C E R O - M I E D O
- Joined
- Oct 11, 2013
- Location
- Somewhere In Time


Hey, I'm JayM1125, you may call me Jay or even dude, I'll respond to almost anything. Now wait a minute, doesn't this request thread look familiar? To answer your question, this is pretty much my old request thread revamped a little bit to help trim some of the fat that drug it down a little bit. Where it differs is there are going to be my new plot ideas added on into this thread since my old thread went the way of the archive. To visit that thread, you can click on this link. It has some of my old plots that might not be on this thread because I thought nobody was ever interested in those so I left them off.
This thread will be split into two parts. This first part that you're reading right now is dedicated to the more tamer, typical type of stories. Think of this as the Bray Wyatt to The Fiend (if you're into wrestling, then you know what I'm talking about). Basically the Yin to the Yang. If you want something a little more kinky or taboo, scroll down to my next post. If you like either type of story, then you're more than welcome to read both posts (seriously, I'm coming to enjoy playing anything from a hopeless romantic to a heartless bastard). Thanks to the pandemic, it's given me some time to really dig into trying some new things with stories so I'm ready to give almost anything a shot. However, I have my limits...which will be addressed later.
All memes and jokes aside, (okay, one more), I'm here to find some good times and fun roleplays, like everyone else on this site is. I also figured it was high time to revamp and overhaul some of my old content and add in some new lemony freshness. So everything important, is now consolidated into this one lone, albeit long, post. Furthermore, you're more than welcome to enjoy my bump content.
While many of my plots have that romantic, slice-of-life vibe to them, I've been a bit enthralled with the concept of pushing the limits on things I normally do in roleplays. I guess you can say I'm wanting to take a walk on the wild side, try more taboo type of settings or something along the lines of what the title says. Treat a woman like a princess in public, and give her the fucking she wants and craves behind closed doors. But if I'm being honest, I'm in the mood for damn near anything roleplaying wise because of this quarantine grating on the last bits of my sanity. Needless to say, sometimes I can be that sweet, romantic guy or a heartless, dominating bastard who will treat a woman like the plaything she is to him. (Yes, I've been experimenting with a more dominant side as of late.) So if nothing jumps out at you in this thread, feel free to present an idea you might have. The worst I can say is no.
As you may or may not know, I have a pretty active sense of humor. I'm always looking for something to laugh at. What can I say? I'm easily amused. I also really enjoy video games and anything related to them. However, I don't roleplay gaming related IPs (other than a Pokémon fandom with OC's), weird huh? I just prefer to let those stories stand well enough on their own...or I haven't found a reason to want to play as an established character without it being my own creation. Overall, I'm just a really big nerd who enjoys most things that nerds enjoy.
As far as RP goes, I like a balance of plot and smut (usually 60% plot/40% smut), but I do have times I like there to be a little more plot than smut or a little more smut than plot. However, there will always be some sort of plot because there needs to be a story behind it all or else it's boring as hell. It's just depending on what my partner likes and what I'm in the mood for.
So anyways, you're probably here to look into roleplaying with me. Well, I have a few things that I think would be nice to look at, so if you don't mind, please join me in going over these few important bullet points, that contain some very important things to know.
Also, I've decided to try and broaden my tastes and horizons when it comes to any of my plots, trying my hand at being more dominant and such. Furthermore, I'm gonna be completely open with ides aside from anything that's in my 'no' section on this thread or in F-List.
And I ask you read over my entire thread (yes, I know it's long, I'm sorry), because later in this thread, I'll be asking you to mention something from my thread.
***Rules and Expectations***
**PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTACTING ME!!** (I'll know if you don't)
1.) I try to post roughly 1-3 paragraphs, although I've been known to do more though if I feel really inspired. I believe in quality over quantity, but if I only get a sentence back...then I have next to nothing to work with, other than giving a sentence back, if I even continue to do anything with that. It's hard to be inspired after having been given so little back to work with. Sure, two paragraphs from mobile may seem short (10 sentences or 1,000+ characters) but that doesn't give you an excuse to give me some weak little response. FULLY read my responses and respond accordingly is all I ask. If I do only get less than two sentences back, I will most likely say, 'hey what gives? I gave you two paragraphs and this is all you can come up with?' Give your post depth, I want to know what your character is thinking and feeling. Hey, even to fill a post provide some background on the character. I will say this much though, there will be a noticeable difference between replies written from my phone and one written on a computer of sorts. Also I tend to typically write in third person, but I can adapt to any style be it first person or whatever.
2.) I'm on here at various times. I'm on Central Standard Time, in case you're wondering. I'll try and respond as quick as possible, but please allow anywhere from 3 to 21 days (the latter being an extreme, but sometimes could be more) for a response. To reiterate, sometimes it may be more, other times it may be less. It all depends on what's going on with me in the real world, like or other stuff going on with my fiancee and/or daughter. Other times, I just hit a creative wall and I'm trying like hell to figure out what to write next. Also, I suffer from depression and anxiety...and with that I sometimes just don't have the mental energy to be creative. If I'm going to be a bit slow, I'll let you know. I believe in keeping a constant, open channel of communication between the two of us and keep each other in the loop with posts, plotting, and how we're enjoying the story. With that in mind, roleplaying is supposed to be for FUN and to UNWIND and/or RELAX. Anything that puts pressure on me becomes less fun or relaxing. If it's been a bit, feel free topoke me with a stick to see if I'm still alive PM me to see what's going on.
TL;DR - My schedule is weird. It might take time for replies (3 to 21 days, with the latter being an extreme). If you've been waiting a bit, PM me.
3.) I'll do roleplays in threads or PM/conversations with Discord being on a case-by-case basis. However, a big HARSH NO would be IM play. I prefer to keep things browser based and not have to deal with installing more programs because my hard drive space is already limited from my library of music and PC games. Storage space on my MacBook Air is limited (128GB model), and what is stored on here is stuff I don't have a way to back up.
4.) I tend to be kinda choosy on who I roleplay with. Mainly if you've taken the time to fully read my intro post and find something you like, then we're golden. Or if there's a concept you'd like to explore, why not. But if you come at me with 'hey, let's do this x that,' with not very much beyond that, then odds are I probably won't be sending a response. I need something with some substance and some sort of story if I'm to write back. I try to do the same when expressing interest to someone else, but sometimes, just a simple 'hey I liked your thread and noticed you like some of the same themes that I do, so maybe we can talk,' is all I can do when I message someone.
5.) Life gets busy and I understand. My outlook on roleplaying is that it's something to be done to unwind in free time and shouldn't have any pressure to give a response in a certain amount of time. Therefore, I won't put any major time constraints on when I expect posts back. Because if I'm being honest, sometimes I do good to get even one post in a given week. Life is sometimes way too draining to be expected to reply in a timely fashion. I'm pretty laid back and understanding of any situation, even if that's a crazy personal and professional life. Please have the same respect for me. I myself lead a busy life (work, fiancee and daughter, and other household and familial obligations), so I completely understand. My next point is a bit of a continuation to this specific rule.
6.) This is a big expectation for me. I expect some form of OPEN communication. It can be checking in to see how life's treating you, plotting what happens in a roleplay, or even sending dank memes to each other. I try not to be so picky on how long it takes someone to write back. However, if I hear nothing from you within 7 days from when I start a conversation, start a thread, or my last post you will get a message from me asking if everything is alright. Same goes for me on my end, if you don't hear anything from me in a week or more, feel free to send me a message to check in. HOWEVER, I WILL NOT, tolerate being constantly pestered for a response. If you send me a message after not hearing from me for some time and I explain what's causing the slow down, just know that I'll get to your response whenever I'm able to. If at anytime I feel like I'm being bothered or harassed for a post, I fully reserve, and will use, the right to hit that ignore button. Also, If you blow off my message and I don't see a reply to a conversation within 72 hours, I'll forget about you in return. If you think of me as a waste of your time, then you're a waste of mine, plain and simple. I'm very relaxed and if you tell me that it'll take some time for you to respond to each post, I WILL UNDERSTAND, PLEASE TELL ME!!! Patience isn't one of my strong suits, but if I learned anything while roleplaying on Blue Moon, patience pays off. If I had to put a set limit, I'd say as long as I get at least one post a week or so, then awesome. If it'll take more time, please let me know.
