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Sabrina's RP request NSFW


Feb 15, 2013
I adore sci fi and/or superheroine role play. I'm not big on playing canon characters and usually won't. I prefer to use original characters. I've also done the big show down battle in the middle of the city to death. There are lots of other ideas we can do besides that. Lately, I've been craving the possibility of playing a superheroine on an undercover mission. Or, one that doesn't know one of her villain/villainess arch nemesis is stalking her in her civilian guise. That's not to say I might not rumble with a villain if the scenario sounds interesting.

If you're not into superheroine play, there are lots of other themes we can discuss.

I don't do many of the standards. Girl Next Door, Boss-Secretary, that sort of thing. If you're looking for something with that it needs to have something added to it to spice it up and make it interesting. Just your average teacher-student or whatever isn't going to get my interest.

I am female, and I will play with either male or female players/characters.

I'm not picky on post length, but please no one liners. We each need to try to give the other enough to work with to keep the story moving.

I will not usually do romance rps. I love romance irl, but I come here to play out my wilder fantasies.

I prefer dominant or at least dominant leaning partners. I rarely ever play against submissive ones. That’s not to say I’m into the life style or looking for a BDSM relationship, I’m not. I just prefer more dominant partners over submissive ones when it comes to RP.

Current cravings: (Hugely Craving Breast Play and Breast Obsession Themed Role Plays)

MILF vs. The FCS:
Sabrina was a beautiful and busty housewife, and though she was still young at age 30, she was a MILF by every definition of the word. She was devoted to her husband and two children. However, she was also extremely bored. The routine of getting the kids ready for school and sending them off, shortly followed by her husband departing for work, left her alone for hours on end. It didn't help that her husband was having to work long hours as he was trying to work his way up in the company in order to be successful and ensure them a good life. And, he didn't want both of them to have to work to do so. That was all well and good, but being a stay at home mom and housewife could be quite lonely and boring, especially with the kids back in school after the summer vacation.

Just when she thought she couldn't take the boredom any longer, a surprise would show up delivered by a pair of men in a box truck. They would unload a large wooden crate and inside was the Virtual Reality Machine the unsuspecting Sabrina was the winner of. She had all but forgotten about entering the win the thing. It had been so strange anyway, someone coming door to door, signing people up for a chance to win such a thing. She had signed up though, and now Sabrina found herself the winner of a state of the art VR machine. Who knew, maybe it could add some excitement to her days at home alone, waiting for the kids to return from school.

Luckily, they had a spare bedroom that they'd been using to store a few things. The men were happy to move the few boxes that needed relocating so they could set up Sabrina's VR machine. Once uncrated she would see that it was a large, comfortable looking, reclining chair with all sorts of wires and attachements. And, of course a VR helmet. It wasn't long before the machine was set up and Sabrina was left alone with it, reading over the instruction manual.

Little did Sabrina know that this surprise was a 'gift' from a group called the FCS or Flat Chest Society. It was a group of extreme feminists mostly made up of small chested women and trans people, though they did have a few male sympathizers and members. The groups stance was that women with a cup size larger than a B should have their breasts reduced, as breasts any larger than that were only useful as objects of pleasure for men. Of course the real reason for most of their hatred against busty women was jealousy, but they would never admit that. The group had started out holding rallies and paying for strange tv commercials that promoted small breasts and encouraged women with large breasts to seek reductions. When that approach didn't work they began to set traps and use all sorts of devices and tech to either reduce or ruin the breasts of busty women.

Sabrina was unaware that she had gotten the attention of one of their high ranking members at a recent party she'd attended with her husband. It was a rare occasion anymore that they went out anywhere, and she'd wanted to look good for him, so she'd worn a dress with a cleavage baring neckline. That alone seemed to be offense enough to make her a target of the group.

As she began to put the wires and attachments of the machine, she soon found that wearing clothes just wasn't going to be an option. There were just too many wires that had to be attached in too many places. Many of the attachments also seemed quite odd to the busty housewife, including a pair of what looked like clear rubbery suction cups that went over her nipples and the area around them. Leading from those cups were clear hoses that ran into the chair. She supposed if she was going to experience the VR though, she'd have to wear all of the attachments, and it took her a while to get everything in place.

Once Sabrina starts and enters her new VR world she'll find the game is quite Adult in nature. Many of the scenarios will be breast focused, both to arouse and humiliate the sexy blonde housewife. Little does she know if she succumbs to the games erotic nature and has sex in the VR world that the machines sensors are set up to detect her orgasm. The more times she orgasms, the more humiliating and breast focused the scenarios will become. Also, if she reaches a certain, unknown, number of orgasms her slumbering body in the real world will be picked up by the FCS .


(I realize this scenario is quite strange, but I'm desperately craving it or something similar. If you think you might be interested. PM me.)

One other note. I prefer to RP here in PM. I do try to send replies as quickly and as often as I can. However, I do have a life and sometimes it gets busy. There are times when I might go a few days without replying.
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