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Evangelion: Re-Claim (Potter-Kun and Sigr)


Magenta Goon
Dec 9, 2016
The modified blue Renault Alpine A310 darted through the streets of that empty city, going fast beyond safety standards even if the woman on the wheel knew that she wasn't going to find any other car on the road. "Of all days... I should be on the headquarters..." Misato grunted, speeding even further. It was true that she offered herself for that mission days ago, hell, she even sent a completely inappropriate picture of herself so the one she was going to pick up knew who to expect. It was that silly part of her the one that got into that trouble in the first place, but she couldn't help it. Knowing commander Ikari, or at least as much as anyone could know him, he probably had been dry and cryptic in any communication he had with his own son.

"What kind of father does that?" Misato sighed, trying to keep her head on the road, unable to keep her mind from drifting away. Sure, her father was no longer with her but... it wasn't like he had pushed her away. Her hand moved from the gear shift to the cross hanging from her neck. It wasn't the time for that, she had to pick Shinji off, return to Nerv and take charge of things. It felt a bit wrong to be eager to go into combat, to want to face such an unimaginable thing, but she had experience disregarding those wrong feelings. She was an adult, and she could do as she pleased. It wasn't exactly revenge for her father, but it was as close as she was going to get anyways.

Arriving to the entrance of the train station, Shinji was nowhere to be found. "I seriously hope he's not missing or Ritsuko is going to bite my head off for being tardy..." Misato mumbled. Where the hell was that kid? Getting out of the car, Misato climbed to the roof of her car, adjusting her black dress as it rode up a bit up her thighs. "Shinji Ikari! I'm here to pick you up! Shiiiinjiiiii!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, looking around from her vantage point, seeking for that damned kid.
Shinji Ikari stood not too far away from the train station, staring out at the vast expanse of the forest that surrounded Tokyo 3. Part of him wondered why he was even here. He had a decent life in the town he used to live in...a relatively lonely and withdrawn one, but not bad none the less. He had gotten that letter from his father, summoning him to NERV. He wanted to just burn that letter and forget it ever happened, and he had been debating wither or not to even make the trip. That was when, a few days later, another letter arrived. Attached was a photo of a rather beautiful woman in a rather scandalous pose with rather flirtatious words written on said picture.

He had decided after that picture to go. Part of him knew it was just have some other excuse rather than he was just crawling back to get his father's attention to praise. Still, just looking at the photo....Shinji thought if he got to meet and know such a beautiful woman from going to NERV, that alone would be worth it.

That's how he ended up there, looking out at the forest and wondering about his future here...He had waited allow for Misato at the train station, but it seemed she was running late. Thus, his curiosity had led him to the lookout. He tossed his now finished can of coffee in a nearby bin as he heard someone shouting. He noticed a woman standing on top of her car and she appeared to be calling for him...from her appearance, she appeared to be the woman from the picture. He drew in a deep breath and then moved towards the car.

"Excuse me....I'm Shinji Ikari!" The young man called back as he approached the car with a wave and a small smile, looking up at Misato standing on her car. He was at a good angle.....just right...and he might be able to catch a glimpse of her panties. He tried to not make his line of sight to obvious as he gave Misato a larger smile.

"You must be....Katsuragi-san, yes? It's nice to finally meet you! You are even more beautiful in person than in the picture!" He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck. Shinji had been practicing on his charisma and pick up lines....he wondered if that had worked or if maybe he had just made things very awkward. What if this woman was his superior? That would make it quite strange indeed....then again...she had started it with that picture he reasoned, so he figured just this much was okay at least.
Turning around to face the sound, Misato raised her sunglasses to take a good look at the fifteen year old boy in person. Sure, she had seen enough of his serious mug in the files, but in the flesh it was kind of different. He could smile after all, although he still seemed a bit shifty in her eyes. If his father always looked like an inscrutable effigy with those glasses and his trademark scowl, Shinji looked a bit naive... perhaps more open? Maybe it was just her imagination. Misato waved still from the roof of the car, surprised by the boy's words when he got close.

"So you liked it?" she questioned about the picture, amused that the kid admitted she was beautiful. Cheeky little kid, it was just something that Ritsuko told her, her friend almost doubted if she could behave near the kids, something that almost dared Misato to send that picture. "Ikari-kun... no, no, no. That sounds wrong..." she mumbled. "I could end up calling that to your father and he would look at me weird. Can I call you Shinji-kun? Misato-san is just fine, lets leave the family name aside" Misato said, making a fanning gesture with her hand, dismissing a good part of the formalities, at least outside the base.

They should return to base as soon as possible, but the signal was still weak when she left the Geofront and there was no visual of the target in the area. Misato had a weird gut feeling, as if something was wrong, expecting the Angel to be already there, crashing around that place. Perhaps she was just eager to get into combat, although she wouldn't be on the frontline exactly...

"Come here and help me get down of the car" Misato gestured. She could just hop down from it, but getting close to that awkward looking boy wouldn't hurt. Well, there was no teenager that wasn't weird in one way or the other, right? Or adults either, judging by the crop around her. At least Shinji didn't seem that was going to grow into either a stone faced gargoyle like his father or a ridiculous womanizer like... Misato shook her head, not wanting to think about him, even less comparing him with a teenager, that was just wrong.

Walking from the roof to the hood, avoiding to crash the front glass with a wide stride that made her black dress ride up a bit, Misato wasn't worried about her plain white panties, just wanted to get going. Gesturing to Shinji to give her a hand, Misato took it and hopped down the hood, standing next to the boy. Misato was a head taller than him, that was only to be expected given his age and the few inches heeled boots she was wearing. "Get inside, there is still a bit of a drive before we can access the base" Misato commented, opening the car for him and going around to sit at the wheel. "What has your father told you?" she asked in a gentle tone, wondering how much he knew.
At Misato's question, Shinji quickly nodded his head. "Of course I liked it! Your picture is the reason I even decided to come!" Shinji blurted out before he realized what he said. His cheeks then tinted a lovely shade of red as he rubbed the back of his head meekly. He hoped he hadn't just embarrassed himself. When she refered to him by his last name though, he scowled, clearly not liking being associated with his father. His expression lighten significantly when she referred to him by his first name.

