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The Saint and Mage Continued (Potter and Rin)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
Akira nodded his head as Jeanne seemed to find her resolve. Indeed, she seemed to have already gotten used to the leash and collar by which she would be led around. She was calm and he could sense her determination; that helped him feel more determined as well as he nodded his head. "Alright then, lets be on our way then. Make sure you only refer to me as Master from here on out, alright?" He gave Jeanne a soft smile as he tugged on her leash, leading her down a flight of stairs in the back of his office to an underground garage.

Once they were both in his car, it was a quick drive through downtown London to their destination. As they drove, Jeanne was able to take in the sights of the city at night, the lights shimmering and the bustle of a town that never slept. They arrived at their destination, just on the outskirts of London proper. It was a mansion that rivaled that of Versailles in France, but it was hidden by a Bounded Field, making it impossible for regular people to see. It was the very definition of opulence, the lights seemed to glimmer like gold against the dark back drop of the night.

Akira pulled up to the entrance and two servants opened the door of them at once. Akira handed his car keys to the servant and walked to Jeanne's door. He gripped her leash and tugged slightly harder than before on it as they were now being watched. "Lets do this..." He stated, his voice firm as he gave her a soft, reassuring smile as they made their way to the entrance.

Outside stood a behemoth of a man, if he could even indeed be called a man. He had no shirt, showing off just how much of his upper torso was indeed muscle. "Got a pass?" He questioned Akira with a growl before his yellow eyes turned to Jeanne as he let out a whistle, licking his lips as he was clearly thinking impure thoughts about the Saint.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" Akira scoffed. Though normally a polite and humble man, Akira had a gift for acting like an uppity ass when needed. He flashed the guard a golden badge and a sign of his mana crest. The guard cleared his throat at once.

"Ah, my apologizes, Lord Anselm the 3rd...though I do suppose you go by a different name now. We never thought you the kind to attend these parties, but please enter...." As he spoke, the giants hand reached out and gave Jeanne a playfully but firm spank on her rear. His fingers would have lingered if Akira hadn't batted them off at once.

"No touching unless you are paying, I doubt a guard like you could afford it." He scoffed as he tugged at Jeanne's leash. "Come along." With that, the door opened as the guard wished them a pleasant night. They walked down the entrance hall, just as opulent and grand as the exterior. Paintings and statues of high art adorned the walls. As they neared the main room however, the deep beat of a bass machine could be heard. It rung in their ears quite loudly. Cheers and hoots could be heard too...but another sound would without a doubt catch both their ears. It was the carnal sound of men and women indulging in sex and other activities of the flesh. The moans and groans could be heard just as well as everything else it seemed. Akira steeled himself as he gripped Jeanne's leash and looked towards her, his eyes now somewhat lacking that confidence from before. "Last chance to back out..." He was giving her one finally, possible out if the encounter at the entrance and the sound of what was beyond the door had unerved her.
Jeanne simply nodded. "Yes Master" She answered. It shouldn't be hard for her to refer to him as Master after all. It's what she has been doing for quite a while, though this time the connotation of the word seemed to be slightly different this time around. All she had to do was think of it as a Servant would when referring to their Master, instead of how a slave would refer to a 'Master'. Still, though, she would have to act under the guise of a slave, and as they made their way to his car, she tried to think of ways to act as a slave, just in case...

It was getting rather uncomfortable thinking about it, and so, she decided to look outside of the car, taking a look out the darkened window screen at the city as they drove inside of it at night. She had been here for a while now, but she never got over how these modern lightings had changed the way cities breathed and lived. Before then, torches could only last so long. Now, a city was continually living, never truly sleeping, as these lightbulbs seemed to go on forever. As they approached their destination, she would see a massive majestic mansion. Nothing in London she had seen so far could come close to this, and only Versailles rivaled it in its beauty.

She followed behind him, or more of hiding behind him, embarrassed to show herself in her barely clothed state. As they walked by the guard, she yelped upon feeling a rather sharp sting on her rear. She almost let an instinctive reaction to turn around and scold him happen until she remembered she needed to act as a slave, and instead kept herself from acting out. Once inside, she noted how well decorated and lavished the interior was. Whoever owned this mansion clearly had the wealth and power to exhibit it. However, the sound and smell of the place began to overpower her senses, and for a bit, Jeanne wanted to step back, her heart pounding rather fast in anxiety over whats to come. After her Master tugged her leash, she saw his eyes, seeing how he himself wasn't too sure of this as well. Was it because she was beginning to waver? She shook her head. "Let's go on." She answered, trying to put on a determined face for him. "How should we investigate? Should we split up?"
Akira had noticed that Jeanne had managed to keep her cool through most of the interaction with the guard. That was good for now....he did wonder if she'd be able to keep it up. If Jeanne could steel herself though, then so could he. He tugged on her collar and they entered the main room.

