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..::Aɴɢᴇʟs ᴏғ Dᴇᴀᴛʜ::.. [Rʏᴀx & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

Making her way up to their room, Rachel took her time, humming silently before entering. His demeanor caught her off guard, his head bowed in defeat. Her hair dripped from still being wet, her eyes searching for the reasoning behind his body language, until his bared and scarred chest was exposed to her for the first time.

Isaac, you don’t have to be so ashamed.” She hinted before diligently accepting his request for help. It looked painful, and it would be proven as he winced when she helped placing the bandages over them. Rachel wished she could take all the wounds away, and give him what he wanted, but it was nonsense thinking of tales that would never happen. He wasn’t as evil as he thought he was, at least not to her. Somewhere inside of his wilted core was a seed. All it needed was nourishment and care, before turning into something more than he thought. More than she thought.

There you go.” Finishing the last wrap, she would take her hands off from him, placing the remaining bandages in a safe place for next time. Lifting her head up she would peer into his eyes, biting her cheek as thoughts ran in her mind. “I’ll have scars too, that’s what makes us so unique.” She chimed in inspirational words, unknowing if they’ll help ease the pain she was feeling. It shattered her heart furthermore to see him like this, missing his sarcasm and prideful ways.

Shifting in her seat uncomfortably, she took a coy hand and allowed it to linger by his hand, debating if she should hold it or not. Hesitantly she retreated, wondering if he could feel the warmth her palm provided when it hovered over his. “I wish you would’ve taken a shower before you bandaged yourself up.”
He doesn't have to be ashamed? Isac had no where to go but to disagree. It was a reminder of his morose past. A past he would always seek to hide away. While her touch sent some pain to his brain, her fingers and her warmth did much more then so. In the gentle morning, her warmth directly on his skin was almost like... A pleasant thing of the moment. Not shying away from it, he would instead enjoy it. Her words did more for him then she could ever imagine.

his voice would linger softly, unsaid words echoing silently

"They'll be real battle scars too"
adorning a warm but concerned smile, he would look at her sincerely, the aura between them so different and foreign. Isac didn't know what to make of it. A torrent of long forgotten emotions made their appearance in a confusing manner

Isac would feel the soft warmth of her hand. It was withdrawn all to soon. He yearned for more. Her voice was soft and inviting, foreign to him but simply beautiful in it's appearance. He would ponder her words until they could be no more. His eyes would unconsciously wander upon her clean appearance, her towels, her wonderful fragrance. He yearned for that too.

"I wish that too"
sincerity piercing his words. A desire echoing

The same old selfish Isac whom would take what he wanted

He took soft hold of her retreated hand. Pulling her in, another hand around the back of her neck. A most sudden urge overtook him. He would lean himself towards her and meet her half way. He would plant his lips on hers. He would linger and enjoy the softness. Isac's first real kiss.
Hey, are you okay?” Rachel questioned his new attitude, noticing the desire coating his words, but unknowing what they meant. His actions spoke louder than any words, feeling the sincerity of his touch linger on her open hand. She was beginning to get caught into the moment, feeling the heat of his body leaning inwards as he approached her in a new way.

She knew what he was doing, even though at first it was subtle, but each second his lips were coming closer into contact with her own. Anticipating the collision, she closed her eyes, held in her breath, and allowed her body to naturally lean inwards to help close the space. Soft, warm, tasteful, his lips met with hers. The scent he exhaled invigorating and had her wanting more. Craving more.

Pulling away from the kiss, she would only tackle his lips again, more forcefully and greedily. Her palms outstretched to grasp at his shoulders, adding more force to her passionate kiss. She didn’t know his idea about love, being such a cold and bitter person towards the world, but in this moment, the kindness deep within his melted core shined brighter than any exploding star would.

Catching her breath, her forehead would lay against his, their nose’s bumping affectionally before she opened her eyes to peer into his face. “Is that how you feel?” She asked, lips ready to delve into his velvety bliss.
A dazzling warm tiny plumpness dared their way onto his lips. A hot expulsion of air for once not filled with terror danced across his skin. It was a very unusual feeling for Isac, but an enjoyable one. Wholly surprised by her second kiss, something she even forced upon him like it had been a craving of hers for far too long. He loved the feeling that simple gesture gave him.

