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cheerleader challenge! ( all filled up~! )

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  • Her manicured nails tapping meticulously over the steering wheel of her Range Rover, the redhead had almost forgotten the male in her passenger's seat, not jumping however when he cleared his throat. Turning her head and looking over to him with a blank expression, she was still pissed at him, her brow cocking up just slightly when he complimented her during her time of being angry. Starting the car shortly after and not saying a word to him, Sonnie backed out of the parking lot, oddly careful for someone who was pissed off, driving out of the parking lot and knowing that their friends could either wait or take themselves home to figure the bet out tomorrow, because really? It would, and quite possibly could, take the guys longer than a day to figure out what they were going to do with the advantage of the bet.

    Cringing slightly when he asked if it was time to talk, if she was some sort of psychopath, she would've pushed him out of the moving car, hands releasing in their clenched state from the steering wheel, nails still tapping across it as she drove down the road. She was going to let him have a few moments of silence, depending on whether or not he decided to give that to himself or not, that was a different story. A few blocks off from the school sat a large park, large enough to get lost in at night, Sonnora pulled her car to a stop in the park's large parking lot, looking over to him and narrowing her eyes, "How fucking dare you Sebastian." Because she couldn't say it before and now she could.

    "You pushed me out. Then you wouldn't talk to me at all and you just closed me out," Pausing as she turned her body just slightly, the cheer leader kept her eyes narrowed as she finished, "Do you know how worthless that made me feel? So yeah, I did go out and dance with another guy, because you wouldn't even talk to me anymore. But then you went out and decided to date Britney, which is another bullshit point." Letting that sink in, Sonnora had pushed those feelings out of her head before, because it had made her feel as though 'Oh, yeah, have sex with you and take your virginity lovingly. Then something tragic happens and I can't cope with you trying to help, so I'll go on and fuck the next girl for an entire class period, then date her for a week. . By the way, she's one of your best friends.'

    Reaching out and punching him in his chest, particularly against the middle. "And then you suggest a threesome?! You really are a piece of shit if you had it wrapped around in your head that you would have both of us at the same time like that." Another punch to the chest came and Sonnora's eyes were no longer watered up and ready to burst over with tears. What in the world had possessed him to even think for a few seconds in his head that either of the two girls would comply graciously to having a threesome just because Sebastian thought ( and sometimes on the occasion, knew ) that he was hot shit. Sure, with the whole bet in place, Sebastian could choose and pick whoever he wanted, however, he would not be the one getting a threesome, which was safe to say that he would probably merely be stuck with Britney, while the other guys had their fun.[/list:u]
For the first time, in a long time, their eyes met and were staring down at each other for more than a few seconds. An eyebrow was soon moved, creating a confused look on Sebastianâ??s face as Sonnora was getting ready to leave. He then heard Davidâ??s question and he lowered his window and shouted as they began to leave out of the parking lot. â??Sheâ??s CRAZYYYYâ?

When they were out of the schoolâ??s parking lot Sebastian turned his head a couple of times to look at Sonnora. Wondering why she was giving him the silent treatment? Wasnâ??t it a bit late for that? He sighed and stared out at the window. The scenario that he was seeing was familiar. This was the first place they hung out after school, when they first started to date, though it wasnâ??t their first place of making out, though that doesnâ??t mean they havenâ??t made out here at the park.

He remembered his brother and someone from Sonnoraâ??s family was calling out to them and trying to find them in this big park. He suddenly realizes the houses, trees stopped moving, which meant that they had stopped. He looked at Sonnora thinking maybe sheâ??s ready to speak now. Suddenly, Sebastian face went from somewhat depressed to somewhat laughable. He was trying to hold a laugh as he heard the first sentence that came from Sonnora.

Sebastian may have over thought it, but he seriously didnâ??t expect her first words to be (How effin dare you Sebastianâ?¦). In his mind, he always thought sheâ??ll open up with (You hurt me when I loved you the mostâ?¦) some bullshit like that. But (How dare you?) it was somewhat comedic. He then bit his lower lip to stop himself from bursting out laughing. The Sebastian Sonnora knew, probably wouldnâ??t have laughed at those first few words, because back then, just her nostrils blowing would make Sebastian all (Please, please, please), but now he seemed indifferent.

Here were the words Sebastian knew heâ??ll hear sooner or later. He looked at her like a man ready to face his punishment, never one moving his eyes from looking into those beautiful eyes of hers. Sonnora was done; it was now his turn to speak. Sebastian looked at her then down, her punches didnâ??t bruise him, but it did hurt, emotionally.

