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(NSFW) The Zoophilian's Consolidated Rp Thread Reboot!


The Ridden
Feb 7, 2013
Iam sure by now a great many of the lurkers of the forum know my name or have at least seen my posts here or even browsed my website, and for those who haven't well.. Your in for a treat!

I shall open with saying i have no limits save for scat. Thats right, Inflation, vore, snuff, rape, water-sports, Tf, and all sorts of other yummy stuff is welcome and often craved. But without farther adieu, On to my current Idea's! And remember everyone, None of my story lines are set in stone (Well, except that one.) Meaning I have male and female versions of each! Meaning if you like one and see its MxM or MxF and you want it the other way? Just ask! I play both male and females. I love transformation, Typically Human to animal but in other ways to as you read on {Check out The Stand In} for none traditional TF.

Many of my different storylines have been added in reply posts down below, Turns out this simple post has ran out of room for most postings soo, Scroll down, I tried to mark the primary kinks in each for more easy browsing.

I DO NOT write as a dominant, I typically play the victim in all scenes.

* Newer stories can be found further down the list.
Last edited:
This section till I run out of room, Will be for primarily MxF or FxM

Pin the tail on the..{Beast, Insertion, Public}
The suiting up process had to this point taken hours, Hours outside of that small farm house on the porch, In the beginning it was done in the cool shade but as more and more of the suit came around her, as she was slowly transformed into something no longer human, It meant more time down in the sun. It was a brisk 90 degrees out which meant it would be well over one hundred inside that heavy latex and real horse hair bondage. She had barely arrived at her friends house before she was literally herded outside and Striped of her clothing, forced to stay in a single position with her legs stretched bent over ever so slightly at the hip and told not to move.

Scolded and even spanked if she dared to move as her nude form would be rubbed down from head to toe in scented pheromone laced oils, Not for anything sexual but to complete the illusion, To give her the proper smell, the scent. It all left her to blush, To Squirm and even moan in response, The pheromones burned her eyes so strong, pungent, Balmy. Streaming down in countless beads from her shoulder length ginger colored hair.

Slowly she was made to step into that bondage, Where it would be inched up over her legs, Her toes pressing into the hooven sleeves that ended at that last joint, Adding about a foot of weighted material for her to step down on, adding nearly a full foot to her bent over stature as the Hindquarters would be inched up, It was heavy, The suit alone would weigh nearly 70.. 80lbs. Slowly her form would start to look more animal, Legs forced to bend the heavy latex not allowing her to stand upright or stretch her legs in certain ways, Soon her stomach vanished, back.. Chest, Her arms worked into the front limbs with his hands forced to curl, Pressing firm against the second joint or Knee of the Hooven legs allowing it to bend properly and making her closer to the right size.

If anything the woman piecing together that heavy bondage would be a perfectionist when it came to these creations, By the end not a single seam would be visible, She could of sworn they were made of real horse hide, but that would be another story.. The last but would be that heavy Head and muzzle pulled over her features, Allowing her to stare almost cross eyed thru the openings for eyes. Staring down the length of that muzzle which would measure several inches, Rounded bulbous, Before she could ask any questions she was greeted to a hand being worked into her mouth, Drenched in those oils coating her tongue and staining those lips, his mouth with the taste.

That hand would vanish nearly up to the elbow into that muzzle and into her mouth While it looked horribly cruel, Like the woman was fishing for something out of the horses throat, the forearm only meant that hand would be nestled perfectly into her mouth, Against her lips and tongue Working Rubbery Caps over her teeth, A device that would bind to her teeth attached to the muzzle, Not allowing her mouth to close entirely, yet allow her limited control over the muzzle and its mouth. That hand and those probing fingers could be felt pressing against the back of her mouth forcing her to drool and gag, Choking even. In the end she looked like a medium sized pony, mule or even a Donkey depending on what features they focused on, Her hearing muffled only able to hear things when someone shouted or yelled directly at her, Her body ached with every movement she made. All the while the woman seemed content with taunting the young girl, About having her fitted with some blinders, a bit and maybe even a Saddle before the day was done! But it would all be in good cheer.. right? Still the thought alone made her heart race.

The woman loved her side work, Crafting those deviant animal suits and even more encasing the girls of various ages inside fo whatever reasons, She couldn't help but to pause, Remembering still the first girl she forced into one of those animal suits. The poor woman thought er husband was sleeping around on her. She couldn't help but to grin casting her gaze out towards one of the fields where at this moment she could see the turned speckled grey mare, being rutted by a much larger horse. She could only imagine how the woman's stomach bloated every day with seed.

With a soft sigh her attention turned back to the young girl transformed into the Donkey, It was almost time, Time for the party where she would be the star, The star of a very lewd game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Inside that Donkey suit her body ached from being in such a bent over position, Even while having those long forelegs for support of her arms it still made her arms, legs and back burn and ache from being in position for so long, She was only told this was for the party, She was to be the star, A present for her friend, The older woman's son but would be left clueless about anything else to come in the long night ahead.

The Races - Remix {Beast, TF}
It was an animal lovers dream job, To be around animals all day long and tend to their needs, The only catch? It was their Sexual needs that needed the tending to. But it was more to the point at the large racetrack, The girls all young, Teens that would do anything for money and with the right proposal it was an easy enough trap to get them into that bondage. The goal was simple, Use the girls skills to alter the horses performances when it came to race time, Using the girls to exhaust the stallion with the best odds of winning to turn a profit. But today there had been a slight change in the lineup, The young girl normally in that Mule bondage would of taken the day off to spend reward for handling such a length like a true Harlot, The one to take her place? Her younger brother, It was easy enough to sneak him into the building and even back where she was to be suited up, Only this time she dismissed the burly man that normally took the time to oil her up and help her in the bondage, This time He would be taking her place, Again and again she told him "Its only alittle oral, you swallow alittle and get a hand full of cash" That bondage designed by master craftsmen to have all the realism of a real live animal, Right down to that puffy anal entrance hiding that real perfectly pink little entrance, His hands extended down into the Sleeves of that bondage, Knuckles pressed flat against the inside of those Hooves, Walking wouldnt be fun but they wernt paying him to walk, His legs stretched forced to stretch down those hindquarters till her heels, little toes would be almost crushed into those shapely hindquarters, Given only an hours training at beast with a man poking his repeatedly with a Cattle prod till he learned to move proper,, By this point more for fun than real training. His head tilted back just to look forward, Not a comfortable position for him, Conned into the job by his slightly older sister who wanted a reason to shut him up and earn alittle extra cash at his expense, A finders fee of course. She wouldnt be able to talk for days after her throat would be stretched out, It was the perfect tool for a peaceful summer she hoped as he would be inside that bondage. Eventually she would lead, Leaving him along in that large Stall alone, Squirming until hearing the subtle clicks of the nearby paddock, It would be time for work with so little time before the Race was to begin. His lilith form inside the bondage would be dripping with sweat, Soft milky hued flesh, Thighs parted, Quivering as that rubbery bondage rubbed him in all the right ways with every forced step he took leading eventually to that stable where all the soon to be champions would be kept.

Horse racing was a dirty business, but luckily there was always a steady stream of money to pay for services rendered. it was on this day that the Track was going to try an rig one of the biggest races of the year, the stadium would be packed and the money would be flowing in. Most people played the best odds, but the horse that was going to win on this day, wouldn't even be bet upon. the top five horse had already been in the process of being milked, and exhausted for hours. it was the job of this somewhat in experienced mare to exhaust the ith best horse in the Heat for this day. Though it wasn't the best horse, it was the one with the best lineage and the one with the most career wins, he had nearly been sent to a stud farm, and if he didn't win on this day he would be. The trainer who had taken a hefty bribe would lead the chestnut colored stallion into the stall just after the young mare had arrived. Then for good measure the trainer would spray a musk on the mares behind, making her smell as if she is in the peak of heat. Then taking the reigns off the trainer would leave the mighty stallion with the Mare locking the stall door behind himself, leaving the horses alone. The scent, that musk would make the stallion neigh and stomp at the stable floor, it's equine lenght already beginning to unsheath. Approaching behind the mare the horse would press it's elongated face against the mares backside getting a stronger scent of the pheromones the trainer had placed on her hindquarters. Then rising up slightly the Steed would place it's front legs on both sides of the mare, his slightly more than a ton body weight forcing the mares front half downward and her hindquarters upward to the perfect mounting position. The stallions equine length stood at full mast, as the steed began to try and force, it's larger than an adult males fist, Crown inside of the tight puffy anal entrance of the very unsuspecting and very Virgin, mare.

The Plush: Reporter Edition {Insertions, Inflation, Machine play}
She was a shapely woman, With soft milky colored flesh, Full rounded breast that seemed to bounce and sway with a will of their own when ever she took in a breath or made even the subtlest of movements. Her nipples painfully erect as she smiled, Speaking with a slightly ragged voice to the camera, Panting softly as her nude form would glisten with soft sweaty sheen. She spoke in a soft voice with the kind of accent that made people look twice at her milky flesh and those sandy blonde locks. To those watching no doubt live with all the fun bits being blurred they could see her in that large factory giving a teasing pose of even two before she was helped into that Plush Bondage. They first helped her down to her hands and knee's then started with her legs first, Bending them painfully, Forced this way and that before finally using Duct tape, Around again and again around her mid thigh till her legs would be forced to remained bent, With the heels of her feet pressing firm against the plump swell of her raised backside. It took moments before her arms would suffer the same fate, Being bent and twisted till her palms rested firm against her shoulders and duct taped in place, The men around her chuckling, Heard muttering that they were used to younger.. smaller 'toys'. The position left her back arched shamelessly with her beast breast left to sway, Erect nipples even brushing against the ground from time to time. But from there it would be downhill, At least for her as she spoke, panting still asking questions and talking to the camera all the same as that heavy carpeted plush would be pulled up around her, Swallowing those curves, But hit would show off her womanly curves still as it lacked the most important part, The Stuffing! Her head would be forced at a downward angle, Forced into the rounded head of the plush, Her hair wadded, knotted up and worked into the ears, She could barely see past those large plastic Lense's that made up the eyes, The muzzle of that large plushy bear open ever so slightly allowing her to breath. The transformation was all but complete and once they thought she was finished it was merely the trouble of carrying her to the assembly line. Where she would squirm, struggling to ignore the wandering hands against her body as she was set in place. She could see a long line of workers ahead of her. It was the Assembly line where the large bears were put together, Stuffed and filled. It was meant to be a simple innocent story for the kids to learn where their toys came from, Yet somehow it took a twisted turn when one of the people she was interviewing mentioned those Special Plush suits that a person could fit inside of, She was interested and simply Had to know what it was like, To show first hand what the Stuffed animal went thru. They easily talked her into it, just as they easily talked her out of her clothes and onto that large Conveyer belt. With a small Mic in place she could talk to the camera, Talk thru the process of what a Teddybear went thru. Blushing even as she asked the men around her, Directing them to the camera.. What was the first Steps the special Bears went thru? Noting down the line the heavy tubes for injecting the Stuffing, or the beans for weight on things like bean bags and other fun things. In the end she could only make an slightly amusing joke about hoping they forget the Hot glue..

The Morning After {Beast, Futa, Public}
Getting suited up for the party had been half the fun, Up in the upper level of the small two story house, Tucked away in the attic as that heavy latex and fur mesh was inched over her body, Her fingers curled under, into her palm allowing her hands to press into those pawed feet, curled digits to press into those clawed fingers of the paw, It felt as if her fingers would break with a single miss use of her weight, Her back arched, Thighs quivering as that bondage was worked up over her nude form. Keeping her ample breast squeezed tight against her chest. Her Toes filled out the hind paws forcing her to walk on her tippy toes. The latex would be sealed around her, Encasing her in that Canine form. She couldn't help but to Whimper in a way, Knowing that there would be no way she could remove it on her own. Yet still she would have no clue just how permanent the bondage would be.

Deep green eyes stared up at her friend, Watching intently as the girl came to kneel in front of her. Making sure that mask, The muzzle would fit, To disguise all of those human features replacing them with Canine ones. It was time for that final piece, The device that would allow her to control the muzzle, She stared almost cross eyed, Staring down the length of that pointed muzzle. Slowly the muzzle stretched wide, Her friends hand pressing inside, Forcing her mouth to its limits till she felt her jaw creaking, The girls entire fist in her mouth, Working that Rubbery mold to fit firmly over her teeth, It would Bind into place from the moment she bit down into it. The Rubbery caps that fit over her teeth, Practically Glued in place would prevent her from closing her mouth, Causing her to drool constantly, The Muzzle able to open and close ever so slightly as she moved her mouth. The bondage would be complete.

That latex would squeak slightly with every movement she made, Pinching, Tweaking her nipples with every breath she took, Drool constantly splattering to the floor below, Between those quivering thighs she could feel her friends hand, Working over that last bit of the bondage, Her own heavy orbs fitted neatly into those of that Male canine bondage, Her length filled out that rubbery sheath, And should she get excited? Her length would stretch the latex pressing thru the opening of that rubbery sheath which would act much like a Cock ring at the base of her length, Forcing it to remain erect, Painfully so until she found that release.

As if just to test this theory out. Even after it was far to late to back out, She felt that rubbery tail being raised, With her friend settling in behind her, Able to feel that heated breath and finally tongue working over that pert little anal entrance. She felt hands coming to hold her hips, Fingers raking thru the fur that now wrapped her shapely hips, Lightly tugging, Squeezing as that tongue probed in and out into that pert little tail hole, Which would be the The only flesh visible remaining on her form, Hidden under that tail that perfect pink little entrance. Her moans heard thru the small attic muffled ever so slightly from that muzzle, She was forced to stand there, For nearly thirty full minutes being teased and probed by her friends tongue and fingers till her length pressed thru the Sheath, Standing painfully erect slapping against her now furried bellie, Fur becoming tangled around it as she squirmed, Helpless to relieve the stress, Humping helplessly at the air as with a giggle her friend would back away.

It was time, Time to go to out into the world, She was left to hot and bothered to think straight, Relishing in the rush of being so.. exposed as she was lead carefully down flight after flight of stairs, From the safe confines of the house and finally into the streets, Blushing at the attention even the petting from neighbors that hadn't realized it was her. The shapely young girl next door, Transformed into a Canine on the prowl. In a way she would be just that, On the Prowl, Seeking something... Some one to raise her tail, Or even Mount in turn.

It was new years, A Time for new beginnings, A New Life. Walking down on those heavy paws, Back arched and prone, Her hips almost swaying with every movement she made. Her mind still reeling, Daydreaming as she walked about that near hour long process of being suited up, About her friends probing tongue and sweet promises of mountings to come.

No sooner than she arrived at the party at the center of the small park she was welcomed to any number of drinks being offered to her, More than once she remembered a bottle being outright inserted into that muzzle, The pungent beer, Flooding into her mouth with little choice but to swallow and be left gasping using her tongue to plug the mouth of the bottle before it was pulled away.

Before she could enjoy the new found freedom of being a Canine, The night was quickly becoming a blur, She would have her fill, She could remember that more than a few times would had been ushered off into a dark little corner of the park, With her tail raised, With a string of muffled Howls escaping that muzzle as one guy or another fed his length up her backside only to finish, And Wipe their cummy length against her furried backside, Leaving her with a filled tummy and a growing need for her own release.

Before she realized it the night was done, Her adventure's as a Dog over all to quickly, Or so she thought, Waking with a groan in the middle of that park just in time to see a man in a uniform Tightening that Catch pole, That long stick with the noose at its end, Before she had time to sit up, Before she could remember her position, What she looked like she felt that Noose tighten and the man tell her again and again "its going to be all right... Calm down "boy" With that last word her heart raced, It all seemed to come to a stop, It would be something out of a nightmare, Or some twisted dream, Yer she knew it was her own fault, Comming to a party all tussed up as an Dog, A Male dog, With that furried Sheath hiding her still aching length.

She couldn't say no, She couldn't resist or explain what had happened as she was pulled, Jerked along right up until she was forced into that back of that Truck. Realizing all to late that it was the Dog Catcher that dragged her along and forced her in the truck. She would be well on her way to a Kennel, Her mind raced.. What would happen to her? Surely the Vet or what ever examined her would realize she was a human and not some Dog, There would be no way she could say she was a human, No way she could vocalize outside or whimpered groans, Whimpers and the occasional moan as she Sat in the back of that enclosed truck.
{Work in progress! Plan on adding more, General idea is for lots of beast encounters, With her being on the receiving end, Looking for her to turn the tables, Mounting once or twice, No limits as always, Looking for creative minds and outside the box thinking.}

The Cave - {Beast, Possible Snuff & Vore}
For her the day had started off so wonderfully, A Family camping trip, Her favorite event of the year, Naught more than 16 years old, Standing at a meek 5'3, Pushing 100lbs if she were lucky! With ample breast little more than palmtops, She shivered as she carefully walked along those rocks, Having been bumped out of the small rubbery raft hours ago and washed down stream, She was bruised and scraped, Beaten and tired. With the weather turning for the worse she cursed herself, Shivering breaths followed allowing soft puffs of steam to escape as those once cherry stained tiers would now be a faint pink.

Her features pale with those short dirty blonde locks clinging to her shoulders, She dint intend on entering the cave, Not until she felt the gentle warming breeze from inside, Anything to escape the cold! IT took little convincing to stripe out of that simple printed knee length dress, Laying it flat against one smooth rock, Her panty's on another, A light blush lingered as she shivered, An hushed whimper escaped as she moved into the cave, bare feet lightly crushing against the sandy floor below, She dared not call out into the cave, Scared that something might actual respond.

A slow shake of her head, a nervous giggle followed, nothing was inside, it was to quiet, Right? She reassured herself again and again running her fingers along the wall as the total darkness of the cave soon swallowed her it seemed to down on at that slightly downward angle for what seemed an eternity! Slowly it grew smaller and smaller, yet humid, Hot, Those chills would soon turn to a light sweat as the narrowing path slowly forced the petite girl down, Onto her hands and knee's to go deeper inside, The girl half expecting to find some hidden hot-spring or a house underground with welcoming arms and dry clothes.

One with more sense, Or at least a few more years would of stopped the moment that path narrowed and rested till the chill wore off from those fingers and toes, Yet she continued, Till her knee's were bruised and her palms hurt, Patches of that soft slippery moss felt good, relaxing against those bruised digits, As she crawled deeper in she found the very air humid, sticky, Yet the chill still clung to her body, nearly 20 minutes in the freezing water threatened to steal every last breath she had, If it wasn't for that one drop off, The current took her to fast and she had ended up face first on the shore, And now in her current position, With one hand raised, Feeling along the roof as it arched, Allowing her more wiggle room, She smiled, Grinning inwardly as she thought to herself about all those story's she heard on the news, Those chumps that died in the wild and couldn't find shelter, Yet she outsmarted them! Even if it had been simple dumb luck it certainly wouldn't bring her mood down.

Her ever movement slow, deliberate as she crawl ever deeper her every breath no longer that shiver but slow deep breaths as if to savor the heated air that poured into her with every breath, It would be only a moment before she felt the heavy fur of the bear with a misplaced hand, Her fingers curled in it, gripping it as she almost Cooed, It didn't move... growl.. Or bite, Yet. It had to be safe! Famous last words as she inched closer to that furred mass of hair, Content that it was something warm to snuggle up against, Having no idea she was snuggling up next to a monstrous Bear with those gentle features oh so very close to those powerful furred thigh's with her every breath a tease.

Space adventure fun time!
Okay boyos here's an lovely new idea of mine, It involves aliens and eggs with slight chance of pregnancy and tentacles and mutants and other strange, cool spacey wacey stuff! Our heroine yet to be named Vixen is a explorer or maybe a trapper of some kind, Sets off across the galaxy garbed in her always sexy high tech rubbery latex body suit that had a curvy animal form (Like my hooves an harlots) It doesn't hide her curves, just shows them off while granting a somewhat animal form, I figure it changes per her environment so she isn't really ever a "Prey vs predator" Situation, Ideally. ^^

Need more information? I thought so!
This storyline isn't mapped out like my others, She has an entire universe of creatures and aliens to encounter, perils to escape (or not) depending on the partner that joins in. It could easily be a wondrous one shot with a bad end, Or some long epic adventure that involves our heroine getting into more and more odd situations. I mean imagine if she lands on a planet, the Suits AI shifts her into the form of a prominent food source on the planet! Then suddenly she not only has to worry about other species of animal trying to possibly mate with her, But also the humanoid populace trying to hunt her for a quick meal.

I know.. Why doesn't she just change the form of the suit or take it off entirely?
She cant! The suit was originally designed as a sexual bondage by advanced Aliens that enjoyed, for lack of a better term. Pet play, Turning lesser species into animals for use and sport. There's no way as the wearer she could change the suit without visiting her Ship to override the AI and remove it entirely.

What kind of animal or alien forms can she have?
Anything you can imagine! I mean, It cant shift her shapely 5'3 form into the form of a earth mouse. But thru advanced compression tech (Think super metroid morph ball stuff) , The form has to be roughly within range of her natural human form, Meaning she could become in earth critters anywhere from say.. A smaller form such as a Pig form upwards to the formidable size of a ah... Clydesdale, Buck ect. Of course the forms she will take will be of Alien animals, This is just a size reference.

So how CAN it be removed outside of the ship?
Well its still a suit, Space age material but its still rubbery! It can be melted. Heated to a certain point when the kinetic bond is broken and it simply melts away. It can be cut, torn and so fourth but would take something more than a simple knife, Remember it has an AI and can protect its self via thickening, hardening ect.

You said possibility of being knocked up... How is that possible!?
Well As i said, the suit was originally designed as a sexual deceive for Alien humanoids interested in pet-play, So iam sure it would have some kinda genetic tinkering once it adapted to her body type. After all it has to manufacture pheromones and other scents so i dont see why it couldnt make her able to get knocked up. One possible outcome? Well.. Imagine her surprise say surviving for a week or two on a planet, Returning to her ship resetting the suit to move on to the next world, taking it off only to find her bellie horribly distended and swollen knocked up by some species of creature thats double if not triple her size! (Oh the humanity!)

But you only talk about monsters and animals, What about the humanoid loves!
Of course she would have humanoid encounters. She could very well become a plaything for a perverted Alien humanoid while in one animal like form and of course there could be all sorts of fun between missions as she travels from one rock to another showing off the results of her adventures.

Statues {Bad end, Immobilization, Insertions}
Back when i was first working around my story The Countess (High fantasy version) I toyed with a particular story, It was set in the Renaissance time, Where culture was the forefront of importance, and Noble family's and house's still ruled supreme. In my story there was this Mason, A statue maker. He was a failure as much of the city was concerned, He was obsessed with crafting Erotic statues of the female form the likes that would of made even a Roman blush. Yet he could never truly capture that female form, No matter how he tried they always lacked soul.

Yet one day thru accident or on purpose, One of his young femme assistants ended up getting splashed with the cement mixture he was using, She panicked and as it started to harden it forced down from its weight, She could barely manage to catch herself, On her hands and knee's trying to pull it off as it hardened. Being the skillful man of trade that he was, He quickly made it to where she could breath but her upper body was set literally in stone. After he calmed himself he couldn't help but to admire her form, that thin layer of stone that covered her face, shoulders hugged her form perfectly.

He could still hear her panic but pushed it from his mind, Slowly he worked, splashing more onto her supple flesh and spreading it over her hips, Thighs and along her legs, It took little time for it to harden around her, He had finally captured the female form and in the process turning her into a living statue / table (At least for a few days). It was the female form in all its perfection, every detail right down to those pert little nipples and those swollen neither-lips had been captured. That same day he revealed 'her' to the noble family's of the city And the People loved it.

Noble houses loved the idea of a Female bodice as a mere piece furniture, Tables and so fourth, And they wanted more! So he did just that, At first it was easy tricking young girls or even the more shapely milf types into those poses as he covered them in cement, Telling them that they would be the grounds for a masterpiece! If they just posed for him till he could capture their form like a true artists, They figured he was merely learning their curves or making molds of their body's until it was to late to escape.

Yet the simple human form twisted in one way or another wouldn't be the end of things, that's why he would experiment. After all how many women would come running hearing they could be apart of art, Even playing with twisted unions, Capturing a woman in the pleasure of being mounted by a beast, A horse for example, After time and time again he would learn that he has to start with the legs, Hind legs in particular, Then where they are joined, The horses bellie and her back where the flesh meets and on from there, Able to see the panic in the creatures eyes as it couldn't move, Hear her cries as she couldn't move, left forever impaled under the horse.

The main character in it oddly isn't the girl(s) its more the artist of it all, was cooking an idea of maybe he keeps the girl and animal alive as long as possible, Pumping nutrients into them which would typically be large amounts of Cum. Thru small yet to be plugged opening at one lewd opening or another to pump copious amounts of cum in to keep them full and alive as long as possible. Okay for the last part maybe i just have a perverted want to see a male horse getting a plump belly from injections under its tail.

Imagine her terror, fear able to not only feel the seed churning inside of her but the stallions cock constantly growing thick, going flaccid, pumping her full again and again with its piss and cum as hours pass, Maybe days as shes on display about to hear people all around mere inches away, able to feel the stallions breathing, feel its heavy stomach against her back (depending on position).

The Taxidermist {Beast, MxF, TF}
Imagine if you will, A Young girl of sorts that grew up around Taxidermy, It was her fathers profession, Meaning she spent the better part of her life around the sight of animals being stuffed and things like that, While everyone else thought it weird and creepy or scarey or what have you, She thought it was interesting, Kinky even. It was normal to her. But Any-who, One day she wonders what its like, To be one of those animals her father stuffed and sold, To be thought of as an animal, put on a pedestal, posed and sold like a mere item. It takes her time but she finally lets him create her own project. He leaves for the weekend or what have you and she enlists a friend or two to help her into one of the new finds, For this i was thinking Dire / winter Wolf, Deer, something medium sized.

She ends up getting inside this animal skin having it fitted around her (Glue or some other creative means) And well lots can happen from there and many different paths, Maybe her fathers partner (Or her friend) decides to make a little profit on it and injects her with a paralyzing agent that would last for a few hours, Poses her and sells her just like she wanted to experience? Maybe before she has the chance for anything the family dog gets ahold of her (If we go canine.) Also if canine maybe she wanders the property to see just how convincing she can be shes discovered and they think her a real wolf that's gotten into the property, Captured and put in a bitch stand and sexually snuffed to be the next Taxidermy project.

