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BloodRust - Iron Frame Regulators (Skeith Takahata II & MessedupRp

Skeith Takahata II

Lesbian Anarchist
Feb 26, 2009
The Great War Chronicles
Iron Frame Regulators

Just over a thousand years ago, the first rift was cut in the sky over what would one day become the sovereign City-State of New Caliburn. From that day on, the world was irreversibly changed. Immortal beings, calling themselves Sages, began to appear. They possessed immeasurable knowledge and unfathomable power. Through their power, or by happenstance of birth near rifts, beings began to be born with bizarre gifts. They would come to be known as Vessels. Individuals that contained some spark of power from the rifts and the sages. Technology, culture, and even warfare would be changed forever.

The year is 1037 of the After Rift Calendar. The nations of the world enjoyed a time of relative peace. Amidst the quiet calm, it was a wonder that no one heard the cogs of war beginning to stir in the north. In the northwest, a small nation elected a charismatic and forceful individual. Richter Einhardt. Einhardt declared himself to be one of the Immortal Sages caged within a mortal body. Declaring himself the God King, he declared his nation would hence forth be called the Kaleido-Star Imperium, and that by the power that would once again be granted to him by the worlds beyond, the world would fall into his grasp.

Many discredited the threat this man posed to the world. Denouncing him as a simple lunatic with delusions of grandeur. Dismissing him as a non-issue. Even as rumors began to surface of unrest in his borders and unwarranted arrests of swaths of the population, none acted. No one, wanted to be the first to shatter that peace. None. Save for Prince Stephan Delacroix of the Kingdom of Fenicia. He recognized the danger, as did his father. Fearing what could come of an antagonized Kaleido-Star Imperium, King Enzo of Fenicia invited dignitaries from the Imperium to negotiate allyship. This... Was where the chaos began.


Our Home is Burning

Date: February 17th, 1037 AR
Time: 9:27 A.M.
Location: Phoelarch, Capital of Fenicia

"Father, I must protest. This is madness!" Prince Stephan, a bold young man, perhaps too bold, stood before his father. Long blonde hair that descended to the middle of his back was tied into a pony tail. Neat bangs decorated a pale face with piercing blue eyes. He swept his cape, stylized after the green flag of his homeland, marked with the golden firebird they were named for. "If we allow these people to march into our homeland unchecked we will be taken in a matter of hours!"

"Your council is noted, boy!" The king shouted as he stood up from his throne. He was a strong man, a former soldier, but well beyond his prime. His brown hair having long since gone grey. "I am finding the stablest and shortest route to peace. Your disapproval is reflective of your inexperience and naivete. The world is not so simple as good and evil. If you can't stand by in silence while these proceedings occur than make yourself scarce until they are concluded!"

The prince scowled as he looked from his father to his mother, who simply closed her eyes and nodded. Dejected and angered, the prince turned and left the palace, followed by his personal guard. "Fools, the lot of them." He grumbled as he continued.

In the streets, armored soldiers bearing the imperium's red and black flag marched into town. The soldiers were bizarre. Their armor and weapons were far different and more advanced than anything of Fenician make. For starters, the armor almost seemed mechanical in someway, and their weapons looked clearly automatic. It would put the semi-automatic weapons of Fenician soldiers to shame, carving trough their armor like paper. The army stood in the town center where the Fenician guard were gathered. The two armies facing one another as the dignitaries mounted the steps, surrounded by guards of their own.

As Prince Stephan nearly made it to the steps, the dignitaries began to pass him. He gave them a false smile and nod, drawing attention from hooded figure. "Why, you must be Prince Stephan. You look much like your father did at your age. Though his hair was a touch darker." He looked back towards the city, smiling to himself. "Such a lovely city."

"Governor Malik. I shouldn't keep you. You've an appointment with my father." The prince said with an extravagant bow. "Good day to you, sir. Please, enjoy your stay in our kingdom." The prince turned and continued his exit, the governor's smile quickly forming a scowl.

"Two of you tail the brat. Make sure he doesn't disappear." The governor whispered, proceeding inside.

The prince continued his walk into town, looking at the Imperium soldiers with suspicion. He glanced back over his shoulder before dipping into an alleyway. The Imperium Soldiers following from a distance. It would be the last many would see of Prince Stephan.

There was tense silence over the crowd of Fenician soldiers (though not all were present, many stationed throughout the city and the nation itself), many with no actual war time experience, were justifiably anxious and nervous as they stared at their guests. The tense silence was finally broken by the single sound of a distant gunshot. Before anyone could verify what it was or where it had come from, the top of the palace, the location of the throne room, was consumed in explosion. The Imperium forces raised their weapons in the ensuing chaos, beginning to gun down the Fenician soldiers in the Palace Courtyard. From the border one would be able to see the smoke billowing from distant Fenician villages, and make out the silhouettes of Iron Fortresses, colossal skybound vessels in the distance.

