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Defending their Home (N7BioticxSzor)


Jul 31, 2017
This Turian hated briefings, they bored him to no end. After his mandatory time in the Turian military, serving as a special forces operator and sniper, he left to become a mercenary. Most of the time, he stuck with military contracts and security. He wasn't an unlawful mercenary, he just didn't like structure, and he enjoyed being his own boss. But that didn't mean he didn't work with criminals sometimes, they paid well when he could stomach them. He had worked with other mercenaries when the three main groups had tried to take out Archangel. Some how, he had survived along with a handful of other mercenaries, which was saying something when he found out that it was Garrus Vakarian and Commander Shepard that they were up against. He has also met his mercenary partner.

Titus sat in his dark blue armor, the color was close to the color of his eyes. His facial crest was a dark red, marked with white family markings. His mandibles moved with annoyance. He hated waiting, which was weird for a sniper. But that was a different kind of waiting. He looked over at his counterpart. "Hurry up and wait, right?" He asked, a chuckled at the end of the question. "That's what human soldiers say. I see why."

They made an odd pair, the two of them. His family had fought against the humans during the First Contact War. He was too young to serve at the time. And he figured the same with her. They had been working together for a year now, since Omega. Before that, they had crossed paths during their journey of a common career choice.
The life of a mercenary wasn't a easy one, but it put plenty of credit in one's pocket, even if it meant working with scum. However, being a mercenary was perhaps one of the best decisions of Nia's life. Even though she nearly died, chasing after Archangel led to her making a friend with someone she'd take a bullet for. God knows how many he took for her that day. Nia didn't know what it was about Titus that made her click with him so easily, but the second they were put in the same squad together, they were instantly friends. Soon enough, Nia found herself taking a shot or two and risking herself to get him to safety. Nia expected them to part ways after somehow surviving against the legendary Garrus and Commander Shepard, but to her surprise, they never seemed to get away from each other. She suffered a few injuries and she ended up sitting in a Infirmary. Even more surprising was that Titus was there next to her. Ever since then, the two have been thick as thieves.

Nia sat beside her Turian friend, attempting not to look bored as their superior spoke on. Her long black hair shined with a mixture of waves and curls, framing her soft feminine features and allowing her emerald green eyes to shine just as brightly as the gem that shared their color. Her skin was lightly tanned and seemingly flawless. Her armor hugged her body tight enough to protect her while giving her enough room to move quickly with her biotics. While her armor wouldn't show off too much, it revealed enough that show she had an hourglass curve and was well developed for a female human. Her armor was mostly black to go with her hair, but had sharp designs that matched her eyes and decorated her armor in a fierce, yet beautiful look. A sub machine gun and a pistol were on her sides with an assault rifle she had special training for rested on her back.

Her eyes made Titus' as she let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah. They always got us in a hurry then stick us in a briefing." She rolled her eyes a bit. Adapting to life to a special tasks group wasn't easy for Nia, but it was certainly better then fighting for your next meal as a mercenary. The military paycheck was an upgrade from trying to survive on the few jobs that were available on Omega. "Did you have to go through this when you were in the military? No wonder you left." She smiled her usual charming smile at him. Never before had she thought she'd be working so closely to a Turian. Her family also fought in the First Contact War, so her family still had a bit of a grudge against Turians, but Nia couldn't find anyone she'd rather fight along her side.
His mandibles flared, but she knew that meant he was smiling in his own way, and chuckled. "It was worse than this, actually." He held his thumb and forefinger. "There are two types of Turian officers." He lowered his forefinger, and she could see that he was still smiling. "Doers like me." He patted his custom Black Widow rifle. "And..."

He was cut off by the Turian officer. "Titus, enough. Pay attention." But to emphasize what he was talking about, he looked at her and pointing at the officer. He was still smiling, and it was clear that his sense of humor wasn't share by the other Turian. "Are you finished?" The officer asked deadpan.

Titus chuckled, resting his arms across his chest. "Until something else amuses me, Captain." He looked at the officer. "Although, it sounds fairly simple. Infiltrate the Cerberus-held array, eliminate the officer, download the files they were transmitting, disable the array." He shrugged, looking at the officer. "I am a sniper, Captain. I have to pay attention to multiple things going on at the same time."
"Worse?" She smiled at him a bit in shock, but really Nia shouldn't be too surprised. Turians were famous for their military. Out of the alien races, including her own, Turians had the largest fleet and the most effective tatics and training. It would stand to make sense that they also had the worst briefings too. A part of her felt pity for the Turian. Military life already didn't fit too well for him, but Turian military was the hardest from what she's heard. She could hardly imagine a younger Titus making through each briefing without causing trouble or getting a punishment of some kind.

