The very best trainers. (Pokemon) Vail/spud

The greninja didn't seem to care, he didn't want to get captured and thought that the trainer was a bit weak! too naive for him anyways. Next to the town was some tall grass, there in tall grass was where pokemon liked to hide and attack trainers if they got too close to their home. The day was still young though and many trainers didn't catch their first pokemon on their first attempt, it was hard to get the hang of it.. Usually they would be too overzealous and have to be beaten down a few times to see how much training they needed. There where a few people out and about, one woman who looked like a mother walked over to Alyssa and put her hands over her mouth. Seeing her in a bit of shock and looking defeated. "oh dear! did a wild pokemon attack you?... i hope he wasn't too rough with you.. i remember being a trainer" she smiled and blushed a little covering her cheeks and thinking about it. "the pokemon can be a bit rowdy but.. you have to keep trying! and make sure you're not too rough with them yourself. if they get angry they are usually a lot stronger than you. but i'm sure you'll learn all about that teehee" she giggled a little and gave Alyssa a potion she had in her purse. "here you go. this will help you regain your stamina if you start feeling exhausted.." she seemed like a nice enough lady. Just there to help out anyone she can.
Alyssa was lost in thought as they walked, her brother leading her as she looked sadly at her feet. Running over in her mind what she could have done. After all that, being defiled, and humiliated, she had nothing to show for it. But she wasn’t going to give up. She wanted this so badly and for so long. Her blue eyes looked to a kind looking woman, pointing out that she got into it with a wild Pokemon. Her face turned red, nodding to the woman as she gushed about her trainer days, adding words of encouragement. Alyssa took the small bottle from the woman, looking at it in her fingers for a moment before looking back to her. " I don’t understand something, I'm not very good at overpowering. How do I make them submit?" She asked, she could see how men can, but she was such a tiny thing. How could she prove to them that she could be a great trainer.

Carson listened to the girls talk with a bored look on his face. The lady seemed as if she was being helpful, but he was so protective of his little sister. When the woman hand the potion to Alyssa, he looked at it concerned about this lady giving his sister a strange bottle like that, it could be anything. He would just have to keep an eye out on it. His hand tightened on her shoulder as he looked over the woman. " Yeah, I'm sure I could help her with some of it, but I'm also learning, I might take up training myself. But right now I'm just focused on looking out for my baby sister."
The lady giggled a little bit more and nodded "yeah.. they're big and strong. A lot stronger than us! Even my husband had a really hard time when he first started out.. you have to realize that pokemon have been training their whole lives. Dominating other pokemon and trying to make them submit, the trick is to get a smaller pokemon first. Or, another trick.. well...... for male pokemon.." she leaned in and cupped her hands around Alyssa's ear before whispering "Push a finger up their ass... tickle them in their most sensitive spot. It turns them into puddy in your hands" she giggled and moved away "but that's a bit advanced.. and you need to make sure they're held down first. Cause if you just do it.. they might get..... really angry" she was warning her that that move was dangerous. "But, you should have a pokedex. it explains the mating procedures for most pokemon.. oh! you poor thing! you don't even have one pokemon yet do you!? you need to go to that tall grass" she pointed to the tall grass and smiled. "get a weak and young one. They will be a lot easier for you to get, and they will grow with you. Help you fight! they can help you overpower other pokemon" She smiled wide and looked pretty happy. Kind of ignoring her brother, not even noticing he was there to be honest.
Alyssa listened, wide eyed and eager to everything she woman was telling her. When she leaned in and whispered her advice to her, Alyssa face when deep red, her hand over her mouth as she giggled. She would remember that, and heeding her warning she would only use it if she had to. Glancing up to her brother then back to the lady. She looked over to where she pointed, the tall grass. Nodding. "Wow, Thank you so much! You have been the best help." She held out her hand to her. "My name is Alyssa, and this is my brother Carson!"

Carson's expression never hanged, as he list listened to the lady go on. Narrowing his eyes as she whispered something in his sisters ear. He would have to ask what she said later. He did notice how this woman was pretty much ignoring him. It bothered him a little, but she hasn’t really done anything, so he wasn’t going to worry about it. But he also took note of her advice, just incase he found him self going one on one with a Pokemon.
She smiled warmly and openly taking Alyssa's hand and shaking it "Good to meet you two, Alyssa and Carson. My names Janette, It's a pleasure talking to you two. Oh! one last thing i forgot to mention.. Most of the time, female pokemon will be attracted to your... handsome brother" she was obviously being playful and giggled under her breath. "and male pokemon will be attracted to you!.. But.. there are those rare pokemon called shiny's. They are visually different.. and they're attracted to the same sex! So if you meet one.... Maybe just run..... Unless you're into that kind of thing! then stick around. But that's especially for you" She points to the Brother carson, with a worried look. "My husband found a shiny... and....... well.... he didn't know. Its kind of scared him ever since.. I've heard of trainers who gave up pokemon hunting because they found a large shiny.. and it ruined their experience forever. I just want to warn you. Don't let it happen to you two. You seem like such nice kids, I'd hate to see you have to go to therapy." She was obviously more talking to the brother than the Sister. But It was still a good warning. "I hope you have lots of luck on your adventures!!" She smiled and waved at them "I have to go now.. I still have to make dinner" She walked away as fast as she came and went into a house on the right.
"Good to meet you too!" Alyssa again listened to everything she said, even when she was talking to Carson, he seemed a little uneasy about her warning. The idea these shiny pokemon was a little scary, but they were rare, so the chances of running into one would be slim, right? Just as fast as Janette came, she was gone again. Alyssa blinked her blue eyes a few times before looking to her brother. "Well, she was really nice. I like her, I hope we see her again. " She turned on her heel and started out to the tall grass, she was going to catch a pokemon today, even if it took all night. Zipping her brother jacket up she marched on.