Why sexually snuffed? Because I like abit of Logic! If that path it would be something like... Basically her father does taxidermy soo he uses any chance he can to trap animals instead of just waiting for hunters and poachers, And when one comes onto the property he traps it. Only this time he wouldnt know its his daughter in one of those skins. She would meet her ends in a sexual manner (Sexicuition.) She would find herself in a bitch stand, helpless to resist any and all beastys that come her way, And he would make sure many found her, Using pheromones. And a muzzle for good measure and before she knows it maybe shes set upon by the families dog, Possibly neighbors dogs, And maybe even a horse or three till her belly is so bloated with cum she coughing it up by the mouthful and ending in a glorious cummy way.

But thats just one of the paths, Theres plenty others and not to mention what if she picks out a Deer or some other medium sized skin to transform herself with? Would open all sorts of pairing options and encounters with people.

The Taxidermist: Alternate. {Beast, TF, Bad End, MxF}
She would of been your average girl if not for an twisted obsession with taxidermy. An obsession which lead up to her current position. Standing in a prone position, Staring down at those paws. Large furry paws covered with stringy black and white fur. She could feel the paw pads against her palms as her fingers curled under with each curled finger pressing into a digit of the Paw. Her legs stretched with her toes pressing into the tiny toes of the hind quarter paws. It fit loose in places around her nude flesh, Yet oh so snug in others. The fur did well to hide her curves yet the moment someone gripped her by the curves it would be an easy tell.

The muzzle had been worked to fit, to line up perfectly with her real mouth. Her eyes looked natural with a heavy application of a binding resin to secure the muzzle around her face and eyes. It would harden and remain transparent, Working like a rubbery cement to bind that furry flesh against her nude form underneith. Not what she had planned on using yet when she asked it was all her friend could find on hand to make the suit stick clueless that it would be unmovable once it hardened, And it would before she ever stepped outside of that shed at the far end of the farm. It had been tested to an extent.

The muzzle worked with her own mouth, While inside her lips were parted, opened alittle more than half way that muzzle would be closed. Yet if the muzzle were to be pulled open, her own lips and jaws would suffer. She spent the better part of an hour hidden away in that shed after her friend left, Waiting for him to leave, her heart racing when she finally heard that truck leave. The animal's natural fur would still have its natural oils that painted her as a wolf making her feel safe, Atleast from being mauled or so she hoped, The plan was simple, Or atleast the way she went over it in her mind.. Get transformed, Wander around, spook the horses and Pose for the security camera's so she could view herself and slip back before sunrise and peel the animal suit off. But things has taken an interesting turn.

No sooner than she left on those pawed feet was she caught in a tranquilizing trap, During the time she was paralyzed she would be found by the family dog, Mounted and knotted long before her father came home from collecting pelts to find her, A shapely wolf Bitch in one of the traps. From there she spent the next two days in the back of a trailer strapped in a bitch stand being mounted, Knotted till she could barely stand, And if that wasn't enough on the third day it was decided to do in the shapely wolf without ruining its pelt so it could be skinned.

No clue that it was a young girl all tussed up in an animal skin already. Before she had a chance to protest she was moved, Bitch stand and all out of the long dark little Trailer and into the fields where the horse's grazed, With a man, No doubt her own father behind her, clueless that she wasn't a real Bitch, Slapping her folds, Inserting a thick thumb into her tailhole pushing in copious amounds of that pheromone mixture up her tailhole that would ensure the stallion in question would find its mark and 'humanely' put down the Wolf without damaging that precious pelt.

It was humane from her father's prospective at least, And he was certain the horse would agree, the beast got to mount something obscenely tight by comparison to the usual Mares, Run it through and get some much needed stress relief by Cumming, And the father gained a pristine wolf pelt for his collection.

The Stand in. {Beast, MxF, Public, Immobilization}
She had always been an animal lover in the most innocent of ways, Yet it had quickly become her obsession, and with good reason, Raised around the ever massive equine beast she thought it all normal, Farm life. Until she saw the other side of the families work, Milking the mighty beasts of their seed. From the first time she saw one rutting into that heavy mare stand to the moment it dismounted and she caught glimpse of its length slapping against its barreled belly, splattering precious priceless seed to the ground below before retreating back to its sheath, glistening, drooling all the while. She was sold, The idea of it all overcame her, She would become obsessed with the sight to the point she simply had to touch, to smell, To even taste.

Over weeks she grew braver, Begging, pleading with her father for the chance to over see the act before finally being allowed. For her it would start small, Miniature's, Donkeys even helping them mount the stand finally gaining a hands on a pulsing length, Able to grip and stroke over the days stealing a oh so brief taste of its dirty, unwashed cock, Yet the feeling of a warm wet hole to much for a beast being lead to the stand and naturally she would feel it buck, straining to drive its entire girth into her mouth. She tried, each time she had privacy, leading one to the stand, Trying to suckle at the tip of its length and each time if the flared tip had not been so great it would of found purchase within her quivering lips as it lunged forward into the stand.

With each time she would linger, Remaining knelt, watching, staring, Waiting till it finally came only to steal a handful of seed, Watching the thick pool of liquid dance between her fingers before finally tasting it. Her cheeks grew a rosey shade it was something she could no longer keep secret telling her friends again and again what she had done, that she had tasted the seed of Miniature's, Donkeys and even a full sized Stallion's seed, Drinking it directly from flared and crowned length, They marveled and naturally assumed she had done far more than she let on, Who was she to deny the attention they pushed her way, Thinking she knew everything about such twisted things.

She told stories to her friends of how she would milk the seed from the animals of the farm, Let it fill her favorite cup and sit at her fathers table with him feet away, Drinking the near priceless seed still warm able to feel it tickling the back of her throat with every sip while making small talk, She spun story's selling her self as a harlot trained and raised on Horse seed to keep her friends interest.

It all lead to her current position, that young petite teen, with that soft caramel hued flesh glistening with sweat, Offering a wanton moan as one of her dear friends pulled tight the last strap of that harness that held her in place, Till it dug into supple flesh ever so slight. She found purchase below that breeding stand, Strapped in place, Her legs bend almost at a painful angle to remain hidden by the legs of the stand, her supple valentine shaped rump smooth with the curve of the breeding stand, Sandy colored locks of hair cut short not to attract attention days before with her friends instruction. She would be nude, her heart racing as her friend patted her bare thigh, cheeks flush a cherry shade as her heart raced, Somehow she had lead her friends on, lead them into believing that she had successfully survived being mounted and naturally they wanted to see themselves!

It would be set up not at her family's farm but at her friends, Miles down the road from her own home to face down an array of horse's she didn't know that she had never gotten to touch, Her friends gathered around, Kneeling on either side of the stand, staring up at her nude form watching her ample breast sway ever so slightly with each breath she took just barely hidden beneath the rim of that stand. They made idle talk, Some daring to reach out running hand along her trembling stomach, Against that wooden bit pressed so snugly between her lips, Worn and chewed on still damp with the saliva of a stallion which made her squirm all the more even as hands roamed over that tuft of hair just above swollen nether lips as she squirmed with thoughts of what was about to happen.

Her eyes wide when she heard them say something in a hushed tone and quickly scatter, she could then feel the stand shifting, Moving as she was wheeled away from the safety of the stable where she was supposed to be, Able to hear only muffled voices of the adults, The other stand had broken down? And her... The stand in to fill in for the day against naught one, But the entire days roster.

The Sex-doll {MxF, Insertions}
Okay working on a new story-line that's technically a revision or a revision of my sex-doll story-line which is a spinoff of my plush story-line, But I digress. Basically the original sex doll story line involved a youngish character at a factory, falls into a vat of resin or latex and basically gets run down the assembly line, with her every hole stuffed full of thick flesh lights that would force her real openings open while the new fake ones would take their place. Baked so the so her new rubbery flesh is soft, malleable and most importantly rendering her completely pose-able and unable to move under her own ability thanks to the chemicals she was bathed in effecting her muscles. The new futurey version involves none of that. Same premise tho but more willing than non con machine rapey.

Any-who, the idea is rough and needs refinement and general sprucing, that i will be doing over the next few days. Here it is, my first draft of it before refinement begins.

The futurey one would of course be set in the future with like, Androids, Real live sex robots. Anywho. The star would be a young girl who grew up around them, Without a mother. She saw her father with one constantly almost raised by it, so she saw the world a little differently than most, As she grew up she was constantly told no to this and that what she couldn't do, While these sex robots had all this freedom and all they had to do was bend over from time to time. So she gets the idea to become one, Which is impossible but shes a clever girl, its nothing a she couldn't fake right? Special contacts in her eyes, Having her body painted for a most synthetic plastic appeal, And of course a Tattoo in the form of a serial number or bar code, A branding stolen right off a real robot she bought and took the place of.

She doesn't realize what all goes into the robots, To the point like, Most all sex robots are expected, designed to being extremely flexible beyond that of your average human body. As well as having 'bottomless' holes means for some painful and humiliating experiences, not to mention the weekly injections of liters worth of lubrication in everywhere that matters to ensure she remain in tip top shape. I know, Why doesn't she just say something? Well, That pesky tattoo / brand she got says shes a real sex robot and if she shows to many emotions? Well, She would be seen as defective and it would mean back to the assembly line, In a literal sense of the word, something she definitely would not want. After all no one wants a sex robot that complains about it hurts or its feelings.

As for paths! Here are a few rough idea;s for direction of the roleplay. In the first scenario,
Maybe she does want to take her 'mothers' place, take place of that Sex doll her father had for years and heralded as the perfect woman. It wouldn't be to hard for her, To dispose of the Doll, commanding it to do some perverse thing that would end in it breaking and having to be replaced. One quick example being having it release pheromones, Being fucked and torn to pieces by Dogs? (I am the Zoophilian afterall). It would be here she shined. Having herself branded as a Sex doll, Going as far as to 'run away' from home to cover what was really going on, Days later she would come back to the house, In a box, Her hair completely different, bar code printed on her spine marking her as a doll, Delivered right to her former home.

Another idea revolves around after her becoming a licensed Sex Doll she ends up sent off to various locations, Anything from a Kennel to calm overly sexually aggressive dogs, To a Stable or Race track used to reward winners or calm Studs out of season. Or maybe even a school type setting where she is put on display publicly and used to taught well, Sex! Or maybe the thing she knows she is on sale somewhere or being used at a public station being forcefully bent over as someone worked a nozzle deep up her backside pumping in lube and oil down her throat effectively killing her ability to talk (For some time) as a display or teaching model on how to do maintenance of your Sex Robot.

Of course this isnt the only idea, just one path out of many that could happen. Typically I dont like to post story lines like this that are fleshed out and dripping with detail, I hope you, the reader find it enjoyable and possibly interested enough to drop me a PM about rp ^.^ Thank you.

Paper Mache: Craft's Fair Chaos! {Immobilization, Insertions, Public}
So rough idea been playing with, It's based around a Class project theme or possible crafts fair. It would involve a youngish girl with paper mache and oodles of glue. Or possibly an older, woman / mother type possibly even a teacher being enlisted for a class project into live art that accidentally involves epoxy, plaster or some such that ends up getting taken just a bit to far.

With the younger approach it would be a project to capture the human form in art, Some used paint, art ect but she wanted a life sized paper mache mold of a human, In this case, Herself. Using Paper Mache she figured it would adhere to her body long enough for the shape and let her slip free without damaging the mold of her body, but instead of simple glue they use something stronger, industrial level stuff, and next thing she knows not only would it not come off, But she can't move! So here she is, Having been striped down with paper brushed with glue or something stronger, The paper clinging to her body till it hardens against supple virgin flesh. Now sure they could go get help and have her soaking in something to eat up the glue, Or have fun and still complete the project at her expense.

From here the story has countless paths, Was it her class mates that helped her along this path and sabotaged her? Was it a simple mistake they took advantage of? Was it a brother or family member that was helping her along with the project and not paying attention. Her situation could evolve down many paths, Do they turn her into a working human fountain, Pressing thick rubbery hoses deep inside of her her backside or down her throat till a stream of water or whatever else bubbles from her quivering featureless face?

Could make her out to be a variable statue to pregnancy, Stuffing and filling her taunt little belly till that belly expands, Maybe even while on stage so the entire class gets to see her belly growing from inhumane amounts of liquid being pumped into her? Or something as simple as a deflated basketball or such being worked inside of her helpless form then inflated as her project mates detail what the body goes thru during pregnancy as far as physical changes. Of course, Teacher and the rest of the class clueless that its one of their fellow students and not just some elaborate thing.

Imagine the Poor young girl stripped, Willingly before her friends, having that wet paper glued to her supple flesh before it dried and they realize their mistake, Next thing she knows its over her eyes and face leaving her mouth untouched, Able to feel a cold razor working over her scalp shaving her bald so they can finish the process with no one the wiser, Left over night in class, Posed to harden under a heat lamp.

And that's just with the younger, The version featuring an mother or teacher could have the same or could be a bit more extreme with so many more curves to work with, Large breasts, Milking machines, Who says it has to be a human form at all she is molded into with that paper and glue? Of course this is all work in progress, Could be anything else not just paper and glue, Rubber, latex. Always up for ideas and suggestions of course.

Chemical Necromancy - {Gore, Bestiality, Bad end possible.}
She had learned of it all by accident, Stumbling on the sight of one of the kingdoms finest war horse's rutting a mare, At first it was mere background noise, Something she scoffed at, turning up her nose with disgust, Yet the more she tried to ignore the sights, the sounds of the animals rutting, the more it captured her attention. Soon those sights and smells made her young heart flutter, a blush fill her cheeks, Yet it wasn't until the beast dismounted that she was left in awe, The sight of the mighty Warhorse's cock as it pulled from the mares cunt, offering a gush of thick seed to splatter against its own barreled chest, the mares cunt gushing milky seed awakend something inside of her, something twisted and wanting.

Yet she was the future queen, the young girl couldnt want such twisted things, It was beyond taboo. A twisted act something she would sentence a harlot to do before the court yet she wanted it. From that day forward she passed along missives to the keeper of the stables, Ensuring she got to witness the warhorse's mating when ever she walked the yards of the castle it fueled her own growing desire to the point she would finally act on it.

She had barely flinched or even when the mare was slain, even as its blood splattered against her shapely form, She hadn't moved outside of ordering the command for her few trusted guards to rally those choosen craftsmen and the castles Alchemist for the task. By time they had gathered she would already be nude, Sheer lace robes discarded in haste, She would of been something truly beautiful to look at, If they had been allowed more than a moment before her orders given. Her hair a salty blonde hue with long slightly curled locks that would come past her shoulders reaching to the curve of that shapely backside, Her flesh a soft sun stained caramel hue, Her curves plentiful with long coltish legs that arched ever so slightly, Shapely hips with a every so slightly pump valentine shaped rump. Heavy breasts every bit the handful, nearly the size of a young boys head able to sway and bounce ever so slightly with any given movement she made dark silver dollar sized nipples stood almost painfully erect against her flesh.

It would take hours, Hours of her standing there, Almost unmoving as they worked, Knives and sewing needles working vigorously over the flesh of that slain mare till it came time for her to move, It took nearly a handful of her personal guard to hold the mare upright as she stepped inside of its flesh, Leather harness stitched within would work to ease her shapely hips back against the flanks of the mare, Her heavy breast crushed inside the barreled chest. Head extending into the neck, resting at the back of the skull allowing her to see thru the eyes, down that long muzzle with almost a joyous cry, It was going to work. Arms extending down those fore hoooves, to that last joint, the predominate knee of the Mares leg, Hands balled into fist seeming to never uncurl again as each movement would cause the heavy hooven leg to move like clockwork. She would be bent at the hip with her long coltish legs extending down the hindquarters of the mare, Its hooven legs becoming her own as her feet would press against that final knot, the end of flesh and beginning of Hoof. Probing fingers ensuring that her taunt asshole and plump folds lined up with those of the mare.

From there her crimson stained flesh would slowly vanish, Chemical necromancy used to heal the wound along the mares back, causing the flesh to slowly draw shut around the shapely queen, they could only watch, stare as blood pooled around the small of her back, That muzzled head bobbing ever so slightly, Soon the flesh brought back to life, sealed around her as if naught had happend. The tail was allowed to swish and sway, a twitch of an ear, Potions and concoctions allowing life to remain in the flesh of the mare, To the point that no simple commoner or even the most well trained stable master could tell the difference at this point. Again and again she was told the risks, The risk of not just attempting to goad an animal into mounting her, But playing with flesh now enchanted around her to play the part of the living. Yet before she was allowed free reign hushed whispered followed and the plump cunt lips of the mare, Of the queen would be splashed with a liquid, the nozzle of a bottle fitting inside ever so slightly before being emptied. Glue, A binding agent that would be meant to last only a day, Two at the most, sealing the mares cunt preventing their shapely queen from being impaled, Or perhaps there would be some malice behind it, The craftsmen knowing their fate the moment they had heard of her twisted plan. No sooner than it was all complete would she take a few steps in her new flesh able to feel the gore shifting around her, massaging her heavy breast with every breath she took, It was complete, she certainly wouldn't be able to gallop or run, Yet certainly could stand idle and take a rutting she was assured. Yet orders had been given before hand, Promises made, No sooner than she would be lead by bit and bridle away from the blood soaked area just inside the castle would those craftsmen and alchemist meet their end, ensuring the secrete remain only with those guards who had been told to enact the scene again in no more than two days, to carve her from the flesh of the mare after she had her fill.

Which would bring her to her current situation, Hours later in that prone position, having been snuck back into the stables, into the stall of that brood mare, her heart racing with every breath she took, her flesh ached from the prone position, from learning to walk all over again in a new way, yet it would be worth it as she sun started to rise to peer into the stables telling her it was nearly time for it to begin as the sounds of the kingdom spurred to life all around her, Shops opening, guards shouting, Animals causing a racket with the fresh scents of blood and sex in the air.

The Mad King{MxF, Bad End}
Hello all, This is a new one iam labeling a workin progress. As always, Seeking a dominate persona, outside the box ideas and Multi paragraphs, Walls of text and a lack of limits. On with the idea!

Musing on this idea, Based around an old king who has grown just alittle mad in his old age. Yet the story isnt about him, not entirely atleast. Its about his daughters, To this point he has three beautiful daughters. He loves his kingdom and his daughters. Yet the only thing he loves more than them, His horse, An ancient war horse nearly as old as he is. He could trace the lineage of that single beast back to the foundation of his kingdom nearly 100 years. He claimed the beast won him countless battles and he wouldn't be alive if not for it. In his final days he leaves his fortune, his entire kingdom not to his daughters but, you guessed it, The Horse. The only way one of his daughters, can inherit the kingdom is to not just wed the horse, But to produce an offspring from the union. Which is impossible but knowing its his wishes they have no choice but to make the attempt.

In summary, The three sisters could only inherit the kingdom if one of them not only was mounted and bred by the warhorse, But actually became pregnant with its offspring, Not only would the storyline be filled with horse sex but also shenanigans from the sisters trying to sabotage the others.

Example: The eldest makes the first attempt, She would get ridden by the horse till her belly bloats with its seed, She has the idea of having the servants strap her to the horse's belly and let it graze all the while rutting into her at every movement. One of the sisters sabotages the idea, Playing with the straps, altering the sisters position, She wouldn't be allowed to take a single drop of seed into her cunt, instead her ever so slightly altered position would have that equine cock snaking up her backside, Not just ruining any seed from the union but endlessly tormenting if not ruining the elder for further atempts.

Maybe the next sister thinking the entire idea of being under a horse, having its unwashed cock even near their suple flesh disgusting, Has her servants milk the stallion for its seed, For nearly a full day till the beast is exhausted and they have a variable barrel of horse seed. She seeks to have it injected, Poured into her body only to have one of the others interfere, ironicly replacing it with the seed of a creature all together or worse yet, replaced with human seed ensuring pregnancy just not with an equine child but a simple human one eliminating the sister for months from the contest. Ill stop there less I spoil all the ideas I had for it.

Below is one of the paths I enjoy for it, Its dark, Twisted, filled with gore and snuff, Bad ends where maybe none of them become queen each ending in a inglorious way that would be whispered and jested about for generations to come.

~~ The Dark path ~ Bad ends & Gore
There would be three of them in total, With the youngest even had hopes of becoming queen no matter what the costs in flesh. The three princess's spent their time bickering and fighting, plotting and under minding each others attempts at gaining the stallions seed. despite his decree their father was not a crazy man, He knew the sisters spent much of their time together, to much. He often caught them bathing one another or in some lewd embrace shunning would be suitors for incestial pleasures. They needed a male, a strong male proven to love the kingdom as much as he did, And the horse would be the only one he thought could live up to his expectations, The thought of it amused him, His twisted daughters would be forced to wed, Forced to lay with the beast and the entire kingdom would know.

Of course there would be a time limit to it all. If they failed to conceive a child by the stallion before it gave one to a proper mare, They would have to simply wait for the 'prince' to be of age and try again with the younger stallion. Each had taken a chance at trying only to be interrupted or have their plan ruined by another of the sisters leading to the current situation, It wasn't her turn, She was the middle sister. A Shapely girl who had a brilliant idea. So she had thought, It sounded much better in her head before it had gotten this far. She learned of her elder sisters plan, To have the King, That stallion mount a mare then have the seed cruelly pumped from the mare and injected into herself, Ensuring she would rule without ever being under hoof.

But the plan had failed, That middle sister acting, Having the Mare killed, Slaughtered before its very owner before setting a twisted plan into action. Enlisting craftsmen from around the kingdom to rig the mare around her, Removing all manner of organic material until the mare was reduced to a shell. A variable suit of flesh and bone, Blood and gore that would turn the middle princess into a mare, At least for the important part, It only had to hold together long enough for her to end up with a womb full of that kingly seed. How her heart raced, Inside the flesh of a mare, warm and wet all around her, Her own form inside becoming caked with blood with flesh withering around her at every movement she made. With thick leathery harness's stitched into the flesh to hold her hips in place lined up with those thick cunt lips and swollen asshole.

Her heavy breast nestled snug in the chests of that mare. Arms and legs extended limited down each hooven limb allowing some movement even if awkward even if she could feel the warmth of wet flesh around her, the drooling of blood pooling at the small of her back, around her arms and legs squelching with every move she would make. Head nestled at the back of that muzzled skull of the mare watching as she was paraded through the kingdom, To be mounted, To be taken like a Mare for half the kingdom to see her twisted plan at seed collection, Assuming none of the others interfered.
The Accidental Bitch{Suit} {MxM, TF, Incest, NC}
Been working on a new storyline, It involves MxM, Beast and other fun elements, Two versions of it are as follows, One is Incestial and the other more mainstream.

Imagine if you will an idea involving a teenish boy who discovers his mum has such a bitchsuit, One day he see's old pictures of her in it, Pictures of her being striped down, transformed into a Dog via the bitchsuit and gets curious, he ends up putting it on and is mistaken for her. So the virgin boy gets mistaken for his well traveled and animal trained mum, Poor young boy discovered by his father for example, Who writes him off as her, The shapely woman who had sworn off animal cock years before and now is caught red handed in that old bitch suit and gets taught a cruel lesson possibly involving a number of neighborhood dogs, insertions and otherwise oblivious to the fact that he isn't the shapely woman but instead the young teen.

Or shifted slightly for a less incestual angle, What if the suit belongs to the boys friends mum, The two of them watched old vids of her getting transformed and fucked as a dog by increasingly larger animals with the final tape they find of the woman in the bitch suit getting prepared to be fucked by a horse! Only they tape is old and they don't get to see the actual mounting. So one of the two gets talked into wearing the suit and maybe possibly gets dragged into finishing the climax of the tape they found or something to that effect that would end with the young teen boy ending up rutted by a animal that easily has a few hundred lbs on him all under the guise of someone thinking he is not just someone else, but something else entirely.

The first path geared more around a heavy Incest angle, With the boys father who finds him and thinks he is that 'animal slut' of a wife diving back into the world of doggy cock and needs to be taught a lesson. Or if the other path, The boys friend that transforms him and tries to set up an encounter with a horse, Plus what ever animals. The scope of the scene can be broaden to have more moving parts and characters or narrowed to more specifically cover the animal encounters of which you would play the role of what ever is aimed to mount the boy turned bitch.

Now all this said, Nothing is set in stone, All of the above is up for debate and a simple outline of what could be, Limits are none, Sexicuition's, Snuff and other bad ends are always on the table. If interested feel free to send me an PM and the rp can be defined a bit more.

Best In Show. {MxM, Beast, Public, TF}
It was promised to be one of a kind, That heavy rubbery bondage suit designed after a horse, It was even lined on the outside with real horse hair, And with the up coming Animal event he was certain that he could take the Best in show or best breed title and the money which came with the title. It was a small town and hardly anyone bothered to enter, He would be a sure thing. Eagerly, Slowly he was made to step into that bondage, Where it would be inched up over his legs, With toes pressing into the hooven sleeves that ended at that last joint, Adding about a foot of weighted material for him to step down on, adding nearly a full foot to his bent over stature as the Hindquarters would be inched up, It was heavy, The suit alone would weigh nearly 70.. 80lbs. Slowly his form would start to look more animal, Legs forced to bend the heavy latex not allowing him to stand upright or stretch his legs in certain ways, Soon he felt a cold wet hand slapping wetly between his parted thighs, stroking his cock till it dripped and drooled, Painfully erect and dripping with an oily pheromone mixture. His erect length worked into the rubbery sheath of the bondage, where it would be squeezed and almost milked by the now dripping latex. The opening at the tip of the leathery sheath dripped with that pheromone mixture almost as if a calling card sent out long before he was ever seen.

Soon his stomach vanished, back, chest, Arms to soon worked into the front limbs with his hands forced to curl, Pressing firm against the second joint or Knee of the Hooven legs allowing it to bend properly and making him closer to the right size. By the end not a single seam would be visible, The last but would be that heavy Head and muzzle pulled over his features, Allowing him to stare almost cross eyed thru the openings for eyes. Staring down the length of that muzzle which would measure several inches, Rounded bulbous, Before he could ask any questions, he was greeted to that same hand, dripping with pheromones that had worked over his cock, Slowly being worked into his mouth, Drenched in those oils coating his tongue and staining those lips, his mouth with the taste.