As soon as the doors were opened, the music instantly filled their eyes, and the carnal sound of sex became much less muted too. This smell of sweat and sex also followed suit, rolling over them in a wave. Akira took in strides and maintained his calm demeanor. He wasn't sure how Jeanne would hold up though. Sex and drugs filled their sight...may people were opening taking pills, snorting cocaine and doing who know what other kinds of drugs. Sex was everywhere as well; some people had the decency to hide themselves behind curtains or door, yet others fucked in plain sight, many drawing attention to themselves. There were platforms scattered throughout, circular and raised with poles in the middle where beautiful and naked women were preforming various dances.

Akira looked at Jeanne at her question, an expression of concern on his face. "If we separate...I for sure won't be able to look after you. That might be the faster way, but you'll definitely end up having to have sex with strangers and do drugs....are you sure you are alright with that?" Akira asked her, loudly enough so he could be heard over all the noise, but soft enough so only she could hear. It would be her decision, he didn't want to force it on her...he was just letting her know the facts.
It was just as Akira had described it before, and it was even emanating out just as they were in the hall before the main room. Her face twitched for a bit, trying to desperately hide an expression of fear and disgust by the vile and depraved sight that was before her. She watched and unfortunately heard all the sights and sounds of debauchery taking place in this den of degeneracy. Normally, a girl like her, pure and undiluted with vice, would never ever set foot in here, but there was a killer who needed to be caught.

Looking back at Akira, she could see his concern. She knew what separating from him meant, but it probably had to be done. It would take twice as long, and maybe they would miss this chance if they searched together. While he could search as a customer, she could... as an addition to what was going on. Perhaps she could be the bait to catch the rogue mage. "Yes... I think I can handle myself, Master." She answered.
Akira looked into Jeanne's eyes and saw her resolve. He let out a soft sigh and nodded, kissing her forehead gently. It was clear he was worried but he wasn't going to hold her back.

"Alright your best and remember...everyone is a Master here to you and you are a slave."
He placed a magic brand on top of one of her breasts, marking her as his with twos As. With that, he was soon swallowed by the crowd.

It didn't take long for someone to approach Jeanne, a middle aged man, slightly on the heavier side. He eyed Jeanne lustfully as he grabbed ahold of her leash and tugged.

"Hey like you need to liven up...let's go have some fun, shall we..." he gave her ass a spank, groping her rear as he lead her to a nearby table...

"How about some drugs for a blow, baby?" He asked with a laugh, offering Jeanne two pills...aphrodisiacs.
As she watched him walk away, Jeanne let out a sigh. It was time to get to work, even if that work meant whoring herself to all these vile men. She looked down at her chest, seeing the two As over one of them. At the very least, she could be assured that they would know she belonged to them. However, there was always the chance that they could be erased. There were many depraved mages of many sorts here if the nature of this building was indicative, and there was likely a way they could remove them.

Suddenly, she yelled, feeling a strong pull on her leash. Reluctantly, she followed along instead of fighting back, looking forward at the large man as he leered at her. "A..ah.." She mumbled for a bit, before a meek cry escaped her lips again from his hand smacking into her rear. "Ah! Yes!" She answered rather quickly. A big part of her wanted to take that back. She looked around nervously, for any sign of the rogue mage, before seeing the drugs in front of her. She reached out, grabbing both, and sighed, before plopping them into her mouth and swallowing.
The drug would take effect quickly on Jeanne, it was designed so the more mana one had, the quicker they became aroused and Jeanne had plenty to spare. She would without a doubt start to feel hot and lustful herself.

The man sat down on a chair and eagerly rubbed his growing bulge in his trousers, licking his lips as he watched Jeanne.

"Come on then, you dumb whore! Come suck me off!" He bellowed out his insulting command with a laugh as his bulge continued to harden.
It didn't take longer than a minute before she felt the drug begin to course through her body. It felt like it her body was beginning to heat up just from taking the drugs, as well as the fact she began to feel tingly all over. It was getting rather strong too... Almost too much for her to handle or resist.