Isac catching his breath along with her, his eyes closed and enjoying the lingering affection for a spell before opening them to peer back into her glossy hues. He had no words for her, instead he planted his lips onto hers again in a hurry like he was about to lose her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and picked her up, turning them around and laying her down on the bed where he had just sat in one flowing motion. His kiss was a bit awkward but made up for it with added eagerness. Unsure of how to proceed he would gingerly move his left hand down about her leg, then spring up to her back again.

He left her lips again, eagerly looking down to her eyes, lips parted and softly gasping for air. Isac felt a warm rush course through him. Same but different then what he felt during a hunt. Like he had felt when he had hunted her in this very room. Exciting. Intoxicating. Like a child experiencing something new for the first time he wanted more of it as fast as possible.
As his hands explored her legs, a light moan of pleasure caressed his lips as she breathed the hum outwards, their bodies as close as atoms would allow. Her legs intertwined tightly with his, her hair sprawled over the sheets as she was gingerly laid down. Each kiss packed a punch, her lungs begging for air before they pulled their lips off from each other, star-gazing at the sparkles in his eyes.

"Since you showed me your scars..." She trailed off, wrapping her fingers underneath the hem of her new shirt and peel it off from her torso, revealing her cleavage from her bra. Though scars didn't adorn her body like Isaacs, it was still a very personal act she had decided to do, showing him that it's okay.

Before he had the time to protest, she would grab a hand of his and gently take the lead, showing him her body with the palm of his hand. Firstly, she would move it to her waist, allowing him to feel her slender feminine curves before skimming across her stomach, then up to her navel, then finally the two large mounds of flesh on her chest.
Isac's mind had questions that wandered lazily in the background of the scene he partook with Rachel. Questions along the lines of 'Why does she allow me this?', he would never deem himself worthy of things in this nature, which was why he had to force himself to take his desire, twist it and exercise it in a most different manner for all the years scattered to the past. Questions multiplying yet being pushed further back into the nooks of his mind as she revealed herself to him. A wondrous sight displayed willingly out of a pure desire. As most bodies he'd seen, she too didn't have much in the ways of physical memories besides the ones they'd just gotten fresh. Her skin was smooth and soft, pretty much flawless, desirable in the very least. The ultimate opposite of his own.

About to protest that she didn't have any scars to show him, then, as if Rachel had read his thoughts, perhaps following the lead on where his gaze trailed off, she took hold of his wandering travelers and showed him the willing outside of her flesh. His lips would part open at the sensitive touch, his gaze wandering along side of it, taking in every tingle and bump his nerve system registered. The tantalizing rim of her hip bones. A slender waist ro rival a goddess. The soft texture of her stomach and navel. Expectation building along the way. Strongly culminating when finally ending the tantalizing journey at her breasts, his hand now squarely having one in its grasp. The only experience he'd have with this was forcefully grasp a hold on a scared victim or a dead body out of morbid curiosity. Being faced with the first of many possible new experiences, he would try to adjust his way. As expected, his grasp was good in spirit but ultimately brutish and awkward. Trying to be sensitive the way she had shown him across her body, he would call upon the only experience he had which for obvious reasons gained him a lacking result. Mixing in a little of his twisted ways of sensitive expectancy torture he would slowly adjust to be a bit more sensitive thanks to that. Who knew murdering with a psychotic mind would come in handy for something like this.

"It's really soft"
he would remark, mostly to himself but meant as an innocent compliment too

Growing used to the play, he would enter his second hand and take hold of her other mound. Leaning in again, he would smoosh his lips on hers in a desire that was hard to contain. His red jeans now restraining a fierce contender, a soft, aching pain and a fire of desire peered by nothing. He would press this feeling against her counterpart, a sweet relief filled pain swimming him with a dull pleasure and a growing desire. Used to indulging and taking what he wanted, Isac was prone to rush ahead and skip the finer points of things. Rachel would have to pace him before he overwhelmed her. Reel him in like an eager stallion. She would have to tell his inexperienced self what a woman really wanted and teach him lessons he would not soon forget.

As a sign of his inexperience, his mind had already raced ahead and took his instincts with it. Leaving one of the obs of delight behind, his hand traveled down along her stomach and down to the rim of their pants, starting to unbutton them both, one after one. Isac figured Rachel would be as ready as he was already, his rough instincts in charge of telling him what to do and his rod eager to feel some form of natural relief not trodden.
Softly Rachel’s hands would lean away from his, allowing him to take the lead as he grew confident in his growing actions. It was hard to not do anything, ensuring he had enough room to do as he wished before calling it quits, guiding him from the troubled mess that his mind would create.

