- Joined
- Oct 25, 2009
- Location
- Australia
Well, haven't made any major changes to this apart from this intro after the host change, but let's get to it.
Before anyone asks; this is a username I've used on several other places and originally used here out of habit, so consider it to be a very non-indicative name (although if there's a way to change one's username, let me know because odds are I'm just too blind to see it).
I've been RPing in various forms for about fifteen years or so. I like to think I'm a decent writer once I get going but if you have any issues with how things are going, please let me know. Even if you think you're indicating it surreptitiously, I may have missed it (mild Asperger's is a bitch like that) just tell me straight if I'm overdoing the worldbuilding/exposition, if I'm going too slow or too fast, etc. How serious a plot is tends to vary at times based both on the ideas we've had, the tone you want to go with, etc. I tend to shy away from anything overly dark though, outside of maybe one or two Wham Shots or the like. I also have a habit of, for fantasy settings, adding detail to the magic or supernatural stuff beyond the norm. Like if we were in an RP set in Golarion and I was playing a mage of some description, expect the odd bit of magibabble or for me to come up with random names of magical research papers or the like (with my character poking fun at how overly-wordy some of the titles end up).
Finally; I only play over threads or Private Messages (or Conversations, as the new forum design calls them). I'm open to email as well but, obviously, I'm going to save giving that out to when we actually get an RP going. Regardless; any IM or chat system is out of the question, I can never think of a reply quickly enough for it to be a worthwhile RP medium and I don't like leaving people hanging (plus, knowing my luck, the timezones wouldn't line up anyway). I'm on the Blue Moon Discord as well so feel free to contact me on there (either tagging me in the BM Discord or direct message) however I have one condition regarding Discord direct messages.
Right, now that that's out of the way, on to the meat of why you're looking in here.
What I Like
This isn't going to be all that expansive. My F-List page covers the bulk of it, although I should point out that the Maybes are somewhat flexible; it all comes down to the degree you want to use it to. I'd like to be able to sum that up, but I'd just be listing a lot of caveats. Generally-speaking, as long as it isn't too out there, I should be willing to give it a go. Just double-check if you can't find it on there, of course.
What I Don't Like
This bit won't be listing kinks since, if you're like me, you've probably already skimmed through my F-List looking for a handful of "make-or-break" kinks. Instead, this is more what sort of personalities I don't like playing against or plot elements I don't like using.
One other thing, and I really feel like this should go without saying, if you decide not to continue with the RP (regardless of how long it's been going or if we've even started it) then for Christ's sake tell me why! I can't fix a problem that I don't know is there! The number of times I've had an RP die in that gap between the planning and actually starting it is getting ridiculous. It seems to've happened twice since I made this thread. Out of three people who've approached me in that time (and that third one seems to've only lasted a couple of days).
I know that may not be as helpful as you might like, but I'm hoping that combining this with my F-List and the plots below should help give you an idea of what I mean. And, of course; don't hesitate to ask me about something if you're not sure. Now that that's taken care of...
Story-driven Plots
Return of the Exalted
Based on the White Wolf RPG, Exalted, I got the idea for this from the final ending of Asura's Wrath - the ending of the Nirvana DLC, not just the true ending of the base game. Specifically the epilogue set millions of years later in a modern-day-like world, with each of the characters having reincarnated as normal people, but with the implication that Mantra (the power that allowed the characters to do such superhuman feats) is returning.
Before I go on, I want to make one aspect of this plot absolutely clear: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT EXALTED! Practically all of humanity in the plot is as in the dark about the Exalted as you'll be if you've never heard of the game.
Basically, the world undergoes a change that results in many of the threats from the game's setting resurfacing - undead, demons and Fair Folk mainly - but these threats stay away from larger population centres for some reason. While humanity's struggling to hold these threats back, people begin to display superhuman or even godlike power and tear through the creatures. These are the Exalted, granted power by long-forgotten gods and tasked with defending Creation. Both your character and mine will be newly-Exalted people in Seattle, working with the military and other Exalted to keep the city secure from the Fair Folk and whatnot while trying to find a more permanent solution.
