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Gundam 00: Laws of Attrition (RisaXSeph/Cypherxk2)

Jul 17, 2017
A voice came over the com; it was the Commander.

“All pilots we have breached the main gate. Please begin.”

The four other pilot’s voices came over the com “Roger” Mimi then spoke “Saratoga leader confirms orders… Assume capture positions.” She said as the Gundams were falling from the clouds down to a base where a bunch of allied tanks and infantry personnel were entering the enemy base. The other pilots were close behind her as Mimi waited until the last possible second to engage her thrusters so that her machine did not slam into the ground and shatter into pieces and she did not get knocked unconscious or worse from the impact. Her Gundam was a replica of a GNY-001F2 with slight modifications like a secondary seat and additional laser based weaponry. This though caused things to be a lot more cramped and sacrificed some of her armor but provided better air based mobility and allowed by an assortment of ranged weapons. Her machine was designed for long range support fire. A base drop with this machine was a foolish exercise but one that occurred quite often; even though her unit was primarily a security detail more and more they were being used as a show of force… Not from a military prospective but more as a political show of force; it was rare she was thrown into combat despite her long service record. Mimi’s flight suit still showing her figure but all the rest of her features hidden within it; after all a coolant leak, system failure or worse enemy fire breaching her cockpit were things she was very aware of and this when in her machine she never took any part of her suit off.

The other support machines touch down seconds after she and Mimi pulls out a blade; not a usual part of her equipment and something she did not use too often so a more experienced pilot with such a weapon could easily outmatch her that is unless they met in battle multiple times; part of her skill was that she could predict enemy’s movements if she fought them many times. Suddenly an enemy mobile suit appeared. Her monitor showed the unit; one she had never encountered before. She waited for it to see what it would do; one of her subordinates rushed at the unit and was instantly cut in half before Mimi could protest them going at the unknown enemy. It then turned to her but then a beep was heard and an explosion behind her from enemy anti-artillery fire took out allied tanks.

The simulation then terminated. “Mission objective can no longer be completed… Allied tanks destroyed. Mission failed.” The AI said as Mimi hit the console hard.
“Damn it… Why in the hell did you have them rush!?” A cute face of a blonde haired blue-eyed girl; Sora… The mission controller and operator for her unit came on the view monitor.
“Random situations my dear… Always got to be prepared… Your fellow pilots as well as the enemy won’t always do what you expect.”
“So you drop me in the middle of the battlefield with a Mobile Suit twice my size as a distraction… That is a bit low Sora… Besides it is not like we will be supporting actual infantry any time soon… What was the point of that simulation anyway…”
“Keep you on your toes my dear…” She said in a cheeky manner.

Mimi had the system open the hatch and then came out taking off her helmet pulling out her long red hair and staring down the catwalk at Sora whom was standing next to the simulation control system a few meters away. The girl was taller than Mimi by at least 6 inches though she was about the same build as her. She was in a skirt and blouse that matched; her long blonde hair tied into twin tails. She looked into Mimi’s grey eyes tilting her head at her.

“I didn’t make you mad did I Mimi?” Mimi shook her head.
“No; you are fine Sora… Just a bit unexpected was all… Keller making lunch again today?” Sora nodded.

“I still have work to do on your unit’s predictive anti-mobile weapon program though so go without me.” Sora said; she also handled the computer side of the Gundams.

“One more thing though… Have you heard from Kira…? He was on an assignment.”
“I know and nope… Though if I do recall his assignment required radio silence… He should check back soon… Maybe ask the bridge after lunch?” The girl proposed to Mimi. She nodded then waved.
“Yeah… I’m gunna go change first though… Your simulations are always taxing and quite exerting.”
“That is the point; Like I said keep you on your toes…” Sora said giggling.
Mimi walked away to the locker room to take a shower. This ship was small and so the locker room was unisex. Mimi undressed and took a change of clothes with her then entered the shower wondering what Kira would be doing now.
RE: Gundam 00: Laws of Attrition

"All pilots report to MS Bay 2 immediately. Repeat, All pilots report to MS Bay 2 immediately."

He was the reason for the alert, his genuine GN-001 showing signs of intense combat with a third of the blade of it's GN sword missing entirely. The damage was pretty much superficial. Just dings and scratches from tanks and light artillerymen. The damage to the GN Sword was from a duel with a fellow Gundam Meister in his CBNGN-003 Union Flag. It had been a tough fight but he'd succeeded in defeating the Meister.