Take it easy…” She whispered out in a low hush, watching him as he began to unfasten her pants willingly, her eyes watching his every movement and not wanting him to get too carried away with his boldness. Gingerly her hands would guide his once more, gently taking them away from her pants and back to her waist, giving his hands a tight squeeze of reassurance.

I know you want this as badly as I do…” She started her words off, hot air breathing out from her lungs, her eyes piercing like hot ice. “But we need to take it slow, okay?” Like a mothers voice she would sooth his ears with promising words, her lips searching for his to declare a passionate kiss of love.
He offered very little in terms of resistance to her touch and guidance. Miffed that he couldn't do as he wanted, he was also dumbfounded when it came how to behave when faced with a situation such as this with someone he cared about. He would take heed of her words.

he began with the persistence know of him
but he settled himself, knowing that he didn't really want to crash their moment with his stubbornness

''Slow... Ok. Let me know how I'm doing"
Isac's voice thoughtful and humble, no sign of wanting to stop

He met her lips as they sought for his. Lips parting, soft and short moans shared between them. Isac really enjoyed to kiss Rachel. Her lips were filled with an endless warmth and care, so soothing.
While his lips were occupied elsewhere, Isac's hands sought their way along Rachel's delicate skin. Tip tapping along her features, running the tips of his fingers along the contours of her bones. The warmth of her skin intoxicating.

But a few moments passed before his hands grew bold again, both of them slowly traveling up her belly and giving her soft breasts a gentle squeeze. Parting their locked lips he would send them south bound, brushing past her mounds separated only by a thin fabric and traveling down to her stomach. Slow, soft kisses. Lips brushing along the shapes of her skeletal frame beneath her tender flesh. He would bite on to one of the loose flaps he unfastened on her pants before and looked up into her eyes. Pulling on it with his teeth, he was swift to let go.

he repeated to show that he was listening to her despite his burning desire wanting to tear into her main course right away

Pecking his way northbound along her fine flesh until he nuzzled his way up to her orbs. Soft kisses and gentle nibbles atop her breasts, accompanied with his hands having a soft play session with their respective boob. After a little while, his hands shifted once more, lifting her up and moving both of them further in on the bed. Isac was quick to find Rachel's lips again. Once more locking them in a passionate kiss of love
Rachel was unaware how sincere and passionate his hands could become, his fingertips caressing her flesh in ways that were unimaginable. Bursts of aired moans left her lungs as he explored the sensitive skin on her body, adding fuel to her ever-growing fire. His tempo was easy to pick up as he shifted once again, but she wouldn’t put up a fight, watching him with loving eyes as he corrected himself.

You’re doing just fine.” She encouraged him before their lips locked to share a heated kiss. Her chest would press up against his before her fingers coiled behind her to unfasten the lock that kept her bra in place, feeling the straps on her shoulders loosen in slack once the locks popped out of place. Gracefully she shimmied out from the confines, breasts now exposed as the nubs perked outwards.

Taking it slow, yet displaying her desire, her hands would skate down towards his pants, unfastening the last few buttons before sliding them downwards. His bandaged skin was more exposed to her eyes, savoring every moment as she didn’t know if this would be the first and last time for an event such as this.

Isaac.” Rachel mouthed out his name against his lips before delving into his luscious kiss. Returning the favor to herself she would drop her hands to her own pants, gripping at the belt loops for leverage before gliding them downwards, her panties covering the last bit of secrecy she had to hide from him.
Greedily his hands traveled to help her remove the clothing that she so willfully parted with. Tossing them onto the floor with a soft thumping sound. Now, Isaac pulled himself in close to her, gently forcing himself between her legs, only thin straps of fabric separating their genders from each other. His arm slipping behind her waist, he pulled them together as close as they could be. Craving to feel Rachel's flesh against his own, his desire was soothed between the bandaged patchwork of his skin where he would connect to her warmth properly. His lips kept seeking hers for confirmation, his lust growing exponentially as their skin was connected.

