â??/â?? -So slow today...took me 3 hours to do all my replies ;-; *might or might not continue RP'ing today, as it's going to hit high heat today* DX- â??/â??
Need to lie down...
I think I'm getting sick from the move DX
On another note, my friend bought me Repo the Genetic Opera. ; I've...never even gave implication that I wanted it
But I guess I'll be watching it later today.[/list:u]
Didn't get to watch it...Sadness
Ended up floating around and exercising today.
Sore, but I'm also going tomorrow to pick up family.
Finding that my muse to type fast has died off for now,
so I'm replying at a slower pace. Even so, I still love all my RPs,
and partners for their understanding <3
Note: Fixed up page...>.> I keep doing that
When I get back, I need to:
- Reply at least once (More if I can)
- Check up on all the RPs that have been untouched and see if they still want to RP
- Clean up some of the folders in the inbox
- Find my teddy bear that was lost somewhere in the move ;o;[/list:u]
- Reply to RPs that have been replied to
- Go through RPs that have been inactive for too long and dropping them[/list:u]
I haven't been able to have a constant schedule, but I've been getting on
and replying (sometimes late at night),
I apologize in advance for dropping any RPs, but unless there had been a good reason,
I'm rather hesitant to pick it back up.
*will be working on PM's*
Whoots, I get Tuesday for myself~
Will be spending it catching up on RPs and trying to relax~
Also, I have an idea for a story...hm...
*wonders if writing a short fiction would be fun or too time consuming*
Bleh, debate tomorrow. *goes to bed*[/list:u]
Relaxing and role playing here and there today .
Going to be gone tomorrow as an FYI *shall place that in sig*
I should find my school schedule and post it somewhere later... >.>[/list:u]
Need to sleep soon....ish....
Worked out like crazy today, so I got back an hour ago...
and now, I'm somewhat dead x-X
Won't be able to get online until late tomorrow...@_@[/list:u]
Here for another hour or two...
then I need to get going...
hopefully, I'll be back for the night to RP, and if things go well with
my family, I'll be on all day (probably still "lurking") Saturday~[/list:u]
Feeling rather sick...yay for weather changes~
Just kind of floating today and slightly replying...
I'm really slow lately T_T
Probably best though, as school is about to start.
*tries to remember to get the schedule so that I can post it later*[/list:u]
Fall Term Schedule Monday - Friday : 8AM - 6PM (home around 7PM, for traveling time) Saturday - Sunday : Varies, depending on the amount of homework
â?¢ I won't be on early than I need to be . By my 11PM, I will stop attempting to RP, as I know I need to attempt to go to bed .
â?¢ That's the range of time I'm in school. I will attempt to RP in between classes .
â?¢ I have limited amount of time and I need to do homework too ! Please understand if I don't reply ASAP .
â?¢Just because I'm replying less frequent than before, doesn't mean I don't love our RP . I would tell 'you' if I wanted to drop an RP, so please don't drop me without telling me before hand ; I'll understand . ='0[/list:u]
Whoots~ making sushi tomorrow
Will be on in the afternoon to evening...
need to get the ingredients and will be spending
some of labor day with BF <3[/list:u]