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Evangelion: Re-Claim (Potter-Kun and Sigr)

The way Rei way talked about his father made him somewhat uncomfortable. Using his first name and seeming to be happy whenever she mentioned him. "I do you know my rather? You seem rather familiar with him." Shinji couldn't help but ask as he pondered over it himself. Maybe she was just grateful he saved him....he couldn't really see his dad saving anyone but he must have saved Rei, according to her.

He noticed that she didn't appear to have anything to keep her occupied and he gave her a small smile as he continued to speak. "I see, I look forward to working with you and being in class together, Ayanami-san. If I get out before you, I'll bring you some books to read, if that is alright? I can't imagine it is too fun to lay here with nothing else to do." He stated as he looked back at the ceiling, wanting to go home himself...but...did he even have a place called home to go to?
"As a pilot... I guess that it's only natural" Rei answered. "I don't have any family but the people on the base" she added as an afterthought, explaining why she was attached to the Nerv employees but not why specifically to Gendo. One would say that it had something to do with that failed test Gendo helped her, but she hadn't give any more details, and for him to be so close to anyone it had to come from a prior event. Rei returned the smile when Shinji told her that he looked forward to being in class with her and that he would bring books for her to read. "Ah, thank you Shinji-kun" she said, treating him in a still monotone but friendlier way. In Rei's eyes it was clear that the boy wasn't too different from the man, both of them being gentle with her for reasons she couldn't understand, but before the conversation could continue, Misato barged in the room.

"Finally awake" Misato muttered, trying to sound as distant and professional as possible, but the relief of seeing Shinji healthy was apparent on her voice. "Ayanami" she nodded, greeting the girl briefly to focus back on Shinji. "How do you feel? Is your head clear enough?" she asked. "I have permission to clear you from the clinic, but only if you feel fine" she added, sounding slightly eager. "Do you remember what happened? Anything at all? We won, but I'd lie if I said that things went as expected" Misato finished with a frown, clearly inspecting Shinji for any kind of reaction, of answer.
"I see, so the people at NERV are kinda like your family then?" Shinji questioned, nodding his head. He could understand that...if really family wasn't there then you made a family if you could. He didn't want to ask what had happened to Rei's real family, but he was happy she seemed to have found some happiness. When Rei smiled, Shinji couldn't help but blush. "Ah, don't mention it, Ayanami-san....I'm happy to be apart of your family now." He his smile widened. When Misato came in his smile widened even more.

"Misato!" He didn't care if she was being distant at the moment. He wrapped his arms around her in a hug, as a son would with a mother, relaxing into her chest. "If you are here...that means...I managed to protect people...right? I can only remember bits and pieces....but....I feel fine. I'm just happy you are safe." Shinji pulled back, giving Misato an innocent and affectionate smile. He then realized what he was wearing...his hospital gown was rather short....and open in the rear, giving Ayanami a good look at his ass and his gown had ridden up to expose his balls some. He tinted deep red and excused himself to go change in the locker room.

Once he was out and changed into his normal clothes, he would meet up with Misato to leave...but to go where, he wondered...he didn't have a home here.
"Ah!" Misato got caught by surprise by Shinji's hug, unable to do much else but brush his hair with one hand, glad that he was fine and trying to calm him down. The situation, specially knowing where was she going to take him, made Misato feel motherly and nurturing, something that twisted her other interest, her other desires even more, making her feel a bitter taste in her mouth. It had been just a one time thing, it didn't matter how lonely she had been, Misato was Shinji's military superior and twice his age, she couldn't involve herself with the underage kid, it wasn't responsible.

"You did, Shinji, you saved us all" Misato nodded, glad that he felt fine and happy to help, but also glad about him not remembering everything. The fight, the fear, the uncontrollable and unexpected berserk moment. A small hum coming from Rei made Misato's attention go to her, and from the girl, Misato followed the line of sight of her not bandaged red eye, noticing that she was looking at Shinji. Then and only then Misato was fully aware of his garment, moments before he did himself, excusing and rushing to the locker room to change. Rei returned her attention to the glasses on her bedside table, while Misato couldn't help but smile at Shinji's hasty retreat. He was a sweet boy, he deserved better than her.

"Better" was all Misato said once Shinji came back dressed as usual, not wanting to tease the poor kid. "Since you feel fine, you are clear to go. Normally you'd live in the base, as it has plenty of space tailored for that" she commented. "But I thought that you'd like a life as normal as it could be, so..." Misato doubted. Was it the right call? The last thing she wanted was for Shinji to feel abandoned, so of course it was the right call. She just had to be responsible. "I have a decently sized apartment for myself, rooms to spare. Would you like to live with me?" she asked.