Carson rolled his shoulders when Janette called him handsome. This becoming a pokemon trainer seemed a little dangerous, he was glad that he went with his sister. She meant well, but she was clueless. Although so was he, but she was also naïve, he always had to help keep her from getting into trouble because of it. He thought himself a tough guy, but he wasn’t about to mess with those shiny pokemon. He didn’t even notice Alyssa run off, turning to where she was to stay something, seeing he was gone he looked around, slightly panicked before seeing her walk in the tall grass." Damn it…Not again…" He ran off after her. "Alyssa! Stop running off like that." Carson said as he caught up with her, now walking by her side.
They didn't take long to enter the tall grass, both of them could feel eyes peering at them. Clearly pokemon wanting to get ready and jump them. These pokemon where probably a lot weaker so it wasn't so scary, especially after seeing that fully evolved Graninja attack them. It was insane how he was just jumping around the woods close to human civilization, he must have been really desperate. He needed to breed or else he would be much deeper in the woods. But before They noticed there was rustling in the bushes, a Magnamite He looked pretty mad that the two trainers where approaching his territory. He let out a screech "Magnemite!!" His magnets spinning, probably as a weird way to show he's going to attack them. The screw on the top of his head keeps spinning down then upwards quickly. He seems to be flying, probably because of those magnets.
Alyssa blue eyes looked around the tall grass. She was oblivious to the fact that they were being watched. She had one goal in mind, even though she wanted to catch her first Pokémon sooner than later. Carson would end up making her call it quits if they didn’t find one soon. All she wanted was an adventure, to leave their small town and see the world. Knowing the best way to do that was to be a trainer, and she didn’t know how little she knew about being one. She didn’t want to admit defeat, but it seemed tougher than it sounds. Alyssa was so lost in thought, Carson pulling her shoulder to stop brought her back. Confused, and thinking this was him about to tell her that they should call it a night. She turned and looked at him.

Carson was a little more focused on looking out for Pokémon that might have be hiding in the tall grass around them. He suddenly started to feel uneasy. The line of sight around them was obscured, making it really hard to see who or what was lurking, on top of that, the sun was going to be setting soon. He reached out, taking a hold of his sisters shoulder. He was about to tell her that maybe they should find a place to turn in for the night then the Magnamite emerged from the grass making them both jump.

Alyssa turned back around, facing the Pokémon with wide eyes as she started to back into Carson chest. "Well, that lady never covered what to do about these types, huh?" Carson said calmly. They both froze "Maybe if we back away slowly, it wont attack?" Alyssa said trying to step around her brother, her eyes never leaving the Magnamite, looking it over, trying to think about how she could make something that seemed to not have any sex parts, submit.
As they started to back up Magnamite got closer, his one large eye turning into a frown as he screeched some more. "Magnamite!!!" his magnets started spinning faster and faster, some electrical charge building up in them to show the two trainers his strength! He then aimed the two ends of his magnets towards then and heavy lightning bolts shot out at full force towards them. they landed to either side of them, missing them entirely. But it was pretty clear that this magnamite wasn't trying to attack them. They would have had a healthy bolt of electricity applied to their faces if that was the case. He was just trying to scare them away, not wanting to be disturbed. He floated a little higher, showing more of his strength. he was definitely a strong pokemon.. even for being so small. It would be a good idea to learn a bit about Magnamites from the local library, it wasn't far from the professors lab. Learn how they submit and when they submit. But for now It seemed like a much better idea to just sprint away from this weird little robotic creature before he decides his attacks are worth using on them instead of just around them.
Once Alyssa was able to get behind Carson she started pulling back on his arm. "C'mon…I think we should just go…please. We can go back tomorrow." Finally she realized that she was rushing in to all this. That they should take it ease, learn more about what to do and how to handle the different Pokemon. She really wanted to catch one, but now it was starting to feel dangerous. Slowly she was able to get him to move back away.

