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Princess's Protector in Peril (Chrono Trigger) [Newbalogna x Rosina]

Scarlett was truly surprised that these small imps were not afraid of the lady who was twice as large and knew how to fight, it was clear that she would not be getting out of this battle without finishing it. Although earlier she had the will to spare these imps and find the princess as soon as possible, but now that will was gone. The moment she hear that they had forced the first girl to 'take their seed' the mercenary already new they were taking about Nadia.
"What did you say?!!" She shouted out in a fit of anger and as she felt the third imp grip onto her ankle she tried to kick her leg up and throw him at the other two charging her. Scarlett was done playing nice, it was clear that she would either end them or end up running herself into the ground in the next couple of moments.
The kick Scarlet threw yanked hard on the imp's broken rib, causing him to let go of her ankle mid-swing. She suddenly found herself off balance, and had to use every last bit of strength and coordination not to fall over again.
This encouraged the two imps charging her to close the distance faster, the extended hands leading the way, maniacal gleams in their eyes.
As the two Imps charged towards the naked mercenary she stumbled backwards from the sudden shifting of weight at her ankle and fell off balance. She nearly tripped ass she lowly fell backwards but managed to catch herself just as potential rapists came into range of her beautiful milky white figure, her breasts bouncing from side to side and her wild red hair swaying frantically.
Scarlet was first assaulted with their rancid sweaty odor as the wall of air from their charge blasted in her face. But then they both body checked her, finishing the fall that was currently in progress.
They both then sat on a thigh each, as they clasped each of her arms, the misaligned, yellow teeth in the oversized grins on their oversized heads gnashing in her field of view.
"Little lovely like you thought she could have a stroll in our woods wi'out a stich 'a clothing, and not be subject to our seed? Sorry to disappoint, then."
They unfastened the loinclothes under their tunics, revealing gnarled cocks that looked somewhat big on their tiny frames, but still smallish compared to a human's.
They cackled as the worked together to part her thighs, as nearby, the imp with the broken rib struggled to get his breath on the forest floor.
Scarlett's nose crinkled in disgust as she was forced to smell the scent of disgusting sweaty monsters that had likely never washed themselves in anything cleaner than blood and pussy. Suddenly her head was spinning as the musk overpowered her and the dizziness combined with her already staggering footwork sent her ass first to the ground with a squeak of surprise,
"AH!" The Imp's were likely joyous when they found the relatively giant naked woman already on her ass without any extraneous effort on their part and it was an easy enough job to position themselves on her thighs and arms before she regained her composure.

The mercenary glared up at the imps as their musk started to lose effect on her nostrils and she felt in control again. Despite them pinning her she was a very strong girl, so the moment they loosened their stances to unfasten their loincloths Scarlett suddenly thrashed back and forth with all her might, attempting to kick and punch and squirm and struggle in the general direction of her captors with the ultimate goal of throwing them off her. She all but completely ignored the third rising imp while she fought, not that there was much she could do about him when ass naked!
The imps held their leg locks but struggled to control her arms with only one arm each.
"Hold still, naked wench!"
Their loin clothes free, their cock flailed around in odd synchrony with her arms. They put both their arms on each of her wrists, but momentum prevented them from getting a good grip, and they almost allowed her to slip through their grasp.
She smelled the third a split second before he reached around, grabbing a breast with one hand, using the other the splint his broken rib.
She heard his rapid shallow breathing in her ear as he roughly fondled her, and twisted her nipple between her fingers.
"Ahhh!!!" She squealed out as she struggled desperately beneath the two imps, trying her best to fight them off.
"AH!" She suddenly yelped out in surprise as she felt the third imp grip her warm perky mounds of flesh and fondle them rudely. Scarlett's face flushed with an embarrassed red blush as she felt him tweak her erecting nipples and she fought even harder to escape than before.
"Get off me!!!" She screamed out as she thrashed and kicked and punched, she even tried to headbutt the imp at her breasts if he dared to get close enough.
The headbutted imp behind her could barely manage a limp yowl as he started to fall backwards, still cradling his broken rib. But he didn't let go of Scarlet's breast, and his weight began pulling her backwards, painfully so, by her breast.
The other imps took their cue, and began to push on her arms instead of trying to pull them.
Then one imp risked releasing one of his hands, and plunged two of his fingers roughly in between her spread legs. His swollen jaw from the haymaker made his rictus of victory even more bizarre, looming large in Scarlett's face as he still tried to push her down by her arm, while simultaneously plunging his fingers in and out of her.
"Lay, down, strumpet!" the swollen nosed imp shout in her face, nearly spitting on her. "You will take mystic seed and brood for us! And judging by your bosoms, you shall suckle many upon many mystics before they finally drink you dry!"
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