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Princess's Protector in Peril (Chrono Trigger) [Newbalogna x Rosina]


Sep 15, 2013
Nadia was an insufferable tomboy for her father, the King. She snuck out of the castle, calling her self Marle, ditched royal body guards, and was otherwise the shame of the royal family.

So the King hired Scarlet to keep watch on her from the shadows, to make certain that if she was going to sneak out, at least she would not come to harm.

Scarlet got a good nights rest, as the ringing of Leene's bell that morning signaled the start of the Millennium Fair. There was no way that Nadia would not try to see the sights of the fair without the ponderous formalities such as bodyguards, ribbon cuttings, and stuffy formal clothes.

Keeping watch on her window, she saw Nadia slip out in the ridiculous peasant get up she insisted on, and it was a simple matter to follow along behind her, as she cleared the castle walls and made a bee-line for the fair.
"There she is! How predictable." Said a 21 year old female who was a little on the tall side. She had long brilliant red hair that was slightly curled and flowed down all the way to to her plump ass catching the breeze easily and dancing behind her as she moved. This was perhaps her most distinguished feature and had earned her the nickname Red among some. She had fair white skin that contrasted with her bright hair and bold blue eyes, which seemed to give her a commanding presence even among men and provided her with an unquestionable beauty. Light freckling on her nose and upper cheeks distinguished itself from her otherwise blemish free visage and resulted in her looking a few years younger than she was. Her build resembled an hourglass with mature breasts and thick hips on either side of her relatively thin waist.

She was wearing the type of flamboyant outfit you could only expect from an mercenary, a mix between a whore and a town guard, but confident enough to prove that she was neither: A cloth red miniskirt that seemed to be weaved with leather strips and showed off her luscious thighs, a matching short-sleeved blouse that frilled an inch or two past her waist, but on its back was a massive sheath that contained a great-sword that stretched almost her entire height. With a blade that heavy it was clear why she wore small amounts of armor and clothing. Her boots were a similar red and they climbed far up her calves, probably the most well defended part of her body; her panties on the other hand were a cute pink that grasped tightly onto her pussy and showed a noticeable cameltoe whenever someone took an easy glance beneath her skirt. Although these panties were tight and uncomfortable on her now they were her favorite pair from when she was younger so she wore them for good luck.

So with her charge sighted she followed in a jog and made sure to stay far enough away from the girl that she could retain her anonymity but still keep an eye on her employer's daughter.
The fair was bustling, with people and stalls everywhere. Luckily, Scarlet was the best at what she did, and kept Nadia firmly in her sights.
Scarlet scoffed when Nadia "bumped" into this joker.

She watched them peruse the fair, and then followed them to a plaza dedicated to a scientific display of some sort.

"Step right up!" Lucca bayed from a control panel. Of course, if something in this town exploded, Lucca wasn't far away. "Step right into these teleport pods! Go in one, come out the other! Revolutionize travel!"

Scarlet watched Nadia nudge the boy. To the crowd's collective gasp, he volunteered. A low murmur passed through the crowd.

With lots of sparks, loud humming, and a loud pop, the boy came out the pod on the far side of the plaza.

The crowd cheered.

Nadia cooed, saying "I want to try, too!"

Suddenly, her position in the shadows, with a throng of bustling people in the way, seemed tragic.
Scarlett giggled softly when she saw the princess' attempt to garner the attention of some young man.
"I see the princess has herself a little crush." She whispered softly as she took up a comfortable position at the edge of the fair, watching over them.

The mercenary tried her best to remain in the same relative position throughout her watching, only moving when the two of them threatened to leave her line of sight.
"This job is just free money at this point!" She enthused as she leaned against a wall opposite Nadia.

Her eyes narrowed when she saw the purple haired girl spouting some new innovation.
"Teleport pods, sure..." She let out sarcastically before watching her charge pressure the boy into volunteering.

"Hopefully the boy doesn't get burned too ba- Amazing!!" She shouted out as the boy, in a dangerous racket, teleported from one pod to the other, immediately clapping her hands together in a cheerful surprise.
"Maybe I oughta get myself one of those." She jested silently.

Scarlett's bold blue eyes shot open and before Nadia had even finished her sentence the mercenary was sprinting through the crowd towards the princess, her long hair and short skirt dancing behind her as she moved. 'No way in hell she is getting into that thing on my watch! The king would have me executed if I let anything happen to her.' She thought furiously.
But the crowd was chanting "Do it!" over and over again, and knitting together tightly to get the best view they could, as Nadia climbed into the pod.

Lucca threw the lever, and the sparks and hum started again.

But this time, a furious whine set through the components.

Lucca frantically checked her dials. "Uhh, uhh, people, step back.

A large portal opened up beside the machine. The door to the pod flew open, as Nadia was dragged out clutching the pendant around her neck, as it seemed to be sucked in.