"Shinji-kun is fine....and if you are fine with Misato-san, that's what I'll use then." He stated, not quite used to this familiarity...but surprisingly happy to have it. He watched as Misato walked on the roof, her panties coming into view as his face tinted an even darker red as he tried not to think thoughts that were TOO perverse about the older woman in front of him. He reached his hand out to her, giving it a firm squeeze as he helped her down off the room. His hand lingered for a moment, not seeming to want to let go before it detached as he moved to enter the car.

"This is a pretty nice car, Misato-san!" Shinji complimented her ride, it was rather nice though he had yet to exprience her driving. At her question, Shinji scowled slightly before letting out a sigh.

"Not much.....only that he had some kind of job for me...."I have use for you..." was the exact line I believe....what a prick..." Shinji spat out, clearly angry with his dad, as he was right to be. He looked at the window as he pondered for a moment. "A large part of me wanted to just burn the letter and not come...kinda stick it to him, you know?" Shinji questioned as he moved to look at Misato again, giving her a small smile.

"Then I got your letter though....and I thought it would be worth putting up with my old man to meet such a beautiful if anything bad happens to me, it's your fault." He gave Misato a playful wink before turning to look at the window, trying to appear calm and composed. Once he was facing the window though, his face lit up red, his heart pounding in his chest. It had taken a lot of guts for him to say that, and now he was wondering if maybe she thought he was super weird or something. He didn't want to mess this up....he wanted to be close to someone again.
"Misato-san is fine, and thank you for the compliments, car or otherwise..." Misato said amused. The poor kid looked flushed red, but slightly happy. Misato was no fan of formalities outside a formal context, so she was fine with them being a bit playful while alone. After all, Shinji was a smart guy according to his expedient, so he should be able to detect the difference. Her next question about his father soured the moment though. "Yeah, he's a prick, but I would try avoiding to make choices around how it would affect him" Misato returned the smile. "Sometimes I even wonder if anything gets to him" she commented.

Misato had a sad smile on her face while Shinji made another joke and winked an eye at her. He had said it as just a joke, but he was right nonetheless. "You are needed, don't let your father's attitude fool you about that" she confessed. "And I'll do my best so nothing bad happens to you" Misato added serious. Noticing that she had got too somber, she decided to lighten the tone. "Starting now" Misato chirped, leaning over Shinji and his seat to reach for the seatbelt, strapping him in. "See? Perfectly safe" she smiled, returning to her seat and clasping on her own seatbelt. "We are in a bit of a hurry though, so I'll go quite fast since the roads are empty" Misato warned, starting the car.

The tricked up car darted like a blue lightning through the streets, Misato's focused eyes hidden beyond her sunglasses. "We have to reach one of the subway stations that gets us into the underground as soon as possible" she voiced. Moving through the landscape, sirens started blaring on the city, tremors shaking the ground, explosions echoing in the distance. "Fuck, we have less time than I expected" Misato barked, frowning. It didn't take long for them to reach some kind of unmarked garage door that Misato opened with a keycard, opening to an industrial sized elevator where they could park the car and take an elevator that plunged into darkness.

There was little way of knowing how deep they went, but at the end the car ended up stored in a side space, as they both faced a small train wagon that seemed to be their next transport of choice. "I'd want to tell you everything, and I'll do" Misato said, sunglasses left in the car, looking straight in Shinji's eyes. "Trust me. But there are things you have to see first before anything makes sense" she added with a sigh. All the blaring noises of the surface seemed just a distant memory, as there was no hearing them deep down. "Come on, lets go" she instructed, stepping into the subway wagon.
Shinji was happy to hear someone agree with his assessment of his dad or a change. His teachers had always said that his dad was a great man, working his hardest to help save the world. Shinji just considered all that to be a pile of crap. What good man would just abandon his kid after all. When Misato stated he was needed, he turned to look back at her, giving her a grateful smile. That was when Misato moved to buckle his seatbelt, allowing him to get a good eyeful of his cleavage. His face tinted up red again as he tried not too look too much as what was being presented to him. Soon he was buckled in and they were off.

Shinji had never been much of a religious guy, but he nearly found God thanks to Misato's driving. Even with the roads being deserted, he gripped his seat and prayed for their safety. His fear didn't stop him from noticing the tremors though.

"Earthquake...?" Shinji muttered aloud, curious as to what the cause was. Soon however, they were safely parked and on a subway. When Misato mentioned having to see something to believe it, he was about to question her when the subway emerged from its tunnel. Below them was the Geofront, one of just a few on Earth and one of the greatest technological advances in human history.

"Oh wow! It's a real Geofront! Are you for real, I get to work here?" Shinji looked at Mistao, the look of a giddy school boy on his face, because that was indeed what he was. He still didn't know what awaited him, but right now, he was happy enough to take in the sight and wonder of the Geofront.
Misato heard Shinji wonder about the earthquake, but offered no explanation, worried about how things would affect that poor boy. She felt a pang of guilt for being part of what lured him there, even if she didn't exactly believe his words about having come there just for her, she played a part on it. Maybe things would be easier if she distanced herself, but the mere thought of being anything like commander Ikari just didn't sit right with her. There has to be a way of doing what they had to and don't make those kids risk so much, right? Saving everyone was nice, and one could argue that no cost was too high but...

Shinji's enthusiasm at the sight of the Geofront made Misato turn to him, feeling better thanks to his enthusiasm, even if she knew it would be just a fleeting feeling. It didn't matter what kind of person Shinji was, strong or weak, rough or gentle, selfish or generous... Misato doubted that there could be anyone that didn't get scathed by what awaited them, specially being a young boy. "There is a task for you here, yes" Misato stopped sounding a bit grim and her voice was more of a distracted one. "As soon as we reach..." she looked at the nondescript corridors with letters and numbers, the windows that gave outside the base to the green fields of the underground area. "I think I'm lost" she confessed, a weak smile on her face.