The link above (which, I should warn you, is a TV Tropes link) contains basic info for the various types of Exalt, but it'd probably be easiest if your character is a Solar since their themes and abilities are perhaps the most straight-forward. The only other types known to the world at the point the RP starts are Lunars and Dragon-Blooded. For those more familiar with Exalted, I won't be using any of the new types that 3rd edition has introduced since there's so little information on them (so no Liminals, Getimians or Exigents). For those not familiar, don't worry; I won't be following the rules at all, just the narrative and I can help with any confusing points.
If the mention of the game didn't imply it - Asura's Wrath is a good example of what the Exalted are capable of (some Exalted fans have described it as "So Exalted it hurts"). Episode 5 really shows what I mean though you should watch Episode 4 for the lead-up. Incidentally, I recommend you watching the whole thing. Not for this plot, just if you're looking for a good story - the whole thing's more like an interactive TV series than a video game and the Nirvana DLC's ending is probably one of the biggest Tear Jerkers/Crowning Moments of Heartwarming I've seen in a video game in years.
A closer representation of how powerful our characters are, though, would probably be either RWBY or Into the Badlands (though not necessarily as brutal as the latter). I've also written up an intro to this plot's setting if you want a better sense of what state the world's in after the return of these demigod-like beings, and you can find it here.
Summary: Superhumans getting into over-the-top fights with Fair Folk, rogue lesser gods, demons, undead and the occasional curb-stomping of ordinary people. Our characters are people with heroic souls who, in a momentous occasion in their lives, got a Titan-killing superweapon grafted to their soul.
The Space-Bound Hybrid
Some time before the story begins, an alien species visited the distant world of Golarion (the setting for the Pathfinder RPG) and abducted several individuals. One of whom was a half-dragon mage. For what purpose is unknown, while he does not have the right spells to effect a true escape, he has enough to keep them from experimenting on him. As a result, he has remained in his cell for several years.
Come the beginning of this story, the ship has arrived over Earth and abducted more people. Your character is dropped into the same cell as the half-dragon, who now believes that his chance to escape and find a way back to his homeworld has finally presented itself.
Summary: Our characters are from very different planets, get abducted by aliens and work together to escape and, if not take control of the ship, then at least keep the aliens from doing anything with it and their other captives.
The Last Man Alive
The title's something of an exaggeration, but you can probably guess the concept. A post apocalyptic story after almost every man on the planet has died. Well... maybe not died per se...
Started by a meteorite that crashed to Earth, an infection rapidly spreads through humanity, seeming to only affect males. Rather than kill them, however, the infection mutated them into a variety of horrible creatures; four-winged bipeds with a head covered entirely in eyes, centaur-like creatures with a mass of tendrils for a tail and arms ending in scythe-like blades, and other weird monsters. In many cases, the biomass of several infected were merged into one larger creature.
Ben, however, survived the infection. Not only that, it seems to have had some beneficial side-effects. While these abilities are relatively minor at first, they are slowly growing as he gains more control over the infection in his body. He is quietly making his way to the meteorite that started it all, hoping to find some answers about the infection and, hopefully, find a way to finally end the monsters that prowl the remains of civilisation.
Possible abilities for my character:
Summary: Mutagenic virus keyed to guys turns most of them into Body Horror monstrosities, save one who somehow gains control of the infection and plans to find a way to end the virus.
Warframe - The Mysteries of the Void
This plot is... well, it relies on story events that come from the cinematic quests (namely The Second Dream and The War Within) and those particular plot revelations are massive, massive spoilers that I really do not want to ruin for anyone playing the game who's yet to come across them. Which is why I'm putting this plot in spoiler tags. If you have not completed at least those two quests and do not want the reveals in them spoiled for you; DO NOT READ THE REST OF THIS PLOT! Of course; if you don't care about them getting spoiled; then read on, but I've written this under the assumption that you already know what happens in them.
Sex-Driven Plots
A Different Kind of Genie
At a second hand shop, a young woman finds an interesting-looking ring. Buying it for cheap, what she doesn't know is that it is the home of a djinn. While cleaning it, the djinn emerges and explains the classic three-wishes deal. He does, however, encourage her to take her time deciding on what wishes to request. He has no intention of twisting the wishes unless she deserves it* and even provides certain boons without them counting as wishes.
