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Mx Female RP Request - Long Term *NEW PLOTS 6/22/24


Dec 7, 2012
Request Thread with Plots
Greetings. If you are reading this I would like to take you for having the initiative to take the first step into a relationship that hopefully will last for some time. In order to obtain the type of partnership that I am looking for there needs to be a high level of compatibility between us. Realize that I am not seeking someone for one story, but for multiple stories that span months and years. I have a single partner that I have been active with for multiple years and I am seeking to add another.

About me:
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 20’s
Length Preference: 3+ Paragraphs
Roleplay Format: eMail only
Kinks: Rather standard. No animals, bathroom, transformation. The kinks I have active in any given plot can vary greatly, so if there is something that really gets you going let me know and we can work on a way to include it.
Pictures: I like to have pictures for each main character, it helps me describe and write about them.

What you can expect from me
During story development we will discuss the plot and any modifications that you might like to make. During this time we will set up a character descriptions/appearances. Other than the opening scene I do not often have any ideas or major direction for the story, I prefer that to be spontaneous and unforced. I want to have very open and honest communication, if something that we do you love then let me know and we can do more of that. If there is something that you dislike, then by all means tell me. You will not hurt my feelings.

What I expect from you
Return what I give you. If I do 5+ paragraphs then put in equal effort. I am not a grammer nazi, I dont get upset over a misspelled word but I will get upset over lack of effort. Be courteous, if something is not working then lets communicate. Tell me what you like, what you don't like. Tell me what you like, tell me what you want and we will get it incorporated into the story.

The plots and stories below are very generic and are open to all sorts of kinks. Some of them are heavy in sex, others in plot.


Plot #1

Your character is a holy warrior (Paladin) who has lived her entire life devoted to her God and protecting her realm. When an barbarian army attack and demolish her city. She is forced to watch as her city is destroyed and the treasures of her people are taken. The people are taken with the invading army to serve as laborers and slaves. Being one of the leaders of her people additional burden will be placed on her.

The barbarian culture is not accustomed to seeing female warriors, and your character is the best fighter that he has ever seen.

This plot is heavily derived off of the character Khal Drogo and Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones.

The morning air was cold and crisp. As Khal rolled onto his back and looked up he saw the mist coming from his breath and the man felt a rare smile trickle across his weather worn face. Today was the end of the journey, today would be the last raid before Khal would lead his people home. It had been seven months since he lead this group from their homeland to raid foreign kingdoms and villages. With each sacked city his people would take slaves and supplies that would be crucial for the winter months ahead.

The weather was abnormally cold this early in the season and Khal knew that the journey over the next weeks would prove an intense challenge. Snow and ice would block the roads making the caravan travel at an even slower pace. It was the riskiest point of the journey - the open road. Khal's people moved swiftly to attack and retreat before a large neighboring force was established, if his caravan got caught on the road the results could be disastrous. The route had been carefully calculated, it would be a three week journey back to his home, if today went well.

Khal had considered turning back and leaving this last city - his dreams simply could not allow it. This city was his destiny, at least that was what he believed. The behemoth of a man lifted himself from the warmth of the sheets and looked down to the two women who remained in his bed entirely naked and oblivious to his stares. They were nothing compared to the woman he had dreams of. They paled in comparison to her beauty. Khal would find her here. She had to find her here.

The fear trickled at the back of his mind, what if she was only a dream. What if she never existed and this was a cruel trick the Gods were playing on him?


The sweat trickled down her forehead as her sword sliced through the morning air. The air frigid this morning was only a further challenge that would make her stronger compared to the others. Rowan was one of a eight other women that served as Paladins and she was easily considered their leader - and that privilege came with a far greater burden than her male equivalents. Rowan had to be faster, stronger and above all smarter if her status was to remain.

The bells of the church cut through the morning air. She only had five minutes. It was with that knowledge that she worked a little harder.


Khal heard the chime of the bells as his men approached the city under the cloud of darkness. As was customary Khal had split his men into three distinct groups - two would attack the city from opposite sides and meet in the middle, the third would remain with already captured slaves and supplies from their previous raids on villages and towns. The attacking party each had roughly thirty men, when they had started this journey each group had over fifty. Forty two of his men had died and he prayed to the God's that none would die this day.


Chaos erupted as the morning unfolded within her city. Rowan stood beside her fellow paladins defending the door which lead to the temple. People had rushed inside for sanctuary and it was her job to defend those people. Rowan stood with seven of her fellow paladins, when the morning had started there had been twenty two of them. Rowan told herself that the others were in the city defending.. hiding.. They surely would not be dead.