They hadn't gone through a couple of doors when the opening of the second one revealed a couple figures. "Ritsuko!" Misato yelped in surprise at the sight of the blonde woman. And what an odd sight it was: Blonde neck length hair, a beauty mark under her left eye and an spectacular figure would be enough, but her attire was also somewhat strange. Partially covered with a classic white science coat, Akagi Ritsuko was wearing a teal one piece swimsuit. "I was doing some maintenance work in the coolant tank" Ritsuko explained even without a request to, "when I was asked to retrieve your lost selves back to the headquarters" she added.

"I haven't used that entrance so I didn't know how..." Misato weakly protested.

"Give Maya-san a hand with that, will you?" Ritsuko stepped aside, allowing them to take a better look at the second figure. Ibuki Maya had been overshadowed by not only the more garish and remarkable figure of Ritsuko, but also obscured by her taller frame. The smaller woman had short dark brown hair and some sort of uniform, but what was stranger was the scuba gear she was carrying dripping around, seemingly something quite awkward and heavy that dripped all around. To make matters a bit more strange, one could guess that despite her looking professional and serious she also seemed a bit happy, trying to hide a small smile in vain.

"Fine, fine..." Misato took the oxygen canisters and gear with her, while Maya seemed to insist on keep carrying Ritsuko's moist wetsuit.

"So... this is the third child, Ikari-san's son no less" Ritsuko commented, her voice lacking the hostile edge that both Misato and Shinji himself could feel in theirs.

"This is Shinji-kun, yes" Misato mumbled, carrying the scuba gear, still seemingly a bit embarrassed for ending up lost in the base. "Do we have confirmation?" she asked, serious.

"Not yet" Ritsuko answered, "It's a bit far yet" added, wasting no time and hastening her pace. In the meantime Maya didn't do much else but greet Shinji with a nod, seemingly too busy paying attention to Ritsuko as to think of anything else.
Shinji was still excited about being in a Geofront as they left the subway and began to walk. He couldn't help but chuckle at Misato being lost. Something about it was rather amusing to him. "Are you sure you work here, Misato-san?" Shinji teased as they continued to walk before they bumped into two figures. Shinji's eyes locked onto Ritsuko at once. After all, she had a great figure like Misato and she was wearing a one piece that only articulated her curves. He was being to wondering if his dad only hired beautiful women.

This thought only gained more evidence as Maya popped into view. She was cute more than beautiful....but her small smile and down to Earth look gave her a very calmly, almost school girl like charm. As Misato introduced him, he bowed as was proper.

"I'm's nice to meet you both." he gave a small smile to both Ritsuko and Maya. He couldn't say he was happy with Ritsuko's description of him as his father's son, but he decided to keep his mouth shut in that regard. As Misato and Ritsuko talked, he drifted to Maya as he didn't want to butt in on their conversation.

" you are a tad bit....preoccupied looking at someone....but I didn't catch your name." Shinji teased Maya with a small chuckle, trying to get her name or at least get her to talk to him.
"Is it ready?" Misato kept talking with Ritsuko, worried about something. Her more happy and light self was mostly gone, allowing Shinji to see another side of the dark haired woman. She seemed to have an air of authority, carrying herself with a different pace.

"Ready" Ritsuko answered. "But Rei can't..." she mumbled, almost with a scowl.

"We don't need her today" Misato said, her voice firm, giving no space for doubts.

In the meantime, Maya was more than distracted with Ritsuko and only looked at Shinji when he talked to her. When Maya turned her head, Shinji could see that she was blushing, caught in something she shouldn't been doing. Luckily the two older women were busy talking among themselves, so it was impossible that Ritsuko had heard him. "I just... I have to help her and learn..." Maya mumbled, excusing her attention as part of her duty, even when it was clear that she was checking her out. "I'm First Lieutenant Ibuki Maya" she introduced herself formally after a moment, trying to get across an air of professionalism. "But... but if you are going to work with us you can call me Maya-kun" she voiced, seemingly seeing Shinji as a comrade, and sounding a bit boyish in the meantime.

As they advanced through the base, Ritsuko made Misato stop. "I'm going to change quickly before going to the headquarters" she announced, turning to face the younger ones. "Maya-san, if you will" she added, taking a different door while Maya eagerly followed her.

"We are almost there, but first..." Misato said, sounding slightly worried before crossing the next door. The passage gave way to a enormous dimly lit room. Once the lights turned on with their presence, a most strange sight was awaiting Shinji. Standing on a wide catwalk, he could see an inhuman face staring at them. The rest of the supposedly humanoid figure was hidden by the strange liquid it was submerged in from the shoulders down, but the head seemed out of fiction, one of a giant robot of some kind. "This is humanity's last line of defense, a machine for combat, the Evangelion" she presented.

"Captain Katsuragi" a stern voice echoed from above, a light illuminating a balcony with Ikari Gendo's figure looming over them.
Shinji hadn't really noticed Misato's tone shift as he had been busy talking to Maya. He figured Ritsuko and Misato were talking about work business so he didn't want to butt in. At Maya's words, Shinji couldn't help but chuckle slightly. He felt a sort of kinship with Maya....he had often gotten flustered easily and he had worked on resolving that so he was slightly more confident. Still, he knew where she was coming from.

"Sorry for teasing you....feel free to call my Shinji-kun...also, if you don't mind me saying, I think you are too cute for the kun so is it alright if I call you Maya-chan?" He asked with a small smile. While Maya did indeed have a boyish charm to her....he felt that made her cuter, rather than more boyish, thus in his mind that warranted a chan rather than a kun. It soon came time for them to part ways though, and Shinji gave the girl a small wink. "I look forward to working with you, Maya-chan." Once it was just Misato and Shinji again, he let out a small chuckle. "I hope I didn't come on too strong...but she is cute...she just needs to be more confident..." Shinji thought outloud before they were in the dimly lit room.

