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Fx Male Rough Times Ahead (F for M-NSFW)


Apr 12, 2016

~Alright, So Listen Up~
Because I am so nice I have decided to start highlighting the top plots I am looking forward to playing each update. So here they are:

Heads Up: I am in the mood to play a decidedly inhuman character at this point. A anthro teacher? Succubus secretary? Alien neighbor? The sky is pretty much the limit; so any suggests for plots where I play a non-human get priority. So, feel free to pitch me any of your plots that would let me do this or alternatively feel equally free to look over any of my plots and suggest an idea where a anthro/mutant/monster/etc. can take the place of a more standard leading lady.

Home Alone-
Thief x Teenager
A well-to-do family is leaving for an extended holiday to go on a trip out of the country. There not as well to do neighbor finds out and decides to turn a quick buck selling some of their stuff. But she failed to realize that the teenage son was left home alone with a credit line as a opportunity to grow up a little. He catches his neighbor, films proof she was breaking in, and offers her a way to apologize for trespassing- just keep him company over the next three months. She's really screwed up this time.

Zoey's Zoo Life- Anthro x Human
In the near future splicing- genetic surgery to grant you traits other than human -has become a common procedure. Many who undergo the alteration usually only get some minor cosmetics done. Make your hair green, your eyes red, maybe make your nails glow in the dark, so on and so on. Then you have cases like Zoey, those who undertake a near total conversion into something else. Such procedures are expensive and rare; yet when Zoey was nineteen her wealthy fiancé, now her ex, paid to have her transformed into what are called, derogatorily, 'zoos'. The relationship after that was short lived. Kicked out by her lover, shunned by her family, and unable to find a steady job in the intolerant workplace, Zoey's once promising life takes turn after turn for the worse. Cut to a few years later and the zoo-girl has been evicted from her apartment. Hopeless and sleeping on a park bench, she is offered at least a warm place to sleep. However, the stranger makes it clear that it will cost her to stay with him- something they can discuss further once out of the rain.

A Few Anthros to Consider
Canine: One Two Three* Four Five Six Seven** Eight*
Feline: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
Horned: One* Two Three Four Five Six Seven
Deer: One Two Three Four
Serpent: One* Two Three
Hyena: One Two Three
Skunk: One Two Three
Equine: One* Two Three Four Five Six Seven
Bird: One
Other: One Two Three

Summoning Contract- Kunoichi x Summoner (Naruto Plotline)
Tricked into signing a cursed contract, a kunoichi now not only finds herself at the whims of a cruel summoner but slowly taking on bestial traits. Will she find a way to reverse her growing condition and free herself from her new duty? Or will she submit to her new lot in like as a rival ninja's plaything to be called upon whenever they wish? Let's face it, we should all know by now how I'd like such a plot to play out.

~Hey there, Brit here again in my new request thread! I prefer RPing via PMs and am pretty flexible in what I like to play. Whether it is something original or played out, or even apart of a fandom I am good to go!

Bondage, submission, punishment, gags, etc.- my bread and butter. While I may play hard to get at the start of most RPs, this is what I live for. So once you've acquired my cooperation don't hesitate to treat me like your personal property.

Blackmail & Coercion
Making me your obedient plaything through underhanded and indirect methods- I don't know why but I love to be backed into a metaphorical corner and have to choose between submitting or facing a threat to my stable life. Either way it's shaking things up.

Rough Sex and Pain
Bite me, spank me, violate me- This one I hope was obvious. I want to be used until I am broken. I don't want to sit right for a week after we go at it. I want to choke and sputter while trying to make you happy. Just whatever you do don't go easy on me.

Younger Doms
Not a must but, honestly, I really like being dominated by more inexperienced, younger men, preferably teenagers sixteen to nineteen years of age. I love playing the slave opposite of a teenager as I just feel like they would really want to make use of such an opportunity. Older doms and men with experience just tend to be role played as acting too nonchalant about the whole thing; younger guys just tend to be more enthusiastic.

NOTE: I often get asked why I prefer younger doms; quite often people hoping to play just do not get it. So, first things first, while I greatly prefer playing off of younger doms, it is not a must. Almost all of my preset plotlines do call for a teenage master, yes. But I am open to ideas of your own that do not follow such trends. Second, for those who want a more detailed explanation for my preference take a look here-

1.) At my heart I am all about power plays. I enjoy having the advantages and yet still being defeated and taken anyway by my partner. It's a heavy trend in my RP Plots and is what I really like in my stories. Whether that means I am a monster and you are a human, I am your boss and you my employee, or even just I am more sexually experienced and you are not are some ways to express that. But I personally think that age is the original, primal authority people have. Children defer to adults and adults defer to their elders. So being in a play where a dom is younger than his sub, they are subverting the oldest advantage humans have over other humans: I've been around longer than you, do as I say!

