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Fx Male Seeking Dom Male for Longterm RP (modern&medieval)


Feb 15, 2016
East Coast, United States
-I’m open to writing through PM, email, or threads with the right partner. I’ll use discord for OOC talk and planning, but I won’t use it for writing the actual story.

-Long-term roleplays are preferred, but I’m open to short term depending on the plot. Also, no one-liners. Ever. I tend to write multiple paragraphs, so if you can't do the same, please don't bother messaging me.

-I love smut, but I am definitely a story driven writer. Without a good story behind it, I find it difficult to keep a roleplay going.

-Generally, I play between the ages of 20-30. I prefer that YC is older than MC in most circumstances.

-I typically prefer to work with Dom/sub dynamics, my character always being the submissive, though I can do without it. However, I won’t typically play dominant characters.

-I can work with either descriptions or face-claims, but I won’t use cartoons/anime/artwork for a character. I don’t mind however if someone I’m writing with uses these mediums for a character reference.

-I only play human characters, however I don’t necessarily mind if my writing partner plays a non human character if it fits with the plot, so long as it still looks human. No furries or anything not closely resembling a human.



-I tend to like it a little on the darker side, but I like a good mix of things. While I love nonconsensual scenes, I love consensual just as much. Pseudo rape is always a favorite, but so is romance. I love a Dominant character that can be rough and demanding one moment, yet tender and loving the next. I’ll also add that I tend to get bored if a roleplay is strictly nonconsensual. I tend to enjoy stories that start out as nonconsensual or pseudo rape and gradually work towards becoming consensual.

-Just as much as I enjoy playing strong willed brats that need to be tamed, I also enjoy playing naïve characters, perhaps even ones that would be considered weak. My character could be the shy, innocent girl that needs an experienced man to guide and or corrupt her, or the know it all who needs put in her place.

-I love mind games. Get into my characters head. Make her think one thing, and then let the tables turn. Bend her to your will. Don’t limit yourself to dominating physically, do it mentally as well.

That being said, if you have anything in mind that seems to go along with my likes and preferences, I would love to hear it. I’m always open to suggestions.


Here are some pairing ideas, as well as several plots that I would be interested in. I do have ideas in mind for some of the pairings, but nothing is completely set in stone. Again, I’m open to suggestions.​

-Viking/Anglo-saxon woman
-Knight or commoner/Runaway princess (medieval)
-Common criminal/Noblewoman (medieval) *idea in mind*
-Bad guy/Good girl
-Hit man/Victim or innocent bystander
-Stockholm Pairing
-Home invasion
-Body guard/Young woman

I’ve Been Watching You:
Other than the fact that he had literally ran into her in the coffee shop, she didn’t know a thing about this man. Despite that, the way he spoke with such a kind smile on his lips reached out to her in a way she couldn’t quite explain. When he so suddenly asked her to meet him for a drink that night, she was compelled to say yes. What she didn’t know was that this man had been watching her for quite some time, and would continue to do so after their first date. It wouldn’t be obvious, not right away. It won’t be until after he’s won her over that she begins to pick up on the fact that he knows things he shouldn’t. His knowledge of her life will only strengthen his previously developed obsession and possessiveness of her. At that point, it won’t be easy to escape him.

The Last Ones Alive:
There hadn’t been enough time for anyone to even fully grasp how the virus worked. It spread across the globe like a wildfire, wiping out nearly everyone in its path. There were a select few that had somehow found themselves immune to the sickness that had stolen the life of billions, but what were the odds that these people would come into contact with one another?
At 21 years old, she’d lived a fulfilling, but sheltered life. She had no real way of knowing how to take care of herself in a situation where she had so little. Nothing was the same now, there was no one to guide her.
The older man she happens across after a harsh few weeks alone has everything that she needs to survive. He has the skills, the knowledge, the tools. He was fully capable on his own, and if anything, the younger woman would only slow him down. He’ll use this to his advantage, knowing that the girl has no real chance without him. She can give in to his needs and demands and receive the care and shelter that she so desperately needs, or she can refuse him and be left to try and keep herself alive.

Vampire/Human: (can be modern or historical)
Her scent is intoxicating, drawing him towards her in a way he'd never been drawn to anyone or anything before her. And how is that possible? He's walked the earth for hundreds (maybe even thousands?) of years. Even in the early days of his immortal life, he hadn't made these mistakes. He had never gotten close to anyone, especially not a woman, and not in this way. And yet, he can't leave her alone. He is a constant presence, even when she doesn't know it, but even when she can't see him, she feels him. She doesn't know what he is, but she's also never felt this way towards anyone. He's quite the anomaly, there one minute, seemingly inserting himself within her life, and the next he's telling her that he's no good, to stay away from him. How much time must past before the walls are finally broken, before he can no longer resist her, and how will the dynamic of this forbidden relationship evolve as she learns who and what he really is?