Soon the lights were on and Shinji was staring into the face of a monster...or at least that's what he thought it was. He backed against the railing as he stared at the purple behemoth.

"What the hell is this....a giant robot....." He turned to Mistao as she began to explain. "Evangelion...last line of defense....what do you mean?"

Soon however, he heard his voice and Shinji looked up staring into the cold, steely face of his Father.

"'ve come. will be piloting the Evangelion you see before you." He explained calmly as he pushed his glasses up. "You must combat the angels....our foes who would see us wiped off the face of the planet."

Shinji was trying to comprehend everything, to wrap his head around what was going on. " this why you called this the reason?" Shinji looked up to Gendo, glaring at him angrily to which Gendo just smirked.

"Of finally have a use...a purpose...what greater purpose then to save humanity, Shinji...." Gendo explained to his son in his unemotional tone yet again.

Shinji, for his part seemed to be calming down...this was all so much to wrap his head around....saving humanity...piloting a giant seemed too much for him...but he would indeed finally have a purpose in life...a reason for living.

"This is a lot to take in....I think I deserve some time to think on this decision, don't you agree...Father?" Shinji shot back at his dad, glaring at him in similar manner to how he was being glared at. For his part, Gendo just smirked, happy to see his son finally had a bit of a backbone.

"Very have 30 minutes to contemplate your decision...the Angel is still far enough away after all. Come back here once you have made up your mind." With that, Gendo vanished from sight. Shinji let out a sigh as he looked at Misato, giving her a small smile. "Excuse me, Misato-san....I need to go think." He excused himself politely as he made his way down the hall. He had seen a bathroom on the way here and soon he was inside, resting against the wall and trying to wrap his head around everything that had just occurred.
Maya silently nodded when Shiji apologized for his teasing, but soon blushed when he called her cute. "I guess that it's fine..." she mumbled, surprised by the only one that treated her like that. She eagerly followed Ritsuko when she went away, but she now had more than the blonde scientist in her mind.

Once they reached the hangar, Misato could see that Shinji's reaction was the one to be expected, but now she could explain things with ease and without disbelief on her part. Gendo's unexpected presence sent Misato's plans of explaining things to Shinji down the drain, while Misato had to stand silent and cringe at Gendo's treatment of his son. What was that of finally having a purpose? Misato barely knew Shinji but he seemed a smart and gentle kid that deserved better than that, he deserved better than having Gendo for a father. And yet, like a puppy devoid of affection that receives a caress for the first time, Misato was surprised at Shinji not lashing against his father, but reasoning with him. How alone had that kid been during all those past years if he welcomed that weird moment with his father?

Misato sighed, knowing that if she could have her father back, there would probably be little that could stop her from craving his attention, his approval. Something she would never have. Something she would have to find elsewhere. Lost in her thoughts, she almost missed Shinji's little smile and his departure. Thirty minutes to mull over that decision? To digest that moment with his absent father and the notion that he just wanted him to pilot a giant machine against an alien threat? Shinji seemed to be quite the grown up for his fifteen years, but there was no way a kid could wrap his head around all that and make a proper choice in time.

"Commander" Misato addressed Gendo. "I'll go check on him" she decided, not expecting nor receiving any nod from that man that sometimes seemed content with seeing events develop. Misato followed Shinji's footsteps, looking left and right for him, finding just Ritsuko and Maya coming back, the blonde woman with her usual blouse, skirt and pantyhose outfit under her white coat.

"How did the third child took the news?" Ritsuko asked.

"His father was there. Shinji-kun asked for time to think" the way she said his name made clear that she wasn't specially happy with her friend treating the kid as some kind of piece of equipment.

"I see" Ritsuko nodded, not specifying to what was she referring to, but her eyes brightened for a moment. "I have to get the systems ready, come on Maya-san" she added, the two of them passing by Misato to reach the headquarters and leaving the dark haired woman to her task.

Noticing that there was one place she didn't look in the first place, Misato went back to the bathroom she passed on her way. "Shinji-kun... are you there?" she asked, knocking softly on the door. "I'm going to enter" she added shortly thereafter, stepping in the clean white environment to find the boy there. "I know that it can be a lot to think about, and I'm sorry for how your father treated you..." she said. "But beyond the need we have of you, you are a good kid, smart and gentle. You'll have a purpose and a life beyond this, I'm sure" Misato continued, trying to make clear to Shinji that he wasn't just a tool to her. "I'll leave you to think, but if you have any questions..." she offered, about to exit the bathroom if Shinji didn't talk.
Shinji sat and contemplated his options somberly in the bathroom. Would they really just let him leave if he decided not to pilot the robot....he doubted it. Still....humanity needed saving....wasn't this a good chance to do something useful with his life? He could be someone important, rather than a nobody...but still, to pilot a robot to do that? It just seemed so strange.

Misato entered and Shinji looked up, listening to her. He nodded at her words but it wasn't clear if he was really understand what he was saying. Still, while he looked at her, he felt a primal hunger swell up inside. He had a feeling that he would end up piloting one way or another...and there was a chance he would die doing it. There was one thing he wanted to experience before then...but he wasn't sure he had the courage to ask.

"MI...Misato-san...." Shinji called out as he stood up, gripping his pants with his hand as he let out a sigh. "I'll....I'll pilot the Evangelion....I want to protect people, but...." Shinji's face tinted red as he wasn't able to look at her, looking down as he tried to find the words. "There is...ummm...something I'd like to do before I go though....something I haven't...done yet..." Shinji's voice became meek, as he wasn't able to exactly say what he wanted to...he hoped Misato understood what he was trying to say and ask though.
Misato's eyes opened wide and brightened as Shinji got up and said he wanted to protect people, that he would pilot the Evangelion. "That's wonderful, I knew you are a great boy Shinji-kun" she said with a smile, stepping closer to show her affection, but it seemed that he wasn't done talking yet. "Something to do? Something you haven't done?" Misato wondered out loud, completely perplexed. What could Shinji want to do in the few minutes they had before piloting the Eva? Misato leaned forward and to a side, taking a peek of Shinji's lowered face, noticing first that he was as red as a tomato, then taking a look at his body language, his embarrassment.