Nia strightened up a little seeing that a superior officer had caught onto their whisperings, but found herself trying to hide a chuckle from Titus' gesture. She managed to succeed, but failed to hide her humored smile. Nia then found herself a bit surprised to see him talk back to a superior. Titus had some big balls to act like the way he was, but a part of her only admired him more for it. To be fair, the special tasks group took them on knowing well of their criminal past so behavior like this should be expected and she was sure they had punishments ready for it. "And with me looking out for him, it'll be easy making sure enemies stay off of him. Biotics help a lot with that, especially from high heights." She grinned, lifting her hand up to summon a field of blue energy around her hand to add onto her point with a look of confindence. If her friend was going to go down, might as well give him company.
The officer sighed, shaking his head. "Spirit's save us." He muttered, he looked at the mercenaries, as there were more than just the two of them in there. Each team had it's own mission to accomplish based on their strengths. "Titus and Nia, since you two are impatient, you're dismissed. Report back after completion of your mission."

Titus stood up, picking up his Black Widow and helmet. "Don't have to tell me twice." He looked around the room, giving the turian version of the finger to the fellow mercenaries, which raised laughs and jeers. "You ladies have a great day, make sure you get your targets. Makes sure you have stories worse than mine to tell over beers." He joked, walking to the door. He waited by the door for Nia to walk pass him before pointing at the officer. "You, go bore the Reapers to death. I am sure that would work." He chuckled, ducking out of the door as if dodging incoming fire.
A sigh of relief escaped Nia much louder then she'd meant to. She was more then eager to get out of a mind numbing briefing with superiors that treated them like new recruits, even if it meant they would have to get a punishment for it. Anything was better then sitting and listening to someone go over mission details for the 20th time. She got up from her chair, stretching her legs and back with a strained groan looking as though she was sitting down for hours without ever getting up. Nia wouldn't deny she was being a big over dramatic, but it put a few smiled on the other's faces.

Nia almost busted out laughing seeing how he flipped off everyone in the room, a gesture that confused her at first but after spending most of her time around a Turian, came to understand and smiled about. Not wanting to stick around to hear their superior chew them out for their behavior, Nia quickly made her way to the door and waited for her partner on the other side. Nia folded her arms and shifted her weight on her leg as she chuckled at Titus' departing words. She rolled her eyes at him and waited until the door was closed to speak again. "Man, I knew you had balls, but damn..." She laughed, before moving on, walking beside her partner. "Thank god we're out of there. It's like they think we're amateurs."
He looked down at Nia, his mandibles moving into his smile. "Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there." He teased, resting his rifle on his shoulder. He looked down the long hall, his blue eyes shining in the artificial light. "They think we are. A bunch of mall cops, personal bodyguards." He chuckled, patting the Black Widow. "This baby eliminates bodyguards, and the target behind them."

He grew solemn, looking down at her. "Hear from your family?" He asked. He had heard from his, they were unable to get off of Palaven, his father being recalled into the military and his mother and grandmother going underground. His sister had been confirmed killed in action, and didn't have any word from his brothers. He wanted to hear good news. She was a part of his family in his eyes, so her family was his, and wanted to know if they were alright.
Her eyes rolled a bit at his comment and gave him a bit of a smile. "Well, maybe some day you can prove that to me." She teased back with a playful grin. Every now and again Nia liked to playfully flirt with him, but never really meant too much by it. Just friendly teasing between friends to loosen tension. It wasn't like the idea of actually sleeping with her Turian partner never crossed her mind, but she never had the intention of actually going through with the act. Nia watched him show off his famous sniper rifle. She's seen him shoot plenty of times to know his word was true. "I've seen you in action with that beast and you're definitely someone I wouldn't want to piss off, but someone's gotta watch your back or you would have lost it years ago." She gloated, referring back to all the times she's saved his ass, especially when going up against Archangel.