2.) Cutting back to the point on enthusiasm, I love to set up scenes where roleplays occur within the roleplay. It makes sense for a young, teenage dom to have his sub dress up like his favorite comic book heroine or video game character when all they have had so far are their fantasies to get off to. A dour, seen-it-all dom is typically portrayed as just getting off on the control, if at all, of their sub. And while yes, I do realize that is not always the case, it does not change the fact that when the dom is played the elder they just come off as angry at best and dispassionate at worst, while doms played up as the younger tend to have more excitement at controlling a woman and are far more likely to make each sexual session a performance instead of a chore.

3.) It is taboo and risky for both involved. In short, the relationship is wrong and should society as a whole find out it means serious trouble for both of them. That adds another layer of excitement for me as I get to play characters who aren't just resisting the carnal play because it goes against their ethics, it goes against their culture's ethics. And those are the conflicts I love to work out with the characters I play, where they have convinced themselves that they don't like being controlled and used but as the plot goes on they realize that what is happening to them is fun and exhilarating but that society would still want to stop such a relationship. That pathos, that conflict? Makes for the most amazing character development in the stories I love to play. And boy am I a sucker for character development.

Cover my face in it, or my hair, or make me lick it off the floor- I love the sticky stuff and adore when I am told to eat it. Or wear it. Bath in it. I think you get the idea.

Humiliation and Degradation
While I do not want to be treated like trash constantly over the RP, I do want to be treated like you own me so don't be respectful and make me do things I would never do; treat me like anything but a equal human being basically.

Abuse/Ryona/Bad Ends/Torture
While I suppose to many this gets lumped in with the pain avenue, I just wanted to reinforce the point here: I want to RP with horrible, dark things happening to my characters. I bring this up here as it feels like many of my partners and potential partners keep thinking I want things to work out happy for my character; sometimes I do but that is rare. Come on guys, hurt me plenty.

None of these are absolutes but typically the more of these big seven kinks we can include in a setup the far more likely I am going to be in saying yes. In addition, you can find my F-List in my signature along with my original plot thread. They are both linked just below the picture. Now, on to a few characters and plots I am a fan of RPing.

~Model Chamber, for when I just need a look~

Slaves Submitting Album-Hentai : Here

Wonderful Models Album- Real: Here

Amazing Anthro Album- Furry: Here

Inhuman Hotties Album- Monstergirl: Here

Extra Iconic Album- Cannon: Here

NOTE: The thing that sets the pictures apart from in my Cannon Album is that those characters are not just pictures for references but actual characters I am happy to play in some capacity.

~Selina Kyle/Catwoman (Batman Returns)~
My all-time favorite and the one I will never say no to playing; I do want to confirm though that I am not much of a fan of the Selina in the games and comics, so I am turning you down ahead of time here if you want me to play that version of Catwoman.


White Rabbit

Harley Quinn

Poison Ivy




Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva)

Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)


Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)



Green Lantern






Ty Lee


Black Cat


Itsy Bitsy



The Serpent Society
Star Wars


Mission Vao

Darth Maladi

Darth Talon

Aalya Secura

Ashoka Tano

Aayla Secura

Mass Effect


Tali'Zorah nar Rayya

Avela Kjar


Liara T'Soni

My Hero Academia (All Aged Up to at Least 17+)

Mitsuki Bakugo

Mina Ashido

Tsuyu Asui

Momo Yaoyorozu

Yui Kodai

Setsuna Toga

Itsuka Kendo

Kinoko Komori

Pony Tsunotori

Reiko Yanagi

Nemuri Kayama

Rumi Usagiyama

Moe Kamiji

Camie Utsushimi

Yu Takeyama

Queen Bee

Chitose Kizuki

Kiruka Hasaki

Konako Haizono

*Note: A request for this setting but ideally, I would like my partners to either play OCs or
Deku, with the understanding he is surprisingly aggressive in the sack. In addition, I am more than happy (eager even) to try playing these characters in AU roles- like Kendo as a Pro-Hero, Momo as a teacher at UA, villain Tsuyu, criminal Mitsuki, etc.