In the dust and rubble of the collapsed palace, it was nearly impossible to see. The air smelled of fire and dust, nearly impossible to breathe without coughing. A single soldier appeared beside another downed soldier, trying to help her stand. "Private! Private, can you hear me? Colette!" Before he could help her to stand machine gun fire tore through the dust, cutting him down in a bloody mess. The Imperium trooper stepped forward, his goggles glowing red through the smoke. He looked down at the woman, raising his weapon.

Before he could fire, a curved sword pierced through his armor from behind, poking out through the front of his breast plate. He gargled on his own blood before the blade slipped back out, in another flash his head was knocked from his shoulders. Standing above the corpse a woman in Her'Khesh garb extended her bronze skinned hand to lift the woman up. "Make yourself scarce, child." Her voice was heavy with her accent. Her glowing purple eyes hovered on Colette for only a moment before she vanished back into the dust that filled the area. Distant gunfire could be heard throughout the city along with the panicked screams of citizens. Even further one could even begin to hear the footfalls of Iron Frames. The city continued to fall to chaos all around her, all through out the dust bodies could be found, some enemies, but mostly allies. What was perhaps most concerning was that if one was to check back where a body once rested, it would have been removed.
Colette stumbled through the square, she was lost in a haze of smoke and confusion. The only thing filling her ears was the sound of distant gunfire and screaming. So much screaming. She wasn't prepared for this, she had been able to do all this during training but this wasn't training.

She wiped her eyes and cleared her head, she needed to focus. Colette drew her sidearm, running to the side of the square, the body of the man who had saved her was gone. Nothing was left of him except for a pool of blood. Colette eventually made it away from the square keeping her gun ready at all times. She knew full and well that the Feician military would be trying to contain the threat, she didn't care. She didn't want to be here, she wanted to live.

Colette eventually found what she was looking for, a stable. The army horses waited patiently, they had been trained to accept the sound of gunfire. They weren't spooked by the sounds. Colette fumbled as she saddled a horse, Ewing mg herself up and kicking it out. Galloping out of the stable. She pushed the animal as far as she could, running through the carnage of the ruined city. Soon, she broke free from the walls. Riding on until night fell and the city was only a bright dot on the horizon, burning to the ground.

She slid from the saddle, letting her horse drink from a nearby river and rest. The screaming didn't stop, she still heard it all through that night. Saw the life draining from that soldier's eyes. She eventually stood up and began digging a grave. It took her a good portion of the night, but she never cried for her lost friends and family. She didn't feel anything at all, she felt completely empty inside. Colette tore the Fenician badge from the shoulder of her jacket, then from her beret. Dropping each into the grave. She filled in the hole and placed a stone at the head to mark it.

The next morning, Colette woke up before dawn and found her horse again, climbing into the saddle she turned her head toward the city she had once called home and turned the other way. She slowly rode away from the burning ruins of Fenicia.

Date: May 10th 1038 AR
Time: 10:24 am
Location: Just Outside of New Esribad

Colette was quickly running out of supplies. Her boots were practically worn through, all of her weapons were low on ammunition, including the automatic rifle she had stolen from an Imperium soldier. Not to mention she hadn't eaten in two days and was quickly running low on her water, but at least she still had her horse. The animal was grazing on a patch of grass a few feet away.

Colette sighed and took hold of the reigns, walking toward the city, she loathed the idea of having to go back to another city, but she needed to get supplies, even if it brought back bad memories. As she got closer, she could hear that distant screaming, see the fire in the distance, all clear in her mind's eye
In the wake of that first act of war, Fenicia would become a hub of Axis activity. The Kaleido-Star Imperium could reach all ends of the continent from here. Reinforced by their own allies, they did so rapidly. The Fenician Palace remained in ruins, and reassigned as a command center. It we left half-destroyed to keep the remaining Fenician citizens in line. Armored Imperium soldiers now patrolled the streets, reinforced by the half-dead reinforcements from Necrotia. Fenicia was lost, and for the time being, it was untouchable. Especially as the war continued to press the borders of other nations.

-=-Act 1-=-

Why We Fight

Date: October 10th, 1037 AR
Time: 5:13 PM
Location: Western Azela

"Are you really serious about this, Sarah?" A young woman asked, looking up at her older sister.

"Of course I am." She said with a small nod. "There's a war on. I can't just sit here. Maybe I can't fight. But I know how to take care of an Iron Frame. I'll just sign up with the Mechanics Corps."

"That's still dangerous though, right?" The younger of the two asked. Her face wore her fear plainly on her face.

"No way. I won't be in the fighting. I'm gonna be in a garage. Maybe on an Iron Fortress way above the fighting. I'll be fine." The older replied, waving of her concern.

"Do Mom and Dad know?" She asked.