There had been a reason this was saved for last. He would stare, watching with wide eyes when that hand pressed into that rounded equine muzzle that jutted out from his face, And slowly started to sink in, inch by inch till it was stretched wide, squeezing the arm visibly. That hand would vanish nearly up to the elbow into that muzzle and into his mouth, While to anyone looking on it looked horribly cruel, Like the person was fishing for something out of the Pony's throat, the forearm only meant that hand would be nestled perfectly into his mouth making him gag, A Muffled scream of protest as his jaws creaked and ached, threatening to dislocate at any moment. He was able to feel that entire hand able to feel those knuckles firm against his lips and tongue.

That hand Working Rubbery Caps over his teeth, A device that would bind to his teeth attached to the muzzle, Not allowing his mouth to close entirely, yet allow limited control over the muzzle and its mouth. That hand and those probing fingers could be felt pressing against the back of his mouth forcing him to drool and gag, Choking even as that oily pheromone mixture dripped down his throat. In the end he looked like a medium sized pony, Only without those keen sense's or the strength that came with being an animal.

His hearing would be all but muted. Only able to hear the world muffled around him, His friend, Or anyone would have to nearly shout to get their words to sink in. His body ached with every movement he made. And those movements would be slow, careful as he tried to step forward feeling the weight against those faux hooven limbs before finally his muzzle was fitted with a Bit, Bridle complete with reigns before being tugged along, forced to follow as his heart raced feeling as if he were nude in public from the safety of that long horse trailer to the hay matted floors of the arena.

His life in the hands of the one who had given him the twisted idea of becoming an animal and winning in a contest against real live Animals. One of his best friends who had more or less come with the elaborate bondage for the sole purpose of transforming him properly and of course, Hiding any proof of a past life that may of been left behind in the wake of the transformation, Several questions flooded his mind about the suit, about the way it fit and the way that rubbery sheath constantly would squeeze his length, every step, every buck of his hips he could feel his own length shifting in that drooling rubbery sheath which his length would be to small to ever slip free of yet it was open enough to allow those pheromones to drip freely and other bodily fluids.

The potent scents alone burned his eyes turning those deep emerald eyes into teary redden messes blurring his vision ever so slightly as his mind slowly slipped from concern with his own safety to those of a sexual nature, With his every step his own erect length hidden within that sheath would twist and turn bringing him nearly to the point of orgasm with merely a few steps.

He wouldn't be the first small sized Stallion being entered as a Mare and the inspection process was no different, Nor was the prize at the end. The prize at the end a hefty purse worth more than two or three purebred Mare and a rare shot at fame, Fame coming from the honor of being mated with a well known Draft horse from the racing circuits, If he lost or was disqualified for being a male horse in the Mare division? It simply meant the boy turned horse, Would have papers proving he was no longer human and now Livestock, Winning would mean a first date he certainly wouldn't ever forget.

The Mascot {Beast, MxM, Public, Bad End optional}
It was his turn to feed the schools mascot, Which was how it escaped, He had been far to busy ogling the cheerleaders to realize he left the cage open, And when he turned around? It was gone! He was sure it would return, Or would be found within a day or two, but with the big game the next day he had little choice, He went almost in tears to his friends explaining what happend, And this was the best they could concoct. That he would take the creatures place, after all it wasnt like people payed THAT much attention to the mascot outside of cramming some food down its muzzle, And that had been nearly 24 hours ago, It felt like another life, He spent a long painfull evening in the animals enclosure all suited up in that heavy mesh of latex and fur.

His fingers curled under, into her palm allowing his hands to press into those pawed feet, curled digits to press into those clawed fingers of the paw, It felt as if his fingers would break with a single miss use of his weight, With his back arched, Thighs quivering as that bondage was worked up over his trembling nude form. His Toes filled out the hind paws forcing him to walk on her tippy toes. The latex would be sealed around him, Encasing him in that Canine form. He couldn't help but to Whimper in a way, Knowing that there would be no way he could remove it on her own. Yet still he would have no clue just how permanent the bondage would be.

Deep green eyes stared up at the girl, Watching intently as the girl came to kneel in front of him. Making sure that mask, The muzzle would fit, To disguise all of those human features replacing them with Canine ones. It was time for that final piece, The device that would allow him to control the muzzle, He stared almost cross eyed, Staring down the length of that pointed muzzle. Slowly the muzzle stretched wide, He felt the girls hand pressing inside, Forcing his mouth to its limits till he felt his jaw creaking, The girls entire fist in his mouth, Working that Rubbery mold to fit firmly over his teeth, It would Bind into place from the moment he bit down into it. The Rubbery caps that fit over his teeth, Practically Glued in place would prevent him from closing his mouth, Causing him to drool constantly, The Muzzle able to open and close ever so slightly as he moved his mouth. The bondage would be complete.

As if to only make him squirm he would feel her hand, working over that last bit of the bondage, He could feel her hand, The same that had been in his mouth, dripping with saliva working into that latex Sheath, Working his own heavy orbs to fit neatly into those of that Male canine bondage where they would be squeezed naturally by the latex, His length filled out that rubbery sheath, His length would quickly stretch the latex pressing thru the opening of that rubbery sheath which would act much like a Cock ring at the base of her cock, Forcing it to remain erect, Painfully so until she found that release, But she wouldn't see that pink human length instead his cock wrapped in a glistening Red Condom of sorts, Attached to that bondage it would match the angry crimson color of a Dogs cock in every way, There would be no telling him apart from a Real dog even if one were to see his length, He only lacked a knot proper...

(Male or female version available! What would be his/her fate? No limits at all! Ideas include.. Being used in some perverted show, Other students or even teachers? Kidnapped and used by a rival schools very large mascot? )

The Drama Club. {TF, Beast, MxM, Public}
It was that time of year again when the Drama club got together to put on a twisted show for the entire town to see, The show took many students from the drama club and school, Having them pose as animals, Using heavy latex suits that transformed them into animals right down to the furry little sheaths to hide their naughty bits. This year all had gone without a hitch, At least before one of them was mounted, Center stage even in front of the entire town. The show came to a glorious end with the Boy in that heavy bondage, That Latex suit that mimicked a small Pony.

He was forced to try and fight off the advances of that large dominating Donkey. It was easy to say he lost, With its length easily a foot and a half long, Being thrust, beaten against that rubbery muzzle before gaining entry, Thick flared tip worked like a battering ram against his mouth, against the back of his throat as the crowd watched on in an Daze. Staring as they could see a stream of heated liquids drooling from the boys Equine muzzle as he was forced into guzzling nearly a Gallon of Piss and Cum from a very real and very aggressive Donkey that joined them on stage.

Everyone had a laugh save for the boys parents and the boy himself who felt his stomach ache, burning with that lewd mixture, He couldn't help but to gag, coughing up a heated mouthful of the Donkeys Seed, He was forced to leave the stage still in bondage, In that lifelike Pony costume and no one would have seen since. That would of been nearly a full week ago, And still he couldn't get the taste of that dirty, unwashed cock Donkey cock from his mouth and throat, His stomach still ached, Sloshed still with the lewd fluids offered by the Donkey. Not that he would be in much better shape after running away still in that bondage, Into the woods away from town, Wandering for days on end, Only to end up so far from town, So turned around he couldn't of found his way back if he wanted to, His only saving grace? That heavy latex and fur suited bondage saved him from the winters chilling bite, Even if it did have a knack for attracting Wild horse's and other mountain creatures, Drawn by those lewd scents of sex that still dripped and drooled from his muzzle.

His mind raced with thoughts of how his nightmare would end. Would it be worse to be hunted, Poached like some wild animal? Or find himself Returned to town and unmasked for all to know just who was able to swallow such a length with apparent ease? Or would some other twisted fate find him in the Woods, So far from the village he called home. He could of only hear muffled sounds of the world around him making things all the more frightening, And making it all the harder to find civilization again. Save for that hunting camp he almost walked right into the middle of, Thankfully he realized what he was walking and had pause before entering. He trudged thru the forest noisily, Tired, Heavy were those hooven feet he was forced into wearing, Cummy drool still dripped from that stretched, Gaped little muzzle, The Donkeys cock destroyed his throat with its unusually thick Flared tip, He couldn't swallow right, Certainly not cry out or even Talk if he wanted to.

The Drama Club *Prequel* {MxM, Beast, NC}
It was that time of year again when the Drama club got together to put on a twisted show for the entire town to see, The school simply didn't have the funds to rent a full stock of real animal's which meant things had to go in a different direction. Which meant that the school would have to enlist its students to fill many of the animal roles. It was the prime function of the Drama club. Having the students, Both male and female pose as animals, Using heavy latex suits that transformed them into animals right down to the furry little sheaths to hide their naughty bits. Sure they would end up losing a student or two which would get mixxed in with the real animals and be shipped off to some farm or kennel but the reward for the school outweighed the risk of a few of the student body.

He had spent the better part of the day helping his classmates get suited up, The pheromones burned his eyes so strong, pungent, Balmy. Streaming down in countless beads from his nearly shoulder length ginger colored hair. He had his eyes set on pulling aside one of his classmates in the back room and having his way with them while they were helpless to say no, But his plans were cut short when one of the animal handlers calls him aside, His heart raced, knowing what was coming. One of the older students meant to fill out the Donkey suit had ended up in the back room having his way with a shapely bitch he thought was one of the classmates! Only to inturn be mounted by the almost feral wolf in return for being violated, At this moment the boy was in the back, knotted, trying not to be mauled.

Which left him the responsibility of being one of the larger creatures on display with the risk of being paired with a creature of equal size. Slowly he was made to step into that bondage, Where it would be inched up over his legs, With toes pressing into the hooven sleeves that ended at that last joint, Adding about a foot of weighted material for him to step down on, adding nearly a full foot to his bent over stature as the Hindquarters would be inched up, It was heavy, The suit alone would weigh nearly 70.. 80lbs. Slowly his form would start to look more animal, Legs forced to bend the heavy latex not allowing him to stand upright or stretch his legs in certain ways, Soon he felt a cold wet hand slapping wetly between his parted thighs, stroking his cock till it dripped and drooled, Painfully erect and dripping with an oily pheromone mixture. His erect length worked into the rubbery sheath of the bondage, where it would be squeezed and almost milked by the now dripping latex. The opening at the tip of the leathery sheath dripped with that pheromone mixture almost as if a calling card sent out long before he was ever seen, But the entire building smelled of Sex, Ripe with pheromones but no human nose could of told the difference, But he certainly would by experience alone.

Soon his stomach vanished, back, chest, Arms to soon worked into the front limbs with his hands forced to curl, Pressing firm against the second joint or Knee of the Hooven legs allowing it to bend properly and making him closer to the right size. By the end not a single seam would be visible, The last but would be that heavy Head and muzzle pulled over his features, Allowing him to stare almost cross eyed thru the openings for eyes. Staring down the length of that muzzle which would measure several inches, Rounded bulbous, Before he could ask any questions he was greeted to that same hand, dripping with pheromones that had worked over his cock, Slowly being worked into his mouth, Drenched in those oils coating his tongue and staining those lips, his mouth with the taste.

He would stare, watching with wide eyes when that hand pressed into that rounded equine muzzle that jutted out from his face, And slowly started to sink in, inch by inch till it was stretched wide, squeezing the arm visibly. That hand would vanish nearly up to the elbow into that muzzle and into his mouth, While to anyone looking on it looked horribly cruel, Like the person was fishing for something out of the Donkey's throat, the forearm only meant that hand would be nestled perfectly into his mouth making him gag able to feel those knuckles firm against his lips and tongue Working Rubbery Caps over his teeth, A device that would bind to his teeth attached to the muzzle, Not allowing his mouth to close entirely, yet allow limited control over the muzzle and its mouth. That hand and those probing fingers could be felt pressing against the back of his mouth forcing him to drool and gag, Choking even as that oily pheromone mixture dripped down his throat. In the end he looked like a medium sized pony, mule or even a Donkey depending on what features they focused on, Only able to hear muffled only able to hear things when someone shouted or yelled directly at him, His body ached with every movement he made.

The Drama Club: Year Three{Beast, public}
It was that time of year again, when the schools joined together to throw that annual show involving their students dressed up as animals, on the stage with real animals. Two years ago they had all witnessed a young boy in the bondage of a Donkey mounted by a real one, Reluctantly swallowing its length orally and survived, the crowd got to see every inch of that donkeys length, just shy of two foot long, with that obscenely thick flared tip pressing into that muzzle and into the boys throat, Got to see his thrash and his stomach visibly expand as it came, Only to run off into the wilds afterward's humiliated Days later found on a farm unable to eat or drink with the way the muzzle designed, Surviving only on the piss and cum from the much larger stallions on the farm.

The next year they had witnessed a young girl in a wolf suit at the mercy of a large snake easily double, if not tripe her own length, That lingered fresh in their minds as they witnessed the snake burrow into that trembling canine muzzle and eventually come out her tailhole, The poor girl was never the same again! This year things would follow the same routine, they were sure something tragic and life altering would happen to one of the young boys and girls in the back room slowly getting transformed to look like animals along with the real thing. The first one had been an accident, The boy squeezed into that heavy Donkey bondage, The oils meant to help him get into that suit, To make it possible to get out later were swapped for animal pheromones, It was no wonder the boy had been violated so thoroughly by the Donkey. The girl with the snake had been more of an experiment to see if it was possible to recreate such a thing with amazing results, Unless you were the parents of the young girl given the run through by the large snake.

It was a new year, and interesting enough more people had shown up this year, As if just to see what would happen but not only to see if it was their child at the mercy of animal in a perverted twist of nature, Something they thought was a natural act and not some elaborate setup. There would be so many in the back stage area, Many of which had been striped down in front of nearly an entire school worth of children, teachers and animal handlers, Like every year there would be no less than a dozen, each in one area or another backstage all ending up one central area after being striped and transformed, Some locked in a pen with animals or tethered off nearby their animal cousins, With little care if there was a mix up between the student and beast.

Many students had been at the school long enough to know the risk from the last two years, Yet the same time it had become something of a myth, After all, There was no way a boy in costume had been mounted by a donkey and another force fed a live snake on stage in front of their parents and half the town, Or so they hoped. Behind the stage things would be almost clockwork, The young boys and girls stripped of their clothing and soon after their humanity as they were one by one transformed, Tethered off nearby an animal that matched their size if only for easier sorting. At the demand of one of the instructor's there would even be a pair of teens going around carefully milking the animals and collecting it for their seed, The stage area from view would smell of sweat and sex and Cum, From the thick balmy leathery scent of wet horse flesh to that of large cats and canines sweating beneath their fur worked in a frenzy from the pheromones that constantly assaulting their senses.

For the man behind the scenes, the one who organized the Drama Club and its cruel and unusual yearly event had even found a way to make a profit from the events. The unlucky students that ended up horribly mismatched with a animal mate would be left in their animal skins, Then sold out of state to farms, reserves or donated to science for breeding and experimenting. The girl run thru by the snake the last year had been mentally shattered, the whole experience of having the snake forcefully fed up her backside, feeling it twist and turn, moving thru her body till its large spade shaped head worked up her throat and out her muzzle, She would never be the same. The young girl inside the suit was left and sold to a testing lab that wanted to recreate the event again and again believing the girl was a real canine and that the experience was something truely unique. The parents given a tidy sum to buy their silence and the Drama club continued for another year.

Those lucky enough to survive their encounter and come out mentally unbroken were allowed to resume their normal lives, freed of the bondage that made them little more than an animal, As long as papers were signed forbidding them from speaking of everything that happend during the time they were an animal, Behind the scenes being poked, probed and treated like an animal in every way. Yet there would be lingering effects, The pheromones they were slathered with, injected with or outright pumped full of would change them to the point that walking down the street may of proved a danger, In an area with a high animal population.

The Drama Club: Year Four {TF, NC, Beast}
It was that time of year again, when the schools joined together to throw that annual show involving their students dressed up as animals, on the stage with real animals. It had been nearly three full years ago they had all witnessed a young boy in the bondage of a Donkey mounted by a real one, Reluctantly swallowing its length orally and survived, the crowd got to see every inch of that donkeys length, just shy of two foot long, with that obscenely thick flared tip pressing into that muzzle and into the boys throat, Got to see his throat bulge, to see the flared tip stretching his flesh even thru the rubbery suit, Got to witness him thrash and his stomach visibly expand as it came, Only to run off into the wilds afterward's humiliated. Days later found on a farm unable to eat or drink with the way the muzzle designed, Surviving only on the brutal donations of piss and cum from the much larger stallions on the farm. Earning quite the name for himself in the process to the point he had become spectacle and a joke, sent to neighboring farms not just for the animals needs but for the show.

In the second year they had witnessed a young girl in a wolf suit at the mercy of a large snake easily double, if not triple the length of her own body before transformed, It lingered in their minds, able to remember the sounds as they witnessed the snake burrow that thick spade shaped head into that trembling canine muzzle and eventually come out her tailhole, The poor girl was never the same again, to the point even her parents decided to leave her in that canine suit treating her more as a family pet than daughter figuring the experience had broken her mind and life as a dog would be kinder than some institution.

The third year had taught the drama club a lesson in just how far they could push things. It would prove to be the most brutal of them all to date, Involving a young girl, younger than even the one before on stage in a cage at the mercy of no less than three Baboons who were quick to discover she had no claws to defend herself with and more importantly no teeth to bite with. The audience got to watch as she was tormented and ultimately mounted in every way imaginable as clawed fingers tore into her flesh with a savage need. By the end she would fall limp between them, She would live yet with a fear of primates, After months of recovery the young pantheress would find her self sold, or rather bought from her parents to a zoo in some third world country where she didn't need to understand what they said, They merely wanted a repeat of the show, And they would have it, At first once a month allowing her time to heal between shows, then they became weekly till they figured she was broken in till they realized she had fans and a audience, The poor girl was paired with more baboons, Apes and even a Gorilla tho had an interest in shoving things inside of her last the school had heard.

Each year had been a success with not a single death (at their hands) And a large profit made off each student that had volunteered or been volunteered by a careless parent. The set up would be the same, only with more funds thrown in the direction of the show, Behind the stage there would be various students, Boys and girls of different ages being striped down and put into different rubbery suits, A lucky few getting disturbingly real animal fleshsuits reinforced to not tear or rip, Some would even still be damp and dripping with a sticky red liquid, But the show must go on, It was a new year, And far to late to back out now.

The crowd was filled with parents, teachers and ordinary towns folks who had showed up, some new to the town others returning from the previous years yet the reaction to the shows events were always the same, met with disgust and lurid interest that kept them coming back, kept them enrolling their them another year. It was almost confusing why they volunteered they all knew the risks, How even surviving could mean never going home yet it could also make them a star like the main show of the last three years, Or that was the line each had been fed, to be remembered and put in shows again and again yet beyond the school no one would ever realize they were not animals. They may of been stars in the school to those looking on, even in their own minds yet to other animals, to future owners and on lookers? Naught but confused animals getting rutted by creatures of a different species.

The Closed Loop: {Machine play, possible bad end, Beast themed.}
Over the years the family had changed things on that farm, Shifting from growing crops to breeding and selling animals, But soon discovered real money was in that seed, Milked by the gallon from a growing number of Equines that were ever more eager with every passing day to be lead to one of those enclosed stall,s To have those thick rubbery hoses worked onto their cock right up to the sheath before suction took over.

The family farm had started small, with first no more than a handful of horse's, Which meant Manually milking the stallions, A long drawn process that came to an end after one of the helpers ended up over a bale of hay wasting priceless seed, She claimed it was rape, she had been over taken by the beast but the family knew better, Then came those large bulky stands that could only handle a single horse at a time, Two if they were aggressively clever in the matter.

The stands lasted for year's on the family farm, Or atleast until some neighbor girl was found inside one of the broken stands after handling an entire days stock, complete with bloated belly and cum drooling from her in ever possible way. The new way allowed the farm to grow, to accept more and more horse's milking them in the same fashion one would a cow, With all human element removed save for actually fitting those rubbery hoses to the stallions cock, And removing it after the deed was done.

Yet where there was a will one would certainly find a way. Which is where she came in, that young teen that was next in line to one day own the farm, The new system installed milked seed from dozens of horse's at a single time, Feeding the seed thru a series of pipes that would eventually lead to a cold storage, Not filling simple kegs or steel drums but large tanks meant to hold hundreds of gallons at a single time in a near frozen state to be sold in bulk.

Camera's had been installed everywhere to keep a repeat of past events from happening, They wouldn't be taken in by cum hungry workers and lose days, Weeks worth of seed collection. Yet she had found a way. Away from the stalls and machines that pumped away the seed, Just outside that cold storage she had found it, A spot off camera's below eye level where the pipes came together feeding into cold storage.

The risk would be something her teenage mind weighed and found acceptable, Not like anything could happen right? Which was exactly what she told the farmhand which was only a year or two older than her. "I'll be fine, just turn it off when the first found finishes" She said with a nod, Not like there could be that volume, not after daily milking, Of this she seemed so certain, A wiggle of her hips given, Racey thong style pantys rolled down over her hips to the floor, kicked off in his direction as she moved to her knee's still wearing that oh so short skirt that in her new bent position showed off the more than ample swell of her rump which would slowly back against the pipe behind her. She had removed a section, The system meant to be closed with no interruption so she devised to take its place for the morning milking, Have her fill and no one would be the wiser. She grinned looking up at him, Letting out a almost whorish moan as she grinded against that tapered pipe behind her letting it tease along her nethers and against that raised backside before turning her attention to the large O opening of the smaller pipe infront of her. "It takes almost exactly thirty minutes for the rotation. Once its done you need to be back here, Turn off the system and get me out, Remember our deal?" She asked with a blush, going over just how exposed she would be for those long minutes, She couldn't help but to squirm with the mere idea of such seed swimming inside of her as her lips pursed, Tasteless ruby painted lips pursing wide at her lips would wrap almost air tight around that pipe that looked to be ever so slightly to wide for her now trembling mouth as she raised a hand, Giving him a thumbs up motion to turn on that system never thinking of just why it was such a closed system or what it meant for a human body to take place of a section oh so close to that cold storage mere feet away from her backside.
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The Voyeur: [Public, Insertions]
She couldn't understand it.. How was that a punishment? She asked her brother again and again after seeing the lewd sight of some local Harlot, With A heavy Iron collar around her throat, Left nude, Dragged, Sent stumbling and crawling thru the streets of the town till her sweat slicked form would be covered with Dust and dirt. Lead thru town down the streets before finally arriving at the center of the village, The Town watch shouting, Calling the entire village to come to the events as she was forced to bend at the hip, Her wrists and neck would be thrust thru the cutout holes and locked into place of the old Stockade, Her hips arched, Heated groan escaping as the passing guard gave those shapely Flanks a slap. She was a shapely woman, Full rounded hips, Pudgy little tummy, Plump heart shaped rump raised ever so slightly above her head.

Full rounded breast that would be as large as a young boys head, Swayed like pendulums as she squirmed in her new found bondage as the townsfolk started to gather. Plump cherry stained tiers smeared with what would make many women blush and feint! Forced to remain their the entire day as random men came to use her, Jealous housewives using the woman by throwing rotting fruit and vegetables at her, A few more daring even shoving one or two particularly large pieces of fruit down her throat or up her backside till her tummy bulged out! The young girl wore little more than a smile as she grinned, Glancing back over her shoulder at her brother as she giggled, Joking with him, Of course it would fit! She motioned to the large pile of fruits and vegetables pilfered from the family's farm, Some of which still peppered with mud and Dirt.

After such a lewd showing earlier he promised her that anything he choose would fit and she would be more than eager to find out first hand, Practically dragging him into the stables away from prying eyes. Her flesh glistening with sweat, Pert breast little more than palm fulls with pink nipples that stood erect, A smooth little tummy leading up to those shapely little hips and that valentine shaped rump, She would bend slightly at the hips, soft caramel hued thighs parted ever so slightly, Her back arched as she raised that valentine shaped backside towards him, Patting her cheeks as she giggled softly offering her backside to him, But not before almost commanding that he dip into the oil or grease that was used for cooking, Or even dipping into one of those dirty Kegs filled with horse seed, Many of the fruits and veggies in that pile, Like everything else in those Stables would be Incredibly large.

Many perhaps even to large for that Harlot no doubt still bound to those Stockades in the center of the small village. The pile of fruits and veggies would be plentiful, Plucked from the family and neighbors fields only moments ago, Still caked with sand, Dirt and mud. Neither of which seemed to phase her. Yet the young girl felt she had something to prove! And as they both saw, Countless things could fit! Just ask that harlot with the bulging tummy, Such things would lead to her current position. Half bent over, Casting a long gaze over her shoulder at him as those dirty blonde locks spilled over her shoulder, Drawing in a deep breath, The young girl well on her way to joining that Harlot in the center of town as if it were some great honor.

The Princess Ride [Beast, NC, Bad End Possible.]

She was the princess of a bustling Merchant empire, Yet the day came thanks in part to her father, A man who had dealing in everything from weapons to slave's, He had Accidentally allowed a princess visiting a nearby village to be branded and sold off as a slave, As if that wasn't bad enough, Gaining only a silver or two not even the price of a ransom. The army marched down and sought to burn the kingdom to the ground scorching every last stone, The Castle being the first to fall leading to the Hasty retreat, The princess's form a supple milky hue with long, Dirty Strawberry blonde hued locks of hair, Full rounded breast stained with a light sweaty sheen, smooth little tummy and a valentine shaped rump. She was busy eyeing that fine Stallion, In Full shimmering Armor.

The plan? Ride to one of the friendly nations and get help! Yet she hadn't a clue how to even ride a horse properly, In haste Somehow she managed to be pushed onto the Stallion backwards, With The bonds to loose, They did well to hold her on top the horse for a single stride, Possibly even Two before they allowed her to slide down around that heavy barreled chest of the stallion, Eclipsed in darkness her only clue to what happen? Feeling the not so gentle Snatch of her hair by those powerful strides of the Stallion, Her form hidden almost perfectly by that heavy Mail armor and the battle dress as she slipped from atop the stallion, Around its side to hand from its belie. That long battle dress the Stallion wore would hang Nearly to the ground below. The only give away that she was even there on the apparent Riderless horse? The sight of those long locks of hair that almost Matched the Stallions own Mane.

