It was generally bad luck to be the first group to have been decided to be sent out,.. the scouting group usually only grabbed somewhat a small chance of the action and on top of that had the highest chance of something happening to them.. but not in a good way. When Seth had been told he had to choose himself and a few other members to do such a task a small sigh escaped him, still their was no denying the commander of Allurian, if he had his mind set on something.. then the others had to listen to his every word and command, the fact that even the Prince took orders to a degree would usually surprise people.. but that was just part of being in the force that had decided to attack a nearby city.
Although being a family member of the direct royalty, Seth had always been into combat at a young age and so upon hearing about possible conflict he was the first to raise his voice wanting to be heard and taken along. This would be his third lot of battle experience though.. if anything were to happen. Commander Ikarin had said their was a slight chance the guards might notice something if they spent to much time.. and so what they had to do was discover a entrance that showed the weakest sign of resistance, and then claim a few things for their taking before returning.. an easy task or at least it sounded like it.
The small group he had constructed consisted of three members not including himself, one of them was mainly their if anything did happen.. he was about a foot taller then the Prince and strength wise,.. well lets just say he does not wield a Greatsword for the sake of looking cool. Another member was like the direct opposite to the beefy male Elf,... instead he was what Seth would say delicate even almost.. this rather feminine male had hair that reached down to about mid back, yet out of the four, he was unmatched by speed and wit,.. hopefully this would come in use if something happened.
Lastly their was a good friend of Seth's.. Vince Osarine,.. this man had saved the Prince's life on more then one occasion.. and well, it was not the fact their were better fighters then him.. but he was someone that could be trusted, and had a good eye on him for noticing things which usually proved helpful.. Pretty much he would be the first to spot the weakness.. Seth's role,.. was just to lead, and find something to return with... then the full army would dispatch, and he would probably go with that as well. After all the king had ordered for the destruction of this particular city for the disobedience and lack of respect it showed.. the fact that it had so many half breeds did not help the fact that he wanted it destroyed.