Letting the words Sonnora unleashed at him sink in as his eyes stared at the trees and swing in front of him. She was hurting just as he was back thenâ?¦ he was so caught up in his own world to even acknowledge the fact that Sonnora could be in pain. Some boyfriend he wasâ?¦

He then turned around to look at Sonnora. There was nothing on this earth he could say to win her back. Did he want her back? She was too good for him...she was right, she did hold out longer than one would expect, he was surprised she didnâ??t dance with a punk sooner.

Sebastian cleared his throat.

â??A lot has happened between usâ?¦ I alwaysâ?¦ " he said looking at her then turning around. He didnâ??t felt secure enough to say what was in his heart, yet. â??Itâ??s not like I went over and asked Britney â??hey letâ??s fuckâ?? it just happenedâ?¦that time at the cafeteria, when our hands touched when reaching for the last milk, something sparkedâ?¦and our relationshipâ?¦if you can even call it thatâ?¦was purely sexualâ?¦sure we pretended that we were datingâ?¦whenever we were aloneâ?¦weâ?¦â? he said turning his head back and looking down at his sandals.

The confidence was building, his heart was beating so fast, that it practically wanted to come out, and show Sonnora his heart.

â??You knowâ?¦My shrinkâ?¦said that you didnâ??t try hard enoughâ?¦that your love wasnâ??tâ?¦ enoughâ? he said continuing to look down. â??A betâ??s a betâ?¦right?â? he said, jerking his head up and looks at her with the corner of his eye, as his head slowly began to turn to look at her. â??Whatâ??s wrong with suggesting a threesomeâ?¦I want to taste you againâ?¦and nothing wrong with having another want of Britneyâ?¦I tasted both of youâ?¦itâ??s only logical to want both of you at the same timeâ?¦â? he said slamming his right hand at her dashboard.

â??If you donâ??t like it, take it like a jokeâ?¦or however you want to take itâ?¦whatever helps you sleep at nightâ?¦â? he shouted, moving the hand that slammed at the dashboard to point at Sonnora. He was feeling angryâ?¦at herâ?¦but mostly at himself for still not able to open to her. The hand was slightly tilted, as if Sebastian was about to slap the beetch.

No, he couldnâ??t, he couldnâ??t hurt herâ?¦physicallyâ?¦he had already damaged her emotionally. He lower his hand and went to unbuckle his seatbelt.

â??Fuck youâ?¦Iâ??m out of hereâ?¦â? he said opening the door and getting out of the car.
  • He was speaking again, but it wasn't anything she was sure she wanted to hear, her hands having released their tight grip from the steering wheel, looking over at him when he cleared his throat and so plainly began speaking that for a second it bothered her. However, she would listen and not say a word because he had been fair enough to do the same for her, eyes moving over the skirt of her cheerleading uniform, she wasn't entirely sure that it made her feel any better about him going off to Britney even if it was just a fling. To Sonnora, that meant he quite frankly hadn't thought about her in the slightest, that meant he hadn't cared and that only made it all the more worse.

    Or perhaps she was thinking too much on it. Her eyes narrowing however when he brought up that balding son of a bitch, or rather his shrink, and stated that such male had tried to say that she wasn't trying hard enough, it made her grimace. Sure, it was already a bother that he had to see a shrink anyway, but if it was helping him, then that was ok. However, when a fat, balding man had the nerve to say that her love wasn't enough, as though he was getting her love as well, that pissed her off. Who was he to say that her love wasn't enough? Obviously a professional. Only now noticing the way he had jerked his eyes away from his sandals and over to her with an odd look in them, Sonnie raised a brow just slightly, noting that he had changed the subject for the third time within the conversation.

    What in the world was wrong with him? There was a mixture of being angry and hurt again rising into her body, because now he was just being crude, and quite frankly, she didn't ask for that. Maybe she should have pushed his ass out of the car while she was driving. Wincing softly when his hand collided with her dashboard, her light brown orbs grew just slightly in size when he raised his hand as though he were about to hit her. Unlike most teenage girls and women, Sonnora's reaction was immediate, knocking his hand away from first of all pointing at her by pushing it at the wrist, "Get your fucking hand out of my face." Sure, he could be mad, but Sonnie would be damned if she was another statistic.

