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His Little Secret ((gray&Crystalfox))


Jul 11, 2009
How long had she been in this room, her own personal hell? She could never be for certain, no light ever graced her with it's warmth. Natalie had been kept in this room since she was very young that much was certain. Her earliest memory was being shoved in here when she was but six years of age. At one point her hair had been brown, and her eyes a dark shade of brown now lightened to gray for years without light, not that she knew. Her hair as well was more blonde with mere hints of the original color.

It wasn't as though they didn't make sure she was alive, once a week they provided her with artifical light but her eyes had become so sensitive she could never see much of anything. The kept her hair cut short, and made sure she ate but that was about it. She wore no clothing save for a shift that was still much to large on her slender frame hiding her impressive breasts and wide hips from view.

Some part of Natalie knew that these people didn't take care of her by choice. The teen could sense it when they walked into the room to feed her or bath her. They hated her and doted on thier son she'd heard him speaking throughout the years through the wall the served as the hidden entrance. She wondered if he knew of her as well.
Young master Martin, as he was called by the large majority of the house servants, had lived his entire life withing the estates, his room, as it was now, had not always been the same one, but for some time now it had gone unchanged, and the young boy, who at this time was looking forward to his coming of age birthday, felt quite certain he knew his chambers as wekk as he possibly could.

Not so it, seemed. Sitting upon a chair in the said room, he sat in repose, pondering his recent discovery. The youth had wheat blond hair, cut to a medium length as was the fashion of the day, and his eyes, in an odd twist, were multicolored, one being blue and the other a light brown. Fair skin suited his regal clothes, all tailored to fit his slightly taller then average, yet quite skinny size.

The truth was, in a days worth of lounging about, enjoying some of the free time he had been given, he had run into quite the odd finding, more precisely speaking, he had by chance discovered that a section of his wall had a hollow ring when he rapped his fingers upon it. It was armed with this knowledge, that he found himself here tonight, standing in front of a seemingly innocent section of wall, just a few feet down the hall from his door. Gingerly, he reached out and knocked on the cold stone, holding his breathe as he waited for a response, for if he was right, he thought he might have stumbled upon the old rumor of a prisoner being held in the estates.
Even in eternal darkness Natalie was a light sleeper the slightest creak or sound of footsteps would wake her with a start the darkness doing nothing to calm her. Tonight was one such night when she heard a knocking upon the wall, it was a curious sort of knock. Not the one that the servants used to alert her they were coming.

Slowly she walked towards the wall the sound of chains brushing the dirt floor following her like a snake. Pressing her ear to the wall her brows furrowed and she raised a long fingered hand to knock back a soft hesitant sound. The teen was worried that it might wake someone up. Who was that on the otherside of the wall? Natalie couldn't tell not that she really wanted to, perhaps after all this time someone was intended on rescuing her.

Swallowing she did it again louder a childhood rythem of a song she could recall being played on something. Hope, and emotion long sense abandoned filled her breast against her will. Something told her this was her only chance to alert another to her prescence here.
Partly of fear, and partly for the risk of being caught, Martin almost rushed back to his room. Almost. However, all chance of that ended completely when he herd the answering knock, first the timid, then the more confident one. Struck motionless for a moment, his head reeled. Was there really someone locked away in here? Were those chains he herd perhaps, what he had taken for mice in their silence through the stone wall.

With an almost eager willingness now, he knocked once more, pressing his ear to the wall as he repeated the motion, trying to find where the room ended so he might find a door. Finally, on the far end, his work paid off, a small indention he had not noticed all these years crying out to him now that he looked for it, seeming painfully obvious. Fingers rested against the small edge, he paused, gathering himself for one moment.

His nerves properly set, Martin at last moved beyond the point of no return, pulled open the door with a small grunt of effort, the door being surprisingly quite. Light steamed into the room from one of the torches on the wall, and he took this with him as he took a single step into the room, uttering one word as he did. "Hello?"
The moment the small strip of light hit her she scrambled back calling out the sound almost not human. Covering her sensitive gray eyes she winced and hid herself in the corner just beyond the light. Natalie knew that voice it was the son, the boy who used to play outside her walls when they were children. Hearing him was on of the main reason she still knew how to speak.