Nia let herself giggle a little at the memory before sighing. Her eyes grew concerned hearing him speak of family. Titus has become one of her closest friends, to her, he was family so his family was her family in her eyes. She knew about his sister and helped him through the pain, even if it meant helping him in a bar fight or two, but she was thankful to hear his mother and grandmother were safe. His father and brothers were in her prayers. The last thing Nia wanted was to see Titus in pain. Once was bad enough. Her face became a bit upset. Her father was always out of the picture and her mother died in battle during the First Contact War, but she at least heard from her grandmother and her younger sister every now and again. Her grandfather tragically passed from a reaper attack while visiting a friend. It still hurt to think about. Even now she fought back tears just thinking about how they'd probably never find his body. Nia put on a smile for her friend and stilled her shaking voice. "Their great. My sister turned 14 last week. I sent her a volus plush she wanted to add to her collection." She laughed a little. "And my grandma is as strong and stubborn as ever. She said hello by the way." Her grandmother never fully supported her life choice, but understood her reasons and kept loving her while keeping in contact with her. Her mother may not cared for Turians, but she swore Nia lost count of the number of times her grandmother tried to convince Nia to settle down with Titus since they already spent so much time together.
Titus nodded, giving her a warm Turian smile. "At least they are safe. We'll have to visit them one of these days on the way back from a mission. I am sure our superiors wouldn't mind if we reported in a little late for some much needed leave." He made a face of disgust at using the word superior. He really hated Turian officers, feeling that they always needed to micromanage their underlings. "Can't believe that I just said that."

They came up to the hanger where their ship sat. It was a simple freighter, looking like one of the many automated freighters. It was a ruse they used often, and frequently repaint their ship each time they had to use the ruse. The ship was fast enough to get them away from other ships in pursuit of them. "At least they are letting us keep our ship." He looked at his wrist to opened the ship's ramp. "It could be so much worse." He chuckled, heading up the ramp, and yawned. He walked over to the arms locker, putting the sniper rifle into the rack, followed by the pistol he carried as a backup.

He considered taking his armor off and taking nap or something while traveling to their objective, but he wasn't quite sure how long it would take. "Is it worth it to take my armor off and attempt to grab some sleep during the trip to Ontarom?" He asked, looking at her.
Nia chuckled at her Turian friend. His dislike and overall rebellion of the Turian military was charming and he always ended up putting a smile on her face, even when sad memories crept their way into her thoughts. "God, who are you and what have you done to Titus." She teased him playfully. The sight of their ship made her feel finally safe. The beauty got them in and out of trouble more times then she could remember. Nia still couldn't believe how clever they had been to change her colors for every ruse. The trick never seemed to fail them. "They would have had a hell of a fight on their hands. This baby isn't leaving us anytime soon." Nia promised as she gave him a smile, walking back into the safety of their ship.

Once they were inside the safety of their ship, Nia sighed blisfully. Finally away from all the soilders who glared at them with distrustful eyes and higher ups who seemed to constantly track their every move. Nia started putting her pistol and sub machine gun away in her locker when Titus' voice caught her attention. She gazed over her Turian friend and smiled at him, closing her locker. Poor thing did look tired. After dealing with military folk, she coildnt blame him. "Go ahead." She smiled giving his back a friendly pat. "I'll handle things here...unless..." She trailed off with a familiar mischievous look in her eye. "You wanted some company." Nia teased playfully, letting her hand linger on his back as she started to chuckle.
He turned to look at her when she mentioned some company. "Ah, so you're finally going to take me up on my offer?" He turned to face her, his mandibles moving in the way to told her he was smiling. He took a step closer to her, looking her up and down. "We have seen each other in less than modest situations, but I wouldn't mind seeing you without armor." He chuckled, his right hand moved to her hip, pulling her closer to him.

"One of still have to take off and plot a course." He looking down at her. He moved some of her hair around her ear. "Should we both do that, give a little show to the poor sods who do this for country?" He unclasped his chest plate in several places, tossing it on the table. He stood there in his undersuit and his leg armor. He shifted on his feet, clearly getting uncomfortable.
A bit of surprise rushed Nia. It wasn't uncommon that the two would flirt with one another, but he never made a move to her hip, pulling her closer to him in a more intimate way. Her cheeks blushed a bit, still in a bit of slient shock. It wasn't like the thought hasn't crossed her mind before. There were times she couldn't take her eyes off him when he take out his target. Nia wondered from time to time what it would be like dating a Turian. Human and Turian relationships weren't unheard of, but it was an unusual sight. Their DNA was so different that even just sex could be a risk, but from what she's heard...all she really had to worry about was chafing which could be solved with lube and to be careful if she were ever to...swallow. If she was ever going to fool around with a Turian, she'd want that Turian to be Titus, the only person she trusted wouldn't toss her aside once he was done with her to go brag to his buddies of his sexual conquest.