With things sorted out, Misato said her goodbyes to Rei, quite a formal greeting, and left some time for Shinji to talk with her as well, in case he desired so.
When Misato mentioned living together with her, he nodded at once. He did so many because he didn't want to live alone. In the back of his mind though....part of him was hoping he would be able to hook up with Misato again later. He wasn't sure what to think of that desire. Part of him thought he should ignore it, but at the same had felt so good and he had felt so alive in that moment. He didn't have time to think of that, he just had to answer Misato.

"Yes, Misato. I'd like to live with you....I'd rather now be alone." Shinji rubbed the back of his head meekly, his face tinted a light red as he gave Misato an innocent was clear he truly feared being alone again.

Before they left, Shinji looked at Rei and gave her a smile. "Ayanami-san....I'll be back with some books tomorrow if you haven't been released....I look forward to seeing you around." With those words, Shinji left with Misato. Rei was cute to be sure....while Misato was beautiful in a more mature way...both definitely were good looking though.

As they walked to the car, Shinji couldn't help but look at Misato, remembering what had occurred before battle. That memory was still very vivid, seared into his mind. "I look forward to living with you, Misato.....I hope I can be a good roomate." He chuckled as they neared the car, wanting to try and talk with his first and so far only sex partner, wanting to clear some of the air, so to say.
With Misato happy that Shinji agreed for the same reasons she expected him to, Rei soon returned a warm smile, just nodding to Shinji's promise of seeing him the next day if she wasn't released. On their way to the car, Misato smiled when Shinji chuckled and sounded hopeful about their little adventure of living together. "I hope that you know how to cook" Misato said with a dry laugh, almost sounding like a joke. "I mean... I can be many things, from a tactical genius to a charismatic commander, but I'm also a bit..." she lowered her once proud tone of voice, sounding a bit embarrassed. "A bit of a slob" she finally added, blushing slightly. How could she be a good example for Shinji if she had her apartment dirty. "I used these two days to clean up though! Don't worry!" she promptly added. "But I still don't know anything about cooking so... either you know how or you'll be welcome to my microwave diet" she added with a smile. Such mundane worries of the daily routine never worried her, but she was aware of the image she could project as Ritsuko has chastised her about it time and time again.

Back on Misato's blue car, it didn't take long for them to ride out of the Geofront and into the city, as Misato was aware of that area and didn't get lost again. "We'll be going home soon, your things have already been packaged there" she said with a smile. "I had a hunch that you'd say yes" she added with a wink. "But I want you to see something first" she commented, taking the car up to a nearby mountain. It wasn't a long drive until they had enough height to catch a good view of the city, devoid of the characteristic skyline of a metropolis that size. Misato checked her wrist watch, and she guided Shinji out of the car, leaning against it to be comfy. "It's about time, this is what you saved" Misato said, as the sun was starting to sink on the horizon that afternoon, finally giving Shinji a time frame of reference since he got out of the hospital.

Sirens started to blare down in the city, "nothing wrong, just look" Misato said in a calm tone, pointing to Tokyo 3. The ground rumbled a bit, and soon, slowly but surely, they both could see a prodigy of human ingenuity. The city's tallest and mightiest buildings had been hidden underground during the attack, and were now returning to their usual positions, giving the city a normal look that was sometimes rare in those eventful days. "Cool, huh?" Misato said. "Come on, lets go home" she added, getting back into the car.
When Misato mentioned being a bit of a slob, Shinji couldn't help but chuckle. "I did take up cooking while I was at my was something to pass the time that I enjoyed. So I'd be happy to cook for us, as well as clean....we all have our strengths and weaknesses after all." Shinji tried to get rid of some of the worries Misato had. He wasn't going to judge her harshly or anything, not after what she had done for him. As he said this, he reached over and gave the hand she had on the the gear shift a small squeeze before moving his hand back. He wanted to be more to Misato than just a burden or subordinate...he just couldn't come out and say it straight was all.

As they parked and got out on the cliff overlooking where the city should be; Shinji watched in awe as Tokyo 3 rose from the ground. It was beautiful and magnificent...and as Misato just said, he had protected it. "So I protected this city...and all the people in it..." Shinji thought for a moment, looking down at his hand, balling it into a fist. He had slowly been remembering the fight as time past...he remembered being scared but now that he saw what he had protected...

"It was worth it then." He turned to grin at Misato. Before they left though, he reached up and gave Misato a small peck on the cheek. He blushed after he did so, rubbing the back of his neck meekly. "That....was thanks...for everything you've done....I'm really grateful, have someone I care about in my life again. " His blush intensfied as he entered the car, embarrassed at what he had just said, but happy he had said it.
Misato was still feeling Shinji's touch on her hand as they watched the sunset while the city emerged. It was a bit odd having a fifteen year old boy be that responsible, that grown up, taking tasks like cooking and cleaning on stride while she tended to have her home as a teenager. It was rough, thinking that his youth was being somewhat taken from him, stolen and co-opted for their use of him as a pilot. Well, at least he could go to class, meet kids his age there, perhaps have a normal life in those moments of calm between attacks.