"No. And you're not going to tell them. Do you understand? The would never let me. They'll figure it out after I'm gone." She pushed herself up, dusting off a simple blue dress, looking back from the hill they sat on towards the farmhouse they called home. A civilian agricultural Iron Frame stood beside the house.

"Sarah, I don't know..." She said nervously, standing up and taking her sister's hand.

"Don't worry, Em. I'll be home before you know it." She smirked at her sister. She pulled her into a tight hug. "No go on. It'll be dinner soon."

Late that night she packed her bag, and was sneaking back towards the front door. She paused by her sister's room, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "Goodbye, Em." She whispered. "Take care of everything for me, while I'm gone." She left the house, climbing into one of the family cars and driving off towards town.

Date: May 10th 1038 AR
Time: 10:24 am
Location: Border-town of New Esribad

A full year on, and the war was in full tilt. A number of nations had pledged their allegiance to the Kaleido-Star Imperium. Necrotia was the first, having aided in the capture of Fenicia with their horde undead necro-troopers. A handful of nations, supported by the distant Azelan Conglomerate, stood opposed to the Imperium. Despite their efforts, they were losing. Their forces and resources simply stretched too thin. New Estribad would come to serve as the hub of ally activity for the time being. So, when the young deserter found herself on threshold of the city, she would find a bustling town, populated by far more than just Estribadian citizens.

Armored Personal Vehicles drove down the road, their engines roaring loudly, belching black smoke as they passed. Most bore the Estribadian flag. Several Iron Fortresses cast their shadows on the different towns and cities of the nation. Restocking, refueling, and seeing to repairs and medical treatment for wounded soldiers. It was a grim sight indeed, seeing town clinics so overfilled that the patients had spilled over into the streets. Some roads having been turned into outdoor medical units to treat the overflow of wounded.

On other streets, prisoners of war, mostly the mutants of the old land New Estribad once controlled, simply called Estribad, were marched through the public being shouted at as they were guided through to a prison transports to take them to a camp near the town.

In the town square, various Iron Frames and Iron Skins stood around, being tinkered on and loaded on to parked ground vehicles and a single Iron Fortress above the city, hoisting them by cables. This one was notably different in design, and bore the Azelan flag.

The young Sarah Fairchild stood beside an Iron Frame, working tirelessly to get it in operating condition. She looked up at a familiar voice, smiling as the Frame's pilot leaned against it to talk to her. The young blonde smiled up at the dark haired woman, chatting with her idly while she worked. Sarah stood, giving a small wave to other mechanics as the two made their way into town to take a break.
Colette would have fit right into this town before the war. She would have proudly rode her horse down the road, smiling to the citizens. Proudly sporting her badges, the flag of Fenicia on her left bicep. Now all she had was the old military jacket, areas slightly discolored by having the patch covering them for so long. What had once made her swell with pride now made her insides fill with shame.

She didn't know why she will wore the beret. She had taken off her dress uniform, keeping it neatly folded on the bottom of her Saddlebag, taking instead the much more versatile and functional field uniform. But Noe all that was left of even that was her muted green army jacket and her combat boots. She still wore her beret though. The crimson headpiece also missing the patch that had once sported itself on the top of her head.

Colette rode into the town slowly, her eye swiveling from side to side, the automatic rifle draped casually on it's side across the back of the horse. Her finger wasn't on the trigger, but it was close enough. A message that she didn't mean harm, but if it came down to it she wouldn't be getting off her horse easily. Colette had strapped her saber to the horse awhile ago, preferring to keep her rifle sling across her back, as well as her hand gun in her hip holster.

The young woman kept scanning the streets, flinching a bit when she saw one of the Iron Skins. Her grip tightened as her mind went back to that day, to the day she saw that cold, emotionless mask staring down at her. Prepared to kill her, that could have been the last thing she saw, was that expressionless face... She shuddered and turned her attention away. She was utterly lost and wanted nothing more than to leave this town. She saw two people walking down the road and spurred her horse toward them, slowing down as she neared. A dark haired girl and a lighter haired man. "Excuse me... Can you direct me to where the market is?"
((Oops! Maybe I didn't describe it well enough. Both of them were women. The smaller one had blonde hair while the older one had dark hair.))

The two women stopped walking to look up at the mounted woman. Sarah gasped sharply at the sight of her condition. "The Market?" Sarah repeated, looking around. "Well, um..." She bit her lip as she tried to think about it. "We only just came in to town recently ourselves. Velvet?" The older woman was a little less shocked, and instead was taking in other details as she examined her and what she carried. As well armed as she was, and wearing pieces of a military uniform, barren of insignia... Just what was this woman's story.

The older of the two was snapped back to reality by the younger addressing her. "Hmm? Oh, yeah. The market. Well, we were just about to go find a cafe or something ourselves. You're welcome to join us. I figure we're both headed the same way."

