the latter just yet, I'm still working on it." He released it from his grasp. "It constantly attempts to adjust itself, which means it could get a bit tight. Wear it and tell me how it feels."
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

As always, the office astounded Hermione. So much technology intermingling with so much magic. The first time she'd entered, she'd been almost too distracted to help .Each gizmo, each whirling bit of magic, fascinated her. Part of her almost wondered if she wouldn't go into this field... perhaps if she wasn't so determined to help people out, to champion others. But for now, as a student, she was definitely interested in this.

And there was the professor, already speaking. "Oh, of course,' she said. "I made sure to do all my work before coming to spend time here. I wouldn't want to get behind," she laughed lightly, chewing her lip a little .Technically that was a lie: she'd been burning the midnight oil to stay ahead, as she always did. But she could manage that easily enough.... well, maybe not easily.

"Of course," she said, studying it. "Wool is generally a good conductor of magic," she observed, studying the material for a moment. She shed the outer bits of her uniform, before reaching down to pull her own vest off and over her head. This still left her with her blouse, after all, so it wasn't as if she were doing anything scandalous. She slid the vest over her chest, and she felt it adjusting almost immediately. "Oh," she said, feeling it contort. "This is, um, very clingy, professor," she said, flushing as she realized that it seemed to be conforming quite nicely to her girlish figure.

"Ah, is it supposed to be--doing this?" she asked, gesturing. Then she waited while it kept going, pinching slightly now. Strangely, it felt like something particularly pulled tight at her breasts. Maybe the slope of her body? "Oh, and I wanted to discuss possibly increasing the point total earned? Maybe there's some--this is rather tight," she stopped, pulling slightly at the vest. It reacted strongly, sucking in and starting to almost hum over her chest. She was fairly certain it wasn't supposed to do that, at any rate.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"Yes. That is supposed to happen, its supposed to keep all the coats and robes, that those Aurors wear down, so that their profile is smaller. Smaller profile, less things to hit." Gawain observed as the cotton contracted over the young female's form. Well, as well as it could for cotton. "Is it painful or hard to breathe?" He asked, picking up a flask of chocolate beverage and returning to examine how it fitted to her. From here he could see the valley of her breasts as well as her clavicle and flat belly quite clearly. Perhaps it was not such a good idea to ask a female student to help here. His gaze lingered on her for a second longer, but then again here he was.

"Increasing the amount of points earned, hm?" He examined her as she complained about its tighteness, but from the way she pulled it, he could see there was some elasticity in the vest. He stepped before her as she tugged on the vest, "You know as a professor, I should not be doing too much of this. The reason why I allowed for you to work as my assistant was because it was appropriate. But I don't see other ways you could get points which either of us can explain in a legitimate manner. Although when it comes to illegitimate, we do have some options." His fingers pinched the hem of the vest, pulling it down so that the fabric smoothed over her form before tightening further. "You should still be breathing fine."

"Alright, how about this. Talk with me for a bit, for another ten points. I also need to know how you are doing as a student." This was pushing it as far as he dared to now, but it was the first step. "Is there anything going on recently that draws your interest? Or perhaps a subject you have difficulty on?" He doubted the latter, she was a smart girl, and should have no issues here.

The vest clung to her. By now it had reached what it detected as the size of the wearer. Constant detection meat that the vest would constantly contract with minuscule, undetectable amounts of force. However, rushing and a slight miscalculation resultedin these contractions in the softer spots of the body being much more noticeable for Hermione.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Okay, so it was supposed to happen. and his reasoning did make sense, though it was growing increasingly clear to Hermione that the calibration was slightly off. It kept contorting tighter and tighter, outlining her frame all the more with each passing second. Which begged the very question Professor Gawain asked. "Um, not really?" she admitted. "It's rather uncomfortable..." she trailed off, not sure how to quite explain that she wasn't sure it was really suited for female usage. The way it kept trying to seize up, press against her breasts, made her seriously wonder.

Thoughts which went to the side as they talked about more points. She brightened at his consideration, dimmed as he spoke of appropriateness, flushed as he went to inappropriate. A tug, then the fabric tightened. The outline of Hermione's smallish breasts were quite evident now, and she flushed at the nearly pornographic sight. "I'm breathing fine, yes," she admitted, reaching up to brush back some hair as she did.

Talk with him? For ten points? That didn't seem... too bad. "I'm doing as well as ever," she replied, laughing a little. "I was just debating between working in something in this field and potentially going into some sort of advocacy. I'm sure you've heard of my work with S.P.E.W. We've seen some growth lately, and I'm really--" she paused as the vest started to shift. IT felt... it felt like it was trying to contort to every inch of her. Obviously to form fit, but when there were certain bits of a female that were slightly bumpier than others. Well, the end result was a vest that was essentially gently massaging Hermione's nipples.