In her pensive state, Misato almost didn't notice Shinji mumble about his service for the city. He sounded agitated, disturbed, something that would be normal after what happened, but he also seemed happy to have helped them, saved them. She returned his smile and just nodded, not wanting to add anything else that would disturb the moment, so as she was turning around the small peck caught her unaware. "We should be the ones thanking you, the whole city, you are too nice" she smiled, ruffling his hair playfully before getting into the car.

Driving back to the city, it wasn't long before Misato's hasty driving took them into the garage under the apartment building. There were many apartments with light, with life, with people that Shinji had protected, but there were also a few that seemed empty, of people that preferred to live anywhere else but in that fortress of a city. Stopping in front of one of them, she turned to face Shinji as soon as her keys unlocked the door. "Welcome home, Shinji-kun" Misato greeted, opening the door wide, warm lights flickering as they turned on. The apartment didn't look anything out of the ordinary, more spacious that the norm perhaps, but still a pretty common one.

"Come on, come on, don't be shy" Misato gestured him to enter without a thought, grabbing a set of keys from a bowl in the entrance and throwing them back to him. "There you go, feel like you were at home" she said, removing her boots lazily. The place may as well be a space to live like anywhere else, but it was the small things that helped to make it home, from pictures of Misato and her acquaintances scattered around to a couple of garbage bags full of beer cans in a corner, awaiting to be dumped. It was true that she had been picking up before Shinji came, but she didn't do the whole job either.

"The kitchen is there, bathroom and toilet on those two rooms there, and the bedrooms are this way" Misato did her own lazy version of a house tour, although it was true that it hid no mystery whatsoever. "My room is the first one, I left your boxes in the second one, the third is empty" she added, stopping in front of her door. "I'm going to change into something less stuffy" she joked, gesturing to her usual uniform, tugging on her red jacket, "and then we can have dinner together" Misato added, although the only things she had at home were microwave stuff, instant food and a million beer cans. "Feel free to take a bath or set up your room to your liking in the meantime, I'm not kidding when I say that you should feel at home" she smiled, entering her room and closing the door.
When they arrived at Misato's apartment and she said welcome home; Shinji couldn't help but had been so long since anyone had said that to felt great to hear it.

"I'm home." Shinji said with a wide smile, as he walked in. He looked around, it didn't seem to be as bad as Misato said it was. Nothing that couldn't be cleaned up quickly. He looked to Misato as she walked to her room.

"I'll start on dinner, Misato!" Shinji said excitedly as he looked at possible ingredients and decided on fried rice. He started making the rice, defrosting the veggies and meat. Within a few minutes, Shinji was frying up the rice, using just alittle beer for seasoning, making it smell like the most succulent thing Misato had smelled in awhile.
Shinji seemed fine and happy in Misato's eyes, making her feel better with the decision of bringing him to her apartment. Leaning against the door of her room, she could hear him cheer excited about making dinner, making Misato feel a bit ill. Shinji being happy was what she wanted bringing him there, but... if a small shred of normalcy like cooking something made him so happy, Misato feared that perhaps she had done something monstrous, something horrible bringing Shinji to Nerv, to his father. She felt bad for him, and embarrassed of herself, as she was also guilty of looking at the boy as a tool, as just a pilot, at least before meeting him.

A few minutes later, Misato peeked over the cooking Shinji's shoulder, leaning forward so their heads were at the same height. She had approached slowly and barefoot, so the busy Shinji didn't hear her until she was almost over him. "Ohhh, seems nice..." Misato approved. "I'm looking forward to your cooking, Shinji-kun" she said, this time it was her who turned her face, kissing him on the cheek, backing off the boy and leaving him work at peace. Misato leisurely walked to the fridge, fishing inside to grab a beer, cracking it open and taking a long gulp from it. "Ahhh, perfect!" she cheered. The woman had sure changed into something less stuffy, as she was wearing a loose yellow tank top without visible signs of a bra below it, and some denim shorts.
Shinji felt much pride when Misato complemented his cooking, even if it was just the smell. He was even happier when she gave him a kiss, even if it was just on the cheek. This all served to put Shinji in a very good mood and he worked his hardest to make sure the meal would taste amazing. Once he was done cooking, he served it on some plates and moved to sit down with Misato. At once, his eyes were on Misato as he approached, a small blush on his face as he noticed her outfit...her breasts were quite apparent in it.

