The very best trainers. (Pokemon) Vail/spud


Jul 16, 2016
Carson walked along the dirt road just out side of the his home City, his little sister Alyssa jogging to keep up with him. Its been the two of them for the past few years. Alyssa brought up the idea of being pokemon trainers for a while now, each time Carson would brush it off. But the more he though of it, it wasn’t all that bad of an idea. He was worn down, now here they were, leaving their home, off for an unknown adventure. Even though neither of them knew what they were doing. But as long as they had each other, then everything would be fine. They were close, bestfriends even.

"This is going to be great Carson!" The blond girl said in a perky tone, so excited to be going on this adventure with her favorite person. " Maybe…just remember this is your idea, so I don’t want to hear any whining." Carson said in a bored tone. One hand in his pocket, the other holding the strap of his back pack that hung over his shoulder. " I wont, I swear!" Alyssa did her research she knew who the best person to see, Professor Oak, Pallet Town. It wasn’t that far.

Once there the brother and sister walk in though Oaks doors." We want to be trainers!" Alyssa blurted out as to as they walked in. Carson shrugged." Maybe you should wait till you see the guy first before you go around yelling like that? Just a thought." Alyssa pouted, crossing her arms." Im just ready. I dreamed about this for so long." Carson sighed and sat down in one of the seats in the lobby. " Calm down…I'm sure someone will be here shortly."
Professor Oak was just doing some research on a strange looking manky when he then heard someone shout as they walked inside his lab. He smiled passionately, always loving to meet new adventurers and help them on their brand new journey. He walked out of his lab and waved at the two of them, he looked a bit like a grandfather, nice and approachable "Why hello there! I'm the pokemon professor. How's the both of your days going today?" he walked up and put his hand in front of him so that they could shake it and make his acquaintance. "I hear that you two are looking for pokemon? To go out on an adventure! That sounds like a bunch of fun!" he was rather excited for the both of them and thought that it would be interesting for this brother sister company to go and explore the world. "But! I must warn you.. becoming a pokemon trainer is no easy feat! I mean, You must understand that pokemon can get really demanding! and.. you need too....... satisfy their urges. Most that you battle will be defeated like this too! If you understand what I'm trying to say."
Alyssa bounced to the Professor taking his hand and shacking it eagerly. " Hi! I'm Alyssa and this is my big brother Carson! Its so good to meet you!" Carson stood and walked over, also shacking his hand." Hey..." Alyssa was clueless of what Oak meant, Carson chuckled and nodded. "Urges? W-what do you mean? I thought we can just catch them and train them." The brother took a step back, he didn't want to be the one to explain this to his baby sister. But he would admit how much fun this maybe, watching his sister be this lewd. This was what she wanted. He was there for the support.
Professor Oak laughed a bit out of surprise at how she didn't know.. She was old enough to be a pokemon trainer and she never learned about how they are very sexual creatures? "uh.... well! you see. Pokemon! They usually judge and fight based on.. Dominance!" Trying to use the proper terminology not to upset or confuse her. "You need to dominate pokemon and show them that you're strong worthy opponents. Typically.. in a very sexual way. Make them satisfied and they will willingly allow you to catch them! then afterwards they will go and dominate other pokemon for you.. or.. help you dominate! Its a very interesting ecosystem if i'm being honest! You then should probably release your pokemons.. urges while they're with you! some trainers use items. Others use other pokemons.. some trainers use..... themselves.. Advanced trainers do that one! they have a special bond with their pokemon. Are you interested in getting a pokemon?" he smiled and blinked a couple times.
"What he is trying to say is you need to make them submit" Carson said, patting his little sister head. " I can help you out with that." He looked to Oak and smirked. "This is why I', coming a long with her. She doesn't have a lot of worldly experience. But, I was told that you were the guy to see to get started." Alyssa groaned and pulled away from him. She looked to Oak and nodded. "Yes sir! Please! I so excited to be a real trainer!" She said, lumping in place. Carson glanced to then to Oak and shrugged. " You heard the girl. Lets get her a pokemon." He said with a wink.