Not before long, his free hand began trailing downward, taking liberties to run his greedy fingers along the suppleness of Rachel's skin. It didn't take long for him to extend his invitation, grip her bottom and creating an erotic friction between them dancing the line between pain and pleasure. He never once let up the deep kiss they shared, reveling in the additional method of displaying their emotions for each other, he grew intoxicated with her willingness of him and his advancing.
Rachel’s mouth stayed glued onto his lips, feeling the rush of his hot breaths escaping into the back of her throat. She absorbed the sweetened breaths, feeling them expand her lungs only to be breathed back out into his aperture. Forgiving moans respired as his greedy digits gripped too hard occasionally, but the pain brought sadistic satisfaction. She wanted him to take her, to claim her, to express how he truly felt for her.

Please…” Delicately she whimpered against his ear after pulling away from his lips, clipping her teeth onto his earlobe as her hips shifted up to grind against the growing bulge. The hesitation she once felt dispersed, granting her the courage like someone who had drank far too much booze. Rachel shimmied off her laced panties, divulging her gleaming pink lips for only Isaac to see. Once the high of her bravery was realized, she blushed and buried her head into his chest, feeling her panties slide down to her ankles.
'Cute', his mind rattled. Amidst the torrent of lust, Isaac broke into a smile. Only she would be able to pull out thoughts and glimpses of the man deep within him. He placed his hand on the back of her head, a simple sign to let her know that he sees her, that there's nothing to be afraid of.

Once the sweet moment had passed, it was time to get down to business again. Indicated by Isaac's hand moving down from the back of her head. Down her neck, down her back, down her butt and down her leg, until he reached his hip and the hem of the only clothing left between them. With no second to spare he pulled it down, wiggling his member free from confinement as his boxers made their way down his legs. Once again unoccupied, Isaac traveled his hand up her leg again, this time greedily going right for the price Rachel was so shy of. His hand was met by the highly erotic sensation that was her glistening folds. His fingers had good intentions but were inexperienced, clear by his fumbling about. He positioned himself for entry, his fingers moving to guide him and almost a shiver of lusting anticipation crawled across his spine as his slick fingers slid across him and his spearhead poked at her gate.

''You're mine, and only mine''
sliding himself inside, he whispered this into her ear​
“Mhm, I’m yours and only yours...” Faintly she muttered against his ear, her hands cooling around his back as she braced herself for the anticipated pain. His bulbous tip could be felt gingerly parting her lips, the warmth of his exposed skin against her own sent tingles all over her form.

The exhilarating moment soon turned into a pained one, his length forcefully delving itself into her warm depths. Her hands gripped against his bandages tightly, top teeth biting harshly against her bottom lip to show striations from the force. A small hint of iron impaled her flared nostrils, allowing her and Isaac to know her cherry had certainly been taken.

“You’re in me...” she mentioned, gasping almost at how they’ve managed to get this far. It was uncomfortable at first as she had to get accustomed to his girth and length, her walls hugging into him to mold his shape inside of her.
Her body offered little resistance to his penetration, except for a great tightness. He felt her pained struggle as he pushed. Her hands gripping him, her lips bitten. Once properly put inside of her, he paused to assess the situation. Her flesh clamping down on him felt wonderful. A tinge of iron littered the air. He paused for a while, letting the sensation sink in for the both of them, to get further used to each other in this new embrace.

... So I am ...
Isaac agreed with a soft sigh

He leaned in and kissed the top of her head

I'm going to start moving now, hold on tight
He declared for her, making the decision to continue bravely
He gave her a second to get used to the idea before he would begin moving again. A maddening pleasure spread across him, stemming from his main point of contact with her. Isaac was the type to easily lose himself to his urges, this was no exception. Dedicating himself to the feeling of her, he experimented with speed, pasing, movement, subscribing hmself to Rachel's reactions and reveling in the pleasure that they shared.
On cue she would grasp onto him tightly, bracing herself for the impact she would feel. Rachel could feel his shaft begin to exit her tightened walls, the bulbuous head nearly slipping it before he bucked his hips to fill her whole once more. She gasped, both in pleasure and in pain.

Isaac was slow and steady, ensuring that she wouldn’t be hurt in the process, but could sense his urge to become reckless. Her hips would move in their own rhythm, making each thrust he gave to go deeper. She was feeling the walls of her cervix being grazed by the tip of his member, and she squirmed in delight.