She was almost in maw of the black rip in space, when she finally was able to pull the necklace off.

Meanwhile, Lucca, doing something mysterious inside the guts of her control panel shouted "Eureka!" and the portal disappeared - taking Nadia with it!

Her royal pendant struck the ground, steaming in the morning sun.

The people all spoke at once, as Lucca, who had popped her head up from under the panel, asked "Where's the girl?"

The crowd looked at her.

She, in turn, looked at the boy. "Crono! What happened to the girl?"
Scarlett was far too slow, and with the massive crowd between her and Nadia she barely even managed to make it to the front before the princess disappeared right before her eyes into the portal leaving her pendant to crash to the ground and laid there.

The mercenaries blue eyes widened in terror and she fell onto her knees at the outer edge of the catastrophic scene with only one thought in her head, 'I am so fucked.'

'There has to be a way to get her back! What can I do? Dammit Nadia why did you have to go and do something so rash?' She continued to think to herself frantically as her eyes darted around looking for something that could answer her questions.
Suddenly, the boy had picked up Nadia's pendant, and looked towards Lucca.

Lucca looked like she was going to say something, but then her gaze disappeared deep into the recesses of her head, before coming out moments later.

"Let me set up some stuff to track what is happening. Then we can try it again, Crono. I'll come for you and the girl once I know what's going on here."

The boy climbed into the pod as Lucca placed some new equipment and wiped cords hither and yon from the console to the equipment. The crowds attention was fixed on the scene.
Scarlett recovered from the shock of losing her charge rather quickly and she made her way back up onto her feet. 'Whatever's going on here I have to make sure I get the princess back!' She thought insistently.

Unlike the rest of the crowd who had no real ties the mercenary needed to make sure that whatever this Lucca girl had planned would work. So she swiftly made her way towards the purple haired girl and said pointedly,
"Is there anything I can do to help?" as if the girl didn't manage to reverse the situation she had caused she was going to be in big trouble with the red-headed mercenary.
Lucca held a screw driver in her mouth. "Run this cable to that sensor pack over there." She handed Scarlet a loop of cable, not taking her eyes off of the bizarre equipment in front of her.

The crowd meanwhile sensing that nothing maybe happening in the next few minutes, began to disperse.

The boy, whom Lucca seemed to know and called Crono several times, looked deeply at the heirloom pendant that Nadia had worn, passed down through her family from time immemorial.

"Crono!" Lucca shouted. "It's ready! Hold on tight to the pendant! I want superlative readings of it passing thorough the portal!"

She flipped the lever as Crono climbed into the pod, and the same sparks and hum once again mutated into the high whine, as the pendant once again began to be dragged into the black rip that opened up only a few feet from Scarlet.
Scarlett did as she was told and swiftly ran the cable to the pack that she was directed and plugged it into whatever orifice seemed appropriate. Scarlett was certainly not a technologically advanced person, she much preferred to use her charms or her massive blade to get things done, but regardless she couldn't stab a portal into the sky.

When the crowd began to disperse she looked on surprised, 'Do this little people truly care about the life of this girl?' She did realize that she was the only one who knew that the girl was in fact Nadia, the princess of this kingdom, but even still the lack of empathy was surprising.

Scarlett all but ignored the boy but when the purple haired girl shouted out that the time was near she got ready for whatever the hell she had managed to get herself into. As the lever 'clacked' down and the pod sparked, hummed, and whined the mercenary took a deep breath.
"I hate my luck!" she called out beneath her breath, then the portal opened up in the sky right before her.
Once again, the pendant was pulled taut on its chain as the portal opened, dragging Crono to the rip as he struggled to hang on.
"I'm getting good data!" Lucca managed to shout over the din.
The pendant, and the boy, began to be swallowed by the portal, when Lucca said "Crono! I'm going to need you to go through! It's a similar stream as my teleporter, so it should be safe! I can see how to target this thing now, so I'll come after you in a bit!"

As Lucca stood steadfast at the controls, the portal began to close around Crono and the pendant.
The mercenary watched as the Crono was slowly swallowed into the portal and how easily he resigned to his unknown fate once the purple haired girl told him to do so. Scarlett was so nervous that as the portal closed she was clutching the handle of her greatsword and nearly sweating. 'If I had know that this was what would happen I would've asked for more money!' she thought, trying to calm herself down. Scarlett was well versed in combat and surely any battle would have scared her less than this rift into the unknown, both her princess and the boy coulda ended up in a volcano for all she knew.

Regardless the mercenary approached the girl once more and asked,
"So what's the plan?"
Lucca was pouring over the data she had received, and was making mathy sounding words to herself. "... This is just the problem I saw with the telepods before, when they shredded clothes. But how can I stabilize the resonance? The target doesn't seem to be a pod."