"It's nothing fancy, but I hope it taste as good as it smells!" Shinji chuckled as he handed Misato her plate and said his thanks before digging in. He thought he did a rather good job, and he looked up at Misato, awaiting her judgement on the issue. He was nervous, hoping for her approval. Once that occurred, Shinji could just focus on eating and perhaps making small talk with his new roommate.
"You did this with what I had at home?" Misato looked at the plate baffled as soon as Shinji put it in front of her, after saying their thanks. "Now I feel bad for making you work even more..." she added with a smile, signaling that she was clearly happy and not falling bad at all. "Feel free to shop for any groceries you may need and I'll cover the expenses. I'd do it, but I wouldn't know what to get or if it was good at all" she commented, her eyes drifting to the plate. "But that can wait-" Misato finished, stuffing her mouth with an unladylike amount of fried rice. Her eyes opened wide, and it was just mere moments before she munched it, gulped it down and chased it with more beer.

"Damn, that was nice!" Misato cheered, getting yet another mouthful of it. "Definitely, anything you want or need for the house, anything you deem it needs changing or improving, just get it, I'll cover the expenses. I earn quite the amount at Nerv, so I have more than I can spend on beer and I don't know what a house needs" she admitted, a hint of regret soon washed down with the last gulps of her beer. Misato got up from the table to the fridge, showing her rather skimpy outfit as she went for another beer can, soon returning to the table with it. "I'm serious, if you want or need anything for your room, the bath, kitchen... whatever, maybe we can make this feel like a home, and not just the place where I come to drink and sleep" Misato admitted with a chuckle.

"While I was in my room I received a notification" Misato said, eyeing her phone. "You can go to class tomorrow morning if you want, it could be a welcome return to normalcy, no? At least for the time being" she shrugged. "Rei has been released too, she should be on school as well" Misato added, a sly smile on her face, wanting to see how Shinji reacted to that.
"You can cook rice in a surprising amount of ways you'd fine." Shinji chuckled, rubbing the back of his head meekly. When she mentioned him buying any food he wanted to cook, he nodded. " I will then! Thank you, Misato! If you ever want any kind of meal in particular, just ask me and I'd be happy to cook it up!" His smile widened, he seemed truly at peace here for the moment, happy. He couldn't help but chuckle when Misato snarfed down her food and chased it with beer.

He himself at a little more composed, enjoying the flavor of the mean as he nodded his had at Misato's words, his eyes followed Misato's figure as she walked to the fridge, her round ass just barely covered by those short....he felt himself fighting of another erection as he shook his head. "I'll be sure to do that, but I don't want to cause too much of a burden....this place already feels more like a home then anywhere I've recently been." Shinji gave Misato a reassuring smile as he moved to wash the dishes. At the mention of school and Rei, he nodded, appearing excited.

"I'd be happy to attend school....I'd like to get to know Ayanami-san a bit better....I can pick out a book to loan her as well." He resolved himself nodding his head as he looked to Misato. "If that's the case...I should get to bed early." Shinji decided to be a little bold, leaning forward and giving Misato a small peck on the lips before pulling away, shy and somewhat embarrassed.

"Good night, Misato....and thank you again." He said with a large smile and red cheeks as he vanished into his room. He could get settled in the morning...for now he just wanted to relax and bed and sleep.
"Eh, I'm barely aware of what a home needs and do most of my shopping by catalog" Misato shrugged, "so unless something bothers me while I'm at home, I won't notice if it needs anything, so feel free to get whatever you see lacking, honestly" she said, as money was hardly the issue. Misato was beaming at Shinji's words though, happy that he was feeling like that was truly a home even if they had just got there. The mention of school and Ayanami Rei seem do to wonders for the kid's mood as well, making Misato's smile turn sly, but saying nothing about it. If Shinji fancied the blue haired girl, all the better right? After all she was of his own age, not like herself...

Shaking her head off odd thoughts, Misato looked at Shinji's back as he washed the dishes. "She's a bit odd, but I guess that we all are if we work on Nerv" she admitted. "Oh, you also have some kind of salary as well now that I think of. I don't know the details, probably Ibuki-san does" she shrugged, leaving administrative details to Ritsuko's IT goons. "Oh yeah, I'll go to bed after a bath too..." she mumbled, distracted by Shinji's slightly bold peck before holing himself on his room.

"Good night" she managed to remember answering, a bit on the late side. That kid, how he riled her up with his cooking, demure attitude and bright smile... No, what was she thinking? It was wrong. That is what it was. Finishing her beer, Misato got into the bath, discarding her clothes and standing under the shower, soon dipping herself into a full tub of warm water. She should feel cleansed, renewed, but instead it was like she was simmering on her own sins, her own misgivings. Her hands unknowingly traced her chest, her scar, but soon abandoned their exploration before delving any lower.

