Mx Female Junior's Coffee Shop (NSFW)


Furiously Pointing at Rule 10
Nov 20, 2016

Hey there and welcome to my new and improved coffee shop! Please take a load off, look through everything and see if anything catches your fancy. If it does feel free to come on up to the counter and place your order whenever ya like!
About Me
I have no strict requirements when it comes to posting frequency or length, though I don't have the type of lifestyle or time that allows for rapid fire back and forth roleplaying. All my roleplays are done exclusively through PMs but I have no complaints about planning on discord if that is easier for you. I am happy to provide both GM style roleplays in addition to standard co-operative roleplays depending on the story and partner.
  • Fantasy
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Modern 'Slice Of Life'

I'd like this to be a long term roleplay focused on a small group of adventurers in a fantasy setting. We can start easy with just one character each, but then I would enjoy expanding and adding characters to the party as time goes on. Characters can fade in and out as time goes on, whether that comes from them simply choosing to leave, settling down or otherwise being captured or removed from the party. I am happy to play the majority of the antagonists/secondary and tertiary characters for this roleplay, but I would also enjoy if my partner had an interest in playing some outside of their main characters as well. I would prefer to work out the specifics of this exact setting and the goals of these characters together rather than set down something predetermined here, but the primary goal of this is to explore those relationships between the characters and see them either grow into something more, or be ripped apart at the whims of the world.

Modern 'Slice Of Life'
I would love to run a roleplay focused on a family, the world around them and how they get along with one another. For this roleplay I would be looking for a family of about four to six, with each of us playing multiple characters. I would like them to range in age from the parents in their late thirties or forties to their children in university, college, highschool or already being in the workforce. Each member of the family can be expanded upon to include their own friends and acquaintances from outside of the family. Incest is certainly a possibly and cheating is highly encouraged, whether that is the parents of any of the children cheating on their own partners. This is something I would like to flesh out long term and explore together with the right partner, so if you're interested at all let's see if we can make it work!

Fantasy Image Inspirations.
Modern Image Inspirations.
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Well it's been awhile, suppose I could do with a partner or two.
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