She snapped out of it when Scarlet approached. "You - want to help?" She looked flabbergasted for a moment, before her face lightened. "Listen, can you be my test subject?" She looked Scarlet up and down. "You look like a gal who doesn't quail from adventure," she noted approvingly. "The underlying phenomenon of the rift is the same as my telepods exploit, so it should be safe. But I've not activated it without the pendant. But I'm pretty sure I can."
She shot Scarlet a toothy, pleading grin.
Scarlett just took another deep breath of annoyance before giving her a nod,
"Yes, I'll help you! Whatever I can do to help get Na- those two kids back." And with that she swiftly turned away from the purple haired girl and made her way into the telepod as she had seen both the princess and Crono do before.
"Lets get this over with!" She let out nervously before adjusting the blade on her back. 'This will be easy, just teleporting to some unknown place with barely tested technology to save the fucking princess, yeah... This'll be easy, I got this.' She thought to herself in an attempt to provide some sense of comfort.
It was the same light and sound show as before, but now that she was in the epicenter, the humming transitioning to a whine seemed to reverberate down her spine.
Suddenly, before she knew what was happening, she found herself falling sideways through a pulsating light tunnel.

But something was wrong. The fabric of her clothes began to turn to dust, and float away down the tunnel.
Her broadsword was not spared, as it broke apart in her scabbard and rattled away, breaking apart further.
Not even her lucky panties were spared.
She soon found herself hurtling naked to a green light.

She skid to a stop on the lush grass of a forest cleaning.
She barely could get her bearing before 3 imps appeared from the underbrush.

"A naked girl, then a naked boy, now another naked girl! This is our lucky day!"

One turns his evil smile to Scarlet. "Is your belly ready to brood more mystics, hapless wench?"
"What is going onnnnnn!!!" She screamed out as she was suddenly falling through some terrifying pattern of spasming lights and darkness. Her long brilliant red hair and skirt raced behind her as she traveled through the unknown space.

"NO!" she gasped as suddenly her clothes began to disintegrate before her eyes revealing more and more of her fair milky white skin to the world. She tried desperately to cling to her most valuable possession, her greatsword, but even it turned to dust in her hand and was swept away into nothingness. Her mature breasts were revealed and like her hair they raced behind her as she fell, stretching and dancing in the air. Her cute pink virgin pussy and tight untouched asshole were also fully revealed within the tunnel as she was left with nothing but her nude self.
"Why did I agree to this!!!" She shouted out as she plummeted towards the light that at this point she thought was simply death.

The mercenary closed her eyes in what she thought were her final moments before she suddenly landed ass first and skid roughly against the ground for a good few inches sending dirt crashing all over her plump ass.
"Ah!" She yelped out in pain as her bold blue eyes shot open and she saw the three imps approach her.

In an instant Scarlett launched to her feet, recovering just as fast as would be expected of a warrior of her renown, and she shouted out.
"Great! No I have to deal with you guys too?" She took her standard combat stance, spreading her legs and crouching a little with her hands in front of her. Then she felt the cool breeze against her bare cunt and her face flushed with an embarrassed blush that forced her into a much less efficient, but less embarrassing stance. She also sacrificed one of her hands in an attempt to hide her breasts leaving her severely crippled if she were to fight them.
"Well come on then, fight me!" She called out to them boldly, but in her naked defensive stance her taunt was nearly laughable.
They all laugh. "This one is the spunkiest, then! Good! Saved the best for last!"
One of the imps suddenly looks crestfallen. "You - you think this one's the last, then?"
Another imp cuffs him behind the ear. "Oi, then! It's an expression! Now, GET HER!"
All three waist-high green monsters set upon Scarlet at once, rushing at the same time from the same direction, confident from their recent luck, blinded by her dishabille to the fighting stance she was taking.
Although her stance may have been much worse than usual her fighting wasn't. Scarlett didn't need a greatsword to be a mercenary. So when the little green guys rushed at her without any semblance of tactics whatsoever she attempted to kick the nearest one with all her might and just punt it away from her. As she moved her hair danced behind her and even in this very guarded stance watching the naked mercenary move was very graceful, her milky white skin completely revealed and her excellent footwork. Although even with her prowess actually killing an imp would be hard without a weapon, she wasn't a kickboxer after all. She had hope that after breaking a nose or two they would just run away and leave her be.
Scarlet's timing was perfect, and the sturdiest part of her foot connected with the lead imp's nose, causing a muffled crunch she could hear transmitted through her own bones, as well as whipping his oversized head backwards, making him fly off of his feet.
The other two imps were visibly shocked, bit they had momentum that continued their charge.
They had surrounded her on both sides.
Scarlet's flowing tresses, never before so available to a for, now became a target, as an important lunged to grab hold of them.
After Scarlett's foot sent the first imp flying and made and audible crunching sound as it no doubt broke the mercenary wore a proud and viscous grin. 'Shows them for messing with me!' She thought, already celebrating her victory.