Anko Mitarashi

Hinata Hyuga

Hanabi Hyuga

Ino Yamanaka


Mei Terumi












~Great!~ Now on to plots:

Your Plots
While I can't promise I will like every idea pitched my way I ask that if you have an idea you are itching to try then please feel free to share it with me. I am sure that we can find a way to craft something we will both like. Just remember that I like to be tormented, so even when you are trying to set up something romantic to flavor it with some spice~

Detailed Plots- Note these are not set in stone, just setups I like a lot!
Life of a Twi'lek Slave Girl- Oola x Master
Once Jabba the Hutt's favorite dancer and concubine, the young dancer Oola meet her fate in the jaws of the gangster's monstrous pet when she started to displease the slug. But what if Jabba, in a moment of relative kindness- or perhaps delightful cruelty- merely gives the misbehaving slave away. To you specifically. What you do for Jabba is your business with the slug- mercenary work, torture, his personal chief- whatever it may be he at least thinks your loyal to him, thus why he awards his once favorite Oola to you. So what are to do with your sexy new slave girl? Abuse her and have her answer your every beck and call? Or will she mean a little more to you? Either way, you're not known around the palace for being of the kind sort, so we'll see.

The Cantina- Oola x Patron(s)
Jabba is dead, yet Oola lives. Having escaped the Hutt's palace, the dancer finds herself in Mos Eisley free but destitute. Hungry and unsure of what to do, the Twi'lek lucks out when she catches the eye of a cantina owner who soon has her waiting on his customers, entertaining the guests, and even bar tending. Yet not everything is as safe or as right as it may seem- after all Mos Eisley is a hive of scum and villainy. What trials lay ahead of Oola now that she is free? Or at least as free as any other washout on Tatooine.

The Cantina: Charge- Oola x Ward/Slave
Oola has come a long in just two years; from slave to successfully owner of her own cantina, a feat that many would find impossible on the heat blasted world. Yet Oola has somehow beat the odds and become master of her own destiny. Until a patron settles a debt with the twi'lek with their young, uppity slave. Now responsible for a bitter charge, Oola will quickly find that maintain control was a impossible feat the entire time.

Spoils of the Sands- Oola x Tuskan Raider [Native or Adopted]
Oola displeased Jabba greatly and in a cold furry had a sail-barge take her out to the Sarlacc Pit to have her digested as punishment. In route however a band of fearsom Tusken Raiders attack and take the twi'lek captive in the ensuing fight. She is brought back to their camp and is forced to do menial labor. Eventually one Raider in particular, a bachelor, takes a vested interest in the dancer and makes her his pet and bride all in one.

There is No Mercy- Sith x Apprentice
As long as she can remember she has followed the Sith code, allowing it to give her life meaning and unimaginable power. She has left it rule her life and has in turn tried her hardest to instill the same virtues in her apprentice, even while using him to further her own power. Still, she knew one day, when he was ready, he would attempt to usurp her, either loosing and failing her or succeeding, striking her down in the process. Or that he desired to take more from her than just power.

Survivor- Jedi x Blackmailer
She survived Order 66 and has gone into hiding- hoping to avoid being found and executed. On the remote world they have chosen they fall into a sense of security, lowering their guard, and, unfortunately, they are found out. Now, to keep themselves alive they offer, to persuade the one who found them, their service in exchange for their silence. Unfortunately for the ex-jedi, they can sense the depraved desire coming from the local in the Force, as it slowly occurs to them what the man has in mind.


Karma- Black Cat x Spiderman
Felicia loved to torture and rile up the hero Spiderman. It was fun and in addition it made confusing the wall-crawler much easier, allowing her to get away with a lot of petty crime. Well now she has gone to far. Following a particularly bad week for Spiderman he is at his limit. It is at this time Black Cat pushes him over that edge, thinking nothing of it. Big mistake as our friendly neighborhood Spiderman instead webs her up and takes her to a secluded place to pay the thief back for all of the frustration she has ever caused him.

Growing on Me- Pamela Isley Clone x Botanist/Gardner
Why did he do it? He really couldn't say; to see if he could maybe? A amateur scientist managed to get their hands on some of the Poison Ivy's plant material following a crime. Taking it home they attempt to foster it at home to get it to grow. Which it does only to eventually sprout into a young clone of Ivy. Having to raise the young specimen proves challenging, especially when she seems to be able to secrete the same pheromones her mother can.

Dream On- Raven x Dreamer
Something odd is happening to Raven. It started one day as she was trying to meditate. She began to have a vision and realized too late she had wandered into the mind of someone sleeping. Her own emotions still being contained when she did so, Raven had no choice but to leave a part of herself behind. Specifically her lustful side. While normally that would mean her urges would be shoved on to the dreamer she stumbled on for the moment that did not happen. Instead, due to natural talent possessed by this dreamer, Raven found her desire, now beyond her reach, grow out of control. Meanwhile said dreamer has had a horny, eager figment of Raven begging him to do whatever he wants to her. By the time Raven finds the man who has that weaker part of her it maybe too late for the sorceress to do anything but give into pleasure.