"Ah!" Misato finally recognized what he wanted to say, herself blushing a bit. "You are in that age... is normal to have those thoughts..." she mumbled, being aware that she had exploited those same impulses herself to make him come to Tokyo 3, feeling a bit guilty in the process. She had good intentions as well, as it was an opportunity for father and son to rejoin and that way Shinji would stop being alone, but that didn't change the bitter taste in her mouth. If Shinji was to take such a huge responsibility just because he was asked to, Misato could as well take responsibility for her own misdeeds and bring some solace to that boy.

Taking Shinji in a firm but gentle way from his shoulders, Misato took him to a stall, pushing him until he was sitting on the toilet seat while she closed the door behind her. "This is something I do because I care for you, because you are a nice boy" Misato said, making sure Shinji looked at her. "It would be nicer if your first time was with someone your age in a nicer place..." she frowned. If he wanted to, the poor kid was going to get his cherry popped in a toilet stall. "Are you sure you are fine with a woman twice your age?" she asked, not wanting to force herself on that shy kid, even if he seemed to ask for it, she had to be sure.

"If so, I'll take care of everything, don't be nervous" Misato said, almost motherly, a strange notion for such a task. "But it's a one time thing only, understood?" she insisted, unaware of the door she was about to open.
Shinji let out a sigh of relief as Misato seemed to understand what he was saying. He didn't think he had the guts to say it word for word what he wanted. Still he was surprised as Misato gripped his shoulders and pushed him into the stall, sitting him down as she closed and locked the door behind her. He was flabbergasted for a moment, not actually thinking she would agree to such a thing.

Her words seemed to pass one ear and out the other, but when she commented at her age, Shinji couldn't help but shake his head. "Your age....doesn't matter, Misato....I think you are beautiful....I would be honored if you helped me....ummmm..." Shinji blushed as he lost some of his nerve, his face turning red, but he kept eye contact with the older woman regardless. "If you would help me become a man!"

With those words, Shinji stood up. He didn't want Misato to have to take care of everything...he wanted her to feel good too, if his clumsiness would allow for such things, but he would try. That and now his hormones were raging so he didn't want to wait. He pushed Misato back against the stall door, his lips pressing hungrily against her own, roughly and clumsily, but with passion as his tongue lashed at her lips and sought entrance to her mouth.

Meanwhile, he could feel Misato's ample breasts molding against his chest as his hand began to moving up her leg to begin rubbing her exposed thigh while the other moved to grope her rear, squeezing her ass through her skirt. All of these actions aroused Shinji and drove the young man onward, a bulge already beginning to grow in his trousers that was now pressing up against Misato's thigh as she could feel his want and desire for her now.
Misato smiled at the sweet words of that nice boy, saying she was beautiful, that her age didn't matter. How he dropped the honorifics in the hea. She just wanted to help that poor kid feel comfortable, feel secure, but his attitude made her heart skip a beat for a moment. What she didn't expect was him getting up, pushing his slim body against hers, trapping Misato against the stall door. Shinji's attempts at starting with a deep kiss were met with her surprised and closed lips, while his hands wandered around her legs and bottoms wanting to feel more, to reach more. Being a trained member of the military, Misato could easily overpower the young boy, but didn't want to outright push him away and make him feel dejected, so she slowly put her hands on Shinji's neck and shoulders, gently getting some space to talk.

"You can't substitute experience with passion, let me teach you even if we don't have much time" Misato said, doing nothing about his hands, that could be addressed later. "Instead of trying to put your tongue in, try to feel the moment. If she's passionate being aggressive can be fine, but normally you'll get better results going step by step. Kiss her normally, play around with her lips, her neck. When she's ready her mouth will open invitingly, no doubt" she tried to guide him. Misato leaned in, softly and slowly starting to kiss Shinji, nibbling once at his lower lip while she moved her leg a bit, rubbing against his growing manhood. As she opened her mouth to receive Shinji's awkward assault, Misato felt excited despite the odd situation. It had been a while since the last time she had been with a man, since she had been with... him. And sure, Shinji was more boy than man, but having him pressing his warm body against her, his hands groping her body so intensely, the lines that separated him from grown men were blurring.

"Much better" Misato appreciated, breaking the kiss, panting softly. "Considering that I'm a bit taller and what space we have..." she mumbled, thoughtful. "Sit down" she said, making clear that she was indeed accustomed to command and be listened to. Her tone didn't only made clear that she was to be obeyed, it also made it inviting, tempting to obey her. She was aware that they didn't have much time, so things like foreplay or getting fully naked were luxuries that Shinji's first time wouldn't have. Misato was sure that once that crazy day was over Shinji's self confidence would be better and he would with time find some girl he could experience all those things first time, but now they didn't have the time. Perhaps part of that hurry was Misato herself, wanting to feel Shinji close, inside, but she discarded the idea. She was just helping the kid, right? Right.

"Show me Shinji" Misato whispered, her voice sultry and breathy, dropping the honorific on that intimate moment. "Show me that big, hard thing you have there" she asked. In the meantime, Misato reached under her dress, finding and pulling down her plain white panties, as she was wearing nothing fancy that day. Leaning against the walls of the stall she raised first one leg, then the other, until her panties were removed and discarded apart. Misato was surprised finding a small hint of wetness on them, proof of an excitation she didn't quite want to admit. Now both of them knew that she wasn't wearing anything under her dress down there, as she was ready to take Shinji's virginity as soon as he showed her what she had just felt against her thigh before.
Shinji was surprised to feel himself pushed back slightly. Was he no good at kissing, is that what it was? That was his thought until Misato began to explain things to him. He nodded his head, making mental notes. He wanted to be able to do better with Misato or another girl the next time this happened, so advice from someone experienced definitely would help. Still, even as Misato wrapped her arms around his neck and resumed the kiss, she said nothing of his hands so he assumed that was okay. They continued to squeeze and grope at her rear and breast through the fabric of her cloths as he kissed Misato, moaning slightly as she nibbled on his lip and rubbed her leg against his now fully erect and quite large bulge.