"Even if it doesn't lead to the market..." Sarah looked up at Velvet quizzically before turning her attention back to Colette. "I think you should come with us just the same." She smiled softly. "You look a little worse for wear. Why don't you let me treat you. I'm sure you'd appreciate a hot meal."

Velvet placed a protective hand on Sarah's shoulder. She didn't trust this strange woman. Certainly not around her younger companion. Sarah looked up at her at the protective action. She looked back up at Colette shaking her head. "A-anyway... I'm Sarah. This is Velvet. You're welcome to join us if you like."
Colette was aware of the actions, the hand on the shoulder and the look Velvet gave her. "Thanks, but I'll have to pass. I appreciate the offer however." She nodded, more to herself than to them and spurred the horse forward, it ambled onward toward what she hoped was the marketplace. She didn't like this area, she didn't like the Iron Flames or the Iron Skins. They brought back the bad memories, the screaming and the smoke. The Her'Kesh woman who saved her life.

Colette shook her head but it was too late, she saw the man who has saved her again, saw his eyes as the bullets tore into his chest, the life draining from his eyes. Her grip tightened again as she rode. Heading off toward wherever she was going towards. She didn't care.
"Best of luck to you stranger." Velvet said with a faint smile, and admittedly some relief. She ushered Sarah away who called out her own wishes of luck before they dipped into the cafe they were seeking.

"Why were you so rude? She needed help." Sarah protested, looking up at the woman.

"You can't be so naive, Sarah. This is war. Did you see the rifle she carried? That was an Imperium weapon. Then the beret and uniform she had..."

"What about it? So, she's a soldier. Or was one. Why does it matter?" Sarah asked, crossing her arms.

"It's not just that. That uniform, I know it. Okay? It belonged to a Fenician soldier. So did the rifle on her back, okay? The automatic across her lap though... That was Imperium. She's either a deserter, a graverobber, or Imperium." Velvet grew stern. "You aren't a soldier, Sarah. You're a mechanic. I want to keep you as far from the war itself as I can." Her hands came to rest on the woman's shoulders. She looked around briefly to make sure no one was watching before planting a soft kiss on the younger woman's lips. "I don't want you to get hurt."

Sarah pulled away with a small smile, crossing her arms. "I appreciate that, but you can't just lock me up in a garage to keep me safe. I'm gonna go after her and make sure she finds her way, alright? I'll be back soon." She walked out of the cafe, hurrying after Colette.

"Sarah!" Velvet raised a hand in protest and then sighed softly. Grumbling to herself. There was no stopping her when she set her mind to it.

Sarah ran down the streets of the New Estribad border town, looking around for any sign of the mounted woman. Finally catching sight of the horse as it turned a corner she ran after her. "Miss! Miss!" She stopped finally. Planting both of her hands on her knees, panting heavily. "The market is back this way, Velvet and I found it!" She said with a gesture back the way she came. This time she paused to examine the woman's equipment after Velvet had brought it to her attention. The uniform, the weapons, the sorry state of the woman's clothing. "You... You were really there... Weren't you? When it started?"
Colette watched as the girl looked downright our of breath, she felt a bit bad for her in all honesty. However the moment that she asked her the question, Colette felt we spirits fall, in the back of her ears she heard the noises again, the fragmented visions of it flashing in front of her eyes. She shook hr head and turned her horse around quickly, "thanks for the directions." She muttered before spurring her horse, going faster toward the market.

Her time in the actual market was uneventful, keep if an eye over her shoulder while buying her rations, then her ammunition. She was prepared to leave, wanting to leave, but something caught her attention. A face looking at her from around a corner. What looked like the Her'Kesh woman who had saved her, she wanted to follow after her but she knew it was probably her imagination. She saw her savior everywhere now, she was a ghost of Colette's past. Haunting her in the present.
"W-wait, miss!" Sarah stepped out into the main street, holding her hand out after her. She gave a disappointed sigh. "What did I say?" She trudged her way back towards the cafe, but the unfortunate reality was, she wasn't able to make it before a distant alarm began to sound. She looked up towards the sky when she heard it. She had been trained to know what it was but she had never been in a situation where response was necessary. Fear wracked the young civilian mechanic. She gave a startled shout as she heard explosions in the air. Missiles striking the Iron Fortress above the city. As civilians quickly descended into a panic, running for shelter, she simply stood in fright. What was she supposed to do? She had been trained, she knew protocol but fear froze her in place.