Wonderland Collapse- White Rabbit x New Mad Hatter
Jaina Hudson secretly made a killing just acting as a go between for the Mad Hatter and the rest of Gotham's worse citizens. Using much of earnings to finance needy charities and avoiding violence herself meant that she always felt guilt-free in her activates. Yet even after she had gotten caught and did her stint in Arkham, Jaina was upset to find the socialite life she had lived was closed off to her. Finding her way of life under duress she attempted to move in on the old traffic ting and conditioning racket the Hatter and his gang had ran while they were in Arkham themselves. Unfortunately for her, someone else had the same idea and decides to use her as a proxy. Capping her with a conditioning band, this new Mad Hatter is able to manipulate White Rabbit into running the operation on the surface while using Jaina as his personal toy, all without painting a target on his own back.

Time Served- Blackfire x Cellmate
A intergalactic criminal, Blackfire found herself sentenced to an automated prison vessel to serve in isolation. Alone for nearly two years, the Tameranian is surprised when a new prisoner is suddenly beamed aboard to serve as the ship's 'captain', including access to the ship's 'discipline programs' to use against her at a moment's notice. Now stuck as her captain's plaything until her sentence is paid off the questions becomes this- can the alien princess survive the daily sessions of torment her captain heaves on to her, or will she break under her mind shattering sentence.


Precious Cargo- Jack x Bounty
Jack, the Bad-Ass Biotic, while normally the one getting chased by bounty hunters, stumbles onto a opportunity to make some quick cash. All she has to do is keep one ungrateful bastard alive long enough for her employer to show up. However along on a world with the ass-wipe starts to mess with her head and she finds herself more and more at loss as she has to start second guessing who is the hunter and who is the prey.

Easy A- Jack x Biotic Student
Jack's back again, now teaching starry-eyed teenagers how to wield their own biotic potential is thrown for a loop when one of her students insists he could 'convince' her to give him top marks before graduation. She thinks she will play this game of chicken with him and he'll back down. He doesn't. A weekend later and she is afraid her words aren't the only thing he will be making her choke down.

Trial Run- Tali' Zorah nar Rayya x Inventor
Young Tali has just started her pilgrimage when a mistake on her part has left her without any money. Broke and trapped on unwelcoming Citadel, she is surprised when someone approached her with a job offer- allow them to test their new suit accessories on her for a week to fine tune any bugs that might appear. They even offer her room and board. Unfortunately for the young quarrian she soon finds out some of her suits new utilities might be more than the inexperienced girl is ready for.

Retribution- Morinth x Vigilante
Ardat-Yakshi, or at least those that refuse isolation, live by constantly taking life from others. Or at least Morinth did so. She did not care about anyone else but herself. And as long as she could keep taking why stop? Well, it seems like this way of life finally caught up to the bloodthirsty bitch. A man who lost someone to her horrid ways catches the asari woman off-guard. Then he has her undergo a procedure while she is under that renders her ability to mingle nerve systems void, as well as her biotic abilities; in fact, it renders her into a helpless, pathetic victim. And one that is indeed going to be victimized. 'Payback is a bitch,' as the humans say.

Natural Selection- Miranda x Master
Cerberus was low on funds and needed to earn a bit of cash quick. Thank fully the Illusive Man had been keeping a cash cow on the payroll. So with little hesitation he has the genetically superior Miranda Lawson fitted with a experimental collar made from Reaper tech and shipped of to the highest bidder. For what purpose? A collectible? A breeder? Hell, use her as varren chow? Who knows, and for sure T.I.M doesn't care.

Heated Instruction- Mirko x Intern
A UA internship gets dicey as a villain with a mind effecting quirk manages to tag the hero-in-training's instructor, Rumi Usagiyama, otherwise known as the Rabbit Hero Mirko. Said quirk is called Cupid- an emitter variant that literally clouds the mind of the target to feel extreme, near maddening, arousal for the first person they come into contact with after being exposed. In this case the effected one is the pro-hero and her intern is the first one to check on her after she gets a heavy dose of the quirk...

Private Lessons- Midnight x Student
Starting to fall behind in their courses on detainment, a student asks one of their teachers for aid. The teacher agrees to start teaching the student everything they know in the field, ending with a late-night mock exam. After hours of his teacher's suggestive teasing though he decides to go Plus Ultra and drags her deeper into the testing grounds for a little payback.

Roommates- Student x Student
Due to required maintenance the dorms at UA are forced to implement roommates. And as more and more students are paired up it becomes apparent that one room will have to be coed. As the two new roommates get used to each other they begin to grow close when one day one of the pair asks a seemingly innocent question. From there their relationship matures into something beyond simple roommates.

