Mx Female Fantasy prompts to tickle your fancy


Jun 11, 2015
If you're the type who needs just a bit of food for thought to kick off a brainstorming session, these snippets are for you. Many are written to be flexible, but if a prompt talks of one character being a particular gender, I'm usually happy to flip it between the two main characters. I'll also be glad to elaborate further on any of these, or you can come with your own take on how they might go. We can discuss all the fun stuff once I've grabbed your attention.

- I've been having a craving for good adventure story with an engaging writer. Talent over words is great, a vocabulary second to none would be fawned over, but really, it comes down to wanting to find somebody who I flat out enjoy creating a world with.
- I probably love the plotting part of RPs most of all, brainstorming with a creative partner is wonderfully enjoyable to me. You might need to snap me out of that headset and get on with the actual writing.
- My
F-List is right here. It isn't the most elaborate, but I will love whatever you can bring from that list into the RP.
- I will definitely ask what your interests are, and I hope that you'll do the same with me. Part of roleplaying to me is learning to bend slowly to accommodate a new experience. I will answer almost any question about myself, if you have one for me.
- I play male characters who tend to know what they like, and will not hesitate to grab it.
- I enjoy perfectly equal parts sensual and story scenes, but I've been convinced to go to 100% in each direction.
- My preferred mediums, in order, are IMs, Threads, and then PMs. I will take special requests if it isn't much effort. (E-mail, Docs, etc.)
- My favorite color is purple, I love bigger dogs but I can't own one myself. The last movie I watched was The Count of Monte Cristo, I haven't read the book and even though I should I wonder if I ever will. I love quotes and references that I recognize and I feel silly when I miss one, and my favorite roleplaying partner had a vowel in her name. It also had at least one consonant.

Fantasy Prompts
- Each tale that the songstress performed for him seemed to be coming true. Was the lady sealing his fate, or could he twist this opportunity to spin her towards prosperity for himself?
- The girl laid exhaustedly atop the king's lap upon his throne, her eyes shut behind a ribbon. Yet when the intruder revealed himself to the monarch, the king gave one quick thrust into her, and with a jump she was on alert to protect him.
- Three wishes seemed simple enough, but it turns out that something so limitless in value is not easily divided by two people.
- An ordinary girl wishes to be beautiful enough to marry the prince, but she had underestimated the extent of his fetish.
- Two rivals managed to defeat the wizard, but not before he had cast a spell to bind the souls of the pair who hate each other together.
- A mysterious merchant only trades in attributes that young adults have not yet developed.
- The guard had been called in to break up a tavern brawl, but by the time that they reached there, she was the only one who was still standing.
- The dragon's roar was loud enough to be heard for miles, but the warrior's howl of its true name put it in its obedient place.
- A girl is cursed to be hunted in the night by spectral horrors, who rip her protections away and leave her bare, yet the creatures vanish the moment they would culminate in their capture of her.
- The sorceress stood behind all of her potions, and did not rescind her guarantee even for special requests. When a love potion does not take its proper effect, the lady herself is now on the hook.
- The monarch of one country is not defined by bloodline, but by who can survive the punishments of sitting upon a cursed throne. A prospective new ruler has stepped up to claim it.
- Fucking the warrior seems to be the only thing making him forget he's supposed to attack her town.
- There is a bit of discrimination between an adventuring pair. One receives all of the punishments, and the other receives all the rewards.
- It is much more forgivable to treat the girl like a toy when you don't even know that she's royalty.
- Whenever a magician has sex, the strength of their spells grow and their power increases.
- Drow are rampaging through the countryside gathering slaves, and a mercenary company must hold the raiders off until an army proper can engage them.
- Even a goddess can be brought to heel before a larger-than-life mortal. An entire religion can be upended by somebody with enough drive.
- After a fierce encounter, a sorceress has lost most of her abilities. She needs to regain her scepter and gems that power it before a foe can take revenge on her in a weakened state.
- When a prophecy is seemingly fulfilled at a temple in a major city, the followers of opposing gods strive to control it to gain their deity's favor and boons, turning the city into a battlefield.
- The rebel had already taken the princess as his prize. Now he vows to slay the king's family in the field of battle, and replace each fallen warrior with a child of his own through the princess.

- She had been raised for the sole purpose of becoming beautiful enough to wow a king. Her fellow sisters were elves of the most astounding lineages, captured young succubi, nymphs from the most exotic of forests, girls who received wondrous enchantments every day of their life, and so forth. How would her presence manage to shake those she comes across after she escapes, hoping to capture back her own life?

Phrase Bank:
Perilous journey, shapeshifter lover, divine heritage, lovers to enemies, irresponsible spellcasting, seven hundred and seventy-seven gold pieces, swapping knife cuts and scars, angry benefactor, black markets, mythical metals, game master, summoning circle, bearing the next generation's savior, betrayal over money, debaucherous cult, intelligence over intensity, developing powerful skills, buying a life, quaffing the bubbling potion, a plate of dragon's meat, digging too deep, manipulating the physical form, a waterfall cascading upwards, the forest guardian, paying the devil's due, songs unsung for a thousand years, raising your father's sword, a ring of snow, just a small bite, bribing out of prison, an ivory spear and a jet blade, exploring the mind asleep, a tax upon elves, making them beg for it, never needing to hit the same person twice, defeating the king's guard, a gemstone from every month, things you're too young to understand, the blizzard's bounty, sacrificing friends for power, storing mana inside her body, wielding the rival's own weapon, impressing the Valkyrie upon death, a price too high for a restful sleep, winning without drawing a weapon, a king's ransom for a child, your blood for her life.

- The princess in the tower is really a succubus. The hero couldn't be happier.
- Personal beauty isn't enough for a girl. She needs more jewelry and bigger gems on them, nothing is ever enough.
- The king's entire court has been blackmailed, but they don't even know themselves by who. They're pressured to tear themselves apart until the treasury is empty.
- A magician's apprentice needs to keep covering for his/her master's failed spells.
- How exactly are you supposed to pawn off a stolen dragon egg that's five feet tall?
- Aiming for a simple life for himself, a villager settles the land where a witch gets her favorite ingredients. Who knew a farmer could be so stubborn? She has to find a way around this pushy peasant so she can collect them again.
- Due to her playful nature, a nymph unknowingly desecrates a holy area dedicated to a god. She is plagued with nightmares until she makes amends to him personally.
- A demon sets his sights on the soul of an old opponent, at the end of his lifespan, but a Paladin must make sure her friend can pass into the afterlife.
- The treasurer had checked a hundred times, but could not explain away his lord's surplus. Why not, then, invest it into a supply of women?
- He discovers that his lover has as many faces as the night sky's moon has phases.
- When a ghost possesses his fiance, the man must explore new ways to attempt to purify her.
- Sure, that weapon is shiny and sharper than most, but why does it keep talking to me?
- A single skirmish upon a battlefield between angels and demons can last for ten years. When one is cast from that distant plane and falls to Earth, her lust to return to the war overshadows the people around that need her.

Liked where the heart was but didn't quite see anything that matched your desires? Use promo code ALXNDR for three ideas tailored to your interests!
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I added a phrase bank. Would you like to make a withdrawal? Or maybe you have something I'd love to deposit into it.
I baked my first pumpkin of the season, and now I have some tasty seeds. Maybe this will give you a bit of a seed, too, and we can cook up something wonderful together.
Last call for this topic! I have a six-hour road trip today and hope a brand new thread's worth of ideas will come about from it.
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