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Heroes on the Halfscreen (pods6827 and MMRS)

Instantly the television screen split into four, with a channel indicator on each 'mini-channel.' At present, each 'mini-channel' was on the same channel.
"Fascinating!" Steven said as he watched the screen split into four, "And I imagine that the pause button does exactly that," he murmured. "Now, let's see if I can figure out how to change one of them without the others..." He pointed the remote at one of the four screens and started trying to change the channel.
"Hmm, I wonder if a person brought out through one of those screens would be even smaller than normal..." Steven mused, considering the possibility. "Well, one way to find out." Looking at one of the mini-screens that was still on Buffy, he reached into it and thought of Harmony (not wanting to test the Powers of their universe by trying to take anyone else), then pulled his hand back out.

Steven had succeeded in pulling out Harmony Kendall, but one Cordelia Chase had again managed to come along for the ride.

"Where do you think you're..." Cordelia looked up, her eyes going wide as she saw again a giant Steven.

"You again! You're just bound and determined to screw up my decorating committee, aren't you?" Cordelia paused, her face puzzled before adding, "How come I just remembered our last encounter right now?"
"Hey, don't blame me for this!" he said, frowning at his TV as he spoke, "I haven't been trying to bring you here at all the past couple times, and yet here you are! Maybe it's you who's doing something!"

"And as for your memory," Steven began as he looked to the two women, "My understanding is that you'll forget what happened here when you go back to your home, but remember it again should you be brought back." He glared at the portal again, "But then, clearly I don't know how this works as well as I thought."
"Well, stop grabbing stuff I'm trying to use. And people who I have working for me," Cordelia said with a huff.

Harmony was looking around, not all as blase as Cordelia seemed about becoming six inches high (or thereabouts), or being transported to a world of giants, or whatever had happened. "Cordelia, I---" Harmony managed to get out, before Cordelia cut her off.

"Quiet, Harmony," Cordelia said, before turning her attention back on Steven. "Listen, I don't know what's happening here, and I don't care. And I don't want to remember anything. I just need you to put me and Harmony back, and stop interrupting our preparations!"
"Not even trying to do that," Steven grumbled, "And I'm not interrupting anything; time's standing still in your home." Nevertheless, he lifted Cordelia up once more and placed her back in the TV.

He then turned to face Harmony, his expression softening slightly, "And how about you? Do you want to return right now, or would you like to rest for a bit?" He smiled wryly before speaking again. "I imagine that you could use a break if she's treating you as she did me."
"Well if you want to go back with her then I won't stop you," Steven commented, holding out his hand for Harmony to step on to, "Climb on and I'll send you back."
Harmony gingerly stepped into Steven's open palm, ready to head back to life in a small Californian town, living on the edge of Hell Mouth.
He placed the young woman back in the screen, and once she was gone he thought for a moment what show he should try next, flipping channels all the while. Eventually he ended up on Clash of the Titans, specifically the scene where Andromeda was chained to a rock and about to be sacrificed to the Kraken. Deciding to test this universe, he reached in and attempted to bring the woman through the TV.
Steven grumbled a bit when his hand came back empty, before a thought occurred to him. This was the remake version of the movie, but would trying the original result in a success? That was something that he wanted to try.

So he turned to his faithful TV Guide and, after a bit of searching, found a showing of the original movie in about an hour. Switching the screen back to a single image, Steven changed the channel and waited for the opening scene of the movie, then tried to pull Andromeda out once more.
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