    Taking note that he was now fumbling with the seatbelt instead of attempting to strike fear into her heart, sure, it was a bit startling and it had scared her for a few moments, but what was he thinking to even get it in his head to even get CLOSE to slapping her like that? What the hell was he thinking? Watching him get out of her Range Rover, Sonnora instantly turned her car on and let the high beams shine out into the woods, pushing the button down to roll her windows down and the other to lock her doors, "You're so full of shit Sebastian. You're ego is so fucking huge and God I don't know where you got it from, maybe that dumbass shrink of yours? But it's just so huge you can't even say that you love me."

    She wasn't shouting, but her voice was loud enough to be heard, her eyes remaining on him as she spoke again, "DO you know what you told me before I went to that party? Do you remember, or are you going through a bit of amnesia too? You said that you didn't care anymore Sebastian. You didn't care, Sebastian. And do you even remember the last time you said 'I love you' to me?" Of course he didn't, because during the time that his brother had first died, he seemed to stop all response, even when she would say it first to him, he would merely nod and fake a smile. If he really cared, it wouldn't be as difficult as it was for him to say it back to her. [/list:u]
The last few words that Sonnora said echoed in his mind as he got out of her car. He stood there, thinking back; to see if he can actually remember that time he said it to her and actually meant it. The more he thought back, the more bewilder he looked. He couldnâ??t believe that he canâ??t remember it. Was he so upset over his brotherâ??s death that he forgot Sonnora existed? The locking of her car, snapped him out of this dumbfounded look on his face. He turned around to face the car, but it was so that he can actually see Sonnoraâ??s face.

What was going on here? Sebastian felt like he had just spent the last few years of his life in a different reality. He shook his head, before looking at her again. â??Donâ??t you dare trying to spin this on meâ?¦? I never said â??I love youâ??â?¦ Do I have to say it every day? For you to realize that I do love youâ?¦â? he said, walking over to the hood of her car, then slams his hand on it. â??I fucking love youâ?¦howâ??s thatâ?¦ I said itâ?¦ I love youâ?¦I love youâ?¦ I love youâ?¦â? he said, before storming over to her side of the car and looked at her, breathing heavily through his nose.

â??And FYI, I do remember what I told you on the day of me beating up that fucking loserâ?¦â? he said, raising his hand. He felt very mad, mad enough that there was an urge inside of him that made him want to hurt somebodyâ?¦ and for some odd reasonâ?¦ he wanted to hit Sonnora. The girl he loved. Maybe he can use that urge in bed.

â??Just because I said, â??go have funâ?¦ I dun care what you doâ?¦â?? doesnâ??t mean you go and dance with the next available guy, ready to jump your fucking pussyâ?¦.â? He said clutching his right hand into a fist and hitting it on his left palm. â??GOD DAMNITâ?¦ I was grieving at that timeâ?¦ you canâ??t expect me to be the Worldâ??s BESTEST BOY FRIEND, at that timeâ?¦ AND QUITE Frankly, I donâ??t see where you go offâ?¦ on thinking this is entirely my faultâ?¦ All I did was ignore you for some timeâ?¦ IF YOU ASK ME, The reason why weâ??re not together any more is because itâ??s all your fault. Because, Fckâ?¦ I still love youâ?¦â? Sebastian finally said out loud.

After uttering those words, Sebastian turned around and began walking away from Sonnoraâ??s car. He walked towards the swings. The sudden outrage was making him tired, on top of him just playing a football game. Maybe that shrink wasnâ??t helpful at all. Sebastian thought, as he sat down on the swings, staring down at the grass. He felt like a complete idiot, as he sat on the swings. He was about to hit the girl, when he was inside the car. Was he really going to hit her? Or was it because of her response, which made Sebastian almost wanting to hit her.

Maybe Sebastian wanted to grab that pretty head of hers and pull it close to his. Just like things were before a certain time. Now they have this bet going onâ?¦ should they even get back together? At this point in timeâ?¦ if they doâ?¦ what will happen to the betâ?¦ he certainly wouldnâ??t approve of having another cock in her pussy, other than his own.
Masako looked over at Sonnie and grimaced for a moment at the words she was saying and simply remained where she was in her jeep and sighed. Watching them argue for a moment, she just mulled it over in her head, feeling rather ashamed of herself and unhappy at the fact that she'd hurt one of her good friendsl ike that. She hadn't meant any real disrespect, but slipping between german and greek for a moment was a bad idea, even if it was ao bitch at that egomaniac Sebastian. "And I'm not crazy. Just not overly enthrusiastic about all of this." she shouted to the guys when they began to question her sanity. The blonde just leaned back and groaned some, still looking rather troubled for the moment. "Shit I need a soda or something..."
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