"What happened out there, Fenrir?" Halvern, His fellow pilot asked while standing by the hatch of his custom stealth variant of the GN-003 Kyrios Gundam as Fenrir stepped out of his Gundam, "All of a sudden, Kira broke radio silence and sent a message saying you specifically betrayed us by attacking him from behind."

"Kira destroyed a humanitarian convey we were tasked with descreetly defending....." Fenrir stated coldly, his gunmetal grey eyes burning with frigid intensity as Halvern was stared down, "He became a liability since he told me he wanted to join the Earth Sphere Federation forces with his girlfriend while providing them with a Gundam. I....."

"Traitor terminated, traitor terminated" A black Haro crowed from inside his Gundam, a demon like echo in it mechanical voice as it seemed to cackle with happiness while the large flaps on it waved enthusiastically.

"Haro, don't make me wipe your memory bank." Fenrir threatened, giving the red eyed Haro unit a death glare before sighing, "I was forced to kill him..... Him and a ESF armored battalion."

Fenrir wasn't one to brag. He was above that since he was born an Innovator. Still, Per Celestial Being protocol, traitors were to be apprehended and brought in for questioning. Termination was only if apprehension was deemed impossible by higher up. What he'd done was the extreme. Eliminate the loose end and ensure nothing was left to be captured by enemy forces. He didn't like it, but he did it without question.

"Set me up to do in the 00 Gundam, Seven Swords configuration." Fenrir said, catching Halvern by surprise as he ran his hand through his shoulder length black hair, "I have a feeling were about to have major company."

Fenrir's second Gundam, the famed and only 4th gen mobile suit Celestial Being had, was much like the Exia in terms of color. The torso was painted black with a red Z painted on the right shoulder. The engineers had perfected the Twin Drive system recently, and were looking to duplicate it for another Mobile suit for Mimi. So far, of all the Gundam Meisters that piloted the 00 gundam, only he efficiently handled the mobile suit without trouble. From the reports, Mimi was a competent second excluding her apparent adversion to close quarters combat.

"The Commander will want a re...." Halvern started only for Fenrir to cut him off.

"She'll get it if we survive." Fenrir yelled behind him without looking, shoving his way through fellow pilots to the Locker room to get a quick shower in before things went to hell.
RE: Gundam 00: Laws of Attrition

Mimi was in the shower finishing up her long shower unaware of the alert that had happened as she was too focused on the feeling of the shower. The fact that her lover was killed because he had been a traitor or that he wanted her to join the ESF with him was something she was entirely unaware of. In a fashion Kira did that to protect her… His last gift to her was ignorance that without which she would have likely been branded a traitor herself. As she was putting on a towel Fenrir had become unclothed and walked in. She made eye contact with him and just shrugged off his nudity before her. After all the co-ed locker room meant there was no segregation based on gender so pilots often saw each other nude or in towels. She noticed it looked like he had something on his mind… Should she ask or not or would he even be willing to talk about it. She was entirely oblivious of the events that had transpired; if his Haro was following him it would likely take a stab of some form at her resulting in the redhead turning into a giant ball of fire as she would be entirely unaware of the situation and think it was just making some sort of wisecrack at her. It was also likely that she would be yelled at for not responding to the emergency call. She likely wouldn’t care after learning what happened because her mind would be more focused on Kira and why he would be a traitor.
RE: Gundam 00: Laws of Attrition

((Oh, Fenrir is kinda like a human ZERO(Zoning & Emotional Range Omitted) system in terms of predicting enemy attacks when he's involved. Most of the Gundam Meisters will know that when he mentions having company and says to ready something, their best bet is to ready for a fight.))

Fenrir, punching a shower bulkhead hard enough to dent it, rested his forehead against the wall while cursing. He didn't know what to say to the Commander. It all had happened so fast that he just reacted on instinct. His Haro had logged everything that had happened. He just didn't know if he'd done the right thing.

"No dwelling on that now....." He sighed before looking at Mimi with a deadened expression, "MS Bay 2, hurry up, We're gonna have company soon."