Oak had the feeling that she had no earthly clue what she was getting herself into. But.. It's not like any adventure starts off on an amazing note! Not any of the good ones anyways, Professor oak shrugged and gave her a pokeball. "well. You're brother seems very eager to show you the ropes! Just go and.. find a pokemon out in the wild, and capture them with this ball. I'm sure your brother will help you find a good one... And! Do be sure to find a weak and small one first! this is your first pokemon.. No need to try to go above and beyond! you'll just hurt yourself. There's the path that leads to the next town just behind my Lab. Good luck out there Alyssa! I wish you the best of luck!! OH!! When you've caught your first pokemon come back here and show it to me! I'll have a present waiting for you if you still want to be a trainer" he smiled and waved at her and Carson.
Alyssa took the pokeball and held it close to her chest. " Thank you! And we will! C'mon Carson!" with that she was running out the door. Carson smiled and waved to Oak "See you around doc..." Carson chased after his sister, she already seemed to run off pretty far, he didn't want to miss out on seeing his sisters first catch." Alyssa! Slow down! We both know your going to need my help!" He yelled out seeing her down the road. Carson knew his sister was clueless, but that was one of the reasons he joined her on this little adventure. He wanted her to learn out the world work. Alyssa was so excited, only slowing down an little before stopping. "Stop bing so slow!"
Oak sighed at how happy she was to go and capture a pokemon. He then went back to his work, wondering if she would come back and return the pokeball.. or come back and show him she can really be a trainer.

As she was running a Graninja jumped out from the shadows and presented himself to the young and eager trainer "Graninja!" He shouted out His tongue waving in the air like a scarf. He squinted at her and took a stance, he was ready for her.. she looked like a young easy target. His cock slowly unsheathing from between his legs, the smooth long red cock starting to twitch. It looked eager to play with her. She shouldn't had run off so quickly or so deep, near the town there would have been weaker pokemon but she was far enough that the larger more powerful pokemon resided
Alyssa slid to a stop when the Graninja jumped out of nowhere in front of her. She smiled, ready for him, until she saw his manhood unsheathe. It was at this moment did she realize what her brother and Oak were trying to say. But she was determined to be a trainer. Every ounce of her wanted to run, but she was going to stand her ground. "L-look here! I'm not going down with out a fight!" Carson lost slowed down seeing his sister, before her was a Graninija. He knew that this wasn't going to end well for her. But then again, he wanted to see what would happen. He would step in if her needed, but he hung back, watching.
Greninja lashes his tongue in her direction. The Large scarf looking tongue going straight for her, it wrapped around her wait and the very tip of it went in between her legs, licking her thighs and going up towards her cunt and pussy. He started pulling her close to him with his tongue, like a giant trap. The tip of his tongue just mindlessly licking and stroking there, He started moving closer and grabbed his cock. stroking it slowly, he was going to take advantage of her if she didn't take control of the situation.
Alyssa squealed as the tongue wrapped around her waist, touching her most privet place, and started pulling her to him. Her blood wen cold as she saw him stroking his cock. She was not going to let this happen. Carson watched, not even he knew how brutal this was, but he was really to jump in before things got to far. I was his sister, he wasn't going to let anything to bad happen to her. Once Alyssa was close enough, she shoved him, ripping herself away from him. " No you don't!" She yelled at him, jumping on top of him. pinning him now. " I'm not that easy!"
The greninja got his tongue ripped off of her then jumped on, the very thing he was going to do to her. his eyes widened and he struggled under her pin, it wouldn't take long at all for him to wiggle out. She would need to think of something and do it fast. While he was on the ground and pinned he still wasn't useless though, his tongue went behind her, reiling back and smacking her ass a bit roughly. He snickered evilly when he did it and a satisfying slap could be heard. His tongue then went up the back of her shirt and started licking her back and feeling her skin. Moving to the front and licking her stomach starting to wrap around her under her shirt.