What he does not mention until it becomes relevant, however, is that while she cannot simply wish for more wishes, there is another way for her to gain more. By having sex with him, he can use the lust and emotions involved to fuel further wishes.
While the djinn manifests a material body, he is not limited to such like a human - he may alter the body in any way he wishes and even manifest in multiple bodies at once.
*Twisting wishes to punish a self-centred master feels incredibly trite and overdone to me, so I'd ask that if you want to use this plot, that your character not be the sort who would deserve this and we just go with the wishes being granted more-or-less as requested, with the djinn just fine-tuning the details to make things smoother for everyone involved.
Possible Kinks: In the broad strokes, things like transformation could be involved or some of the more unrealistic kinks on my F-List (even if just the ones related to anatomical proportions - whether something'll fit or not's something of a non-issue when one end of that equation is a reality-warping spirit). Being able to manifest multiple bodies at once would also open the door for gangbangs and orgies. For those who want to play the human and are bisexual, there's also nothing stopping the djinn from manifesting bodies of either sex at the same time, or switching between them as and when they feel like it.
Variants: The djinn's default form could be of a woman. Or I play the human while you play the djinn.
The Impossible Program
A young man finds a curious program in an email, one that allows him to alter the physical appearance of anyone within a 100 metre radius of the computer. He invites his neighbour over to check it out. His neighbour is his closest friend and a former girlfriend, the relationship falling through when they realised they were too good as friends. They still have sex occasionally, whenever the other isn't in a relationship to avoid nasty dry spells and part of the young man's invitation was the hope that she'd want to experiment with the program as much as he does.
Got the idea from the Master PC series of stories (Google should find them easily enough for those curious). Can be MxF or FxF (at least as far as starting genders go). Futa is a possibility with this as well, but just to point out that my character won't be penetrated, even if he's turned into a female form. He'll fuck a futa, he just won't be fucked by one.
This can also be expanded on by either of our characters inviting other girls to join in if you're willing to play as/against multiple characters. The "no penetration by futa" bit only applies to characters starting off male, any female characters I'm controlling will have no such compunction (though they won't be turning themselves into guys, before you ask).
A Lustful Summer - I’ve been getting several requests for this of the more vanilla variety (pretty much just the plot as written and eschewing the variants below except for the one involving the rain) so unless you plan to request one of the more notable variants I’ll have to pre-emptively decline.
Jacob, a very well-endowed twenty year old lusts after his neighbour's daughter; a young, fifteen year old girl who (despite barely breaking the 4'10" mark) is exceptionally overdeveloped as well. He knows that she's rather sexually-active: inviting girls from her school to spend the night whenever her parents have to leave for work. Her bedroom window faces Jacob's own, giving him a front-row seat to the 'shows'. One day in summer, he sees her lounging beside her family's pool and decides to see if she'd like some company.
This is more of a straight-forward sex romp, starts off with just Jacob and the neighbour by the pool, but more characters can be brought in for the fun if desired. Whether she knows about him watching her 'sleepovers' or not is something I'll leave to anyone interested in this plot.
Variants: Instead of it being just my character hopping over the fence, we can instead do it with one of our characters getting locked outside during heavy rain and the other letting them in out of the downpour.
Another variant I thought of is a bit of a strange one. Same setup, save that the neighbour's breasts tend to grow even larger when she's aroused. Normally a whole cup-size or two, but possibly even bigger as she's impaled on Jacob's shaft. I'll leave the final size up to you. Perhaps she could even be able to control the growth by concentrating but that they tend to grow or shrink uncontrollably in her sleep, occasionally even ending up too big for her to fit through the door (naturally she'd sleep topless because of the risk of outgrowing and shredding whatever top she wore to bed). Again; the upper and lower limits of the growth are entirely up to you... unless your maximum is larger than my own, but I'll let you know if it comes to that. (If you want to use this variant, feel free to have the neighbour start off flat-chested if you'd like, give us a little more room for the growth)
A third variant is switching which character is the older and which is the younger - such has having Jacob be an over-endowed 15-year-old watching his 18-or-older neighbour (mid-30s is my upper limit, age-wise, for either character).
