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Across the Omniverse (Mel x Sonja)

It was maybe half an hour later that Thomas glanced over the back of his car, trying to pick out the handful of technology and junk that lay strewn over the carpet. Most of his 'finds' of worth were now neatly placed by the door to the cottage. He wished he could say he could say he had found the parts M'yitr would need to send the two home, but he had no idea what half of this stuff was. The other half? He knew precisely what they were. Junk. Garbage, barely even worth acknowledging. Wires, pieces of metal, plastic shells and scraps of this, that and the other. He might want to hold onto these, just in case the two had to stay. He didn't know what he might use them for. He might be able to sell them at a recycling plant, or they might be missing parts of a larger machine. He might even be able to use them for--

A hiss escaped his mouth as a jolt of pain shot through his arm. He looked down. His hands had never been particularly clean. With his line of work, that was virtually a given. But he'd never cut his hand, or seen his own blood like this before. He grimaced at the sight of the large gash on his hand. Just what he needed. He gripped his arm firmly with one hand before strolling back to the house. The door swung open a little more forcefully than he intended. This wasn't a big deal after all. Still, he'd rather the two not notice. He strolled across the hall, hoping they wouldn't look up, before stepping to the sink to wash his arm.
M'yitr was so engrossed in trying to decipher the mystery of the interdimensional teleporter before her that she never heard or saw Thomas enter the house. Lisa, though, looked up immediately and saw Thomas striding down the hall. More importantly, she saw drops of blood falling to the floor in Thomas' wake. She hurriedly brought this to M'yitr's attention, who looked up from her work.

"Thomas?" M'yitr called out. "What happened?"
Thomas hissed to himself. He really didn't want the two to notice. He had so many reasons too. The last thing he wanted was for these two strange aliens to be concerned for his health as they were finally working out a way home. He glanced up as M'yitr called to him, trying to force a smile even as he turned his wrist away. "N-nothing, just...cut myself a little bit."

Three strides more found himself in the bathroom. He thought he had some rubbing alcohol around here somewhere. He'd definitely need to use that. Tetanus wasn't known for extending one's lifespan. For now though, he just wanted to stop the blood. Thomas flipped the handles on the faucet, cold clear water bursting from the tap before he slid his arm underneath it even as his other hand felt in the cabinet for a washcloth or something to staunch the flow. No, this one was his favorite. A gift from his teen years...finally he found one in particular he had no great attachment for, quickly withdrawing it and pressing it to his injury. Alright, so he had staunched the blood.

...Now what?
There was a tap on the bathroom door, and M'yitr said from the other side, "I do have training in first aid, Thomas, if I can be of some assistance."
"No I..."

There was a long pause from the other side, though M'yitr's ears picked up fragments. Something along the lines of 'shitshitshit' and 'not another towel'. At last, things seemed to grow quiet, before the door opened with a squeak. The young man stood there, doing his best to keep the arm out of sight. He had wrapped a towel around it firmly, and was doing his best to keep it in place with rolls of floss of all things.

"I...yeah I think I could use some help, thanks..."
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