"H....hello?" she responded softly lowering her hand just a bit revealing a beautiful face that looked almost etheral it was so pale. It was odd one would think that being in the dark for 10 years would make her seem sickly but it gave her a sort of unusual beauty. "Help....please." she reached down and tugged on the short chain gesturing to a key on the wall closest to him. The chain didn't reach that far.

Something told her, that he wasn't the same as she. For one his voice was deeper not a high almost silent whisper, and he didn't have the same....assests as hers. A long forgotten memory told her he was a boy and she...she was supposed to be a girl right? "Bright...." she muttered squinting as she tried to make out more of him.
Regardless of what type of person he was, Martin did not think anyone could have possibly listened to those words she uttered, and not have longed to help her. Still, he paused for one moment, looking over his shoulder. The hall was empty, silent, if he was to act, now was the time, such moment of stillness did not come all that often.

Turning back to the girl, he realized she was shying away from the light, and quickly lowered it, holding it behind his back as he inched along the wall, finding the key and lifting it into his hands. Taking a step to the strange girl, he slowly crouched down, finding the lock for the chain. soon he had her freed of the bindings, and any chance he had of forgetting this whole things ever happened was gone. Not that would want that.

In any case, he knew he still had to act swiftly, and thus his mind reeled at what to be, playing this almost completely by ear. "You need to be quite, if your caught walking around...I don't really know what will happen, but I'll wager it wouldn't be good." Motioning for her to follow him, he replaced the torch where it went, lightly taking her hand and guiding her back down the hall to his room, the only place he could think of to hide her, as it was fairly large, and the back section curved out of sight of the entryway. "Do you have a name?" He whispered, closing the door behind them as he crept into his chambers.
He was actually letting her go? She peeked through her partially closed eyes before reaching down to rub her ankle. Standing up shakily she followed after him entereing the brightly lit hall wincing again but saying nothing. Shakily she followed after him going by his footsteps more then his body. Natalie's eyes just weren't strong enough but her hearing was.

"Natalie." she responded almost right away just how she always did when the maids checked to make sure she hadn't gone insane yet. As that passed to the living quarters the light dimmed around them giving her the ability to see a bit more clearly. Having never seen a boy before she wasn't quite sure what to make of him, but he seemed nice enough. After all he'd gotten her out of that hell hole given her a chance at Freedom.

"Thank you." she spoke as they approched what she assumed was his room. Oddly enough if her sense of direction was anything to go by his room was directly above her cell. How could he have been above her all this time and never heard her cries when they punished her. Then again she wasn't exactly loud, her voice wasn't strong enough.
While they had been walking, making their way back to his room, Martin's mind had been preoccupied with the fear of being found out, yet now that they were safely within familiar ground, at least for him, his thoughts began to stray into the real of speculation. What had he just done? He had acted quickly impulsively, and truthfully, he believed he had done right, and di not regret his actions. Yet still....

It had happened to fast, he was ill prepared. One moment he had been investigating an interesting rumor, and the next he was hiding a strange girl in his room. Biting his lips, he turned to her, eyes meetings hers as his thoughts began to take form. First of all, he needed to find out more about her.

"Natalie.." HE said, a little louder, but still lower then average. Inclining his head briefly as he spoke, a small nod. "I'm Martin." Pausing, he chose his words now carefully. "How long... How long were you in there?" It was in asking this that he noticed the state she was in, and her clothes, biting his lips once again, he moved to his wardrobe, opening it and frowning as he picked out some clothes he though might fit her better, a pair of pants, and a large over shirt. These he handed to her as he awaited her answer, a little exited in spite of himself.
A puzzled expression crossed her delicate features as she struggled to recall how old she was. Hadn't the maid told her she was turning 16 a few months before, or had in been 17? "T....ten years." she said after a moment still not sure if that was right but it was better then not saying anything. Tucking a strand of oddly colored hair behind her ear she took the cloths and a blank expression crossed her features. Mind you she knew what cloths were but this was not what she was usually given to wear when they bathed her.