A fourth variant is that, rather than possibly bringing them in later, the neighbour's girlfriends join in on the fun with Jacob from the get-go.
Yet another variant could be something different about Jacob, beyond his prodigious size. Maybe he has two cocks, for instance.
Naturally; you can combine the variants however you want and feel free to suggest your own tweaks to the idea.
So those are the plots I have so far, I'm open to other ideas but that'll depend on the actual plot you suggest, of course.
Before anyone asks; this is a username I've used on several other places and originally used here out of habit, so consider it to be a very non-indicative name (although if there's a way to change one's username, let me know because odds are I'm just too blind to see it).
I've been RPing in various forms for about fifteen years or so. I like to think I'm a decent writer once I get going but if you have any issues with how things are going, please let me know. Even if you think you're indicating it surreptitiously, I may have missed it (mild Asperger's is a bitch like that) just tell me straight if I'm overdoing the worldbuilding/exposition, if I'm going too slow or too fast, etc. How serious a plot is tends to vary at times based both on the ideas we've had, the tone you want to go with, etc. I tend to shy away from anything overly dark though, outside of maybe one or two Wham Shots or the like. I also have a habit of, for fantasy settings, adding detail to the magic or supernatural stuff beyond the norm. Like if we were in an RP set in Golarion and I was playing a mage of some description, expect the odd bit of magibabble or for me to come up with random names of magical research papers or the like (with my character poking fun at how overly-wordy some of the titles end up).
Finally; I only play over threads or Private Messages (or Conversations, as the new forum design calls them). I'm open to email as well but, obviously, I'm going to save giving that out to when we actually get an RP going. Regardless; any IM or chat system is out of the question, I can never think of a reply quickly enough for it to be a worthwhile RP medium and I don't like leaving people hanging (plus, knowing my luck, the timezones wouldn't line up anyway). I'm on the Blue Moon Discord as well so feel free to contact me on there (either tagging me in the BM Discord or direct message) however I have one condition regarding Discord direct messages.
Do not just send a message saying "Hi" or "I'm on Blue Moon as well", say why you're contacting me and what sort of plot you want to run. I've gotten into the habit of ignoring out-of-the-blue direct messages that includes nothing more than a short greeting unless it's someone I've been talking to elsewhere beforehand. The chat field on Discord has plenty of space and have no problem reading long messages on my phone or the like so please either have your first message contain proper details or have said details in a message immediately following it. If you don't elaborate on why you're contacting me other than to say you're also a Blue Moon user then it is clear to me that you did not read this part of the thread and the message will be subsequently ignored.
Every single person who has contacted me on Discord so far has ignored this detail so I am now putting it in a big spoiler to make it even harder to miss. Again; if you contact me and show zero indication that you have read this spoiler I will be ignoring the message.
Every single person who has contacted me on Discord so far has ignored this detail so I am now putting it in a big spoiler to make it even harder to miss. Again; if you contact me and show zero indication that you have read this spoiler I will be ignoring the message.
Right, now that that's out of the way, on to the meat of why you're looking in here.
What I Like
This isn't going to be all that expansive. My F-List page covers the bulk of it, although I should point out that the Maybes are somewhat flexible; it all comes down to the degree you want to use it to. I'd like to be able to sum that up, but I'd just be listing a lot of caveats. Generally-speaking, as long as it isn't too out there, I should be willing to give it a go. Just double-check if you can't find it on there, of course.
What I Don't Like
This bit won't be listing kinks since, if you're like me, you've probably already skimmed through my F-List looking for a handful of "make-or-break" kinks. Instead, this is more what sort of personalities I don't like playing against or plot elements I don't like using.
- Overly shy or timid. Those are fine, but I find it difficult to interact with the more serious versions.
- Extreme or violent opposition to the plot. Resistance to what's happening is fine - particularly with the Modern Exalted plot I'll have listed somewhere below this - but it's a bit much when the plot's core premise has your character doing everything she can to avoid my character.
- Dramatic love triangles. Tried it once, was an utter disaster. Plus I just don't like the concept from a narrative standpoint unless it's done really well.