She’s innocent, partially unaware of the crimes her father’s committed. She knows he isn’t a good person, yet she doesn’t know the full extent of it, nor is she aware of the amount of enemies his drug business has earned him. His biggest enemy, also his highest form of competition, has decided to try and break the man down, but it isn’t enough to simply take him out. So instead, he’ll take his daughter.
Having her kidnapped and brought to him, he plans to use her as an advantage against her father. He isn’t a good man by any means, and just like the girl’s father has, he’s hurt innocent people in the past. Yet, something is different with her. He wants to break her innocence, to use her for his revenge, but after he uses her for his sadistic pleasures, he wants to console her. Her pain brings him pleasure, yet it also warms him to dry her tears and hold her close immediately after. What was originally a simplistic way to torture his enemy begins to create his own internal battle as his intentions with the girl change.
(Alternatively, we could forgo the kidnapping part and just have him squeeze his way into her life with the intention of charming her and getting her into his bed as a way to get back at her father. The intention would be for it all to come out eventually, who he is and that it’s all just part of a scheme to hurt the person who tried to ruin him, but perhaps falling for her in the process complicates things.)

Wrong Place, Wrong Time:
It was safer to take the long way around, living in what was considered to be the bad part of town, but it was late and she was tired. Cutting through the alleys made her walk home from the diner she worked in significantly faster, and the night seemed quiet. It was a Tuesday evening, just before midnight. Surely nothing so wrong would happen, at least that was what she believed before she rounded the corner and witnessed the trigger of a gun being pulled and a man dropping dead just twenty feet in front of her. She throws a complete wrench in the killers plan, and not only does he have a body to dispose of, but now he has a witness to deal with.
(Could throw in a twist and make him someone she knows, a neighbor or simply someone she's been friendly with.)

The Robbery:
He's in on it, though it isn't visible to those being held hostage within the bank. He's not the one holding the gun, despite the fact that he does have one neatly hidden within the waistband of his pants. Him and his partner are wearing wires, able to communicate and hear one another even if they aren't side by side. What is it about the girl that was making a simple deposit that causes him to deviate from the plan? His cover isn't supposed to be blown, no one there is supposed to know that he's in on it, but in his attempt to get her out of there alive, knowing that there will be casualties, his face could be recognized as one of the two men that pulled off the city's most detrimental heists.

All Part of the Job:
An undercover agent has made his way onto the security team of a drug/crime lord in order to try and gain information needed to take the man down. Though he was hoping to get closer to the man himself, his primary task is to look over the man’s daughter. He still uses this to his advantage, getting close to the girl to try and learn any useful information. Whether his romantic advances meant something from the start or he was simply using her to get to her father, he falls for her in the midst of it. Now, he must battle between getting the information he was sent out to get and helping his young lover escape a life that he fears could lead to her end.

An Unlikely Pair:
The farm her father owned was small, but he was getting older and he needed the extra help. For whatever reason, he always stresses to his daughter to keep her distance from the man, which isn't always that easy considering he's living in their basement and working on their property. Whether its due to some sort of illegal activity that the father is in on, or perhaps its known that the newly hired man was just released from prison, he tells her to stay away from him, and for him to stay away from his daughter. She's a good girl, maybe working a couple of part time jobs to try and save enough money to leave the small town she's spent her entire life in. She's never gotten into trouble, and she's always listened to her father, but for whatever reason, she finds herself drawn to the man he so frequently tells her to stay away from.

Pirates: (Early 1700's)
She had always been intrigued by the gruff looking men when they docked their ships in the little port town she lived in. She wondered what their lives were like, how it felt to live on the sea. Not all were the same. Some came and ravished the village, taking anything they wanted while slaughtering anyone who had gotten in the way. Others paid for the goods they needed. Though this group appeared tough and ignited fear within those that looked upon them, it didn’t look as though they had come to start trouble. As most of the others spilled into the taverns, the captain of the crew had made his way into her father's shop, allowing her to stand face to face with one of the fearsome men she had always found herself wondering about.
Something about the girl that stands before him catches the captain’s eye. Perhaps it’s purely her looks, or also the fact that curiosity resides within her face, rather than just fear. The man did not have many rules for his ship, as long as his crewmembers respected him. The one rule he did have though, was no women. He didn’t care if his men paid for whores when they came to land. Hell, it wasn’t even his business if they raped the innocent. So long as they didn’t bring their temporary companions back to his ship, he did not care. But there was something about this girl…something about her that told him he could not simply have her for just one night. Breaking his own rule, he offers the girl’s father a decent sum for her, one that a poor man would not be able to refuse.

Arranged Marriage: (medieval)
For nearly two years, the princess (or noblewoman) had successfully avoided marriage. Despite having been taught and prepped to be the perfect wife, she was nothing of the sorts. She was outspoken, did as she pleased, and yet despite her stubbornness, she was more naive than she knew. To what she believed was to her advantage, her efforts had worked, and no man of her status wanted a wife who was so difficult to manage. He (prince, nobleman, king) had been searching for a wife, yet was bored with the standard upperclass women that had flocked around him. They were all the same, all so distasteful. And then he found her. She was unlike any woman he had ever met, and despite the rudeness she displayed towards him, he knew that she was the one. He knew that her rough acts were all a facade, that she was just a vulnerable little girl that didn't know any better.