Before long, she could see the growing bulge in his trousers, and soon enough her body responded in kind as well, her teats poking out of the bra she was wearing, while her sex was beginning to become a little wet. Her cheeks were rather flushed from seeing it, though was it because of the drugs. She kneeled down before the man, just staring at the large, erect bulge. It felt like... no! She needed to brush those thoughts aside for now!

"May I ask you a question, sir?" She asked. Her head looked around for a bit, before turning back to his groin. 'Here goes...' She thought to herself, resigning to this, her hands reaching forward.
The man scowled as Jeanne spoke; he didn't appear amused at her words. He smacked her cheek with his still clothed bulge and growled.

"Whore's don't ask questions.....if you do a good job though, I might let you speak." He tugged roughly on her leash, making her remember just who was in charge here...who was in control as he licked his lips.

"Also, I don't know who trained you, but it's Master, not sir....step out of line again and I'll punish you." He chuckled, though it was clear there was malicious intent behind it as he playfully slapped her cheek with his hand. Not hard...but he was letting her know what to expect if she acted out again.
"Gah!" She yelped, feeling his hand swipe at her cheek. She pulled her hand back to rub at it, still stinging for a bit as she listened to the man. Were all the mages here like this? She wondered, trying to keep herself from glaring at him. She had to keep herself under control and appear meek and easy for the men here.

"S-sorry... Master.." She answered, "The previous Master did not train me well enough for this." She stared down at his seal on her breast as she said this. 'Sorry Master, but I may have to switch allegiances for just a bit..' she thought to herself.
The man chuckled as he reached down and gently patted her head. "It's alright....I don't recognize the mark but he must not be a very good master." He scoffed as he referred to the marking Akira had left on her breast. Still, it was illegal to remove such marks and this man seemed to at least go by the rules of the place.

"I'll train you real good so your Master will be then, take out my cock, you've been waiting long enough." He stated firmly as he pressed his bulge up against her cheek was quite massive and erect at this point and he clearly sought her attention for it.
She felt it pressing against the side of her face, brushing up against her cheeks and getting so close, the musk and smell of it was becoming disgustingly overwhelming. Jeanne wanted to pull back in revulsion, but that would destroy the facade of her slave act. Reluctantly, her hands reached out for his trousers and pulled it down, watching as the cock rose straight up above her before it rested over her face. She was breathing heavily now, feeling the raw touch of it as it sat on straight across her face, over her left cheek and eye.

"I..I took out your cock." She answered, gulping. She was about to say another thing, but instead left her mouth hanging open. What would he do if she did? Instead, she gently placed her lips against the side of his meat, before using her tongue to lick at it. 'It's so bitter!' She wanted to scowl and recoil back, but forced herself to push on.

"It taste's great, Master." She answered, feigning her praise for his cock.
The man let out a blissful sigh as his massive and musky cock was finally freed from the confines of his trousers. It throbbed against Jeanne's cheek, demanding attention from the blonde saint which she soon began to give it.

He let out a soft moan as her tongue and lips began to work the side of his cock. He reached down and began to grope her breasts through her top, her flesh molding against his digits beneath her clothes as he did so.

"Ah....that's good...tell me your name whore, and then put it in your mouth." He commanded firmly, pressing his tip up against her lips, getting her get a good taste of the pre-cum that was now starting to slowly ooze and drip from his bulbous cock head. It was clear he was quite backed up....
Her mouth pressed a bit harder onto the side of his girth as she felt his grubby hands reach underneath her and begin to grasp at her breasts. With only her bra to barely protect her, it didn't do much as it felt as thin as paper, his fingers managing to press through it and sink into her large bust, squeezing and contorting her fat plush orb to his desires.

A soft moan escaped her mouth, from having her breasts groped, as well as the drug itself. Now it was beginning to become stronger, it's effect growing over time. An urge, a lustful desire began to grow, for her hands to reach down and begin to try and satisfy the growing itch inside of her cush down there. She had to resist though, or else!

Hearing his question for her name, Jeanne wondered if she should give her real name or not. If Master gave out his identity to enter this place... then she might as well herself.

"This.. whore," She stuttered for a bit, "is named Jeanne. Jeanne Arc." Afterwards, she then opened up her mouth, letting her lips wrap around the bulbous pink head of his cock. The salty and bitter pre-cum was bearable at first, but now that she was sucking at the slit on his cock, drinking it up, it was becoming... okay.
The man moaned louder as she spoke her name and wrapped her lips around his tip and began to lick and suck. He quickly pushed her bra up and out of the way to expose her large, rounded and perky breasts directly to him. He squeezed again, this time his fingers digging directly into her plush mounds before they sought out her hard and pink nipples.