Seeing her friend growing rather uncomfortable, Nia looked up at him and spoke softly. "Wow..." She started. "I's not like I haven't thought about it, but...I never thought you were actually interested." She paused for a second. Her hand reached up to gently brush his mandible, blushing softly from the sweet gesture he gave her. "Only if you're sure...I don't want to make things awkward..." She let her hand leave him reluctantly to take off a piece of her armor as well, taking her chest plate off after unclasping locks in several places and tossing it onto the table. Her undersuit wasn't as shy of hiding her assests as her chest plate was. While her chest plate didn't hide the fact she had an impressive size, it was her undersuit that truly allowed the swell of her heavy breasts to be noticeable. "If you really want to...I wouldn't mind giving a show." She smiled softly up at him, her hand reaching forward and touching his covered chest lightly as she ran her hand up to his shoulder, as though testing to see if he would be okay with it.
He had considered it, several times even. It was like a little question in the back of his head going 'why not?'. They had grown close, and they say time spent in combat causes time to draw out, their bond had strengthened in the year and half they had worked together. After the first couple months, he had grown increasingly interested in the human female's body. He had looked it up on the holonet, then had watched porn videos of human females. He had seen her topless, even standing in her underwear, but he never acted upon it because he didn't know what she felt about it.

He looked down at her, his mandibles twitching, showing that he was instantly nervous, embarrassed even. "I've been interested, Nia. Just unsure how you would take it." He slightly nuzzled into her palm, his rough skin a stark contrast to her smooth palm. "Um...yeah. Why not?" He asked, watching her take off her armor. To a turian, human females had the curves in wrong places. But working and living with one, Titus had grown fond of her curves. His eyes looked down at her chest, lingering there before looking back up to her eyes.
Titus was the closest friend she's ever had. It was funny to think about how well they clicked together the very day they met. If Commander Shepard hasn't come along, Archangel might have very well fell to them eventually. Ever since, she never thought of a day without having the Turian by her side. In the first few months they've shared a ship together, Nia quickly became comfortable around him. While she'd never get completely naked in front of him, she might as well have. The most naked she's been around him before was just wearing a pair of panties. At that point, he'd seen her enough times half naked helping her tend to her wounds that it seemed pointless to be too embarrassed around him. It wasn't like she hasn't seen her fair share of his nearly naked body either. Nia had to patch him up more times then she could ever remember. Never had she thought about doing anything with a Turian before, but after her fair share of "research" then thought wasn't an unpleasant one.

This was the first time she's ever seen the usually level headed and cocky Turian look nervous. She couldn't keep herself from smiling about it and thinking how oddly cute it was to see this side of him. Her cheeks blushed a bit seeing him nuzzle her hand. His rough exterior feeling oddly nice against her soft skin. A slight chuckle escaped her at his question and she shrugged. "I mean...doesn't hurt to try..." she smiled a bit more embarrassed then before, still trying to get over the fact they were having this conversation. "Geez...where to start..." she whispered to herself with a nervous giggle. With human guys, it wasn't hard for her to predict them and knew what to do to please them, but she knew so little about what gets a Turian going. Nia figured it was best to start with something simple. Taking a breath, Nia leaned closer to him, one hand touching his shoulder lightly while the other ran along his mandible before slowly placing her soft lips against his for a gentle human kiss.
He chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his head when she wondered where to start. He had a couple things in mind, but he held off of it for the time being. Turians couldn't give blow jobs, their mouths just didn't work the same way as humans. But he had seen a porn with a human female with a turian male, and he seemed to really enjoy it. Then she kissed him, and his mind went blank. All the concerns and nervousness melted away as his hands wandered down to her hips, lower than if a female turian, and pulled her against him. He closed his eyes as they kissed, and the worries of the galaxy seemed to fade into the background.