Unlike Mimi's, his shower was very quick. Maybe too quick since he was barely under the water seven minutes before he was dressed in a clean flight suit with a uniform under it. Most Meisters knew and understood that when he, Zero, mentioned anything while seeming to be flying while walking or running fast, it was best that they listened to him because 94% of the time, He wasn't fucking kidding. It was mostly because of his Innovator abilities. To him, they were as much of a blessing as they were a curse as they made him socially awkward.
RE: Gundam 00: Laws of Attrition

Mimi stared at him for a moment and then when he suggested that they leave she nodded and hurriedly went to put on a tanktop and panties then her flight gear and headed for the MS bay. Upon arriving Sora was waiting. “I made some minor improvements to the fire control system… I’ll be on the bridge.” Sora said hurrying off waving as she did so. Mimi got in to her machine and got it prepared for launch wondering what order launch would be in and who the Commander would send out. By the time she completed her flight checks Sora was on the bridge; when needed the girl could run fast. She was panting but she scaled the entire ship in a matter of minutes. For saying she was out of shape Sora was pretty in shape. Sora transmitted the flight order as one of the radar officers signaled incoming ESF signatures. Mimi thought to herself how Fenrir was right; as always… That came with his abilities though; she hadn’t mentioned her abilities to any of the crew even though she joined so young she did a really good job of hiding that she too was an Innovator. As with anything though there were those like Fenrir who were better at using the abilities than she… Her knowledge as a prodigy made her an asset in a different way though and she was fine with that especially if she could hide from the; very little albeit still existent slight stigma against Innovators. Fenrir probably know though… Had he told anyone was the real question though and it only just came to mind when she was in her MS prepared for launch waiting for permission to deploy. “Mimi Sorinson in the Astraea ready to launch on orders.” Mimi said to Sora.
RE: Gundam 00: Laws of Attrition

Fenrir was right behind Mimi the whole way, though he could have easily outstripped her if he took a few corners. Didn't matter though, they were more or less partners when they deployed together. It was an unspoken thing that just naturally happened. He was grilled on it repeatedly but he ignored it. Mimi and him weren't an item. They barely knew each other.

"Fenrir Gardner, 00 Seven Sword, Standing by." He reported, within seconds of Mimi reporting in.

"This is Commander Sumeragi," The commander said over the comm system, "I'm authorizing a clean slate....."

"Every pilot available gets launched. Lovely." Fenrir grunted loudly over the comm system and the commander as he moved his suit to MS Catapult 3 and was locked into launch position, "00 Seven Sword, Cutting a path."

He could almost hear the sigh of frustration from the Commander as the 00 Gundam rocketed off the catapult from his home. It made him grin slightly as he did a barrel roll before arresting his forward movement. For reasons he couldn't explain, he felt more at home in the Twin Drive equipped Gundam than he did his Exia. He felt.... unrestricted and free. It was a feeling only an Innovator would really understand.

"Ugh..... Well, like Gardner so eloquently put it, I'm authorizing all available pilots to launch immediately." Commander Sumeragi said, pinching the bring of her nose, "Sorinson, Give Gardner your best fire support to can. He's our only Close quarters expert until Kira returns. Dissuade any who get past him or bring them down. Gardner....."

"Do what I do best." Fenrir said, drawing the Long and Short GN Sword IIs from 00 Gundam's waist holsters, "Just don't nail me while shooting, Sorinson."
RE: Gundam 00: Laws of Attrition

Mimi nodded over the video com. She had wondered why Kira had not returned yet but she would leave that question for another day. Because of the fact that she was providing range support she actually didn't really need to follow him that far so she simply was catapulted out of the ship by Sora and immediately just set up a fire support position within range. Once the comms were off she closed her eyes for a moment and felt the energy of the world around her. Upon doing so she opened her eyes and was able to more easily determine her targets. She began deploying suppressing fire and occasionally would hit a ESF target just to drawl the enemy of balance as they initially began to assume that the fire was literally just a suppressive in nature but it was also designed to eliminate specific enemy targets. She was kind of pleased with the hits she was making on the enemy and imagine such a thing is quite annoying being hit by a barrage of random weapons fire and concluding it just that its random but then being destroyed by targeted fire almost as if the shots you were seeing were not actually random. She wondered if the commander was going to deploy anyone other than the two of them or if the commander planned to add insult injury by allowing the two of them to just eliminate the entire ESF force... Mimi thought that such a plan might be pushing the luck of the ship at that point though. There was a reason that there were more meisters than just the two of them after all one required more pilots than just two. Sadly providing their boss tactical advice on how her thoughts were moronic and that she should do something more tactically sound was not within Mimi's job description so she kept her opinion to herself... for that matter she thought the same thing about the mission previously... Sending two pilots alone... absolute trash planning... either the commander was an idiot or Vega loved killing meisters. Mimi noticed enemy and it's approaching from a different position and began to adjust her tactics to target them as well as she still provided support to the 00 unit. " come on already... deploy MORE support already..." she whined.
"Yo, Commander, a bit more support WOULD BE READILY APPRECIATED!!" Fenrir snapped, having switched to the GN Beam sabers somewhere between Mimi's salvos while slicing a GN-X into quarters, "Sending out only two Gundam Meisters for a whole fucking mobile suit BATTALION is TACTICAL BULLSHIT!!"