The princess screamed for her life as the Stallion took off, Heavy hooved limbs kicking up sand and mud, Blood stained grass upwards to splatter her one perfect milky complexion. By time the Stallion started to slow to that heavy spirited Trot she was left bouncing, Up and down her bare breast crushed against its swollen stomach, Her thighs parted, Stretched upwards Almost wrapped around the Stallions neck, Tied by the ankle to its Reigns. Tight tight enough that her body was pressed firm against its body yet able to sway, Swing idly against its underside as she was left with her head tilted back, Groaning softly, That heavy gallop leaving her dazed, Drooling ever so slightly with a bruised lip. The smell under the horse nothing short of Dizzying, Thick balmy scent of its sweat she stared, Watching those thick swollen melon sized orbs. Swollen leathery orbs bounce and sway with every stride the Stallion made, Dripping with large beads of sweat that would occasionally be sent to splatter against her gentle features. She stared at it, Watching with an lewd interest with little clue what the feeling of her painted lips brushing against that heavy sheath would mean in the cumming moments.

The Devotion: [Beast, Incest]

The idea wouldn't be to terribly far fetched given the situation. She would be a shapely young woman, Driven from her park avenue apartment when her fetish was discovered, She couldn't help herself! Ending up knotted orally by one large Stray or another she brought at home, When her muffled screams brought neighbors kicking down the door to see her, With her nose almost buried into some Stray mutts rump! Her jaw nearly broken as it shifted that knotted length into her mouth. She had spent nearly an entire hour in that lewd position as people came in and out of her apartment, Talk of evicting her, Taking pictures before that knot deflated enough to let her try and plead her side of the story, To make matters worse? The Dog belonged to her neighbor. Eventually she found herself on the street, Deciding life wasn't worth it if she couldn't indulge in her fantasy's bringing her to her Current position.

She could of been called a shapely woman before that event that happen now nearly 24 hours ago, It seemed like another life for her when she had come to that high end costume shop with quite the proposition, One they certainly couldn't refuse when she offered them her Credit cards and bank accounts to work from, From there it would of taken hours of striping the young woman, Revealing those ample sized breasts, Little more than palm-full's, Those pert fleshy nipples that stood painfully erect, Her smooth tummy and those shapely hips complete with an ever so slightly Plump Valentine shaped rump. They joked, Poking fun at her that she would better fit the costume of a Mare than a Simple Pup to be bred and mounted at some local park, Yet she insisted every step of the way, Happily parading around nude as she told them down to the last detail what she wanted.

Finally the time would come, Almost Gleefully they would get to work, Oiling her liberally with scented, Pheromone laced oils, exploring every inch of that rich caramel hued flesh till it dripped in heavy beads down her curves, Those long, almost raven colored locks would be bathed in those oils, Brushed back, Till they would be matted against her shoulders and to the small of her back, Next came the bondage, that heavy latex bondage. First would of been those heavy paws, Her hands worked into them, Her fingers tucked under and worked into each of the little paws, her own weight threatening to crush each finger, Her legs next, With her toes worked into the hind paws, The bondage worked up slowly, Extra thick, Tight around her legs forcing her legs to bend till she cried out, Thinking her knee's would be broken under the stress as she resisted, But soon settled in, Her legs forced to be bent, The proper height for a large breed dog, The bondage worked up her oiled form more and more of her flesh vanishing before finally would be that work of art, that heavy muzzle worked over her head like a mask, Able to see out of the eye slots perfectly before she felt a hand working into her mouth, If her story was true she could easily accept the mans hand as he was busy working that rubbery mold over her teeth, Told to bite down again and again till it started to work, Binding to her teeth, Irreversible by this point, Her mouth connected to that muzzle that would open and close with her mouth, Yet never allow her mouth to close entirely, Forcing her to drool just the slightest bit, Once in the suit, Transformed into a shapely bitch they decided on the Fur, The color, thickness. It would be a pain filled experience as the fur was attached to the Latex last, Using what she could imagine only as Hot Glue it would feel as if it were being attached to her very flesh, But soon it would be complete, The illusion done, In every respect the Shapely woman transformed into a simple Mutt, Some unknown large breed Canine that would radiate with the scent of being in heat, A scent of need, And before the night was done she was sure to show a few old dogs some very new tricks, And even an all to curious owner or two in the process.

The Pinata: [Dark, Badend, Insertions, Public.]

Been working on a Pinata styled idea, Girl in a pinata. The girl in question would be played by me (Naturaly). Could be any kind of girl, young teen to milf basically being put inside a pinata, One idea would be a shapely woman at an adult themed party in the vein of a girl jumping out of a cake, Its supposed to be busted open and a girl comes out with whatever (Stuffed with candy, an toy or two) Things could go wrong in a matter of ways, From the outlandish, Imagine the poor lass in question being all stuffed with treats and ending up at some celebration at a zoo with a drunken lot, Workers who think it would be funner to let a Bear break open the pinata to have at the treats, Or even wolfs and so on, Or something as simple as a mixup and the woman inside gets delivered to a children's party, She could be perfectly willing, thinking she being delivered to a normal adult party, bachelor party or some such only she ends up with unsupervised kids. When she gets busted out of the pinata and suddenly the young boys have a nude, half bound, candy stuffed woman at their "disposal", Thinking they could have their fun and hide her away. I would imagine traditional animal pinata, Dog for example so that she could be inside with simple Ribbon as her restraint, A perfectly positioned Jawbreaker in her mouth to keep her from crying out until released, Maybe a few more sizable candies else ware.

The idea is basic but it naturally has alot of potential especially for becoming a really dark little story, the girl from The Pinata is to be a slightly broken girl many would say, The type who got in trouble just to feel the sting of a bare hand against her backside, The smacking of a paddle only to grow from there as she got older, Relishing in being whipped, Coated in smoldering hot Wax, Pierced and all the darker things that come with the S&M life before the found that add, The job just for her, To become a living pinata, She relished in the thought of becoming a mere item, to be on display, a simple Party favor to many, To feel the sting of what ever used to break open that colorful pinata used to hide her nude form, Before i get off Track, That is the outline for the girl's personality, Willing in every respect, She isnt there for the Sex but for the exquisite pain such a position would bring her.

Hooves & Harlots: [DnD themed, TF, Cursed objects.]

It started as a curse, A young Elf girl with a lewd mind, She befriended a druid one night but not untill he lost control of his were or animal form and ended up ravaging her, use'ing her body for only the most deviant needs, He tried to apologize when he regained control but unlike most in her position, She was deilightfully pleased by what had happend! She visited the druid daily begging, pleading with him to allow her to pleasure his other forms..all in the name of protecting the innocents nearby of course! Yet in pleasuring his other forms the druid demanded she also submit to his mortal side yet, she refused, outright telling him no at every advance, Enraged, spitefull the druid would leave her for several days visiting dark crafters of the Underdark, Enlisting them to craft such a suit made of unpiercing material lined with real fur and cursed, Once finished He brought it to the girl..promised if she wore it he would take her to a hidden grove of druids that would love nothing more than to ravage the young girl but..there was a catch.. they had to think her an animal, She put it on without questioning, The curse taking effect forcing her to wear the suit forever as it would cling to her flesh forcing her to move like the animal she mimicked and wished she could be, It would grow as she does, It heals around bites, cuts and slashes, While damage will be done to her the suit would remain unscathed, As if healing its self but such draws on her sanity, Meaning the girl sure could run into a den of beast or monsters and be mounted till she couldnt walk straight but those claws and bites, with every drop of blood offered a small bit of her mind would be eaten away. Yet it has one perk, It fools animals into thinking she is just that, Fools many hunters, warriors and even lesser Sentient creatures into thinking she is some mannor of beast, Demon and so on.

The White Bull: [Beast, Badend, NC, Objectification]

At least once a year, the people gather in worship, and celebration of the gods. It was always considered a contest between the nobles, of who could bring the gods the greatest offering. Every family tried to out do the other, but none was ever able to out do the queen. She offered things that most considered priceless, from great works of art, to the most skilled gladiator. Yet this year she out did herself. Through the finest selection, she'd been able to produce a magnificent white bull, the likes of what the world had never seen. But the bull was to great in the queens mind. She'd had it breed, and feed, surely it was hers by right? She'd given much more then most people had in their life times, she could keep this one thing.

Yet the gods disagreed, for in their eyes, this action meant the Queen saw herself above the gods, and they decided to teach her a lesson of humility. One morning, the Queen rose, though her mind was not her own. Aphrodite had taken hold of the Queens mind, and now controlled her like one would a puppet. She walked down to the finest craftsman in all of Greek, and requested for him to build her a hallowed out wooden cow. She explained that she wished the people see the prowess of her mighty bull, but such a mighty creature was surely above just any random cow, it deserved a real woman.The craftsman having heard tales of the mighty bull, and seeing the gold the queen presented, did not argue. Aphrodite then left in the form of the queen, and started inviting her near and dear, telling them she wished to display the great bull to them, in all his glory. The tales were many, but few had actually seen the bull, and so there were none who wished to miss this event. Aphrodite then returned to bed, and when the queen awoke, she knew of nothing which had happened. Until the day of celebration, when she awoke only to find herself strapped in bitch black darkness, unable to move.

Time and time again thru out the nights leading up to the grand celebration the queen would play puppet, And with good reason, The Goddess of love had a personal stake in all of this and had to get things right, Humiliating the Queen in the process, Forcing her to submit to the lowly hands of the Craftsmen and his many apprentices for measurements during the long hours of the night, Nude on a platform as a living model, Allowing them to grope, Fondle her all the while to make sure everything would be just right. One morning the queen would wake frmo her slumber with a growing Ache all over that supple Nubile form, Her back ached, Her wrist and Ankled burned from those tightly bound tanned leather straps, Down on her hands and knee's inside of that Wooden Cow, Her wrist pressing into the Arms of the Cow and shackled in place, Her feet suffered a similar face, Shackled in place, Her legs spread wide inside that bondage, Knee's almost to her sides, Her back forced to arch once that Wooden back was installed, Nailed in to place traping the shapely queen in that bondage, Forever as a tribute to the Gods if not for those instructions for a public revelation after the lewd events to follow, She tried to move, To flail, To scream for help but found her voice muted with only crude "Moo's" able to escape no matter how she tried to scream The costume crudely made of splintered and hard wood wouldn't afford her the comforts her tender caramel hued flesh used to, With only the tiniest bit of lite shining in from between her thighs, It would be a long day, With that opening at the "Cows" rear suspiciously large as the Craftsmen had her presented for all to see, Inviting them to Feel what the Bull was about to, To See what the Gods allowed their finest creations to have.

At first all was silent, but soon enough voices started to fill the air around her. Though the wood was thick, she could hear every word, thanks to Aphrodite. They asked the servants where their queen was, why she didn't receive them as was proper. The servants apologized and said the queen was occupied. Some of the guest cursed to themselves, feeling insulted, while others laughed and merely enjoyed the treats that was offered to them. At first none cared for the wooden cow in the middle of the room, for there was much art to be found in that room alone, and if people did admire it, it was from a distance. It was not until a young noble man started to look for the queen, his eyes flashed over the rear of the statue, and he paused...Had he just seen right? Upon closer speculation he had. A small hole was cut in the back of the cow, hard to see from a distance but up close he could see the flesh beyond. He inspected the cow carefully, but saw no cracks where one might enter, for it was expertly built after all, and only the craftsman himself knew how to open it. The man assumed it was something put there by the gods, and hesitated, then reading the writing smiled, and ran a thoughtful hand, over the unsuspecting queens folds.

By time the crowd moved away from the Wooden Cow the Queen trapt inside would of been torn between Rage and Tears as they completely ignored her and what she was going thru, It was their fault for not knowing and they would pay surely, But soon things grew silent for her, Hearing nothing outside of the occasional clatter of someone dropping something, She flailed in that bondage, Tears stained her features as her muted cries were reduced to little more than pitiful Moo's for attention. To her it would feel like hours had passed and not simple moments. The queen was locked in darkness, Oblivion as the young male approached her from behind and began inspecting her bondage, It was only a moment before she was stunned, Shocked to feel that hand pressing firm against those damp folds, Able to feel the wiggle of her hips, And the only movement her encasement allowed, The ability to raise or lower those hips ever so slightly, The Queen given a crude choice in how she would Take the Bull the first time, Between those quivering neither? Or up that delectable backside only inches away from those probing fingers.

The Cursed:

For it had to be said that Princess Alicia was a peach. She had the tantalizing arrogance that came with the title, coupled to a body that drained men's faces with lust just for a glimpse of it. Where women should be round, she was curvier; where they should go in, she went in further, Her nipples stood out like raspberries, her cunt swollen and glistening a deep cherry shade and seemed to pulse with a life of its own. Which perhaps it did. Because - and here we get to the nub of the problem - the Princess had never managed to achieve orgasm. It was as though there was a cut-off switch just before the climax, shutting down the volcanic eruption seconds before the explosion. Like a stifled sneeze multiplied a thousand fold.

This might not have mattered if the Princess had been uninterested in sex. Sadly she wanted to be fucked so badly she would kill for it. Or worse. Being part of a fairly liberal sort of court she had been expected to try out a few men before settling down with the prince of her fancy. Her mum and dad - the King and Queen - had started out that way. And Alice at Seventeen began to try her hand at it. Her first experiences were interesting and highly stimulating. She was made for this sex stuff it seemed. But after the first two or three she began to notice that the young princes were having more fun than she was. There began to be an ache in her cunt which grew and grew and never seemed to be satisfied. She talked to the Queen about it who suggested some new positions and Alicia confidently returned to the fray.

Nothing happened - and we do mean nothing. The princes contorted themselves to pleasure the Princess but as she began the run-up to orgasm the whole thing slid away from her like snow on the tongue. She increased the pace, till there was a queue outside her door. Then out came the potions. Evil smelling, evil tasting. Stuff made from bats,frogs, bulls, plants. But still nothing. The ache became a torment. Drastic measures were called for. In the depths of her growling need, the sex-maddened young woman made an announcement. She moved down market.Any able-bodied man from any part of the kingdom, near or far, who could satisfy her royal craving would have her hand. He would also get the king's job when his majesty had vacated the throne and this earth. This was the inducement. But in her rage, she added a condition for failure. Anyone who tried and failed in the attempt - thus sharpening her Highness's hunger pains - would have to pay a heavy price.

The Countess: [Beast, NC, Snuff, Vore]

The Countess as she was known by many, Was often said to be...Touched, She was mad and how wonderfully so, Hearing voices and whispers in the house, She called home. Always the vain woman, Wanting nothing more than to have all that she came across to swoon at the mere sight of her! Wanting a beauty that would never fade, She studied ancient lore and story's of the occult, Story's of bathing in the blood of the pure, Thus.. she did, One mid-winters evening luring one of her fathers young playthings away into hiding within her chambers, Enticing the supple beauty even to bathe with her, Only to slay the 'pet' bathe in her blood, And it worked! The voice of that Dark Goddess only grew louder in her head, desiring more, twisting the Countess' mind until she would be caught, In the dead of night they came, Baring flaming sticks and buckets of blessed water, Lead by a man of the church, Yet the voices grew stronger telling The young Countess how she could attain the perfection she desired.. but she needed more, The paltry pints gained from a few maidens wouldn't do, She needed to offer more.. much more, Yet even the whispers could of protected her from what was to come, Soon enraged mob's would arrive Setting her Family home ablaze, Yet The countess had already fled, Under the cover of the night. She soon fell upon a long abandoned tower. With the hushed whispers guiding her every step, cold charred stone in the midst of a great unkempt Hedge maze. The whisper's continued, As she slowly climbed the tower. Her way up the winding stair case of the tower proving much more enjoyable than one ever could of imagined. The Countess paused, Stopping at each room she crossed, Peering inside only to be granted a tormenting vision, A lewd history to her new home unfolding in lurid detail before her eyes. The first sight being one cold stone room lit only by a flickering flame hanging from an ancient looking torches that lined the walls, Each room seeming even more deviant than the last, The first she cross would have a young girl, Naught more than a teen! The young daughter belonging to a nearby Nobleman writhing in pain, Everything about her screamed Lolita, Her knee's pressed firm to the cold stone, Long slender legs parted shamelessly, smooth little tummy bulged ever so slightly, Ample breast little more than palmfulls, Long golden locks of hair dirtied and unwashed, Matted to her shoulders soaked in saliva, and from what? Why that massive two headed Canine beast that easily towered over her, Mounting the supple girl from behind its long fur brushing against her spine as not one but Two knotted cocks pressed into her, Vanishing up one tiny little entrance or another as thick strings of drool dripped from its canine muzzles pooling into the girls hair and dripping down her features, The Countess lingered watching it replay again and again as if some memory etched into the very stone. Another room a similar scene, A slightly older girl, One she may of recognized, Shapely barmaid from the nearby town, Full rounded breast easily as large as a young boys head. Strapped to an old sunken Stone table barely above a knee's height, Hay covering the floor as Griffins flocked into the room around her, With large open windows it had become a makeshift roost, The woman's stomach distended inhumanly and nearby he could see why, Eggs, Massive eggs nearly double the size of a young child! The woman reduced to a Breeding device, The tortured Brood Mother to the Griffins that Flocked into the small room at the towers edge. And yet other floors, Other rooms all held a different scene of deviance until finally he reached the Pinnacle of the tower, Large room etched with runes springing to life the moment she entered.
The Countess devoted the next few years of her life following the voices, etching, carving Runes of dark magics within the walls of the stone Tower, Once finished it brimmed with magic, Lost dark arts to fuel her twisted desires. The countess was told she could continue offering Young maidens and bathing in their blood, Thus She started inviting young nobles both male and female to her tower to partake in sins and lusts they had never dreamed, Fueled by soft whispers, The runes of the tower granted her certain gifts, Allowing the countess to control what ever beast or even demons that stalked the halls, The Towers long halls echoing with the cries, Both male and female all at her beckon, The Countess relishing in seeing nothing more than those who thought little of her brought to their knee's in the throws of rapture, but she waited, continuing to corrupt and taint their minds and body until they came, begging, offering themselves willingly, Her ways continued selecting only the best, Again she would bath in their blood caring little as the others watched, To lost in their own lust to stop her or try an escape, But soon the knights came, Again yet the bindings, The Rune's prevented followers not of the Goddess from entering. Thus They set it ablaze, Feeding the flames while the Countess dwelled still within, Smoke poured from the tallest windows, by morning the tower was left covered in ash and filled with soot, They could finally enter, the top floor of the tower they found large marble pools filled with blood yet no sign of the Countess, Venturing its depths, To its deepest pits only to find her, With flesh turned to stone, her form perfection nary a mark of fire touched within feet of the ever shapely Countess now turned to stone, The tower would be left, Soon the knights, Priest and clerics left, returning once every few moons to purify the Tower, yet ever still the villagers nearby could hear a torrid string of bliss-filled moans echoing thru the night from the tower, The countess still yet lived, Immortal, undieing, Unable to escape the Tower.

The Bear: [Beast, NC, Snuff, Vore]
Imagine if you will Some poor girl in a realistic Bear suit sneaking into an exhibit at the local zoo, After a night of being bred and nearly mauled for being new she is almost unrecognizable due to caked mud and cum soaking into that fake bear suit. She quickly comes to realize that escape isn't exactly possible when the world sees her as a bear. The suit designed in a way that she cant remove it on her own, And Zookeepers pump her full of Tranqs her every time she tries to approach them! Maybe even unluckily selected for a breeding program, That ends up with her shipped across the country / world.. Or worse... released into the wild?

Maybe it starts as something innocent as a drunken night out with friends leading to the bear suit and waking up at the entrance to the Zoo, In a drunken haze being tranqed and drumped in the exhibit as a escaped animal. Maybe its a Dare that she couldnt trick a real live bear into believing she was the real thing only to go to far and things take a wonderfully dark, and filling twist...

The Hunted: [Bad end, Public, Beast, Transformation}
It was her father's last chance of the season, his last chance to catch him a buck. her father was fairly desperate by this point having gone out every single weekend only to come back empty-handed. That was when she volunteered to help him, she didn't mind it in the previous season when that half ton wild pig had gotten ahold of her and mounted her, even if her father waited till it finished inside of her before offering the beast. She swore she didn't mind that it took months to recover, she didn't mind that humiliation where the pain she was put through during the recovery. It would be a few days before his final hunting trip of the year that he put his plan into action, a suit she would be wearing would be made of a real deer, a flesh suit but only slightly less gory.

She had been taken to one of his buddies shops, the older man was a taxidermist and had no qualms about happily measuring her, stripping her down to nothing and taking her measurements exactly to find the perfect deer pelt to squeeze her into. From then on the preparation would begin, from that very day after the taxidermist visit she would be taken home our father going over every detail of how she should act, what would happen, how big a buck really was compared to her teenage. she remembered sitting at the dinner table, watching her mother grow flustered and angry yelling at her father and questioning both of them to which she only replied how willing, how eager she was to do anything to help her father get a perfect buck.

The rest of that meal was spent in silence she was barely allowed to finish eating before her father what unveil what she would have to go through, she remembered vividly call her father what's setup for her that evening, she was guided upstairs to the shower where she would use hair removing chemicals to strip every inch of hair from her body. A coarse brush used to scrub away at her skin, once completed it was by her father's own hand that she would be given multiple enemas until her stomach churned and ached. This process will be repeated several times throughout the night. It was nearing midnight when her father's friend showed up with that deer pelt. It would be thick made with real deer with reinforcements around the joints to assist and letting her move naturally and endured the weight of a large buck when her father explained what the plan was. from there it was all downhill for her.

She would be stripped again this time in the backyard with a little worried about the neighbors seeing at this late hour, she was forced to step into the deer pelt. It was freshly oiled and stretched wondrously around her flesh, quivering feet inch down those hooven hindquarters kill her toes rested against the hardened hoof. She was enforced to bend forward, the deer pelt inched up to it fit it around her shoulders, she felt her fingers extend pressing into the fore hooves and would have to endure the brunt of her own weight. Her fingers trembled and ate already even after just a few minutes in that prone position inside the deerskin, our Father however already had his task in mind and nothing would stop him. She blushed, pictures of features stained ever-deepening Cherry shade as she could almost filled his older taxidermist friend staring at her new form, yet her father didn't see her like that her father barely noticed her as he continued the transformation, inching the deer hide up over her hips pulling tight to ensure it fit properly around her shoulders and chest even as she could feel her breast being pinched broke though most by the hide.

It squeezed her body shamelessly forcing her to suck her stomach in, I breathing would already be limited and the suit wasn't even shut tight around her yet. Yes she could feel the zipper being Yanked and worked up slowly before her head was suddenly forced down into the head. For long seconds the world would be black as the two men juncture head from side to side, even with the lube, even with those pheromones latest oils being used it would still be slow going getting her rounded head in that narrow deer muzzle. Yet they will succeed in the end, the way it fit it went to squeeze against her Jaws almost painfully forcing her mouth to gape open ever-so-slightly forgetting her speaking barely able to swallow the way it's squeezed and stretched around her throat. And yet they would continue with the transformation almost done only a tiny bit of those human features would even remain, The flesh visible her spine and up her back to her neck would be visible at the suit had yet to be closed completely around here. Her heart raced it was almost complete she was almost the thing our Father desired, yet she didn't realize he was just a tool, a means to get what he wanted.

Next she could feel her father's thick thumb well lubricated with those pheromones being shoved deep into her virgin asshole, almost without delay seconds later she felt two fingers pressing into her cunt forcing a startled cry from her muzzled features as she heard her father scold her and demanded she stopped moving, the taxidermist then would step in pressing his weight against her, one hand firm against her spine as his other hand worked at the zipper her father ensuring everything stayed lined up properly as the suit slowly being pulled shut around her as fur of the suit would naturally hide the zipper. She can feel it tightening all around her as the zipper pulled Hyde together stretching ever-so-slightly around her form forcing her body to contort to that of the deer almost.

She could barely breathe, she felt almost lightheaded with being unable to draw in a full deep breath of air then her father's fingers would pull out of her unceremonious late delivering a Swift and hard swapped to her backside causing her to yelp and straight out of his way before turning around, left panting drooling as she watched him in the taxidermist shake hands congratulating each other on a job well done. Her father then said she looked good, she would make the perfect bait animal to ensure he got a buck on his final hunting weekend of the year. He then thanked the taxidermist, missing him that in the next couple years they would go for something even bigger. She would then be left, left to wander, left to graze in the backyard. Looking every bit like a real Doe, thanks to those pheromones smelling like one very much in the middle of heat. play there she would be left as temperatures dropped lower and lower, given only one choice but to learn how to walk and move within the confines of the suit. To give her best performance for her father, oblivious of what cruelty lied and weight.

The Vet Test: [TF, Insertions, Beast, Possible Bad-end]
It was the perfect test for her students, the final examination she mused silently to herself. She would become an Animal in the name of testing the next generation of Vets. It would all take place at a state of the art veterinary school that offered no privacy. With glass walls separating examination rooms, testing labs, insemination rooms, and countless other rooms. for her the day had started hours before dawn, Her hair a salty blonde hue with long slightly curled locks that would come past her shoulders reaching to the curve of that shapely backside, Her flesh a soft sun stained caramel hue, Her curves plentiful with long coltish legs that arched ever so slightly, Shapely hips with a ever so slightly pump valentine shaped rump. Heavy breasts every bit the handful nearly the size of a young boy's head able to sway and bounce ever so slightly with any given movement she made. Yet all that would be hidden by this point.

Hours had been spent by this point working her into that bondage, working the heavy latex and real horsehair mesh around her shapely nude form using the provided pheromone laced oils to allow it to slip on easier and leave her with the proper musk of a mare. Again and again, her co-workers told her it couldn't be removed short of being melted off, and each time they brought it up she told them just to do it, Inside the suit her own oiled flesh would be squeezed and groped by that of the suit, a harness held her back flush with that of the suit, ensuring her spine and holes lined up properly, her head forced to tilt back staring down that muzzle, Locked in place at the rear of the mare's faux skull. Yet they could worry about that when the time came as her human features vanished slowly and she filled out that Equine bondage more and more. The flesh of the suit a deep chestnut color with a sandy-colored tail and her own real locks of hair threaded thru to make up the mane of the bondage.