Carson fought back a laugh seeing his sisters butt getting smack. She let out a small squeak, the pop on her bottom almost sent her forward. " That was rude!" she said as she reached down taking a hard grip on his dick, stroking it the same way he was before. " I bet this is what you want huh?" She said with a small laugh. Carson eye widen, not thinking she would do something like that. Alyssa gritted her teeth feeling the tongue go up her shirt, licking her skin. "knock it off!" With her other hand she slapped his face as hard as she could.
She grabbed his cock a little hard and stroked it the way he was. His face getting calmer and his hips moving upwards, holding himself up so that she could get a better grip on him. He let out a pleasurable sigh and a happy look on his face, struggling a lot less. She then slapped him and that all went away! "NNggrraAA!" he quickly growled at her, his tongue stiffened. He started struggling more and more in her grip. Trying to get out, his tongue pulled out from under her shirt and then went to her hand, the one that slapped him. He clearly didn't like that, his tongue pulling her hand away. Now that her hand wasn't on his arm he reached under her shirt and under her bra. Quickly and a bit roughly grabbing her breast, groping and shuffling it. He smirked at her and snickered again. His tongue was lone enough that he could hold her one arm and then go down to her underwear and start licking again. Making it to the top of her underwear, she could feel the tongue trying to slip into it.
The growl was when Alyssa knew messed up. She struggled against him as she felt herself lose control. "Carson!" She cried out, as his tongue wrapped around her hand pulling it away. Carson started at them, then stopped. this was his sister battle, he wasn't going to jump in just yet. But the more he watched, the more he wanted. Feeling his out cock getting hard as he watched. He felt so wrong, but he had never seen anything like this before. Alyssa moaned softly, feeling his hand take hold of her breast. "Please no!" She started stroking him again, she saw how that calmed him at first. Again his tongue trying to envied her. She whimpered out her brothers name, she didn't understand why he hasn't came to help yet.
Her stroking seemed to calm the pokemon down a bit more, he started losing his rage and his tongue got more delicate. It moved under her underwear and licked her slit, having to brush past her sensitive bean first. The tongue so warm and soft to the touch, it was tasting her and feeling just how nice she was down there. The graninja was enjoying himself more, his other hand breaking from her grasp and grabbing the hand that was grabbing his. Interlocking it and holding her hand. He started moving her hips and making her bounce on top of him, getting her in the mood hopefully. he pulled his hand away from her breast and just ripped her shirt off. Grabbing her bra and pulling that off too. his cock pulsing in her hand and dripping on her fingers with his pre-cum. The Graninja was being gentle and nice, with a bit of roughhousing as long as she played along and enjoyed it.
Alyssa calmed herself as well seeing that he wasn't being to aggressive anymore. She kept her stroking, moving her hand a little faster on his length. His tongue now touching her sensitive spot, feeling so warm. She moaned out louder, closing her eyes. She has never felt anything like this before. " feels..good." she sighed out, her shirt and bra now removed. Everything was happening so fast she couldn't keep up. Her hips now grinding against his tongue, making her tremble. His pre-cum adding lubrication as she stroked him. Carson watched all this happening, trying to fight the urge to touch himself. All of this was so wrong, yet he was getting so turned on watching his sister getting it one with a greninja,
The Graninja calmed down even more, feeling her hand slide up and down his smooth member made him get very calm. His tongue pushed its way under her, like a big pillow as she grinded herself willingly on it. The hand that was groping her breast let go of her supple mound and held onto her hand. Both hands interlocked and holding in an almost loving way, The Graninjas tongue almost moved in a weird wave like pattern, where the top of his tongue would get hard then the bottom would get hard while the top was going soft. they alternated like this rather quickly and he thrust his hips into her hand a bit more. "Graninja!~" He said, almost like he was demanding her stroke faster. She could.. kind of understand him like this. All his wants and needs showing themselves to her.
Alyssa's hips grind harder against his tongue, feeling nothing but bliss. Stroking him harder and faster. The way his tongue worked her core, she could feel herself getting close, her walls clinging to him. Carson moved off to the side, pulling himself out, slowly stocking himself, moaning out his sisters name. She was being such a good girl, the way she was pleasing the Graninja. He so badly wanted to join, he would if this took any longer. Alyssa cried out, she was getting so close.