- Non-con and related. No. Just no. I am not a fan of this at all. Now I do have this noted on my F-List but I've had a couple of requests lately asking for this (although one of which I can understand since it happened while F-List was down for most of that day) so I felt it worth adding here .
One other thing, and I really feel like this should go without saying, if you decide not to continue with the RP (regardless of how long it's been going or if we've even started it) then for Christ's sake tell me why! I can't fix a problem that I don't know is there! The number of times I've had an RP die in that gap between the planning and actually starting it is getting ridiculous. It seems to've happened twice since I made this thread. Out of three people who've approached me in that time (and that third one seems to've only lasted a couple of days).
I know that may not be as helpful as you might like, but I'm hoping that combining this with my F-List and the plots below should help give you an idea of what I mean. And, of course; don't hesitate to ask me about something if you're not sure. Now that that's taken care of...
Story Driven - The Return of the Exalted
-----Additional notes: None at the moment.
Sex Driven - A Different Kind of Genie
-----Additional notes: None at the moment.
-----Additional notes: None at the moment.
Sex Driven - A Different Kind of Genie
-----Additional notes: None at the moment.
Return of the Exalted
Based on the White Wolf RPG, Exalted, I got the idea for this from the final ending of Asura's Wrath - the ending of the Nirvana DLC, not just the true ending of the base game. Specifically the epilogue set millions of years later in a modern-day-like world, with each of the characters having reincarnated as normal people, but with the implication that Mantra (the power that allowed the characters to do such superhuman feats) is returning.
Before I go on, I want to make one aspect of this plot absolutely clear: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT EXALTED! Practically all of humanity in the plot is as in the dark about the Exalted as you'll be if you've never heard of the game.
Basically, the world undergoes a change that results in many of the threats from the game's setting resurfacing - undead, demons and Fair Folk mainly - but these threats stay away from larger population centres for some reason. While humanity's struggling to hold these threats back, people begin to display superhuman or even godlike power and tear through the creatures. These are the Exalted, granted power by long-forgotten gods and tasked with defending Creation. Both your character and mine will be newly-Exalted people in Seattle, working with the military and other Exalted to keep the city secure from the Fair Folk and whatnot while trying to find a more permanent solution.
The link above (which, I should warn you, is a TV Tropes link) contains basic info for the various types of Exalt, but it'd probably be easiest if your character is a Solar since their themes and abilities are perhaps the most straight-forward. The only other types known to the world at the point the RP starts are Lunars and Dragon-Blooded. For those more familiar with Exalted, I won't be using any of the new types that 3rd edition has introduced since there's so little information on them (so no Liminals, Getimians or Exigents). For those not familiar, don't worry; I won't be following the rules at all, just the narrative and I can help with any confusing points.
If the mention of the game didn't imply it - Asura's Wrath is a good example of what the Exalted are capable of (some Exalted fans have described it as "So Exalted it hurts"). Episode 5 really shows what I mean though you should watch Episode 4 for the lead-up. Incidentally, I recommend you watching the whole thing. Not for this plot, just if you're looking for a good story - the whole thing's more like an interactive TV series than a video game and the Nirvana DLC's ending is probably one of the biggest Tear Jerkers/Crowning Moments of Heartwarming I've seen in a video game in years.
A closer representation of how powerful our characters are, though, would probably be either RWBY or Into the Badlands (though not necessarily as brutal as the latter). I've also written up an intro to this plot's setting if you want a better sense of what state the world's in after the return of these demigod-like beings, and you can find it here.
Summary: Superhumans getting into over-the-top fights with Fair Folk, rogue lesser gods, demons, undead and the occasional curb-stomping of ordinary people. Our characters are people with heroic souls who, in a momentous occasion in their lives, got a Titan-killing superweapon grafted to their soul.
The Space-Bound Hybrid
Some time before the story begins, an alien species visited the distant world of Golarion (the setting for the Pathfinder RPG) and abducted several individuals. One of whom was a half-dragon mage. For what purpose is unknown, while he does not have the right spells to effect a true escape, he has enough to keep them from experimenting on him. As a result, he has remained in his cell for several years.