Now as she was surrounded she slowly began spinning around, keeping focus on her footwork and making sure to keep and eye on each of the two imps that were threatening her. As such her hair began to spin around her like a cloak of brilliant red, beautiful but also a hazard as she soon found out.

The imp was telegraphed, untrained, and frankly slower than her so when he jumped up to grab her hair, although her succeeded, he caught a full force hay-maker punch to the face by the mercenary.
"Ah!" The beautiful redhead yelped out as she found herself suddenly plummeting face first to the ground, where she landed on her hands and knees with her ass stuck up high into the air and her legs spread giving the one remaining untouched imp a perfect view of her cute virgin pussy and tight untouched asshole. Scarlett had made a mistake. Her new guarded stance she took because she was embarrassed, in combination with her large breasts that bounced and swayed with every movement, made her top heavy. Normally she would have never fallen to the force that the imp pulled her with but this time it tipped her over and sent her tumbling giving the last imp a massive opening.
The lat imp wasted no time, and hopped into her hips, his body weight able to lever her legs from rising. She was still able to raise her back, and saw the first imp she kicked was now slowly rising, spitting out the blood from its mouth. "You'll pay for that, you shameless harlot!" He gurgled in her general direction.
Suddenly, she felt a jolt, as rough skin stretched over knobby knuckles roughly entered her maidenhead.
She whipped her head to face the imp behind her, and found him, still sitting on her hips, but bent over, plunging his hand into her.
"Nice and tight!" Cackled cackled his voice, as he wiggled his finger in her, stimulating her inexpertly. "Ready for some mystic seed, boys!"
Despite her position ass up on the ground she still found the confidence to give the rising imp with his broken nose a cruel smile as he attempted to threaten her with a damaged jaw. It was clear that with one strike Scarlett had done solid damage to the imp but she was used to killing with one blow, back when she had a sword, not only injuring and managing to enrage her opponent.

"AH!!!" She squealed out as she suddenly felt a jolt of pain as intense as if she had just been stabbed in the ass. Her cute pink virgin cunt was roughly ripped open by the third imps fist as he rammed it through her nether lips and threatened to remove her virginity and hymen if he had pushed further. The sensation of his little fist invading her warm, dry flesh spurred her like a horse and sent her launching up to her feet in one swift furious motion before she slipped backwards and plummeted back to the ground, although hopefully she would land with the full force of her body weight on the imp that had embarrassed her so, if not she would slam ass first into the ground.
The imp riding her hips had his legs locked around her to support himself as he bent over. He cried out in shock as his mount suddenly bolted into the air, and his fist pulled out of her pussy.
He was able to hang on to Scarlet, though, much to his detriment, as he flipped entirely upside down, and she landed on him ass first, knocking the wind out of him, and breaking a rib with a crunch.
He was huffing and puffing rapidly under her, struggling to get air back into his lungs, as his ragged breaths played right across her spread open legs and pussy.
The kicked imp, meanwhile, howled as he set his nose back with a crunch, and then spit out more blood. The imp that took her haymaker had gotten up on wobbly feet, cradling his swollen jaw. They both seemed to be ignoring Scarlet at the moment.
As embarrassing as it was the fact that she managed to trip asshole first on the imp was quite a boon, although she certainly would never admit it. Scarlett was panting softly, truly a little winded by now, she had never had to fight under such unfortunate circumstances that she had no weapon, no armor, and merely standing hurt her pride but she had dealt major injuries to every one of the imps. She took a short moment of break, feeling the ragged breaths of the imp below her slipping across her bare exposed cunt, which was a little sensitive after being fisted for a moment. She then slowly raised up to her feet before attempting to stomp down on the imp below her to emphasize her incoming point,
"Get out of here and don't you dare come back or else i'll finish you off!!" She shouted out. She imagined that this time she would be much more intimidating after showing them what she could do, even though she was still ass naked.

The mercenary didn't want to have to fight them to the death, she wasn't equipped to, but she had yet to realize just how much trouble leaving these three imps alive might bring her in the future. Especially if instead of being terrified of her they formed a vendetta and came back with their whole to try and take revenge on her cunt.
The broken nosed imp turned to face her, started to speak, but it was too gurgly, so he spit out blood, and started again. "Your talk is as big as your tits, harlot! You know that job of wenches like yourself is to breed more mystics, and we're not leaving until you've done your work, willingly or unwillingly! We'd assumed you were willing, given you decided to strut in this forest naked as you were born. Just like that other girl. She took all our seed after only a little bit of a fight!"
He grinned widely, as he put his hands on his hips. Even the imp holding his jaw laughed a little, wincing in pain as he did.
Suddenly, the imp that had been under her grasped onto her bare ankle. The two other imps took that as their cue to rush Scarlet again.
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