"Professor, it's growing rather snug in certain, ah, private areas?" she tried, flushing. She extended her arms, trying to gesture, but the vest apparently took that to mean adjust again. "Maybe you should have some sort of spacial detection on it? so it can properly calculate the amount of--of space instead of just contorting--" Hermione glanced down, realizing that her nipples were starting to poke against the constraining fabric, 'contorting down."
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"Okay, I see the issue here. It needs to reduce huw much it tries to adjust itself after the initial period." Gawain noted these down on a checkboard. A good minute had passed since she wore the vest now, "I suppose you should try removing it without assistance." Yes, he could very well tell that the vest was indeed contorting downward but the cotton should have enough flexibility for her to pull both her arms out and free herself. "Otherwise, we'd need to cut it open if I can't be useful in helping you. That is something I rather avoid."

This of course was not really true. All this would do is further destabilize the adjustment glyphs set into the vest which caused it to tense and relax, essentially adding vibrations into its contracting movements over her breasts, not quite visible, but it was enough to stimulate through her blouse.

In the meantime, he noted how red her face had gone and also found that he was enjoying it as the teen squirmed in the malfunctioning magical vest which were clearly, based on how she tensed up, kneading her breasts by this point. "Anyway, you seem to be very busy. Are you sure you have enough time? As a previous student here, that sounds like an feat to engage in activism, research for a professor and do your homework in the given time." It would seem that this girl was probably burning midnight oil to get things done, which should not be a common occurance in Hogwarts. "While it is good to have an aide for research it won't do if you are unable to cope. Perhaps it is better for us to look into other ways of earning points. I'd like to remind you that all of this is solely for your benefit, your house's benefit. So you are free to walk away if you feel the need to."

He was of course familiar with the other favours that drove Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw houses above the two favorites. Sexual favours, mostly from the fifth to seventh year girls in their respective houses, he did not discriminate when it came to those who provided favours. Usually resulting in them missing the part of their following lessons. He was not the only one, there were other professors who benefited from their unique dealings. Some even spent the night in the staff quarters. Now that he thought of it, it was interesting for a society which was stuck in medieval status for some time. It would not be a bad thing to have a Griffindor girl, a top student no less, in his bed.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Oh yes, just a simple issue. Hermione was at least glad to have helped with that but, well, the vest wasn't stopping contorting against her chest. It seemed to be subtly shifting, and she was at least thankful she had a shirt on to help cover some. Even then, she was fairly certain certain things were on display. She reached down to try and loosen it, to remove it on her own.

And of course it contorted tighter. It actually felt like it purposefully massaged her chest, though Hermione knew it had contorted throughout her entire abdomen. Compression locked into her breasts, squeezed, pulled. It drew a breath from her and she froze for a moment, squirming soon after. Before she could ask, however, Professor Gawain picked up the earlier conversation.

"Oh, I can do it all, really!" she insisted, her voice slightly strained thanks to the vest. "I'm rather well known for taking on more than most could handle. It's something of a specialty of mine," she let out a light laugh, only slightly pained due to her still contorting vest. She shifted again. "Though, ah, that is, I wouldn't mind potentially discussing ways of--"

Hermione paused, mostly because her efforts at tugging it free had all but driven the air out of her. She pursed her lips. "Professor, I know you said it would require cutting off, but couldn't you just cause the glyphs to malfunction? That should get it to relax enough to remove the vest, or even disable the enchantment entirely," again, Hermione was a very smart girl.

She just didn't think about what destabilizing the glyphs would likely mean for her poor breasts is all.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"If you are sure," Gawain observed the girl in his peripheral vision while sipping on his drink. By now the vest had begun to jerkily massage her tits. The girl herself appeared to be confused as the protection device turned sex toy had begun massaging her in a sensitive zone.

Oh, and she wanted more points. It was not possible for her now to gain what he considered scraps, ten points at a time at most. Not unless she learned how to leverage herself. "That can be arranged. But about glyphs now," he set down the flask, reminding her, "You are suggesting that I alter them while on you. I guess it'll be something like drawing a tiny tattoo but this time in a vest."

He twisted his fingers, "Turn around and rest your elbows on the bench." Gawain drew a wand from his pocket, a thin metallic wand. Stepping up behind her, this was reminiscent of how he had other girls before, one only two days ago. A hand slipped to her left flank, gripping her hip before he muttered one of the primary incarnations of the field, "Incidereto." A blue speck emerged from the tip of his wand as he brought it down to begin altering the glyphs.

"You know, this is a bit inappropriate now that I think of it." He allowed his statement to hang in the air. Better to say it now, to remove the need to say such things later on. But he allowed her to imagine the context of what he meant for a minute to plant the seeds of an idea in her mind while carefully destroying the limiting glyphs on her back. A female student bent over at a desk with her professor pressed up behind her.