He lacked Mimi's restraint, which led to him calling out the commander over the comm system. Of course, he didn't catch the trail of aqua colored GN particles until Halvern's Kyrios unleashed a full volley of GN Missiles from it's tail unit and GN Hand missile launchers as it blew by him. It was unexpected but not an unwelcome sight as he impaled another GN-X through the head while removing the legs.

"Commencing support for Zero. Sorinson, target enemies farther out from Zero's position. We'll funnel them into range for ya as best we can." Halvern called, his Kyrios spinning and twisting the increasing volume of enemies in the combat area.

".....ello, would the killer of one of my newest recruits be on this line?"

"Who the....?!" Halvern said, confused on how someone broken into their secure comm frequency.

"Get off the line, asshole." Fenrir snapped, his innovator abilities flaring as his eyes turned yellow, "I'm not interested in hearing your bullshit."
Mimi still had the other end of the comm line open but still kept her opinion to herself. That was until she was given new orders. She targeted further downrange to allow additional support to help closer to Fenrir. Then someone else broke in to their comm channel. There was mention of people being killed… New recruits… Nobody had yet to explain to her why Kira was not back yet… Was he killed in battle fighting the ESF forces… She had to know more about the death of a ton of ESF people especially as to why they would intrude on their channel just to search for their killer.

“Hang on… What is your purpose here…? Are you just going to whine about your forces being defeated… Usually you guys gloat about how you plan to defeat us…? So what is it this time?” Mimi said coldly to the unknown party whom she assumed was ESF; after all who else would actually want to whine about the death of ESF forces.

Mimi started working to calculate the location of the person whom entered their line. She still had her video part off after turning it off earlier so she could keep her opinion to herself. Now she wanted to find this intruder and show them why you don’t fuck with her.
Mimi didn't need to do much to calculate the intruder's position, the intruder appeared and kicked Fenrir's mobile suit into her firing arc. She would have taken him out, if not killed him had Fenrir's 00 Gundam not suddenly seem to teleport clear by quantizing right next to Mimi's Astraea. Fenrir's Innovator abilities were now fully engaged, allowing him to sense Mimi's thoughts as well as the Intruder's.

"You're one too....." He said aloud, before yelling in his mind toward the Intruder as he felt a resonance between the Intruder, Mimi, and himself, "You're an Innovator, too, aren't you?!"

"Yes, I am, and I take it that the feminine thoughts of punishing me belong to Ms. Mimi?" The Intruder replied, answering with his mine as his GNMS-XCVII Alvaaron hovered above them, "Kira told me much about you, Ms. Mimi. I offer my condolences for his unfortunate demise. Though I confess Mr. Zero saved me having to eliminate him myself. Less pain for you since he'd impregnated my spy among you."
Mimi felt a sort of connection with in her mind. She had only felt like a couple of times prior but knew exactly what it was. There were other Innovators... One she knew and one she did not know... she assumed that the one she did not know was the person piloting the Alvaaron unit. Hearing the conversation she did not know how to respond and she was grateful that Fenrir's abilities were able to save him. She was entirely confused as to what the enemy unit whom she assumed was the units commander had said. "... He killed... And Kira... Not possible." She did feel some rage within her though and use that rage combined with her skills outside of her abilities as an Innovator to control her self and target the enemy unit while it was moving in a way that it could not easily avoid her attack. She then closed her eyes again feeling the air, the waves... everything around her... using her powers to anticipate the enemies movements and fire in a split second to where avoiding her attack would be impossible. She then fired opening her eyes for the first time the yellow change to her I color was visible but since the video screen was off no one would be able to see it. After firing she then thought "there is no way that people such as yourself should be allowed to live... The governments of the earth prior to their conducting of war actually useful and decent enough however upon their entire purpose switching to that of distruction of one another... people like you don't deserve to live. You either have a choice to sit down and stop fighting... surrender immediately then... maybe we might allow you to survive or you can die right here right now." There was extreme passion within her; it seems that she believed in the ideals of eradication of war and the fact that people continue to want to fight motivated her to stop them at all costs even if that meant killing them. This battle was for her parents... and if Kira was in fact dead for him too... there was no way he was a traitor... therefore these warmongering monsters must die. It was highly evident to everyone on the battlefield in addition to the monitoring people on the ship that something within her had changed... there was this passion flowing through her every movement... her attacks went with a purpose.
"Ah, he didn't tell you, my dear?" The intruder asked, making avoiding Mimi's attacks look incredibly easy even though she was missing him by inches each time, "My spy was approached by him during a gala. This led to that, and now she's pregnant. Ask her yourself if you don't believe me. She is your operator, after all."