"It can't be" she mused. "He's too young and I'm too old. He's too naive and I'm too jaded. Despite all that happened to him, he's still positive while..." Misato left the comparison unfinished. The heat was rising to her head, making the woman feel dizzy. Out of the water, Misato just dried up with a towel and walked out with it around her neck, hanging atop her breasts, just wearing her panties as if she still lived alone. Another trip to the fridge, another beer. It was nice after a bath, but Misato still felt warm even with the cold beverage. No, not warm. Hot.


"Oh fuck, what I'm going to do" she whispered, slightly inebriated, alcohol clouding her already impaired judgment. Tossing the empty can, abandoning the wet towel, she slowly and silently approached the corridor with the bedrooms. Before she knew it, Misato had passed the first one to her room, and was slowly opening the second one to Shinji's room. "Shinji, are you asleep?" she asked quietly, receiving no answer. He had to be asleep by then after her bath and such, right? Misato entered the room, leaning over his figure on the bed, seeing that he had his eyes closed, so cute...

A swift movement of her hands lowered her white panties, kicking them to a corner before sitting on the ground, her back against Shinji's bed. Having dedicated himself to cooking instead of having a bath, he smelled nice, his sweet boyhood mixed with a hint of manly odor of sweat. Misato's hands soon delved into her groin, finding it wetter than ever, the memories of their toilet encounter burnt on her mind since that day. Misato wanted him in, she needed him in, but she couldn't allow herself such a mistake, so in her drunk state she did what her alcohol and lust addled mind deemed second best, masturbating on his room while he was asleep.

She was so pent up, so backed and excited that she didn't last long, fingering herself with two fingers on her right hand while palming her clit. Her left hand muffled her moans in a vain attempt to not awoke Shinji, as there was no way he could stay asleep even if he pretended to with that noise, that slight shaking of his bed. Orgasming soon, Misato almost bit into her knuckles attempting to stay silent, and as the fog of her pleasure dispelled, she realized the mistake she had made, soon fleeing Shinji's room and holing into her own.

What had Shinji thought of all that, why had he faked being asleep and what was he going to do with not only that information, but also the forgotten panties in the floor of his room was up to him, although he had a busy day next morning...
Shinji still couldn’t believe what he had seen last night after he went to bed, but the piece of fabric he gripped in his hand proved it had happened. Misato has pleasured herself in his woman last night...even now her womanly scent still lingered as he moved to the bathroom to shower.

It was all too much for the young boy, once he was in the bathroom, leaving the door open as he basically wanted Misato to see, he pressed Misato’s panties up to his nose with one hand while he began to pump his cock with his other. Her womanly scent filled his head, his mind...their bathroom session and the dreams he had last night flooding his memories. Masturbating had never felt this good before...he moved the panties to wrap around his cock, using the soft fabric as a sleeve to pump with. All the while he was moaning Misato’s name, smearing his pre-cum into her panties. He left the now sticky garmet on the bathroom counter.

Finally, the boy cave with a load moan, shooting forth his seed and covering Missto’s panties with his hot and sticky load. With his tension released somewhat, Shinji enjoy a nice, relaxing shower.

Once he was out, dried and dressed, he called out to Misato. “Misato! I’m heading to school!” He said, lingering to see if she would come out to say bye.
Misato's head was hurting as she awoke nursing a hangover, finding herself naked and half covered by her bedsheets. "Too much beer" she whispered, voice coarse, getting up and fumbling herself into some clean panties and a long tank top that reached her mid thigh. Hearing Shinji say something about school outside, she dragged her feet out getting some of her bed hair out of her face, looking at Shinji and waving him goodbye. "Have fun..." she mumbled. "I'll do some laundry or something, I've a free day" she added, finally aware of what time and day it was. As Shinji went out and closed the door, the memories of what had she done last night started to come back to her sleep addled mind. "Oh, fuck" she groaned, remembering a detail.

Stumbling into Shinji's room, she looked on every corner and under the bed, but her panties were nowhere to be found. Finding another more urgent need, she hit the toilet before heading to the bathroom, wanting to feel a bit more awake with a quick shower. It was there after a shower where she found her panties completely drenched after both Shinji's and her shower. Even with the water having unknowingly cleaned most of it from the fabric, Misato was still quite sure that she didn't leave them there in her drunk adventure and holding them closer to her face, she could smell something familiar on them that wasn't hers.

"Oh, fuck" she repeated, embarrassed about how Shinji's first twenty four hours on his new home were shaping up to. Picking up dirty clothes, Misato started to do the laundry and wished that Shinji had at least a normal school day.