Carson nodded, backing away till he felt it was safe to turn and rush back to town. The next day he was going to make fore they find a place to study up. That lady was helpful, but she seemed to have forgotten a type. Back in town they found a place to stay the night. The next day they showered and got ready for the day. Heading out to the street. Stopping a person and asking them where they could go to learn out to be trainers.
They stopped an old man in the middle of the street, he was on his way to an early bird special for ham and eggs. He turned to them, long white beard and thick shades. "well! you can always go to the local library.." He pointed over to a brick building with a bicycle in front of it. "or.. you could go to the trainer school. Of course.. that's in the next town over.. you'd need to go through the forest, and on foot that would be kind of difficult. you're best bet is the library for now. Helps when you forget one of the 802 pokemon heh heh heh" He laughed a little and just kind of walked off, not wanting to miss his breakfast.
"Thanks!" She waved to the man as he walk off." I like him, he was nice." Alyssa said as the both walked off to the library Carsone sighed ."Are you going to say that about everyone we meet?" He wasn’t much of a morning person, but Alyssa woke up and wouldn’t leave him alone till he got up so they could get started. Alyssa shrugged, her perky smile never fading. " I don’t know, I'm sure if someone was mean, or rude, I wouldn't." Once in the library, Alyssa rushed up to the desk. " Hi! Where are your books on training pokemon? I'm going to be one! And I wan to know all I can about all of them before we leave later today!" Her energy on the subject showed her passion, the was her dream, her wish. Carson gave a small yawn as he walked up behind her. "I really don’t think we will learn about all of them in that short of time. You should have done your research before we left home." Granted he should have done the same. But that’s what he gets for assuming Alyssa gave any of this any real thought.
The man behind the counter listened to her and looked over at the large collection of books over on the right of him. "uhm.. Yes. But keep your voice down. I understand its early and there aren't many people in the library but it's just good practice." He leaned over his desk and pointed to a large amount of books "Over there is the collection of pokemon books.. and If you need to know about a specific pokemon, just follow the letters till you get to the first letter of the name of that pokemon.. then start looking. We don't have every pokemon on record but we have many pokemon.. you're welcome to use the computer too. They're free to the public and you might be able to find more information there..." He sighed a little bit "in a couple of years.. everyone will have a computer, and the library will become obsolete.. But till then I still have a job to do" He looked back down and started looking up something in his large book sitting on his desk. There where plenty of books to choose from and it would be pretty easy to find the one on pokemon around the area.
Alyssa hung her shoulders, not even thinking about how loud she was being. "Sorry, and thank you…" She whispered before walking over to the books she was pointed to, the first one she wanted to learn about was Magnamite. Then the other robot type. Carson laid his head down on the table, falling asleep as his sister read up on what she could for the next four of so hours. "…Carson…" She lightly shook him. His eye opened looking at her. " Ready to go…" Slowly he sat up and nodded, giving a big yawn and stretch. " Yeah, find out what you need to know." Alyssa nodded and stood up, him following her lead.She nodded "Yeah I think so, enough to maybe get up to the nest town so we can maybe meet a real trainer." That was good enough for him.

They walk out side out town, walking back into the tall grass. She didn’t want to risk running into the Ganinja. Plus she wanted to stick close so when she did catch one she could return to professor Oak quickly. Carson followed, half awake, wishing her could have just stayed in be fore just a little while longer.
They left the library and went to the tall grass with some new knowledge. First thing she learned was that most robotic pokemon don't have sexual organs or reproduce the same way mamals do. They require electricity and are usually brought into life from spare parts they find lying around, that doesn't mean they don't have a weakness though. Usually electricity and rubbing can get them to start becoming positively charged and they can experience a sort of orgasm from it. Magnamite for instance, his magnets can be rubbed and messed with making him fall off balance and within a short time submit to the possessor. Or if you have an actual magnet, you can use it on this and many robot pokemon finding their weak spot and making them submit that way.

Getting to the tall grass, the same Magnamite appeared as angry as ever, spinning its magnets and the screw on the top of its head. Trying to ward them off again. his eye focused on them.
Alyssa watched as the Magnamite show his self once again. Starring at him, her mind when blank. Carson called out to her. "You just stand there? Do something." trying to keep his voice down to not startle the magnamite. She shook her head, regaining her thoughts. With every ounce of courage she approached him, looking as fearless as she could Reaching out for one of his magnets and started rubbing it. In her mind she was freaking out, praying that what she read was right and not a joke to trick new trainers. Carson held his breath, wanting to look away, but at the same time know he had to keep an eye out for his little sister. He also praying she knew what she was doing. Cussing at himself for falling asleep and not staying up reading a long with her.
The Magnamites eye widened really wide and then closed it about half way. Visible pink streaks just under his eye where his cheeks would be. It made a strange vibrating noise, starting to vibrate. He moved away, floating a bit weirdly. Almost as if he was limping, he shook his head and looked at her angrily a gain quickly starting to charge up the electricity. But he gave her enough time to do something
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