"Jeanne, huh.....a lovely name for a lovely whore." He laughed as he twisted on her nipples before tugging on them. He could tell she was starting to get into it and enjoy it now. He wanted to give her pleasure too, to make her submit to it and he was quite skilled with his fingers on her buds....she was certainly feeling pleasure like she had never felt before.

"Take in more than just my tip, Jeanne...take in all of my cock...down to the base. Even if you must enter your throat." He commanded her, guiding the virgin whore with commanded to ease her into it. He didn't expect her to be a virgin but it was clear she was still new at this, and he rather enjoyed helping new girls find pleasure.
"Mmn..." She moaned. Her chest was free now, her large soft round melons now bare for him to play with. She could feel as his fat fingers dug into her breasts, the flesh around it molding to his fingers before he moved his fingers to grasp at her teats. The perky nipples were easy targets for him, as she shook each time he gripped onto the sensitive pink teats, pulling and twisting on them, stretching her breasts out and yanking on them.

She hated it, but it was beginning to feel quite good. Her whole body was screaming for more of it, feeling lewd erotic bliss each time his fingers pulled on them. In return, she began to go further down on his thick fat shaft. Each inch of his filthy cock was going down her mouth, and once she ran out of room there, she had to take it into her throat. The walls of her throat began to push against his cock as it bulged out her throat, forcibly expanding her mouth to accommodate its size.

"Guurk! Uurk!" She was beginning to gag now, but she needed to be a good whore. Maybe then, he'll speak. She would even push to the worst case scenario if it'll get him to speak.
The man groaned as Jeanne began to gag on his fat and long cock. He could feel his shaft sheathed completely in her mouth and throat as he gripped her head for a moment to hold her there, to enjoy the sensation of her gagging around his meat before he withdrew it, pulling his now sloppy and drool covered cock out of her mouth-pussy. He slapped his cock against her cheek and grinned widely.

" is my cock compared to your master's...much better I'm guessing? Tell me while you give me a tit-fuck." He commanded with a lustful chuckle, playfully poking on of her nipples with the tip of his messy and throbbing cock to urge her on.
Jeanne couldn't breathe, her arm steady and held by her side as she tried not to push away desperately for some air. Before long, the man's meat began to slowly pull out of her throat, and before long the whole length of it, dripping and covered with her drool as she gasped for air, before feeling him slap it against her cheeks. She couldn't think of anything else but gross to describe it, having her own saliva pushed against her skin while covering some man's cock.

Her face winced when he pushed against one of her pink teats, the perked nipple pushing inward a bit when his cock pressed against it. With both of her hands, she held her soft, plump and fat melons, wrapping her breasts around them and beginning to slide them back and forth on the hard shaft.

"Yes. Your cock is better than my Master's measly penis. It's so much thicker and longer." She answered. She didn't really mean to insult Akira, as she had never actually seen it, but she wanted to make this guy feel as good as possible to get on his good side.
The man nodded his head as he accepted Jeanne's compliment as her large breasts wrapped around his throbbing and large cock. It was still slick with her drool, making it easy to slide in between her mounds in a good rhythm. He gyrated his own hips, causing his base to slap against the bottom of her tits and causing her skin to jiggle with every thrust. His manly musk also invaded her senses as a good portion of his cock was near her mouth and nose, despite her breasts being wrapped around it...that's how long and large he was.

"How about I buy you off your master....I bet you enjoy my company more, don't you, Jeanne?" He chuckled as he reached down to her perky nipples again. He skillfully rubbed them back and forth rapidly before twisting and tugging on them to give her even more pleasure. He wanted to hear her moan and pleasure and as he did this, his tip pressed against her lips and nose, indicating she should still be using her mouth to pleasure him as well.
Although she had managed to put on a lovely smile for him, she was still drawn back by how large and unclean his cock was overall, despite the fact that she had just shoved the whole girth and length down her throat. What scared her most, as she continued to slide her breasts across his thick and long meat, is the fact that part of that smile really was Jeanne loving this. She wanted to pretend she wasn't, but if this goes on any longer, she just might succumb.