She would be a sight, That now chestnut-colored mare with a golden blonde mane. Leaving her to Stare down that long muzzle, With one of her co-workers long arm, Their hand working into her mouth working the fitting over her teeth till she gagged, Choked, Believing she would suffocate before that hand was removed from her quivering lips and from that stretched muzzle that measured several inches in length, She could feel them pinching and tugging the flesh that was glued almost to her own, ensuring it was fitted properly that it would move how she did, She felt probing fingers at those plump mare cunt lips, forcing her own to stretch in the name of ensuring it was all lined up, oiled figures did the same then with her asshole before she was loaded into a truck, an old horse carrier and away from any resemblance of human life, Willingly.

It was all in the name of testing. She would play the role of the mare in front of her own student Vets, The students clueless that their first animal of the day wasn't an animal at all. If the students failed to figure her out by the end of the day they would all fail, And she would be on the receiving end of a very humiliating experiencing involving a speculum, more than a few well-oiled fists slipping in and out of her quivering holes and countless other normal things for a horse that would be all too cruel to the shapely human.

When the students arrived they would be given the paperwork for 'the mare' and instructed to retrieve her from the horse carrier, get her prepped and begin the examination. How her heart raced, yet she was confident still, her students were top of the class and she bet against her co-workers that they would figure her out before the first speculum was oiled up. Yet little did she know that only moments after setting the students to task her co-workers would be called away, leaving her at the mercy of her students, with no oversight to spare her before things began to spiral beyond her control.

Pokémon: Got to breed them all! [Pokémon, possible bad-ends]
All these idea's and more to come, Needless to say transformation is a big kink, I have no limits and enjoy long walls of text. Seeking a dominate mind with outside the box thinking. Bad ends are lusted for but not required.
In lieu of the up coming Pokémon game, I thought I would get ahead of the curve and bring back an old Pokémon series of idea's I had! Each idea below will focus on a different aspect or niche of the Pokémon world and can readily be swapped around and nothing is set in stone. Pokémon breeding is exciting and far from an exact science with so many different types that come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. And lets not forget the different Pokémon types out there with so many different flavors of seed, some toxic or even painful to the Pokémon they are breeding with, and would certainly have.. effects on a young Pokémon breeder with ideas!

Poison types with thick toxic seed that can be debilitating to its intended mate, weakening even.
Ground types with seed that has the consistency of wet cement like seed that weighs heavy in ones belly.
Fire types with burning hot seed the likes to catch leaves and brush on fire!
Water types that have thin runny seed and cum by the liter.
Electric types that leave a poke's mate trembling and twitching for hours after breeding.
Psychic types could offer a domination type of effect? Placing the recipient under the Pokémon's control.

And those are just examples! Things get more interesting with dual type Pokémon's! And we are not even touching on the different sizes of Pokémon out there! From the tiny Ratatta to the towering Wailord, Dialga and others! Of course size matters, a massive Pokémon would have an equally large....ahem...

Some ideas I am working on would be things like..

Breeder's Delights: A fledgling Pokémon breeder in training, Sets out to experience Pokémon breeding first hand! This of course means transformation via Pokémon suit to take on the appearance of a semi rare Pokémon in a contained lab type environment. Of course things could go wrong in countless different ways, There is always being vastly size mismatched, or type mismatched, of course Pokémon seed would be exceptionally critical vs a human body.
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Ditto used Transform!?: This one would involve a trainer's mishap with the Pokémon Ditto. The poor Ditto and human end up getting knocked together during its transform and the poor trainer ends up trapt inside of the Ditto or possibly fused with it. A few ideas here such as the Ditto ends up captured and the two are bound together resulting in a random Pokémon transformation each time he/she is summoned due to the trainer's inability to know anything about how a Ditto transforms. The trainer turned Pokémon has no choice but to obey even if they don't know a single attack! No matter what form the Ditto adopts the human is inside able to feel everything as if they were the Ditto, and the two would constantly battle for control of the body leading to some interesting positioned when facing a wild Pokémon. Not to mention teach the Pokémon world a few things about the way humans breed for fun.
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And the prize goes to..: A young trainer enters a Pokémon contest as.. well.. a Pokémon! A trainer dons a rubbery humanoid Pokémon bondage / suit and tries to out Pokémon, Pokémon. And with good reason once they heard the grand prize of the contest is a chance to breed with a rare Pokémon! Only things become more interesting when not only does she win, but has the chance to get bred right there on stage as a Pokémon in front of so many. Questions become can she get knocked up and carry an Pokémon egg? Will that precious chance and seed go to waste? Will she get found out and ejected without ever having the chance to be center stage!?
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Convention Girl: [Public, Insertions, Beast, Possible Bad-end]
Many of the elements below are optional as nor everyone is into the same kinks as me! But to this end, Ive posted the raunchier version of the story. My limits are none and i enjoy long walls of text! But without further adieu, On with the story!

Imagine a small farming style town in the mid-west where they have animal auctions and conventions based around showing off the newest technology in animal husbandry, from simple stands and milking machines to injections and chems meant to be injected to induce heat, but also all the big machinery intended to inseminate animals, Anywho! Some poor girl gets talked into, dared ect by a sibling, friend, boyfriend or whatnot into attending one of the events in a Animal bondage suit! {See attached image} where anyone can clearly see the human curves and is obviously human but would have all the freedom and movement restrictions of a real animal. For her trouble she gets volunteered into all sorts of situations that would get more and more out of hand as more people see her in action and 'willing'.

Maybe sometime into being paraded around after being talked into being publicly inseminated with very fresh or extremely stale animal seed being used simply for depravity sake and to dispose of the old seed or even the troughs that collected animal piss thru-out the day, using her as a living breathing dumpster. She could also get confronted for being a tease, for riling up the animals that are due to be up for auction and gets volunteered to relieve them since its unprofessional to have unruly animals fully erect on stage! All thanks in no small part to the seed pumped into her but also those injections that might just give her an animal musk. confronted and then dragged along to different horse trailers for example for no other reason than to relieve the animal inside her only saving grace being that its only the animal owner and her (Friend, sibling ect) Watching her nearly getting crushed while getting impaled.

While i have countless ideas of how things can go horribly wrong, I imagined her first 'round' of it being kind of innocent or at least innocent compared to what she would later be facing down. She would be called over talked down to by some man who runs one of the insemination machines and he starts talking about the products and services before asking for her assistance, her help in getting rid of some old seed, thick chunky completely unusable, hes just out of room and the convention charges to much to dispose of it, She thinks nothing of it, thinks its harmless clearly not getting his true meaning. Thinking that she would be helping him carry it off or something, He tells her it would only take a few moments and before she could truly process what was happening she would either A, be hooked into the breeding stand like insemination machine or B, Have a hose from a storage unit forced into her muzzle and the flow turned on, Heavy hand on the back of her head holding the hose in place, when she tries to pull away he inches it just a little more down her throat all while nodding along and smiling to people passing by, thanking her even as her belly grows.

I dont think he would do it to her to be cruel, He might even expect her willingness considering shes dressed up as an animal at one of these convention/shows, so as he holds her in place with that tube inching down her throat he might even be surprised at how she would pull and buck to escape! The poor girls first taste of cum being from an animal and being very very old.

Of course there is an alternate version of the story, because i always have alternates and side stories! It would be around the same idea, some animal convention in the midwest, only this time the star is someone a bit more well known. A Young girl whos family runs a rather upscale and popular studding farm, the kind with all of the state of the art toys but her family cares more about the brand and the business than her, or at-least that's how she feels. So she sets out to sabotage the family name/brand putting her ass literally on the line. She would attend the convention and would wait till the second day of the event when everything is in full swing and slip into a suit (Thinking ponygirl?) something that proudly has the family name/logo printed on it quite visibly. Animal features but no mistaking that shes 100% human and completely defenselsss. She obviously didnt think it thru completely wanting only to tarnish the families name and knock them down a few pegs but things would quickly get out of her control, she could end up facing down insemination machines getting pumped full of liters worth of animal seed in various degrees of freshness, end up on display at a milking machine and just about any thing else you could think of all before the climax of the weekend where she just might get to play belly rider to a full sized horse.
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The High King Harwyn's mind rotted slowly, like damp wood beneath velvet drapes. Madness had entered him with the stealth of an assassin's blade, unnoticed until deeply embedded. His court watched in horror as the king abandoned reason for delirium, how he would seek counsel only in his great warhorse, Vharaxa, murmuring promises into the beast's dark mane. Eventually, all knew his sanity was truly lost when he summoned his three daughters before the entire court and pronounced his last grotesque decree:

"Of my daughters, Only she who beds my stallion, Vharaxa, shall inherit the crown. Her flesh and will shall prove her worth, and the beast shall choose."

The decree sent a shudder through the assembled nobility, yet none dared oppose him. The beast—enormous, ink-black, and ancient as forgotten gods—stood impassively, eyes burning gold with otherworldly intelligence. Soon, preparations began for a spectacle born from the king's fevered dreams, and three daughters prepared to face horror to claim their birthright.

The First Daughter.
was eldest and proudest, renowned for intellect and poise, her bearing regal, her words carefully measured. Yet beneath the surface was cold ambition; she believed the crown was already hers, if only she could overcome this dark trial. Choosing grandeur over subtlety, Diana commanded the Great Hall be decorated lavishly—golden drapes, silk banners, and polished marble floors reflecting candlelight, turning the hall into a glittering stage. Dressed only in sheer gauze, perfumed with costly oils and adorned with silver jewelry, she presented herself before Vharaxa with the regal dignity of a bride approaching her groom.

The court assembled, silent with horrified fascination, as Diana slowly sank to her knees before the immense beast. Her voice trembled slightly as she whispered reverent praises, addressing him not as animal but as deity, ruler, conqueror. She delicately stroked his powerful flanks, feeling the rippling muscles beneath his warm, velvet hide. His massive body towered above her, radiating heat, strength, and a dark presence that made her pulse quicken in dread and anticipation. She would service him as a bride, an intimate act for the court to witness to prove her devotion and loyalty.

Gathering every shred of pride and courage she possessed, Diana leaned forward, opening her painted lips, offering herself through submission and service. The court watched in breathless silence as she took him gently, stained lips pursing against the sheath, thick oiled and leathery. It only took seconds for a reaction to stir and her lips part wider and wider still, straining desperately against the impossible size, choking, gagging softly, yet stubbornly determined. Her jaw burned in agony, tears streaming from her wide, frightened eyes as she forced herself to endure, her throat strained and stretched, bulging out from the sheer girth offered the great stallion's powerful body quivering restlessly over her.

Minutes stretched into agonizing eternity, her strained jaw and throat nearly giving way. Pain filled her senses, the taste of iron blooming on her tongue, blood trickling from the corners of her mouth as that monstrous length pulsed and seemed to expand ever so slightly. Her fingers dug desperately into marble not daring to reach and scratch or grab at Vharaxa, body trembling violently as she endured the savage degradation, forcing herself to remain until the beast finally stepped away. Diana fell forward, sobbing softly, a single mouthful of seed dripping thickly onto polished marble. Her throat was forever damaged—lips swollen and bruised, voice reduced permanently to a cracked whisper. Her dignity was shattered; she withdrew from sight, struggling to wordlessly command all from the grand hall.

The Second Daughter.
was fierce, beautiful, and rebellious—the daughter who laughed loudest, fought hardest, and mocked the rigid decorum of court. When the king's decree echoed through the halls, she responded with cruel laughter and biting sarcasm. She chose to make a spectacle of the trial itself, openly taunting the madness consuming her father: "If my father desires a depraved spectacle, I shall gladly oblige!" she declared before the shocked court.

She ordered the pillory placed prominently in the courtyard beneath open skies, designed to humiliate criminals and traitors. Naked and defiant, she locked herself willingly into the crude device, her wrists bound, her neck clamped tight, leaving her exposed backside provocatively lifted and vulnerable. A jeering crowd assembled, drawn by morbid curiosity, murmuring uneasily beneath torchlight as Vharaxa approached, massive hooves echoing heavily against cobblestones.

Myla's arrogant smirk faltered when the stallion's shadow fell across her pale, trembling flesh. As he reared, brutally mounting her from behind, her defiant laughter turned abruptly into a strangled scream as its thick crown would press not against those waiting lips but against her little star nestled between her shapely flanks now raised high for him to claim. His savage thrusts slammed her helpless body violently against the pillory, heavy wood groaning, straining audibly as if about to splinter beneath the brutal assault. The crowd recoiled in shock, forced to witness Myla's pride being shattered, her body mercilessly dominated, limbs twitching uselessly as the beast's immense power overwhelmed her.

The wooden frame buckled dangerously, hinges creaking ominously beneath the relentless force. Myla sobbed brokenly, her defiant cries twisted into pathetic moans, humiliation and agony etched clearly on her beautiful, tear-streaked face. Deep bruises appeared immediately, spreading darkly across her hips, thighs, and back; The pillory, strained beyond limit, threatened to collapse completely beneath each powerful thrust.

When Vharaxa at last finished the crowd able to watch at the moment of climax how Myla grew silent a twisted expression washing over her features as her belly started to swell ever so slightly with every pulsing of the Warhorse's heart, Myla slumped limply, whimpering, shattered and humiliated. Only once Vharaxa dismounted and stepped away she was removed unconscious, her battered form barely recognizable. Days later, she remained bedridden, belly swollen, speaking only in frightened whispers of something monstrous growing within her—an unnatural consequence that filled her with horror and shame.

The Third Daughter...
, youngest and most mysterious, waited quietly until midnight had cloaked the castle in silence. Alone, dressed only in leather reins, a tight bridle fitted carefully over her head with a thick bit filling her mouth, and black blinders obscuring her vision, she entered Vharaxa's stable. Her pale skin shivered beneath moonlight, her body trembling with quiet anticipation and terror. Blind, voiceless, and vulnerable, she moved carefully forward, feeling through the straw with bound hands until she found the post beside him.

She tied herself there, leather straps binding her wrists to the stable beam, her body presented submissively, precisely like the creature she now emulated—a medieval pony-girl, willingly dehumanized, stripped of identity. Elen waited quietly, heart pounding in darkness, the bit pressing harshly against her tongue. Vharaxa moved slowly around her, breathing deeply, his massive form brushing against her, his scent overwhelming—earthy, musky, unbearably male. His breath warmed her thighs, her back, exploring slowly, deliberately, as if understanding fully what she had offered. Anna whimpered softly, blind beneath the mask, shivering violently yet arching toward him, surrendering fully, body and soul.

His taking of her was slow, agonizing, deeply sensual and utterly transformative. The straps bit deeply into her wrists, her mouth filling with saliva around the harsh bit, her body bucking helplessly beneath his immense weight. Bones creaked, muscles strained; she gave herself fully, utterly, without resistance or voice, until at last she sagged brokenly against the bindings. When finally freed from the stable, she limped slowly away in dawn's first light, her body permanently marked—her belly swollen, distended, altered. She spoke no human words again, her gaze blank, vacant, somehow peaceful. She wandered silently afterward, forever drawn back to the beast, her quiet nights spent curled at his feet, whispering gently in a language no human had taught her.

With King Harwyn's passing, the throne remained empty, and the kingdom spiraled slowly into whispered legend and decay. He would be buried with his crown, a mocking jest that the only crown they had earned was that of the beasts cock. None of his daughters would rise to rulehad, each broken in her own unique, irrevocable way. Though the king's body was laid to rest, his dark legacy lingered in the tormented halls of the castle, embodied forever by the daughters drawn endlessly back to the beast, Vharaxa, seeking again and again the twisted mixture of humiliation and painful exhilaration their father's madness had sown within them.

Diana, the proud firstborn, had been forever changed by her trial in the grand hall. Her once-regal bearing was reduced to trembling eagerness, and though she hid her ruined mouth behind silk veils, the castle servants whispered of her nightly pilgrimages to the stable. Seren became addicted to the shameful vulnerability, her dignity stripped away until only desperate submission remained. Each evening, she knelt again willingly, offering herself without pride, eyes pleading, silently begging to recapture that initial horror and humiliation. Though each act further damaged her body and dignity, Seren seemed unable or unwilling to escape the cycle. The shame she once fought against became her comfort, her identity—a precious, perverse addiction she cherished in secret darkness.

Myla, once fiery and defiant, had become utterly broken by her public humiliation at the pillory. What began as a defiant mockery had transformed into a compulsion she neither understood nor controlled. Obsessed with recreating that overwhelming moment of degradation, she repeatedly returned to the pillory willingly, desperate to relive the torment and surrender that Vharaxa had once forced upon her. Her mind cracked with the effort, and soon her attempts to recapture that first terrible experience drove her to offer herself shamelessly to the other beasts of the kingdom—though none could ever replicate the savage intensity of that first violation. Her pursuit of the initial humiliation was doomed to fail, yet still she persisted, body bruised and broken, heart and mind caught in a ceaseless loop of degradation, surrender, and hollow disappointment.

Anna, the youngest, had surrendered completely—mind, body, and soul—to her new existence. She openly embraced her transformation, proudly wearing attire reminiscent of a medieval ponygirl, complete with leather harnesses, a tight-fitting corset, and boots shaped like hooves. A thick bit filled her mouth, blinders shielded her vision, and yet she walked openly through the streets and castle corridors without shame. Her identity as princess had dissolved, replaced entirely by her new role—willingly bound and led each evening to Vharaxa's side. Her submission had ceased to cause her pain or humiliation; instead, it became her source of pride, her identity reborn from the darkness of her father's decree. Villagers and servants watched silently as she was led through their midst each evening, tied off near the beast, content to spend the night in blind submission before calmly returning each morning, smiling softly beneath the bit.

No crown was claimed, no queen crowned. Only the beast ruled silently from the darkness of the stable, patiently awaiting each nightfall when the daughters, forever bound to him through mindless obsession and desire, returned willingly to endure again the dark, surreal ritual their father's madness had started.

Drelmure was lost, ruled now only by whispered legend and the dark legacy of the king's cursed daughters, forever trapped in a cycle of humiliating need, pain, and forbidden devotion from which they would never escape.

It had taken months of planning. She and her closest friend had spent every late-night conversation, every whispered phone call, every stolen hour dreaming of the summer she would disappear—not just from home, but from herself. She wanted to shed her name, her body, her boundaries. For three months, she would cease to be a woman in the human sense. She would be something else. Something primal. Something bound. The plan hinged on a summer camp trip she'd never attend. Her parents would believe she was off in the woods somewhere singing songs around a fire. Instead, she stood naked in the dim light of her friend's bedroom, breathing shallowly, her skin slick with anticipation. The air reeked of latex, lube, and adhesive surgical, industrial, filthy.

On the bed behind her lay the suit. Not a costume. A second skin. Black latex, molded and glossy, detailed with smooth, anatomical curves. It gleamed like oil in the half-light—canine in shape, obscene in purpose. Her friend adjusted the lamp. "It's all ready," he said, almost reverently. "You're sure?" She nodded. Words had fled her an hour ago. The process began. Her legs first—he guided them in carefully, slowly, the silicone-lined interior clinging to her skin like breath. She gasped as it gripped her thighs, climbing tight around her hips. Then the arms, drawn into molded sleeves, the hands swallowed by pre-formed paws that would render her helpless. Each movement required guidance—she could no longer balance upright.

He helped her down to all fours. Her spine curved instinctively. The suit shifted around her like it belonged there. But the final piece was the muzzle. He knelt before her, the mask cradled in both hands. It looked like a predator's face. Expressionless, open-jawed. The interior was dark rubber, fitted with a thick ring gag designed to sit deep inside her mouth, pressing her jaws wide. The exterior lips—canine and parted—would align over her own, giving the illusion that she was gaping, panting, begging. She hesitated, breath catching.

"It'll feel tight," he said softly. "But you won't be able to say a word." That was the point. She opened her mouth willingly. He slid the gag in slowly—spreading her jaws wide until the ring settled against her teeth. She whimpered, unable to close her lips, her tongue pinned in a lewd arc through the opening. The muzzle followed, sealed over her face with practiced precision. Chin, cheeks, brow—bonded together by a slow-setting resin that he brushed gently along the seams like a craftsman finishing a sculpture. By the time he stepped back, she was no longer recognizable.

A bitch.

On all fours. Her real eyes hidden behind smoked lenses. Her mouth stretched open in rubber silence. Her breath fogging faintly inside the mask. He circled her, inspecting the fit. Adjusting her posture. Hands grazing her back, her hips, the base of her tail. She flinched—but had no way to protest. Then, without warning, he knelt behind her again. She felt the cold lube first—thick and clinical—applied with gloved fingers between her cheeks. He worked it into her slowly, pushing it into her ass until her hips jerked instinctively. Her moans were muffled behind the gag, soft and wet and unintelligible.

Then she felt it. A second touch. Slick. Deep. Centered between her sex lips. For a moment, she relaxed. This part she expected. But instead of easing inside, his fingers parted her folds and… stopped. She heard the clink of glass. Smelled the tang of resin. No...No. Quickly she shook her muzzled head.He began painting it on with a fine brush. Delicate strokes. Careful application. Her cunt was still spread. Still wet. Still pulsing. But his hand moved with intent. Not for pleasure. Not for preparation.

For closure. The resin was clear, glossy, and fast-drying. She felt it tighten almost immediately. Her clit still peeked through. Her inner lips still swollen, visible beneath the sheen. But the slit between them was fixed. Fused. Preserved. When he finished, he smoothed the final curve of the suit over it all, hiding nothing. Highlighting everything. "You didn't need this part," he said, almost fondly. "It complicates things." She thrashed weakly, moaning against the gag. It came out as a garbled whine.

He leaned closer, one hand stroking her rubber-coated cheek. "You're not her anymore," he whispered. "You're this now." He stood, flexed his fingers, and added, "Besides, your mouth's open… and your ass is very available. That's more than enough." He walked to the door. Opened it. "Oh—and don't panic if someone joins you early," he said, with one final glance over his shoulder. "I left the back door cracked. One of the boys got excited. Figured it might help you settle in." The door shut. The lock clicked. And in the stillness, behind the mask, she felt her limbs begin to shake—not in fear, not in regret, but in something harder to define. Something like realization. Something like arousal.

The door creaked open. She flinched. Her heart racing as she heard the heavy footfalls padded across the floor. Not hurried. Not hesitant. A deliberate rhythm—too heavy to be human, too calm to be confused. He stepped into view: tall, broad, silent. The Great Dane. His coat was sleek and dark, his eyes intelligent but distant. He didn't bark. He didn't snarl. He didn't need to. This wasn't his first time. But it was hers. She lay motionless in the center of the room—on all fours, sealed in black latex, muzzle locked, jaw stretched wide by the ring gag buried inside her rubber mask. Her eyes widened behind the smoked lenses as he approached, and for a moment, her breath hitched.

Then she saw it. Hanging beneath his belly, already unsheathed, already twitching with interest, was the instrument of her undoing. Long. Veined. Swollen. The knot hadn't even formed yet, but the sheer size of him defied reason. He circled her once as if inspecting what was being offered, The Great Dane circled her again, slower this time. He had already inspected her rear—nuzzled at the slicked, waiting opening beneath her raised tail. But now his interest had shifted. He came around to her front, towering over her as she crouched in her black latex shell, trapped in place, her breath loud in her ears.

Her muzzle, sleek and rubberized, was parted by design. A canine jaw stretched wide in a permanent pant. But inside, her real mouth was opened even further—forced agape by the thick rubber ring gag locked into place behind the sculpted mask. She couldn't close her mouth, She couldn't speak. She could only moan—and drool. The Dane's tongue swept out again, broad and hot, dragging across the front of her mask and into her mouth. He licked slowly at first—deliberate, greedy—his spit soaking her lips, her tongue, the ring that framed her orifice like a sacrificial display. She shuddered, gagged and choked, Her tongue twitched helplessly beneath his. She tried to pull away, but the collar held her posture fixed, and the suit offered no slack.

More licking. Louder now. Messier. Saliva coated her gag, dripping back into her throat. Then he shifted his weight. One massive paw planted on the floor beside her head, Then another. His cock swung into view. She saw it coming. Thick, heavy, twitching. It bobbed near her face, pulsing with every breath, blindly searching for the source of the warmth, Then it bumped her muzzle. Just a light touch. Then another. A slow rub along the side of her mask, leaving a smear of heat across the rubber jaw. He adjusted. Stepped closer. Lowered his hips And Thrust.

Not full-on. Just exploratory. A jab of curiosity. The thick, tapered head struck the rubber lips, slid forward, and caught—right on the ring gag. She cried out, a gagging sob of confusion and protest. But the ring held firm. Her mouth remained open, slick and stretched. Another thrust. More focused. He was testing her. The head of his cock pressed harder now, trying to enter. She could feel the heat of it against her tongue, the taste of him smeared across her inner mouth. The angle wasn't perfect—his size too much for the gag—but he kept trying.

His cock bumped the ring again, again, again. Her head rocked back with each jab. Her lips stretched farther. The spit in her mouth turned foamy. And then—mercifully—he stopped. Not because he lost interest. Because he was ready for the real prize. He stepped back. Circled behind her. Her head hung low. Rubber jaw gaping, breath stuttering through the ring gag soaked with another's spit. Her muzzle dripped in long, glistening strings that clung to her lips and chin—saliva, precum, a blend that clung thick inside the latex like filth in a drain.

The taste filled her. Her throat worked to swallow, but it was futile. The ring gag stretched her too wide, pinned her tongue too deep. Each breath passed through the heat of it, sour and wet. Her face had become a target. A useable part. A mark left behind by something that had only begun to claim her. But it wasn't over. The Dane circled behind her for the final time, silent and certain. She could hear him panting, low and guttural, feel the floor vibrate with each step.

Then—impact. His forepaws slammed onto her back. Her knees buckled. Her shoulders flattened. The weight was worse the second time, because now she knew what was coming. She drew in a sharp breath, holding it as she stared forward with wide eyes, some vain attempt to brace herself. Her gagged mouth drooled onto the floor. Her sealed cunt throbbed behind the resin coating, untouched, irrelevant allowing her to do little more than feel the feint touch of its cock dragging against those sealed nethers as it demanded entry, then the danes hips shifted, tapered tip catching against her asshole beneath that tail. She Howled and wailed when he entered. Between her position and the lube there was no stopping him. His cock slammed into her already stretched opening, grinding through the sensitive flesh of her ass like a stake as her body buckled and her hips squirmed and struggled to escape. The pain was real. Sharp. Splitting. She shrieked into the muzzle, her body lurching forward, caught only by the leash threaded through a hook in the floor. The noise she made wasn't human—it was something higher, thinner, like a rabbit's scream. He didn't stop not disuaded by the sounds she made when it had access to a warm wet hole far tighter than a real bitch's cunt.