Shrugging softly she pulled the gown up and over her head revealing quite a curvy frame, Proud breasts topped with rosy nipples and a slender waist tha tappered into decent hip and even longer legs. Natalie obviously had no problem being nude before someone, then again she didn't know she was supposed to be bothered. After a moment she slipped the shirt on over her head and managed to put the pants on after quite a bit of trouble. "Good?" she commented softly holding up her arms and looking at him curiously.

These must be boy cloths because the maids that took care of her always wore cloths like hers. She liked men's cloth she decided, they were comfy and covered more then a night gown ever would. Smiling she started exploring his room running her hands over his bed amazed at how soft it was, much better then the straw pallet she'd been forced to sleep on. Then she walked over to his closet and looked through his cloths running her hands along the fine cloth.
"Ten..." His fascination at was great, but it was not helped when she decided to strip and re-cloth in front of him. Biting his lip, it dawned on him that she truly didn't have any idea about normal conventions people followed. Smiling as she finished, he nodded his head. "Good." He affirmed.

After that he simply watched her for a while, letting her have free roam about the room. It was after all, likely a new experience for her. Also, he needed a little time to think about what he was going to do about all this. Perhaps if he was careful, he could find a way to hide her in his room. That was the last place they would think to look, likely believing she would flee the grounds as soon as possible. It wasn't perhaps the greatest idea, but for now, it would do he thought, and so he settled on taking care of the situation at hand for the time.

Walking up to her as she was feeling the cloth of his clothes, he lightly reached his hand out, gently touching her shoulder to let her know he was there. "I'm not sure about what to do yet, but for the time being you should stay here, it's probably the safest thing to do." He said, tilting his head as he looked at her. "Oh, and if you need to know anything, just ask me, frankly, I'm not sure about what you do and don't know."

((By the way, would you like him to be kind about the situation, or take advantage of it?))
((I sort of like the idea of him taking advantage of it. However that is up to you. I'm fine either way.))

She jumped slightly when he touched her shoulder sticking her head out from the closet curiously. He wanted her to stay here? In his room? Why not let her go? Then again despite her lack of social skills she was a clever girl and she knew it would be stupid to send her out when she'd never set foot outside before. Natalie wouldn't even know what to do with herself then!

The teen had lots of questions to ask about all sorts of things. "Night time?" she questioned walking to a window and realizing it was dark outside. She remembered darkness more then she remembered the sun. It had been dark outside when they brought her here and she remained in darkness until now.

Then Natalie walked away from the window and to his desk were a book sat. Opening it she frowned softly, she could only understand some of the words not all of them. Setting it down she sighed and cocked her head to the side. " look tired." she said softly. "Maybe you should sleep. Ask questions tomorrow. See sun.."
(Alright, works for me.)

Smiling lightly in spite of himself at her reactions, he nodded his head at her first word, affirming the statement. After her next question however, he bit his lip, realizing she was right, it wouldn't do for either of them to be tired for the events likely to follow. Moving to the bed he paused, looking down upon the blanket, face turning the briefest shades of red for a moment before fading. "I suppose your right..." He uttered quietly.

Turning his gaze to her, he cocked his head to the side a little. "Shall we get some sleep then?" He ventured, pulling back the covers of the grand sized bed. "You do not have to sleep in the clothes I've given you if you don't wish to, they do seem as though they would be uncomfortable." Dressed in only light night clothes himself.

And idea was forming in the young lords head, one he tried to shake away, but one that returned to him regardless of how hard he tried to brush it aside.
She looked down at the oversized outfit and then to the bed cocking her head to the side. Shrugging she pulled off the cloth's she just put on and set them at the foot of his bed before hoping into it and sighing as the softness as her head hit the pillow. Once again she didn't understand being nude in bed with a boy was a bad thing it was just more comfortable then wearing cloths.