Come the beginning of this story, the ship has arrived over Earth and abducted more people. Your character is dropped into the same cell as the half-dragon, who now believes that his chance to escape and find a way back to his homeworld has finally presented itself.
Summary: Our characters are from very different planets, get abducted by aliens and work together to escape and, if not take control of the ship, then at least keep the aliens from doing anything with it and their other captives.
The Last Man Alive
The title's something of an exaggeration, but you can probably guess the concept. A post apocalyptic story after almost every man on the planet has died. Well... maybe not died per se...
Started by a meteorite that crashed to Earth, an infection rapidly spreads through humanity, seeming to only affect males. Rather than kill them, however, the infection mutated them into a variety of horrible creatures; four-winged bipeds with a head covered entirely in eyes, centaur-like creatures with a mass of tendrils for a tail and arms ending in scythe-like blades, and other weird monsters. In many cases, the biomass of several infected were merged into one larger creature.
Ben, however, survived the infection. Not only that, it seems to have had some beneficial side-effects. While these abilities are relatively minor at first, they are slowly growing as he gains more control over the infection in his body. He is quietly making his way to the meteorite that started it all, hoping to find some answers about the infection and, hopefully, find a way to finally end the monsters that prowl the remains of civilisation.
Possible abilities for my character:
While he does not understand why it did not affect him in the same way, Ben is all too aware that the infection has done something to his body, granting him a limited form of the abilities that some Infected have shown. While the implications of these powers growing stronger and more varied do concern him, he still sees them as an asset on his journey (survivors tend to have mixed opinions in general, particularly when they learn that the infection made him sterile but not impotent).
Starting Abilities
As the story continues, Ben may develop additional abilities. Including, but not limited to:
Feel free to suggest any other abilities you think of that might be fun/interesting. Obviously; as per the site's rules, if Ben shapeshifts into a child, it will most certainly not be for a sexual situation.
Starting Abilities
- Heightened Senses: While he was always somewhat more observant than most, Ben's infection has now raised this by a considerable degree. Unlike some other depictions of suddenly gaining such senses, they also came with the ability to dial them down so that he would not be deafened by noises that would just inconvenience normal people.
- Increased Stamina: One of the first he discovered, after the senses, it takes far more exertion to tire him out now. It's far from limitless, but he has been able to push himself beyond what even veteran soldiers are capable of.
- Strength Enhancement: For the most part, this effect has made him strong enough to, say, throw a motorcycle as a weapon at someone (not spectacular distances, though, just a few metres or so). By concentrating, however, he has learnt to enhance his musculature to improve his strength even further, the muscles growing both in size and efficiency. It takes effort for him to retain this state, however, and is typically quite exhausted after using it, requiring him to be careful as to when and how he uses it.
- Gravitic Nullification: Many of the airborne Infected seem to remain aloft despite every law of physics saying that they should just fall from the sky. When this ability manifested, Ben learned just how this was possible. Through means he couldn't even begin to understand, Ben is able to reduce the effect of Earth's gravity upon him. Not eliminate it entirely, but enough for him to make seemingly-impossible leaps and survive falls that would leave a normal person severely injured. This field can be extended to whatever he is carrying, but denser objects (like the aforementioned motorcycle) are too large for the field to encompass.
- Minor Shapeshifting: One of the first of more "active" abilities he manifested, Ben is able to alter his physical form into whatever human form he desires, even forms with rather unrealistic proportions. He has little call to use this, though, save for disguising himself as a woman or a child to avoid drawing attention in the larger settlements.
As the story continues, Ben may develop additional abilities. Including, but not limited to:
- Improved Shapeshifting: Such as growing wings, additional arms, tendrils, protective carapace plates, etc.
- Rapid Healing: Self-explanatory.
- Improvement of existing powers
Feel free to suggest any other abilities you think of that might be fun/interesting. Obviously; as per the site's rules, if Ben shapeshifts into a child, it will most certainly not be for a sexual situation.
Summary: Mutagenic virus keyed to guys turns most of them into Body Horror monstrosities, save one who somehow gains control of the infection and plans to find a way to end the virus.