“I don’t mind.... if you pick up... the pace...” She breathlessly muttered against his ear, feeling herself getting used to him being delved inside of her, her wetness growing.
Her words, like a fire edging on a beast. They loosened up the chain he'd locked his spirit with to keep himself from indulging too much too fast. As the leash loosened by her lips whispering against his ear, a sly grin spread across his lips. He reared himself up like a giant, never once breaking their connection.

Fiiinally, what took you so long~
Isaac exclaimed in tune of lulling and overly drawn out syllables in jest with a grin
He paused himself for a moment, just looking down on her. So beautiful he thought to himself as he glanced over her slowly. In the next moment he took hold of her hip and assumed control over her pelvic. The pause had gone on long enough and he resumed his rhythmic thrusting, a few slow ones in the beginning but quickly escalating. She let him loose and wished for more, it was high time she payed for it in the best way possible.
His dramatic comment sparked a wicked smile of her own against those glossy lips, and she braced herself for the impact he would bestow upon her. Her hair pooled against the blankets, breasts perfectly plump and nipples erect. Her stomach flat and waist curvy, enticingly so.

Erotically she licked her lips once he rested up, hands tightly gripping against the sheets as he started out slow, but it didn’t last long. Before long the skin of her thighs and bottom slapped against his pelvis and his own thighs, her breasts chaotically jolting from the force. Each impact made her moan out, eyes forcing themselves to close shut and teeth drastically nibbling at her lips. Her muscles tended as she took every thrust he gave her.

“Fuuuuck, Isaac!” She exclaimed, being rocked like a boat in unstable waters. She felt as if she would break underneath him, but couldn’t even think about him going any slower. “How does it feel, knowing this tight little cunt is yours?”
As quickly as he would switch from careful and timid, so would she. The both of them being from the same kind of crazy really spiced things up. Isaac greedily gobbled up the entire sensation of her chaotic state rushing him like a warm current in a cold sea.

"Your perfect little pussy is the best thing ever!"
he exclaimed jovially, thrusting hard in queue with his words as if to give punctuation

"But you know..."
He trailed off mysteriously as he pulled out of her, folded her legs, the left atop the right, and turned her onto her stomach
he mounted her like this, either of his legs on either outside of hers
his slippery cock restlessly pressing down and splitting her ass cheeks to mold around his member while he pressed his weight down on top of her, his lips relentlessly close to her ear

"You were mine from the moment I laid my eyes on you"
he whispered slowly, dangerously, as he took his time re-positioned himself
sliding his cock down the tight valley of her cheeks, almost tempted to enter her forbidden realm just to exert his claim to the max, but continued down and plunged his way into her velvety delicious cunt once more, only stopping when he could no longer push due to her ass grinding hard against his lower abdomen.

Isaac's body shuddered at the immense pleasure, a groan, deep and pleased escaping him as he felt the pleasurable resistance of her cervix doing everything it could to keep him from proceeding further and breaking her little body. With one hand he took hold of her wrist, secured it against the bed while the other sneaked around and coiled itself around her neck, as a display of dominance rather then straight out chocking.

"Time to back up my claim and make you mine forever"
he moved, slipping out, then slipping in, his hard member ignoring any resistance and forcing her walls to part and mold to his will
the new depth he reached and the enhanced tightness this position offered brought Isaac irreversibly close to his end

The way he spoke to her was sinister in manner, dangerous, yet all so alluring at the same time. Just weeks ago she was buckling at the knees in his presence, but now she wanted nothing more than to be by his side. Regardless of his ill mannered nature of slaying things, she loved him. That's right. Loved him.

"Yes, I'm all yours... Only yours..." Breathlessly she responded to his claims, head rotating slightly over her shoulder to see him thrust his hips into her cunt. Her lubed cunt dripped down her thighs, the erotic sounds of their sex reverberating from the walls, a sweet scent infiltrating her flared nostrils.

His hips were roughly rebounding off from her ass, eliciting Rachel to quickly grab the sheets for security as she tugged onto them. With lips parted she groaned out in pleasure, taking his hand quickly to slide some of his fingers into her mouth to suck them.

"Cum in me, Isaac, make me yours forever. I'll be your little slut, I want you to fill up every hole in me."
Isaac would do nothing but comply. How stupidly erotic it was to take her in two holes at once. Moaning with almost every thrust, even groaning occasionally, his seed creeping up his length at an alarming speed. Tickling her cervix with a deep thrust that would be the beginning of the end, he began emptying himself inside of her, every thrust henceforth gushing out more of his seamen until there was no more for him to give.