At the cafe, Velvet had snapped into action. She quickly ran out of the building. "Sarah!? Sarah!" She looked around while gritting her teeth. She wanted to make sure Sarah was safe, but the city and their Iron Fortress had to be a priority. She ran back to the town square, dodging falling rubble and shrapnel as she climbed into her Iron Frame. She gave one quick look around the square before closing the cockpit and bringing it online. She reached for her long range artillery rifle and looked up in the air as Estribadian planes zipped by making coordinated strikes on the vulnerable Iron Fortress. "This is Regulator Velvet O'Keefe. Iron Frame online. Engaging hostiles." She got a running start before scaling a small building for altitude. She leveled her rifle, deploying a bipod beneath it for support. She brought her targeting lens down over her eye, waiting for the ideal shot. "Wait for it... Wait for it..." Her finger slowly closed around the trigger in the cockpit. "Now!" She squeezed the trigger and the artillery shell was flung into the air. The rifle and the Frame itself skidded back from the recoil. The shell traveled quickly and accurately, pegging the fighter in the wing sending it crashing down to the city below.

Sarah watched as the fighter was shot, knowing it had to be Velvet. As the fighter fell, crashing into the street a meager fifty feet away, she saw a child standing not far from it. She ran towards the crying child, quickly dropping to her knees, beside them. She pulled them in close, equally terrified, but trying to be brave. "Don't worry. You're safe now. I've got you."

Moments later, the cockpit of the plane snapped open and the still living co-pilot climbed out. He looked around, spotting the Azelan uniform Sarah wore. He drew his sidearm aiming in her direction, causing Sarah to quickly turn away, trying to shield the child.
Colette came.back to her senses when she realized the shouts were not in her head this time. She pocketed her ammunition and swung onto her horse. Rising away out of the market and back toward the square. She didn't have a chance to reload her weapons, she needed to get everyone out of here. If that iron fortress fell, it could be a catastrophe.

The former soldier rode through the streets, shouting commands and frightened citizens to get as far from the city as they could and to stay down. She worked her way through the streets, herding whoever she could out of the way until she saw an estribadian plane fall from the sky. Colette ride toward the plane wreck, seeing the pilot climb out of the cockpit and aim his gun at someone. Her muscles after first, spurring her horse forward and causing her to jump from her horse and tackle the the pilot.

She had the advantage of somehow managing to surprise him despite having ridden a white horse directly at him, but he recovered quickly and the two began battling for the gun, grappling one another in an attempt to kill until she finally got hold and slammed the metal into his temple. Colette pushed the body away and got up, going over to the two she had seen. It was that damned girl from earlier. "Come on! This isn't safe! Both of you get out of the city limits, get away from the iron fortress and get behind cover!" She mounted her horse again and offered down a hand to take anyone on with her.
Sarah was prepared for it all to end, she clenched her eyes shut and braced, but it didn't come. Instead, she heard a struggle. She opened her eyes and saw the woman from earlier fighting with the Estribadian pilot. She stood up, holding the small girl close to protect her until the brawl ended, thankfully in their savior's favor. She stood up straight as the woman came over to her. She watched her mount up, extending her hand in their direction. She looked down at the Azelan flag on her own jacket before shaking her head. "I don't know what kind of coward you take me for, but my comrades are on that Iron Fortress and we have wounded in the city! I'm not about to abandon them at the first sign of conflict!" She ushered the girl towards the mounted woman. "Go with her. She'll take you out of the city limits." Despite her youth and her fear, Sarah's bravery was evident.

Sarah brushed some of her hair from her face before collecting the Estribadian soldier's pistol. She couldn't let her fear get the best of her. She may have been a civilian but she was better than this. She wasn't about to abandon the others. Much less abandon Velvet to the fight. She looked up at the woman again. "I'm going back for Velvet." She began running back towards the town square where she could hear the gunfire and mechanical movement of Iron Frames. She had to get back to Velvet.

Velvet reloaded her massive rifle, preparing to take aim at another Estribadian fighter as it soared over head. Other allied Iron Frames had taken up the attack as well. The Iron Frame's own defensive turrets starting to light up the sky. Velvet was about to pull the trigger as something heavy slammed into the side of her Iron Frame. "What the hell!?" She shouted as the Iron Frame tumbled from the roof, crashing back into the town square.

Sarah arrived just in time to watch the Iron Frame she knew to be Velvet's get tackled by an Estribadian Iron Frame. "Velvet!" The two tumbling from a building and smashing into the square. Sarah raised her arms to protect herself as they landed, tearing up the brick road and rolling across the street. The Estribadian frame was the first on its feet, puling an ax from its back. The blade glowing with heat.

Velvet struggled to stabilize her vision as alarms blared inside the cockpit. Blood was pouring down half of her face and eschewing her sight. Even through the pain and noise, she saw something that scared her on the screen. Not the other Frame. No, she saw Sarah standing by and watching the fighting. Why hadn't she left? "Sarah?" Her frame pushed itself up awkwardly, stumbling slightly from leg damage. "God damn it!" She grabbed a hold of the side of a building to stabilize the frame, reaching for her own melee weapon.