Warframe - The Mysteries of the Void
This plot is... well, it relies on story events that come from the cinematic quests (namely The Second Dream and The War Within) and those particular plot revelations are massive, massive spoilers that I really do not want to ruin for anyone playing the game who's yet to come across them. Which is why I'm putting this plot in spoiler tags. If you have not completed at least those two quests and do not want the reveals in them spoiled for you; DO NOT READ THE REST OF THIS PLOT! Of course; if you don't care about them getting spoiled; then read on, but I've written this under the assumption that you already know what happens in them.
Right; now that that's the obligatory warning out of the way. The single biggest change here is that our Tenno characters will be older than how they're depicted in the game. Still young just, you know, not "breaking the rules of this forum" young. 20 or so at the oldest would work best with the game's lore but I'm willing to go as young as the forum rules allow (which I think was 15 last time I checked).
Our characters would both be Tenno, but neither would be the Tenno you play as in the game (the one who pulled Lua out of the Void and who faced down the Grineer Queens at the heart of their fortress); we would be Tenno who awoke from the Second Dream later, as the Lotus organised a wider evacuation of Lua now that it was vulnerable to the Sentients. At some point after the events of The War Within, Teshin began aiding other Tenno in unlocking the power of Transference. My character would be one of the first Tenno originally awoken (an indulgence of mine you'll have to forgive - I've been playing on-and-off since 2013 and was one of the people to buy the Founder's Package back in the day, so expect my character to be using Excalibur Prime
) and one of the first to have gained Transference while your character may only just have unlocked Transference herself and is still getting the hang of using it mid-fight.
I have some rough ideas for what happens from there, mainly based on the idea that other Tenno are having equally-epic adventures to the one we play in the game. Maybe not quite as setting-affecting as potentially killing one of the Grineer Queens, but still something worthy of heroic tales.
We can also run this as a more sex-oriented plot if you prefer and feel free to suggest extra details you want to include (like if there's something in some of the below plots you want to use - or have an idea of your own - run it by me and I'll let you know if I like it).
Oh; and the sex scenes would be between our Tenno, not their Warframes - I've no desire to picture bio-mechanical combat drones doing the Horizontal Tango.
Our characters would both be Tenno, but neither would be the Tenno you play as in the game (the one who pulled Lua out of the Void and who faced down the Grineer Queens at the heart of their fortress); we would be Tenno who awoke from the Second Dream later, as the Lotus organised a wider evacuation of Lua now that it was vulnerable to the Sentients. At some point after the events of The War Within, Teshin began aiding other Tenno in unlocking the power of Transference. My character would be one of the first Tenno originally awoken (an indulgence of mine you'll have to forgive - I've been playing on-and-off since 2013 and was one of the people to buy the Founder's Package back in the day, so expect my character to be using Excalibur Prime
I have some rough ideas for what happens from there, mainly based on the idea that other Tenno are having equally-epic adventures to the one we play in the game. Maybe not quite as setting-affecting as potentially killing one of the Grineer Queens, but still something worthy of heroic tales.
We can also run this as a more sex-oriented plot if you prefer and feel free to suggest extra details you want to include (like if there's something in some of the below plots you want to use - or have an idea of your own - run it by me and I'll let you know if I like it).
Oh; and the sex scenes would be between our Tenno, not their Warframes - I've no desire to picture bio-mechanical combat drones doing the Horizontal Tango.
Sex-Driven Plots
A Different Kind of Genie
At a second hand shop, a young woman finds an interesting-looking ring. Buying it for cheap, what she doesn't know is that it is the home of a djinn. While cleaning it, the djinn emerges and explains the classic three-wishes deal. He does, however, encourage her to take her time deciding on what wishes to request. He has no intention of twisting the wishes unless she deserves it* and even provides certain boons without them counting as wishes.
What he does not mention until it becomes relevant, however, is that while she cannot simply wish for more wishes, there is another way for her to gain more. By having sex with him, he can use the lust and emotions involved to fuel further wishes.
While the djinn manifests a material body, he is not limited to such like a human - he may alter the body in any way he wishes and even manifest in multiple bodies at once.
