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Gundam 00: Laws of Attrition (RisaXSeph/Cypherxk2)

After helping the maintenance crew go over his Exia, which that Setsuna guy helped out with some key modifications to the suit's OP system, he made a visit to Mimi's GNY-001F2. Her recent change in personality had rubbed him the wrong way, despite the fact he knew he brought it on, and it was beginning to bring the apathetic side in him. A side that made hers look like a 8 year old's temper tantrum. It was a side of him that he came out of when he'd been recruited and had gotten therapy. It was bad before but those whom had witnessed it could tell it was worse now.

"Mimi... out here... Now." He said icily, leaning against the railing of the elevator as it hung level with her suit's cockpit, "We need to talk and I don't want to disrespect your suit but dragging your butt outta it with one arm."
Mimi had completed some systems checks and deemed her machine ready for battle. She wanted to go fight; go fight and end something to prove to the world she had purpose. The noticed the others working on Fenrir’s machine. She closed her eyes letting out a deep sigh within herself. Somehow she knew he would confront her but did he actually even care; her answer would come sooner than she expected. As he requested she come out she opened her cockpit and exited the Mobile Suit. “What can I do for you?” She asked as she got out and stood on the lip of the elevator keeping a little distance as she wanted to keep her feelings trapped deep inside of her; she had avoided getting close to him now and avoided doing so with anyone else so she didn’t have to live with the fact that she believed she had no one… It was better to just feel empty and take that emptiness to turn it into a weapon… At least then she felt something that wasn’t sorrow, grief and misery. She made eye contact with his eye he could not see out of as she dd not want to let him see the pain built up inside her.
"Look..." He said coolly as he grabbed the front of her uniform, "I can see what you're doing and why and I want you to stop."

His apathetic side came forward, not caring for the pain she was trying to hide from him that he clearly saw. He honestly was more concerned with her. She was acting like he had been before his change. Seeing it from the outside had been eye opening. He was shocked to realize he had been that callous about things. Now, he was kind his body had forced a change in him.

"Enough," He said, the pressure from his Innovator abilities and his mind making how serious he was very clear, "I'm not gonna sit back and let you kill yourself because you feel like no one gives a shit about you. If you wanna be killed, just say so. Otherwise, stop acting like me before I give you a reason to be so mopey. I didn't put so much effort into trying to connect with you just so you can throw the shit back in my face by acting like this."
Mimi listened to him without much showing as he grabbed her by her collar. She knew someone would confront her eventually but to think he would be the one to do it… Why did he care… He had quite obviously rejected her… or so she had thought but then his words cut through her wall like it was butter. As she was processing his words she sighed and then spoke “So it’s okay for you to reject everyone and push away everything then somehow see the light and be a changed man… Yeah… whatever… You say you don’t want pity and then you throw it back in my face… I don’t want your pity!” She nearly yelled the last part about not wanting his pity. She then removed his hand from her. “If you have something to say then say it; otherwise please just leave me be…” Mimi said looking down. In truth she wanted to tell him that she loved him and wanted to be by his side, protect him in battle and become his partner. She wanted to be the reason he got up in the morning but none of these things were anything she could say and besides disconnecting seemed easier… but was bottling everything up inside really better… She wished she could express herself but with everything how it was she just didn’t see that as possible.
"I did shut everyone out but only because it became the only way I knew how to survive the hell I went through." He stated coolly, his fist bouncing off the hatch behind her head as he punched it hard enough to fracture some bones in his hand being the only expression of emotion he showed as he regarded her, "You're shutting people out over a temper tantrum..... and It's pissing me off. Plus, I don't pity... I maim. Anyone whom I "pity", usually ends up dead or worse...."

His voice lacked emotion beyond frustration, but the pressure he was extruding was starting to give people headaches. Also, the GN condensers on all the mobile suits started glowing as he spoke. It was a phenomena that was becoming common with him. It was spooky as hell, and his Exia's optics seemed to turn on everytime it happened.

"I forsook my wings once...." He said, the eye he was blind in seeming to burn with a demonic gleam as he glared at her, "I'll forsake them again if you force me to crush my heart again..."
Mimi shook her heard. "You are a fool... A big dumb fool... What do you want from me then... Do you just want me to be your puppet that follows you around and kills people for you... Because..." She stopped and seemingly being given permission to feel emotions again tears fall; months and years of pain falling from her with each drop. They were near opposites at this point; his energy harming people but yet her sorrow was seemingly healing the room into tears. She wanted to tell him she loved him but didn't think he would understand and she couldn't go through rejection again. She then continued. "Becuase I can't do that... I don't want to... I'll fight to protect people but; if its not for that reason... No... I can't... I won't allow it..." She nearly screamed out "I don't want anyone to die anymore; especially you..."
"What I want encompasses more than you. I'd want a world where people aren't forced to fight unless they want to." He said, the pressure from him seeming to vanish with a sudden mental pop, "I learned looking back that not all the deaths I caused were necessary. As such, I'd rather not kill anyone else."