Sarah turned quickly, seeing the Estribadian prisoners, now free, attacking Azelan and New Estriband soldiers, taking weapons and attacking others. She jumped for cover, even as the Frames battled behind her. She raised the pistol taking several deep breaths. She was terrified. She saw the Estribadian soldiers moving on their wounded and knew she had to act. No one else was able to. She popped up from behind cover and leveled her pistol. She breathed out an uneasy breath before squeezing the trigger.

Her whole world froze as she watched the body slump to the ground. She had never killed someone before. She didn't feel anything. Just numb as the trauma really set in. She had no time to dwell however, redirecting her aim and continuing to fire on the armed prisoners who were fighting back.
Behind her, Sarah heard a familiar voice. "Get down now!" Bullets tore out from behind Sarah, seemingly unending as the rapid fire mowed down several of the prisoners. A few managing to escape from the scene.

Colette's automatic weapon was smoking, she slung it back over her back and hopped of her horse, "you goddamned idiot! You aren't trained for this! You make sure the civilians get out of the city limits, I'll help your friend!" Colette slid her automatic back around into her arms and dashed out into the Frey. She wasn't scared anymore, not like in Fenicia. The young woman ran directly toward the iron frames. She recognized the New Estribadian seal emblazoned on one and assumed the other must have been the enemy.

Colette tuned everything out around her, running to the battling machines and making a shot at the fuel reserves. She didn't expect it to stop the machine, but she did expect it to distract the Estribadian pilot. She ran up and jumped onto the front side of the machine, holding on with one hand while aiming her gun at the thin slits used for vision in the case that the cameras stopped working. She squeezed the trigger and released a torrent of bullets into the enemy suit.
Sarah ducked low, covering her head at the warning. She let out a small scream of terror as the automatic fired overhead. As it finally ended, she looked up at the stranger again. She stood up, looking up at her in contempt. Where did she get off lecturing her? She was about to argue when the woman turned and ran towards the frames. Was she mad? She would get killed in a second! Sarah checked the ammo left in the pistol, turning and running to where their wounded had been being treated. She had to protect her comrades.

The enemy frame had surged forward just as Colette had climbed onto it. The armored pilot looked up in alarm as the weapon barrel entered the cockpit, firing at him. He was easily chewed to pieces by the automatic weapon, blood splattering all over the cockpit.

Velvet's frame stabilized just in time to see Colette charging the other frame. "What the hell does she think she's doing?" She drew her heat saber stepping towards the other frame. She stopped as the woman leaped onto armor plating of the enemy cockpit, firing into the slit. "Crazy fool." She braced as the Frame continued it's charge. She watched as it began to stumble towards her, the pilot having lost control, or died due to the daft woman's attack. "Get clear!" She shouted over the external microphone.

She braced for the impact, the axe still coming down through her frame's head. She looked up in the cockpit seeing the blade beginning to melt into the top of it. "Shit!" Her frame quickly pushed back the opposing frame as it fell to the side. Her frame dropped its sword, taking the axe in both hands and pulling it free of itself. She dropped the axe to the side. Her Frame quickly taking a knee. She opened the cockpit quickly, dropping out of it and onto the ground. She was wounded from shrapnel and hitting her head in the fall, but she was okay. She got up, looking around for her surprise ally. Seeing her, she sighed, grateful she was safe. "That was some stupid shit you just pulled. But thank you for doing it. I appreciate your help."

With the square conquered, she took stock of the situation. "Fenician Military, right? I've Velvet O'Keefe. A Regulator with New Estribad's Iron Frame Division." She turned back to her frame, reaching into the cockpit for the radio. "This is Regulator Velvet O'Keefe. The square has been neutralized, but my Frame is down. What's the situation, over?" She watched Colette while she waited for a response, it finally coming in.

"O'Keefe. This is Captain Mattis. The Estribadian forces are in full withdrawal. Rendezvous with allied command as soon as possible, over."

"Roger that, sir. Over and out." She let go of the radio, letting it hang from the open cockpit. Now that her responsibilities were over she could get to what really mattered. "I have to find Sarah." She said out loud, looking to Colette. "My blonde friend from earlier, did you happen to catch which way she went? I need to make sure she's safe."
Colette duely noted that Velvet recognized where she as from, but ignored it. Scanning the square for anyone ESE that may have offered any sort of threat. She took one look at Sarah and shook her head, carefully grabbing the pilot and swinging her into the saddle of the horse. "I saw where she went but you're wounded. I'll take you there but there's a snowball's chance in hell that you're walking."

The former soldier took the reins and walked with her horse toward the medical tent, soothing Velvet with her words while she made her way closer, all the whole keeping her gun pointed ready and sweeping it slowly from left to right and back again. They finally made it to the tent where Colette later Velvet down on the nearest cot that was open and called for a medic to get her wounds treated and another to find her friend.