After a moment, they broke the kiss, and he opened his eyes to look down at her. "Well, I can cross that one off the list." He chuckled, shifting his footing. He mimed making a check in the air, giving her another turian smile. "How about you take off the rest of your armor, but stay in the undersuit, and I will take off?" He didn't want to leave her side now, but they had to take off. The dock officials would get suspicious that they were going to take their time doing the job if they didn't. "And we'll take it off together." He said softly. She would be hear that he was still nervous, but not the same nervous as he was before the kiss.
Nia closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax into his arms as he pulled her close. It was odd feeling something other then human lips against her own, but she quickly got over it. A soft heated breath escaped her feeling his hands on her hips as her body pressed against his. Everything seemed to fade away. In just one moment, the world around them disappeared. It was just Titus and her. Her hands explored a bit more of him, her arms wrapping around his neck. On one hand, she could feel the fabric of his undersuit against her fingers. The other ran slowly and gently up the back of his neck, feeling his rough carcass against her soft skin. She wanted to be like this forever; to enjoy kissing him over and over again. However, she knew they had other matters to attend to.

She reluctantly pulled away, slowly opening her eyes again to look up into his. His words brought a giggle out of her and gesture. "I could say the same thing." She smiled back at him, her arms slowly and reluctantly letting go of him. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." Nia would never get over that smile of his. Everytime she saw it, especially now after kissing him for the first time, it had a way of making her melt. She smiled at his suggestion and gave a single agreeing nod as she pulled herself away. "Good idea. Don't want those military stiffs investigating why we're taking so long to leave." She started unclasping the locks on her leg armor when a wicked idea hit her. While they probably wouldn't have enough time for too much fun till after the mission, but it didn't mean they couldnt have a little before. "Well...once we get going...seeing we'll have a few minutes to spare...I'll show you some of the benefits having a human playmate." She teased playfully followed by a slow lick across her soft lips for a hint, freeing her legs from their armor before working on the rest of her armor.
He chuckled, watching her for a moment before hesitatingly leaving her in the main hold to make his way to the cockpit. "And I thought that didn't happen on the first date." He called back to her ask he took a seat in the pilot's chair. He took a deep breath, working on his composure. Just as he thought, the command center was hailing their ship. "Sorry, command. Had a brief issue with stowing some explosive materials." He said into the mic. "Permission to undock?"

"Permission granted. May the Spirits guide you." The base controller responded.

Titus programmed the flight sequence and the ship took off, heading out the hanger and into space. He programmed a course that would take them behind a moon so the ship could slow down in its trip to the mass relay. With the course set, he left the pilot's chair and went back into the hold. "Bought us some time before I have to make the transition through the relay." He said, walking into the room. "Hope you don't mind. Figured we could use a few extra minutes." Really, it gave them thirty minutes before he had to make the transition of the relay.
Once he left the room, Nia worked getting the rest of her armor off and putting the pieces away where they belonged. As she did so, Nia could hear Titus' voice call out to her. She laughed and called back to him, "Well you're a special case. Besides you practically seen me naked. What's the harm of a little fun?" She teased him back with a grin on her face. Nia took a breath once she was finished. They were finally going that next step and Nia couldn't help, but feel nervous about it all. She was experienced in these things, but Titus was her best friend. It seemed weird to even be talking about these things, but that didn't mean Nia didn't like it just that it would take sometime to get use to. Even more so, Titus was the first Turian she'd ever do this sort of thing with. Nia knew everything about what pleased a human and asari, but he was completely new. It was exciting, but nerve wracking too.

Nia steeled her nerves hearing Titus' footsteps returning to her. She wanted to avoid making things awkward as much as possible and pushed aside her nerves and worries. Besides, if things didn't work out, this would just become a funny memory for them to remember on in the future. She smiled at him giving him a look of confindence. "Perfect. That should be plenty of time." She teased, walking closer to him before wrapping her arms around him, pushing her body up against him. Her breasts pushed up against his broad and powerful chest while her flat stomach pushed against his. Her fingers touched his fringe softly, her fingertips grazing them as she looked up at him. Her lips found his as her hands touched him ever so gently. Her free hand moving to touch his mandible as she kissed him passionately. She slowly broke the kiss and bit her lip at him, her breath becoming heated. When she finally spoke, Nia's voice sounded lustful with a excited purr for what she planned to do to him. "So...ready to know how it feels for a human to taste you?" She teased with a playful grin.
Titus wrapped his arms around her, the body suit she wore was skin tight and his hands could feel every curve of her body. His hands moved down to her ass, his long talons gripping her cheeks as he pulled her up closer to kiss her. He felt her breast press against his chest, and they felt much like he thought they might. He enjoyed her pressing against him, pressing her lips against his. His hand ran up her back to her hair. When they broke the kiss, he looked down at her as she teased him. "Need to get out of the armor. It is about to get a little tight." He said, his hand moved to the buttons with the flap covering the zipper. He popped them, his talons pulling down the the zipper. He got the zipper down to her lower back.