The high school Shinji had to go to was just a short train trip from home, arriving in under fifteen minutes. The place was quite lively and it felt strangely normal after the recent events, but it was quite easy to find the 3-A class where he belonged. It was clear that it was his class as soon as he stepped in, as a still bandaged Rei was there in the school's blue and white uniform, sitting on her desk, looking out the window. "You must be Ikari Shinji, right?" a female voice distracted him from Rei, belonging to another classmate that approached him. "Horaki Hikari, class representative" she introduced herself with a bow. She looked stiff and serious, even if her hair in pigtails and the freckles of her face gave her a more informal look, almost a bit childish. "There is an empty desk between Aida-kun and Ayanami-chan" she pointed to a spot between Rei and a bespectacled guy that was reading some kind of magazine. The other side of Aida-kun's desk was occupied by a tall black haired guy that was looking with a frown towards Hikari and Shinji. "Don't mind Suzuhara-kun, he's..." Hikari doubted, visibly blushing for a moment. "Mostly innofensive" she finally added. "In any case, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me" she said.
Shinji found his way to school without much problem and was grateful for Hikari when she stepped up and introduced herself to him,he wasn't always the best a greetings. So he was always thankful when someone spoke up first.

"That's right, I'm Ikari Shinji. It's nice to meet you, Class Rep. I hope we can get along and learn well together." he bowed and gave her a small smile. He took note of his seat and then noted that she blushed when she mentioned the one she referred to as Suzuhara...she had a crush on him, that much was clear. If there was one thing he was good at, it was reading people. With his thanks giving, he walked to his seat and then to Ayanami.

"Ayanami, I'm glad you could make it to class today...I brought you a book to read like I promised." Shinji smiled softly as he pulled out a book, offering it to the blue haired girl.

"It's 'And Then There Were None' by Agatha's one of my favorite mystery novels of all time! You'll have to let me know who you think the culprit is." Shinji's grin was wide and innocent, making it clear that he loved books. With the novel handed to her, he sat in his desk.

"Oh....a friend of Ayanami and a Christie fan as well, the new kid is quite the mystery himself..." the young, bespectacled boy in front of Shinji spoke, chuckling slightly as he turned to Shinji and gave him a grin.

"The name is Aida Kensuke, but feel free to call me Kensuke!" He offered his hand out to Shinji for a shake. Shinji himself smiled softly and shook the boy's hand. "Ikari Shinji....just feel free to call me Shinji." He stated back. Kensuke soon dove into a conversation about which of Christie's novels was his favorite and debating Shinji on the best detective novel of all time. Shinji himsel was grateful to find a fellow lover of mysteries and soon he found himself immersed in the conversation until class begin.

Shinji ate lunch with Kensuke and soon the day was would appear he was quite unlucky though, as he was assigned cleaning duty on his first day. Lucky for him perhaps, it was with the two people he now considered friends, Rei and Kensuke and soon it was just the three on them in the classroom, the sky tainted orange in the late evening light of the sun.
"Ah, Shinji..." Rei finally noticed him, looking away from the window to the boy, accepting the book with her left hand since she still had the right one still a bit bandaged. The blue haired girl looked a bit off, with bandages all over her body, but she didn't seem to mind it much. "I will, thank you" she nodded, returning to look out of the window, her hand on her chin. Luckily Shinji had someone else to talk to, as Aida Kensuke wasn't just friendly, but also seemed to share some interests with Shinji himself.

After all the oddities of the first hours in Tokyo 3, having dull and mostly boring classes was a welcome change, at least for a while. Kensuke showed Shinji around while Rei ate lunch on her desk, starting to read the book he had lent her, so Hikari didn't have to worry about guiding the new boy around. Once Hikari had let Shinji go with Kensuke, Suzuhara approached her, somewhat disgusted and not being able of hiding it. Whatever Hikari told him, calmed him down, since he returned to his desk without a peep. Was that the authority of the class representative or was it something else?

The day went on in the most pleasant and normal of ways, and when the school looked warm, filled with the color of the afternoon light, just Rei, Shinji and Kensuke were left there. For a moment, with orange hue tinting everything, Shinji was reminded of the LCL liquid that allowed him to breath and connect to the Eva, almost being able to taste the blood scented fluid for a moment, but the feeling only lasted an split second.

Even if Rei was injured and wasn't of much use cleaning, she still insisted on helping, holding the dustpan while the others swept the room and being of aid however she could. It didn't take long to clean the classroom, and it felt even shorter having friends to talk with, even if Rei didn't say much. Someone had left a couple of windows open in the corridor outside, so the floor was littered with cherry petals and some leaves, giving the trio extra work. "This has to go into the trash incinerator behind the gym" Rei pointed to the trash bag.
Shinji was happy that he seemed to have already made friends at his school. He was happy Rei was easy to get along with ; being fellow pilots it was a good thing they were able to get along. That and she was quite cute, he couldn't help but admit that. Still, he couldn't just come out and say that yet. He also enjoyed Kensuke's company. He was super into military stuff, but they had a number of things in common that they liked too, so he was easy to get along with.