"I'm talking about getting stabbed in the back of course." The subverted her expectations. If she was thinking of what he had meant for her to think, she could only blame herself for thinking of it. From his grip on her side, his fingers shifting their grip constantly, he could feel that the vest had loosened in most parts. But not for her breasts. In fact the alteration now resulted in her breasts being kneaded remotely by some sort of control system he had engraved into her back. "How are you feeling?" He enquired, kneading and pinching at her breasts with the simple flick of his wand.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"I'm sure," agreed Hermione, nodding. This was starting to grow from uncomfortable to outright distracting. The vest almost seemed to pay particular attention to her chest. As a developing teenager, Hermione wasn't the bustiest girl in existence, or even in her class. So she couldn't quite understand why the thing kept massaging her breasts as if it expected milk to start leaking.

At least her suggestion seemed to have merit. Hermione sighed with relief, glad that she'd answered the question right, and glad that Gawain had agreed. She was almost too eager to turn around and bend forward, not even thinking about anything suspicious. After all, they were simply experimenting... with devices... for magical science, not for anything... weird. Though a hand on her hip did make her flinch a little. The vest almost seemed to take that to mean "squeeze me harder' which made her gasp in response.

Apparently the gasp inspired a comment. Hermione flushed at that, fluttering her hand. "It's--um, it's--" she tried. She didn't want to think of the professor that way, though, had she sort of suggested something like that earlier? She supposed it was sort of alright? If both parties agreed? No, it was probably just the fact that the vest had moved from squeezing and milking to... almost massaging her. In truth, it didn't feel all that different from when Hermione caressed her own breasts, those few times she was alone in her room and feeling particularly... in the mood.

'OH, right," she said, flushing as the professor corrected. Apparently she was the only one with naughty thoughts. Hermione blamed the vest: anyone would have awkward thoughts with something mauling their chest, one of their more sexual areas. She let out a little yelp as she felt the fabric contorting, what felt like two almost plates pinching tight on a little bud. Hermione squirmed, rocking in place.

Which, again, seemed to get attention. "oh, um, I'm alright? Mostly?" she said. Hermione let out a nervous laugh, hand fluttering again. "The, ah, vest is sort of squeezing some tender areas right now. No rush though, I really don't want any errors in spellcasting," Hermione bit her lip as the vest shifted, kneading her breasts in a way that nearly made her toes curl.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"Miss Granger, I'm going to need you to stay still. I don't want to risk burning a hole into your back." Gawain paused, lifting his wand from her back for a second, "I think there already is an error to begin with. Stay still while I cut it open," He closed what little space between them, his hand slipping up from her waist to her shoulder as the tip of the wand moved to the back of the vest before moving straight down. The cut was not deep enough to cut through the red fabric, but made ripping it apart much easier, like ripping paper along a fold.

Once the line was drawn down her back, he gripped the back of the vest, and pulled sharply, ripping it down her back. "You can toss it on the bench, I already have recorded the glyphs used on the vest. It appears I'll need a few adjustments. But that is beside the point," The wand was returned to its holder on his desk and he finished up the checklist. "Ten points to Griffindor. And you were saying something about earning points, you had an idea of your own?"

While it was supposed to be a secret that students were earning points via sexual favours, he was more than certain that it was a poorly kept secret, to the point where these acts were leaked and formed into rumors of how girls were managing to earn a significant amount of points from serving their professors. But for that he'd leave it up to her if she wants to speed up the types of favours she would be offering, otherwise it would be up to him to erode at her morality, grinding it down until she ends up in his bed like the others before. "Also, I think I can't simply ask you how is life and reward you with ten points in the future. It is a bit too much points for simply answering some questions, perhaps at five points maximum. But, yes, you had an idea?"
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Stay still, as if that were the easiest thing in the world. Under normal circumstances, it would be. Under normal circumstances, Hermione didn't have her chest massaged and pinched and pulled by someone who had far, far too much experience in doing such things. For it felt like the vest knew just when to contort, just how to tug, just how to reshape itself to make Hermione want to move and squirm. She hadn't exactly a lot of experience with people touching her chest. she'd technically only had a chest for a couple of years, and Ron had been something of an idiot for most of that time. On top of that, Hermione might be, well, cute, but most didn't seem to find her all that appealing; she wasn't Ginny; she didn't have the personality that drew boys to her and asked to be handled and fondled.

So she put up with it. Red formed on her face, highlighting her light dusting of freckles band making her seem even more girlish. She shuddered only slightly as the line came, and breathed a sigh of relief when she could toss aside the vest, putting it onto the bench. She turned, not realizing that her nipples, fully erect, poked against her white blouse, showing quite clearly without a vest to cover them, though it was more of a tenting than an actual showing: she did still have the bra and vest on. Her tie only seemed to further draw attention, as she naturally resettled it there.

"Well, I was just," she said, rolling her hand again, trying to figure something out. "I had heard rumors that there were, ah, alternative ways to earn points? Five for talking is quite nice and all, but, um, I need to earn," she fidgeted, chewing her lip for a moment. He had to know how far behind Gryffindor had gotten. The hourglasses had been on display for everyone, not just Hermione and her friends.