*Twisting wishes to punish a self-centred master feels incredibly trite and overdone to me, so I'd ask that if you want to use this plot, that your character not be the sort who would deserve this and we just go with the wishes being granted more-or-less as requested, with the djinn just fine-tuning the details to make things smoother for everyone involved.
Possible Kinks: In the broad strokes, things like transformation could be involved or some of the more unrealistic kinks on my F-List (even if just the ones related to anatomical proportions - whether something'll fit or not's something of a non-issue when one end of that equation is a reality-warping spirit). Being able to manifest multiple bodies at once would also open the door for gangbangs and orgies. For those who want to play the human and are bisexual, there's also nothing stopping the djinn from manifesting bodies of either sex at the same time, or switching between them as and when they feel like it.
Variants: The djinn's default form could be of a woman. Or I play the human while you play the djinn.
The Impossible Program
A young man finds a curious program in an email, one that allows him to alter the physical appearance of anyone within a 100 metre radius of the computer. He invites his neighbour over to check it out. His neighbour is his closest friend and a former girlfriend, the relationship falling through when they realised they were too good as friends. They still have sex occasionally, whenever the other isn't in a relationship to avoid nasty dry spells and part of the young man's invitation was the hope that she'd want to experiment with the program as much as he does.
Got the idea from the Master PC series of stories (Google should find them easily enough for those curious). Can be MxF or FxF (at least as far as starting genders go). Futa is a possibility with this as well, but just to point out that my character won't be penetrated, even if he's turned into a female form. He'll fuck a futa, he just won't be fucked by one.
This can also be expanded on by either of our characters inviting other girls to join in if you're willing to play as/against multiple characters. The "no penetration by futa" bit only applies to characters starting off male, any female characters I'm controlling will have no such compunction (though they won't be turning themselves into guys, before you ask).
A Lustful Summer - I’ve been getting several requests for this of the more vanilla variety (pretty much just the plot as written and eschewing the variants below except for the one involving the rain) so unless you plan to request one of the more notable variants I’ll have to pre-emptively decline.
Jacob, a very well-endowed twenty year old lusts after his neighbour's daughter; a young, fifteen year old girl who (despite barely breaking the 4'10" mark) is exceptionally overdeveloped as well. He knows that she's rather sexually-active: inviting girls from her school to spend the night whenever her parents have to leave for work. Her bedroom window faces Jacob's own, giving him a front-row seat to the 'shows'. One day in summer, he sees her lounging beside her family's pool and decides to see if she'd like some company.
This is more of a straight-forward sex romp, starts off with just Jacob and the neighbour by the pool, but more characters can be brought in for the fun if desired. Whether she knows about him watching her 'sleepovers' or not is something I'll leave to anyone interested in this plot.
Variants: Instead of it being just my character hopping over the fence, we can instead do it with one of our characters getting locked outside during heavy rain and the other letting them in out of the downpour.
Another variant I thought of is a bit of a strange one. Same setup, save that the neighbour's breasts tend to grow even larger when she's aroused. Normally a whole cup-size or two, but possibly even bigger as she's impaled on Jacob's shaft. I'll leave the final size up to you. Perhaps she could even be able to control the growth by concentrating but that they tend to grow or shrink uncontrollably in her sleep, occasionally even ending up too big for her to fit through the door (naturally she'd sleep topless because of the risk of outgrowing and shredding whatever top she wore to bed). Again; the upper and lower limits of the growth are entirely up to you... unless your maximum is larger than my own, but I'll let you know if it comes to that. (If you want to use this variant, feel free to have the neighbour start off flat-chested if you'd like, give us a little more room for the growth)
A third variant is switching which character is the older and which is the younger - such has having Jacob be an over-endowed 15-year-old watching his 18-or-older neighbour (mid-30s is my upper limit, age-wise, for either character).
A fourth variant is that, rather than possibly bringing them in later, the neighbour's girlfriends join in on the fun with Jacob from the get-go.
Yet another variant could be something different about Jacob, beyond his prodigious size. Maybe he has two cocks, for instance.
Naturally; you can combine the variants however you want and feel free to suggest your own tweaks to the idea.
So those are the plots I have so far, I'm open to other ideas but that'll depend on the actual plot you suggest, of course.
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