Colette stood inside the tent, growing more and more uncomfortable as the rush of the fight faded and she realized where she was again. She held up a hand as Sarah came closer. "She's fine, a few scratches and a bruise to the head but she'll recover soon." The last thing she needed was a hysterical friend to deal with as well.
When Sarah was fetched she came running as fast as she could. The first person she spotted was the stranger from before. The woman who had saved her twice. She came to a stop when she held her hand up. She visually relaxed, sighing heavily. She gave a quick nod. She closed the distance between them quickly, hugging Colette tightly for only a second or two before pulling away. "Thank you, miss. I mean that."

She went deeper in the tent but stayed out of the various medics way. She could see where Velvet lay resting, a bandage around her head and a few other cuts similarly covered. It broke her heart to see her in that condition, but she was relieved to know she had survived the fight and would make a full recovery. She walked back towards the exit of the tent, the adrenaline finally beginning to fade and the gravity of what she'd witnessed and what she'd done finally began to settle in. "I need to do something..." She dropped her head into her hands, breathing heavily. "I can't just sit here." She left the tent going back to the town square.

She approached the downed Iron Frame that Velvet had been piloting and looked around at where she had been making repairs before. Fetching her tools quickly, she went to work on the obviously totaled Frame. "Velvet will want to see you good as knew, big boy." She said to the machine. There was likely no rebuilding it, but she had to stay busy. She would certainly have a panic attack otherwise.
Colette wanted to try and comfort Sarah in some way, but she didn't know how. Instead, she moved to sit on the edge of the cot with Velvet, "you'll be okay. You just rest up here alright? I'll go look after your friend for you. She'll be safe." Colette had no idea why she was doing this for these people whom she felt nothing for or knew nothing about. But regardless, she stood up and walked out to find Sarah.

It took her a few minutes before she found the girl examining the broken mechsuit and walked up to her, a bit timid. "Your friend's resting... I trust those medics will do well to her. They seem trustworthy..." She looked around, floundering a bit. "I'm Colette..."
Sarah emerged from underneath the Iron Frame, heavy wrench in hand. She set it down as she looked over at Colette. The young woman was already covered to her elbows in grease, her face equally dirty. "Yeah... I'm sure she'll be okay." She looked back towards the tents with a sigh. She looked up at the Iron Frame again. "Guess the baddie really did a number on it, huh?" She shook her head as she looked at the wrecked head and the blade wound entering the cockpit. "I keep telling Velvet to keep her guard up when in melee. She's a long range combatant first. Every time she gets up close, it ends with me up to my nose in repairs. I think I can fix it, though." She was clearly trying to keep herself distracted and not think about anything that had happened. She tried to pretend it was just another day in the garage. She wore her fear and trauma on her sleeve though.

"Colette?" She turned with an forced smile. "Guess you probably remember, but I'm Sarah. Sarah Fairchild. I'm with the Azelan Conglomerate's Civilian Mechanic's Corps." She looked up at the Estribadian Iron Frame, crossing her arms across her chest. "I guess we have you to thank for this one in the end. A nearly perfect captured Frame." She said looking up at it. "Their tech really is a cut above. We should be able to reverse engineer it, maybe replicate some of its features."

She let out an uneasy breath, letting herself sit down by Velvet's frame. She closed her eyes for a long moment. She was exhausted and traumatized still determined to pretend she was neither.
Colette recognized what Sarah felt, because she had felt the same way. She silently walker to the much, placing a hand on it's hot metal shell. "I've uh, never really liked these things... Guess I just got really good at stopping them because of it." She smiled a bit as though recounting a find memory and sat down beside Sarah, outing at am around her and pulling her close. "You don't need to act strong Sarah. It's in times of weakness that we find our strength... You experienced a lot today. Don't be ashamed of that."
Sarah buckled slightly as she felt Colette put her arm around her shoulder. She looked over at her as some tears began to form in her eyes. "I... I've never seen the fighting up close before. I stay in the garage on the Iron Fortress, or back at camp when we're in the field." She looked back at the ground, crying softly. "I'm used to waiting in safety for Velvet to come home. Afraid she might not make it back each time. B-but, to see what its like when she fights. To be around the gunfire, the smoke, the bodies..." She clenched her eyes shut, trying to forget. "I... I'm a mechanic, not a soldier. I've never even touched a gun before. But I killed someone." She could still see the man's face as he felt to the ground from her gunshot. "Then I almost lost her, if you weren't here..." She bit her lip, knowing better than to continue speaking. Romance among the soldiers and crew was strictly forbidden. If word got out about her and Velvet, it would be a disaster.
Colette shook her head and pur her arms on Sarah's shoulders. "Don't worry, you're safe and so is she. You're both safe." She faltered at the mention of the dead man. "Sad to say I know how that feels. But you did what you had to do, it wasn't something you liked to do but you made it out safe and so did she."

