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William's Poke-Ranch (WhitePitch x DonVoltonus)


Nov 18, 2015
It's been a few long and un-fruitful weeks down in the William's Poke Ranch. Sail William is the new owner of his family's Pokemon ranch which breeds and takes cares of Pokemon. The ranch's main goal in to breed certain Pokemon so that they can be used in the community as Pokemon for new trainers or as Pokemon for the workforce. This was the William family dream but as of lately none of his male Pokemon have anyone to breed with. Many of the female Pokemon were old or belonged to trainers who wanted to help for a bit. Now with no new Pokemon being raised in almost a year Sail is afraid his ranch may have to close down.

Depressed and worried Sail decided to go into town with a close friend for a few drinks to get his mind off of his ranch. In the town human, Pokemon, and the newly discovered Pokemorphs live in this community happily. Pokemorphs are human-like Pokemon who are bipedal, speak human, and carry some physical human traits. In may places they are just seen as animals but here they are seen as people within the community. Pokemorphs are especially unique because due to their makeup they can breed with bot human's and people and unlike normal Pokemon breeding they can chose whether they wan't to bear Pokemon of their own species or their lover's species.

Sail though about hiring a female Pokemorph but he has never talked to one up close. As Sail and his friend reach the bar they see that a female luxray Pokemorph was the bar tender. Sail was surprised to see one up close but his surprised expression didn't last long as him and his buddy got drunk over the coarse of a few minutes.
Helena set a glass of water in front of him. "You two need to slow it down, what's got you so beat up anyhow?" She asked curiously.
Sail whips his mouth with his forearm as he slams his now empty glass on top of the bar counter. "Whats the point? In a few more days my family's dream of providing and raising Pokemon will be in shambles!" he states with tears in his eyes. His friend tries to comfort him but it was no use. "Sail owns a Poke-Ranch and due to the lack female Pokemon in his care and his stingy male Pokemon the egg raising rate has drastically decreased." the friend states to the Bar tender while trying to stop Sail from crying.
"Have you thought about hiring on a breeder?" She offered, taking the class and cleaning it. "A pokemorph one could have eggs ready within a day." She poured Sail a glass of water. "Now drink up, being fall-down drunk never helped anybody solve a problem."
"You say that but what pokemorph would agree to this job in this town?" Sail sighs as he drinks up. "Hell, I'ld even pay twice the amount for some one to help me." His face was flustered as he lay on the counter, full of despair.
She smiled. "Well...I have been looking for a better paying job." She smiled, lifting his chin lightly. "So if that's a job offer I'll take it."
The man looks at her with disbelief but soon starts crying as he held her hand smiling. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!" Sail was in pure joy with the hope that his family ranch can now be saved.
She smiled. "You haven't even heard any terms yet!" She chuckled. "I want an equal partnership in your business."
Sail wipes ways his tears as he smiles and nods back. "I am fine with that. If you didn't show up I'ld have to leave my family's legacy." he states as he gets up, staggering a bit due to him being intoxicated. "I'ld be honored to have you as a partner and possibly a new friend within my business."
She nodded, hopping over the bar. "Tell the boss I told him to suck it!" She shouted to the other bartender. "Let's see this ranch huh?"
Sail happily grabs her hand and shakes it. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" He states as he walks her out of the bar to his car parked outside. His fired sighs as he follows them and drops them off in front of the rancher's house.
Helena smiled. "Well? We do have males to impregnate me right?" She asked happily, a faint hint of heated scent in the air.
Sail, who is a bit sober now, walks to his home and is greeted by a tall shiny Lucario. The Anubis Pokémon kneeled at his master's return but soon took notice of the Pokémorph behind his master. "This is Anu. "He's my helper on this ranch and he'll be your first impregnator." Sail chuckles as he watches his Pokémon astonish reaction.
She smiled. "Well now, my first mate is this handsome?" She cooed, walking over and caressing him under the chin. "He's quite a strong looking one too."
Anu was a bit taller than most Lucario and with that came a larger cock as well, which made him a hard candidate to mate with other human-like Pokémon. But with Helena being a in the field type this will finally be his chance to mate. As Anu was being scratched under his chin his cock was slowly raising due to the slightest amount of physical stimulus.
She smiled, reaching down to stroke his length. "Well Anu, are we going to stand around, or claim my womb huh?"
Anu panted a bit before pouncing on her, pinning Helena against the house. Without any hesitation he thrusts his cock into walls. His length was hot and big and with years of not being able to mate, Helena would sure get knocked up for sure.
She moaned, her panties torn straight through by his pointed cock. "So eager, so thick!" She panted lightly, wrapping her legs around his hips.
Anu growled a bit as his paws gripped her hips hard. He thrashed his hips hard into her's as his cock grew larger inside her. The only thing on his mind is how to fill this female with his seed.
"Ahhh, it's been a long time for you right?" She panted. "W-will, get a bucket or something, we can sell the cum that leaks out."
Sail taps his head as if her forgot something. "Damn, should have done that before yall got started. I'll get one right now", he states as he heads to the back. "Make sure you fuck him good! I need to sell some new Pokemon eggs soon!" Sail yelled back as he disappears behind the house. Meanwhile, Anu has gotten more aggressive as he grips her hips tight, thrusting harder and harder.

(Sorry for disappearing; I'm in the middle of collage exams)
She panted, hugging tightly to him, lightly nipping his neck. "Fuck, this was a good job to pick, you fuck like a machine!" She smiled, pulling Anu into a kiss as her walls clenched in pleasure around him.
Anu kissed her back, taking in her tongue hungerly as his paws grip her ass tightly. His cock grows larger inside as he thrusts deeper, hitting her womb every thrust. Pre-cum as leaking experimentally as the two got more rough, making more ruckus as they continued fucking like animals.
She moaned into his mouth, playing with his tongue as her walls clenched and dripped around his hefty cock. "Ohhh, that's it, nice and hard, knot me when you cum!" She panted.
Anu's cock twitched as it got hotter within in her clenched wall. Before she could react Anu thrusted one last time, deep in her as his cock knotted up and released all his bent up seed in her womb. He kissed her passionately as he pinned her harder against the wall as his cum dripped down onto the ground.
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