"I wasn't given a choice." Fenrir said right behind Mimi's words, speaking with both voice and mind as he deactivated the GN Beam Sabers, "I didn't want to, but he attacked me after destroying one of Celestial Being's Humanitarian conveys. He kept going on and on about how he wanted a life away from conflict with his girlfriend, his new lover, and the lover's child. It made me sick."

At the word "sick", new data from Veda flooded the Gundams, followed by the 00 Gundam gaining a pinkish-red color as a previously unknown system activated in it. The monitors changed, showing that 00's GN drives were synced at 500% as the words "TRANS-AM" were written on his screen. He wasn't gonna complain, plus he wanted to carve the Intruder. There would be bloodshed now.

"Kira did ask one thing of me." Fenrir added, putting the GN beam sabers away and drawing the GN Buster Sword II, "He wanted me to look after Mimi for him."
After hearing that there was confirmation of what she was told Mimi stopped and did something she usually didn’t do. She pulled out one of the blades of her machine. A MS of ESF that would have normally been easy for her to shot and destroy she decided to go hand to hand with. She overheard this pilot break in to her com line as well. There secured coms were like butter apparently the pilot; one fo the more level heads of ESF said to her. “You Celestial Being cowards… Saying you want to stop war and then killing for sport.” Mimi replied to him almost immediately.
“I don’t kill for sport; battles like this SHOULDN’T happen but nobody lays down arms and then they label us terrorists… You have no idea what you are even talking about…”
The pilot; an older man then replies. “Words are cheap… Killing entire bases of people… You are no better than the people you say you are fighting against… That is why we are here… To stop you here and now.”
“There are those among you who feed off of the military-industrial complex or are you that naïve… Someone wanted all these battles to happen… Otherwise why would we be here.” The pilot went to attack her and she carved off his MS’s arms then kicked him to the ground.

“I’m not in the mood for more death today… At least of soldiers… Your leader deserves what he gets… After all look in to what he has done… You’ll see I’m right…” Mimi shoots his MS to make a minor explosion; one that made it look as though she tried to destroy him… She specifically left his cockpit undamaged however. She wanted this guy to see Celestial Being was not as bad as his superiors told him they were. She couldn’t go into too much detail due to her oath as a Meister but she could damn well point people in the right direction. She did have the intent of beating the living crap out of her friend… Sora; a friend fo hers for years had betrayed her… Worst of all she took Kira from her… She hoped she would not have to kill her friend and Celestial Being still had use of the girl’s technical expertise but would keeping a traitor around be a good idea; she would need to find and drag Sora off to a safe place; probably off ship and GRILL everything she knew out of her… She could redeem herself but how would Mimi keep Veda from killing her; loyalty of friends… Even now… After the betrayal Mimi was looking for a way to keep her friend alive. Mimi began targeting as many MS’s as she could from mid to long range and blowing off legs; blowing up ammo or weapons to cause chain reactions that would disable the enemy units but not kill their pilots. She did not need Veda to do that for her… She needed people to see she was not a demon as some were being told Celestial Being was. She needed to seek forgiveness for Sora and Kira’s wrongs… Even if she herself was not responsible for them… She felt responsible in some way as her love for them blinded her to their actions so hopefully keeping some innocents whom were blindly walking the same path as she alive she could bring some good to the memories she had with them.
Fenrir wasn't as forgiving to the pilots. If their mobile suit moved to attack him, the pilot forfeited their lives. During his fight with the leader, Fenrir lost access to the GN Buster Sword II, the long and short GN Sword IIs and the GN Katars as the leader had destroyed them. Just as he would engage the leader with just his mobile suit's fists, Halvern swooped by with the 00's GN sword III, performing a high weapon drop as Fenrir felt the 0 raiser coming on Veda's orders.