No Good for You:
He always stayed away from women, aside from the occasional one night stand with someone that was okay with being used for the sake of his own pleasure. It was too complicated otherwise, his line of work didn’t allow for him to get close to anyone (drug dealer, hit man, gang member, something dark/dangerous). There’s something about this girl though, something that draws him in when he knows he should stay away. Maybe she works at the diner he gets his coffee from, or at a bookstore/library that he frequents when he simply needs an escape from the chaos of his unconventional life. She’s never put too much into men or dating, but he catches her eye in a way that no one else has. He’s mysterious, but charming, drawing her in even when he tells her she should stay away. He knows letting her get close will only hurt her if she finds out what he does, or if the wrong person finds out about her. He tries to stay away, but it’s impossible. Even in the moments he tries so desperately to avoid her, he keeps tabs on her, feeling a strange sense of possessiveness over her, wanting to keep her safe from harm yet knowing that’s all he could inevitably bring to her.

Doctor Knows Best:
Four years. That was how long she had been in captivity. Her name and face were everywhere when she disappeared at the age of 16, just as they are now that she has been found alive, though not unharmed. For four years, she lived with the man that had taken her, the sadistic man that turned her into his own personal, sexual slave. It sounded terrible, and yet, he had been kind to her. Of course, he punished her when she misbehaved or displeased him, but other than that, he had treated her well. He had loved her, shown her pleasures she had never experienced. He turned her against her family, convincing her they didn’t care for her as he did, showing her the news clips that confirmed the called off searches just months after she had disappeared. She didn’t want to believe him at first, but you can only stay so sane in such a situation. He brainwashed her, changed her mindset entirely.
And now he was gone, locked behind bars forever, and she doesn’t know what to do. Her family can’t get through to her, nor can the people she once considered her friends. She is deemed too unstable to even attend trial, the defense not wanting her to be faced with her captor in fear of what she would say that would paint him as a better man than he actually was.
At 20 years old, she’s finally free, yet she’s never felt more alone. Unable to cope with the normalcies of every day life, she’s taken to a live-in psychiatric facility, one where she will in theory, get better. It’s there that she meets her doctor, a man who has needs of his own. His fantasies bear a strikingly similar resemblance to what her captor had been ballsy enough to actually make happen, and the young girl that sits before him in private therapy everyday stirs something inside of him that he simply can’t suppress. He’s supposed to be helping her, teaching her that she doesn’t have to live the way she was forced to for so long, and yet, he finds himself feeding off of her confused and battered mind, using her past experiences against her to shift her imbedded submissive tendencies towards him.

Forbidden Attraction: (medieval)
Due to the rebellious stage the young princess had entered in her teenage years, her parents, the rulers of the kingdom in which she lived, assign a knight to their precious daughter in hopes of keeping her out of trouble. They wanted her to be perfect for her husband, whom she was arranged to marry in just a matter of months, however their plan backfires as the princess and the knight find themselves unable to contain their developing feelings for one another.

Taken By Force: (medieval)
Like his father, he had wanted to be a powerful, well-respected king. It had seemed to be an unattainable goal, a fantasy that would never come true, as it was his elder brother’s right to claim the throne when the time came. While his brother ruled, the younger prince led their armies into battles that would be remembered for centuries to come. He wasn’t a king, yet the prince’s name sounded louder than the ruler’s. In the years that he commanded and built up the kingdom’s fierce army, the kingdom had grown powerful enough to take back land that had been theirs many years before. Now, not only could they take back what was rightfully theirs, but the king would offer his younger brother a chance to fulfill his dream, and rule the land that he had successfully stolen back from the neighboring kingdom that had taken it in the first place.
As was accustomed, it would be the prince’s job to kill those that ruled before the takeover. This not only included the overthrown king, but his family. In this case, it isn’t so hard. The family is not innocent, the king and his sons having led a corrupt kingdom in which their people suffered. Yet when it comes time for the prince’s blade to take the life of the kingdom’s only princess, he is unable to strike. Perhaps it’s the girls beauty, something she says or does, or maybe even the helpless look in her eyes as she stares up at him with the slightest bit of hope. For whatever reason, he can’t kill her.
The prince, now a king, finds himself angered by the way he can’t rid of the girl, and despite not being able to kill her, he takes his frustrations out on her. Yet, every time he does this, he feels guilty. He wants to love her, to care for her, but these were things he had never learned. A dysfunctional affair begins between the two, one that is often one-sided. Despite what he has done, and continues to do to her, he is the only person the former princess now has. She resents him and what he has done, yet she craves the gentle attention he gives her following his abuse.
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Back after a bit of a break. In the mood for something kinda bad guy/good girl ish. I have a couple of ideas in my thread that reflect that theme, but also interested in hearing whatever else you may have in mind.

And as always, open to other themes/ideas.
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