8.) PLEASE DO NOT DROP OUR RP WITHOUT ANY NOTICE!!! I know it kinda goes with the last expectation but I feel it's just as important. If my intro post or any sort of post wasn't to your liking then....please....LET ME KNOW!!!! If there's something you didn't like, I can easily fix it. I'm a grown up, I understand if you don't want to continue a story. You won't hurt my feelings. Nothing pisses me off more when I start a roleplay and get absolutely nothing back. A day turns 3 days, three days turn into a week, a week turns into a month and so on. This is why I went away so many times when I had my old screen name on here, I kept getting sick and tired of it. I'm not a bad guy, if you tell me the truth I'll understand and if there's something I can do to fix it I will, if not, I wish you happy hunting. Also it's mentally draining to start up a story with someone and just when things are starting to get good, you get ghosted by your partner. Why take the time investing interest in the story if someone is just going to stop responding? That's seriously the one thing that pisses me off the most.
TL;DR: Please don't ghost, tell me if you're not into it anymore. I'm a big boy, I'll understand.
9.) As far as face claims go, I've been opening myself up more as of late to use anything from realistic to art/anime. In the past, I was more of a stickler against anime pictures, however I've warmed up to the idea as of late. Aside from Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Toy Story, Corey in the House, Airplane Instruction Videos from the 80's, or Seinfeld....anime isn't really my thing most of the time, but I'm slowly warming up to it (P.S. If you understand the references beyond Toy Story, you get a cookie, b0ss). Or I can write a description. Whatever works best for my partner.
10.) Overall, let's have fun!! Isn't that what this site is designed for?!? By the way, have you seen #7? That lazy bastard went missing and I still can't find him. If you've read all of these rules, please let me know if you've seen #7 anywhere and tell me what he was doing. This will let me know if you've read over all of this information.
2.) I'm on here at various times. I'm on Central Standard Time, in case you're wondering. I'll try and respond as quick as possible, but please allow anywhere from 3 to 21 days (the latter being an extreme, but sometimes could be more) for a response. To reiterate, sometimes it may be more, other times it may be less. It all depends on what's going on with me in the real world, like or other stuff going on with my fiancee and/or daughter. Other times, I just hit a creative wall and I'm trying like hell to figure out what to write next. Also, I suffer from depression and anxiety...and with that I sometimes just don't have the mental energy to be creative. If I'm going to be a bit slow, I'll let you know. I believe in keeping a constant, open channel of communication between the two of us and keep each other in the loop with posts, plotting, and how we're enjoying the story. With that in mind, roleplaying is supposed to be for FUN and to UNWIND and/or RELAX. Anything that puts pressure on me becomes less fun or relaxing. If it's been a bit, feel free to
TL;DR - My schedule is weird. It might take time for replies (3 to 21 days, with the latter being an extreme). If you've been waiting a bit, PM me.
3.) I'll do roleplays in threads or PM/conversations with Discord being on a case-by-case basis. However, a big HARSH NO would be IM play. I prefer to keep things browser based and not have to deal with installing more programs because my hard drive space is already limited from my library of music and PC games. Storage space on my MacBook Air is limited (128GB model), and what is stored on here is stuff I don't have a way to back up.
4.) I tend to be kinda choosy on who I roleplay with. Mainly if you've taken the time to fully read my intro post and find something you like, then we're golden. Or if there's a concept you'd like to explore, why not. But if you come at me with 'hey, let's do this x that,' with not very much beyond that, then odds are I probably won't be sending a response. I need something with some substance and some sort of story if I'm to write back. I try to do the same when expressing interest to someone else, but sometimes, just a simple 'hey I liked your thread and noticed you like some of the same themes that I do, so maybe we can talk,' is all I can do when I message someone.
5.) Life gets busy and I understand. My outlook on roleplaying is that it's something to be done to unwind in free time and shouldn't have any pressure to give a response in a certain amount of time. Therefore, I won't put any major time constraints on when I expect posts back. Because if I'm being honest, sometimes I do good to get even one post in a given week. Life is sometimes way too draining to be expected to reply in a timely fashion. I'm pretty laid back and understanding of any situation, even if that's a crazy personal and professional life. Please have the same respect for me. I myself lead a busy life (work, fiancee and daughter, and other household and familial obligations), so I completely understand. My next point is a bit of a continuation to this specific rule.
6.) This is a big expectation for me. I expect some form of OPEN communication. It can be checking in to see how life's treating you, plotting what happens in a roleplay, or even sending dank memes to each other. I try not to be so picky on how long it takes someone to write back. However, if I hear nothing from you within 7 days from when I start a conversation, start a thread, or my last post you will get a message from me asking if everything is alright. Same goes for me on my end, if you don't hear anything from me in a week or more, feel free to send me a message to check in. HOWEVER, I WILL NOT, tolerate being constantly pestered for a response. If you send me a message after not hearing from me for some time and I explain what's causing the slow down, just know that I'll get to your response whenever I'm able to. If at anytime I feel like I'm being bothered or harassed for a post, I fully reserve, and will use, the right to hit that ignore button. Also, If you blow off my message and I don't see a reply to a conversation within 72 hours, I'll forget about you in return. If you think of me as a waste of your time, then you're a waste of mine, plain and simple. I'm very relaxed and if you tell me that it'll take some time for you to respond to each post, I WILL UNDERSTAND, PLEASE TELL ME!!! Patience isn't one of my strong suits, but if I learned anything while roleplaying on Blue Moon, patience pays off. If I had to put a set limit, I'd say as long as I get at least one post a week or so, then awesome. If it'll take more time, please let me know.
8.) PLEASE DO NOT DROP OUR RP WITHOUT ANY NOTICE!!! I know it kinda goes with the last expectation but I feel it's just as important. If my intro post or any sort of post wasn't to your liking then....please....LET ME KNOW!!!! If there's something you didn't like, I can easily fix it. I'm a grown up, I understand if you don't want to continue a story. You won't hurt my feelings. Nothing pisses me off more when I start a roleplay and get absolutely nothing back. A day turns 3 days, three days turn into a week, a week turns into a month and so on. This is why I went away so many times when I had my old screen name on here, I kept getting sick and tired of it. I'm not a bad guy, if you tell me the truth I'll understand and if there's something I can do to fix it I will, if not, I wish you happy hunting. Also it's mentally draining to start up a story with someone and just when things are starting to get good, you get ghosted by your partner. Why take the time investing interest in the story if someone is just going to stop responding? That's seriously the one thing that pisses me off the most.
TL;DR: Please don't ghost, tell me if you're not into it anymore. I'm a big boy, I'll understand.
9.) As far as face claims go, I've been opening myself up more as of late to use anything from realistic to art/anime. In the past, I was more of a stickler against anime pictures, however I've warmed up to the idea as of late. Aside from Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Toy Story, Corey in the House, Airplane Instruction Videos from the 80's, or Seinfeld....anime isn't really my thing most of the time, but I'm slowly warming up to it (P.S. If you understand the references beyond Toy Story, you get a cookie, b0ss). Or I can write a description. Whatever works best for my partner.
10.) Overall, let's have fun!! Isn't that what this site is designed for?!? By the way, have you seen #7? That lazy bastard went missing and I still can't find him. If you've read all of these rules, please let me know if you've seen #7 anywhere and tell me what he was doing. This will let me know if you've read over all of this information.
What you'll find below are some of the things I enjoy roleplaying. Of course you could always look at my F-List for more details and such, but here's what I enjoy in a nutshell. Anything in the Yes, Please and Maybe sections are fair game, as I mentioned above. However, the stuff under Absolutely NO!!! is there for a reason, don't try it.
Big Breasts (Nothing outlandish or unrealistic though, usually C/D/DD/ect.)
Flirtation & Seduction
Dirty Talking
Oral (Giving and Recieving)
A consistent balance of plot and smut (I try to go at least 60/40 respectively)
Modern settings
SOME fandom as some plots suggest
Yes (Mainly Pertain to next post):
Incest (mainly bro and sis, or steps, or even cousins; Have to be in the mood for it)
Ageplay (Depends on story and mood)
Dom/Sub (Again, depends on story)
Some Dub-con (I'm looking to slowly experiment with it and see if it's something I could get into)
Master/slave or Dom/Sub (I can alter any plot to cater to this need or want if you choose to do so, but only if I'm in the mood to do so.)