He moved his other hand from her ass, peeling her bodysuit from her shoulders. As they said, they have seen each other naked. But not like this, and he wanted to make this special. He leaned down, kissing her neck. "I could ask you if you're ready to taste a turian." He kissed her shoulder, peeling the bodysuit farther, exposing her upper chest. He smiled at her, mandibles moving, showing that he was rather excited. "Could use a hand taking my armor off."
Feeling Titus arms around her brought her comfort from her inner nervousness. Just feeling his strong arms around her was enough to make her feel so warm and safe. However, feeling his hands run down her body to grab her ass brought a moan out of her. The way his talons dug into her making her more heated and eager as they hurt ever so slightly, but in a way that only turned her on more. The way his hands roamed her so expertly was enough to make her melt. Her cheeks became a slight red from his touch and her own heat. Her soft black hair entangled in his hands as she eagerly kissed him and pushed more of herself against him. Her lips already began to miss his the second after they broke their kiss. She chuckled softly at his words, but felt her heated breath escape her as he pulled the zipper of her suit down. She could feel the gentle feeling of the fabric parting to expose her skin to him. The sound of the zipper slowly undoing brought chills down her spine as she bit her lip softly, willingly letting Titus aid in her undressing.

More of her skin was exposed to the cold air making her warm skin prickle a bit. She watched Titus pull her suit down to expose her heavy breasts, her soft and delicate skin exposed to him in a completely new way. Nia wasn't exposing herself for him to tend her wounds anymore, but purely for pleasure. This was special and she wanted it to be special. Her little pink nipples hardened from the fresh cool air that hit them along with her own growing arousal. She moaned feeling his lips find her sensative neck, kissing her as her nails lightly dug into him. "Mmm..." She hummed softly in pleasure. "I think I'm ready for something like that." She grinned softly before letting her hands move to help him remove the rest of his armor. "I could lend a hand." She teased as she looked up at him. Her hand worked on pulling his zipper down his back, as far as it would allow her until she reached his lower armor, letting her hands touch his carcass before slowly getting down on her knees before him to unclasp his cocpiece, biting her lip and looking up at him every so often as she did.
Titus slipped out of the upper part of the bodysuit, watching her lower herself to get knees. He didn't really know what to do with his hands now, so he started taking off the plates on his thighs and cod piece. "This is all very new to me. Haven't even been with an asari." He said, pulling down the bodysuit past his waist and to his thighs. He wore boxer briefs, or the turian equivalent of them, and this was the closest thing she had seen of him naked. When she undid his shin guards, he pulled both the bodysuit and boxer briefs off. His hard crests were a grey-blue color, as the softer chitin was a dull rusty red color. Like all turians, he had a sheath his penis sat in when not in use. The red skinned member started poking through the sheath with his growing arousal.

As he straightened out, his talons brushed along her breast, gently cupping them. He was fascinated by them, mostly because turians didn't have them. His talon moved over her nipple, his eyes on them as he explored them. After a few moments, he stood straight up, his cock eye level with her. It had come out of it's sheath, looking much like the rest of his body with crests at angles, nothing like a human's. It was also the size of an average human's at length, but a little narrower. It was like it had evolved from males dominating their females and making it difficult for the females to take it out. "Sorry if it's not what you expected." He said to her.
A bit of a nervous chuckle escaped her. "Well...I've never been with anyone who wasn't a human or asari before so...this will be an experience for both of us." She smiled, blushing a bit. Seeing him nearly naked like this was something completely new. She's seen his body like this before, but never with the intent of feeling it and pleasing it. Nia always admired his body. The unique look and colors always made her want to touch him. Even while she was patching up his wounds, her fingers couldn't help tracing some of the lines and colors of his body. Her heart was pounding as she waited to finally see what was underneath those Turian equivalent of boxer briefs. She felt her face redden a bit seeing his sheath. She could tear her eyes away as she watched his member slowly exposing himself to her as he grew more and more aroused for her. It looked so different from a human cock, but strangely enough, it only made her want it more. She's watch human and turian porn before, but it was different seeing it in person. Yet, she could already feel herself wanting to touch it and taste it.