In truth, he didn't know what he wanted where she was concerned. It was a tricky situation to try and put into words. He clearly felt something developing in him that regarded her but he couldn't tell what it was. Still, he suspected that he knew what caused her shift in the first place. It seemed obvious when she asked him what he wanted of her.

"However, I've always lived my life on the front line of some war or skirmish. So not killing is almost a certain impossibility." He grunted, grabbing her collar again and yanking gently her into a loose hug, "You, as far as I'm concerned, don't have to fight because you're too pure to kill. Furthermore, just spit it out already. You'll make things easier for both of us once you do."
“I understand…it’s just… difficult… sometimes I wonder if it’s too hard to continue. I have lost everything and everyone… except you.” Mimi replied to him “And not fighting… I would like that… I want to help you make that a reality… I would long for a day when people like us are unnecessary.” She did feel like others shouldn’t have the level of loss she and he had. Would they ever be able to just be normal people again or would they always be soldiers? She didn’t have an answer to that question. She did know how she felt about him though and he seemed to be asking… The hug helped her reach a point where she did not feel it was hopeless telling him what she felt about him. When he told her to say what she was thinking she then said. “Well… I…You’re a good person deep down and there is just something about you… Inside of all that defensiveness and soldier training… You want to help and hat is why you do this… its desirable… I guess what I am trying to say is… I l… I love you.” She had struggled saying that as she only ever thought she would say those words to Kira and even though it felt strange to say them she knew it was right.
"Hey, Fenrir!" A mechanic yelled from below, breaking up the moment with an unnatural sense of unfortunate timing, "The Wizard Silhouette system for your Exia is ready for field tuning."

"Read the room, asshole!! I'll get to it in a fucking minute!!" He barked, his annoyance radiating in his voice, "I'm a bit indisposed!!"

He kicked a toolbox over, making the mechanic curse and sputter as it almost brained him. With that, he turned his attention back to Mimi. Her words did have an affect on him, but it was internalized. He still wasn't one to outwardly show emotion yet. It was something he was working on. Still, be wasn't as emotionless as he seemed before.

"I hate to break this up but that idiot reminded me of a prior engagement I made. It would be compatible with your suit too with some modifications if your interested in increasing you Close quarters capabilities." He offered, giving her a tentative and hesitant kiss on the forehead before releasing her, "You can come with and watch if you want."
Mimi made eye contact with him as the mechanic was making a complete ass of the situation. It seems like it didn’t really matter to her what was going on as she was around him. She listened to the exchange between the two and her movements nor thoughts about the situation changed. She was completely content where she was and didn’t really care for anything else. It was curious as to why he was asking her to improve her machine if he did not want her fighting. Or was this just an excuse to keep her around without making it seem like it was more than it was... She would go with the latter. Mimi nodded as he finished his reply to her. “If you want me to stay then I will...” In truth she wanted a date and to spend some time alone with him but she would take whatever she could get... At least he was more receptive than the last time.
(Ooc: Sorry it took so long, lack of muse is kicking my ass.)

<Warning, Emergency scramble initiative activated. Repeat, Emergency scramble initiative has been activated. Enemy Mobile units detected at long range.>

"Really?" He asked, turning as he noticed the 00 Quanta activate, "Who would risk coming at us right now?"

It was a rhetorical question, since the Innovades that took over Celestial Being had really put effort into trying to eliminate them after the sham of an attempts at return talks broke down. He'd made it clear that he intended on bring all of Celestial Being down after learning he could communicate to a limited degree with Veda. No one shared his view but Setsuna F Seiei had agreed with him. Celestial Being had become something to be eliminated.

"That's it...." He hissed as he turned back to Mimi, "Look, I'll take you somewhere nice later. You might want to get ready just in case you need to launch."

The gravity generators activated, making the hangar into a Zero G zone. He pushed off and away from her, a serious look on his face as he drifted backwards toward his Exia. Something new had changed in him. He hadn't stopped looking at her, and there was a depth of growing concern for her within him that felt foreign to him. It made him realized just how much he'd changed.

"Be careful, Sorenson." He called, turning as the distance increased while being unable to say much else.
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