Those words appeared on his monitor as he caught the GN sword III in 00's right hand as he'd left the GN sword II Blaster with Mimi. Halvern delivered two GN Sword IIs next, after the 0 Raiser had docked. Rearmed, he converted the GN sword III into sword mode and fired a shot from the GN Sword II blaster at the leader, blowing an arm off the Alvaaron.

"This is Commander Sumeragi, I'm ordering all deployed Gundam Meisters to go to ground. The Amaterasu is evacuating the area. Repeat, The Amaterasu is evacuating the area." The commander said, having resecured the comm line beforehand.
Mimi cut down more pilots leaving their damaged Mobile Suits disabled where they were. She overheard that the ship was evacuating the area. “Just abandoning us… Sure… Go right on ahead and do that…” She said to herself taking care that nobody heard her wisecrack at the commander. It would now be awhile before she got back to Sora; would the poor idiot be found out and dead by the time she got back. She NEEDED to get to her friend before people found out. She wanted to double team the damned enemy commander. Take him once and for all.
"Hey, isn't that Kira's Phys. Virtue?" Halvern called, his Kyrios in Mobile Suit form as Fenrir kicked an GN-X into Mimi's fire zone as he sliced another GN-X down it's vertical axis with the GN Sword III, "Who dragged that out?!

"Mimi, Sora's in that Gundam." Fenrir said to his fellow Meister with his mind, feeling Sora in the cockpit of Kira's only Gundam as he accelerated toward the heavily armored Virtue while avoiding fire easily from the enemy leader, "I'll make an opening, hit it with maximum force."

Fenrir trained in both the Physical and Beam Virtues. He understood the capability of both better than anyone. Still, it felt wrong to be going against another Gundam. It wasn't right to him. Part of him rebelled at the thought.

"Veda still sees her as a valuable asset....." He added, his 00 Raiser quantizing as Sora panickedly fired the GN Physical Bazooka at him only to hit the enemy commander, "Looks like she can handle a Mobile Suit, just not very well. Should have went with the Beam version."

The 00 Raiser reappeared, damaging the Phys. Virtue's GN Drive connections enough to shut down the mobile suit but not damage the GN Drive itself. That was Fenrir's precision skills at work. If he wanted to, he could render a Gundam inoperable with hardly any damage to vital systems. It was why Veda had him recruited.
Mimi noticed the allied unit come in to range and noticed she was trying to kill Fenrir. Before Mimi could fire however Fenrir disabled the machine. Mimi came up close to the machine defending it. Now that it was disabled it posed no threat. The enemy commander was killed by the misfire though. Would the ESF forces withdrawal and had the Amaterasu already fallen back… She did not know and she took aim at the enemy waiting to see what they did. She was grateful Fenrir did not kill Sora even if Mimi wanted to beat the shit out of her pregnant or not.
The ESF forces were running now, a few stray ones being shot out of the air by Halvern as the 00's Trans-Am ended and the suit landed roughly on the ground in a kneeling position. Fenrir, as Mimi would probably sense, was unconscious in the 00's cockpit. Having his Innovator abilities trigger so strongly wiped him out.

"Sorinson, you gonna be okay?' Halvern asked, positioning his Kyrios so it's optics gave the impression he was looking at her through her Astraea's optics, "I'm no Innovator but I know you just had multiple bombs dropped on you. Let's get Fenrir and the pilot of the Phys. Virtue and go to ground. Fenrir should be able to get that Virtue running again."
Mimi watched the battle end continuing to hold a defensive position. Upon realizing Fenrir and Sora were unconscious she was grateful the enemy was retreating. Her eyes returned to normal as soon as she realized she was safe. She would survive but would the others. Halvern making sure they were okay on the ground was good. She unmuted her voice and video comm. "Everything is fine here... Leave the pilot of the Virtue to me once we are able to get them out... Fenrir should be okay... he is strong" At this point she was running on training. She launched a tether cable to one of the units leaving the other for Halvern to bring. They would now need to find their home ship or somewhere to refuge.
Halvern tethered The 00, realizing that finding the Amaterasu was gonna be impossible as it was headed into space while leaving the battle zone. He, Fenrir and Mimi were stranded on Earth unless they went to one of the three orbital elevators. Plus, they lacked the equipment and know how to keep their Gundams in working order. In essence, they were fucked in more ways then he was willing to admit.