"I need several hundred points," she finally said. "It's imperative that Gryffindor get back in the lead! We can't let these people just---just cheat their way to the top! That's now how the system works. And i knew that you'd listen and---and you'd be able to--to maybe help me figure out how to---to get them."

She knew that was a lame finish, but she didn't know how else to word it. She couldn't very well proposition a teacher and, well, virginal, innocent Hermione only had the vaguest idea of what that would even look like. Books could only teach you so much, and while she talked with Ginny, their conversation rarely ventured into "this is what to do if you need to get someone interested in you."
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Gawain frowned at that, as though answering a difficult to explain question during lecture. "By alternative ways, I think I may have a vague idea of what you refer to." He could clearly see her nipples poking through her blouse, the fabric now thoroughly crumpled thanks to the constricting vest. "That is quite a substantial amount you need to even come close to my house. Normally, I predict some professors may not like that you, of another house, would desire to challenge their lead, but we are supposed to be impartial. As much as we can." For a second he briefly considered enquiring why the desire to put her house back in the lead but decided it was against his own interests to do so.

He say down on the impressive mahogany desk, where several tomes lay open for his reference and filed the results of their latest experiment into a drawer. "You must be aware that these are a substantial amount of points, where if I remember the headmaster gave your friend during your first year, only sixty points for defeating a dark wizard. You must be prepared to work hard for your points. And it will be even harder for you if you don't wish to," he raised his fingers in air quotes, "cheat, as you say."

"It's very simple. There is an existing system that we have in Hogwarts, the apprenticeship system which states that we can as student and professor agree on terms of an exchange which benefits the student academically, just like how you are working as my aide right now." His fingers drummed against the table, "I don't see any other way you can academically benefit in a greater manner, if you know what I mean. But if you do wish earn outside of academic pursuits, we could work something out right now in fact." He set the tomes aside, making space on his table, "If you are interested?"
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

A vague idea: again, Hermione pinked. She just couldn't say it, not to someone like this. She was so proper, so much a girl who followed rules. Only the bravery of a Gryffindor, well, that and her own rule defying behaviors that she'd picked up from a few years of associating with one Harry Potter, kept her moving forward. She was well aware of the task ,of how many points separated. She didn't need telling of how the points had been handled.

"But the system's corrupted!" she couldn't help but blurt. "People are gaming it and--" she stopped, realizing that he knew that, again flushing. The pink made her freckles stand out, as if they too flushed with blood. She had to work hard, as if Hermione hadn't been doing that since she'd learned of magic. She almost rolled her eyes at that, but her nerves kept her quiet, kept her lips pinched between teeth.

The apprentice system! Somehow Hermione had almost forgotten about that, despite having done extensive research. Yes, she could definitely do that... but there was the mention of academic.

"Sometimes students go above and beyond though," she pointed out, almost stepping on his interested. "I'm certainly interested, Professor Gawain. I wouldn't be speaking with you if I was. There has to be something we can do to help my, ah, personal development, perhaps? We could say that you're giving me lessons to help with that." She pursed her lips, not entirely thrilled. The teachers had been saying for years that perhaps she should focus less on books and more on life. Her friends had helped with that, so maybe Professor Gawain could continue along those lines?
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Gawain's intelligent grey eyes narrowed at her comment. That was one way to interpret things. Another would be that she is following some unspoken guideline made up by her own beliefs. What happened next confused him slightly, her eagerness to continue led him to suspect that they were not quite on the same page yet her body language suggested otherwise, but that was of no consequence. "Come here, Miss Granger. Let's see if you are indeed as interested." He curved a finger, beckoning her to his side. "Closer," her feminine form was yet too far for what he intended.

His eyes studied her for a second, while she was definitely no supermodel, there was no hiding that some may be attracted to her bookworm appearance. "For fifteen points now, I'm going to touch you through your clothes while you comply to my instructions. An additional fifteen points will be added if you allow me to touch your breasts, and twenty for between your legs. Once I am done, you will get your points." He rose to his feet, making yet more space on the desk, "I assume as a proud member of Griffindor who wants her house to succeed, you will accept all conditions for a total of sixty points?" Part of how this trade worked was being as stingy with the points as he could, and with the reasoning he provided, sixty points for defeating a dark wizard, he communicated that she was not getting any more than that.

Over time too, would the same acts begin to provide diminishing returns, forcing the student to take steps further to embrace her carnality. "This should not be too much of a challenge for someone of your competence and if you do prove yourself we can begin letting you earn more points, starting tomorrow. Well? What will it be?"
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

The curved finger beckoned Hermione closer, and she gulped. Nervous hands smoothed down her uniform skirt, as if she already anticipated precisely what they were going for. Her heart fluttered, particularly as Gawain did away with the subtlety and made it abundantly clear where they were going. Fifteen for a touch. Fifteen more for her breasts... okay, they were already tender, so Hermione didn't see a problem. Twenty just to touch between her legs? She chewed her lip. So far, Hermione had been the only one to touch down there, besides various doctors, Muggle and otherwise.