His hips hammered into her with mindless urgency. Each thrust dragged her body forward an inch, latex creaking, gag squelching. His cock filled her utterly, then withdrew, then filled again—each time deeper, faster, crueler. She convulsed beneath him, Her moans blurred with her cries. And then it came. The pressure, The burn, The unbearable fullness, His knot slammed against her asshole, like a jackhammer each time pressing against her firmer demanding entry, once, twice—then forced its way in with a lewd 'pop' Her eyes flew wide. She screamed like something dying behind that muzzle Her ring gag vibrated with the sound. Drool sprayed from the open muzzle. The air around her grew thick with the scent of sex and submission. She was locked. Pinned from the inside out.

The Dane let out a deep grunt and settled his full weight atop her, chest heaving. Inside her, he twitched. Pulsed. Released. She could feel it flooding her. Not physically—her body was already overwhelmed—but spiritually. Her last sense of self, swallowed up by the fullness. She whimpered, spasming and twitching, for long minutes it continued, she soon heard the sound of music below, of thumping bass and the sounds of the party, her party. When he finally pulled out, the pop of his knot leaving her body made her flinch. Her hole stayed stretched, gaping slightly beneath her tail, the suit holding her open like a trophy mount.

Her legs gave out. She collapsed forward, her slick muzzle landing softly against the floor, drool still stringing from the rubber lips. She lay there. Used. Filled. Broken in. The Dane sniffed her one last time, then calmly padded away, his cock half-hardened, glistening in the dim light. A moment later, the door opened again. She didn't lift her head. She couldn't. But she heard him—her friend. He stepped inside, shoes quiet, breath amused. "Perfect timing," he said, mostly to himself. "You're warmed up. They'll love you."

The leash jerked once. She moved on instinct, her limbs trembling, slick paws sliding slightly on the hardwood. The soreness in her gut hadn't faded. Her hole still throbbed from the knotting—open, raw, and aching. Her jaw ached, too, locked around the thick rubber ring gag embedded deep in the rubber muzzle that stretched her face into an obscene gape. Her mouth was a mess. Saliva clung to her tongue, pooled under her gag, and dripped steadily from her parted lips. She could feel the weight of it on her chin, the way it clung to her like a brand. Her breath came wet and shallow through the mask, and with every exhale, she could smell him. The Dane. His musk lingered in her mouth, the taste of him soaked into every breath.

Down the stairs, Each step echoed till that last bend when they entered the main room, The party was already in full swing. The bass pulsed through the floor, flashing lights spinning patterns across the ceiling. People filled every corner—laughing, drinking, pressing close in small groups. The air was hot and sharp with sweat and perfume and smoke. And faces, So many familiar faces.

She recognized them. All of them. Friends. Classmates. And now they stared. Not at her. At what she'd become. None of them knew. None of them could see her. She was hidden beneath rubber, reduced to posture and access. Just another spectacle. They didn't see her, But she saw them. Her knees shook, but she kept crawling. The leash pulled her through a gauntlet of amused, stunned, and aroused expressions. People pointed. Someone took a photo. Another whispered something and laughed too loudly.

"She's already been broken in," her friend said proudly, loud enough to silence a cluster of nearby conversations. "Took a full knot like a fucking champ." Laughter. Gasps. Cheers. He didn't stop. "She's got limits, but they're flexible. Oral and anal are encouraged. Hell, we might try some larger objects later—if the crowd's in the mood. I told her to be brave." A chant started somewhere—light, joking, but hungry. "Bitch, bitch, bitch…" The sound faded slightly as the leash pulled her deeper into the living room. That's when she saw The space. The furniture had been pushed back. The carpet rolled up. A clear area had been cleared in the center of the room—wide, open, perfectly lit. A few people already stood in a loose circle, drinks in hand, talking in low, excited voices. Others were gathering nearby, pulled by some unspoken gravity.

The crowd was forming. There was room in the center. For her. Then came the sound, A heavy thud against glass, She lifted her head looking across the room—through the sliding glass doors—stood four dogs, Large. Restless. Panting. The biggest one pressed his front paws against the glass, tongue smearing it as he peered inside. His eyes locked on her instantly. Behind him, another let out a low growl. They weren't barking. They weren't confused. They were waiting. One of them was already fully hard—his cock red, exposed, swinging with each impatient shift of his weight. The knot had already begun to swell, twitching with need. The sound of their claws tapping the glass filled the room.

The crowd drew in closer, conversation fading into breathless silence. She couldn't breathe. Her friend crouched beside her, one hand resting lightly on the back of her neck, fingers slipping under her collar. "You see that?" he whispered, low enough only for her. "They remember you." And then—click.

The lock on the sliding glass door slid open. And the room held its breath as all four dogs started to bound inside, charging for The Bitch.

The shop smelled like blood and ammonia.
It hit her as soon as her father pushed open the door, sharp and sour, tinged with the musty warmth of dried hides and half-cured things. The air was thick—like it clung to her skin even through her coat—and she instinctively lowered her eyes as they stepped inside. She didn't want to see the hooks on the walls, the frozen eyes of mounted heads watching her, the fur-lined tools resting in shallow trays of rust-stained water.

The taxidermist glanced up from behind his workbench, where he was elbow-deep in a cooling bear carcass. He didn't look surprised to see her. "Well I'll be damned," he said, brushing a hand down his apron as he came around. His eyes wandered without shame. "That's the bait, huh? She's even smaller than I expected." Her father chuckled, resting a hand on her back. "Told you. She's my little doe. Came of her own choice." The taxidermist nodded slowly, letting the words hang there. "You ready for this, sweetheart?" he asked, voice warm but amused. "You ready to stop being a girl and start being meat?"

She swallowed and gave a small nod. "Yes, sir." She didn't need to be told what came next. Her fingers moved stiffly as she undid the buttons of her coat and shrugged it off. The cold air bit at her skin, raising goosebumps across her chest and thighs. She stepped out of her shoes and walked barefoot across the slick concrete, up onto the cold steel slab in the center of the room. She didn't need to be strapped down. The taxidermist took his time with the pelt.

It was folded in layers, draped over his forearm like a priest's robe. Even limp, it had weight to it—a dead thing softened and shaped to wear. He unzipped it carefully, peeling it open to show the slick interior lining: fur turned inward, laminated with a faintly shimmering adhesive, dark and wet-looking in the light. It steamed gently, pre-warmed. "Bio-reactive blend," he murmured, more to himself than her. "Once you're in, it'll start bonding. Don't fight it. The tighter it gets, the better it'll move with you." He started with her legs, lifting one dainty foot into the hollowed-out limb of the pelt. It was stiff and unyielding at first, the inner surface cold and damp, like a glove pulled from an icebox. The hide clung to her skin with every inch, suctioning to her calves, her thighs, and finally her hips. Her toes were curled and compressed into the stiff hoof-molds, locking them into a downward angle that forced her calves to arch unnaturally.

The second leg followed. He tugged it up with deliberate slowness, letting the fur caress her skin, feeling the resistance build as the pelt wrapped her tighter. She gasped softly as it reached her waist—the cold pressure of the tail seam sliding between her cheeks, the fur brushing her slit as it passed. There was no tail plug. The deer's tail was real, already sewn into place, and as the hide molded around her, it swayed softly against her backside, fused to her now. "Arms next," he said, gently lifting one and folding it beneath her, guiding her into the front limb tunnel. She bent easily for him, forcing herself smaller, narrower, just to fit. The hide resisted her at first, but he kneaded it like dough, working her into it with slow, methodical pressure. Her fingers were pressed into position within the hoof—separate from each other, useless now.

He folded her second arm beneath her chest, pushing it deep into the opposing forelimb. The hide sealed as it accepted her, the fabric tightening like a closing fist. She exhaled shakily, her body now curled beneath the false shape, limbs twisted into quadruped posture, locked within the animal frame. Then came the torso, pulled over her like a second skin. The inner lining clung to her ribs, her breasts, her stomach. It wrapped her in heat and musk, pressing her flesh flat, smoothing her body into something sexless, something simpler. Her hips were held tight. The fabric pulled between her legs, slick and close, rubbing against her clit every time she shifted.

He zipped her up from tailbone to nape, and the sound of it closing felt final. Her breath hitched. She was sealed in. And she wasn't done. "Head up," he said. She obeyed, and he lowered the mask over her. The hollow deer skull pressed into her face with a wet squelch, its eye sockets already filled with dark glass. Her face sank into the hollowed muzzle, her cheeks pressing into molded sides, her jaw stretching forward into the open mouth cavity. She opened obediently, and he slid the ring gag into place—clicking it behind her teeth, fixing it inside the mask with a twist. Her lips now ringed and exposed, framed by deerbone and stitched hide. Her breath fogged the interior. Her voice was gone.

"Perfect," he murmured, running a gloved hand over her skull. "Just a mouth and some holes now." She blinked, slow and heavy, her eyes hidden behind mesh under the mounted deer glass. Her body was drenched in heat, the pelt breathing against her skin. The taxidermist wheeled over his tray. "Now for the prep," the taxidermist muttered, already wheeling the tray back between her legs. The rubber of his gloves creaked faintly as he tugged her rear limbs apart. The hide resisted just slightly, still pliable from the warmth of her body, but it gave enough room for him to crouch low and see her—see the soft, glistening folds tucked within the dark V of fur that now covered most of her sex. Her lips peeked out, flushed and trembling. Her new tail twitched above her involuntarily.

She whimpered softly through the ring gag, breath catching in the tight cavity of the mask. "You're already warm," he said, almost to himself. "Good sign. But warmth isn't enough." He reached for the first syringe. It was thick, almost oversized—designed for livestock—and loaded with a viscous amber fluid that shimmered slightly in the light. He held it up to the side of her mask, as if letting her look was part of the punishment. "Pheromone-rich, heat-inducing blend," he explained conversationally, tapping the side of the syringe. "Engineered to make you smell and taste like the most desperate little doe in the woods. Doesn't matter what's under the hood anymore—this stuff's gonna make every buck within a hundred yards want to claim you."

He didn't wait for a response. He didn't need one. She felt the blunt pressure of the tip part her outer lips, slow and clinical. He worked it in gently, like feeding something precious into a tight-fitting chamber. The shaft of the syringe sank inch by inch, spreading her open until the cold metal kissed her cervix. She moaned softly—half shock, half shame. The pressure alone was enough to make her body clench instinctively. Her breath grew shallow, ragged through the gag. Then the plunger began to fall.

It was slow. Intentional. The first burst of fluid hit her with a warmth that didn't belong there—slippery, syrup-thick, and radiating heat. It crept along the inner walls of her cunt, sticking to every surface, filling every crease. Another push, and the volume grew. She could feel her body distending around it, not from size but from pressure—like a balloon filling slowly with something too heavy. Her toes twitched inside their hoof molds. She wanted to squirm, to shift, to escape—but there was nowhere to go. The hide held her like a lover, tighter than skin, slick and sealed. Another pulse of fluid. Another inch of stretch. Her pussy throbbed, traitorously awake. She couldn't stop the way her hips twitched against the slab. She didn't want it, didn't like it—but her body was reacting. Recognizing warmth. Responding to stimulation.

"Look at you," the taxidermist murmured, glancing up at her as he emptied the last of the dose. "Already twitching. Good girl." He withdrew the syringe slowly, letting her hole clench uselessly in its wake. A thin ribbon of the amber fluid followed it, dripping onto the slab beneath her, slick and musky. Her thighs trembled, fur brushing fur. "Next hole," he said simply. The second syringe was longer. Narrower. Colder. She felt it press against her asshole and instinctively tensed—but there was no escape. The taxidermist chuckled and rubbed the tip in small, mocking circles before applying firm, steady pressure.

She cried out into the gag as it breached her. The cold of it was unbearable—sharper than the first, with a metallic bite that made her guts clench before anything even entered her. He took his time, easing it inch by inch past her tight ring, pushing into her bowels with slow, punishing patience. Then came the injection. This blend burned. Not fire—but tingling, as if it had been laced with menthol or something electric. The pressure ballooned inside her as the thick gel flowed deep, heavier than before, packing her full. She could feel it coiling, invading her, pressing against nerves not meant to feel so present.

She squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn't breathe. Her stomach felt bloated already, stretched unnaturally. It wasn't pain, not exactly—but the wrongness of it had her dizzy. "You'll leak for hours," the taxidermist muttered with satisfaction, watching her shudder. "That musk'll tell every animal you meet exactly what you're for." When he pulled the syringe free, she could feel her body struggling to hold the volume in. Her hole twitched and flexed, squeezing around nothing, fluids already beginning to dribble from her. "And finally," he said, standing beside her muzzle. "Can't forget your mouth."

She couldn't speak. Could barely see him through the mesh that filtered her world now to shadow and shape. But she could feel the ring gag stretching her jaw wide, her tongue dry, her breath hitching. The tube was narrow and rubbery, tipped with a feeding nipple. He fed it slowly through the ring and into her mouth, guiding it between her teeth, over her tongue, until it kissed the back of her throat. Then he pushed. She gagged as the first burst of fluid slid down—warmer than expected, syrupy and foul. It tasted like concentrated musk, like sweat and animal spit and something almost sugary. Not sweet. Just cloying.

The flow continued, steady and unstoppable. It coated her throat, sloshed into her stomach. She could feel it mixing with the earlier fluids inside her, her belly tightening under the weight of it all. There was no escape from the smell. No escape from the taste. Just heat. Pressure. Wet fur. And the slowly blooming awareness that her body had stopped feeling like hers somewhere along the way. "There," the taxidermist said at last, gently removing the hose and patting her jaw. "Now you're ready." She lay there trembling, bloated, leaking, soaked in heat and scent. Her heart thudded inside the deer's chest, slow and heavy.

She wasn't a girl anymore.
She wasn't even bait.
She was ready.
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Princess and the Mare. [Beast, TF, Bad end, GORE warning.] New
Princess Illyria had always been marked as different, her gaze distant, eyes often staring at something beyond the walls of reality. She was a beauty, yes, with long hair the color of ravens and eyes like ice-crusted lakes, but whispers in court spoke quietly of her troubling moods, her unsettling smiles, and her chilling silences. It was after her twenty-first summer, the age at which her father, King Eldrin, declared she would soon inherit the throne, that Illyria's behavior became even stranger. The castle's expansive stables housed many magnificent beasts, but none so grand as her father's prized stallion, Erevos, whose coat gleamed blacker than night, his mane cascading like silk woven from shadows. Towering nearly as large as a shire stallion, Erevos exuded power and dominance.

Princess Illyria would spend hours watching the horse from her chamber window, observing his proud movements, muscles rippling beneath that midnight coat. Erevos embodied strength, grace, and something darker, primal, that whispered secret longings into the princess's fractured mind. Soon, watching became insufficient, her thoughts spiraling into a dark obsession that consumed her waking and sleeping moments. She wished desperately to replace Erevos's favored mare, Sylvana—a gentle pony-sized creature with silvery-white hair and delicate, intelligent eyes. Every moment Erevos spent near Sylvana gnawed bitterly at Illyria's soul.

Driven by fierce, unrelenting desire, Illyria discreetly hired the kingdom's most skilled taxidermist, demanding absolute secrecy. Under Illyria's intense scrutiny, the taxidermist meticulously would work to render Sylvana into something for Illyria to wear, to become. He separated flesh from bone, curing and stitching the hide with unparalleled precision. Sylvana's preserved skin became a flawless suit, chillingly beautiful yet grotesquely lifelike. Princess Illyria stood trembling beside the grotesque yet fascinating creation laid out before her—the taxidermied remains of Sylvana, meticulously fashioned into a hollow suit. Her heart hammered relentlessly, a rhythm echoing both dread and dark excitement. She reached out hesitantly, fingers brushing against the preserved skin, cool, smooth, and disturbingly supple. The faint scent of cured leather mingled with something deeper and more primal, a lingering aroma of earth, hay, and the subtle musk of the stable.

Her pulse quickened as she stepped carefully into the open back of the suit. The interior harness greeted her bare skin harshly, straps of thick leather padded minimally with velvet, designed more for function than comfort. As her legs slid deeper into the pony-sized limbs, the texture of Sylvana's skin pressed snugly against her flesh, tight and unyielding. Her breathing grew shallow as she worked her fingers into the hollowed-out hooves, feeling the rigid, unnatural enclosure around each digit. Every inch forward increased her sense of helpless confinement.

Inside the taxidermied suit, a harness was carefully stitched, straps of sturdy leather and padded supports designed to hold Illyria securely, ensuring every limb aligned perfectly. Illyria trembled, heart racing as dread and excitement intertwined, stepping hesitantly into the open back. Her bare skin met the cold leather harness, sending a shiver down her spine. The enclosure felt suffocating, claustrophobic, the straps pressing into her flesh tightly yet precisely, locking her limbs rigidly in place. The stitched into flesh harness pressed into her shoulders and hips as she bent awkwardly, aligning herself into the shape dictated by the pony's form ensuring even the most intimate details were aligned. The sensation was claustrophobic, each strap pulling tightly to ensure perfect alignment, Her muscles strained, joints aching from the unnatural position she was forced into, yet still, she pushed deeper, driven by an obsession that overshadowed the creeping horror.

Illyria gasped sharply when the taxidermist began sealing the opening along the spine with thick, reinforced stitching. Each pull of the thread tightened the suit further around her, the sounds of needle and cord a grim, relentless accompaniment to her imprisonment. She felt a surge of panic, realizing escape was now impossible, that her choice was irreversible. The oppressive closeness of the hide pressed upon her chest, constricting every breath, amplifying her terror. Yet without words the taxidermist worked meticulously, finally pulling the pony's head over Illyria's face. Darkness flooded her senses momentarily, replaced quickly by dim slivers of sight through narrow, carefully disguised openings. The smell intensified within the confined space, overwhelming her senses with earthy decay and leather oils, trapping her in a sensory prison as tangible as her physical one.

Now fully enclosed within the suit, Illyria stood motionless, barely able to breathe, the claustrophobic darkness pressing in from all sides. Her heart pounded painfully against the tightness of the harness, the relentless pressure of the suit both terrifying and thrilling in its perversity. She felt her identity slipping away beneath layers of hide and stitching, fear mingling inexorably with excitement, her body trembling uncontrollably within its suffocating prison. Illyria remained frozen in place, utterly trapped and desperately questioning the depths of the madness that had led her here, consumed by a horrifying realization—this claustrophobic nightmare was exactly what she had wished for. Darkness pressed in, and the suffocating closeness of the suit felt terrifyingly final. She struggled to keep calm, feeling trapped in the grotesque intimacy of Sylvana's preserved form. Her fingers and toes strained inside the rigid hooves, painfully cramped and unable to move freely. With the mare's face sealed over her own, Illyria saw the world dimly through the eye holes, breathing raggedly through concealed nostril openings. Panic surged again, overwhelming yet thrilling in its perversity, her own identity blurred with the animal's.

Hours later at the cusp of the evening light, encased fully within Sylvana's smaller hide, Illyria moved awkwardly toward Erevos beneath the silvery moonlight, each strained step amplifying her dread and exhilaration. The towering stallion approached cautiously, sniffing deeply, confusion and curiosity mingling. Illyria froze, terror gripping her tightly within the restrictive harness, unable to escape the reality of her grotesque imprisonment. Yet when Erevos nuzzled gently, acceptance warming his dark eyes, Illyria's heart surged with twisted relief and desire. Throughout the night, beneath moonlit skies, Erevos accepted her completely, mistaking her small form for Sylvana's, blurring lines between beast and princess. A night filled with raw, unsettling intimacy unfolded, her senses overwhelmed, horror and twisted satisfaction indistinguishable. At dawn, servants found Illyria still trapped within the suit, her body aching and burning from being unnaturally paired with something far larger than herself, her belly swollen painfully inside the confining hide. Mistaking her for Sylvana, they gently led her back to the stables. Overhearing their hushed conversation, her heart plummeted as dread clawed at her chest—they spoke in confusion about the sudden disappearance of the taxidermist, the only person who could free her from her nightmarish prison.

Illyria remained sealed within the suit, tormented by the claustrophobic horror of her situation, her body trapped in perpetual agony. She deeply regretted her obsession, now haunted by fear and revulsion at the thought of facing Erevos again to have his seed spilling inside of her already aching form. A single night playing the mare had been more than enough; the idea of another encounter filled her with unimaginable dread. Yet within the castle, whispers began to spread. Servants, speaking openly and without shame, acknowledged quietly among themselves that they knew precisely who occupied Sylvana's skin. Their words reached Illyria's ears as she stood helpless in the stables, trapped within the suffocating darkness of her chosen fate. They spoke casually of her condition, pity mingling with cruelty, fully aware yet indifferent to her plight.

Illyria, doomed to a life she herself had chosen, felt despair like never before, knowing she would forever live as nothing more than the beast she once envied so terribly, tormented by whispers that cut deeper than any blade ever could. A full week later, Illyria remained trapped, physically weakened and mentally shattered. Each day blurred into the next, marked only by the humiliating whispers of servants who made no secret of her identity. Her swollen body ached continually, her belly unnaturally distended, fueling her dread. Each night, alone in the darkness of the stable, she lay awake in terror, paralyzed by the certainty that Erevos would soon seek her out once more, and that this terrible cycle was her unending future, sealed within her own grotesque creation forever to be The Mare Sylvana.

He couldn't feel the cold anymore. The wind nipped around the edges of his dress, sure—but it felt good. Like fingers slipping under the hem, reminding him how exposed he really was. The short black thing clung to him like a second skin, thin straps biting into his bare shoulders. No bra. No panties. Just smooth skin beneath, and the soft kiss of thigh-high stockings held up by trembling garters. He'd added a choker, too—black ribbon with a tiny silver charm at the center. It felt right. He didn't know what he'd expected when he stepped out like this—maybe a few laughs. A dare answered. A way to feel seen for once.

But they'd loved him. The compliments had started before he'd even finished his first drink. "Damn, girl." "You're so fucking cute." "Those legs, holy shit." Some of them grabbed, hands brushing his waist, his ass. He didn't flinch. He smiled. Flirted. Leaned into it. For once, the attention felt right—earned. The heels were a bitch, though. He wasn't used to walking in them, let alone dancing, and after two hours of dodging drunken limbs and grinding hips, he needed a break. A breath. The music thundered behind him as he slipped up the stairs, laughing to himself, head light with booze and buzz and heat between his thighs.

He reached for a door, thinking it was the bathroom. It wasn't. The door creaked open on a warm draft and the quiet hush of carpet. The noise from downstairs dulled instantly, replaced by the soft wheeze of something breathing. Heavy. Rhythmic. He blinked into the dark. The room was small, cluttered with spare furniture and the smell of old beer and unwashed sheets. And lying across the bed like a king on his throne, sprawled in the mess of a half-folded comforter, was a dog. Big. The malemute lifted its head lazily, tongue lolling from its muzzle. Its eyes caught the hallway light—gold and ancient. It looked more wolf than pet. Heavy fur matted around the chest and haunches, body thick, powerful. Its ears perked at him.

He took a step back—then another forward, laughing nervously. "You're not gonna bite me, are you?" The dog rose slowly to its feet and padded forward, heavy paws silent on the carpet. It sniffed the air. Then him. Then lower. He shifted to the side, drunk balance failing him for a moment. The heel of one boot caught the carpet. He tripped and stumbled forward ending up down. Hands and knees on the floor, dress riding up to his lower back, bare ass exposed between the garter straps. "Fuck—" he started, scrambling to push himself up, but the malemute was already there. Its nose pressed against his thigh, then higher. Warm breath. Then a tongue.

It was long. Wet. Too intentional. He gasped. The dog licked again, slower this time. A broad, greedy swipe across his slit. Then another. Higher. Deeper. "Oh God—hey, no—stop—" But he didn't move. Not really. His arms trembled. His knees stayed spread. Each lick sent a shiver up his spine, each one pulling a little more air from his lungs. It didn't feel like a pet sniffing curiously. It felt like… worship. Another lick. Hotter. The tongue worked lower now, under his balls, curling wetly up between his cheeks, dragging over his rim. He moaned loud thankful for the loud music that thumped around him.

He blushed his cheeks almost burning in shame, heart pounding. "No—no, that's—" He crawled forward, away from the dog, trying to break the moment—but it followed. Unhurried. Purposeful. Still licking, catching the tip of his cock as it began to hang, shamefully stiff. He scrambled up onto the bed, half-panicked, half aching with something he couldn't name. Flopped back on the mattress, breathing hard. "I'm done, okay?" he whispered. "Just—go find your owner." But the dog didn't stop.

He lay dazed, hips twitching, heart pounding. The party below might as well have been a thousand miles away. The noise was gone. His name—if anyone had even remembered it—was forgotten. All that existed now was fur and heat and the unbearable scent of dog. The malemute climbed over him. Massive paws braced beside his chest. Its breath huffed against his skin. The thick belly fur brushed his ribs, damp with old sweat and something else, something rank and sour and male. And swinging beneath it—thick, red, alien—was its cock. He stared, curious, afraid, watching it idly swing over his face before it rubbed his cheek wetly as the dog adjusted its stance, strands of clear fluid streaking across his skin. His lips twitched. His stomach turned.

That's its cock, he thought, stunned. It's hard for me. He opened his mouth to say something—anything—and the dog thrust. The tip pressed against his lips. Slipped inside. Oh fuck— His jaw dropped in reflex, and that fleshy, tapered spear slid across his tongue. The taste hit him like a slap. Hot. Metallic. Salt-slick. Nothing like what he imagined a man would taste like—if he'd ever imagined that at all. This was brutal. Raw. Earthy and sour and alive in a way that made his stomach clench and his cock throb. It tasted like sweat and animal and sex. Like something that had never been washed. Like power.