The day seemed to fly by, Shinji was enjoying himself for a change. Interacting with people his age and having a social life....that made him happy and feel at peace. He was happy to accept cleaning duty with Kensuke and Rei and they talked about various different things as they cleaned. Soon, they were wrapping up and the trash had to be taken.

"I can take it. Rei, would you like to come with me? Since Shinji is new, we can give him the easy job of wrapping up here!" He gave Shinji a large grin as Shinji rubbed the back of his head meekly.

"Are you sure that is alright? I can go if you need me to..." Shinji offered, not wanting to be a burden but Kensuke waved it off.

"Nah, it's fine. Meet us at the gate when you finish and we'll all walk home together...sound like a plan?" Kensuke offered, giving both of them a small smile; he too was happy to finally be interacting with someone other than Toji as a friend for a change.
Rei just nodded silently to the exchange, mulling over the idea of walking home with friends. Friends. Just the word sounded odd, but not unpleasant. She didn't talk much with Kensuke before, or with anyone else for that matter, but with Shinji close by everything seemed a bit easier. "Hmm" Rei nodded again, following Kensuke out of the classroom. It wasn't a long trip to the incinerator, but lengthy enough for the silence to feel a bit awkward between them, or would it, if Rei wasn't accustomed to the silence.

"Somebody left the storage room open" Rei pointed the oddity in her soft voice, while Kensuke dumped the trash into the incinerator. There was a small entrance to the gym storage room back there, where all kinds of sporting equipment were stored. "That's odd" she voiced, approaching to close the door but stopping as soon as she peeked inside the room. Frozen in place, she looked back to Kensuke with a surprised expression that nobody had seen on Rei so far, gesturing for him to approach, putting her index finger atop her lips to indicate silence.

Inside the storage room, partially obscured by a vaulting box and on top of a mat, there were two figures making noises in the dark. Once Kensuke got next to Rei, he could make up the figures more easily. His classmate and friend Suzuhara Touji was lying down on his back, pants rolled below his knees, arms risen to rest on the hips of the figure straddling him. Even with the uniform still on, and looking at her from her back, it was clear from her hairdo that the one riding him was none other than the class representative Hikari. Even if the uniform's blue skirt covered the action, what was going on was beyond obvious, judging by the movement and the sounds.

But if peeping into his classmates could be exciting for Kensuke, the sight of Rei's face was something else entirely. Her eyes were glued to the action, her cheeks flush with a warmth that one would deem impossible on the aloof girl, and yet her expression was one of utter confusion, bafflement. "Ah... we shouldn't..." she whispered, not knowing what to do.
Kensuke didn't seem to mind the silence as they walked to toss the trash. He knew Rei was a silent girl for the most part and he didn't want to do anything that would make her uncomfortable. He was just happy to see she was starting to warm up to people, because he had something of a crush on her.

After he tossed the trash, he noticed Rei standing by the storage room; he had heard her mention the door being open, so at first he thought she was just going to go close it. When she turned to face him however, her expression was one that surprised Kensuke. He had never seen such emotion from the girl before. He quietly approached, standing next to Rei and looking through the door.

Once he saw what was happening between his friend and the class rep, his face tinted a shade of red to match a tomato. He knew the two liked each other, but he had no idea they had already gotten this far. He licked his lips as he could feel his cock starting to harden and become erect in his shorts. If only that damn skirt wasn't in the way...

He turned to look at Rei, and her expression might have aroused him even more than the action going on in front of him. Had she ever looked so cute before. He didn't think so...she just look way to alluring to the young nerd right now. "Watching...for just a bit...should be fine, right?" Kensuke suggested, whispering and stuttering in embarrassment. Despite this, his hand reached down and grasped Rei's own, giving it a squeeze as he looked at her, make sure it was okay before he turned his eyes back to the action at hand.
"Just..." Rei squeezed back Kensuke's hand for a moment. "Just a bit..." she admitted, curious about the encounter. Touji's hands moved from Hikari's hips to her thighs, the skirt riding a bit more, showing not only her soft flesh, but also a tiny glimpse of the action, a shadowed point where both teens connected. Touji's hands soon moved under the skirt, clearly grabbing and squeezing Hikar's tight ass while she took her riding with a methodical pace. Rei was fascinated, and her own free hand, as the other still grasped Kensuke's, went to her own posterior, squeezing it tentatively over her skirt, disillusioned with the experiment.

Inside the gym storage, it seemed that Touji wanted to change things up, so he rose his arms from ass to waist, bundling Hikari's skirt in the process and revealing all of her, to hug her close as he turned things around. Now it was Hikari the one on her back, her uniform in complete disarray, while Touji was on top of her, taking a moment of pause. He took Hikari's legs and propped them against his chest, using one hand to guide himself back since it seemed that he had slip off during the change of position. Once back at it, Touji hugged Hikari's legs while he quickly humped her, his grunts paired with her muffled moans, as she had her hands over her mouth.