But the touching equaled almost what she'd gotten her first year for helping to thwart the plans of an evil wizard. They both knew the offer wasn't just good: it was downright generous.

"Oh, it's not a challenge," she agreed, making sure to speak quickly, to let him know. She flushed, fluttering a hand. "It's just, ah, I'm afraid I don't have a lot of experience? I guess that's sort of the point here though. You're going to open up new learning experiences for me, and in return I get to earn points for my house. Just the... agreement," she chewed her lip, shifting her feet. Slowly, very slowly, she brought her hands down to her side. Fingers curled to pull in small handfuls of skirt, while she took a shuddering breath.

Hermione closed her eyes, turned her head, and looked slightly down, as if afraid that eye contact would make it more real. Her body was already nearly trembling, shivering as if the temperature had dropped or, more likely, nerves had started to take over. Her small chest practically vibrated, and already she could feel a tightness there which she just barely recognized.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"That's the point, Miss Granger." His hands rested on her hips, her trembling easily felt through that contact. His hand smoothed up her flanks, moving inward to cup her breasts. He stepped around, trapping her between his body and the table. Her breasts filled his palm nicely, while they were small, there was no denying that they existed. "Are you afraid?" He asked softly, as though this was a secret meant only for her to hear. He already knew the answer, but the first step was to open her up, to allow her to express her feeling better.

Another step forward, his leg forced between her thighs, which forced her to choose, to remain as she was on, or perch up on the edge of the desk, devoid of any obstacles. His hands squeezed, and pinched, shifting her bra underneath her clothes, such that her nipples peeked out, poking into the fabric of her blouse. He leaned forward, his eyes lingering on her face as her eyes were turned away. "Look at me, Granger." His voice firm, yet communicating that it was a command to be followed. "Relax. Let your body tell you what it wants. Listen to it."

They say the eyes are the windows of the soul. That was true enough for him, he loved looking into their eyes as they made their way down the slippery slope. The confusion, the innocence waiting to be stolen. The reasons they made to convince themselves that it was for the greater good, when it was indeed for their own selfish desires. Hermione, like the others before her, was going to soon learn that primal instinct in her time in Hogwarts.

"Have you had any boyfriends, Miss Granger?" He probed, his thumbs rolling her nipples slowly, dragging the fabric of her blouse against her hardened tips. "Anyone you are friendly with outside those from your own house?" He could feel his own arousal growing, but kept his actions slow and deliberate, forcing her to endure his touches and in turn begin to familiarize what it is like to be touched by a man. By a lover.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Of course that was the point. Hermione felt herself flushing slightly, pink rising and filling the space between her freckles on her face. Hands had lowered on her face, and she couldn't have suppressed the shudder that shook her if she wanted. That touch felt so.... commanding, so authoritative. Every other boy that had dared touched teenage Hermione had been so hesitant. Does this hurt? Does this feel good? Even if they didn't ask with their lips, their hands gave that away. Not Gawain: his hands went to hers with the touch of experience.

He must have done this before.

The realization hit Hermione as Gawain's hands went upward. She sucked down a slight gasp as his hands touched her breasts. Smallish, perhaps not fully grown, they were still quite noticeable, risen bumps amid a girlish chest. Nipples already jutted, and Hermione could feel them stiffening even more. She shook her head. "No," she insisted, not sure if she was denying a reality or speaking a truth. Gryffindors weren't afraid, not as a rule. Still she trembled, but she wasn't certain it was fear.

Another gasp, this one without any stifling. A thigh had pushed against her legs, and before Hermione even realized it, she'd moved to sit on the desk. Years of following rules warred against so very many few years of rebelling and being brave... and a strange desire to give way, to see what this touch would do to her. She felt her heart flutter as her breasts were fondled. Hermione felt her hands fluttering for a moment, before she decided to grasp the edge of the desk. She kept her hands clenched on the edge, eyes pinching up until...

Look. And of course she did, brown eyes staring up at his. This was what her body wanted? That would explain her tight chest, and the tingling she was beginning to feel between her thighs. Muscles flexed there, girlish legs trying to bring together. Her gaze flicked down for a moment before looking up at his, meeting his gaze, seeing the demand, the confidence in his gaze. Questions followed, and Hermione bit her lip, flushing.

"A few?" she tried. He rolled her nipples and she gasped. Her body shivered again, arcing just subtly toward him. Her blouse scraped her already tender nipples, and the pleasure it sent shivered her spine. "I'm sure you heard about Krum," she fluttered a hand. "And I'm sort---well, there's sort of a boy?" she flushed, looking away again, not sure how to quite explain what she and Ron had. Definitely not this: Ron wouldn't have known what to do with her breasts if he even did get to touch them.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

His touch got coarser as she reacted positively towards him. He caught her nipples between his fingers, tweaking them as she spoke. Gawain chuckled as her legs tensed against his sides and battered them away to stand between them. The pressure from his fingers increased as she turned her eyes to the side, "For someone who prides herself on being a good student, you aren't too good at following instructions." But it did not matter, she may advert her eyes, but her body was laid out for him to claim. "Sort of boy? Are you perhaps implying that he could possibly be something else?" He chuckled lowly as he squeezed her again.