ABSOLUTELY NO!!!: (Don't Think I'm Serious? Click the word "NO")
Scat, Urine, Vomit, Boogers, and any other weird bodily function or fluid (Seriously, why would anyone want any of that)
Rape/Full on non-con (No! Just...No. I don't understand rape kinks, but if you enjoy them, you do you)
Drugs/Drug-use (I don't condone it in real-life, so it's a no go in RP as well)
Any other animal creature other than humans, so no human hybrids (exceptions are vampires and succubi)
Big Breasts (Nothing outlandish or unrealistic though, usually C/D/DD/ect.)
Flirtation & Seduction
Dirty Talking
Oral (Giving and Recieving)
A consistent balance of plot and smut (I try to go at least 60/40 respectively)
Modern settings
SOME fandom as some plots suggest
Yes (Mainly Pertain to next post):
Incest (mainly bro and sis, or steps, or even cousins; Have to be in the mood for it)
Ageplay (Depends on story and mood)
Dom/Sub (Again, depends on story)
Some Dub-con (I'm looking to slowly experiment with it and see if it's something I could get into)
Master/slave or Dom/Sub (I can alter any plot to cater to this need or want if you choose to do so, but only if I'm in the mood to do so.)
ABSOLUTELY NO!!!: (Don't Think I'm Serious? Click the word "NO")
Scat, Urine, Vomit, Boogers, and any other weird bodily function or fluid (Seriously, why would anyone want any of that)
Rape/Full on non-con (No! Just...No. I don't understand rape kinks, but if you enjoy them, you do you)
Drugs/Drug-use (I don't condone it in real-life, so it's a no go in RP as well)
Any other animal creature other than humans, so no human hybrids (exceptions are vampires and succubi)
Note: Most of these pairings already have a plot to go with them. If you're going to only look over these, I ask you have an idea in mind or else read my plots.
Best Friends
Former Flames
Incest (I have a preference Brother x Sister as well as Cousins. But I'd be open to try new things)
Boss x Secretary or Employee (Either way around)
Teacher x Student (I'll play either; High School or College)
Husband x Mistress (Again, have to bee in the mood for it)
Adulator x Wife (See above)
Young Teenage Boy x MILF
Average Guy x Celebrity (Real or OC)
Average Guy x Pornstar (Real or OC)
Average Guy x Esscort
Nerd/Outsider x Cheerleader
Nerd/Outsider x Popular Girl
Genie x Master
Fandoms I'll Do:
Batman (It's more in an alternate comic universe that I came up with. Details in my plot "When Darkness Falls.")
Pokémon (I have conformed and officially will be open to do some Pokémon battling. Only trainer x trainer though. I have a plot below)
I'm very selective with fandoms, these are really the only ones I'll attempt with OCs mixed with cannons.
Former Flames
Incest (I have a preference Brother x Sister as well as Cousins. But I'd be open to try new things)
Boss x Secretary or Employee (Either way around)
Teacher x Student (I'll play either; High School or College)
Husband x Mistress (Again, have to bee in the mood for it)
Adulator x Wife (See above)
Young Teenage Boy x MILF
Average Guy x Celebrity (Real or OC)
Average Guy x Pornstar (Real or OC)
Average Guy x Esscort
Nerd/Outsider x Cheerleader
Nerd/Outsider x Popular Girl
Genie x Master
Fandoms I'll Do:
Batman (It's more in an alternate comic universe that I came up with. Details in my plot "When Darkness Falls.")
Pokémon (I have conformed and officially will be open to do some Pokémon battling. Only trainer x trainer though. I have a plot below)
I'm very selective with fandoms, these are really the only ones I'll attempt with OCs mixed with cannons.
***Optional Faceclaim Ideas for both YC/MC***
So this is something I wanted to incorporate into my thread for a while now. A previous roleplay partner asked me if I had any ideas for what their faceclaim looked like. Prior to that, I was typically pretty open to whatever anyone decided to choose (and I still am) but they'd given me a compelling reason as to why they asked. The reason being that your writing partner should be attracted to the character they're playing opposite of. It might seem weird to some, but if you're into it then awesome. The first group of faceclaims are ones I'm attracted to playing against while the next set are ones I typically use for MC.
Options for YC:
YC Choice 1 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 2 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 3 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 4 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 5 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 6 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 7 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 8 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 9 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 10 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 11 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 12 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 13 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 14 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 15 (Alternate Picture)
Anime/Drawn Options for YC (For those who prefer that):
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 1
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 2
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 3 [NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 4 [Semi-NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 5 [NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 6
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 7
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 8 [Semi-NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 9
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 10
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 11
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 12
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 13
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 14
Options for MC:
MC Choice 1
MC Choice 2
MC Choice 3
MC Choice 4
MC Choice 5
Just as a note, this is optional but odds are I'll ask about this if you PM me or I PM you. There are no hard feelings if you prefer to use your own faceclaims, but I thought I'd share these as an option for those who might want it.
Options for YC:
YC Choice 1 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 2 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 3 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 4 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 5 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 6 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 7 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 8 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 9 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 10 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 11 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 12 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 13 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 14 (Alternate Picture)
YC Choice 15 (Alternate Picture)
Anime/Drawn Options for YC (For those who prefer that):
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 1
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 2
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 3 [NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 4 [Semi-NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 5 [NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 6
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 7
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 8 [Semi-NSFW]
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 9
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 10
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 11
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 12
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 13
Anime/Drawn Inspiration 14
Options for MC:
MC Choice 1
MC Choice 2
MC Choice 3
MC Choice 4
MC Choice 5
Just as a note, this is optional but odds are I'll ask about this if you PM me or I PM you. There are no hard feelings if you prefer to use your own faceclaims, but I thought I'd share these as an option for those who might want it.
***My Plot Ideas***
These are my more traditional story ideas. If you have a taste for something a little more edgier, then the next post is for you.
This is probably aimed to be a romantic comedy-esqe along with with some smut kind of roleplay. I based this loosely off of the Hangover. My character is a lonely young 20-something who just lost his fiance in a fatal car crash where he was driving and only came out with bruised ribs. Her family wants nothing to do with him, even though they were practically the only family he'd ever known, except for his late grandparents who raised him. He inherited the family kitchen supply business so financially he was well off, being that he was going to school to become the CEO. Well to drown his sorrows, he goes to Las Vegas all alone, and drinks the night away, eventually blacking out and the rest of the night was a blur. The next morning, he wakes up naked next to a beautiful stripper and the both of them have rings on their fingers. Once she wakes up, she's hopelessly in love with him for reasons he doesn't know.
(Alternate twist: I came up with this idea, what if his former love's spirit never moved on to the great beyond but would instead follow him through until he encountered another woman where she'd take over her body where he woke up the next morning married to her, she now assumed the identity of this other woman but still harbors the feelings she had for him when she was alive in her previous body. Bit of a supernatural twist there)
(Alternate twist: I came up with this idea, what if his former love's spirit never moved on to the great beyond but would instead follow him through until he encountered another woman where she'd take over her body where he woke up the next morning married to her, she now assumed the identity of this other woman but still harbors the feelings she had for him when she was alive in her previous body. Bit of a supernatural twist there)
We were once best friends through relationships of our former best friends (my girlfriend was your best friend and vice versa) as well as being next door neighbors for the past 10 years through high school. Well, our boyfriend and girlfriend end up cheating on both of us and we both find out through friends and break it off. Well, a couple of days after we break it off with them and since both of us now didn't have prom dates, we took each other and then a kiss lead to something else in a hotel room. After that night, we never see each other again. It's 3 years later, junior year in college and either you transfer to my school or I transfer to yours and we eventually bump into each other on campus...literally.
Our characters have been best friends from every since we were babies. Their mothers were best friends all through high school. The both of them had always been unlucky in the game of love so they jokingly made a pact when the both of their prom dates ended up ditching them for other people. That promise was if they were both unmarried and single by the time they were both 25 years old that we'd get married. However, deep down, they both wonder if it'd be so bad to uphold the promise they made. Especially when deep down underneath it all the reason no relationship ever worked was because it wasn't their best friend. So MC begins to plan and plot a way to completely surprise her and sweep her off of her feet and show her that she's the one that he's been wanting to be with all along, proposing to her on a date of significance to each other.
(I decided to re-write this a bit since the old version was in a first person perspective. I've recently played it out this way to where MC finally realizes what he's missed all this time and decides to become a secret admirer of sorts and propose to her, finally showing his best friend that he wants to be more than best friends...but husband and wife.)