"There's a tunnel not far from here to the South-southwest that is large enough for a mobile suit to move in. Leads to the hanger of an abandoned underground complex. We can set up shop there. No one lives there anymore....."

That was Fenrir, his voice sluggish and faint in Mimi's mind but surprisingly clear. He may have been unconscious, but his abilities as an Innovator kept him aware. An image of a blown out door with the telltale remains of a unrecoverable mobile suit outside the door was shown to Mimi as well, but it was covered in thick blankets of snow. It wouldn't be that hard to find though.

"Where do we go?" Halvern said, concern in his voice, "Better yet, what the hell do we do?"
Mimi heard the instructions after considering options she said. "South-southwest... We should be able to find refuge there." She did not want to give away too much information as not to make questions appear. She started to drag Sora's unit along which use to belong to Kira... If she was able to pilot she might be even more helpful even if she was deplorable at best. Mimi would first need to get as much as she could out of her. Mimi's first concern once they arrived was Fenrir. He was an innovator true but he might still require medical attention and she was one of the field medics. She was grateful she never had to use her medical training but now she would. She went ahead searching on her own not waiting for him to follow. It was extremely obvious her mind was on auto-pilot. Even after such stress... This was likely another reason Veda choose her... An ability to complete a mission and survive at any cost... That was valuable in a Meister.
At worst, he just had a moderate concussion the landing impact. Still, Fenrir was frustrated as hell at their commander for leaving them. Of course, there had been enough of a lull to allow a recovery but the commander was more concerned with surviving herself. That lowered his opinion of her. Some commander for leaving men behind.

"Alright, lead the way, Sorinson." Halvern called, surprised when the 00 Raiser started moving on it's own again, "Zero's active again, if not a bit unstable."
Mimi too noticed Fenrir stir to do something. She didn't know if somehow mentally he was piloting his mobile suit or if he was actually conscious. She would need to investigate once they arrive somewhere more safe and less potentially deadly. She led as she was told and soon approached a tunnel of some magnitude. It was large enough for their mobile suits; she traveled down the tunnel a little bit finding a good place to start and begin to assess the situation. She checked over for emergency gear and had rations and first aid equipment to last a little while. She opened her hatch pulling out her sidearm. One could never be too careful in a place like this. Once she verified that with the radar told her was true about the area being secure she began to pull out gear. She set up a survival tent still keeping herself focused on a task so she didn't have to think about other; more serious thinks... Like her fiancé being a traitor or him cheating on her with her best friend whom was also a traitor... Not to mention the piece about pregnancy. After setting up the tent, med gear and such she went over to the 00 looking at the machine... was he actually concious or would she have to get him out to treat him. Then she'd have to handle Sora... she was not looking forward to that.
Fenrir was a stubborn ass where life was concerned. If it wasn't Life-threatening, you could almost guaran-damn-tee he would be doing something he shouldn't. Piloting a mobile suit certainly qualified for the moment. He wasn't aware of piloting the 00 Raiser, but when he settled it in a bay for a mobile suit, he gained awareness enough to step out of 00's cockpit and move to a cot nearby as the hanger doors closed behind Halvern. Plunging the hanger into a Zero gravity state.

"Whoa, how did the previous occupants set up a Zero-G zone underground?!" Halvern asked, moving to help Mimi.
After the camp was set up Mimi goes over to the 00 and goes to Fenrir whom seemingly was on autopilot. She checked him over and treated his injuries and stared at him wondering how much he knew. Now that the camp was done all that was left was getting Sora out; which Mimi does and puts her in another cot. She then just leans against the wall; the work had been completed at least what she could do... Now was the horrible part of confronting her battle within her mind. She didn't reply to Halvern. She wondered what she should do or say right now finally coming to the realization that her lover was gone and too boot cheated on her with her best friend... Not even to mention that the two of them were traitors... That stung and yet she still did not want her friend to die. She decided to focus her attention on Fenrir with a look of concern. She really did not care what gravity they were in right now zero-g or Earth's normal gravity.
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