The graninja shivered and she could see his shoulders roll a little bit from the pleasure, his arms grabbing her hips a little hard. His hips thrust into her hand and then a fountain of cum shot out from his erect member. It went a good foot into the air, landing on her hand and all of is own cock and thighs. Dripping down her soft and sleek hand, when he did that he pulled her closer and his tongue could be felt shivering under her lips as she straddled it. The tongue quickly pushed itself inside of her not going deep but licking her walls rather hard, the Graninja grabbed her shoulders and forced her to lay down on top of him hugging her tight with a big smirk and snicker.
Alyssa felt his member throb in her hand, his hot cum now covering it. She sighed and smiled. " I did it..." Letting him go she was just about to try and get up when she felt his tongue go deeper. She let out a soft whine. "..No...I need to catch you..." She whimpered, but it felt so good, maybe there was no rush. She was pulled against him, her hips rocking on to tongue, she was so close. Just a little longer, then she will catch him and have her first pokemon. Carson was impressed but the about of cum that the graninja shot out, he picked up the pace on his own, looking around to see if anyone else was around to see any of this. Seeing no one he went back to watching his sister.
The tongue only explored deeper and deeper, going into her and then pulling out. thrusting deep inside of her and then licking its way out of her tight cute slit, the graninja started moving his hips while doing this to maker her straddle harder and so that the tongue would go in and out easier. The graninja chuckled at seeing her in so much pleasure, he grabbed her back and gripped the skin pretty hard. "Graninja!!" he shouted a bit making his tongue only go faster, finding her G spot. He could tell by the way she shivered and trembled when he touched it, his tongue made sure to give that spot extra loving and attention~ the tongue not moving as much when it found that spot but almost vibrating around it, getting hard and making her feel amazing. Being an inexperienced trainer she thought that she had made him submit, but in reality all that happened was he got what he wanted and he was making her submit to him.
Alyssa was right on the edge of her climax, the graninja's tongue touching all the right places of her sex. Once he found that right spot and started vibrating his tongue on it, she lost control. Arching her back, her body trembled as she came hard on his tongue, wave after was of pleasure wash over her body. It was seeing this that made Carson cum, his load dripping to the ground on his feet. Slowly he stroked his cock, still watching his sister. He felt awful for what he did.
The graninja watched his catch tremble from the pleasure and he held her closer with a smirk, her panties soaked from his sweet loving. He wiggled his tongue out of her and wrapped it right back round his neck like a scarf "Graninja!" he said as he layed her next to him and got up, she was laying on her back and he grabbed his cock. Seeing that display got him hard again, he stroked himself very fast. Clenching and flexing his thighs pretty hard. Thusting into his hand he arched his back and his tongue flicked around a bit. "Graninja!!" he knelt down and pushed his cock right into her face. Stroking fast before stopping and spewing the rest of his hot white juiced in her face. Hitting her in the cheek then spraying up to her forehead. it dripped and rolled down her nose.. falling off of her face and landing a little bit on the floor. He looked satisfied and jumped off into a nearby tree, snickering as he did.
Alyssa was placed on her back, her breathing heavy from her climax. She opened her eyes and watched at the ganinja stood over her, stroking himself. She was confused on what was going on, reaching for her bag to get her pokeball. Next thing she knew she was face to face with graninja's cock. She squealed as his hot seed hit her face, covering it. Closing her eyes she whined in discus, wiping it off once she thought he was done. Looking up just in time to see the graninja jumping up into the tress. "NO! Wait! " She shouted, jumping to her feet and started after him, but he was to fast. Poor Alyssa stood there looking up in the trees dumbfounded. "...but...I..." she mumbled. A jacket was draped over her shoulders, Carson laughing softly. "C'mon, better luck next time." He said in a amused tone. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, leading her back down the road, going back closer to town. Were maybe they could find weaker pokemon.
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