His tongue ventured into her mouth when her lips parted. His appendage eagerly explored, rubbing up and swirling around her own tongue and exploring her mouth playfully. The kiss ended though, and Shinji was panting in a similar manner to Misato. Her voice and the sound of her breaths aroused Shinji and he took a seat as he was told to. Her sultry voice filled his head as she said she wanted to see his cock. He nodded his head, undoing his trousers enough to reveal his large, throbbing cock. If Misato could remember, she would note that it was quite abit longer and larger than Kaji's...Shinji seemed to be blessed with good genes.

As he did this, Misato was removing her panties and soon her womanhood would be freed from confines as well....but it was teasingly hidden under her dress. Shinji remained seated, a look a desperation and lust in his eyes. "Misato....please." His voice a low, almost feral like growl as his cock throbbed, clearly in need of attention.
Misato's lips slightly parted in anticipation, waiting as Shinji fumbled with his pants, eager to release his hard manhood from that restraint, but her mouth opened wide as she watched the tool the boy was packing. Was it bigger than Kaji's? No, it couldn't be, it was just that it had been a while since the last time and a particularly sizeable cock looked bigger on the slim boy. The foreskin was taut around the base of his glans, giving it a bit of a cute look in what was otherwise a veiny monster. Taking a deep breath to control herself, hoping that Shinji didn't see her expression of disbelief, Misato approached him. Straddling his seated legs made the dress ride up her thighs, but not enough to reveal her prize. That close it was now evident and she couldn't fool herself, either she was more needy than expected and that distorted her vision or Shinji was indeed longer and thicker than Kaji.

Not wanting to think of Kaji, Misato took hold of Shinji's shoulder with her left hand, leaning closer to him. "Ah... I need..." Misato mumbled, looking patently blushed in such a situation. Licking the palm of her right hand with fruition, she made it slick and wet, almost dripping with drool before lowering it between their bodies, taking hold of Shinji's cock and lubing it with her own saliva the best she could, making sure she didn't rub too much on the novice boy causing him to cum before time, completely pulling his foreskin back, revealing his engorged head. "Now it's... ready" she breathed on his ear, guiding it to her opening. "You can grope my... my back" she suggested. "Or my breasts if you want, you said you liked the picture I sent to you, right?" Misato added. He would have to do so over her dress, but that would have to be enough as the time was pressing.

"Let me... ngh-" Misato grunted, moving her hips against the tool that was on her right hand, getting Shinji's head inside. "Fuck-" there was no way, and yet, she couldn't deny it. Shinji was indeed bigger than Kaji in every aspect, something that could be a challenge for her. "I didn't want to admit it but... you are very big, way bigger than anyone I've been with..." she whispered, knowing that there was no man that didn't like such a compliment. "I didn't expect it, give me a moment to get accustomed..." Misato begged, her supporting legs trembling a bit as she leaned on Shinji more and more, her hips gyrating a bit trying to get used to that girth before having to face such a length. "Oh fuck..." Misato moaned, slowly downing herself on Shinji, reaching just halfway there.

It was too much for her after such a dry patch, and even if it wasn't painful despite the lack of foreplay as she got wet with ease and had taken the precaution of lubing him up, it was such a tool that even without movement it was hitting all the right places. It was nothing she couldn't normally handle, or so she thought, but it had been so long and Shinji was so cute that it was making a number on her, moans and unsteady breath making it evident. She waited for a moment before continuing downing herself on Shinji, but she didn't have much time since the boy seemed eager.
Shinji saw the look on Misato's face and he squirmed somewhat. He wasn't sure why she was looking at him like that. Was his cock weird? He couldn't help but think that, but that thought drifted away as Misato's slicked hand began to stroke at his throbbing cock. Her hand peeled back his foreskin to reveal his tip and he let out a soft moan from the feeling of her hand stroking his felt so different from when he did it to himself, it was amazing.

With her words, Shinji's hands ventured to the front of her body and began to grope at her breasts through her dress. They rubbed and squeezed, but it was clear they wanted more...touching through the fabric just wasn't good enough. Still, he might be able to do something about that in the moment...for now, he focused on the fact he was getting ready to lose his virginity.

Misato's moans and soft groans as she rubbed herself against his throbbing rod were echoed by Shinji. He felt his cock being made even slicker by Misato's wetness...her actual womanhood hidden by her dress. He felt his tip being pushing into something and he let out a soft moan. He was surprised she seemed to be struggling...when she mentioned his size, he couldn't help but blush, but he felt empowered in a way...his self-confidence rising.

As his cock began to slip into her, Shinji let out soft moans as well. He could feel his rod being enveloped by Misato's tight and wet felt much better than his hand. " good...I need more..." Shinji let out a small groan, his cock still only half way enveloped. He could feel his girth stretching Misato...but he couldn't wait...the lust and desire were too much for the young man.

He stood up swiftly, causing his cock to slam deep into Misato's unsuspecting pussy as he fully sheathed himself inside her. This caused him to let out a loud moan as the sensation spread from half his cock to his whole cock and the deeper inside her pussy he was, the tighter she felt...almost untouched in a way. With surprising strength he pressed Misato's back against the stall door as he began to move his hips, pulling his cock out only to slam it back into her roughly and fully. He continued this, wanting to see what reaction that drew....however his hormones began to talk over and his well executed thrust began to become more wild and feral.