(I decided to re-write this a bit since the old version was in a first person perspective. I've recently played it out this way to where MC finally realizes what he's missed all this time and decides to become a secret admirer of sorts and propose to her, finally showing his best friend that he wants to be more than best friends...but husband and wife.)
My character's an Ex-Marine who's recently been honorably discharged after serving his country for the 4 years he was obligated to. He moves back to his home town of Los Angeles and gets his own apartment near his older sister by 3 years, who's in the entertainment business. And also, by coincidence, your character, who was in her heyday, a big starlet but now is just kinda under the radar and not only is she my sister's best friend, but my sister is also her manager. So my sister decides to set up our characters on a blind date, and the funny thing is my character actually knows some of your character's work before deploying for Iraq.
It's a chance meeting, we both really hit it off with me not knowing your celebrity or any of your work, and you end up accidentally leaving something of great value to you on the beach. I end up seeing it and wonder how I can get it back to you not knowing who you were or where you live or anything. Well a couple weeks pass and a friend who's a big shot in the entertainment business invites me to a party you're throwing and I agree to go as a favor to my friend. And low and behold, we meet again, I tell you about the thing you left and we agree to meet over dinner and to return your possession to you.
Our characters are on opposite ends of the social ladder. YC being the queen bee, popular cheer hottie that all the guys want and MC being the mysterious outsider/nerd who mostly keeps to himself. Basically, each of them have their own group of friends. Well, they're both out sick one day, and in the class they have together, end up getting paired up for a school project. As we're working together we begin to talk and get along and we begin to see past our labels and my character asks yours out and eventually sparks begin to fly and they become a couple despite social status.
My character will be an average person whereas your character would be a famous pornstar (doesn't have to be a real one, can be made up) and I win a chance to meet up with and have sex with you filming a scene for an internet series called 'Fan Fuck.' It turns out we both have a huge amount in common and some natural chemistry between the two of us, so we decide to see each other more often. (This story can go a variety of ways. PM me to discuss ideas)
I Dream of Jeanie (ALWAYS CRAVING!!!) (Master x Genie)
This idea is a bit of a different take on the original show, this is what I think a modern reboot of the TV show would look like. My character is a college student, who's living with his struggling family who can barely keep a roof over their heads. He's looking for an inexpensive little trinket to give his mom for her upcoming birthday. He finds and old looking perfume bottle at a thrift store. After buying it he takes it home and while cleaning it up, out pops Jeanie, a vivacious, loyal, and very energetic genie who is ready and willing to grant his every wish and command, whatever it may be.
Version 2: The same sort of storyline, except it'd take place with him in high school, at the beginning of senior year. He could use her powers to make him the most popular guy in school and well liked by everyone. She could even pose as a new student who also poses as his girlfriend. But as time goes on, the feelings for each other begin to develop as they keep up the guise of them being a couple in the school. Also along the way, she'd find a way to help his family's finical situation.
(This role can be very versitile, PM me to discuss any aspect of this role if you're interested.)
This idea is a bit of a different take on the original show, this is what I think a modern reboot of the TV show would look like. My character is a college student, who's living with his struggling family who can barely keep a roof over their heads. He's looking for an inexpensive little trinket to give his mom for her upcoming birthday. He finds and old looking perfume bottle at a thrift store. After buying it he takes it home and while cleaning it up, out pops Jeanie, a vivacious, loyal, and very energetic genie who is ready and willing to grant his every wish and command, whatever it may be.
Version 2: The same sort of storyline, except it'd take place with him in high school, at the beginning of senior year. He could use her powers to make him the most popular guy in school and well liked by everyone. She could even pose as a new student who also poses as his girlfriend. But as time goes on, the feelings for each other begin to develop as they keep up the guise of them being a couple in the school. Also along the way, she'd find a way to help his family's finical situation.
(This role can be very versitile, PM me to discuss any aspect of this role if you're interested.)
My character is attending a college where the dorms are co-ed, and where the standard college wouldn't pair guys and girls in the same dorm, this college does. My character, a shy, semi-virgin (he lost his virginity on prom night), quiet guy is paired up with a wild, in-your-face, unfiltered party girl who's willing to try anything once, twice if it's fun. To ease the tension, she seduces him into having sex with her, an almost complete stranger, after having only talked to him for a very brief time. After the fact, they establish a friends with benefits type of relationship, but how long will it last without the other developing feelings? (More details can be discussed about this role if there an interest present, like for example my character runs into the girl who took his virginity and it could either turn into a love triangle or a threesome sort of roleplay)
A big city boy who just graduated from high school is sent to live with his grandma, who just lost her husband of 60 years. He thought the world of his grandpa and was heart broken when he died. The reason he was asked to move in was not only to help with the house, but to keep her company as well. He decides that he wants a little spending money and to help financially, he takes a job as a farm hand for a neighbor of his grandma's. His first day at work, that's when he laid eyes on...her, the farmer's daughter. She was far more beautiful than any city girl he'd ever met and she had to be his. There's some mutual attraction, and eventual they share several long summer nights together. There's a problem though, this is only supposed to be only or the summer. In the fall, he's supposed to be going to college on a full ride music scholarship. He never expected to fall in love with this girl. What's he to do, sacrifice his dreams for love or leave her behind and let her become 'the one that got away?'
(My aim for this is for the girl to be around 18 or above. I'd even go for her being slightly older than him being 19 or even 20 years old. I know this role sounds like a sappy country song and/or a movie but...either you like it or don't, lol)
(My aim for this is for the girl to be around 18 or above. I'd even go for her being slightly older than him being 19 or even 20 years old. I know this role sounds like a sappy country song and/or a movie but...either you like it or don't, lol)
A girl from the big city, living in the lap of luxury, looses everything after her parents pass away in a car accident. She's then sent to live with her grandma and grandpa since she's 18 years old and is unable to be given her inheritance until she's graduated college. Also it's in their will that she isn't to see a dime of it until she knows what hard work is. So now that she lives on the farm, she has to work on the farm, along with the handsome 19 year old male whom her grandparents hired just shortly before she came to the farm. Sparks fly between the two as she's then beginning to see that life isn't about having the latest designer clothes, it's about much more than that. (The second version is a little rough, but could use some adjustment)
This idea is based loosely on the movie, Wedding Daze. If you don't know it, look it up on IMDB. Anyways, the story begins with a down on his luck guy in a metal band, who lost yet another girlfriend to a case of cheateritius. Basically she cheated on him. To make matters worse, she was his fiance. So desperate for love, he decided to propose to the next woman who speaks to him, which happens to be a fun, live-in-the-moment, party girl in your character. On a whim, because she thinks he's cute, she accepts. But before they walk down the aisle, they slowly start to bond and fall in love. What he doesn't know about her is that she's born into wealth and he sees it as a chance to launch his band to get professional recording to ship to different record labels. It eventually boils down to, does he love her or the success and fame? (This is meant to me played as a cheesy romance role. If you see the movie, you'll see that it's a cheesy romance movie but oh so fun.)
In a reality where the Batman responsibility had been passed onto Dick Grayson after Batman/Bruce Wayne committed suicide from being given a lethal dose of The Scarcrow's fear gas, Dick Grayson also took on the responsibility of Wayne Enterprises and even married Barbra Gordon and had three children together, thus keeping the Batman lineage in the family. After his older brother wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps as a police officer, Jacob "Jake" Grayson was next in line to become Batman. But first, he had to pay his dues as Robin. After that, a 23 year old Jake becomes Batman and is damn good at what he does, while working as a supervisor of shipping for Wayne Enterprises during the day. Enter his search for a new assistant, a college student/graduate (your character), of which is just a front for her new profession. On with the story, after Batman arrives to the scene of each crime in progress, little does he know his assistance isn't needed, someone beat him to it, but who? Little does he know, his new assistant is none other than Supergirl. (There will be an eventual confrontation between the two and a slight battle but after she finds out that Batman is actually her boss. This could bloom into a romance between the two amongst the two of them fighting crime side by side. Need someone to play Supergirl/His New Secretary of course.)