From the way she was perched on the table, leaning back, it put a strain on her back and arms as she attempted to keep some semblance of remaining upright. That wouldn't last long, not for a wizarding apprentice, where intellect was more valued over muscle.

His head dipped down, moving to latch against her nipples, leaving wet spots on her blouse. His hands which cupped her breasts, could feel her heart pounding from within her ribcage. His gaze turned up, looking into her brown eyes, taking the time to savour and imagine how it would be like when her breasts were bared to him eventually. "Miss Granger, I want you to loosen your tie and undo the top buttons of your shirt. I think you would agree that would help you be more comfortable, no?" Gawain lips clamped down, sucking on her nipple, wetting the fabric which separated them further. His lips moved lower, as did his hands, leaving her breasts and slid down to her belly.

It was adorable how she shuddered and flinched under his touch and he found himself growing harder because of that. Now his hands reached under her stocking-clad knees, lifting her legs such that her feet were on the table. "Do not move away. If you do, all points that we've discussed will be forfeit."A thumb smoothed down, from the valley her breasts, over her navel, over her skirt and against her panty clothed slit. "Have you touched yourself here?" The pad of his thumb made leisurely strokes against her mons, his breath hot against her inner thighs as he watched her with hawk-like gaze.

"Don't close your legs." His hand rested on her knee, prising it to the side before gripping her hips, pulling her such that she was at the edge of his desk. "How about an extra ten points? I want you to grab your ankles and keep your legs apart for the remainder of our lesson. Your apprehension is to be expected, but this will help you from reacting instinctively."
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

The mention of failure as a student had Hermione flushing, partially thanks to the failure itself, partially due to the reasons for said failure. Her body kept trembling, moderate muscles not used to contorting into sexual positions, eager virginal flesh not used to expert handling. Indeed, Gawain seemed to realize that all too well, mocking Ron though not by name. The mocking drew a wince from Hermione but, well, it wasn't as though she could fully argue with the assessment.

The head lowered, and Hermione gasped. "Professor!" she said, her voice breathy. "You said--" but another order came. Her lips closed, and she was almost tempted to insist that she get more points for such an action. He seemed to anticipate even this, lips closing about a nipple. The sudden heat made Hermione gasp, her whole focus being not to let herself slid down entirely onto the table. Pleasure shot from her breast, stabbing into her veins and spreading its head throughout her body with each fluttery pound of her heart. The blushing had turned into a slight flush now, her breathing quickened. Moisture just began to dot her pale skin... particularly at the cleft of her legs.

So perhaps that was why she dropped protests and raised a hand to loosen her tie. Perhaps that's what undid a button and gave her increasingly aching breasts more room. Or perhaps it was the crossing lips down the slant of her lean belly. Or maybe it had been the commanding tone, the masterful hands. Or how her body refused to stop reacting to him. Didn't resist as he lifted legs, placing both plainly shoed feet on either side of her. The skirt rolled, showing off Hermione's rather plain, standard grey pantie. A little spot of dark, almost invisible, showed at the dead center, while the girl flushed and shivered and shook. The moment Gawain touched it, she let out a little whimper. Bit lip, head nod, eyes meeting his predatory gaze.

Merlin'd beard, was she in over her head. He was playing her, and she knew it. No way could she sign up for this again... right? "Yes sir," she said, though her thighs trembled now. She let out another yelp as she slid, and her body wobbled. "Um, I'm not sure I could stay upright if I did that, sir?" she managed, reaching down to awkwardly grab her ankles. The girl didn't exactly have great balance, though she was showing at least game attempts. She wobbled, threatening to fall backwards, precisely as she predicted.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"Hush." Gawain frowned as he looked down at the young maiden sprawled on his desk, "You agreed to touching through your clothes, did you not?" The thick pad of his thumb stroked her through her panties, almost threatening penetration as he ran it up and down her slit, barely parting her pink virginal petals. He felt it, that tiny bead of moisture which collected and dampened her underwear. His eyes locked with hers as he teased her folds. "You may lay down if you wish, I think you'd find it easier to relax that way as well. You are doing very well, considering this is your first time. I think I can expect you to learn quickly, as always."

He could feel a distinct throbbing between his thighs, the desire to end this facade and fuck the girl senseless upon the desk, the consequences be damned. But in doing so he would have assured that she would be unlikely to return to him willingly, and so he gave pause to that, the clearing of his throat the only indication of the suppressed action. He removed her shoes, plucking them off before dropping them off to the side. "Don't want to get the dirt of your shoes on my desk now do we?"

