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The pokemon stories! (KaseKatty x spud)


Das dingo
Jan 18, 2017
My house.
The sun in the sky was starting to set, deep within the sweet smelling forest held millions of pokemon. The forest seemed to stretch on forever, unending oceans of tree's and fields untouched by human civilization. There where caves, mountains, valleys. It was really a natural wonder that had been respected since the beginning of human development, as surprising as that may seem. Deep in this forest there was a hungry little paras, wondering around looking for food. The caves would always get dry around this time of year for some reason, made it difficult to find food and plant fibers. So most pokemon who lived there would explore outwards to find a new source of food. The little paras stumbled around, digging under rocks between the roots of trees and under leaves. But it seemed that most of the forest floor was picked clean. At least in this part of the forest for some reason.. then he saw a nice juicy berry, sitting right next to a tall old wilting tree. Gleefully he skittered towards it before realizing that he wasn't moving anymore. Something caught onto him, looking back he saw the white web of some kind of spider pokemon! His eyes widened and he thrashed around trying to get out, all this did was alert the web owner of his presence and he managed to get more of his body stuck in the web by carelessly jumping around.
Garvantula was a lazy pokemon, he always made webs in high traffic areas and slept til he caught his meal. He was happily napping when he was woken by movement of his web he immediately sent a shock through the web to stun his prey. He approached the little paras and spoke to him "you look mighty tasty~ " he said as he wrapped the paras up "i think I'll play with my food for a bit before eating. He went over the paras his intentions now obvious. He made sure paras new his exact intentions.
Paras jumped and looked at the giant spider "n-no! please don't eat me!! I taste horrible, th-these mushrooms are poison! You'll die!" he shouted horrified, those where lies. The mushrooms only effected paras and would only take his mind when he's older. But right now he was fully aware of his surroundings. he didn't understand his intentions or implications at all, he was too scared to think of anything other than trying not to be eaten right now. "i... i can get you other pokemon! Just let me live!" he pleaded for his life.
Garvantula purred deeply "though you are tempting me with your offers. Paras is my favorite to eat.~" he noticed paras was getting the hints so he grinded his hard rod against paras. To let him know what he meant by playbwith his food. "Your too cute a paras not to play with~" he kept grinding wanting to scared the little pokemon more before playing with him. He was much bigger than the paras it looked like his rod wouldnt even fit.
The paras eyes grew wide as he saw the Garvantula's strange looking cock rub against him and grind him. Small tears grew in his eyes and he struggled much more, trying to get out of the binding that he's been put into by the Garvantula "p-please! I.. It won't work! I'm a male! y-you're a male too! that's not how this works! And we're d-d-d-different pokemon!!" he pleaded more not wanting to see that rod anywhere near him.
Garvantula chuckled "I'll make it work~" his rod was slimy as he grinded against the paras. He pressed it against paras hole and started to pushed into him. He pushed in slowly.
Paras could feel his hole being teased by the strange looking cock. He wiggled and twitched trying to get away "st-stop! That hurts! it.. It feels weird!" he shouted
Garvantula smirked and chuckled before pushing it into paras. "I dont really care if you like it im gonna eat you anyway~"
paras closed his eyes tight and pinched his claws as hard as he could on the webs, trying to take the pain and hope it wasn't going to be so bad. Then the rest of his cock was pushed inside him and he opened his mouth wide. Letting out a scream and curling up his abdomen trying to get it out of him quickly. "P-Please!! I'm begging!" he started to cry a little bit, his legs struggling to break free.
The paras started panting and looking down, his face flush with pink. He felt lower than dirt, at least if he was being eaten right now he would have a bit more dignity and the pain would end soon. he let a couple tears fall down his cheeks and then protruding out from the web, his little cock was getting hard. He couldn't help it, the weird feeling was forcing his cock to be stimulated and he trembled a bit. Clearly trying to reason with this pokemon wasn't going to work.
Paras felt the tingling through his body, it went through his cock and made him feel very strange. he looked down and could see his cock throbbing quite a bit, he was trying to stop the other pokemon from moving.. But all he was doing was moving his hips more, making it feel even better. He closed his eyes tight and let out a little moan and yelp.
Garvantula purred more at the moanand sent more harmless small statics through Paras body as he moved more "you such a cute little one~" he kept moving his rod stimulating the little one. His rod went even deeper. He wanted to just pound paras but decided to wait til paras was loving it before pounding him. Garvantula didnt noticed his web surrounding paras was slowly breaking from all the movement
The paras started to stretch and arch his back, the cock inside of him feeling so strange. he could feel the tip of his cock starting to tingle and feel.. good? Almost amazing, his cock twitching and his hips moving on their own. "pl-please!" Paras panted and let his mouth open, his eyes half closed looking down. His cock shooting out from the web and he started moving his hips a bit more. His prostate throbbing under the hard cock.
Garvantula grinded against paras prostate. He smirked and chuckled "please what? Your loving it~ want me to pound you?~ It'll be electrifying~" garvantula said and kept moving, going faster, the web ripping more the faster he pounded.
Paras couldn't help it, it did feel really good. His legs tensing up as hard as they could, making his ass and cock feel so much better. His eyes slowly raised and he was looking up as the cock glided in and out of his ass without any kind of resistance at this point. "pl..... please pound me!!" he finally said, small tears building up in the corner of his eyes. "I want to be electrified!!" he shouted a little bit, his pincers holding onto the webs harder. Almost cutting through them.
Garvantula purred loudly a slightly stronger static going through paras. He pulled back to the tip the slammed in as deep as he could go he then started pounding paras the web wrapped around paras ripped as garvantula pounded
Paras head flew back and he could feel his ass being pounded as his prostate twitched and throbbed. His cock leaking out a lot of pre-cum, dribbling down his cock onto his balls. The paras let out high pitched moans and grunts with each thrust sending shock waves of pleasure through his body.
Garvantula kept pounding him going harder and faster. His cock swelled as he was about to cum. He kept pounding him and completely ripped the binds making it harder to pound the little paras he grabbed little paras with a few of his legs to hold him still as he continued moving. He set a few pleasurable shocks through paras. He then pulled out to the tip and slammed in all the way to the base befome cumming deep inside him.
Paras tried hard to curl up into a little ball, his pincers shaking and his mouth unable to stop making moans from every thrust and tease. His cock throbbing and pulsing from every thrust, his ass got really tight and he curled up tighter. Then he felt a hot flow of cum pour straight into his ass. His eyes widened and he stretched backwards his small cock shooting its own load all over both of their chests. His legs quickly squirming from the intense pleasure.
Garvantula pulled out once finished and chuckled "now to eat you~" he said as he held out paras and started to wrap the little paras in web again
Paras was a bit tired. Then he heard something about eating, he quickly put his feet on the chest of the spider and kicked off of him, flying out of his web and landing on the floor. The web was weak enough to be ripped easier, landing on the ground. The paras quickly flipped over and sprinted in the other direction terrified, disappearing into a nearby bush and hiding. Escaping successfully
Garvantula groaned as his stomach grumbled "there goes another meal and theres not even any berries around here to eat instead.

(Ive got an idea for the next )
Lucy loved her job she cared for the pokemon in the stables. Some were free for trainers to ride others were being boarded and cared for while their trainers were away. She finished caring for the boarded pokemon and went to her favorite pokemon mudsdale he was huge and gorgeous standing proudly. She kissed his nose and greeted him "hello mudsdale you gave alot of rides this morning i bet your exhausted. She gave him a bowl of his favorite berries. She grabbed his brush and started to brush his gorgeous hair
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