Version 2: Same story line, but instead of it being Supergirl, the female lead is actually a new Robin who's been taking care of business all around Gotham. Eventually the two meet up and while Jake thinks she's sexy and all, he still prefers to work alone. But to convince him of her skills, they get into a fight. Strange enough, she seems to quite possibly be better trained than he is. (We can work out details as needed, could possibly be a descendant of Stephanie Brown. If you're not familiar, read the comics, lol) (Costume ideas: Under Construction)
Version 2: Same story line, but instead of it being Supergirl, the female lead is actually a new Robin who's been taking care of business all around Gotham. Eventually the two meet up and while Jake thinks she's sexy and all, he still prefers to work alone. But to convince him of her skills, they get into a fight. Strange enough, she seems to quite possibly be better trained than he is. (We can work out details as needed, could possibly be a descendant of Stephanie Brown. If you're not familiar, read the comics, lol) (Costume ideas: Under Construction)
The scene is the Grammy awards where both of our characters are famous musicians. My character being in a heavy metal band who have reinvented the genre and brought new life to it, bringing it back to the popularity that it once was in the 80's, but still being as hard and heavy as it was back then while your character is a pop (or country) starlet or a movie star of which is in a very public relationship to another musician or celebrity, who behind closed, doors is beyond abusive. My character witnesses the abuse and steps up making the abuser back down and either she breaks up with him or he breaks up with her. My character has always been a fan of your character and even has a slight crush on her. Our characters talk and realize that we have a lot in common and we decide t spend some time together after the show. What happens next is up to us.
My character, a young businessman, lives in a small house all to himself and for the longest time the house next to him was for sale or rent, until one day. It was a day just like any other, except on his way out for a weekend morning run to go to the gym he lived near...he saw a moving truck and movers moving her things in. He thought nothing of it and continued his run to the gym. Once he came back, he saw her. A beautiful, vibrant woman who was a knock out. She was struggling with a couple of boxes, so my character does the neighborly thing and helps out. He also saw it as a chance to get to know his new neighbor. What comes of this, we decide.
(I've kinda had the idea for my character to play opposite a slightly older woman, no more than a 5 year gap though. But I could also do a little younger or same age. I've been reading a story on the board and it inspired me to come up with this plot idea.)
(I've kinda had the idea for my character to play opposite a slightly older woman, no more than a 5 year gap though. But I could also do a little younger or same age. I've been reading a story on the board and it inspired me to come up with this plot idea.)
A successful single, 28 year old dad of a daughter lost his wife about two years ago. His late wife was a stay at home mother and took care of their daughter until the accident that changed their lives and took a wife and mother away. The young dad has went through a couple of different nannies, one stole and the other kept being a no-show, so with that old saying, 'the third time is the charm,' he hires your character, a young college student (or graduate looking for her career) who is wonderful with kids and keeping the house in order. He couldn't believe how wonderful she is and finds himself developing feelings for her, especially after he overhears his young daughter call her, 'mommy' in her sleep.
(This idea could also work as someone he knew growing up or went to high school with or any sort of lost connection.)
(This idea could also work as someone he knew growing up or went to high school with or any sort of lost connection.)
A young college graduate is looking for a roommate to help him pay for his new apartment, but doesn't quite know who to turn to to ask to live with him. Until fate had his, his childhood best friend's little sister from back home is going to be attending college in that town and is looking for a cheap alternative to the dorms. Hearing this, my character offers her the invitation to move in with him. Little does he know, his friend's little sister has grown up tremendously. How he remembered her and who she is now are two different people. After seeing each other for the first time in years, they both discover some mutual attraction for each other. But this is his best friend's little sister, how would that look on him to his friend if he'd make a move on her? Would his best friend approve?
(This can adapt to any sort of realistic pairing. I'll be willing to discuss any sort of details; Can also be adapted to be a bit darker.)
(This can adapt to any sort of realistic pairing. I'll be willing to discuss any sort of details; Can also be adapted to be a bit darker.)
It's your typical story of boy meets girl in college, they date and slowly fall in love. Then it comes time to meet her parents. Well the weekend at her parents' swank, luxurious home was seemingly going well until my character was just exploring the house trying to find the bathroom when two big burly bodyguards grabbing him and taking him to her daddy's private office. This is where the writing is on the wall, he reveals that he is a Don of one of the biggest mafia families in the city of New York. He also tells my character that if he hurts his little girl, he will cease to be. Little do our characters now also know, they're being watched by not only her fathers best bodyguards and hitmen, but also by rival families. Thus a plot unravels to kill the don's daughter. Now that both of their lives are in jeopardy, my character has to somehow find the courage to protect the young woman he loves, even if that means going to work for her daddy, learning the ropes.
(This story will take on different lives from their budding romance to him defending her honor and risking his life to save hers.)
(This story will take on different lives from their budding romance to him defending her honor and risking his life to save hers.)
Your character works as a waitress in the diner that my character frequents since he works in an office near the restaurant. I'm a lunch time regular getting the same thing almost every day, our characters keep catching each other's eye. One day my character eventually hands her a note with the money for his normal order, and they start to talk. But what we don't know is, our respective best friends are newly engaged and have asked each of our characters to be the best man and maid of honor without the other knowing. Both of our characters have recently gotten out of bad relationships, wondering if we're ready to date again. So their best friends decide to play matchmaker and set them up on a blind date. And to both of our surprise, they set us up with each other. Once we find out how we were set up, since we were both already talking about going out, and that we're involved with the wedding, we kinda laugh about it and realize that we both have some in common.
(This is more of a simplistic role idea that I started with someone but it stopped after a while. It's more of a romantic comedy type of thing and other details can be discussed.)
(This is more of a simplistic role idea that I started with someone but it stopped after a while. It's more of a romantic comedy type of thing and other details can be discussed.)
They've been neighbors for as long as they both could remember both on opposite ends of the social ladder, despite the fact that both of their parents were wealthy. They never really spoke with each other, until something happened. One weekend afternoon during summer break, her parents out of town and his away on their 20th anniversary honeymoon, she realizes her car is broken down and won't start. So who does she turn to? Having just broke up with her boyfriend she couldn't turn to him, so she turns to the neighbor she never spoke to before in her life. He's a guy, surely he knows about cars right? Well, turns out he knows a little and is able to help her. How can she ever repay him?
My character is a freshly graduated Pokémon Academy student, having spent the better part of his schooling career in a boarding school to learn how to be an expert Pokémon trainer, along with other core basics (math, English, science, ect.). From 8 years old to when he was able to receive his first Pokémon at 10 years old, to graduating at 18 years old, my character decides to FINALLY take on the gym challenge while trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Along the way, he runs into your character, a gorgeous trainer who's also starting her own journey of self-discovery. Upon their first meeting, when their eyes meet, a challenge is posed with an interesting stipulation; if he wins, he gets to take her on a date, but if he loses he has to leave her alone. Regardless of what happens, what if they decide to journey together and and eventually find that there's an undeniable attraction there while adventuring and even saving the whole Pokémon world as they know it?
(So this is a plot that literally has unlimited potential and I'd SERIOUSLY like to play this out with someone who knows their stuff when it comes to Pokemon. The way I've played this as of late is a bit of an advanced reality where the Game and Anime cannon collide in certain respects. If you're interested, PM me and we can discuss. I NEVER miss out on an opportunity to nerd out on Pokemon).
(So this is a plot that literally has unlimited potential and I'd SERIOUSLY like to play this out with someone who knows their stuff when it comes to Pokemon. The way I've played this as of late is a bit of an advanced reality where the Game and Anime cannon collide in certain respects. If you're interested, PM me and we can discuss. I NEVER miss out on an opportunity to nerd out on Pokemon).
Two family based companies have been going head to head for many years, despite being good friends. The two main characters (one family's son, and the other's daughter) have known each other from the cradle through high school. When they were really young they were good friends. But once they got into middle school she started to hang out with a different crowd, becoming the preppy-popular girl and he became the polar opposite, hanging with all of the punks, skaters, gamers, and goths. As they saw each other growing up, they became bitter enemies and hated everything that the other did, forming a bitter rivalry, never again getting along. Even when their parents were still good friends as well as competitive competition.
Once high school was over, they both moved on and went to separate colleges until fate brought them back together, or rather their parents did. They were both forced to break off things with their significant others (if they were involved) to prepare for this marriage to merge the business that both of their families owned since they were about to retire. To make matters worse, both children were told that if they want their respective inheritance, then they had to marry the other, and time is running out. They have to be ready to get married to each other in a year or they loose their inheritances respectively. Eventually, the more time they spend with each other, they start to feel that same connection they did once they were little, and even begin to fall in love.