He gagged. Spit dribbled out the corners of his mouth, and still the dog pushed deeper. His nose mashed into its belly fur, wet and filthy. Its scent clung to his face. He tried to turn his head—but the malemute shifted weight again, heavier this time, settling on top of him. The next thrust drove deep enough to make him cough around it. And then it started humping. Short. Sharp. Urgent. Its cock jabbed the back of his throat with every motion, pre flooding his mouth, slick and stringy, coating his tongue. The taste didn't fade—it intensified. Bitter now. Musky in a way that went past unpleasant, right into addictive. He hated it.

He moaned out, muffle, in protest, but still, a moan. He wrapped his lips tighter around it. Some part of him—detached, horrified—watched himself do it. You're sucking a dog's cock. You're tasting it. You're letting it use you. The dog's pace quickened, grinding the fat base of its cock across his lips. The knot was swelling. He felt it. Thicker. Hotter. Stretching his mouth too far. His jaw ached. His throat burned. But he didn't stop. He swallowed. And the dog growled—low and satisfied. Then pulled back with a wet pop. He gasped, coughing, spit and pre clinging in strands from his chin to the throbbing tip. His face was soaked. His throat burned. His mouth still hung open, empty.

He hated how badly he wanted it back. The dog circled. He barely had time to breathe before the weight shifted again. The malemute climbed fully onto him—massive, unrelenting, its paws gripping his hips now instead of his chest. The shift in pressure made his breath catch. The dog wasn't just on him now. It was ready. He felt the tip first. That wet, tapering point—already slick with spit and pre—probed at his entrance. He flinched, hips rising involuntarily as it kissed against his hole. Then the dog stabbed. Not slow. Not patient. A violent jerk of the hips—just the tip breaching him with shocking speed. He gasped, high and raw.

"F-Fuck—stop—!" Another thrust. Deeper. The length tore into him by force alone, inch after inch driving forward in short, brutal punches. His virgin ring stretched around the slick shaft, burning as it tried to accommodate something that was never meant to fit. The dog panted, tongue lolling, weight grinding into him as it thrust again. And again. He screamed into the sheets. Tears welled in his eyes. It didn't stop.

The tapered shaft was thickening now, pressure building at the base—that fucking knot. He felt it slap against him with each thrust, bumping, testing. "Please," he sobbed. "Please it's too big!" The dog didn't care. It pulled back. Snapped its hips forward again—harder this time. The knot caught. The impact drove the air from his lungs. His body seized. The head of the dog's cock was already buried fully, and now that obscene bulge was trying to follow. It was like being punched from the inside. Again. And again.

Stabbing thrusts, fast and shallow, battering against his entrance with no rhythm, no hesitation. Just need. The pain was white-hot. Stretching him wider than he thought possible. Skin pulled taut. Nerves screaming. And still the dog licked him. Sloppy, wet kisses across his cheek, his open mouth. Saliva drooled into his throat as he gasped for air. His hands clawed uselessly at the sheets, at the dog's back, trying to do something. Then it happened. With a guttural growl, the malemute lunged forward—and the knot slammed inside.

He howled. Every muscle seized. His back arched, mouth wide in a silent, broken scream. The knot locked in deep, stretching him impossibly full. He felt the snap of it settling behind his rim, the awful, twitching heat of it swelling further once lodged. And then the dog went still. Panting. Drooling. Emptying inside him. He couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. Could barely think. The heat of it filled him in pulses—thick, endless. His body stretched around that knot like a sealed plug, not a drop escaping.

And worst of all, His own cock twitched. Rubbed raw between their bellies, pinned and untouched—and then it spasmed. A shock of pleasure ripped through him, unwanted and unstoppable. He cried out, tears spilling, and came hard against the dog's fur. Sticky, shameful release, smeared across his stomach. The dog licked him again. Slower now. Over his mouth. Into it. Tongue dragging across his tongue. He didn't resist. Because there was nothing left to resist.

They lay there for what felt like hours. Maybe minutes. Time had blurred. The knot pulsed inside him still—huge and unforgiving, anchoring the dog's cock deep in his guts. Every twitch sent aftershocks through his trembling thighs. He couldn't move. Couldn't close his legs. Could barely feel them at all. The dog panted against his cheek, warm breath fogging his vision. It licked him lazily. Long, wet strokes from chin to forehead. Saliva pooled in the hollows of his collarbone, dripped into the hollow of his throat. He just stared past it. Stunned. Slack-jawed. Ruined.

Then, slowly, the dog moved. It shifted its weight—one paw off his chest, then the other. Its hind legs adjusted, its hips twisting. He felt it immediately. The knot tugged. "Ah—fuck—fuck, wait—" he whimpered, breath catching. The dog turned in place with slow, practiced grace—still locked inside him. Now facing away, tail curling over his belly, cock still buried in his ass. It stood there like that, panting, as though it had just done what it was born to do. He could feel everything. The bulge. The stretch. The slick twitch of the shaft shifting inside him as the knot began to soften. Each throb echoed through his body like a second heartbeat.

Then—with a sudden, wet pop—it came free. He gasped, full-body flinch as the knot slid out in one slick, agonizing drag. His hole spasmed uselessly, twitching open, spilling thick warmth down the backs of his thighs. It ran in slow, obscene streams. He didn't close his legs. He couldn't. The malemute hopped down from the bed, shook itself once, and padded calmly to the corner, curling up like nothing had happened. He lay there a moment longer. Shaking. Covered in spit. Seed. His own cum dried across his stomach. His makeup smeared. His hair clinging to damp cheeks. His mouth open, tongue still catching little strands of drool he hadn't managed to swallow.

Then, slowly, he sat up. His legs almost didn't hold him. His dress slipped back down, sticking to his skin. No underwear to catch the seed so generously donated. Just him. Open. Empty. Leaking. He walked to the door. He didn't bother fixing his lipstick. Didn't wipe the saliva from his cheeks. Didn't pull the hem of the dress down any farther than it already hung. Left in a daze almost as he stepped back into the hallway—and the music hit him like a wave. Bright. Loud. Alive. The same world. But he wasn't.He took a step forward, knees weak, one hand braced on the wall.

A voice from the stairs. "Hey." He looked up. One of the guys from earlier. Tall. Broad. The one who'd grabbed his ass on the dance floor. The guy looked him up and down—eyes lingering on the ruined face, the trembling thighs, the slow drip sliding down the inside of his leg. Then he smiled. "Well damn," the guy said, voice low and amused. "Didn't know you were that kind of slut." He didn't answer. He didn't have to. Because the guy was already stepping closer.
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Clara felt her heart fluttering in her chest as she stepped out of the trailer, her breathing fast beneath the tightly buckled mask that covered her entire face, leaving only her fiery red hair cascading down her shoulders visible. Each breath came hot and constrained by the muzzle's restrictive embrace, sharpening her awareness of every sensation. Drool began to trickle slightly from beneath the restrictive muzzle, heightening her sense of vulnerability. Beneath her muzzle, her cheeks burned crimson with embarrassment—but also with an undeniable thrill.

The friend who had convinced her to participate in the 4-H style expo had been persuasive, weaving promises of fun and excitement into the surreal scenario. Clara had hesitated initially, her shyness and modesty clashing violently with the very idea of parading herself as a pony-girl before curious eyes. Yet, as she shifted uneasily in place, the heavy leather corset bit into her pale, freckled skin, squeezing her midsection tightly and emphasizing her form. Clara felt a peculiar exhilaration intertwine deeply with her shame. No one would ever know who she was, the suit wouldn't show off any skin, keeping it all locked away behind heavy latex.

The hoof-shaped boots and gloves, crafted meticulously, rendered her hands useless—weighted heavily with polished nickel hooves that enforced an elegant, equine posture. Her movements became deliberate and measured, her body feeling both restrained and explicitly displayed. This paradox ignited a flame within her, hot enough to rival the vivid crimson of her hair. As her handler guided her forward, gently tugging at the reins clipped onto her ornate harness, Clara found herself settling into the strange rhythm imposed by the heavy, metallic hoof boots, the sound of each distinct clop resonating through her senses.

Eyes watched her pass—curious, intrigued, and appreciative—making her pulse race and her skin tingle beneath her restrictive costume. The line between humiliation and excitement blurred deliciously as Clara moved gracefully across the grassy ring, each step amplifying her conflicted emotions. She realized, astonished, that part of her relished being observed, valued, even coveted in this unusual guise. With every soft tug at her reins, she felt herself surrendering deeper into her role, shame melting into exhilaration. The boundaries she'd so carefully maintained began to erode under the intoxicating gaze of her audience, replaced by a liberation she'd never expected.

As Clara trotted in graceful circles, hair streaming like molten copper behind her, she discovered a secret within herself—one hidden beneath layers of modesty and inhibition. Embracing this thrilling shame, she moved proudly, her heart beating wild and free beneath the mask. Suddenly, her excitement froze into a chilling dread as her handler guided her toward a looming structure at the center of the ring—a public insemination machine. The blood drained from her face, replaced by a cold, clammy sweat beneath her Muzzle.

A rather rotund announcer stepped forward, booming jovially into a microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, our machine is so gentle and safe, real animals barely notice it! Why, even this lovely pony-girl here could take a few rounds and still trot away gracefully!" Clara's breathing quickened again, panic mixing uncomfortably with her newfound excitement. As the audience's anticipation grew, she felt herself trapped once more between humiliation and forbidden thrill, teetering on the brink of a terrifying, yet intoxicating unknown.

She stared in horrified fascination at the insemination machine's thick, rubbery attachment, it was sickening long with a broad crowned tip, it bobbed and swayed under its own weight combined with the breeze, It was humming ominously with mechanical life almost taunting. From its tip dripped a viscous, thick white fluid, each droplet making Clara's pulse spike and throat tighten with dread. Her imagination raced uncontrollably, conjuring sensations and fears she'd never faced. The grotesque reality before her pushed her mind into a whirlwind, the boundary between anticipation and terror growing perilously thin.

Her handler and trusted friend only smiled and gently but firmly turned her around, guiding her to step backward. The rhythmic humming grew louder behind her, each slow step bringing the chilling, unavoidable reality closer. Clara shivered violently, hearing the soft, wet sound of the machine's attachment dripping behind her, knowing she was moments away from an intimacy so public and mechanical that it left her paralyzed with both fear and inexplicable anticipation.

Her reins were swiftly tied off to a sturdy loop anchored into the ground, forcing Clara to bend sharply at the hips. Her corseted waist strained painfully, thrusting her backside high into the air, utterly shameless in its exposure. It was only then that Clara became acutely aware of the cool breeze whispering against the bare, vulnerable flesh of her exposed little star, mere inches from the relentless machine. She trembled uncontrollably, suspended in a harrowing, tantalizing balance between overwhelming dread and forbidden desire.

Clara's senses sharpened to an agonizing degree. The distant murmurs and quiet laughter of the spectators were deafeningly clear in her ears, each whisper an unbearable reminder of her humiliation and her exhilaration. Her limbs quivered in the restrictive leather and metal bindings, feeling both trapped and inexplicably secure. Time slowed, stretching out her torment and anticipation until each heartbeat echoed painfully in her chest.

A trickle of sweat mingled with the drool beneath her muzzle, sliding slowly down her neck and along her tightly corseted torso. Her mind screamed for escape, yet a deeper, hidden part of her yearned fiercely for the inevitable moment to arrive. Behind her, the machine hummed patiently, unfeeling, relentless—waiting to claim her vulnerability as the crowd held its breath, and Clara hovered on the precipice of surrender.

The muzzle and blinders of Clara's mask amplified every feeling of helplessness. Her vision, severely restricted, allowed only limited peripheral glimpses, intensifying her sense of vulnerability. The thick leather muzzle not only silenced her, leaving her utterly voiceless but also forced her jaw slightly open, ensuring her perpetual drool remained an embarrassment for everyone to witness.

Surrounding her, the expo celebrated animals in a wholesome, traditional manner—families milling happily, admiring livestock and pets in earnest competition and appreciation. Clara stood apart starkly from this innocent tableau, an obscene anomaly amidst the wholesome purity. Her presence, her attire, her imminent fate—every detail screamed of forbidden indulgence, highlighting her isolation and the explicit purpose for which she'd been brought here.
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He always told her taxidermy was about illusion. That people didn't buy the animal — they bought the idea of it. The fantasy of something wild, perfectly still, captured forever in one last moment of power. Of grace. Of beauty. She understood that better than anyone. The wolf had arrived in early spring — a dire-sized thing, all ash-gray fur and long, frostbit limbs. Her father hadn't touched it yet. The hide had been cleaned, turned, and cured, but never mounted. Still supple, still intact. Like it had only just slipped off the body of the creature it once was.

The wait would be agonizing for her. She had so many different idea's. It would be weeks if not months later when he left for the weekend. Alone in the workshop, Her breath visible in the cold air, as she undressed slowly. Her glistening oiled flesh shined in the harsh florescent lighting from over head, her skin goose-pimpled from the chill. She opened the wolf from the seam along its belly, gently like opening a secret. The inside was lined with a padded mesh her father used to preserve form. But it was hollow. Waiting. Slipping in feet first, she felt the strange, icy kiss of the cured hide as it hugged her legs, her thighs, her hips. The tunnel narrowed as it rose. Her arms had to fold in unnatural ways to fit into the limbs. Shoulders pressed forward. Her hands curled into the wolf's stiff paws. Every inch she sank into felt tighter, more constricting. She was disappearing into something else's shape.

The head was last. She slid it over her own like a second skull. The hollowed-out space fit snug around her crown. Her lips pressed against the inside of the muzzle, the dried flesh of the upper jaw inches from her own. The canine teeth jutted out, a grim facade — sharp, menacing, and no longer hers. Her lips trembled just behind them, unseen, delicate and soft behind the illusion of a predator's sneer. She had to breathe through the nose of the pelt — small slits that let in the cold, musky scent of leather and something old, something animal. Her vision narrowed to the eye holes, and it wasn't until she blinked and the wolf didn't that she truly felt it — she was hidden. Buried. Her heartbeat loud in her ears, her mouth dry. She was no longer girl. She was object.

That's when the paths diverged.
In the first path she never would get to leave the workshop.

She'd barely had time to adjust to the weight of the wolf body when the side door creaked open, and a rush of cold air swept into the workshop. It carried with it the low, deliberate sound of claws on concrete, Gage, The mastiff mix stood at the threshold like a statue carved from dusk — broad chest heaving, ears angled forward, scenting the air. He growled, deep and unsure. The fur along his spine rose. To him, she wasn't familiar anymore. She wasn't her. She was scent-wrong. Size-wrong. Something that shouldn't be there. She lowered herself slowly onto her forearms, letting the wolf body slump forward into a crouch. Her breath caught in her throat. Her lips pressed harder against the interior of the muzzle, trembling with the effort not to speak, not to give herself away. The fur inside the mask felt damp with her own breath. The slick inner walls of the jaw trapped her mouth in a ghost-snarl. Her vision was narrowed to two stiff, glass-ringed eyeholes. All she could see was Gage — inching closer.

Before she could react or think of a plan to get out of her situation, He lunged. The weight of him crashed into her side and rolled her across the floor. She yelped, but the sound came muffled, wrong, caught behind teeth that weren't hers. He pinned her with one massive paw across her back, mouth open and panting, saliva dripping onto the pelt. She felt the press of his nose against her shoulder, then her neck. He was scenting her deeply now — pressing into the pelt, down to the body hidden inside. A long, wet breath shuddered through him. She dared not move.

Each inhale was thick with heat, fear, and animal curiosity. Her heart pounded beneath the ribs of the wolf. The warmth of Gage's body enveloped hers, a stark contrast to the cold, stiff press of the pelt against her skin. Her body began to ache — from the pose, from the weight, from the stillness. But he wasn't done. Those powerful paws against her shoulders moved, shifted to hook around her hips. He began to rut against her.

It wasn't violent, but urgent. Primal. not for pleasure but to teach her, her new place. Her body jolted with each thrust, powerless to respond. The pelt cushioned most of it — a barrier of thick fur and dead skin between her and the raw desire of the dog. But still, the intimacy of it — the scent, the heat, the weight — pressed into her until her breath caught in ragged sobs behind the muzzle. The once-beautiful pelt now clung to her like a second skin soaked in humiliation, in awe, in the terrifying clarity of being truly seen — and mistaken for something she was not. Then came the knot, that last insult that would lock them together pinning her in position for nearly thirty minutes after the actual act.

Then when it was over, he simply licked her once a long, slow drag of his tongue up the side of her muzzled face and dismounted with little concearn, she watched as he padded away. She lay there in silence, limbs trembling, breath catching inside the wolf's hollow throat, her lips still just behind the teeth that now felt more like a prison than a disguise. The pelt held her, And the pelt remembered.
But that was only one path.
In another, she would get her wish and travel far away from home. It started with the mirror. She crouched before it, the heavy pelt draped around her in full, her body carefully contorted within the dead limbs of the winter wolf. She moved slowly, testing the range of motion in the stiff paws, the limits of her limbs inside their new home. Every movement was clumsy — her hips strained, her spine bent at odd angles, her arms crammed down narrow sleeves of cured hide. And yet… it worked. From the outside, she looked almost real.

The illusion was seamless — the fur thick and wild, the shape of her form masked beneath the weight of another. Her mouth hovered just behind the wolf's parted jaws, her own soft lips a breath away from bared, yellowing teeth. She could feel her saliva against the roof of the pelt's muzzle, could taste the bitterness of old glue and dry bone. Breathing through the nose-holes felt raw and animal. Her view narrowed to the fixed, glassy sockets of the mask. She blinked. The wolf didn't. She loved it. The way her skin prickled under the warm pelt. The way her body bent to match the contours of something no longer alive. The way the shape of her disappeared. It was exhilarating — terrifying — and god, it was exactly what she'd imagined.

She remembered saying it, half a joke, months ago: "I want to know what it's like to be one of his pieces. Just… sealed up, beautiful, untouchable. On display." Now she was. Encased. Shaped. Transformed. And she was turned on. The shame of it flooded her even as she leaned into it — her thighs trembling inside the tight hind legs, her body slick with sweat beneath the dead warmth of the fur. She hated the way it made her feel, the helplessness of it, the stillness, the humiliating truth that this wasn't a nightmare. It was wish fulfillment. Flesh wrapped in fantasy. Her fantasy. "You okay in there?" her friend asked behind her, voice low and unreadable.

She meant to answer. To say something light, something coy — but her lips were already pressed too tight against the pelt's inner jaw. Instead, she gave a shallow nod. Her muscles tensed. Her breath hitched. Then the numbness began. A strange, soft pull — not sharp, but inevitable. It started in her fingers. Then her arms. Her knees buckled, and she slumped forward onto all fours, her head swaying heavily in the confines of the mask. Panic bloomed in her chest. "I… I can't—" she tried to say, but the sound was little more than a hiss in the dead wolf's mouth.

"I know," her friend murmured, steadying her. She was still awake. Still fully present. But her body had betrayed her. A paralytic, subtle and slow, had been slipped to her. Her friend eased her into position — cradling her like a fragile thing, manipulating her limbs as though they belonged to a mannequin. She watched in frozen silence as her front paws were propped forward, her hind legs braced with rods, her neck straightened and padded to hold its tilt. Her mouth was now forever parted in that lifeless snarl. Her glassy stare fixed in feral alertness. Every part of her body wanted to run. To scream. But another part — the deep, desperate part — was singing.

This was what she wanted, wasn't it? To be looked at the way her father looked at his pelts. To be admired for the stillness, the craftsmanship, the fantasy. And when her friend stepped back, camera in hand, and began taking photos — documenting her as if she were nothing more than a brilliant, rare find — she nearly wept. A backdrop was placed behind her. Lights adjusted. Her breath came in shallow, useless little puffs through the nose slits. Sweat pooled at the small of her back, trapped under the fur. Her lips trembled behind the dead muzzle but couldn't move.

Click... The first photo.
Click.... The second.

"Perfect," her friend whispered, as though to himself. Then the listing. The title. The price. A real one-of-a-kind mount. Her name wasn't mentioned. Her body, her mind, her terror and excitement — all of it buried beneath the skin of something else. She was an object now. Her arousal tangled with shame, her panic fighting with awe. She'd become the piece. And people were already placing bids.
But what if she made it out of the workshop?
She didn't know how far she'd gone, only that she'd left the world behind. The forest swallowed her completely now. Branches pulled at the pelt like fingers, dragging strands of fur through the damp underbrush. Her knees and elbows throbbed from crawling, but she didn't stop. Couldn't. Her breath steamed through the pelt's muzzle in short, heated bursts, fogging her view through the eyeholes. Every inch of her skin was slick and aching — suffocating beneath hide that no longer felt borrowed. She'd stopped being a girl somewhere back on the path. What she was now… she couldn't name.

When she found the clearing, it felt like stepping into a dream. Moonlight poured down in silver sheets. The earth was soft beneath her paws. And across from her, he waited — massive, ancient, crowned with antlers wide as branches. The moose. She watched, stared with a growing twisted hunger that turned her stomach, its length exposed, extended from its sheath able to steal her breath away at the mere sight of it. He watched her. Unmoving. His nostrils flared, steaming. A pulse of soundless understanding passed between them, primitive and raw. She felt heat settle between her thighs — the fear, the weight, the wrongness — and yet she stayed low, still, presenting.

He approached. Each heavy step thudded through the clearing. She couldn't move, not because she was frozen in fear — though she was — but because some part of her wanted this. To be tested. Validated. Touched by something utterly real. She smelled him before he reached her — thick musk, sharp with sweat and wildness. He was in season. And she, wrapped in her false skin, had wandered into his domain. He rutted her. There was no violence in it, no hesitation. Just inevitability. The sheer force of him pressed her into the ground, grinding the pelt into her skin until there was no space between what she was and what she pretended to be. The weight, the heat, the grunting rhythm — it all filled her, left her shaking, ashamed, breathless. Her own body betrayed her again, throbbing with something she couldn't name, couldn't stop. And the pelt — her second skin — only clung tighter.

When he left her, she didn't rise. She lay there, face pressed into the dirt, fur matted, thighs aching, body limp beneath the weight of everything she'd invited. The forest around her breathed. She was lost in a haze processing what had just happened and how quickly it left, how its viril lifeforce she could feel writhing inside of her body in the pit of her belly. Time ticked by, minutes.. hours.. she wasnt sure. Then came the wolves. them. Feral, earthy, alive. The brush parted with cautious steps. Three of them — lean, alert, gliding through the trees with soundless grace. They found her without hesitation, forming a wide circle around her crumpled body. She didn't move. Couldn't. The moose left her nearly broken and straining to regain some portion of herself within the pelt.

She knew what she must look like to them — a stranger, but familiar. A lone wolf, injured maybe, or simply unknown. But not prey. Never prey. One stepped close. Another followed. Their noses touched the fur stretched over her back, then her sides, then lower. One nudged her flank, testing her scent. She moaned softly, helplessly, the sound caught in the pelt's throat. They didn't offer comfort. They didn't offer choice. They claimed her. One by one, they pressed against her. Nipped her neck. Licked her snout. Mounted her not with violence, but insistence. She whimpered. Not just from the pain or the heat, but from the humiliation of wanting to be accepted — and being taken because of it. They didn't ask who she was beneath the skin. They didn't care. To them, she was wolf enough. They wouldnt wait or allow her to stand, to shift her positon, taking her there resting on her side forcing her into their rhythm, into their order. When it was done, they didn't wait. Not offering even a lick in thanks. They turned and ran silent as shadows.

She followed. Her body screamed in protest, but she followed. The pelt twisted tight around her. Her limbs burned. Her breath rattled through the hollow muzzle. And still — she followed. Because this was the only path left. She had gone too deep, too far. And the wild had taken her.
They came just after dusk, just as she'd hoped.

She heard them first — low voices between the trees, the metallic click of rifles, boots on damp soil. She was already posed, curled into the grass like a resting beast, her limbs tucked tightly into the hollow sleeves of the pelt. Her breath was slow, controlled. She was sweating beneath the fur — her thighs slick, her chest rising and falling in shallow rhythm. The air inside the mask was thick and warm, scented with her own breath, pressed against the dried snout of the wolf's hollow mouth. They came through the trees with flashlights and rifles, boots soft on the moss. She didn't lift her head. Didn't flinch. Her heart thudded inside the pelt, but she forced herself into stillness. Muscles tight, breath shallow. Her body curled beneath the heavy hide, arms locked in the wolf's forelegs, knees pressed into the haunches. The weight of the fur pressed her down, wrapped her in heat and the musky scent of old leather, salt, and wild things.

She could feel her lips brushing the stiff, cured leather inside the muzzle. Every exhale condensed along her chin and jaw. Her tongue twitched behind yellowed fangs that had once belonged to something real. Now, they were hers. A beam of light swept across her.

"There," someone whispered. "Down there." She didn't move.

She wanted to. Every muscle in her human body ached. Her knees throbbed from the crouch, her arms cramped inside the forelegs. But she needed to hold still. Needed them to believe. She kept her head low, muzzle tilted in the snarl she couldn't control. She let her breath stay ragged — almost panicked — but never loud. She heard them stop just a few feet away. Lights washed over her side, casting long shadows through the tangled bramble. She held her breath. Played dead. Played perfect. "Big wolf. Female," one muttered. "Damn. No bullet holes. No blood."

"Still warm?"
A hand pressed into her side — through the pelt, through the padding, to her. She gasped without sound, lips parting behind the wolf's frozen snarl. The hand lingered. Gripped. "Still fresh. We should tie her, Just in case." She exhaled slowly as their hands returned. This time with rope. They rolled her slightly onto her belly, limbs limp inside the fur. Her arms—her paws—were pulled forward and crossed, then tied at the ankles. The rope bit through the pelt, tight and deliberate. Her legs were drawn back and parted just enough to fasten each ankle to the frame beneath her, locking her down, presenting her. Her chest heaved.

They worked in silence for a time. Efficient. Focused. The way men handle something valuable, something wild. Then fingers returned to her body — not tender, but careful. Methodical. Exploring the fur along her spine, pressing into the haunches, brushing down between her legs. One hand curled under her, searching for signs of injury. It found only heat. Flesh. "She's soft," one of them muttered, sounding almost uncertain now. "Not right." Another leaned over her, fingers slipping beneath the fur at her side, tracing the seam where the pelt was bonded close to her skin. The touch made her shudder. Still, she didn't move. She didn't dare.