Her only answer to his question would be a weak cry as his fingers began to push against them, before he held on to them, pinching and twisting them, finishing by tugging on her teats yanking them for a bit. Her mouth opened up again, another erotic sound of bliss leaving her lips.
The man could tell that Jeanne was slowly beginning to give into the pleasure, and he intended to make her succumb before he even actually fucked her. As she opened up her mouth and moaned, he slide his musky and pre-cum covered cock into her mouth as he began to really fuck her breasts and mouth now. He moaned loudly as he gyrated his hips quickly, his base slapping against the bottoms of her tits and make them jiggle around his meat wildly. He continued to rub and tug on her nipples as more and more of his cock forced its way back into her mouth despite being encased by her large breasts.

"Ahhhh....Jeanne....I'm going to want to drink my seed and then have me cover you in it, don't you?" He asked with a grin....only expecting some kind of moan as a reply as he expected to finally make Jeanne succumb to the pleasure of lust and sex.
Jeanne couldn't think of anything else at the moment but how hot she was right now, her body burning up, tingling as she sucked on the tip of his cock, before feeling more of his meat being thrust into her mouth, the thick bulbous nature of the head as well as his cock just enough to fill up her mouth as the cock began to push against her cheeks. Her breasts were jumping wildly now, shaking and flapping each time his hips smacked into it before she would bring it up again and down at a much faster pace than before.

Soon enough, his cock began to throb, and Jeanne could feel it pulsating in her mouth. She wanted a bit more, maybe just a little more, as her mouth went a bit deeper down his length, while her breasts squeezed tighter onto his cock. She was intending on pumping all of his semen out of him.
The man felt Jeanne trying to take more of his cock into her mouth and he grinned. "Oh....does that mean you want to drink all of my seed then, that's fine with me then, slutty Jeanne!" He laughed as he gripped her head with both of his hands and thrust wildly against her breasts, shoving as much of his cock into her mouth as possible. He felt a pressure building up in his cock as he groaned loudly, no longer able to hold back his climax.

"I'm coming! Make sure to drink it all like the whore you are!" He moaned loudly and with a final, violent thrust, he came. He flooded the Saint's mouth and throat with his hot and sticky seed. She got to taste the full flavor of his cock and semen as she was filled to the brim. Indeed, he was coming so much that even if she was swallowing as fast as she could, excess was already starting to leak down her mouth and chin and onto her creamy breasts.

After he dumped his load fully into her mouth and throat, he slowly withdrew his still massive and throbbing cock from her mouth-pussy like before. It was even sloppery than before, covered in her drool and his cum. He slapped his cock against her cheek, splattering the mess all over her face.

"What do you say?" he asked with a chuckle, expecting some gratitude from the girl who he just made drink so much of his hot and bitter cum.
Jeanne could only feel a sort of... heavenly bliss as he clutched her head and began to essentially drill his cock against her mouth. Despite the fact that she was sure she had taken as much of his length already, it turned out this man had more of his big cock just hidden beneath her fat large fleshy pillows, shoving the whole thing essentially almost down her throat. It was bulging out again! She began to gag once more, and this time he wouldn't let go!

Then it came. His pulsating throbbing cock jammed itself as far down as her throat as possible. At this point, it was impossible for her to breathe, or make a sound, her throat was just filled with his cock. It was almost as though it was all the way down her esophagus and into her stomach. She felt his cock pumping, shooting his semen deep down in her throat and filling it up quickly, so fast it flooded her mouth. She tried to swallow but found with a cock choking her, a whore would be better holding it. It was sputtering out of her mouth, loads dripping down onto her bosom while a bit was coming up her nose.

Her mind was blank. It was truly heaven. There was nothing like this that she had ever experienced before. Once his cock left her throat, a thick, viscous sticky explosion of cum erupted from her mouth. She felt his fat cock smack her cheeks once more before the servant in the 'Ruler' class fell to the floor like a defeated whore. His cum was all over her face now too. She could only look at him, answering with another load of thick semen being upchucked out from her stomach. There was so much...
The man shook his head, disappointed in the fact that she couldn't keep his whole load down. This girl really did need a lot of training, the master even should be reprimanded he thought. Still, he didn't mind teaching her and showing her what it meant to be a proper slave. He walked over and bent down, gripped her head roughly before pressing it firm into the puddle of cum that she had chucked out after she couldn't keep it down. He rubbed her face all over the puddle, coating her face and breasts entirely in his seed.

"Whores swallow all the you have to clean it up like the bitch in heat you are." He growled as he gave her ass a hard spank from behind before letting go of her head. "Lick it all up and say how grateful you are for receiving such a fine load." He commanded as he spank her ass hard again, leaving an imprint of his hand this time.
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