Once high school was over, they both moved on and went to separate colleges until fate brought them back together, or rather their parents did. They were both forced to break off things with their significant others (if they were involved) to prepare for this marriage to merge the business that both of their families owned since they were about to retire. To make matters worse, both children were told that if they want their respective inheritance, then they had to marry the other, and time is running out. They have to be ready to get married to each other in a year or they loose their inheritances respectively. Eventually, the more time they spend with each other, they start to feel that same connection they did once they were little, and even begin to fall in love.
As the title implies, based off of the reality show on FYI/Lifetime.
What if there was a website out there that was even better than eHarmony when it came to finding "the one." The only catch is when you are paired with one of three choices after a long and extensive personality survey you have to agree to marry one, but here's the biggest catch of all, you cannot even see what they look like or anything. You cannot even meet them before you walk down the aisle. You just have to go with the results of the personality test and your choice of the three profiles that are given to you of each potential bride...again, pictures aren't allowed. Is it even possible for two complete strangers to make a marriage to work? That is up to the both of them.
What if there was a website out there that was even better than eHarmony when it came to finding "the one." The only catch is when you are paired with one of three choices after a long and extensive personality survey you have to agree to marry one, but here's the biggest catch of all, you cannot even see what they look like or anything. You cannot even meet them before you walk down the aisle. You just have to go with the results of the personality test and your choice of the three profiles that are given to you of each potential bride...again, pictures aren't allowed. Is it even possible for two complete strangers to make a marriage to work? That is up to the both of them.
She's the new girl on campus. Nobody knows anything about her, other than the fact that she's drop dead gorgeous. Girls want to be her, and guys want to be with her. Guys are always seen hitting on her and then some time later, those same guys are never seen or heard from again. Almost as if they were wiped from existence. Little do they know her true secret. But what happens when she meets a mortal who is actually able to fulfill her sexual needs? Does she keep him around for fun or devour him and his energy just like all of the others? What happens when he finds out who or what she is? What happens when feelings start to come into play?
(The idea behind this is my character could either be just a plain old everyday type of guy who's just looking for someone or he could even be an aspiring demon hunter coming from a family of famous hunters known for the exploits who's looking for his first demon to slay. This can be played either way. I have a couple of ideas for how the main female lead could look in both forms. Succubus Form (1, 2); Human Form (1, 2))
(The idea behind this is my character could either be just a plain old everyday type of guy who's just looking for someone or he could even be an aspiring demon hunter coming from a family of famous hunters known for the exploits who's looking for his first demon to slay. This can be played either way. I have a couple of ideas for how the main female lead could look in both forms. Succubus Form (1, 2); Human Form (1, 2))
Imagine if you will, a guy who's never really had much luck with the fairer sex aside from his last relationship...which just ended in tragic fashion. His best friend and roommate, is tired of seeing him mope around in misery so he decides to take him on a night out to forget all about his ex and the way she did him wrong with a now former friend of theirs. It seems like just an average ordinary night out, going to a couple of clubs and having a couple of drinks. That is until...she walks in. She's the type of girl who could get any guy she wanted, beautiful enough to be on the cover of any magazine, the sheer definition of a perfect 10. She orders a drink for herself as well as a drink for him, not his best friend...like he'd originally thought it was for him. What happens next is something straight out of a dream.
Hollywood, where dreams go to live to their fullest extent or die a slow and painful death of disappointment. A young woman, who just graduated from theater school, decides to take her chances in California as an up-and-coming model/actress. Come to find out, it's not as easy as it may have seemed. She'd go from audition to audition while working to support her dreams. Until one day, luck seemed to be on her side, thanks to an unusual audition invitation that was personally delivered to her at her job. She wasn't auditioning to be in the next hit TV show or a major summer blockbuster, but instead she was auditioning to be...a girlfriend?
Enter my character, a still rising, but already famous and established actor. He's got it all. The looks, talent, and as charming as can be. However, for reasons beyond his understanding, relationships never seem to last very long. His last one ended in a very public, and messy way. Worried a bad reputation might ruin his career, his manager, who happens to be his older sister, comes up with a plan to hire someone to play the part of his beautiful new girlfriend for the sake of appearances. At first my character thinks this publicity stunt is a bit cheap, but when he saw this new girl, he couldn't help but to go along with this crazy plan. Of course, little does he know that she was offered a sizable contract just to go along with it for a couple of years. But what happens if she starts to fall for him. Does she tell him about the contract or does she continue on like nothing is wrong. What happens if he finds out?
(The idea is a bit rough around the edges and is a work in progress, and can be adapted, but I felt inspired from reading a request thread of a similar idea posted in the forums and I wanted to put a different spin on it. It could even be a love at first sight type of whirlwind romance. I also wanted something somewhat similar to another one of my plots, What's Best For Business, to continue to challenge myself as a writer. Imagine having two strangers all of a sudden have to act like a loving couple for all the world to witness. Ideas for this story are limitless. Tabloid scandals, rumors of cheating, life before fame, sex tapes...there are so many ideas to make this story more interesting and juicy.)
Enter my character, a still rising, but already famous and established actor. He's got it all. The looks, talent, and as charming as can be. However, for reasons beyond his understanding, relationships never seem to last very long. His last one ended in a very public, and messy way. Worried a bad reputation might ruin his career, his manager, who happens to be his older sister, comes up with a plan to hire someone to play the part of his beautiful new girlfriend for the sake of appearances. At first my character thinks this publicity stunt is a bit cheap, but when he saw this new girl, he couldn't help but to go along with this crazy plan. Of course, little does he know that she was offered a sizable contract just to go along with it for a couple of years. But what happens if she starts to fall for him. Does she tell him about the contract or does she continue on like nothing is wrong. What happens if he finds out?
(The idea is a bit rough around the edges and is a work in progress, and can be adapted, but I felt inspired from reading a request thread of a similar idea posted in the forums and I wanted to put a different spin on it. It could even be a love at first sight type of whirlwind romance. I also wanted something somewhat similar to another one of my plots, What's Best For Business, to continue to challenge myself as a writer. Imagine having two strangers all of a sudden have to act like a loving couple for all the world to witness. Ideas for this story are limitless. Tabloid scandals, rumors of cheating, life before fame, sex tapes...there are so many ideas to make this story more interesting and juicy.)
In the age of technology, society is constantly glued to some sort of smart device be it a phone, computer, or even a TV. Technology has made every aspect of life so much easier, even the dating world has become as simple as downloading an app, posting a picture and typing a brief bio. The last time my character had been on a date was when him and his late wife had went out for fast food before their first homecoming dance back in sophomore year of high school when he was only 16. Now he's 28 and had buried his wife a year earlier due to a tragic car accident that took her life too soon. What hurt the most was she was pregnant with their first child. Now that he was slowly inching himself back into the dating world, he'd seen just how much things changed and couldn't keep up with them. But that's when fate intervened.
One day at work while reading the newspaper, he'd seen an advertisement looking for single men and women willing to participate in a social experiment. The experiment would take place over an 18 month period and could result in a lofty cash payout if certain terms and conditions were met. So, with nothing to lose, my character answers the ad, thinking he wouldn't get selected since they were only looking for two men and two women throughout the entire city. To his surprise, he was selected and asked to fill out a comprehensive and complex personality quiz [think eHarmony but much more complicated]. After all was said and done, he was given a special phone to communicate with what they told him was 'his perfect partner.' Unconvinced, he plays along and it turns out through just talking without knowing anything about who the woman on the other end was, they were developing a meaningful connection. Then, came the day the experiment was set to truly begin, which would also be the day of his second wedding day. He was about to meet this mystery woman face to face. Would the connection still be there once they finally laid eyes on each other?
(Yes, this is somewhat based on one of my other ideas but there's going to be a bit more involved with this version of it. They will be interviewed and observed for the period of time where the scientists will determine if two complete strangers who have never met face to face could truly work as a married couple. And the payout will only come if the two of them stay together for the entire length of time and even some beyond the study period. This story can be tweaked and have other little elements added in for some extra drama or intrigue. We can discuss more about this story if you're interested. It's meant to be a romantic sort of story).