"She's breathing."
"…No. You're kidding."
"I felt it."
A pause. Then the muzzle. Two fingers slid between the open jaws of the wolf — into the dry mouth, past the preserved tongue — until they brushed her mouth. Her lips. Wet. Warm. Alive. She couldn't help it. She moaned — soft, desperate, hot breath pouring past the muzzle in a single, trembling sound. They froze. "She's human."

"Is she stuck in there?"
"I think… no. She's letting us."
The mood shifted. No longer hunters. No longer men stumbling on prey. Now they were handlers. Keepers. And she was the rare, impossible thing they'd found. Tied. Still. Beautiful. Their hands moved again — more slowly now. One traced the curve of her thigh. Another returned to her mouth, stroking the soft seam of her lips through the mask. She was panting now, quiet and rapid, hips aching from the way they were splayed. Every breath fogged the inside of the snout. Every movement inside the pelt made the fur shift over her skin like another lover's hands.

They didn't ask her why. They didn't ask her name. They just watched. Touched. Marvelled. And she let them. Because this was what she'd come for. To be mistaken. Bound. Inspected. To become a thing so perfectly posed they forgot she had ever been a girl at all.
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The sky was still dark when Mae stirred, hours before the first rooster's cry. The house was silent. No creaking floorboards. No distant clatter from the kitchen. Just the hush of deep, pre-dawn stillness. She slid out from under her thin sheets like a ghost, feet bare on the cool floor. Her heartbeat already outpaced her steps. No bra. No panties. Just a loose sleep shirt and worn cotton shorts—thin, soft, and clinging in all the wrong places. It wasn't for comfort. Not tonight.

She knew exactly where she was going. Outside, the air bit cold against her skin, still heavy with night. The world was shadows and silver. Every step she took across the dewy yard was a gamble, each open stretch of space a breath held between safety and discovery. There was no door to lock behind her. No private stall or hidden room. The insemination machine was tucked away in a chute. It was built for function, not secrecy—just a walk-through alley of steel and concrete, open on either end, tucked alongside the breeding barn. Cattle and mares were led in one side, processed, and guided out the other.

She had no illusions about privacy, That's what made it worse, And better in so many ways. Her thighs rubbed together with every step. Her mind buzzed. She'd seen it used once. From a distance. Just enough to know what it did. She remembered the sounds more than anything—the hiss of hydraulics, the low chuff of motors, and the slick, wet pop of something entering. She hadn't looked away. Not even when she knew she should have. Now she couldn't stop thinking about it.

By the time Mae reached the chute, her pulse was a drum in her throat as her heart raced. It stood in partial darkness, lit only by the red glow of standby lights. A metal passage no wider than a stall, lined with sensors and restraint systems folded tight against the wall like claws at rest. The insemination rig was mounted midway through—a low, curved platform with braces ready to engage. As she stepped every step filled with more excitement and anxiety.

Her breath caught in her throat. The walls rose tall and close around her, leaving only the sky above, open and endless. If someone came around the barn… they'd see everything. And still, she moved forward. Mae's foot touched the platform. The machine woke... She heard a chime a soft thrum, Then movement. Braces hissed into motion like arms unfolding from a sleep. The platform tilted slightly, inviting her down. She knelt—hesitant, but burning—and let herself be pulled into place. The midsection brace rose to meet her stomach, padded and warm. Her shirt rode up over her ribs as it cinched in. Two separate loop's caught her thighs next, easing them open. She gasped as her balance shifted. Then her arms were guided forward, resting along a padded incline while cool bands looped her wrists and gently tugged them forward.

The machine hadn't waited for instructions. It had chosen to repeat the last routine it had been used for. She was bound. Mae's legs trembled, spread and held wide. Her back arched. Her hips raised. Her shorts had ridden up tight between her cheeks, clinging to the last illusion of modesty—and even that wouldn't last. Somewhere beneath her, a hatch clicked open. She could hear Something rising, something mechanical. She felt the shift in air. Heard the soft hum of motors. And suddenly, the risk didn't matter. The open sky. The exposed walls. The certainty that someone could walk through the chute at any moment. All of it vanished beneath one trembling thought: It's coming, this was it.

Mae's breathing came fast now, shallow and rhythmic, echoing through the open steel chute around her. The restraints held her steady—arms stretched forward, knees braced, belly pressed down over the thick padded girth that curved along her midsection. Her hips were raised high, her spine drawn into perfect arch by the machine's gentle but unyielding adjustments.

She hadn't fought it. She hadn't needed to. And yet, in the dim predawn light, bound and trembling, Mae felt her pulse thrum louder than she'd expected. The thrill of sneaking out, the promise of being claimed by the machine—it was still there—but now something else threaded into it. A tension. A doubt. Her curiosity had burned too hot to resist. But she hadn't known what it would feel like to be so helpless. She turned her head just enough to steal a glance beneath herself. That's when she saw it.

The inseminator had risen fully from its housing. Long. Thick. Gleaming in the dim red glow of standby lights, its surface coated in heavy lubricant that clung to its ridged shaft in beads and streaks. At its end, the flared head—wide, rubbery, equine in shape—throbbed faintly with warmth. It looked alive. And it was too big. Far bigger than she'd imagined designed for something far larger than she. A heavy droplet of something thicker—milky and viscous—hung from the flare's tip, dangling, stretching, then falling to the floor with a soft, wet sound. Mae swallowed hard excitement and fear welling up in the pit of her belly as it rose behind her able to hear it making subtle adjustments of height and angle.
She couldn't see it anymore—but she could feel it approach. It was warm, disturbingly so, radiating heat as it moved into position behind her, she could feel it moving between her hips and expected it to brush against her folds which quivered with anticipation yet... her hear would sink, It bypassed her folds entirely, aligning higher—too high. Her star, perfect, pink and untouched Mae froze, realization crashing through her in a wave of panicked heat, Then came the pressure. The flare pressed directly into the cotton seam of her sleep shorts. The fabric stretched against it, too thin to be any real barrier, but enough to resist for a moment. The blunt head ground into her, parting her cheeks, crushing the cloth into her delicate ring with unthinking force, The pressure built it was unrelenting The machine didn't understand clothing. It didn't care. The restraint around her hips shifted—tilting her half an inch lower, exposing her completely, And the probe won. The cotton gave with a soft, slow rip—first threads, then fabric—until the flare punched through, pressing directly into her exposed skin.

Mae choked on her breath as it entered her. There was no warning. No pause. No hesitation. Just the relentless, steady advance of the thick, flared inseminator as it spread her open inch by torturous inch. Her breath hitched into shallow, ragged gasps. The pain wasn't sharp—but it was wrong, deep and stretching and constant. The machine didn't slow keeping that deliberate steady pace with the ability to produce thousands of pounds of force that her tender muscles couldnt hope to resist. Her muscles clenched reflexively, and the probe responded by pressing harder, splitting her wider. Her body tried to reject it, and the machine responded by adjusting—angling upward into her with unyielding patience.

She couldn't stop it. Couldn't delay it. She could only take it. Mae whimpered as the flare finally seated itself with a soft, sickening pop, locking in place deep inside her. She shook in the restraints, sweat pooling between her shoulder blades, her entire core trembling. The machine paused. A soft chime echoed around her as the system confirmed position. Hydraulics adjusted. And she realized, That was just the beginning. The filling hadn't even started. Her limbs were useless. Her mind reeled. She had come here willingly, hungry to feel it for herself. But now, filled and trembling, torn shorts hanging loose from her hips, her ring still spasming around the obscene mass inside her, Mae knew. She wasn't ready Not for what came next.

Mae wasn't sure how long the machine held her there, impaled on its obscene probe, trembling and panting into the quiet of the chute. Time had stopped somewhere between the breach and the shock, her mind untethered from anything but the relentless fullness seated inside her. Then the system moved again. She heard the soft mechanical chime. Felt the gentle hiss and subtle vibration of repositioning hydraulics. And then it began. The first pulse of warmth surged into her, thick and slow. Mae gasped as the pressure shifted deep inside her, a heavy liquid warmth flowing from the heart of the machine into her bowels. It wasn't fast. It wasn't forceful. But it was constant. A slow, steady stream designed to deposit volume.

She felt it as weight. Not just inside her gut—but against her lungs, her spine, her skin. A fullness that pressed outward in every direction, claiming space that had once been hers. The inseminator remained locked deep within her, flare sealed in place, every pulse of fluid trapped inside her by sheer mass and anatomy. Her belly reacted first. She felt the tightening as her abdominal muscles strained against the growing swell. It crept upward—first a soft distension, like a bloat from overeating. Then more. Taut. Firm. A rising, round pressure just below her navel. She looked down and saw it. She was swelling. Filling.

Her breath trembled. Her lips parted in disbelief. She had imagined this part—fantasized about it in stolen moments—but nothing could have prepared her for the reality. She was being filled like livestock. Slowly, methodically, like the machine didn't just want her body—it wanted to reshape it. Minutes minutes passed. Another slow surge. She whimpered. The pressure never stopped, never dipped, only climbed—pulse after pulse of thick, artificial fluid settling inside her. It was warm. Too warm. Her skin prickled. Her face flushed. Her fingers flexed weakly against the restraints.

The machine adjusted again—tilting her hips slightly lower to accommodate the growing weight. Ten minutes. Her belly now pushed out in a proud, rounded curve. A healthy baby bump. Smooth and shiny with sweat. She moaned as another slow surge pushed against her limits, her muscles twitching with the effort of holding it all in. She couldn't hold it. And yet—she had to. The flare remained buried inside her, an unyielding stopper. She clenched her jaw as the next pulse came. Another. By now, Mae could barely think. Her body was a vessel—nothing more. Her mind floated somewhere behind her eyes, fogged and hot. The restraint pad dug into the underside of her belly now, cradling the taut swell she'd grown.

The sun had begun to rise. Soft gold spilled over the fields, creeping into the open chute. Light caught the sweat on her thighs, the torn cotton hanging limply from her hips, the slow rise and fall of her breath. She barely noticed the machine finally retreating. She barely felt it shifting and pulling, the flared tip dragging against her quivering walls made her squirm and whimper letting slip near breathless cries till finally, The inseminator slid free with a low, wet slurping sound, leaving Mae twitching in its absence, her ring fluttering helplessly around the space it had once sealed. Her entire core ached with pressure and strain, her belly still rounded with the weight of fluid pumped deep inside her. The machine had filled her thoroughly—almost too thoroughly. Nothing spilled from her at first. Only a distant, dizzy ache.

Then—just a trickle. A thick, glistening bead slid down from her gaped star, clinging to the torn seam of her shorts before slipping over the curve of her folds. It soaked into the cotton—hot, wet, unmistakable—and marked her with its scent, Rich, Heavy, Animal. She couldn't move. Still bent Still held Still open. And the air around her had changed.

Mae heard the hooves first, Soft, Measured, Unhurried. Then the deep, steady breathing. A shape moved behind her—broad, powerful, silent but for the creak of shifting weight. Warm breath rolled across her thighs, and the unmistakable scent of horse filled her nose. Dust, Hide, Heat. Then came the thump. Slap. A thick, wet sound against flesh—twice, quick, close. Mae's eyes fluttered wide, panic and arousal tangling like thorns in her throat. She couldn't see him, not fully, stolen glances from the corner of her eyes, told her what she needed yet she felt the presence behind her. Felt him pause, nostrils flaring as he took her in.

Another breath, Another step, He was interested. Drawn by scent. By posture. By the way her sweat and the machine's residue clung to her skin and stained the air, A mare in heat. Mae had barely caught her breath when she felt it—warm and steady, rolling across the backs of her thighs like steam. The stallion's breath. She twitched against the restraints, a fresh jolt of panic flaring beneath her skin. Her limbs jerked, but the machine held her firm. Bound and bent. Offered. She had no leverage, no slack. Her belly ached from fullness, still cradled against the padded midsection brace. Her entrance, once sealed, now fluttered gently, swollen and twitching, marked with the heavy scent of heat.

The stallion lowered his head behind her. She heard him breathe her in—deep, guttural pulls of air through flared nostrils, as if reading her body note by note. Then came the first nudge, a slow, firm bump of his muzzle against her inner thigh. Mae flinched hard, her toes curling in the stirrups, her breath caught between a sob and a cry. He pressed again—sniffing higher. His breath spilled across her rear, her exposed star still parted slightly from the probe's long exit. A thin trickle of the machine's fluid had soaked through the ruined seam of her shorts, saturating the fabric. Her skin burned. Her body reeked of readiness.

The stallion responded with a low grunt, hooves shifting as he stepped in closer. Mae whimpered. She thrashed against her bonds now—not because she wanted to escape the feeling, but because she couldn't stand the not knowing. She couldn't see him. Couldn't stop him. She was still bound like a mare in season—and now there was no machine, no sterile wall of automation between her and what came next.

Far off at first. Muffled. But growing. "…he went toward the barn!" "Think he caught scent of the new filly?"

Mae's heart slammed against her ribs. Someone was coming. Not just anyone—men. Familiar voices. Her brother. One of the hands. Laughter. Casual talk. Footsteps in the dirt. Please, no.

She yanked against the restraints again, desperate now, the panic overtaking the weight in her belly. The stallion snorted at the noise. Then he stepped forward. His hoof met the pressure mat just behind her, the same way hers had earlier in the dark. The machine chimed. Lights blinked to life. Mae drew in a sharp breath, The machine activated... and a familiar sound from below could be heard.

It activated.
The garage was cold. Angela's bare feet curled against the concrete, trembling slightly, toes slick with a sheen of body oil that offered no protection from the frigid air. Her long dark hair hung in damp waves down her back, sticking to her caramel skin. The only light came from a single portable lamp near the workbench—throwing deep shadows across the walls and floor. Her nipples were hard. Goosebumps raced down her arms, her thighs. She stood there completely naked, arms wrapped around herself, shivering as Lisa rubbed the last of the oil into her skin. "This is insane," Angela whispered through chattering teeth. "It's so cold."

"You'll warm up the second you're inside," Lisa said, smiling. "The suit's fully insulated. Trust me." Angela managed a shaky breath, trying not to flinch as Tom unzipped the full-length mare suit now laid out across a rubber mat. It gleamed wet in the light—deep chocolate brown with black accents along the spine, molded musculature, and a disturbingly lifelike mare's head with unblinking glass eyes. The interior steamed faintly. Heated lining, Lisa had said. Sealed warmth. A complete enclosure. Angela swallowed. Her heart beat faster.

Tom knelt to open the front limbs, then looked up. "On your knees." Angela hesitated. But then she nodded slow and sank down onto the mat. The rubber stuck lightly to her oiled skin. Lisa guided her right arm forward, helping her slip it deep into the waiting forelimb sleeve. Inside, the lining was slick, warm—comforting. Her fingers pressed forward into the molded hoof. The tightness around her bicep made her shudder. Then the left. Once both arms were inside, the position locked her forward, shoulders pulled down, chest forced out. She could only support herself on the stiff rubber limbs now, kneeling like a beast waiting to rise. "Almost there," Lisa murmured.

They lifted the suit over her hips, guiding her legs one by one into the thick, muscular hind limbs. The internal padding gripped her tightly—like being swallowed. Her thighs were squeezed together, her calves forced downward into the rear hooves. Tom zipped her closed, slowly. From tailbone to mid-back. The warmth rushed in behind the zipper like a blanket being tucked around her entire body. The contrast was intoxicating—frigid air on her face, blazing heat along her spine and legs, Angela couldnt help it, She moaned, softly, and didn't try to hide it. Her arms and legs were gone. Replaced. Her body pressed into a shape that wasn't hers.

The rear harness tightened, tipping her hips down slightly. She shifted on the front hooves and realized her entire posture had changed. She couldn't sit up. Couldn't straighten her neck. Then the muzzle. Lisa held it up—the full mare's head, long and glossy. The inside glistened with lubricant, and in the center of the mouth was the gag—a wide, spongy, ridged bit that stretched between two clamps. Angela licked her lips and opened her mouth willingly. The bit slid in, wide and deep. She gagged a little as it filled her mouth and pinned her tongue. Saliva immediately pooled around it. She could barely breathe through her mouth at all—only through the snout's subtle nostril vents. Her breath fogged the rubber interior.

Lisa lowered the head into place, fitting it over Angela's face with careful hands. The world darkened. Her vision narrowed to distorted tunnels through the glossy fake mare's eyes.Then came the final zipper, just beneath the jaw. Two buckles behind her ears. Snap! Angela couldn't speak. She couldn't see well. Couldn't move her head without the whole suit shifting around her. She was a body inside a creature now.She whined through the gag. It came out as a soft, wet whicker, mechanical and subdued.

Lisa knelt down beside her, stroking the side of the rubber muzzle. "Almost done, pretty thing," she whispered. "Just your tail." Angela froze, it was surely a joke.. right? Her hear sank as Tom stepped forward, cradling the final piece in both hands. The tail assembly was heavier than it looked—thick, swaying synthetic hair fanning out from a gleaming black base. But it was the plug that caught Angela's eye: wide, glossy, and threaded in a smooth, spiral design that narrowed just slightly toward the tip. Like a corkscrew. Like a tool meant to drill into her. It glistened with fresh lube, warmed and waiting.

Lisa reached beneath the base of her suit, unsealing the small flap over Angela's lower back. The cold rushed in, stinging the hot, vulnerable skin beneath. Then came the touch. Instinctively she tried to step away, but Lisa held her firmly, That glistening little star would tense, winking almost as Tom guided the tip of the plug to her slick, well oiled entrance. Angela whimpered, muffled through the bit. A trail of drool ran down from her gag and spattered the mat.

The first push was gentle—just pressure. A tease. Then Tom began to turn it. Slowly. Angela gasped behind the gag, hooves twitching weakly against the rubber mat. Her body resisted instinctively—but the plug advanced with each slow, careful twist, the ridges spreading her open by degrees, rotating deeper, stretching her inch by unbearable inch. Each spiral locked into the next with a soft pop, like threads biting. She whimpered. Snorted. Her back arched slightly. Her muzzled equine head would shake from side to side, it was to much! Yet Lisa whispered in her ear, soothing. "It's okay, Angela. Let it in."

Another twist. The thickest part passed her rim with a final grind, and the plug seated deep inside her with an almost mechanical satisfaction. The base pressed flush against her cheeks. Angela moaned loudly into the bit—more drool spilling free, her hips quivering from the fullness. Her eyes were wide behind the tinted lenses of the mare's mask, watering slightly. The tail clicked into the rear of the suit with a deep clack. Locked. The weight of it tugged downward immediately, swaying gently as Lisa brushed the hair with her fingers. Every shift of Angela's hips caused the ridges inside her to tug and twist with the movement, a constant reminder of the plug's presence.

She wasn't just sealed now. She was anchored and made whole. Angela let her head drop slightly between her forelimbs, breath fogging the inside of her muzzle. Her limbs were sore. Her jaw was stretched. Her sex stretched tailhole now ached throbbed around the deep spiral invading her. But she was warm. Transformed.

Lisa rose, wiping her hands on a towel. "There she is. The mare." Tom nodded, taking a slow step back. "She's ready." Angela didn't respond. She couldn't. She just stood there—four-limbed, rubber-bound, gagged and dripping into the muzzle—her body no longer her own. Her tail swayed with every breath. Her limbs ached from the posture. Her mouth overflowed with drool. Her ass throbbed around the twisted base of the plug. But inside the suit… she was warm. Held. Humming with sensation. For the moment, cold was gone. And tomorrow, she would no longer be playing pretend.

Eventually, The garage door closed with a slow mechanical hum, sealing Angela inside with a final click. It was quiet again. What was supposed to just be a fitting turned into more work than any of them had wanted, with it getting late Lisa and Tom decided to leave Angela in the suit, she needed to learn to move afterall before her reveal. The portable light still burned near the far wall, casting long shadows across the mat where she stood trembling. Lisa and Tom were gone now—left her here for the night, exactly as promised. They hadn't said much before leaving, only soft affirmations and the reminder that someone would come for her in the morning. And so, Angela—sealed head to hoof inside the latex mare suit, gagged, drooling, stretched wide around the twisted tail plug—was alone.

The warmth of the suit pulsed against her skin. Her breath fogged the muzzle in slow, rhythmic bursts. Every breath tasted faintly of rubber and saliva. Her jaw ached from the bit, which filled her mouth too completely to speak or bite down. Only soft, filtered whinnies escaped now, the occasional whimper echoing faintly off the concrete walls. She shifted her weight. The rear legs responded awkwardly. Her knees no longer bent like human ones—they were locked at the wrong angle, reinforced by the suit's internal bracing. Her front limbs—her arms—had become blunt, rubbery hooves that only offered balance when placed just right on the mat.

It took her five tries to stand. Seven to walk. Each step was a negotiation. Her back arched unnaturally, her vision restricted to a narrow tunnel of distorted light. She tripped. Fell. Got back up again, hooves clapping against the cold mat, breath ragged. And through it all, the plug remained seated inside her—wide, ridged, twisted into place. Every movement tugged at it. Her insides clenched instinctively. She'd expected it to hurt more. Instead, it felt like weight. Presence. Constant and unbearable. Worse still, the suit left her sex exposed. She could feel the air on it—cold, sharp, shocking every time she took a step. The swollen heat between her legs throbbed against the open air, against nothing. Her body wanted contact, friction, something. But her limbs couldn't reach. Her hooves couldn't help.

She was helpless to, unable to touch herself. All she could do was walk. Pace. Moan into the gag. Drool leaked down her chin, pooling on the mat below. And eventually, exhausted, she curled into a makeshift rest position—chest to floor, limbs tucked under, tail swaying softly behind her. The pressure in her hips never faded. Neither did the arousal. Angela didn't sleep so much as drift—half-lucid, limbs twitching in the rubber cocoon of her mare body. Her mouth was dry around the bit, her tongue swollen, jaw sore. The cold of the garage had vanished entirely. Now there was only sweat. Heat. The pulsing ache of her hips around the twisted tail plug. The helpless, building tension in her exposed, swollen cunt.

The clatter of the garage door jarred her awake. Light exploded into the space. "Morning, my beautiful beast," Lisa's voice cooed through the haze. Angela blinked slowly through the sweat-fogged lenses of her mask. Lisa wore a black crop top, jodhpurs, and polished boots. Her petite frame looked comically delicate—until she approached with leather reins, a bit extension, and something bulky in her other hand. "You slept well," Lisa said, more statement than question. "Time to show you off." The reins clipped to either side of the rubber muzzle. Not just symbolic. They pulled. Tightened. Made Angela's head jerk if she resisted. A second strap looped under her jaw and fastened at the back of the headpiece, locking her neck into a more rigid pose.

Then the saddle. Tom entered just long enough to help lift it onto her back. Thick, black leather with cinching straps that squeezed the suit even tighter around her ribcage. The pressure made Angela pant. Drool immediately began to leak again from the gag. Lisa mounted her in one smooth motion, one leg swinging over with the ease of someone who had done this before. Angela groaned. Her knees buckled for a moment, but Lisa clicked her tongue. "Uh-uh. Strong. Show them how pretty you move." She was led out of the garage like that—ridden. Straining. The saddle pressing into her spine, the reins jerking her every time her gait faltered. Her limbs ached. Every step sent the tail plug grinding deeper. And Lisa? She just smiled, one hand casually resting at the back of Angela's neck, gripping a fistful of rubber mane.

The yard was full already. Drinks in hand. Music playing. Tables set with platters of food and bottles. Neighbors and strangers mingled. Adults only. The kind of party where things happened between fences and firepits. The kind no one talked about after. Cheers rose as Angela appeared. "She actually did it!" "Holy shit—look at that thing!" Lisa rode her in a slow circle, pausing so guests could pet her, tap her flanks, even stroke her exposed sex—open and puffy from the night of friction and heat. Angela flinched as a woman ran her nails between the lips.

"She's dripping already," someone said. "Slutty little thing." Lisa dismounted and handed off the reins, letting others take turns leading her around the lawn, showing her off like a prized showpiece. Her legs were shaking. Her throat burned from the gag. Then someone approached from behind. She couldn't see them some unknown neighbor or a stranger who heard about it all thru the grapevine but she felt the gloves. Slick, unyielding, sliding between her thighs. Not a toy. Not a cucumber or a carrot or some other party prop. A hand.

Two fingers. Four. A twist. A shove. Angela screamed into the bit—but it was only a warbled whinny to the crowd. The hand kept pushing. Knuckles grinding into her. Her walls stretched, clamped, pulled. A moan escaped her mouth, unintelligible, raw. "She can take it," Lisa laughed. "She's not human right now, remember?" The fist slid deeper. Angela's legs gave out momentarily. She collapsed onto her front limbs, shaking as the hand slowly pulled free—wet, glistening, coated in her juices.

Laughter echoed around her, but it sounded distant, warped through the mask and the haze in her mind. She panted, trembling, the tail twitching with each pulse from deep inside. Then came the sound. Not laughter. Not music. A whinny. At the far end of the cul-de-sac, framed by the sunlit haze, a figure approached—tall, slow, deliberate. Boots on pavement. A thick leather lead coiled in one hand. Her ex-husband. And behind him, towering and sleek, walked a stallion. Angela froze. Her breath caught in her throat, drool running in fat strands from the bit between her lips. Her limbs locked, her muscles tense.

The stallion was enormous. Larger than life in a way that felt wrong, unfair. Its coat was obsidian black, rippling with muscle. Each hooffall sounded like a drumbeat on the asphalt. Its eyes were calm. Curious. Hungry. She felt its gaze land on her. The rubber mare, trembling in the grass, cunt still stretched and twitching, tail swaying like a silent invitation every time her trembling muscles squeezed that plug. And then she saw it. Between the stallion's legs, something shifted. Heavy. Dark. Emerging. Not fully, not yet—but enough to make her moan into the gag, her eyes going wide behind the darkened lenses of the suit.

It pulsed as it grew, long and pendulous, a living, breathing counterpoint to the dead rubber of her own form. The crowd had gone quiet. Watching and holding their breath. Lisa stepped close, reins still in hand, voice low and cruelly soft. "Well," she purred beside Angela's ear, brushing sweat-damp hair from the edge of the mask. "Looks like you're not the only one who came ready to perform." Her fingers tapped Angela's flank gently, then curled into the base of her tail. "You'd better hope you're a very good girl."
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