She gasps and moaned feeling his talons graze her skin before cupping them. She bit her lip and let Titus touch and play with her breasts. Feeling his talon over her nipple, a hot gasp push from her lips her sensitive little bud buzzing with pleasure from his touch. When he stood up straight, Nia looked up at him for a moment before returning her gaze to his cock. Her hand reached forward and gently touched it, feeling how unusual it was, but feeling nice and hard like a human cock. She could feel it throb against her fingertips before looking up at him with a smile, "It's perfect Titus." Her hand wrapped around his shaft, her soft and warm hand stroking his length nice and slow, wanting to savor every feeling of it. Her breath became heated as her fingertips linger on his tip. Stroking and playing with it before stroking back down to his base. She brought her lips to his tip, her tongue slipping out to give him a taste. Her tongue ran down his length, lingering on every creast it found. He tasted better then she expected, better then the human cocks she's tasted. Her tongue made his cock all nice and wet before she finally pushed his tip passed her lips to start sucking on it while the rest of her hand worked up and down his shaft.
Titus looked down at her, watching her gently stroke his cock. Turians didn't have this kind of foreplay. Her touch was gently, lovingly even. Turian mating typically started with one trying to prove their dominance over the other, fighting and pinning one to have their way with the one who lost. This was new to him, her pleasing him first with her soft hand, followed by her tongue. He didn't say anything when she said it was perfect, simply watching curiously what she was going to do next, even though he knew.

He let out a breath, feeling her exploring him with her tongue and stroking him at the same time. "Wow, didn't expect it to feel like that." He gasped, looking at her becoming more and more confident in her task. He didn't know what to do with his hands, one moving down to her head to play with her hair. Another thing turians didn't have, he was fascinated with her hair. He didn't feel weird about touching it now, and ran his talons through it as she licked his cock. When she wrapped her lips around his tip, he groaned, his talons in her hair seemed to relaxed in bliss. He resisted the urge to push into her mouth as if he was mating with a turian female. Turians mated fast, with rapid movements and thrusts. It seemed that humans didn't, and he didn't want to make Nia upset by treating her like a turian female he would dominate.
Hearing Titus let out a breath from her tongue sent chills down her spine. A little chuckle escaped her as she toyed with his slick cock, taking her time to enjoy his taste and the way he felt in her hand. Feeling his talon reach down to touch her hair with such fascination was oddly pleasing. Turian females were so different from human females in almost every way. It was one thing feeling a human male rest his hand in her hair as she tasted him, but it was another when a Turian did it. His talons didn't hurt her, but she was very aware of their presence and feeling the weight of his differently shaped hand on her only encouraged her further.

She pulled her hand down his shaft to wrap around his base as she pushed her lips down on him further, taking in more of his Turian member. Her lips sucked on his throbbing length as her tongue rubbed against the underside of his length. She moaned softly into his cock and slowly began to bob her head back and forth. His cock pushing in and out of her hungry mouth as she eagerly sucked and licked his member. When she felt ready, Nia pushed her lips all the way down to her where her hand rested on his length, his tip nearly down her throat. She slowly unwrapped her hand from his cock and pushed the rest of his length into her wet and eager mouth. Her hands held onto his hips as his tip pushed down her throat, making her gag a little bit as she held herself down on him.
Titus gasped, feeling her tongue on the underside of his cock and his tip dipping down into her throat. “Spirits.” He breathed out, looking down at her. It was curious seeing her nose pressed against his lower stomach, something a female of his species couldn’t do. “If this feels this good, I wonder how it will feel fucking you.” He smiled down at her. He noticed that she was gagging a little, pulling her off of his cock. This also caused a good deal of pleasure to spike through his body, and he unconsciously moved her head back down on his cock slowly.

His other hand reached down, cupping one of her large breast, the talons moving gently against her soft skin. He pinched her nipple gently, curious of the reactions it might cause her. He gasped as he held her again against his stomach, his cock deep in her throat.
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