One day at work while reading the newspaper, he'd seen an advertisement looking for single men and women willing to participate in a social experiment. The experiment would take place over an 18 month period and could result in a lofty cash payout if certain terms and conditions were met. So, with nothing to lose, my character answers the ad, thinking he wouldn't get selected since they were only looking for two men and two women throughout the entire city. To his surprise, he was selected and asked to fill out a comprehensive and complex personality quiz [think eHarmony but much more complicated]. After all was said and done, he was given a special phone to communicate with what they told him was 'his perfect partner.' Unconvinced, he plays along and it turns out through just talking without knowing anything about who the woman on the other end was, they were developing a meaningful connection. Then, came the day the experiment was set to truly begin, which would also be the day of his second wedding day. He was about to meet this mystery woman face to face. Would the connection still be there once they finally laid eyes on each other?
(Yes, this is somewhat based on one of my other ideas but there's going to be a bit more involved with this version of it. They will be interviewed and observed for the period of time where the scientists will determine if two complete strangers who have never met face to face could truly work as a married couple. And the payout will only come if the two of them stay together for the entire length of time and even some beyond the study period. This story can be tweaked and have other little elements added in for some extra drama or intrigue. We can discuss more about this story if you're interested. It's meant to be a romantic sort of story).
The music industry can be pretty cutthroat. One moment you could be the next big thing and the next an afterthought for the next new shiny toy. MC is the clean-singer/guitarist for Fear No Evil, a band who has taken the music world by storm. The band was able to find mainstream success while maintaining a loyal and devoted fan-base, even if you weren't a fan of heavier music, you knew who they were by name alone. However, tragedy would derail the bands success.
After having several hit albums, Fear No Evil's lead vocalist's inner demons finally caught up to him, causing him to take his own life. This sends MC into a downward spiral of drugs and alcohol, trying to cope with the loss of the best friend he formed the band with while deciding to begin work on a solo album. When he was found on the living room floor of his house by his older sister and manager, that was when her and his parents insisted on him going into rehab and therapy.
Fast forward three months later, MC is a month and a half sober and in the finishing stages of his solo record. He's nearly ready to release his first single as a solo artist, but...his manager (and older sister) wants to help him generate some positive press in order to get his name back out in the spotlight. What better way to do that than to create a relationship with one of the hottest, most popular singers/models/actresses today, YC, who's also got a hot new project to promote. But what happens when a business arrangement becomes so much more?
(Nearly a carbon copy of Runnin' Down A Dream except my character is a musician. There is a little bit of a difference though, think of this plot akin to an echo fighter from Smash Bros. Ultimate, all the same moves, but a different look. I've played something similar to this story with another roleplayer but the story kinda fizzled out, so I figured that I could write my own version of the story. Basically MC is a rebellious, free-spirited, live in the moment type of guy while I imagine YC could be a bit on the innocent side, or she could even be on the more sultry and seductive side. Either way, it's enough to catch his eye. They're such complete opposites that they can't help but to feel so drawn to each other.)
After having several hit albums, Fear No Evil's lead vocalist's inner demons finally caught up to him, causing him to take his own life. This sends MC into a downward spiral of drugs and alcohol, trying to cope with the loss of the best friend he formed the band with while deciding to begin work on a solo album. When he was found on the living room floor of his house by his older sister and manager, that was when her and his parents insisted on him going into rehab and therapy.
Fast forward three months later, MC is a month and a half sober and in the finishing stages of his solo record. He's nearly ready to release his first single as a solo artist, but...his manager (and older sister) wants to help him generate some positive press in order to get his name back out in the spotlight. What better way to do that than to create a relationship with one of the hottest, most popular singers/models/actresses today, YC, who's also got a hot new project to promote. But what happens when a business arrangement becomes so much more?
(Nearly a carbon copy of Runnin' Down A Dream except my character is a musician. There is a little bit of a difference though, think of this plot akin to an echo fighter from Smash Bros. Ultimate, all the same moves, but a different look. I've played something similar to this story with another roleplayer but the story kinda fizzled out, so I figured that I could write my own version of the story. Basically MC is a rebellious, free-spirited, live in the moment type of guy while I imagine YC could be a bit on the innocent side, or she could even be on the more sultry and seductive side. Either way, it's enough to catch his eye. They're such complete opposites that they can't help but to feel so drawn to each other.)
Unable to afford a plane ticket home this year, MC resorts to grabbing a simple dinner for one at the local supermarket and flying solo. They don’t expect to bump into their ex’s (YC) parents in the frozen food section nor do they expect to receive an invitation to spend the holidays at their cabin in the mountains. MC honestly doesn’t think it’s a good idea to accept, but when YC’s parents insist that YC will be happy to see them, MC agrees to join. So, MC packs a bag and drives up the cabin the following afternoon, hopeful for a pleasant reunion with YC, whom they still have feelings for. However, when YC answers the door in stunned silence, it’s immediately clear that MC is the last person they expected to see on this family vacation. It doesn’t take long for our characters to realize that YC’s parents are scheming to get them back together. But will the parents’ efforts—paired with a romantic atmosphere and plenty of opportunities for cozying up by the fire—do the trick?
Our characters are young and in love. After meeting one summer at the beach, the couple hasn’t been apart for more than 2 days at a time. Though they are young and their futures are still uncertain, they are sure that they intend to spend the rest of their lives together. Excited that they’ve each found their soul-mate and eager to show the world, they decide to get married. Unfortunately, their parents both strongly disapprove, stating that it won’t last and they’ll regret the rushed nuptials afterward.
Discouraged, but not totally defeated, the young couple plan to elope. They’ll get married in secret and run away together, starting a life on their own, without their parents’ help. So, our characters scrape together what money they can and run off in the middle of the night, leaving only a goodbye note behind for their parents. They get married in a quaint roadside chapel and find a cheap apartment to live in. They plan to find work and take care of each other from now on, however, it’s not long before they discover that it’s not as easy or as fun living independently as they dreamed it would be. Before they know it, they’re short on rent. Work leaves the newlyweds with little time for each other, and when they are together they begin to fight over their finances.
Will they find a way to make it work as young newlyweds? Or will they end up crawling back to their parents for help?
Discouraged, but not totally defeated, the young couple plan to elope. They’ll get married in secret and run away together, starting a life on their own, without their parents’ help. So, our characters scrape together what money they can and run off in the middle of the night, leaving only a goodbye note behind for their parents. They get married in a quaint roadside chapel and find a cheap apartment to live in. They plan to find work and take care of each other from now on, however, it’s not long before they discover that it’s not as easy or as fun living independently as they dreamed it would be. Before they know it, they’re short on rent. Work leaves the newlyweds with little time for each other, and when they are together they begin to fight over their finances.
Will they find a way to make it work as young newlyweds? Or will they end up crawling back to their parents for help?
YC and MC have been friends for a very long time, but MC has developed feelings for YC. MC plans on confessing these feelings by asking YC to the High School Prom coming up. Unfortunately, before MC can ask, YC is asked by someone else.
When Prom night comes around, MC, having gone alone, sits at the sidelines with YC, who is waiting for their date. As the night goes on and the last dance begins, YC’s date is nowhere to be found. MC then decides to ask YC to dance with them. As they slow dance, MC whispers their confession into YC’s ear.
Prom night ends and the two sit on the stairs outside the school, waiting for their parents to pick them up. YC can’t stop thinking about MC’s confession, thinking back to all the moments they have shared as friends, the good and the bad, and realize that they may even share the same feelings. YC’s thoughts are interrupted by their parents’ car pulling up, ready to bring them home. Without thinking, YC kisses MC gently on the cheek before running to the car. What happens next? Well...that's for them to decide.
(For this idea, I'm thinking they both have already decided that they're going to the same college and everything seeing that they're so close to each other. I'm also thinking the story would pick up just moments from when MC just got that simple kiss on the cheek, trying to figure out if it was just a simple friendly kiss or if it was meant to be something more. I see this being these two friends figuring out what happens from there after he'd just told her how he felt after all those years. I'm also open to other ideas.)
When Prom night comes around, MC, having gone alone, sits at the sidelines with YC, who is waiting for their date. As the night goes on and the last dance begins, YC’s date is nowhere to be found. MC then decides to ask YC to dance with them. As they slow dance, MC whispers their confession into YC’s ear.
Prom night ends and the two sit on the stairs outside the school, waiting for their parents to pick them up. YC can’t stop thinking about MC’s confession, thinking back to all the moments they have shared as friends, the good and the bad, and realize that they may even share the same feelings. YC’s thoughts are interrupted by their parents’ car pulling up, ready to bring them home. Without thinking, YC kisses MC gently on the cheek before running to the car. What happens next? Well...that's for them to decide.