The screams had seemed to subside as Rowan and the others formulated their next plan as Khal and his men approached. It was clear that Khal was the leader, his commands cutting through the silence while his men encircled the temple. The man stood over a foot taller than any of the other men and seemed twice as large. The man was all muscle and even the strongest and largest of his men looked small and weak beside him.

"Come down and you will live. Stay and you will die."

Khal was about to speak when his eyes fell on Rowan. It was her. It was the woman who had consumed his thoughts and his dreams.


Plot #2

This story revolves around a man who recently won the lottery and has come into a massive amount of wealth. Instead of doing ‘normal’ things with all of his money he has instead decides to live out his fantasies with the women of his life. These women range from co-worker, to bosses wife, waitress, neighbor. The man has no family and builds a remote home to house these women.

This story would involve multiple characters played by you. Although there would be two ‘main’ female characters there would be other characters within the story that would come in for various reasons. I envision roughly 10 women being kidnapped. The man would attempt to seduce these two women, and make them want him. They would be his favorites. The story would revolve around their resistance to him, and him perhaps taking his frustration out on the other women. Similar to the first Plot it is wide open for ideas. Definitely the most sexual plots that I have and will involve elements on non-consenting sex.

I have yet to find someone capable of this plot, and it is the one I want to do the most.

He liked to think of himself as smarter than the average Power Ball winner. After he had checked the numbers for the 100th time on his ticket the realization started to take hold, he was going to be extremely wealthy. The question that all of the Power Ball winners have though is how are you going to use this money? What are you going to do with it and how are you going to live. It is safe to say that his plan was unique, his plan had never been concocted before.

For years he had lived his life as just an average American. Working in a job that showed him little appreciation and demanded too much of him he was just coasting through life, at least he was until he purchased the single Power Ball ticket. He decided to take the three hundred forty two million dollar winnings as a single lump sum payment, and then the government took their cut. What he was left with was a mere one hundred eighty six million dollars and change. In Virginia you are not required to report your name for the public, so he was by all accounts an anonymous millionaire.

For the first few months he did nothing with the money. He did not even quit his job right away. Using a financial planner he used the majority of his wealth to acquire businesses, property and various assets that would continue to pay him for years to come. What is more interesting is what he decided to do with the other fifty million that he had not told his financial planner about. The idea came to him one day as he watched Anna walking down the hallway, seeing her little ass sway this way and that. What would it be like to spank that ass? What would it feel like to slap his dick across her face? He got hard just thinking about it.

In that moment he knew what he wanted to do with his vast wealth. All of the women, all of those fucking women that had teased and tormented him over the years would finally be his. The plans were set in motion to build design and something to house and store these women. As his plans began he realized that the location needed to be remote, but also have severe weather the entire year. It would be the greatest deterrent from someone trying to escape if the outside temperature was below zero and there was not a traveled road for miles. The location he settled on was Northern Alaska, the greatest challenge at this point was being able to construct his ‘dream home’.

The parcel of land that he purchased was over 30,000 acres and there would not be a neighbor for over thirty miles. There was a single road that would lead to the house, which could easily be guarded at all times to prevent unwanted visitors. None of the land it had running water, sewer, or other utilities. It took some rather large donations to secure the services that he needed.

The construction and design took over a year to complete, and then another six months to complete the smaller lodge which the servants would live in. During the entire time of the design he began to select his employees, but being as he was paying over five times the standard wage of their respected professions he was finding many willing applicants. There were a total of seven full time employees at the lodge: a cook, cleaning lady, personal trainer, masseuse, doctor, a madam and her assistant.

Once the entire staff was in place he began to plan out the taking of the girls. He knew right away that Maria and Anna would need to be taken at the same time. It would be too suspicious to have two females that worked at the same place kidnapped. Mandy would also prove incredibly tricky due to her connection at the workplace. In the end he decided to caution to the wind and abducted each of them individually over the course of three days. He had it done so fast that none of them had time to act.

All of the women had been held together away from the estate until all ten were abducted. It was decided to abduct two other women to be used and enjoyed upon by the staff only for a total of twelve. He did not want the staff getting restless and taking any sexual energy out on ‘his property’. After they were all assembled they were transported to the estate and put into their own separate rooms per his placement requirements. The girls has been bound and gagged, for ‘Girls #3-#10’ the ropes and gags were released once they were in their respective rooms. It would be some time before he, referred to them as “Master” had time to tend to them. The two girls for the staff were delivered to their lodge, beyond that he cared not what happened to them.