Hard Time- Villian x Hero/Hero-In-Training
A young hero captures a villainess that begs for mercy. That she'd do anything to avoid being taken to prison. Much to her initial joy the hero takes her up on her offer however he doesn't let her go. Instead, he ends up trapping her in her own hideout to begin her 'rehabilitation' into being his law-abiding slave.
New Hobbies- Mitsuki x Izuku
Mitsuki never truly realized how boring her life was in such a amazing world. A world with astonishing heroes, and villains, and powers on every street and her own abilities made her bland in comparison. Donning a costume of her own design she started to head out at night to engage in petty crime to spice her life up: graffiti, trespassing, and so on. However one night her thrill seeking is brought to an early end after a encounter with a familiar UA student. Yet as she was manhandled and forced to submit, she found herself enjoying this new sensation of being defeated and dominated before ultimately escaping. Yet now she has a new goal with her antics- to get better to challenge Izuku and hopefully keep him interested in her two-bit self as well. How far will she pursue her new hobby to get the hero she admires to notice her? And will she be able to come out of it alive?


Hidden Price- Missing-Nin x Shinobi
She could not afford to run anymore. Those chasing her were hot on her heels and if they caught up to her she was dead. Her only recourse was only slightly less suicidal. She'd have to infiltrate a foreign village and lay low for a while. All things considered she managed to pull her plan off with no mistakes- well almost no mistakes -as a rookie of all things has realized who she is. Caught in a compromising situation where any attention thrown her way would mean her death she offers the younger ninja a deal: he stays quite about her presence and she'd in turn do anything for him- teach him some of her techniques, pay him, anything really. Her arrangement might have been a little too ill defined as she soon finds herself involved with the rookie before long.

Snake's Gratitude- Anko x Genin
Anko nearly died while dueling her former mentor in the Forest of Death. However a genin found her while in critical condition and managed to stabilize her long enough for medics to arrive. Once recovered she decides to visit her little savior and reward him with special night, just the two of them. What was supposed to be a one off event quickly turns into a regular occurrence as Anko finds herself sharing her gratitude several times a day.

The Truely Impure World- Copy x Creator
He used a forbidden technique not out of desperation or a mad lust for power. He would claim if cornered it was to broaden the worlds understanding of a particularly nefarious jutsu. This was a lie of course. From the moment he saw her he knew he had to have her; or at least a version of the woman of his dreams. Something he now gets thanks to a interesting application of a forbidden technique.

Summoning Contract- Kunoichi x Summoner
Tricked into signing a cursed contract, a kunoichi now not only finds herself at the whims of a cruel summoner but slowly taking on bestial traits. Will she find a way to reverse her growing condition and free herself from her new duty? Or will she submit to her new lot in like as a rival ninja's plaything to be called upon whenever they wish? Let's face it, we should all know by now how I'd like such a plot to play out.


Embers- Korra x Rescuer
It was fate that an amnesiac Korra was found by the Fire Sages after her near-death experience. However, what if fate was crueler or just unpleasant. Instead of the Fire Sages, Korra washes up on the beach of quite island where a lone man finds her and takes her in. He ends up using her forgotten memories for his own gain, feeding her misinformation and slowly conditioning the Avatar herself into his ideal plaything.

The Ghost Eater - Korra x Shamen
Korra and Asami had just returned from the Spirit World when Korra realized something was wrong. She wasn't entirely herself, but then again, few people can be when a parasitic spirit attaches itself to you. Told to seek out a shaman that had guided Aang once, Korra instead ends up in the dedicated hands of the man's apprentice. One who uses his influence over the spirits to influence the Avatar. By the time he is done will anything be left of Korra? Or will she be replaced entirely by a creature of the stranger's design?

Zoey's Zoo Life- Anthro x Human
In the near future splicing- genetic surgery to grant you traits other than human -has become a common procedure. Many who undergo the alteration usually only get some minor cosmetics done. Make your hair green, your eyes red, maybe make your nails glow in the dark, so on and so on. Then you have cases like Zoey, those who undertake a near total conversion into something else. Such procedures are expensive and rare; yet when Zoey was nineteen her wealthy fiancé, now her ex, paid to have her transformed into what are called, derogatorily, 'zoos'. The relationship after that was short lived. Kicked out by her lover, shunned by her family, and unable to find a steady job in the intolerant workplace, Zoey's once promising life takes turn after turn for the worse. Cut to a few years later and the zoo-girl has been evicted from her apartment. Hopeless and sleeping on a park bench, she is offered at least a warm place to sleep. However the stranger makes it clear that it will cost her to stay with him- something they can discuss further once out of the rain.