(For this idea, I'm thinking they both have already decided that they're going to the same college and everything seeing that they're so close to each other. I'm also thinking the story would pick up just moments from when MC just got that simple kiss on the cheek, trying to figure out if it was just a simple friendly kiss or if it was meant to be something more. I see this being these two friends figuring out what happens from there after he'd just told her how he felt after all those years. I'm also open to other ideas.)
YC and MC have been friends for the longest time, and over time, MC has developed strong feelings for YC. He's wanted to tell her for many, many years but would either miss opportunities or chicken out. However, he's sworn to himself that she'd know his feelings by Valentine's Day of that year. And just as luck would have it, fate intervenes.
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, the college's Programming Club is setting up a voluntary fundraiser for students who are single and looking to find their perfect Valentine. Paying a small fee will get the student set up with a special blind dating app that's in beta testing. Students are to honestly answer a questionnaire to determine their perfect match. Well, both MC and YC, having both been unlucky in the game of love, decide to participate to see if they can find dates for what they'd often refer to 'Single's Awareness Day.'
After paying the fee and doing the questionnaire on their own time, the participants would be given time to get to know their perfect match and little to our knowledge, our characters are matched with each other. MC even gets a bit jealous when YC ends up talking about the great guy she's been talking to on the app, and maybe vice versa with YC. When Valentine's Day rolls around, low and behold, they realized who they were matched to, which would finally give MC the chance to finally let his feelings be known.
(So for this version, I'm thinking they're both around 21-22, somewhere in that range. As well as they know each other, I could imagine they begin to wonder if the person they're talking to is their best friend, so maybe one or the other fudges some details about interests just so that neither one gets suspicious of the other.. Also, maybe she too has the same feelings he does but is also afraid of telling him in fear of messing things up. This story can be discussed more in depth if interested.
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, the college's Programming Club is setting up a voluntary fundraiser for students who are single and looking to find their perfect Valentine. Paying a small fee will get the student set up with a special blind dating app that's in beta testing. Students are to honestly answer a questionnaire to determine their perfect match. Well, both MC and YC, having both been unlucky in the game of love, decide to participate to see if they can find dates for what they'd often refer to 'Single's Awareness Day.'
After paying the fee and doing the questionnaire on their own time, the participants would be given time to get to know their perfect match and little to our knowledge, our characters are matched with each other. MC even gets a bit jealous when YC ends up talking about the great guy she's been talking to on the app, and maybe vice versa with YC. When Valentine's Day rolls around, low and behold, they realized who they were matched to, which would finally give MC the chance to finally let his feelings be known.
(So for this version, I'm thinking they're both around 21-22, somewhere in that range. As well as they know each other, I could imagine they begin to wonder if the person they're talking to is their best friend, so maybe one or the other fudges some details about interests just so that neither one gets suspicious of the other.. Also, maybe she too has the same feelings he does but is also afraid of telling him in fear of messing things up. This story can be discussed more in depth if interested.
YC has recently moved into a new place - a cozy apartment in a 6-story apartment building. MC lives across the hall and has resided in the building for the past 2 years. Apart from a few casual conversations on the walk up to their floor or brief meetings at the mailbox, our characters haven’t gotten the chance to get to know each other. YC definitely wants to see more of their neighbor though. MC is kind, funny, and sexy in YC’s eyes; MC’s just not very good at hinting whether or not they’re attracted to YC back. When the power goes out throughout the building, on a particularly warm night, YC quickly sets out some candles to light their home, but they realize that they don’t have any matches to light them (and their stove only works on electrical power). Seeing a bit of an opportunity there, YC heads over to MC’s apartment and asks for assistance.
Muse A and Muse B are college students. Muse A is a freshman who’s just getting into the swing of living in a dorm and having to do things independently. Adjusting to having a roommate and getting to classes on time is a snap, but Muse A has never had to do their own laundry before and it’s a little bit daunting to visit the campus laundry room alone. Muse A does their best to look confident, however, and loads everything into one machine. Before, they can ruin their clothes, Muse B, an upperclassman, who’s entered the cozy laundry room to get their own laundry done, steps forward and offers some guidance, advising Muse A to separate their darks and lights, even offering spare change for extra machines Muse A will need. After a bit of mutual awkwardness, they begin to loosen up. While the machines work on their clothes, the students talk about their majors and their passions in life. They make each other laugh and flirt a little bit. Before the rinse cycle ends, Muse B asks Muse A out.
It's the same old story, boy meets girl, they go on a few dates, then they fall in love. However, what he doesn't know is his new girlfriend is a blood-thirsty creature of the night. She has all of the strengths of a vampire, and a few of their weaknesses. This is due to the fact she is part human having been turned against her will. But once they become official, she has to FINALLY tell her new boyfriend her deep, dark secret. Something she's been putting off for a while....especially since she's about to meet his parents for the first time. She doesn't drink human blood, she only hunts animals to drink their blood. She's never tasted the blood of a human and hopes to keep it that way, but how they plan on staying together if they can't grow old together.
(Decided to bring back an old plot from the dead and re-work it a little bit. The original version had them married before she'd reveal to him she was a vampire on their honeymoon, eventually telling him that unless she turns him, they won't be able to spend their lives together. How will my character react?)
(Decided to bring back an old plot from the dead and re-work it a little bit. The original version had them married before she'd reveal to him she was a vampire on their honeymoon, eventually telling him that unless she turns him, they won't be able to spend their lives together. How will my character react?)
MC is a wealthy, workaholic, widower in his mid-30's/early 40's. He lost the love of his life a few years ago and buried himself in his work to hide away from the pain of loneliness. However, there is only so much running he can do to keep the feelings of emptiness at bay. There was a time where MC had it all; money, power, success...but it often felt lonely at the top. That is until he decided to do something crazy.
Enter YC, an attractive, young woman (between 18 and 24) who's been down on her luck and needing some help getting by in her life. Maybe the debt of a college education is wearing on her or she could owe another kind of debt and is in need of some financial support. She decides to turn to a website, placing an ad to be a Sugar Baby. MC sees this ad along with some pictures of YC and they arrange a time to meet.
Upon meeting each other, what would seemingly be a casual, arranged interaction seemed to be something more. There was an undeniable spark between MC and YC, so they decide to explore it within the confines of the arrangement. Over time, what started as business becomes all sorts of pleasure. Maybe even infatuation. Despite their differences in age as well as societal taboos, MC and YC just cannot resist the pull to each other.
(This plot will be seen in both my normal and darker plots. We can play it as a romantic type of story or just simply have our characters use this arrangement to experiment with each other in ways they wouldn't feel comfortable with other partners. The sky is the limit for this idea.)
Enter YC, an attractive, young woman (between 18 and 24) who's been down on her luck and needing some help getting by in her life. Maybe the debt of a college education is wearing on her or she could owe another kind of debt and is in need of some financial support. She decides to turn to a website, placing an ad to be a Sugar Baby. MC sees this ad along with some pictures of YC and they arrange a time to meet.
Upon meeting each other, what would seemingly be a casual, arranged interaction seemed to be something more. There was an undeniable spark between MC and YC, so they decide to explore it within the confines of the arrangement. Over time, what started as business becomes all sorts of pleasure. Maybe even infatuation. Despite their differences in age as well as societal taboos, MC and YC just cannot resist the pull to each other.
(This plot will be seen in both my normal and darker plots. We can play it as a romantic type of story or just simply have our characters use this arrangement to experiment with each other in ways they wouldn't feel comfortable with other partners. The sky is the limit for this idea.)
If you can't think of a funny (or even corny) joke about #7, then tell me about your favorite video game or TV show in your PM and a memory associated with it. This will tell me if you've made it this far in my thread. And for that, I thank you for your patience. Again, as mentioned above, if it's not mentioned, I reserve the right to ignore your PM. Sometimes, depending on the mood I'm in, an exception or two may be made
Have anything to add or ask? Just start up a conversation and we can talk, please don't reply to this thread. I enjoy making new friends, and I hope that I hear from you soon.
Take care now, bye bye then.
But wait, leaving so soon? Are these plots not what you were looking for? Well then, I'm not looking for these particular plots but I can perhaps be swayed so, read on...
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