Her skin was flushed, the heat permeating through her stockings where his hands found her calves as he knelt down between her thighs. He parted her, his hands resting on the inside of either knee, his head dipping down and his lips pressing against the wet spot between her thighs. Even if she did not know it, her body was preparing itself for sex. All he needed to do to bring that spark of need into her awareness, to realizing such a desire existed before their lesson ended.

His tongue lapped against her with the awareness of where her clit was. His hands gripped the backs of her knees, holding apart as he marauded her pussy. Moisture collected on the grey fabric, clinging further to her skin with each lash of his tongue. "How are you feeling you are doing for your lesson? Confusion is expected, after all we are having you learn at an express speeds, meant for girls who are as smart as you. Come to think of it, you should have been a Ravenclaw, don't you think?" He teased the top of her cleft, knowing that the small button of nerves lay hidden underneath the soaked grey material.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Yes, she did agree to that. But touching and whatever he was doing now were two different things. Hermione opened her mouth to argue precisely that point, only to let out a little breathy sigh as instead she felt his finger teasing her sex. Again she flushed, knowing full well that he was expertly handling her young body, teaching it to flower and respond in all the best ways. Moisture kept spreading throughout her, and fortunately Hermione had read enough books not to think she might be urinating or something. no, she might not have felt arousal directly, not like this, but she'd read enough to understand what was going on.

"Mhm," she managed, leaning back at his instruction. It proved slightly awkward, given that Hermione kept her hands locked near her ankles: no way was she losing those easy to earn points. She could thus feel him tugging down there, and she actually moved to try and slightly help get the shoes off. That left her stocking clad feet dangling, pale fingers clenched just slightly above the ankles, wrinkling the fabric between her digits. She felt her body shiver again, as if somehow losing shoes just added more to the debauchery at hand here.

Legs parted, and Hermione bit her lip again .No resistance; no stiffening; she had---"Ah!" she let out, jerking as his lips touched between her legs. her body tried to curl inward, thighs collapsing, almost snapping at his head or his arms. She immediately began cinching up, trying to pull inward, only further encouraged with lapping tongues. "it's---surprising," she managed, trying to report. She was quickly learning that her body loved cunnilingus, and yes, the girl was well aware of that.

"Professor," she breathed quickly, "I really think that cunnilingus is a bit beyond just--just touching," she said, squirming, "I really should be earning more points for thiiiis-" she jumped as he pushed something higher up. Her eyes flashed down, her brain trying to identify what the hell that had been...
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

His arms tensed, further parting her legs as she attempted to clamp her thighs down on his head. "Ah, ah, ah," Gawain chided, his lips rising from her nether lips. "As surprising as it is, I suggest you keep your legs apart." With that, his hands moved to the top of her stockings. "We agreed to touching through your clothes," He reiterated, "Is what you've experienced so far not just that?" He clicked his tongue as though in disappointment of her failure to understand what she agreed for. "It is necessary for your education, wouldn't you agree?" He stroked her thighs, his head dipping once more.

He lapped at her clit, hearing her breathy gasps, how her muscles contracted and clenched as she endured the lashings on her pussy. His lips pressed against hers, as though sharing a passionate kiss with her sex. His pants tented, further hinting at his girth, almost painfully straining against the fabric. His hands slid up her sides, under her legs, back up to cover her breasts, kneading them once again.

"You won't be earning more points, unless you agree to undress." He licked her clit once more, "Fifty points, to undress completely. But I advise against that. Even you aren't prepared based on how you've been reacting so far."

He rose up, taking a seat on his chair, forcing her to raise her hips, her legs resting on his shoulders as he continued his torment of her sex. A sigh came from his lips as he lapped at her mound, his breath hot, blowing out to her thighs where they joined her hips. He could taste her nectar, a slight tangy flavour, that could be changed to suit his own tastes later, but it would have to do for now. He licked her nub again, slowly this time, swirling it with his tongue, hearing the difference in her breathing as he did so. "This feels good, does it not, Hermione?"
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

The chiding made Hermione flush. How, precisely, did he expect her to resist his efforts against her body now? She tried to force her legs apart, but even parting a little made them tremble, her body continually wanting to pull itself inward. She wanted to argue against his reasoning too: cunnilingus was definitely not the same as touching, something that Hermione had learned with all the fumbling. At least when he spoke and chided, he wasn't actively licking at her sex.

Though, now that she thought about it, they hadn't set a time limit, had they? "How long!?" she gasped as she felt his lips returning. Her hips canted up toward him, jerked by the sudden sensation. Raw pleasure had started to flood her veins, and there would be no hiding the arousal. Nipples tented her still rumpled blouse, the shifted bra allowing them the room. Her panties had soaked through, partially with spittle, partially with her arousal. The fine lines of her girlish, virginal sex showed quite clearly against the gray fabric, outlined like a lewd picture in a magazine. Hermione dared only a quick look down, seeing little with the bobbing head in the way.