It was no secret to Colette that the two had been lovers to some degree. She had seen that fairly quickly, "I won't tell anyone... You two... You're just friends as far as I know... Close friends, a pilot and a mechanic. She'll be alright... Don't worry." She left out what she wanted to say, her mention of the nightmares and the memories of that day. The giro was scared enough as it was. No need to keep scaring her.
Sarah leaned into the woman, thankful for her kindness despite not really knowing one another. When she expressed understanding and promised to keep her and Velvet's relationship to herself, Sarah breathed out a sigh of relief. She looked up at her, wiping her eyes clear of tears. "I owe you so much for saving her. If she had died... I don't think I could've gone on." She inhaled deeply, clutching her hands to her chest.

She heard a loud metallic sound from above as the Iron Fortress opened its hangar doors. She stood up, as shuttles began to descend into the square. She knew what was happening. The wounded needed to be moved and the frames loaded on the Iron Fortress. She turned to face Colette. "We're going to be moving out soon. Will you be moving on, or-" It was clear what answer Sarah hoped for. She was hopeful that Colette would be joining them.
Colette rubbed the back of her head, she was about to say no when she thought of what Sarah had seen and done. Colette never had someone to help her, she wasn't going to make Sarah deal with the same thing, assuming she suffered from it too. "I'll need to find my horse first" she said simply. Taking a lot of interest in a spot of dirt on her pants.

It would be strange to be back on a ship again. Strange to answer to someone other than herself.
Sarah looked up at the older woman, relieved to hear that Colette would be staying with them. "R-really? You're coming with us? Velvet will be thrilled to hear it. So will the captain, I'm sure. He's been complaining about lacking manpower for a while now." They needed someone of her ability in their ranks, she knew it. A woman who could best an Iron Frame, on foot, with only a rifle? It was unheard of. More to the point, Sarah hadn't had the opportunity to repay Colette's heroism yet. There had to be a way to truly thank her for saving Velvet in the battle.

The young mechanic dried her eyes and reached for her tools again, looking back at Velvet's machine. "I should get back to work. Velvet will want to know that he's up and running again before the next skirmish happens. Your horse... It's a military mount right? I doubt he will have run far."

In the hours that followed, the wounded were carefully ferried onto the heavy iron shuttles to raise them to the Iron Fortress. Velvet herself was upright, though being kept upright by a cane due to the severity of her head injury. Bandages covered the wounds where shrapnel had been dug out. A bandage around her forehead from where she had knocked her head. In the busy square as soldiers and wounded were moved about, she could make out her beloved mechanic still repairing what should have been an abandoned frame. She hobbled over as fast as she could but was forced to maintain an air of professionalism in the busy square. "Fairchild?" She greeted, smiling weakly.

"Regulator O'Keefe." Sarah replied happily. "I'm relieved to see you're well. Your frame should be operation in another three hours." Despite her professional words, there was no hiding the love and devotion in her eyes as she stared at the soldier.

Velvet sighed softly, shaking her head. "Thanks for the hard work, Sarah. I appreciate it. Where's the other one?"

"Colette? She had to locate her horse. She said she's sticking with us." Sarah explained.

"Good. We could use a good soldier like her." She looked up as heavy cables descended from the Iron Fortress, Sarah quickly attaching them to Velvet's Iron Frame so that it could be lifted out. She looked passed the frame to see a familiar face approaching. It was Captain Mattis.

The aged soldier approached, wearing an Azelan uniform. "O'Keefe, well done today." He looked up at the enemy frame that was captured in nearly perfect condition. "Unbelievable. Who do I have to thank for the present?"

"That would be Colette. She's a Fenician soldier, sir. She helped Velvet in the fighting." Sarah explained, moving to cable the enemy frame.

"I see... And where is this Fenician soldier?" Mattis asked, looking at Velvet for more information on their mysterious ally. Unfortunately, it was information that Velvet did not have to offer.
Colette was quick to find her horse again, she was not however quick to return to the ship. She tool her time and contemplated what she might do. She could have just left right them and there, but that would make her a liar. But could she handle being apart of another military again?

Eventually she sucked it up and rode her horse back to the others. Gravitating toward the mechanic pilot and her mechanic. Her eyes instantly caught the captain insignia on his lapel as she dropped off her horse. She had diacarded her own special forces badge a year ago in that ditch as well as her corporate badge. She stood straight and saluted the officer per her training. "Fenician Special forces, corporal Colette Dubois reporting."
"I'm Captain Mattis of the Azelan Iron Weapons Division and captain of the Arturia." The aged soldier returned the woman's salute. "At ease, Corporal." He replied, taking stock of her condition. "So, you brought an iron frame down without a frame of your own, and managed to keep it in tact? That's an impressive feat, no question."

"That's right, sir. If she hadn't interfered when she did, I might have been showered in half by the enemy's blade." Velvet chimed in to her support.

"If Regulator O'Keefe says you're that good, then I have to believe it. You'd be a welcome addition, corporal." He gave her and Velvet a final salute. "We leave within the hour, be ready. We're heading south."
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