His hands moved to her top, basically ripping open the front of it to expose her bra covered breasts to him. He pushed one end of her bra up to expose her bare and perky tit to him. His mouth wasted no time, latching onto her exposed breast as he sucked hard, like a babe trying to draw milk. His tongue swirled around her nipple, his cock slammed wildly into her pussy and his hand and ventured under her dress...seeking out her clitoris. He had read about it and been told of it...he was told it was one of the best ways to make a girl feel good. After a few moments of clumsy looking with his digits, they found her sensitive nub. He began to rub and tug on the nub in a curious manner....eager to see what reaction that would draw on top of everything else.
"Congratulations, you are no longer a virgin..." Misato said, trying to relax and take more of Shinji in, but the boy voiced his need for more, his hunger for more. "Yes... it's good... just give me-" Misato's voice was cut short, her mouth open in a silent scream, holding her breath, ending up uttering a throaty moan as Shinji got up and slammed his whole cock up to the base while he took Misato back against the door. "Ah... fuck... shit..." Misato could just swear and gasp, her legs still holding her uptight but shaking, her stance widening as she lowered herself against the smaller boy, impaling herself further.

"So big..." Misato moaned to Shinji's ear, her arms propped against the walls of the stall, helping her to support her awkward position while Shinji had her trapped against the stall door. It was something like she had never felt, not even her boldest of embarrassing toys she had at home compared to that size, not to mention the warmth, the heat that irradiated from Shinji's manhood. How he filled her was rough, unexperienced and somewhat painful, but also pleasurable, making Misato feel all the need and loneliness from Shinji. The assault made her dress ride upwards more and more, slowly rolling above her mound.

The boy went wild, ripping the top of her dress, pushing her white plain bra and aggressively sucking on her stiff nipple. "Yes, use your tongue, nibble it a bit..." Misato moaned, using one hand to push his head even closer against her breast. His instincts weren't bad, and even if his execution was sloppy, Misato was getting more and more wet, receiving that enormous and eager tool inside her. "Fuck me Shinji..." she gasped, "enjoy your first time with a woman..." Misato encouraged, glad that it had been her the one to take his virginity. She would have to talk with him later about his fierce approach, just thinking about what he could do to a virgin girl his age with such a thing between her legs was terrifying, he had to learn to be gentle and responsible.

Misato's thoughts about lessons, about teaching Shinji, vanished in a flash of white as Shinji clumsily rubbed and tugged on her clitoris. "Fuck!" she yelled, her voice echoing in the empty bathroom. "B-be gentle there... it's... sensitive" Misato begged, her eyes almost teary by the sudden attack on her nub. Shinji's beastly approach was pleasurable, but also had a painful edge that had to be taken care of. "Don't worry about that-" she said between her more and more frequent moans, "grab my ass and fuck me" Misato instructed, clearly showing that for all her professional face, she had quite the dirty mouth. Leaning her head a bit to whisper in Shinji's ear, she smiled, feeling better and better.

"You don't have to worry, I'm on the pill" Misato said, aware that maybe Shinji didn't understood her. "You can cum inside" she added, her voice wavering with pleasure, nibbling on his earlobe as she finished the sentence.
Misato's words and moans only further fueled Shinji's arousal. His tongue swirled around her perky nipple and at her insistent, he began to nibble on the bud, grinding it gently between his teeth. His hips moved even more wildly now, his cock slamming deeply and forcefully into Misato as her back banged against the stall door with every thrust.

Misato told him to grip her ass and he did, his hands moving to grip her rear roughly and his fingers digging into her flesh through her flesh. He tried to push her ass down onto his throbbing cock, his tip pressing up against something...not realizing it was her cervix. He pounded his cock against it as he felt pressure building up in his cock.

"Misato.....Misato! I'm!" Shinji moaned loudly, his thrusts becoming even more violent. It was clear his climax was near and after one final, rough thrust, the dam burst. He flooded Misato's with his hot and sticky seed. It filled her channel, some of his cum leaking out of her ravished pussy and dripping down her thigh.

His breath was ragged and his cock went limp inside Misato's cunt as he slowly pulled his rod out of her, his crotch a mess as he looked to Misato with a red blush on his face. "Was that....good?"
As Misato's support on the stall walls faltered and Shinji took hold of her ass like she had asked, more and more of her weight leaned on the smaller boy while he pounded her with no technique and all hunger. "Fuck... so big... so deep-" Misato's moans turned throaty and then died on a silent scream, as she gasped for dear air. That sensation was something new, a mixture of pain and pleasure never found before that sent jolts that felt truly electric. "Wha-" she panted and moaned, disoriented at that feeling. It couldn't be anything but Shinji's enormous tool bottoming on her as she impaled herself with that posture, her stance wider and wider, but there was no way right? He wasn't that big, that boy had no way of making her feel like that, he had no right to... and yet, she was starting to feel an orgasm approach.

"Fuck!" Misato swore when Shinji's moans became louder, his rhythm erratic and forceful. She knew full well what that meant, what his throbbing signaled, but she was so close that she could almost taste it. Moments later Shinji exploded inside her, a wealth of cum running on her insides, dripping down her legs, the pleasure making the boy shake against her, making Misato feel closer and closer, but not enough as to cum herself. It was fine, wasn't it? She was there to offer relief and peace of mind to that gentle boy that hide a beast inside him, not to pleasure herself, and yet she was so close... But she couldn't touch herself, not there, not in front of Shinji, and to top it off there was no time for that.

As Shinji's tool deflated and popped outside her with a wet sound, allowing for more of his seed to drip down, Misato started to recover her posture, although it wasn't easy. "It was fantastic, specially for a first time" Misato said, ruffling his hair with her right hand. "You have a lot of potential, must learn to pace yourself and let the girl do her thing" she added. "But today there was simply no time. How did your first pussy feel? Did I feel nice?" Misato asked, even if the answer was obvious, wanting to poke the shy kid a bit.

"Anyway, we have to get ready" Misato commented, a bit more serious. Her dress was torn at the top, revealing her bunched bra and a still drool glistening breast that had a few hickeys here and there on the soft flesh. The bottoms weren't much better, crumpled at her waist while her pussy dripped semen to the bathroom floor. Now that they were a bit apart and the dress wasn't working as such anymore, Shinji could see Misato's meaty pussy all swollen and flushed, still quivering a bit as it leaked, a tuft of dark purple hair on top of it, the same color of her head. Misato grabbed a bunch of toilet paper, cleaning herself on Shinji's seed the best she could, each brush reminding her how close to the orgasm she had been, and instructed Shinji to do the same with his crotch.