She shivered and gasped as his hands slid up her body, sliding altering her position. Hermione had no control now: he had her body completely in his hands. Worse, she could feel him attacking whatever that center part was, making her yelp and jerk and quiver. "No, no, I'm not ready," she agreed, eyes pinching shut. This was already driving her insane. She could feel an unfamiliar tension rising in her lower abdomen. Again, her first instinct thought urination, but she'd read.

"Professor!" she cried as she felt him blowing. She tried to jerk upright, but awkward positioning and weakened limbs mostly led to flailing. She could at least raise a hand, trying to wave at him. "Professor," she repeated, swallowing, "sir, it does feel good, yes, but I'm afraid---well, I'm not certain," she flushed, biting her lip, not wanting to get an answer wrong even with this. "But... I think that if you continue? I'm going to climax. Sir," she was beet red now, the words alone making her flush dark between her freckles, the red spreading down her pale chest as if summoned by the pounding blood.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

"We haven't really agreed on that so I assume it is whatever I please. But then it has to be reasonable. We can't expect you to be here all night. You'll know when it's time." His head rose from between her thighs for a moment as he spoke before returning to her heated flesh. "You are expected to cum, Miss Granger. Only then will you be allowed to return back with you promised points." Gawain looked right into her soft brown hues.

His lips, tongue and teeth attacked her, her pleasured gasps filling his ear even as, her hips instinctively angled up towards him. There was little denying it now, she was aroused and ready for sex. However, she would have to return to her room with unfulfilled desire. His hands found more purchase against her chest as she struggled to sit upright, protesting as he continued his ministrations. "Yes, you are going to climax, right here on this desk. Only then will this lesson be over."

He licked her clit again, again and again. Sending spikes of pleasure through her. His strong arms lifting her hips off the table as his tongue ran up her slit repeatedly, striking her clit with a quick, maddening tempo to override the struggles her mind still wrestled with to hold her climax in check. Each stroke of the tongue barely parting her slit further, teasing penetration. A hand slid down over her belly to rest on her lower abdomen as it rose and fell with each heaving breath. "Can you feel it?" Lick. "Building up in you?" His tongue ran a circle around her clit. "Don't resist." His attention now focused solely on her clit, bringing that sensation to numbing clarity, before commanding softly, "Cum now. Let it wash over you."

She would have yet to sip her first taste of what it would be like to cum whilst penetrated, and thus be unable to miss it. But this was the start. The start of this young witch's training.
RE: Professorial Influence over Points {darkest_fate&Zprimal}

Exactly, reasonable. Though reason was quickly becoming quite secondary, which for Hermione Granger was saying something. She kept squirming, fighting back the arousal. As she'd warned, she was close, dangerously close. The poor thing had never actually cum before, not by her own hands, and certainly not by another's. She'd felt pleasure: gotten that tingling sensation from riding a broom, felt her breath quicken as a boy's hands teased her flesh. But an orgasm? That was something she'd only read about, certainly not attempted herself.

And Gawain had gotten her there in, what, seconds? Minutes? she sprang up, feeling his hands pressing against her chest, reminding her of who was in control. Her brown eyes widened as he promised her fate. Her breath came in short pants, a little panic rising with the arousal. That lifted as his lips descended. A sharp cry came from Hermione, loud, piercing, girlish. Her hands slapped over her mouth, barely stifling another that followed. Those were lewd noises, primal, the stuff that you'd expect a wanton slut to make.

But she couldn't help it. Her hips would've risen without arms pulling her. With them, Hermione's body felt electric. Her sex tensed tighter and tighter, winding so fierce within her that it almost became a sharp lance of pain. Her mind, the greatest mind of her generation, wrangled against it, not quite ready to release, to do something so... so debauched, and with a professor. But hadn't she known? Hadn't she agreed to this? Her first orgasm for fifty points.

The thought made her yelp, even as her belly rolled under his touch. Could she feel it? "Mhm," building? "mhm," through cupped hands. Don't resist, and he hammered. He barely got the "c" of cum out before Hermione screamed into her hands. Her body tried to curl again. Thighs pressed, hips jerked, every muscle in Hermione locking and trying to pull the pretty young witch into a "C" shape, curled against and around the man who worked her body so expertly. all the while she screamed into her hands, pleasure vocalizing in a loud cry only barely muffled by trembling, girlish fingers. A sex poured more sign of her desire, soaking her panties, no doubt rewarding tongue and mouth with her full essence.

As the waves crested and shook Hermione, another realization sank in: she couldn't stop it, not on her own. It took control of her body, drove motion, drove thought. Gawain could stretch it, part of Hermione almost wondered if he couldn't chain it with another, so skilled, so determined was his tongue. White hot pleasure stabbed into her gut while her sex shuddered, slamming through an orgasm that kept curling, kept going precisely as long as her instructor, her professor in the carnal arts, insisted upon it lasting.

No more.
No less.
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