Yuletide's Old Customs- Krampus x Target
Christmas time, while a period of kindness, love, and good will towards man, is not without its demons. Truthfully, long before Saint Nicholas rode the night sky dispensing gifts a truly ancient spirit stalked the lands, dealing out misery to those it found wanting. In time memory of the furious spirit faded though it did not. From the howling cold the Krampus seeks out misbehaving prey to torment, torture, and sometime abduct, whether they are a believer or not. Yet on this Christmas Eve night the old spirit makes a mistake- while pursuing its current prey a wreath of mistletoe ensnares it. The human in question offers to release the ewe-demon in exchange for amnesty...and servitude.

Yuletide's Home for the Holidays- Stranded Driver x Stranger
She was making the drive home for Christmas when her car got caught in a snow drift miles away from civilization. Thankfully someone passing by offers to let her wait out the blizzard at their place. Little did she realize that her new acquaintance has no intention of letting her go anytime soon. How will she fair when her capture decides to toss aside the pretense make use of the stranded women in the middle of the worst blizzard in a generation? And what will happen when the snow finally comes to a stop?

Yuletide's Gift Wrapped- Stuffed-Anthro x Owner
As far as people go there were few people worse than her. A truly vile human being, making her way in life by trampling others and taking from them when they were at their worse. Yet time after time she came out on top; it seemed like she would never see her due rendered. Yet someone or something decided to rectify this. One day close to the holidays she found her conscience trapped inside a stuffed animal; one that was later given away as a present. Now a stranger's property, the cursed woman does have one respite- at night she becomes a living version of her new, stuffed self as long as her current owner is holding her come midnight. Yet the moment she comes into contact with sunlight she reverts back to a mere toy.

Trick 'r' Treat's Costume Party for Two- Student x Teacher
A schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher decides on a rather interesting method of revealing her interest in him. Dressing up in a risqué costume she visits the man on Halloween and offers herself to him for the night. How it unfolds from there remains to be seen.

Trick 'r' Treat's Spirit of the Season- Possessed Woman x Neighbor
While it may seem strange for a grown woman to get excited for October 31st, Lenore loved the day to no end. She did have one problem though- this year's scary costume seems to have a life of its own. The little wings almost seem to flap when she walks. Her pointed tail appears to sway when she stands still. And if that wasn't enough, she seems to have an insatiable need for seed. Will her confident in all of this help her through the impulses her cursed outfit brings? Or will the young man encourage Lenore's new obsessions to keep his promiscuous succubus-possessed neighbor nearby?

Pleasure Before Business- Secretary x Boss's Son
The secretary of a powerful executive gets caught masturbating on company grounds by her boss's slacker son. The son, having just dropped out of school, gives her a choice: let him move in with her and become his personal slave, or she can let him expose her to his father. Knowing the power and authority her boss commands would ruin any chance of her ever getting a decent job again, she chooses option one.

Very Close Encounters 2.0: Stranded - Alien x Savior
Life does exist out there and it is now here. Due to unforeseen turbulence an alien craft is forced to crash to Earth. The only survivor is a young, female psychic of the species that would have died had it not been for her savior- a human driving past who managed to free her from the burning wreckage. Stuck on Earth and, as per her peoples' customs, indebted to her savior she swears to do whatever they may ask as she begs become his property. The only thing is can she be trusted?

A Dirge for Her- Ghost x Medium
The house on the hill is old. And it's haunted. And it has just been sold. So when the resident ghost takes a liking to one of her new roommates, who happens to be sensitive to her presence, she will do anything to be with him. From visiting him in his dreams to possessing other women to indulge literally any desire or fantasy he has ever had.

Decadent Lesson- Teacher x Student
'It's only a way to make money on the side, nothing more. Teaching after all, doesn't pay as well as it should.' That was the high school teacher's excuse anyway for her Only Fan's account. And in her defense, she kept her channel relatively tame, wearing some mask or another at all times during her videos to hide her identify. Unfortunately for her one student has figured out who she really is. And now she will have to learn the hard way what teasing guys online will net her.

Home Alone- Thief x Teenager
A well-to-do family is leaving for an extended holiday to go on a trip out of the country. There not as well to do neighbor finds out and decides to turn a quick buck selling some of their stuff. But she failed to realize that the teenage son was left home alone with a credit line as a opportunity to grow up a little. He catches his neighbor, films proof she was breaking in, and offers her a way to apologize for trespassing- just keep him company over the next three months. She's really screwed up this time.