"There is a dressing room close by" Misato commented once everything was clean, the traces of their moment of passion vanished, adjusting her tattered dress the best she could to offer some protection until they got there, almost forgetting to retrieve her discarded panties from the floor. "I can change into my uniform there and you can get into the plug suit pilots use for the Eva. We are still on time, even if a bit tight" she added, guiding the boy out of the bathroom and around the base. Luckily she was perfectly familiar with that area, so there was no way they got lost there like before.

The locker room was a perfectly normal one, even if mixed. There were a few modesty stalls and showers there, allowing for people to have privacy even given the circumstances. Shinji could see that some of the ample and wide lockers were tagged with names, including one for him, but some of them were still unmarked. Without a second thought, Misato undressed, dropping his mangled and sweaty dress and panties inside her locker, drying the most of her sweat with a towel, then quickly changing into another set of practical white underwear, a black skirt and blouse and a bright red jacket. "What?" she looked puzzled at Shinji's expression. "Come on, we just fucked on the bathroom, you won't expect modesty now, right?" Misato added, being straightforward and a bit crude. "You should have a few plug suits in your locker, they are designed to go without any clothes below" she warned, as the tight nature of them would make any underwear not only show, but also be uncomfortable. "Get dressed and we'll go to the hangar, the Angel can't be that far" she said, almost an order.
Shinji's breath was still ragged as he got a good sight of Misato's body after their fucking. He exposed breast with his hickeys and her pussy that was now visible to his eyes. He blushed at the sight of think his cock had been thrust in that. He saw his seed dripping out of her ravished cunt and down her thigh. He quickly began to clean himself off as well, taking some toilet paper and wiping his cock and pubic hair free of his seed and Misato's love juice.

Once they were cleaned off enough and looked proper, Shinji followed Misato to the locker him. His eyes couldn't help but linger on Misato's form. Even if they had just fucked, he hadn't good a good glimpse of her in the stall but now here she was in all her nude glory. When Misato confronted him about the fact in a tease manner, he muttered an apology as he tried to fight by another erection...they didn't have time for that right now.

He was soon stripped in his his plug suit it felt odd but he looked to Misato and gave her a smile, asking how he looked. That was the last thing he remembered.

He awoke with a start, staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. It took awhile for his eyes to adjust to the light...the sun appeared to be setting. He looked down and realized he was in a hospital this was a hospital it seemed. He couldn't remember what happened, his head was a jumble.

As he looked around though, he couldn't help but notice another figure in the bed next to him. He couldn't see them well, so he sat up in an attempt to get a better look at whoever was in the bed.
Misato could feel Shinji's eyes as they got dressed, making her excited state grow a bit worse, but she was managing to keep herself calm despite being taken so close to the edge and then not getting release. That encounter wasn't about her after all, just wanted to help Shinji, to do something nice for that boy whose father was a distant asshole. Misato sighed, hoping that now that Shinji had his first sexual encounter he would be bolder and braver and would face the challenge in front of them with more confidence. The lives of them all depended on it after all. "You look nice" Misato said, trying to not look at how the suit bulged in the groin. "You'll be fine" Misato said before guiding Shinji back, really thinking that her words would be true.

But she was wrong.

As Shinji woke up in the white room, light felt blinding, it was odd how white all could be. As he sat up and his eyes got accustomed to the clarity, he could properly see the figure in the bed next to him, quite the unexpected and odd sight. Dressed on a crude looking sleeveless white plugsuit, the blue haired girl had bandages all over her body, including a covered eye and an arm protected by a cast and an arm sling. Her body was slim, almost too much, and she seemed to be awake, looking expressionless at the ceiling. Noticing movement on the other bed, the girl slowly turned her head with a small flinch of pain to face Shinji, but soon returned to her neutral visage.

"Ikari Shinji" she said, no question, just a statement. "I've seen pictures of you in Gendo's office" she added, her blank expression and monotone voice softening a bit when she voiced his father's name. Who was that girl that talked about his father by his given name? She had to be a pilot judging by the plugsuit, but what happened to her to be that injured? In fact, what happened to Shinji?
Shinji was somewhat surprised to hear her say his name. Based on what she said, it sounded like she knew about him from his father or something like that. She must have worked for NERV and based on what she was wearing, a plug suit, he could really only think of one thing.

"Are Eva pilot as well? How did you get injured and how did I get here....did I manage to defeat the Angel?" Shinji asked as he gripped his head. The memories of fighting the angel were still scattered and incoherent in his mind. He was still trying to remember what exactly had happened as he let out a sigh.

"Well, you know my name but I don't know yours...if we are going to work together, it would be nice if I knew your name." Shinji gave her a small smile, hoping to get to knew this girl and fellow pilot. After all, he needed to make some friends and what better friend to have then a fellow pilot and rather cute girl to boot as well.
"Yes" Rei answered plainly to the question of her being a pilot, but the next one warranted a longer explanation. "I pilot the Eva-00 prototype" she said, pointing to the 00 above her plugsuits' chest with her healthy hand. "Things went wrong with a test, but Gendo helped me" she said, a small smile appearing on her face briefly. "Captain Katsuragi brought you here two days ago, so even if I'm not sure, I'd say that you did defeat the Angel" she explained. "Or we would be dead" she added, in case Shinji couldn't follow her logic.

"Ayanami Rei" she finally introduced herself. "We'll be together at class too..." Rei paused. "Well, when they release me" she added, sighing softly. It was clear that it wasn't a nice place to be, and if had to be dull for her until he woke up. There weren't any books or past times on the table bedside her, so she must had been bored out her life. The only thing that rested there were some broken glasses that didn't seem like they would fit Rei at all.

There was something familiar about that girl, something about her expression that made Shinji feel at ease, although it was a bit unnerving to think of it. She was just a girl his age, that was all, he was just probably still confused and a bit dizzy after what happened.
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