Maria and Mandy were sent first to the in house spa to be groomed per his requirements. They were both still drugged and unconscious as the excess pubic hair was ripped from their cunts. The girl at the salon had to suppress a laugh as she inspected Mandy’s pussy, never before had she seen such a thick bush.

They were both properly cleaned prior to being returned to their rooms (#1 - #2). Placed on the bed the madam watched as their hands were bound above their heads to the bed posts. They would wake before Master returned, he wanted them to cower in fear. Madam inspected both of them before leaving the room. Master would be pleased, he had waited a long time for this. Since Master would take longer to get to Mandy a small amount of cream directly onto Mandy's bare cunt. The cream was an incredibly powerful aphrodisiac that would have Mandy begging to be penetrated despite all of her inhibitions. The Master would like to watch her squirm.

Maria had been awake for over three hours when she heard the lock at the door spring free and the door open. She had known nothing about where she was, what was happening or why her hands were bound tightly to the bed posts. What she did know was that she was unable to move in a very large and very nicely decorated room. The only “clothes” that she wore was a red camisole which had inched up her body, she could see her bare pussy as there were no underwear.

He licked his lips as he got closer, enjoying in this moment as he watched her fearful movements. “Greetings little one” his voice was deep and foreboding. She recognized that voice; where was it from?

Plot #3

Your character is an Elven Princess in a war torn society. The last full scale war was over two thousand years ago (which is a very short time for elves who do not age once they reach full maturity) but the population was decimated. Your people sole focus on a daily basis is the defense of your nation and its borders. Every member of society takes a part in the effort to defend the nation. At a young age men are trained as either warriors or builders, women as archers or healers.

The ‘twist’ is the idea of pregnancy and child birth for the elves. Each union (man/woman) results in typically only two children in a millennium. This has caused the efforts to ‘repopulate’ the race to be considerably slow. Each woman has unique markings that cover her entire body, and that marking will begin to glow for all to see the closer their mate is. The stronger the glow, the stronger the sexual urges that the female feels – an urge that is insatiable without the consummation with her male partner.

Once the union is consummated (i.e. after their first act of intercourse) the glowing of her markings will begin to diminish. The act of love making is a very intimate thing between the elves; but it is also a very open act. The thought of bringing pleasure to the male by the female is for the better of the realm.

The story is a mix of sex/plot.

Pregnancy is a big theme of the story, as the elves are working frantically to repopulate in the hopes of defending their territories.

It started as a typical day. As the Makaela woke she could see the rays of the morning sun entering her chambers. The white linens covering the windows did little to prevent the suns bright and warm rays. Her chambers were considerably more elaborate than the average elves, she was royalty after all.

Despite her royal status she was still expected to do her duties, she was to be an example to the others. Her father Tyranius had always said the same things, "If we do not work to defend our land how can we expect others too?" At times it brought a hint of anger into her, she was the example and judged harshly because of her royal heritage. It wasn't fair, but then again very few things were.

Her chamber maids had laid out her clothing for the day. Laid out across her chair was a white flowing gown. It was light and incredibly thin, the suns rays were strong this time of year and anything thicker would cause her to sweat profusely. Sown into the linen was the symbol of her Gods. As a priest and healer she would work today with the soldiers of the army. As they trained and prepared for a War there were numerous injuries, and every soldier needed to be ready at any time. War was coming.. the enemy was out there...At least that's what her father had said.

The gown was soft over her bare skin and it brought a smile to her face.. The smile began to fade however as she could see the faint markings of her skin that had never yet to glow blue. It was the sign that she was without a mate, she was alone. She had been of age for over 500 years..she was the last female in her generation to find a mate...and it was completely out of her control!

She felt her nipples tighten at the thought of the things she had seen. She had witnessed countless times the act of sex, but all she had ever been was a witness. She had seen the pleasure of the male and the satisfaction of the female. She had wanted to help, to clean a man once but her mother forbid it until she had her mate.

She knew that the people whispered about her. She knew that the belief she was not capable of bearing a child; and that is why their God had not wasted a mate on her. There was no other reason why she had to suffer through the embarrassment. She knew her father was impatient as well...he wanted her to find a mate nearly as bad as she.

All these thoughts did not help her get through this miserable existence. It was not helping her feel any better either. As she went about her duties that day she felt..different. It was a feeling she hadn't experienced. Her skin had a light layer of perspiration, a light sheen to it. Was it the sun? Was she ill? Most likely she was simply overthinking it. She needed to rest and a cold drink.