Resting his hips on her ass, he towered over her and still inside. A familiar and deeply euphoric feeling washed over him. A completely different context, but largely the same feeling he would get after a good encounter. Partly out of breath, he slowly moved his hips back and separated the slippery connection between the two of them. Tumbling over to her side and on his back, he sprawled himself out on the bed and took a couple of long breathy breaths to calm his beating heart. His gaze drifting across the shapeless ceiling.

Shortly after, he crossed his arms behind his head and turned to look at her. Again these strong, strange and warm emotions pulsed through his veins, gathering in his mind and heart. Isaac didn't get it at the time, but he had fallen in love with Rachel. Feelings that had been there before they entwined, but thoroughly supported afterwards. They caused him to grin joyfully at her.

"That is veeery ambitious of you, wanting me to fill up all your holes. Aaand you'll be my little slut? You're really into fucking, aren't you?"
abruptly breaking the drowsy silence by trying to tease her to death

He looked back up to the ceiling and took a deep, slow breath, and as he exhaled he continued
"Hell. I think I'm into fucking too. Your body feels so fucking goood~♪"
hints of delight chasing his words as he turned to grin at her again​
Rachel couldn't contain herself, feeling the rush of her orgasm causing her clitoris to ache in frustration. Her arms wrapped towards her backside, almost uncomfortably so, to grip tightly at Isaac's wrists, demonstrating how alarmingly good she felt. Sweat beaded against her glossy skin, causing the pair to stick together whenever they came into contact. His girthy member twitched, Rachel being able to feel the spasms deep within her internal walls.

"Isaac, I can't hold it anymore... I'm cumming!" She whined out, forcing her face to bury within the mattress, her petite form quivering as she released her pent up sexual frustration, his own orgasm collapsing on itself as he released his load inside of her tight little cunny. It was too much, causing the excess to ooze out, trickling down her inner thighs. Breathlessly she laid limp for a moment on her stomach before rolling over onto her side, facing Isaac when he laid down himself.

"I can't believe we just did that." She realized once the euphoric glow fizzled. Rachel did not regret their decision, and hoped they would do it more often. Scooting close by him, she would rest her head gingerly on his chest, intertwining her legs around his own. "It's embarrassing talking about that now." Her cheeks quickly reddened, but nodded at his inquire to be his little slut. As if someone could hear, gently she pursed her lips towards his mouth, whispering,

"I'll be a good slut for you, but don't expect me to behave all of the time."
Grinning at her response, he was happy that she had enjoyed it. Complex, shapely feelings of satisfaction coursing softly through his veins. The apparent embarrassment she felt wooshed past him in a complete miss almost audibly. Isaac felt no embarrassment, only pride, satisfaction and warm fuzziness. If he wasn't such a socially challenged individual he might've blushed himself at her whisper. Instead he rolled them both over, once more hovering above her like just mere moments ago.

"It never even crossed my mind that you'd behave, even for a second."
"That's why I'm going to have to set you straight and make you behave."
Worded coyly, he leaned in and kissed her once more, deep and passionate, tumbling them down into their own little world once more​

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~​

"Where is the god damn exit already!"
Isaac marked his territory by voice, part growl part whine​

They'd steadily been getting closer to the exit with each passing day, they could feel it in their bones. They'd met no one along the way. It had been dead quiet, just the two of them making their way through the labyrinth of random rooms. They suspected that they were being watched one way or the other but they couldn't find much evidence except of course for the scattered security cameras that there seemed to be an endless supply of, always silently watching and judging them from the ceiling. They'd fallen into each other's embrace on numerous occasions since their first time, as to be expected of an attracted couple and long days of boredom and solitude. They traveled light as there always seemed to be enough food and water about if one just went looking for it, but they carried rations of both just in case. Just because they were impulsive doesn't mean they have to be stupid. Although in Isaac's case his brute behavior could sometimes pass for just that. But sometimes that's precisely what was required.

In the end, they made quite the team together, and Rachel, despite Isaac's bloated ego, had ended up taking up a significant enough part of Isaac's life and development that there was a now a part of him that had begun to dread them actually managing to get out of this forsaken place. For he would have to face his, at the time easy, promise that he made to her and take her life when she managed to help him out of the complex.
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