Sinful Ways- Nun x Orphan
Tragedy happens to us all but for some this happens unexpectedly. A teen is left without anyone following a tragic accident. His departed parents, deeply religious, had placed in their will that should they die, that their son be sent to live at the devout St. James Boarding School as the campuses ward. The orphaned teen does his best to carry on but often bucks with the staff of nuns that run the academy, with one Sister in particular giving him trouble. Angry the teen decides to get back at the prudish nun by using her one stormy night in the dorm's basement, to fulfill his carnal needs. Much to his surprise joy the Sister doesn't report him or discipline him herself, instead letting herself become his own personal whore on campus. From there who knows how things will develop, especially when the teen learns of what he is set to inherit.

The House of Pain- Anthro x Human
A man finds himself stranded on a island overrun with animals that almost appear human. Finding safety in a old building the man learns of the horrid experiments that birthed the hybrids and how 'extreme disciple' could tame the creatures. In need of help as well as companionship the man has one course of action: capture and domesticate one of the creatures. A task that he may find more joy in then intended.

Singed Ethics- Raider(s) x Survivor
The End finally came and the few to survive the atomic wasteland of the world have turned to doing whatever they can to get by. Enter the small, all female gang Hecatate. Cruel mercenaries at the best of times, murders and thieves far more often, several girls from the crew hear about some automated Factory protected by machines. Deciding that they have a decent chance of getting into the place and taking the untouched loot inside they storm the factory. While they find it easy to get in, getting out will be far more difficult. See the whole place is controlled by the lone surviving descendent of the people who rigged this factory for defense; a survivor who rigs explosive collars to the girls' necks. Will he sell them for scrap? Turn them in for their bounties? Or just use them for his own pleasure? In any scenario, the gang is simply at the mercy of the last survivor of the Factory.

Scary Monsters and Super Freaks- Monster x Teenager
We all grow up with a monster under our beds or in our closet. However they tend to go away as we outgrow our fear of the dark. Almost everyone agrees that they are not real- things imagined in the dark as our minds try to make sense of the unknown. One teenager, one convinced that they do exist, has caught the monster that has stalked him for the last ten years. Now what to do with her is the real question.

Coven- Witch & Familiar (Anthro) x Apprentice
There was something strange with his new neighbor. She was gorgeous and kind yet never had anyone over; yet at night he could hear her talking to someone through her bedroom window and she grew strange plants in her garden. Still, she paid well to have her lawn mowed and the weeds pulled, and she was always willing to listen to him and his problems. One day though, as he sat home alone she came to his front door. Inviting him back to her place she admits to the strangest thing: she is a witch who is trying to form a coven. For the particular ritual she is working on she needs three individuals- one to represent the Maiden, one to represent the Beast, and finally one to represent the Master. Having watched her neighbor for some time she offers to train him in the arts of witchcraft as long as he helps her familiar and herself complete their coven. Beyond power and knowledge, there is the added benefit of having such a close relationship to their new teacher.

Moment of Fame- Streamer x Rapist
She wanted to be a influencer, the kind that when she streamed the adoration and money would poor in faster than she could say thank you. However she just couldn't seem to get the viewers to notice her. Not her cosplay, or Let's Plays; not her style tips and not even her ASMR videos. However, one night, while trying in vain to get more attention while streaming, she is assaulted and taken advantage of in her own home. Trying to beg her viewers to send help at first, the woman changes her mind when she sees her views climbing. Somehow managing to end the stream while being raped, she manages to get her assailant's attention to make him a unique proposal.

Dungeons and Domination- Player x Game Master
It's Saturday night's game and the GM has to deal with last minute party crasher. Maybe she is the older sister of one of the table regulars, a tutor being double booked, heck, even a bored delivery girl. Whatever case the rude intruder has to be there, the regulars at the table are distracted by the newcomer and she herself is far from the perfect player, clearly not used to the rules of table-top gaming and possessed with an overly unrulily attitude. Needless to say, that after a few hours of this girl making a mockery of his table, the GM decided to make an example out of her. Taking his frustrations out on their game character first, his frustration boils over into reality when she lingers behind after the game to confront him on his actions. Surprisingly the new player is not scared off by the events of the game night- in fact they ask to be made into a regular, planning to make up for their previous attitude to her new, favorite Dungeon Master.

Dreams of Witch House- Strange Monster(s) x Tenet-Turned-Master
The decrepit house, more of a mansion really, looked like it had seen better days. Yet the low rent made it impossible to pass up, so that even after weeks of dealing with the creepy landlord he was under no temptation to leave. However on the night of the full-moon, the night said landlord tried to kill him, did he realize how lucky he was. For after interrupting the ritual he finds his attacker the victim of her own spell, turned into a creature bent on doing her master's bidding. And of course, helping him create more slaves should he wish.