Rei knew in the most academic of notions what was going on, but the books she had read about it could never prepare for the raw nature of it. It was crude and sweaty, awkward and lovely, fierce and tender, all at the same time, and those sounds and expressions talked of a pleasure unknown to her. What Rei's mind couldn't quite understand, Rei's body accepted naturally, as she started to feel warm, weird and bewildered. While her eyes didn't miss any of the action, she had started to slowly caress Kensuke's hand without realizing it.
Kensuke felt Rei squeeze his hand and he nodded gently as he continued to watch the sight unfold in front of him; however, his eyes would also drift over to Rei. He saw how she seemed to be getting just as aroused by the sight as he was. He watched as she squeezed her own rear and gave a look a dissatisfaction He felt her hand caressing his own and that gave him the courage to try what he was about to try.

He gently let go of Rei's hand and slide it down her back towards her rear. His hand hovered above her shapely ass before he delivered a swift and hard spank. His hand went under her skirt, spanking her lovely and creamy skin directly. His fingers then rubbed and dug into her flesh, caressing her rear as he looked away from Touji and Hikari to look directly into Rei's beautiful and mesmerizing red eyes.

"Did that...feel good, Rei? Do you want me to do it again?" He asked softly, unsure if Rei either enjoyed or hated the action he just did...his hand lingered on her rear though. He didn't want to removed it, it felt so nice beneath his fingers. Still, if this wasn't something Rei was enjoying, he wasn't going to force the issue.
Rei was so mesmerized with the scene unfolding in front of her as she peeked from the ajar door that she didn't quite notice Kensuke removing his hand from hers. Her legs were closed together as she leaned in to see better, making her round bottoms jut out even more, her blue uniform riding up even so slightly. Her thighs were rubbing softly, trying to quench a fire she didn't understand, and while her left hand propped her against the door frame, the right one took place on top of her mouth, muffling her increasingly unsteady breath.

The slap made her yelp, a mixture of surprise and a slight pain, sending electricity all over her body. Luckily both Touji and Hikari were so active and loud that they didn't notice it. Rei bit into her hand, between the index and the thumb, not drawing blood but silencing the strange moans her body was making as Kensuke groped her ass. When she turned around to answer Kensuke's question, her face was quite red, her hand abandoned her mouth to rest over the one he had on her butt, and her lips shook nervous. Seeing that scene had awoken a Rei that seemed lost in her own feelings, something that was almost a first and certainly never happened with a classmate. "No..." she started to answer, pausing for a moment but still keeping Kensuke's hand in her tender flesh.

"Not here" she added, looking beyond Kensuke's glasses with those piercing red eyes that seemed to house a newfound fire. The gym storage was far from being the only more or less private corner in that high school, since as the place didn't have as many students as it could hold, there were plenty of places that were unused. Rei took Kensuke's hand and removing it from her bottoms she pulled him with her, leaving Touji and Hikari to their own pleasure. Not too far from there was a gardening shed, apart from mostly everything and half empty as it's location wasn't very useful without an actual gardening club in the school that took care of it. The place was closed, but the windows at the sides weren't properly sealed.

Rei slid open one of the windows and laboriously hopped in, still a bit injured. Once Kensuke was inside, she closed it to prevent any noises from getting too far. The place was a bit dusty and had tools at the corners, but there were a few sacks of soft soil for gardening in a corner that could double as an improvised bedding if things went that way. "They were having sex..." she stated the obvious, her voice wavering. "But I never knew that sex looked, sounded, smelled like that..." Rei was flustered. "Why did that feel good? When you touched me in the.... in my..." she didn't dare to say it.

"Butt" she managed to utter in a whisper.
Kensuke was now barely paying attention to the couple having sex; instead his focus was mainly on Rei. Her expression was so sexy...her normally pale cheeks tinted red, her ragged turned him on and now his cock was quite hard and erect in his pants. When she said now, Kensuke seemed shocked by the answer, had he misjudged her? When she added on with her next words though, he silently nodded his head.

He followed Rei to the gardening shed, squeezing her hand as they walked. He was surprised she knew about this place but he didn't question it. Once they were inside, he listened to her before he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into his surprisingly firm chest. "It felt good because it's something you enjoyed...that's all..." Kensuke gave Rei a cheek grin before spanking her rear again, groping it firmly beneath his fingers, her breasts molding against his chest beneath her clothes. "You want to feel even better....don't you?" Kensuke asked, licking his lips, staring into those red eyes of hers with passion and affection. He pressed his lips up roughly against her own, his tongue lashing out at her lips, seeking to gain entry as he pressed his large bulge up against Rei's thighs and crotch.
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