Natalie looked at him with soft gray eyes the blankets up to her chin waiting for him to come to bed as well so that he could sleep. Sighing softly her eyes started fluttering shut it was obvious she was still extremly tired after thier little escape and was easily drifting off in his bed. Soon she was fast asleep and looked totally innocent, which....she actually was.

Her dreams that night were very pleasent no longer horror filled as they usually were. The darkness wasn't absolute and the stars flickered in the night sky comforting her and for the first time she felt safe.
Watching as she jumped into the bed, Martin paused for a moment, seeing her eyes flutter to a close, struck motionless by her naked form, which, despite the years of solitude, was amazingly beautiful. Swallowing hard, he moved to his door, locking it so as to prevent any visitors from discovering his little hideaway. Letting out a yawn then, he bit his lip and moved to the bed, sliding in after her and blushing lightly as his body pressed against hers for a moment.

It wasn't long before he was asleep as well, also having pleasant dreams. Through the night, he unintentionally, scooted closer to her, drawn instinctively the the warmth of her body. A part of him, one he had been trying to suppress, was getting some rather interesting ideas as it realized just how innocent and ignorant this girl truly was.

Perhaps this would be more interesting then he had originally thought, for while he slept, that part of him had time to gain an unconscious hold over his thoughts, bringing a small smile to his sleeping face.
Needless to say when the first dawn's light struck Natalie's sleeping form stirring her awake. Smiling brightly she jumped out of bed not realizing how close he'd been to her and looked out the window raising her head to the dawn's rays. So this was the sun? She'd never seen it before it was so large and bright. Even though her eyes could barely stand it she stood there for several minutes before backing away.

Her inner clock told her they'd be going to her cell to give her breakfast soon which meant she probably needed to hide until they finished searching the house. Walking over still gloriously nude she gently shook Martin awake. "Hide..." she said softly. "I need to hide. They will start looking for me soon." she didn't want to worry him but she didn't want to get caught either.

Wrapping her arms around her slender frame she sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Her oddly colored hair shining in the dim light. Of course they wouldn't look in thier son's chambers. If she'd escaped she'd head away from the house not further in. Still it made her nervous, she didn't want him to get in trouble and if they caught her. Well they'd kill her she was almost certain.
The light stirring of his guest roused Martin from his sleep as well as on any other day the light from the sun did the same thing. Letting in a large breathe of fresh morning air, his eyes came open just enough to watch her as she walked about, the golden sunlight giving her an almost heavenly frame. Smiling in spite of himself, of was wakened a second time, this time from his dream like state and back into reality.

She was right, he needed to hide her. Sitting up upon his bed, he was quite a moment, thinking while trying to remain calm. Finally, his eyes lifted, finding them resting upon the perfect spot for her to hide, at least, for now. His bed, which was a canopy style, like many of the beds in the palace, had a sturdy roof over it, one which Martin had crawled up upon many times as a child, incidentally, it was covered with a light draping that spilled over the sides, for decoration mostly, but it also hid the fact that the top of the bed root had a deep indentation, large enough that if she were to crawl up there, and hide beneathe the covering, she would be in effect, invisible.

Moving to stand now, he lifted the edge of the drape, motioning up. "You can hide up here for now, I doubt they will even try to look for yo in here, unless they suspect me, and even if they do, they won't be likely to consider such a hiding place." He explained, offering a light smile, and a small blush as he realized she was still completely naked. "Here" He offered, giving her a hand to help her up.
Smiling she took his hand and between the two of them managed to get onto the top of his canopy. Peering over for a moment she backed up beneath the covering hiding her totally from view. Natalie remained completly frozen her breathing slow and unoticable as she listened closely for the sound of footsteps walking along the corridor. Surely they wouldn't check thier son's room first? After all they'd been in the same household for ten years without ever meeting.