Tribute- Tribal Monster x Noble
For some time now an army of inhuman things have been harassing the king's roads, raiding and pillaging villages, as well as slaying many who have been sent to resolve the issue. Yet the king's men still prevailed in the end. The horde that was a threat has been rendered impotent. Many of the tribes surrendered willingly, handing over their weapons, treasures, and supplies in exchange for peace, as their custom decrees. A male noble of lesser standing (baron or count) receives their tribute from the horde for wrongs committed against him, including the death of said noble's wife/mother/daughter/ etc.. In exchange they are given a tribe's wise woman, fertile so as to bare him children and conditioned to take his righteous abuse.

Gone Native- Tribal Girl x Outsider
A man from a far more advanced society finds himself living among more primitive people. Using their modern knowledge and skills they find themselves being praised by the locals. The chief decides to honor this stranger with his daughter. Now his servant, wife, and property, how will their strange relationship fair once the chance to return to his world appears?

Maid to Order- Maid x Deviant Teenager
She was accustomed to working for men with depraved appetites. Yet she knew that letting her 'masters' use her body meant that she would get bigger pay raises and job security; or at least until their wives eventually found out. Yet her newest clients were strange as they were upfront about what they wanted- a maid that could handle harassment and knew how to play ball. Yet she has some regrets taking the job as she is now aware her primary job isn't to cater to the families domestic needs but rather their aggressive son's sexual desires. Still, she is willing to be their live in 'whore' as long as the money keeps flowing. Besides- the danger is starting to appeal to her inner adrenaline junkie.

A Marriage of Convenience- Foreigner x Husband
All things considered she had adjusted well to her new life in the States, coming to appreciate many aspects of the culture while still respecting her own. Disaster strikes as suddenly she at risk of deportation back to her place of origin. However nothing remains for her there and in desperation she decides to try something underhanded. She reaches out to a man she knows is attracted to her- a former student, an employee, co-worker, ect - who she has been leading on just in case this ever happened to her. Explaining her situation, she asks him to marry her so that she has more time to get her Green Card; little does she know how her new husband intends to take out his frustration for all the years she teased him over the short time they have together.

Custom Job- Robot x Mechanic
In the near future a lonely mechanic suddenly finds himself saddled with a customer's custom android as a means to resolve a payment issue. A general assistant model, the mechanic quicky comes to enjoy the feminine robot's company. She, or rather it, in turns shows her unique programming at work as she admits to the mechanic she would like to undergo customization- not for her sake however but rather for her new master, and asks that he help rebuild her into his ideal sex doll.

The Cosplay Contract- Cosplayer x Driver
In wonderful, sunny California there is going to be a huge comic convention. A guy living on the opposite coast has made plans to make the trip all on his own. However, just a few days before he can start his road trip, an acquittance- perhaps a boss, old teacher, house keeper, etc. -asks to tag along, offering to do whatever and whenever the driver asks of her for the duration of the trip. He agrees, only realizing now that his tag-along is very dedicated to her cosplay hobby and is very eager to make this a trip worth remembering.
Fringe Theory- Altered Professor x Lab Assistant
"You are deranged, demented, despicable; and, finally, disbarred!"
She had lost all credibility and her credentials overnight, nearly sinking an entire wing of her university down with her. But she knows her theory- labeled fringe, pseudoscience, or superstition by her peers -is the truth. And she is going to set out to prove it with the help of her former student and loyal lab assistant. However not everything is at it seems. For one, is her assistant doing everything for the love of the research like her, or does he half alternative motives? And what fate will befall our crazed professor when she becomes far too close to her very own experiment? And what will she do when said testing reduces her to something...inhuman?
In addition, what is the nature of her research & accident: Teleporter Malfunction? Digitized Consciousness? Twisted, Occult Rituals? Mutable Genome? Help me decide!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them- I like to think I am pretty adaptable. See you around~![/spoiler]
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~Bump; currently only really interested in plots listed as 'Craving" at the moment. So any one wanting to play the opposite of Selina or Oola are in luck; otherwise please read through my thread for any other plots I currently have a itch to play out. Variations to my plots are of course encouraged but not always what I am looking for~
~Bump; again only looking for plots marked as 'CRAVING' so please hit me up only if you are interested in a plot i am looking at or have an idea based off one of those inspired plots yourself~
~Bump- looking to scratch cravings people: specifically anything that let's me play the likes of Selina, Mitsuki, Mt. Lady, Oola, Anko, Momo, Tsuyu, Konan, fem!Kakuzu, Mina, or Zoe 'Zoey' Marshal gets top priority~
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