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New Plot Ideas - M for MxF, FxMM+, MxFF+

Petey Mundo

Sep 10, 2017
Greetings and salutations, fellow roleplayers. For those of you who want to check out my general roleplay request thread, please click here. This thread is devoted to actual plot ideas that I've thought out enough to write out. Some of these are short and simple, quick hits, some will be longer term, a bit more story. I'll add more plots as I go, so please check back in periodically!

Crazy Bearded Midgets With Axes?! - Can be MxF, FxMM+, possible older female/younger male age gap

Your character is a modern woman from a modern world... who wakes up one day to find herself in a rural landscape straight out of Lord Of The Rings. Soon enough she's discovered by some locals, fellow humans who see her in her strange (to them) clothing, trying to use her cellphone. Naturally they assume she's a witch and capture her, taking her back to their village to figure out what to do with her.

The village, it turns out, is on the outskirts of a major dwarven city, and there's regular trade and interaction between the humans and dwarves there. While she's locked up in some cell outside, some of the dwarves strike up a conversation with her. They don't trust magic, but are quick to come to the opinion that she's not a witch and is probably the victim of someone else's magic.

My character would either be an unmarried prince of the dwarves, or a small group of young warriors. Either way, they offer to see to it no harm comes to her and to let her stay in the dwarven city... if she's willing to let my character(s) get some fun with her. Knowing how fucked up the situation is, but also knowing what angry peasants used to do to witches in her world, she eagerly agrees to take some dwarf cock over a burning at the stake. My character(s) get her released into their custody, promising the humans that they'll make sure they never see her again, and take her home to their city.

We could have an element of her trying to figure out what happened, convincing the dwarves to help her get home, or just keep it simple and smutty. I'm game for either one. Also, my characters don't have to be dwarves, if you'd have some other preference there.

Connecting Flights - Can be MxF, MxFF+, FxMM+.

Our characters are flying to different destinations, but both have connecting flights to catch at a major international airport (O'Hare in Chicago, for example), but their flights out are cancelled due to a blizzard. Character A got one of the last airport hotel rooms, Character B was not so lucky. They meet at the airport bar, have a few drinks, and eventually Character A offers to let Character B "share" the hotel room until their flights are rescheduled.

Note: Either gender could be A or B. Similarly, if we go multiple characters on either side of it, the group could be either A or B.

Gimme Some Sugar - Can be MxF, MxFF+, FxMM+, age gap could go either way.

Very simple, Character A is rich, Character B is not. Character A wants an extremely attractive person to come on vacation with them, be their companion/courtesan for the week, Character B is happy to oblige.

Note: Either gender could be A or B. Similarly, if we go multiple characters on either side of it, the group could be either A or B. However, if we have multiple guys I would prefer not to have them older than the female.

It's For Charity! - Thanks to Queen of Canada for letting me adapt her idea. Could be MxF or MxFF+, age gap with the male a bit older.

My character is a famous athlete (sport is open to debate), still in his early twenties. Not much in the way of scandal about him, until a picture gets leaked online that shows him to be exceptionally well-endowed. He does a good job of laughing off the attention, and when famous adult film company tweets at him about trying their type of workout, he tweets back a joke about them donating a million dollars to whatever charity he cares most about and he'll think about it. The adult film company contacts him privately and says they'd donate double that if he's serious. Realizing how much the charity can use the money, he agrees with the caveat that he gets to work with them to determine the terms.

The adult film company and my character agree that, instead of him doing a scene with a regular pornstar, it should be someone as amateur at it as he is, which is where your character comes in. I'm thinking the film company looks for female athletes in his given sport, offering them the chance to make some money and a name for themselves, and your character is one of the ones who puts herself forward and is accepted. It could also be that they look for women who are big fans of my character and his team; your character ends up being the winner.

I would love to do this with multiple women; teammates/training mates at their given sport, or best friends who are all big fans. I'd really need you to push a great twist on this to me to do FxMM+.

I'm Not A Kid Anymore! - Probably just MxF, but could be MxFF+ or possibly FxMM+.

Character A is about 5 years older than Character B, and when they were younger (like 16 and 11), Character A babysat Character B on occasion. Nothing untoward happened then of course, but Character B definitely developed a bit of an innocent crush on Character A.

Years later, both are grown and run into each other again. Character B remembers why they had that crush years ago, and Character A has to admit that B grew up really, really nice. One thing leads to another, a hookup leads to a casual relationship, but is there any chance it could become more serious than that?

Note: Either gender could be A or B. If we do multiples, I'm thinking the multiple should be the younger, they were all babysat by Character A and all had crushes. The initial idea here is long term, but it could easily be short term and just be the one-time hookup.

Fantasy Land - Can be MxF, MxFF+, FxMM+, if we go age gap I'd probably want the males younger than the females

Not really a specific plot for this, more the setting. I want a world with our modern technology, with two major exceptions: no gun powder, no nuclear weapons/power. Basically, a world where battles and wars are still fought with swords and axes and bows. Otherwise though, modern technology; cars and planes and electricity and cellphones and all that fun stuff.

We could do something where maybe your character has been somehow transported from our modern world to this one, or something with people from two different kingdoms/cultures in this world. I'd love to discuss building something fun for this.

An Alien Civilization Can be MxF, MxFF+, FxMM+, if we go age gap I'd probably want the males younger than the females

After World War Three does it's damage to the human population and nations of the Earth, the leaders of the major nations of the world are contacted by an alien race. This race has no desire to conquer Earth, instead offering a deal with the leaders of humanity: give the aliens a place on Earth, somewhere they can call home, and in turn the aliens will help the humans out by using their more advanced technology to clean the atmosphere, clean up the pollution (maybe even nuclear fallout) from the war. Humanity accepts, and the aliens come to Earth.

I wouldn't want to do something where it turns out the aliens actually intend to conquer or wage war, instead focusing on a peaceful, though possibly tentatively peaceful, relationship between the aliens and humanity. Maybe something where a human woman becomes courtesan or mistress to an alien prince, or a human harem for an alien prince. Maybe a human woman goes to the alien nation as a refugee, takes a place "working" among some of the soldiers to earn her home there. I'm open to lots of suggestions here, both with the plot and with the appearance of the aliens (though I do want generally humanoid, with two arms, two legs, one head, one set of genitalia, etc).
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