All of those thoughts seemed to vanish in an instant however when the feeling came to her. It happened in an instant and without warning. Her knees became weak just as she was about to enter the main hall. She slipped, but caught herself on a small table as two maidens rushed to her side. That's when she saw her skin. It wasn't the perspiration on her skin that had suddenly soaked her white gown that caught her eye.

It was the pattern on her skin. The pattern that glowed strong and bright blue. The design and flow of the pattern across her body was more intricate than she had ever seen it. Her body felt an sensation that she’d never experienced. Carnal and physical need.

Her mate was near.


Plot #4

Your character is a graduate student (of a field chosen by you) who is in the final year of her course work. Classes are starting in two weeks when she is informed that all of her scholarship has ended because of sudden funding issues. There is no time to come up with the kind of money she needs for classes and her parents are not in a financial situation to help.

My character is a wealthy businessman who does not feel the need to date or deal with romantic issues yet still feels the need to have a 'girlfriend'. Given the task to find a suitable person his assistant selects her.

The story is a mix of the movie Pretty Woman and 50 Shades of Grey (think of the contract between Christian/Anastasia)

Both of his hands dug into her flesh. The grip that held her was strong and unyielding, and the woman beneath him knew to submit to his will. If someone were to walk into his office they would be treated to quite the scene, but Aza knew fully well that the office was empty at this hour. It was just her and him. The secretaries were gone, the associates left hours ago.. All that remained was Bruce.

Aza was leaned across his desk, her body supported by her forearms while she arched her hips up to allow him to thrust into her. If it had not been for her five inch heels this would have been much harder. Bruce was over 6' 2" and Aza's petite 5' 3" frame was dwarfed when she stood beside him. Each thrust into her shook her body and the massive oak desk beneath her. The man behind pounded into her, his grip tightening on her hips and she knew that he was close. The way his cock tightened inside her, the way that he thrusted harder.. It was a feeling she had felt countless times over the eight years she had spent with him.

Aza turned her head to look back and up at him. For a moment they locked eyes and her hand reached back to caress his bare leg. That was all that it took. The single sensual act was enough to trigger his orgasm. As rough and controlling as Bruce Young was - deep down he was a good man.. Aza had learned long ago that to bring him to orgasm quickly all she had to do was make herself fully available to him. To spread her legs a little kiss his neck and squeeze him share that split second glance and the soft caress. Intimacy went a very long way with Bruce.

The warmth of his seed immediately hit her and a sense of satisfaction came over her. She had brought the man the release that he needed.

Bruce stayed inside her for several lingering moments while his body recovered.. his heart still pounded in his chest as he looked down at the young woman before him. It was quite a sight. Aza's skirt was pushed up her hips while her panties were still tangled at her knees. Part of him wished he had rolled her onto her back so as to see her breasts.. he liked the way her small breasts bounced with each and every stroke into her.

Next time.. Whenever that was..

Bruce had been clear when Aza approached him with her 'idea'. He would try it. He would see if it worked.. but he was not hopeful. When it did not work the arrangement would go back to the way it was, and he liked things the way that they were. Aza knew what he wanted and what he needed.

When Bruce was finally ready he pulled out of her body and waited. It took only a moment before Aza was on her knees before him, her mouth cleaning his groin of the combined juices of mating. Bruce knew Aza had always disliked this part.. It seemed degrading to her. But he liked it.. Would this new 'girl' that she selected be able to do the same for him? Would she know what to do? Would she do it?

Only time would tell.


Amanda had gotten the email yesterday. It had been short and concise, and to be honest from an email address that she could not even recognize. Amanda had sent out so many applications in the last week though that she was hardly surprised that she was unable to remember exactly what company this woman represented. The semester started in just over four weeks and her scholarship had been cancelled, her parents were not in a position to pay for her final semester and at this point there were no means to apply for further financial aid, there simply was not time. The young woman needed a miracle.

Regardless of that fact she had an interview..or a meeting or whatever this was about to be. 9 AM at the coffee house located just two blocks from campus.

Aza was already seated and sipping on a cup of coffee. The woman always arrived fifteen minutes early and today was no exception. With a swift smile and a small wave of her hand she gestured to Amanda as she entered. "Good Morning. I'm Aza."

The woman extended her hand and shook Amanda's before she gestured to have a seat. This was the first meeting, there would be no talk of the contract or the role that Amanda would play - if she accepted it. Aza had met a total of six women now in settings very much like this, and none of those six would be able to stand up to Bruce.

Aza needed someone strong if she was to find a suitable replacement.
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