Meanwhile downstairs the maid's face was flushed with tears as she tried to explain to the lady of the house the chamber was empty. "She's not there my lady, gone. I haven't the slightest idea how either none of the other servants paid her a visit after dinner."
The lady in question was a small thing with ice blue eyes and an aura of unmistakable authority. "I care not how she escaped, I care only for where she is. Look in the woods, the stable, town. Find her, she cannot be discovered or all we have worked for will be for not. I must alert my husband to the situation at hand." and she walked up stairs passing right by her son's door.

She remained up there for over three hours before finally coming down fading fear evident in her eyes. She wasn't exactly sure how long she had before they started searching the house but she knew it was several days if nothing else. Smiling softly she gave him a hug pressing the length of her form against him. "Thank you." Natalie smiled softly before putting the cloths he'd given her last night back on.
Young Martin spent the length of the time Natalie was hiding busying himself with finding ways to keep himself preoccupied, knowing if he were to simply sit and wait the stress and worry would likely show upon his face were he to be questioned. It also gave him time to sort over what he had done and the delicacy of what his present situation was. Ideas of what he might do with the whole situation floated about his mind in those hours, and among those ideas, there were a few that had grown in maturity from the seeds of those of the last night.

Holding his breathe as he herd the footsteps pass by his door, he realized there was one good thing about his families decision to keep him ignorant of the prisoner, they could not question him without revealing the truth, and he smiled at that small fortune. At last, it was safe for her to come out, and Martin helped her down, his surprise at her hug apparent, yet he returned the gesture none the less, starting to get used to her unexpected actions.

Having gotten dressed fully himself by this point, he spent a moment looking at her, a hand upon his chin as eh thought about how best the approach the situation. "So, Natalie...." Pressing his lips together for a moment, he gave up trying to put together whatever speech he had been readying. "How are you feeling?" He started out with, taking a seat at his desk, not able to help thinking about illicit thought that part of him had been contemplating, wondering how deep her ignorance of normal behavior ran, and if he might not be able to take advantage of that.
Turning her attention away from the window were a pair of birds danced with one another in the air she grinned softly. However the innocent gesture was ruined by her stomach growling loudly making her blink and place her hands on her stomach. "Hungry." she said briefly as it grumbled again and she looked down.

Natalie had never been straved unless it was punishment for lashing out at the maids when they tried to cut her hair. So the idea of her stomach growling made the panic evident on her face. "I was good, may I have food?" she tried to articulate more politely using the phrase she was told to use when request release from punishment. Surely she handn't done anything wrong right?

Frowning delicatly she sat down on the edge of the bed kicking her feet as she tired to make sure she hadn't done anything wrong. Of course not she'd done exactly as he said there for she was in no trouble at all, so why wasn't the food appearing as it usually did?
Pausing for a moment, he had been about to respond, when it struck him that her request seemed a little odd, not in what she asked for, but the way she did so. Biting his lip, Martin watched her fall into concentration, blinking as he pieced together the basic idea of what she must be thinking. It was odd, but it only confirmed that there was much she had to learn about the outside world.

Smiling, Martin nodded his head, coming to a stand as he did. "Of course you can have food. But I have to go get some from the kitchens downstairs first." Unlocking the door, he turned about before leaving. "I'll be back shortly, feel free to do what you like in the meantime, just don't leave this room for now. Offering a reassuring smile, he set out at a quick trot, feeling odd to leave her alone for any stretch of time. It was a good opportunity however, not just to get something to eat, but to see how the estate was handling the girls apparent disappearance. And truly enough, everyone did seem uneasy as acquired a tray from one of the cooks to take back to his room.

Returning shortly as promised, he shut the door behind him with his heel, placing the tray stacked with sweet smelling foods upon his desk, toasted bread with jam, fine small bowls of soup, simmering tea, it was all quite lovely, yet he wondered if her taste buds would be ready for such flavor so soon. "Help yourself, he offered, taking a piece of toast for himself, munching it absently.
She fell upon the tray with the speed of a starving animal though her table manners were a bit better then one. Everything was tasted and the remaining toast vanished leaving her sipping tea with a full stomach. But the moment it touched her lips she spit it out. "Bad water." she said just now noticing that it wasn't clear like water was supposed to be. That and it was hot!

When she was finally full she leaned back on her hands jelly decorating her lips like a child. It seemed as though she didn't realize it at all or perhaps simply ignored it for whatever the reason may have been. "Thank you." she stated her gray eyes sparkling merrily as she yawned loudly tired now that her stomach was full.

Natalie's life basically consisted of eating, sleeping, getting a brief lesson and then sleeping unless it was a bath day. So she really didn't do much and her body had fallen into such a rythem due to the past ten years and it was one that was going to be hard to break.
Seeing her reaction to the tea, Martin was about to explain what it was, but found himself unable for a moment to do more then simply smile, shaking his head and deciding to leave it for now, suppressing a small chuckle. Instead, he calmed himself, saying "Your welcome," In response to her thanks. Noting her yawn, he decided it would be best to keep her awake, since it was likely her old schedule would not work much longer.

"Tired?" He ventured, tilting his head lightly to the side. "If you like, we can talk for a while to try and keep you awake, we've still the whole day ahead of us as it is." Pausing here, seeing the smear of jam upon her face, he gave a helpless smile, picking up a napkin and slowly reaching forward, wiping the remains from her lips and cheeks, getting the last missed bit with his index finger, trying to be gentle as possible.

Outside the window, it was still bright and cheery, however, a dark cloud lingered on the horizon, and Martin worried they may find themselves the victims of a sudden storm this night if unlucky.
Blinking delicatly she looked at him noting the jam on the napkin and blushing softly. She never really had to clean up after herself when if came to eating, as it was too dark to see most days. Nodding softly she grinned but once more a frown marred her delicate features. "What of...the people looking?" she questioned knowing they were still combing the surrounded forest for her.

Natalie desperatly desired to sleep her body tugging her under even as she stood. 10 years of conditioning was going to be difficult to break especially when she had no idea how to. Yawning again she tried to smile hopefully dressed as she was if she wore a hat she might could pull of a stable hand of some kind. A mute stable hand....

Sticking her head against out the window again she noticed the dark clouds and didn't realize what exactly they were. "Wanna go outside." she all but whined eyes lingering on the grass desperatly.
Finally, he cracked, a part of him deciding that at the very least it was an option worth exploring, and given her knowledge of the world it would likely be a good idea to see. Still sitting, he watched her move sleepily, going to the window, and slowly, he followed after her, leaning on the wall next to her. "Perhaps we can go outside later when the shock over your disappearance has died down, for now however, we must figure out a way to keep you awake, luckily, I think I know something that might help..."

Trailing off, he gave a small smile, looking her over once more. Adding to his suggestion. "It a rather enjoyable thing as well, you might like it, would you care to give it a try?" He asked, moving to the bed, sitting down once more and leaning casually against the post, patting the section next to him, offering her a seat.

((Dear me, that trip lasted longer then I thought, please forgive me, I was rather rude to leave like that, but I think I', back for good now.))
((It's okay, Welcome back))

She turned her attention to him almost immediatly her eyes lighting up when he mentioned he might be able to keep her awake. "Really?" she questioned walking away from the window to sit beside him kicking her feet as the dangled off the edge of his bed. What could possibly be fun and keep her awake? She knew that word too fun, she'd just never experianced it. Still she desperatly wanted to go outside and taste freedom for even a momoment, without something to pass the time she would be out until early evening which was when the came to give her dinner.

"What is it? Will you please tell me?" she question her hands on his knee as she looked at him eagerly. "I would very much like to stay awake." yawning loudly her eye lids dropped for a moment before she jerked awake visibly irratated sleep seemed intent on claiming her so soon after her release. Shaking her head she glowered at nothing imparticular for a moment before looking back to him desperation visible. It was obvious she really didn't want to go to sleep.
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